#literally the giddyness and love i felt on our first date has never ever left. it feels like i fall in love with him every date.
peaceinsilence · 4 months
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Heart full.
Our go to brunch spot was packed as we expected ☺️ However luckily one brewery on the strip opens at 11 am (the rest are at 12 pm) and we went there and to our surprise they were doing a pancake brunch for $5! I wasn't hungry but my fiancé was and negotiated with me and said he'd buy me as much beer as my lil heart desired - as long as I ate a meal at the brewery. So he got us 2 brunches (mine with no bacon and an extra pancake, he gave me his hasbrown and i gave him my pancakes cuz I don't like them) and it hit the spot 🥰 then we went to our favourite brewery for a pint cuz Miso was still sleeping at home. Got buzzed, bought some beer to go for home, walked around the pier, and came home to watch F1 and ATLA at home with our puppy boi 🩷🖤
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