#litg noah masterlist
litgreadersroom · 1 year
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Completed Chaptered Fics
Figure It out by Follies_Fixture It Takes Two to Tango by karlieqt Of twos and threes by Pine old pages and dusty i love yous by NoodlePie On the Same Wavelength by Hyperspacial The Triumph of Time by Ariendiel What's done on the roof terrace by Fanficlover84
Incomplete/WIP Chaptered Fics
cruel summer by luigispeach Hold the Line by ravenadottir Noah's Game by SilentScreaming Right in Front of You by MarauderNo5 The Fortunate Ones by theriverlea Waiting Game by jaimielh What if? (one-shot collection) by Ariendiel
A Page to Be Turned by faraboverubies22 Butterflies by KittiDot Change of Heart by kiseopping don't you dare leave me here by NoodlePie guilty lips by NoodlePie Hold The Line by Melonballer99 i can't keep from loving you by qrangr I'm Looking Through You by KittiDot in lieu of loving by languidnimbus Last night in the villa by DivinePoetry Like The Stars in Your Eyes by catalinaao98 My Prom King by Alina123 rainy i love yous and unfinished books by NoodlePie Secret Moments in a Crowded Room by tammyisobsessedwith the lengths we go to by longbobmckenzie The Way It Should Be by StrawberrryDragon1996 Written in the Stars by ShaNixxx you didn't hold the line by CountessKlair
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lucas-koh · 6 months
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As we’re coming into one of my favourite times of year, I thought I’d compile all my festive fics for anyone who needs a festive fix 😉
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A Whiskey Miracle
Bobby/OC. The couple from my longfic Whiskey on Your Lips celebrate their first Christmas together. Four short chapters of absolute, pure fluff.
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Down The Chimney
Carl/OC. Grinch and Christmas lover come together through a series of strange events.
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Not Just On Christmas
Harry/OC. Family friends with benefits see each other again for the first time in three years.
Both of my completed longfics, Whiskey on Your Lips and Stitches have Christmas chapters as well🎄
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Seeking Silence
Noah/OC. Not a specifically festive fic, but written for a Christmas gift exchange and winter-themed.
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Snow Day
Aurora/Reader (Choices: Open Heart). Again, not festive but written for a winter exchange and winter-themed.
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ravenadottir · 2 years
ᗩᒪTEᖇᑎᗩTIᐯE ᖇOᑌTEᔕ
each of them were requested at some point, and well, i had no option but to make them happen one way or other. these are either reformed, alternative, non-existent or simply better than what the game gave us.
if you want something and it’s not here, feel free to request in my inbox.
OG routes (casa guys/bombshells since day 1):
💜kassam  💜carl (queue)   💜lucas (queue)
💜chelsea (platonic) (queue)
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alternative routes (islanders that left/weren't endgame)
💜tai (in season 2)
💜graham (queue)
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the girls (without li route):
💜chelsea (queue)   💜hope 💜priya
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reformed (we deserved better):
💜noah (queue)   💜elisa (queue)
💜lottie (queue) 💜hannah
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couples (outside of their li’s route):
💜hope + lucas
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conditional (they might’ve thought about it and i’m here to finish it)
💜player!bobby (queue)
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mrsbsmooth · 1 year
Favorite LITG fics?
Oh God, here we go. Unfortunately, some of my all time favourite fics have been deleted (😭) so this list is somewhat different to any that have come before it! But I'm gonna pin this one to my Masterlist so I can come back and update it as things change
(in no particular order)
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King of the Castle by @i-boop-you (Bobby/MC - villa fic - slutty villain gatekeep gaslight girlboss main character)
The Sun in My Eyes by @sparxaf (Bobby/MC - villa fic - beautiful, angsty, damaged Bobby)
Noah's Game by SilentScreaming (villain!Noah - villa fic - nasty manipulative behaviour, it's delicious)
Sick like me by neld13 (Bobby/MC - AU - BDSM relationship with sub!Bobby)
Begin Again by @fuseboxmusebox (Bobby/MC - Coffee Shop AU)
The Greatest of Them All by @throughthejunobush (Bobby/MC - villa fic - that scene from the roof, urgh yesss)
Maybe, sort of, kind of, possibly by Blueberry_Cupcakes (Bobby/MC - villa fic - the ultimate FTL, their chemistry is next level)
Baby, kiss it better by @crimswnred (Bobby/MC - AU - cute, flirty, and so beautifully written)
Reasons to Be Brave by MamaMiaOhMy (Jake/MC - villa fic - BDSM and it's so cute and much spicier the whole way through)
It Could Only be You by @i-boop-you (Bobby/MC - villa fic - perma-angst, looking section of being distracted by Lucas, but incredibly funny and spicy)
Bobby, meet Lucas by @longbobmckenzie (Bobby/Lucas - villa fic - we need more M/M in this fandom, I adore this one)
Love Island, Actually by @crimswnred, @ellegreenwxy, @i-boop-you, @tammyisobsessedwith (The most incredible interwoven story I've seen in this fandom. Multiple POVs, multiple LIs, something for everyone.)
(can you tell i have a type of fic i like)
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This Momentary Blue by @sparxaf (Felix/Kassam - AU - don't cringe until you've tried it)
Her Story (Don't Blame Me) by @tammyisobsessedwith (Blake/Lucas - villa fic - this is my favourite casa fic ever)
Mean Boys by @thesepromises (AU - hilarious, Lucas Koh as Regina George)
Snog, Marry, Die by @willkimurashat (villa fic - absolutely wild, unbelievably funny, very gory)
What Are You Waiting For? by @crimswnred (Tim/MC - villa fic - that last line, after all this time, it still makes me punch the air like The Breakfast Club)
that's the thing about illicit affairs by @ellegreenwxy (Suresh/MC - AU - holy hell this is perfection)
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longbobmckenzie · 1 year
The Beginner's Guide to LITG Fanfiction
So, you've just learned there's fanfiction for LITG! Or maybe you've known for a while and you've just gotten curious enough to finally check it out. Or perhaps you've read a few already, but you want to really dive in and find the hidden gems.
You go to AO3. There are over 1300 fics... It's overwhelming, so you wish someone would just tell you where to start.
Well, I happen to have read quite a few of those fics, and written a bunch too. And I want to help, so I'm starting a project to make things a little easier to find.
Click here to find fics for:
Season 1
Tim Jake Levi Rohan
Season 2
Bobby Lucas Noah Gary Henrik Rahim Rocco Arjun Blake Carl (coming soon)
S4 Characters Masterlist by @rebelrayne ... more to be added
If you've found this post and want more, please visit the updated version at the LITG Readers Room! This particular post will no longer be updated.
*Note: I haven't read every single fic but just because I haven't read something doesn't mean others can't find enjoyment out of it, so these lists are not just my personal favourites. I'll mark the ones I love the most with a ⭐!
**Other Note: If you're looking for fics for a certain character that isn't listed here (yet), feel free to send me an ask and I'll prioritize those characters!
***Other Other Note: If you're willing to do some digging for yourself but don't know how to search the tags on AO3 (I've heard a lot of people struggle with this), I found this handy little guide and hope it helps!
