#literally so annoying to see valid criticisms of the show and fandom be drowned out by mindless discourse
fruit-kick · 2 months
ngl i hate it when u bring up how fucked up the show and fandom treats jermy and ppl respond w/ "he makes out w/ his dog" like idk how to tell you that jermy is not A Real Guy who made out w/ his dog the same way Dolph was not a kid who happened to look like hitler.
like both of those things are deliberate choices made by the writers to justify shitty, bigoted choices in the story and i need all of you to stop falling for it when people bring up the fact that it was fucked up.
also, other hot take that i think should be cold: people doing fucked up things does not justify bigotry. if the writers put in a trans caricature, misgendered them every step of the way, and then threw in a "they kiss dogs" ya'll would know thats bullshit. (or at least i hope you do) so put in the same fucking energy.
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you know what i’m getting a little sick of seeing ppl complaining about this game pretty much all the time. like yeah it has a lot of flaws both in the storylines and sometimes design/graphics wise but it’s getting annoying seeing ppl be so negative
Oh god, this is reminding me of a post that I saw and ending up liking to "anchor" it so I could reblog it later. (Still need to do that.) That talked about this exact concept. About how, even if the criticisms of popular media are valid and constructive, and even if I actually agree with them...the endless bashing of the "bad" parts drowns out any other attempt to have a conversation about the good parts. HPHM is a pretty good example of this. Sure, it has it's problems, but the characters in this game are still phenomenal, and I think we shouldn't take it for granted that this game has a diverse cast of characters who are, by logic of the dating options, predominantly LGBT.
HPHM isn't the only example of this, though. Some of my top fandoms have become like this is in the last five years or so.
Doctor Who fans, you out there? I know, I know, you didn't like the Chibnall Era. But that's literally all anyone talks about. Some of us do like this era, and *insert Joker meme here* we're tired of pretending we don't. Especially since Jodie is the first woman Doctor. I'm not saying the criticisms are exclusively sexist, I'm saying I can't tell the sexist ones from the genuine complaints about the era and it's starting to exhaust me. In general, (and I've talked about this before) I think some of you are way too loyal to some imaginary legacy that you think was "ruined" by The Timeless Children...but this is Doctor Who, people. That same season completely un-wrote Gallifrey's return. The canon has always been at the whim of the current head writer. The Timeless Child is no different. It may or may not even last.
Game of Thrones fans...I mean this in the nicest way possible...but please, oh please, shut up about Season 8. I get it, no one liked the end of the show. That's understandable, that's valid. But the complaints are becoming overpowering, and this doesn't just impact discussion of S8. Most of the compliments toward the earlier seasons have now shifted focus to act as a comparison. If you're just talking about Season 4 to show me how good the show "used" to be, that's still being negative and that's equally draining. I can talk about what I don't like from S8, I can even go to town on it. But I acknowledge the good in that season as well. And even if you don't see the good, that's fine, but...there's only so many ways to say this before you're just repeating yourselves. You should also try to enjoy the earlier seasons without making it all about the show's "golden age." Just...every rewrite of this show that I see online gives is a happy ending, which it was never going to have. Ramsay even told us as much. This show's ending was always going to devastate us one way or the other.
I actually left the Star Wars fandom for this exact issue. I won't generalize, I know not everyone is this way, but it seems like damn near every single Star Wars fan with a voice has a hyper-specific interpretation of the Galaxy Far Far Away, and they get angry whenever anyone (official media and other fans alike) propose something that conflicts with their vision of this 'verse. Please, stop demonizing the sequels. I know they aren't perfect, but that point has been made. And stop trashing Rey, especially if you're romanticizing Luke and Anakin at the same time. I know I'll probably ignite a fire by saying this, but some of you treat Luke like he's a gift from God, and treat Rey as nothing more than a contemptible pretender. Star Wars protagonists have always been overpowered, guys. Again, I'm not saying everyone who does this is motivated by misogyny, but I can't tell the misogynists from the regular fans. Star Wars is a wonderful universe, and it achieved such a cult following that any follow-up was never going to please everyone. The prequels had the same problem when they first aired.
I was gonna talk about Harry Potter, but like...Rowling completely abandoned us and is now doing actual harm, so like...go ahead and trash her, I'm right here with you. Still, I think the same mindset applies here. Crimes of Grindelwald is not the "worst movie of all time," guys. Chill out. I have to admit that I kind of roll my eyes at the idea that the books were "always" terrible, and we just didn't see it until now. At the risk of being rude, my instinctive response to that is - grow up. Transphobic pieces of shit can also be really good writers. Admitting this doesn't mean I endorse Rowling as a person. Others have claimed that her bigotry is evident in the books, and I'm not knowledgeable enough about the various points that have been made to really critique them, but...I just don't see it. If anything, I think Rowling's past writing is proof that, at least at one time, she was on the right side. Which makes it all the more heartbreaking that she turned on us.
I love these stories and their fandoms, just...sometimes, being part of them is exhausting. Y'all should go watch CinemaWins. (Seriously, go watch Cinemawins, he's lovely.) If you feel this motivated to discuss the flaws of these particular stories...I've got news for ya. That means you're emotionally invested. So on some level, you're still enjoying yourself, right?
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