****Other Other Other Note: This guide wouldn't be possible without the work of @becangle who put a ton of work into creating and updating a spreadsheet of all published works sortable by LI and type. I used it to get most of these fics so there might be some that have since been deleted, or new ones that I've missed. If you think a fic should be added to an existing list, feel free to drop me a line!
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dawnsbreaking · 2 years
cruel summer - chapter four
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noah/cmc rose/bobby litg s2 rewrite status: ongoing chapter wc: 3,245
Lottie snarled. “Look at the boys. Bloody welcome committee.”
The boys were eager, but Rose could hardly blame them. She sighed, making up her mind, even if it meant disagreeing with her greatest ally thus far. “I’m going to say hello.”
Marisol, wide-eyed, followed. “Jesus Christ,” she said. “I’m going to put my hat in the ring for the bombshell.”
read on ao3 series masterlist want to be tagged in future chapters?
It was Ibrahim’s voice that finally broke the spell between Rose and Bobby. “Lads,” he said, jogging up behind where they’d been chatting on the daybeds. “Got a text.”
Rose separated from Bobby and stood, not wanting to appear too entangled with someone who wasn’t her partner, though she supposed very little plausible deniability was left for her to work with. “Coming,” she said, nodding her thanks at Ibrahim, who was already beginning to wander back to the group gathered at the edge of the pool.
“It just says to head to the fire pit to meet the new islander,” Ibrahim told everyone, foregoing the hashtags and trendy syntax likely included in the message. It was good enough, though, to inspire the islanders' migration to the fire pit to meet their bombshell.
As they approached en masse, Rose could see just the shape of a tall woman standing by the fire. Her heart sank lower into her stomach the closer they came — the woman was gorgeous. Her deep brown skin was glossy like a magazine cover, reflecting the light of the fire, she was posed in a bright swimsuit as if she were modeling it. Casting had outdone themselves, she was a dictionary bombshell.
“Hello!” The woman’s smile broke the veneer just slightly, betraying an easy openness that seemed incongruous with her unattainable looks.
Lottie stopped Rose with a hand on the shoulder. “This far, no further,” she declared. “Girl code.”
The girls stopped in their tracks behind Rose and Lottie and watched helplessly as their partners trotted forward, all too excited to greet the gorgeous new islander. Rose turned, shrugging Lottie off. “She’s a girl too, no?”
Lottie snarled. “Look at the boys. Bloody welcome committee.”
The boys were eager, but Rose could hardly blame them. She sighed, making up her mind, even if it meant disagreeing with her greatest ally thus far. “I’m going to say hello.”
Marisol, wide-eyed, followed. “Jesus Christ,” she said. “I’m going to put my hat in the ring for the bombshell.”
Along with Hope and Marisol, Rose finished the journey to the fire pit, stopping just behind the boys. Their welcome committee was looking more like a pack of wolves descending upon a piece of meat by the second.
“Excuse me,” Hope forced herself between Ibrahim and Noah and held out a hand. She introduced herself with her usual flare, approaching the bombshell like she was engaging in a business deal.
“I’m Priya,” the woman said, shaking Hope’s hand with a winning grin.
In the shuffle of introductions, Rose came to stand next to Bobby, who leaned over to whisper, “What’s their deal?” He nodded back toward Lottie and Hannah.
“They’re being territorial,” Rose explained, sparing a sideways glance at the pair.
Bobby frowned. “Can’t have that.” He turned, incidentally placing a gentle hand on Rose’s shoulder to leverage himself. Rose silently scolded the butterflies that invaded her abdomen at his casual touch. If she was to survive Love Island, she would have to be able to handle a platonic 3hand on the shoulder. “Oi!” Bobby shouted, “Lottie, Hannah! Come on, get involved!”
Wearing matching frowns, the girls joined the group and begrudgingly introduced themselves.
“It’s so nice to meet you all,” Priya said. “I’m a bit overwhelmed, I hope you don’t mind me gatecrashing your party.”
Pushing her way through the boys, Marisol offered a hand as if she were meeting with a prospective client and not a gorgeous woman she was interested in. “Marisol Trujillo,” she announced with a too-firm handshake. Rose realized she was seeing firsthand the inability to flirt with women that Marisol had alluded to during truth or dare. And though she wasn’t yet very close to Marisol, she felt the need to help her out.
She pushed past Bobby, coming shoulder to shoulder with Marisol and reaching out to pat Priya on the arm. “I’m Rose! You’re gorgeous, by the way, we were just saying.”
Priya laughed, and if Marisol’s awkwardness was off-putting, she didn’t show it. “Lovely to meet you.”
If likely only to prevent the boys from introducing themselves next, Lottie butted in, telling Priya her name and biting out an insincere compliment, to which Priya easily retorted and settled the affair. Full of surprises, Priya was the perfect bombshell.
Feeling another hand on her shoulder, Rose almost jumped. Noah’s calm voice came from behind her, saying, “Guys, it’s a bit early to be getting into it like this.” The gentle librarian's way of scolding softened his blow but he tacked on an excited proclamation for good measure. “It’s our first day in the Villa!”
Rose agreed, reaching a hand to her shoulder to cover his in a gesture of solidarity as she spoke, “Right-“
“Noah is right,” Hope agreed, speaking at the same time as Rose, effectively cutting the quieter girl off. “There’s going to be plenty of time for falling out later.”
Lottie grumbled, “Sorry, I’m not loving the idea that we’re already in danger.” She spared a glance at Rose and they locked eyes, though Lottie was looking in the wrong place for backup.
“Speaking of which,” Marisol said, lowering her voice and placing her hands on her hips as if she were about to begin a courtroom interrogation. “We should know, is there anyone you’ve got your eye on?”
It was a fair question and one Rose wanted to know the answer to herself. However, her stomach dropped to her feet as she watched Priya scan the boys in front of her. The way Priya’s eyes lingered on Noah was not lost on her.
“I’ve only just met all of you, but I’d say Ibrahim is my type straight away.”
If looks could kill, Priya would be a char mark on the astroturf. No one had gotten the chance to warn her about Hope’s tendency to be territorial.
Priya soldiered on. “But Bobby has got gorgeous eyes, too.”
Rose glanced at her feet, hopefully missing whatever flirtatious looks passed between Bobby and the bombshell. While she wasn’t the type to be territorial over a guy like Hope or see new girls as her competition like Lottie, she did feel a sense of hopeless inadequacy at the thought of losing a boy to someone as gorgeous and charismatic as Priya. She wouldn’t even blame the lad.
“I’m not trying to tread on anyone’s toes,” Priya said, a gentle pageant smile settling over her face. Rose could appreciate her sense of diplomacy.
“We’ve all only known each other for a few hours, there are hardly toes to be tread on!” Rose’s brain caught up to her mouth and she attempted to clarify, “Er, I mean- You shouldn’t worry about that.”
Hope interjected, having regained her composure now that her guy wasn’t the only one Priya fancied, “I think it’s only fair you get a chance to chat to all of the boys.” She gave an easy laugh. “And we should get you a drink! Boys?”
Noah’s hand fell from Rose’s shoulder and to her waist, pulling her into him as if to remind her of his presence. Rose felt a little soothed when he didn’t join the other boys in tripping over themselves to serve Priya a glass of champagne.
Rocco, as always, looked a little lost in the fracas. He sighed, looking up at the stars. “Sky’s beautiful out here. No smog or anything, just pure vibes.” He took a deep breath in through his nose, out through his mouth. Rose wondered if he taught yoga classes or just overpaid to regularly attend them. His eyes settled squarely on Rose when he pulled his attention back from the stars, drifting from somewhere near her third eye chakra and then down. She got the sense that he was particularly concerned with the heart chakra. Or the cleavage visible there, at least. “Bet the terrace has a great view.”
Startled, Rose glanced from Rocco to his partner. Lottie was watching with wide eyes just behind him.
“That’s bold, in front of everyone,” Rose said, it was more forthcoming than was typical of her but she couldn’t bear even the thought of flirting with Rocco for a second longer.
Rocco looked confused. “What do you mean?”
The other islanders gathered back around, bringing with them the bulk of the camera operators. Rose swallowed, leaning into Noah for reassurance before replying to hopefully diffuse the tension. “Just seemed like a bit of a line, is all.” She smiled her best breezy this-is-totally-not-a-big-deal smile. “I bet Lottie would like a trip to the terrace, yeah?”
Thankfully returned to better spirits, Lottie chuckled and took Rocco by the hand. “Maybe I would.” She gave Rose a wink.
“It was totally a line, but it looks like you’re off the hook, mate.” Bobby ruffled Rocco’s already mussed hair with a rich laugh. “I bet he asks women to go look at the stars with him all the time.”
“I bet they like it too,” Gary teased. As he began prattling on about shipyard gazing, Rose took the moment to tune out and take a few careful breaths.
There was a terrible rush of adrenaline every time she could feel herself becoming the focus of the show. For someone like her brother who grew up doing theatre and dreaming of being a movie star, that kind of attention might be exhilarating. For Rose, who much preferred her recognition in the form of kind notes left by professors on her lengthy essays, the feeling was overwhelming. She could only hope that it would become easier in the coming weeks to tune the cameras out.
“That sounds a bit spooky, laddy,” Rose said, bringing herself back into the conversation with a joking tone, hoping to balance out the earlier harshness with Rocco. Provided both bits made it into the final cut.
“It’s not abandoned or anything!” Gary protested. Plus, I don’t think machines are spooky. It’s not like they’re going to jump out at you when you’re not looking.”
“Unless they’re killer robots,” Bobby said, facetiously serious. “Like in terminator.”
Gary sighed, spirit broken. “Right.”
Rose interjected, hoping for a change of subject, “Oh, I love that movie!”
“My kinda girl.” Bobby high-fived her. “But you’re into sci-fi, yeah?”
“I brought Dune as my one allotted book.” In her peripheral vision, Rose could see Hope roll her eyes at the mindless chatter. She immediately shrank back into Noah, returning her face to a placid smile. Momentarily, Rose had forgotten the part she was supposed to be playing; she was cast as the nerdy girl, but she wasn’t supposed to be so dorky that she no longer fit in.
“Um…” Hope giggled. “Sorry to interrupt, because this is riveting, but I’m starting to see why some of you are single. I was really expecting better chat than ‘come look at a shipyard with me, baby’ and ‘aren’t you a sci-fi fan’.” She shot Rose a glance. “No offense.”
“None taken,” Rose said. Hope was right, this couldn’t possibly be exciting television. Even if she would prefer to chat science fiction with Bobby.
“Right?” Lottie raised her glass of champagne — recently refilled in a gesture of apology from Rocco — toward Hope in agreement. “What happened to the old classics, like-“ She slouched slightly, turning to Hannah and slurring her speech as she said, “Heeey guuurl, do you know how to give the kiss of life?”
Hannah blushed, cheeks as bright as her hair at the slightest hint of flirtation. Bless her. She squeaked, “Um…”
“Cos you took my breath away!” Lottie saved Hannah the trouble of formulating a response, jumping to her punchline.
“Wow.” Hannah laughed, easily pleased.
As Lottie encouraged Hannah to try a chat-up line of her own, Noah and Rose naturally drifted apart to accommodate the whole group being let into the circle. Somehow Bobby came to stand between Rose and her partner in the mix.
Noah, surprising everyone again with another rare interjection, said, “I’ve got one.” In a move that stunned everyone — hopefully including the future viewers at home — Noah said, “Hey Hope, feel my shirt.”
Rose was at a loss, so she maintained her placid expression as best she could as she watched her partner use a chat-up line on someone else. The move felt particularly low after she’d just scolded Rocco for the same kind of thing.
“That’s boyfriend material,” Noah concluded his line with an easy smirk at Hope. The two looked at each other like no one else was around. Rose was half-tempted to entreat them to get a fucking room.
“Oh my gosh,” Hope gushed. “I’m melting!”
It was hot, that was the worst part. Noah was incredibly hot, even when engaging in traitorous behavior.
“God.” Rose swallowed, then gave laugh that landed considerably better than she hoped. “These are awful.”
The other islanders took Rose’s attempt at humor as license to ignore the Noah-shaped elephant in the room, and for that Rose was grateful.
The other jilted partner, Ibrahim, cleared his throat. There was a beat during which Rose feared that he would try to stop everyone from breezing past Noah’s line, then he said, “Ok, check this…” His tone was light enough to assuage Rose’s fear, but she could tell he was flustered. “Hey girl, are you a dam?” He posed the line to no one in particular and no one answered so he carried swiftly on. “Because you’ve got me saying ‘beaver’!” He frowned, realizing too late that the line had gone south “Uh. Wait… I mean…”
The tense silence settled on them once more. As a show of solidarity and to deflect, Rose broke the silence with a laugh.
“That was better than the other ones, actually,” she said. And she meant it, she hated corny jokes and forced conversation starters vehemently.
Ibrahim gave her a grateful smile, rubbing at the back of his neck as he avoided eye contact with anyone in the group. “At least someone liked it.”
Out of the corner of her eye, Rose noticed a camera operator focusing firmly at an angle that included her and Hope, setting up for brewing conflict. She made up to diffuse it before it had the chance to escalate, opening her mouth to change the subject.
“Why don’t you try one, Ro?” Hope said, either playing up the drama or completely oblivious. Rose hoped for the latter.
“Oh, um…” Rose stammered for a moment before making up her mind. If Hope, the viewers, and that camera operator wanted drama, her best bet was to deliver and pray she wasn’t being made the villain. She turned to Bobby and kept her tone light as she asked, “Hey Bobby, you aren’t French are you?”
“Lass,” Bobby laughed. “You know I’m Scottish.”
As an aside, Rose murmured, “Like the accent isn’t a giveaway. Play along.”
Bobby cheesed, following orders. “I’m not French. Why do you ask, Rose?”
“Oh, because Eiffel for you.” Rose completed the joke by batting her eyelashes, doing her best to make it abundantly clear that her flirting was all in good fun. The islanders chuckled, tension seeming finally diffused, and, if Noah was jealous of Bobby, his face didn’t betray it.
“Better than anything I’ve got,” Ibrahim said. “Well done, mate.”
She gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder. “Gotta work on your game, love.”
“Could be worse,” Marisol said. “You could be one of those guys who talks to a girl’s chest instead of her face.” She threw a sideways glance at Rocco, still too lost in the stars to receive the criticism.
For all Rose’s complaining about Lottie’s full moon ritual, she was grateful for the diversion after Noah had gone rogue on her. By the time she’d changed into her pajamas — red shorts and a t-shirt with a cheeky slogan referencing an old Love Island season, she was saving her sexy stuff for someone she trusted more — and met Lottie on the lawn, she still hadn’t found a chance to speak to Noah alone. She’d have to confront him while sharing a bed in a dark room. If she’d confront him at all.
Luckily, Lottie was sharp-tongued and firmly on Rose’s side. “What the fuck was that earlier?” She asked, pulling Rose by the hand to the side of the pool where they could sit and kvetch until the other girls found their way downstairs. “With Noah and Hope? Boyfriend material? Jesus Christ.”
“I’m so glad we’re on the same page,” Rose laughed. “I was starting to think I was losing it.”
“You’re not losing it, babes, that was mental. I didn’t take Noah for such a player!”
Rose didn’t remind Lottie of the way Noah had given her the slip earlier to graft on Hope, she didn’t figure that she needed any more ammunition than she had. Instead, she kicked her feet helplessly in the cool water of the infinity pool, trying her best to stir up the hopeful feelings Noah had given her when they’d first met that morning. Nothing but frustration rose to the surface. Had he grown tired of her that quickly?
“Mind if I join you?” Priya asked, gently lowering herself to sit next to Rose. “I heard something about a moon ritual.”
Rose gave Lottie a warning look before she could start in on the bombshell, then said, “I’m glad you came down.”
Priya grinned. “I wouldn’t miss a chance to bond with you girls.”
“Are the others coming down?” Lottie asked, deflecting from Priya’s attempt at friendship without outright denying it. Rose chose to see that as progress.
“Yeah, they were right behind me! Any moment, really.”
True to Priya’s word, Hannah, Hope, and Marisol raced down the deck stairs to the lawn, seeming to be in much higher spirits than the sulking women already by the pool. At the sight of them, Rose stood and offered Lottie and Priya each a hand, pleased when they both took her help.
“How was it?” Noah asked, too nonchalant as he smoothed the blankets back to make room for Rose to climb into bed with him.
While the practice under the full moon itself was uneventful — none of the sacrificing of virgins that Bobby had joked about when he caught wind of the plan — Rose hoped that it had done something to undermine the tension between the girls. She’d kept her address brief, only telling everyone that she looked forward to getting closer with them over the coming weeks.
She told Noah, “It was nice, I like the other girls.” Rose didn’t lay down next to him just yet, preferring to sit on the edge of the bed and size him up first. Internally, she was begging for him to acknowledge some kind of rift between them. Instead, he smiled, motioned for her to lay down with him.
“Still alright with sharing a bed, I presume?” She asked, trying one more time to prompt a conversation.
Unbothered, Noah said, “Of course. Come here?”
Rose sighed, seeing no reason to push further. She was exhausted and still dizzy from the champagne and bright lights. And there were worse things to succumb to than cuddling in a warm bed with a handsome man. She laid down next to him stiffly, then did her best to remember the buzzing butterflies she’d felt with him earlier in the day. At last, allowing Noah to pull her close, Rose let the buzzing of imaginary insects lull her to sleep.
hiii so sorry for the long hiatus on this one! i'm juggling several little projects at the moment, as well as one bigger project so i've slowed down my fic publishing schedule. thank you so much to everyone still reading though, i love u all <3
tags: @starsarestars
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ariendiel · 3 years
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Finally getting what feels like their happily ever after, it's time for Noah and Inès to settle back into real life. All while also looking back at the events that happened in the villa, reliving the events as they happen on screen – both good and bad – while also moving on, together.
Link to ao3 — Tag — References 1 — References 2 — Book Cover
About Noah — 10 Songs I associate with Noah — Noah fluff alphabet
About Inès — 10 Songs I associate with Inès — Inès alphabet tag — Inès moodboard — Her closet — Noah x Inès doodle
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Recently married, and having bought the house of their dreams, Noah and Inès finally feel ready to start their own family. However, as always, things rarely work out exactly as planned.
Link to ao3 — Tag
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Miss Adaline Chalcraft is the graceful but headstrong botany teacher at Rosehill House - an old and distinguised boarding school for gifted young ladies in Regency England. As a rare sanctuary for women, it is a place that has long prided itself on the poise and spinsterhood of its staff. Now however, change is arriving in the form of the new librarian, and a man at that...
Link to ao3 — Link to wattpad — Tag — Playlist — About Adaline — About Noah — Art by Sara — Commissioned art by Becky
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A collection of one shots for alternative in-villa scenarios, largely focused around Noah and what might have been. A perpetual work in progress, and open for others to contribute to.
Link to ao3 — What if he knew? — One last time ~ What if he took the Money? — What if he had to choose?
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Answered writing prompts, mainly for Noah but also for other Islanders. My inbox is as always open for more prompts and writing requests.
Tag — A mix of everything prompt list
1. Noah x Inès — 2. Noah x Inès — 3. Noah x Inès — 4. Noah & Jake — 5. Lucas x MC — 6. Noah x MC
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My collection of answered asks on anything regarding Noah specifically, including headcanons, edits and more. I am always happy to receive Noah asks, prompts, thoughts, and questions from any and all of you.
Noah character analysis — Noah route certificate — Current faceclaim — Noah’s birthday and zodiac — Noah au ideas — Noah’s internet search history — Noah's red flags — Noah and grasshoppers
Noah's reading recommendations — Wildest things he’s done
My guide to a nice Noah route (no guarantees)
What would happen outside the villa? — Noah as a boyfriend — Jealousy headcanons — Being his girlfriend — His home aesthetic — If someone were hitting on mc — What would he do if mc received hate? — Long distance headcanons — Reaction to an unexpected pregnancy
Does he enjoy teasing? — What is he into in bed... — Noah's turn ons
Why he switched on mc but not Priya — Why he expected mc to take the money — What if Hope never coupled with him? — How nope did post villa — How he felt watching the show — Noah on day 21 — Noah's reaction to mc doing bits
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All other asks and posts about everything else litg related. Including all other characters, various headcanons, ideas and thoughts.
Boys headcanons — Girls headcanons — Boys bad qualities — Girls bad qualities — More bad qualities in the boys — Surname headcanons — Boys body counts — Girls body counts
LI’s star signs — LI’s longest relationships — Meeting the LI's family — When LIs fell in love
How do the Islanders vote? — What scents would the boys wear? — What scents would the girls wear? — How do the girls cope when sad? — How do the boys cope when sad? — Who would they dress up as? — How do the Islanders celebrate the holidays?
Friendship and relationship headcanons masterpost
Marisol au ideas — Gary au ideas — Lucas au ideas — Carl au ideas
Girls tumblr theme ideas
LITG characters in different eras — LITG character playlists — LITG characters as Cazy Ex-Girlfriend songs — LITG characters and their Hogwarts houses — LITG characters as musical theatre — LITG characters as fairytales — LITG characters and the magnus archives
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lithopsy · 2 years
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my ao3 my taglist form
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at your side royal guard au pairing: vanderwood x mc x saeyoung (mc uses she/her) status: ongoing (series masterlist) (ao3)
an autumn morning domestic post after ending pairing: saeyoung x mc oneshot (tumblr) (ao3)
holiday shopping domestic post after ending pairing: saeran x mc written for mysme holiday exchange 2021 oneshot (tumblr)
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the more loving one poe route rewrite pairing: poe x cmc rose (fictif roadkill) status: ongoing (series masterlist) (ao3)
any time nicky comes back to the 2020s au pairing: nicky valentino x mc (fictif tatw) oneshot (tumblr) (ao3)
cruel summer litg s2 rewrite pairing: noah x cmc rose x bobby status: ongoing (series masterlist) (ao3)
my silver linings typically hit me in the afternoon enemies to lovers university au pairing: poe x mc (fictif roadkill) status: part 1 of 2 posted (tumblr) (ao3)
sweet distraction life with theo after new beginnings pairing: theo x cmc roseline (fictif ctc) (tumblr) (ao3)
Better Man litg S5 CMC Eleanor x Bobby (S2) (ao3)
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my unfortunate number of sideblogs mystic messenger: @luc606 fictif, omswd, mlqc, litg: @lucolestead wooden overcoats: @cinnamonclementine star wars: @moisturefarmer dune: @ixianmanufacture free! and check, please!: @diveandfly book reviews/studyblr/art: @lithopsies
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vulnerabledime · 2 years
Diamond. 25. Leo
Writing has become such a huge hobby of mine and I'm here to share it all with you! Here is a masterlist of everything I've created so far!
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This includes all Stories, Prompts, Moodboards, Headcanons, and Art.
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Ao3 ~ Character Reveals ~ Moodboard/Aesthetics ~ Art
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Ao3 ~ Character Reveals ~ Moodboard ~ Art
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Ao3 ~ Moodboard
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Confessions ~ Peaches Are Sweet ~ LITG AU Prompts ~
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Henrik & Elisa ~ Tai ~ Daddy Lucas ~ Co-Worker ~ Lucas Bachelor Party ~ Friends Hitting on MC ~ Strip Club ~ Real World ~ Jealous Lucas ~ Outside the Villa ~ Lucas x Marisol ~ Soft Lucas ~ Opinion on Noah ~ Fifty Shades Lucas ~ Uncle Lucas ~ Silhouette Challenge ~ Lucas - checking out MC
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Christmas Masquerade Ball ~ written for @lucas-koh
Who Doesn't Love A Reunion? ~ written for @fuseboxmusebox
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A collection of short stories surrounding the theme of Valentines Day 2022
Ao3 ~ Moodboard
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adam-memeleri · 3 years
LITG Masterlist
split in pairings by alphabetical order
Allegra x MC (Daisy) [#tpimp]
And They Were Roommates Neighbours (1/1)
What in God’s name is that fucking noise?! or Allegra’s new neighbour is obnoxious and irritating and an annoying prick that won’t shut the hell up at fucking midnight, and alright, maybe she’s not so bad.
Chelsea x/& MC (Olive) [#tooak]
Totally One of a Kind (1/1)
Chelsea and Olive have been inseparable since the former charged forward, intent on wrapping the latter in the tightest hug she could manage. They’ve stood by one another in the storm that is Love Island, neither willing to let go, but neither willing to reach for more. But now that everything’s coming to an end, maybe the risk of losing what they’ve found with each other is worth it.
Scary Face (1/1)
Angry Chelsea is way too cute to be intimidating, so it’s time to practice her scary face.
Cherry x MC (Sage) [#boc]
Bowl of Cherries (1/2)
Cherry and Sage have hated each other more than anything since the… incident. They’ve been at each other’s throats at every opportunity, to the point that they’re fighting and screaming in the bathroom. And okay, yeah, maybe they don’t hate each other as much as they say they do.
Elisa x MC (Willow) [#press rec]
Clickbait (1/?)
Clicks are power, power is money, and Elisa can’t say no to money. Only her newest financial venture is proving far more stubborn than anticipated, and the clicks might not be worth the hassle. Until they start racking up, and up, and up, and she falls deeper and deeper, just for the ploy to begin falling apart in her hands.
Kissing Prompts (1/1)
Kissing Prompt List
Press Record (1/1)
Elisa’s Instagram stories provide a peek into her relationship after leaving the Villa.
Erikah x MC (Ivy) [#repairs]
Repairs (1/?)
Erikah fucked up. Like, really fucked up. She lost her best friend in the Villa and half the Islanders’ trust in one fell swoop. And now she’s stranded with a mangled relationship and a broken heart, but she can’t repair anything. Not when the person she needs to fix things with the most isn’t willing to let her try.
Hannah x MC (Clover) [#wildfire]
Wildfire (1/1)
Dialogue - “I want to be your home”
Hope x MC (Rosie) [#hdn]
Hope Dumps Noah (Ao3 w/ extra) (1/1)
Hope dumped Noah, plain and simple. She dumped him for hanging out with Priya, for claiming they’re ‘just friends,’ for pretending the older woman doesn’t fancy him. She dumped him without a glimmer of remorse in her eyes, without a waver or crack in her voice as she walked away, without anything but resolve and determination etched on her face. But now she wants to get him back. No, she has to get him back, at any cost, even the price of enlisting Rosie, the girl she lost trust in halfway through their time on Love Island.
Rainbow (Ao3) (1/1)
Rosie’s always liked rainbows. Liked the beauty, the wonder, the ethereal, indescribable nature of the array of colours painted on the sky and clouds. She’s always liked the possibilities held within those colours, always liked what they meant, always liked the way the world seems to stand still when you find one after a storm, frozen for something so magical.
Hope reminds Rosie of rainbows.
Lottie x MC [#runaways]
Runaways (6/6)
It actually happened. The crazy, never-in-a-million-years fantasy Lottie’s had for the past three years has come true. But it can’t be for real, can it? She’s just going to wake up, like she always does? Or it’s going to be some sick joke, because why does she deserve the happily ever after she’s longed for since her time on Love Island? Easy, she doesn’t. She didn’t handle anything properly in the Villa or in the time that’s passed since. Yet, the girl that’s standing by her side, surrounded by a mess that Lottie’s thrown her in, doesn’t seem to agree.
Homebound (1/6)
Lottie’s wildest fantasy is coming more and more real everyday, the line between imagination and reality blurring as she explores her new relationship, a relationship she’s dreamed of for years, and one she’s pretty awful at navigating.
Marisol x MC (Violet, Dahlia) [#maybe, #tyl]
Swap a Storm for Sunshine (Ao3) (1/1)
‘Graham and Marisol, you’ve been given the power. You now have an opportunity to swap up two of the current couples - including yourselves.’
Marisol has one last chance to silence the waves of jealousy inside of herself.
Ten Years Later (Ao3) (1/1)
It’s been ten years since the Villa, with the reunion for Marisol’s season in full swing, drinks and conversation flowing. And, to top it all off, the last person she ever wanted to see again is right here, right across from her, grinning and laughing. And Marisol can’t stand it, can’t stand that she’s here, can’t stand that it’s like this.
Priya x MC (Hazel)
For Real (4/?)
Priya’s found a friend in Hazel, a friend that’s put herself on the line countless times for Priya. But when Hazel’s faced with a difficult decision and the possibility of losing her friend, she jumps at the chance to save her, diving head first into trouble. Finding herself in a strange new dynamic, Priya starts to see the Villa a little differently than before.
Talia x MC (Lilac, Ash) [#tfb, #wte]
The Forever Breakup (Ao3) (1/1)
Talia and Lilac broke up. Not the joking kind of breakup, not the half-hearted kind of breakup, not the ‘they’ll be back together by tomorrow’ kind of breakup. The forever kind of breakup. The kind where Jake has to intervene or risk seeing his closest friends suffer pointlessly.
Teenage Musings (Ao3) (1/1)
Talia’s teen years were spent creatively. She spent hours on end listening to music and hours on end falling into fandoms and fan fiction. She never thought it’d come back to her, but it finally did when she showed up on Love Island.
Way Too Easy (1/1)
Lucy stepped into the Villa determined to win back her ex, expecting it to be an easy task. Until she actually meets Ash, the girl who’s captivated Talia. Then she’s convinced it will be even easier.
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litgreadersroom · 1 year
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Villa Fics Post-Villa Fics Alternate Universe Noah & Others
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hopeshoodie · 4 years
If you had to pick one, who’s your favorite litg account?
OH NOOOOOO You can’t do this to me 😭😭 There are SO many super positive people in this fandom are you kidding. I cannot pick just one. 
@smaiihands hands down has the best fanart blog. I adore her art style and everything she posts is 💯💯💯
@garyandhisnan has the best takes 😗👌 Tbh they were the reason I made an litg account, because i was lurking on their page and loved all of their Noah stuff. Their fics/character analysis are something I’m super hype about 👀👀
@ariendiel writes god tier fics. You seriously need to go and binge her masterlist because she’s SUCH a talented writer.
@ravenadottir (formerly ravena_dottir) is the biggest and best writer in the fandom, imo. You gotta follow them, you just gotta. 
@crvsh-culture ‘s headcanons and imagines are SPOT ON. Also this isn’t a knock at all- her reblogs are really good too. Sometimes I don’t want to sift through the LITG tag, and she does a great job of reblogging the highlights 
@cyn-onlyyou makes really good fan content AND they also ~curate~ really good fan content, when I’m looking for new fics/art I usually go to their page
@dxncingthroughlife her LITG stuff is good, but I really love her musical/non-LITG posts too. I think of all the litg blogs I reblog hers the most to my main account
And last but certainly not least I’m giddy when @spiltrice @beebips and @deuchess interact with my posts because despite them all being Bobby trash they’re so INSANELY talented 
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ravenadottir · 3 years
group asks: post-villa
group asks: post villa. everything that can relate to their lives outside of their villa, their preferences, plans for the future, how they are on their daily lives and etc.
group: villa // group: miscellaneous 
((for individual headcanons, click here for a masterpost))
❝relationship: everything personal❞
their ideal partner / parents: reaction to mc proposing
dislikes about a partner / most romantic?
when would they say ily? / when would they say ily? 2
boys comforting mc / our period? / our period? 2
is kissing cheating? / best to worst kissers
girls as girlfriends (for boys) / li’s being spoiled
reacting to mc starting a fight over nothing
long distance: boys / long distance: girls
dealing with a breakup / solving fights
primary love language / default “giving” love language?
couple tattoos? / deal breakers
open relationship: who would go for it?
who has/would have cheated before?
cats or dogs/kids or no kids?
the real full monty: would they do it?
who likes a physically affectionate mc more: ranking
if mc passed away
their reaction to an ex engaging with mc
how long: proposal and kids
li’s x unwanted kiss on mc
li’s x mc with learning issues
sending a nude back / li’s x bad period
common arguments / boys x flowers
mc’s co-worker is hitting on her
li’s while sick or taking care of mc
li’s x “i hate everyone” mc
would they take back a cheater?
first dates: how far do they go?
their weddings (including moodboards)
boat party: how would they deal
reaction: exes engaging with mc 
li’s when meeting mc’s parents
li’s x needy mc
❝headcanons: family/future family❞
naming their kids / how many children
boys: unexpected pregnancy
girls: unexpected pregnancy
to impress their girl? / if someone was hitting on their girl?
favorite dates pt II / what if they get cheated on
what would the li’s do if they hurt mc physically?
getting a knitted sweater from their girl
proposing: boys / proposing: girls
pro-life x pro-choice? / adoption x biological
it's a year later, where are they?
mc attached to family
li’s x rockstar!mc
if mc wanted to be a stay-at-home mom
how tall are the boys?
their heights: boys and girls s1/s2
what their voices sound like
mbti/moral alignment
who has/would have cheated before?
dealing with a cold front person
cleaning freaks / places they live / what they drive
who would play sports with us? / sleepwear
early post: quarantine / ticklish?
boys’ general / boys’ favorite dates
girl’s data / boys’ data / all surnames / s1 and s2 siblings
birthday dates/signs
birthday dates/signs: birth year
light sleepers x heavy sleepers
male li’s sexualities
which ones would like to get pegged?
which boys would be into other boys?
who handles spicy foods
if mc didn't let them hold her hand
what would make them blush?
li's x non binary mc
would they prefer short or tall girls?
favorite body parts on a girl
boys’ turn offs
if mc gained weight after quarantine?
would they date a stripper?
about post-villa plastic surgery
their choice for underwear: theirs and partner's
single mother: would they date her?
their types (all the boys and girls)
tik tok leggings
couple outfits for valentine’s
reality tv again?
post-villa: most x least famous
post-villa: nope and jo x rahim responding to being accused of faking their relationship
which girls would stay friends?
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solllaris · 5 years
i can’t keep from loving you: noah [litg]
pairing: noah x my female!oc
summary: the time spent in the villa is rapidly dwindling and continuously watching the man collins is inevitably falling for with another woman has finally caused the cracks in her heart to give way and crumble and there is absolutely nothing she can do to stop it.
warnings: angst?, a lil fluff, some steamy kisses (whoops)
wc: 2.8k+
a/n: just a warning that i kinda suck at writing angst and arguments so i’m genuinely sorry if this is terrible. this was my first time writing noah, obviously, and i really tried to do his character justice so i’m sorry if you think he’s out of character at times. he’s a tough one to write, honestly, but i had a ton of fun! i hope you guys like it as much as i liked writing it. 
(side note: the title is a song by andrew james bc i love it so much lol. it’s not necessarily based off the lyrics; i just liked the title.)
masterlist // taglist
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Never before had Collins experienced such a gut-wrenching ache in her chest until she was forced into watching the man of her dreams cradle and hum sweet-nothings to another woman. It was etched into the insides of her eyelids and each time she squeezed her baby blues shut she could vividly picture the most minuscule of details from earlier that day; she remembered the paths his fingertips traced along the length of her friend’s spine, the way his massive hands cupped her jaw with the tenderest of care, how his honey colored irises melted into a softer caramel color as he looked down at her clinging to his strong body. 
A thrumming throb pulsated through the beating organ in her chest and the ginger-haired girl instinctively clutched her half-empty glass of sangria tighter. Shaky fingers danced over the area above her heart, rubbing gently with a tiny whimper as if a simple touch would rid herself of the pain she felt. Hot pools of tears gathered in the lower rims of her eyes and a stuttered breath was all it took for them to plummet down her makeup-covered cheeks, leaving messy trails in their wake and destroying the cosmetics she had worked hard to apply. 
Tucking her knees even tighter to her chest in the hopes of shielding her wet face, Collins sunk further into the plush daybed and tried not to think about how utterly alone she truly felt. It was an impossible feat for the extremely sensitive girl and once the thought wriggled its way into the forefront of her mind it brought with it a fresh wave of tears to coat her face and lips in salt. As furiously as she attempted to fight her emotions, they had finally won and she allowed her head to bow forward until her forehead pressed against her bare knees and her small frame shook with the force of her cries.
Pursuing Noah had jeopardized multiple friendships that Collins had created with the girls and the only friends she felt that she had remaining lied with the boys. No, her relationships with each girl wasn’t completely in tarnishes, but it seemed that not one of them supported her in her feelings for the tall librarian. The one girl she had come to confide in, the one that understood and encouraged her, had been sent packing and left the Villa with necks craned to watch her go just as she had come. With Priya gone, Collins had found comfort in the sweet, sweet boys she had met weeks ago on the lawn and although they were incredible, she craved the company of other girls. Boys were programmed differently and sometimes all she wanted was the familiarity of giggling over drinks and whispered gossip.
A soft pattering of feet jolted Collins back down to her miserable reality and with a newfound haste she swiped the tears away and took a long sip of her sangria to act as if she hadn’t been sobbing miserably moments before. However, when her gaze fell onto the tan-skinned boy she’d been crying over the poor girl knew he’d be able to see straight through her little façade. Suddenly the floating fruits in her glass became very fascinating and as she felt him sit near her feet, she channeled all her remaining energy into focusing on the lingering sweet taste on her tongue from the combination of wine, brandy, and fruit. 
A beat of silence passed and Collins blue irises drank in the way his bare, muscular chest heaved as he sighed heavily. “M’ sorry about earlier,” He murmured and she felt her muscles almost instinctively relax at his low, smooth rasp of a voice. It acted like a warm blanket after an exhausting day. “You didn’t deserve that. You don’t deserve any of this.”
She could feel the intensity with which Noah looked at her, his hot chocolate colored eyes burning straight through her flesh and leaving nothing unseen or untouched. He had always been a stickler for eye contact each time they’d spoken so it shouldn’t have surprised the redhead when his hot palm wrapped around her calf, his digits splaying over her pale skin whilst his thumb stroked small circles over her shin bone. But for some unknown reason she still found herself breathing in sharply and had to coax her lungs to keep functioning. 
“Look at me, please,” Noah begged gently with a squeeze to her calf. 
Collins despised herself for being so weak when it came to him - how such simple actions and words were her ultimate undoing. She’d do whatever he asked of her as long as he kept touching her the way he was and speaking with the tenderest tone of voice. That instance was no different and she ripped her attention from the tiny bubbles in her drink to look him in the eye. 
The circles he traced on her shin halted and she sunk further into the pillows littering the daybed behind her once she saw his expression morphing before her. Noah’s honeyed irises darted over her swollen eyelids, then dipped lower to the salty tracks on her pretty pink cheeks, and finally to her puffy bottom lip where she had furiously bitten down on it to muffle her cries. All it had taken was mere seconds for his entire face to fall and for a look of devastation to wash over his gorgeous features and Collins’ heart throbbed painfully once more.
“I made you cry?” He asked carefully, softly. 
Curling her painted toes into the mattress until it was almost painful, she struggled to remain eye contact through the pain reverberating through her chest cavity. “It’s okay.” Collins shrugged and her gaze darted away for a split second as she took a shaky breath. “I needed a good cry anyway.”
The blazing heat wafting from Noah’s palm disappeared from her leg and she missed it after only seconds of being without it. She dug her toes into the sheet beneath her again to refrain from stretching her leg out to press against his warm, bare back and sucked in a deep breath as an attempt to clear her racing thoughts. Collins’ teeth clashed against the glass cup when she practically inhaled a large gulp of her deep red alcoholic beverage and shifted her attention to the gorgeous man sitting beside her. 
Noah’s tall, lithe form hunched over, elbows resting on his knees, and tugged on his chocolate brown locks out of frustration. “It’s not okay, Collins,” He growled roughly and sat up straight to meet her gaze with an intensity that made her shy away instinctively. 
The ginger-haired girl only transposed her focus elsewhere for a few seconds before she felt - and heard - him shuffle closer until he no longer sat near her feet but close enough to pull her into his arms if he desired. Collins presumed he was simply moving closer with no further intentions, but then his warm palm cupped her jawline and his fingers sunk into her red hair and she swore her heart ceased its beating. 
Guiding her face to look at him again, Noah managed a small, sweet smile and Collins melted into his touch despite the scorching ball of anger in her belly that she wanted to spew at him. “It’s not okay, honey,” He hummed quietly and the soft glint in his molten colored eyes made her want to shiver. “I’ve been an absolute div, haven’t I?”
Honey. Honey. Honey.
The sweet, attentive pet name made Collins’ tummy do all sorts of acrobatic routines and she was positively certain her cheeks were coated in a bright red blush. God, all she wanted to do was fall into his strong arms and kiss him without having any restrictions or scandalous secrecy; she wanted to kiss him whenever she yearned to and feel the racing drum of his heart beating out of the space behind his ribs, but she knew that it simply wasn’t possible. Her silly fantasy would never become her reality because the man she was falling in love with was falling for someone else. 
Turning away from him abruptly, Noah’s hand dropped and Collins quickly slung her legs over the edge of the daybed and darted towards the kitchen, her glass of sangria sloshing with the haste of her movements. The rampant butterflies in her belly died as soon as they’d come and as she tossed the leftover fruit from her cup to dump the blood red liquid down the sink, a heavy wave of exhaustion settled into her bones. She knew sleep wouldn’t come anytime soon for her that night and it was all because of the tall boy that had followed after her on her heels the entire time.
She rubbed at the spot between her furrowed brows and sighed tiredly. “I’m so tired, Noah,” She began dejectedly. “One minute you’re talking about Hope like she’s the woman you’ll end up marrying and then the next you’re...y-”
“The next I’m what?” Noah interrupted, urging the redhead to finish as he moved in closer to where she leaned back against the counter.
Collins breath caught in her throat when his hands gripped the granite on either side of her body, effectively pinning her against the cabinets. She had to crane her neck upwards to catch his eye before she continued. 
“Then the next you’re calling me ‘honey’ and...touching me with that stupid look in your eyes and making me feel like I’m the only woman in the world.” Her voice was shaky, dropping in and out like a receiver with a bad connection, and she felt her nose burn with an onslaught of frustrated tears. Her fists thumped against his exposed pectorals and she shoved forcefully, letting out a helpless cry when he barely moved at all. “Is this a game to you, Noah? What do you want, huh? What do you want fr-”
Noah’s lips captured Collins’ in a heated kiss, effectively cutting her off mid-rant. She had always caught glimpses of an underlying intensity and heat around him with stolen glances radiating unspoken lust, but had never experienced it unadulterated. He devoured her, tugging her tangled tresses to tilt her chin up for better access to her mouth whilst his opposite held her jaw tight enough to keep her exactly where he wanted her. It was hot and possessive and when she submissively parted her lips with a soft whine to accommodate for his tongue, it took every ounce of his willpower to separate from her with a wet smack. 
Panting, staggered breaths filled what little space was between them and for a split second Collins allowed herself to revel in Noah’s hips pinning her to the cabinets and his fingers gently pulling at her hair; she selfishly indulged in how her lips tingled and how the taste of a sweet chocolate lingered on her tongue from his own swiping along hers. For a throbbing millisecond all she wanted was to taste that rich chocolate in his mouth again, but the guilty knot in her tummy twisted painfully and that red-hot anger sparked once again.
Collins pushed against his pecs once more and that time Noah obliged, letting her shove him away even though every bone in his body ached to keep touching her. Frustrated tears clouded her vision and his figure blurred before her as an annoyed groan ripped through her throat. 
“You can’t just do that, Noah. You can’t just kiss me to make everything better!” She hissed bitterly and angrily swiped at the stupid tears dripping down her face, her body completely betraying her right in front of him. “You and Hope are back together and I don’t want to be your second choice. I don’t deserve that.”
“M’sorry.” Noah scrubbed a hand against the back of his neck and hung his head like a scolded puppy. “I’m just...trying to figure out what I want.”
Her heart clenched agonizingly and the images of Hope wrapped around him earlier in the day flashed before her. She could hardly bear to look at him as she croaked out, “I think it’s pretty clear what you want.”
A panicked twinge passed through his chest, suddenly feeling as though the ginger-haired girl he had blossoming feelings for was ending things before they had a chance to begin. The mere idea had Noah reaching out to glide his knuckles across her highlighted cheekbones, but she jerked away before he could even graze her soft skin and the twinge in his thumping heart amplified tenfold. 
“No, honey, I-”
“Don’t call me that!” Collins cried. She knew her angry resolve would weaken at that sweet term of endearment and that was the last thing she wanted. 
He sighed and whispered yet another apology, desperately trying to diffuse the growing tension settling in the kitchen. “Collins, please just hear me out, okay?” He begged and her beat of silence spurred him on. “I-I can’t just end it with Hope. You know that.”
“Why not, Noah?” She spat and instantly hated how he flinched at her hostile tone. “What—you just want to have your cake and eat it too, huh?”
“Fuckin’ hell,” He growled, beginning to get irritated with the way she kept putting words into his mouth. “You know I’m not that type of guy.”
“Do I?” She threw back in seconds. “Because since we’ve been in the Villa all you’ve been doing is stringing my feelings along.”
“That was never my intention. You have to understand that.” He took a few tentative steps towards her and seeing no visible reaction to suggest he shouldn’t, he proceeded to move closer until he was close enough to reach out and touch her. He felt his expression softening and as a last attempt, he slid his thumb along the length of her jaw with feather-like pressure and relaxed as she allowed it. “I’m crazy about you and I don’t want to lose you before I’ve even had you.”
“So what are you gonna do?” Collins asked and Noah despised the resigned lilt in her pretty accent. “Go back to Hope and keep acting like everything’s fine? Like you’re happy?”
“I promise I’m going to fix this.” He increased the pressure of his thumb and palm against her jaw, fully cupping the sharp bone. He relished in the sight of her subtly tilting further into him, a tender adoration settling in every crevice of his joints. “Don’t give up on me, honey. Please.”
It was a meek, broken whisper of protest as the tall boy began to pull her face upwards until their lips ghosted against one another’s. When he breathed another incredibly vulnerable and wrecked plea to “please not give up on him” against her parted mouth, Collins tipped over the edge and pulled him down by the back of his neck. Their lips met roughly and the guttural groan her action pulled from deep in his throat only encouraged her to tilt her head further, deepening their passionate exchange. 
Her head spun and before her brain had the chance to catch up, Noah had bowed forward, one of his ridiculously large hands sliding down the expanse of her sides to cup her bum possessively. The warmth of his palm easily bled through the thin material of her pajama shorts and she barely had time to soak up how good it felt for him to touch her like that before he squeezed her bottom appreciatively. Her gasp elicited the sexiest smirk from him and he took her parted lips as an opportunity to glide his tongue against all the places that made her keen.  
They broke apart much too soon for Collins’ taste and she whimpered pathetically, pushing up onto the tips of her toes to chase his lips; she really couldn’t handle how swollen they looked, all slick from her tongue’s endeavors. 
To Collins’ dismay, Noah chuckled huskily and tilted his chin up which put his lips out of her reach. 
“Um, rude?” She scoffed and lightly pushed at his muscular pectorals.
“Have to keep you wanting more, don’t I?” He hummed, his honeyed irises twinkling mischievously and she understood why immediately as a muffled ‘smack!’ met her backside before he pulled away completely. 
“Noah!” Collins squealed. She was sure her face was the exact shade of her hair.
He laughed, full-on and boisterous, and the sight was so pretty that it stole the breath from her lungs. Noah reached out to tangle their digits together and tugged her in the direction of the communal bedroom, bubbles of laughter continuing to shake his broad shoulders.
“C’mon, honey. Let’s go to bed.”
They clutched onto one another for as long as they could, only dropping hands once they reached the bedroom and ultimately split ways. Noah was swept away by Hope, his feet having barely crossed the threshold, and Collins drifted towards an empty bed to sleep alone. 
Things certainly weren’t perfect for the girl, but as she curled up under toasty sheets, she clung onto his whispered promise and let sleep overtake her with the dreams of her future circling her head. 
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taglist for noah:   @miss-raleigh-carrera  @taye-x
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longbobmckenzie · 1 year
Noah Fanfiction Masterlist
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dawnsbreaking · 2 years
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noah/cmc rose/bobby litg s2 rewrite status: ongoing
The moment Rose Prichard stepped out of the car and onto the front steps of the Villa, she was completely overwhelmed. More overwhelmed than she had been during the application process where she had barely anything interesting to say about herself, or during the pre-show interviews where she felt that she had to play up her personality so much that it was no longer hers.
read on ao3 want to be tagged in future chapters? about cmc Rose Prichard (coming soon!)
chapter one (03.03.22) chapter two (03.15.22) chapter three (04.22.22) chapter four (07.19.22) chapter five (coming soon!)
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