#literally my biggest w EVERRRRRR
jung-kyungho · 1 month
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CHOI YOUNG-JOON as PARK SANG-MIN Blood Free | 지배종 (2024)
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jungblue · 7 years
do u watch anime?? i really want some recs bc i just got into it recently??
bro i fucking love anime… ah this is going to be very long lmao. i’m sure you just wanted a simple list, but i need to go into detail on my love for each rec lol - please forgive me ;;;
sports! okay for those that don’t know, i’m sports anime trash and the biggest advocate for the genre lol, and i always say even if you think it won’t be your thing honestly just try one of them out bc i remember back in the day (lol) when i saw a preview for kuroko and was like wtf who makes an anime about basketball?? sounded lame af, but i decided to watch an ep just to see… which turned into me watching 50 (i’m not exaggerating) episodes in 2 days. it was a life changing experience lmao. so yes, everyone please love sports anime and feel your heart bleed w passion lol. but anyways my favs are, diamond no ace, for the love of god pls watch dna, it’s underrated among international fans, but imo - which in this case is the right opinion lmao - it is the greatest sports anime to ever. ever. fucking everrrrrr my people. so yes pls watch it, and if you do come talk to me about it  bc i could literally do a 30 page analysis on why it’s so amazing not just as a sports anime but as an anime in general (sorry this anime is just perfect to me). next is kuroko, ahhh the sports anime that sent me into a downward spiral of searching for every sports anime in existence lol. it’s so hype, and sure it can be seen at dbz the sports anime but bro it’s fucking awesome lol. yowamushi pedal, omg i have the fondest memories of screaming at my tv at the top of my lungs watching these guys cycle lmao. so goddamn intense - CADENCE!!!!!!! ahaa you’ll get it if you watch lol. one outs is like death note the sports anime lol. okay maybe not that intense but definitely super psychological, so yeah sports and psychological combined???? fucking amazing!! haikyu!! i really like haikyu bc it’s right in between the line of diamond no ace’s realism and kuroko’s absolute unrealistic fuckery. so it’s really fun and entertaining in that way! - jfc i’m a sports anime dumpster lmao
romance! again i’m trash for a good romance anime, or even a cliche romance anime. i just love watching people fall in love okay??? /sobs/ as for my recs, of course no list of romance recs is complete without nana. nana is just so… idek how to describe it. but honestly i wouldn’t suggest watching it until you’ve watched a bunch of other romance animes bc then you will appreciate it sooooo much more, when compared to like the usual everyday high school shoujos that come out (which i love, but nowhere near as much as nana). but as for those cutesy shoujos that i’d rec before watching nana, some of them are ao haru ride (i love tsundere boys okay? sue me). say i love you, which is so different from ahr bc the main guy is the opposite of a tsundere he’s just so eager to be the w mei, anddddd he just so happens to be voiced by takahiro sakurai who voices my ult anime crush miyuki kazuya from diamond no ace, so yeah def a plus lol. next rec is bokura ga ita - bokura ga fucking ita!!!!!!! sorry i get emo af when i think about this show. it had me drowning in my own tears, and so then i went and read the manga and cried even harder. it’s just… it’s just amazing and i honestly wish that they’d remake the anime and give it better quality but even as it is i cried so much bc the relationship portrayed in it is just very realistic. like they fight over legit shit and it has some adult ass themes in it. so yes, definitely rec this, it’s probably my second favorite romance anime after nana! the anime golden time is also amazing and it takes place in college and it’s just really lovely!
action / adventure! i’m always up for a good action anime w awesome characters and animation, and the show that fits that perfectly and is my ALL TIME fav anime is………….. FATE/ZERO!!! okay another anime i could do a 50 page fucking analysis on why it’s the greatest anime ever, but i’ll keep it short here lol. it’s very adult, not much comedy at all tbh, it’s just straight up plot, characters, motivations, and the best goddamn animation you’ve seen in an anime series (that is objective my friends, objective lol). pls watch it subbed though so you can have archer as your problematic fav like me lmao. also one of my fav animes ever magi! magi is sooooo good. i always want people to watch magi bc it’s everything an anime should be. usually when people think of anime they thing of these long-running animes w 400+ eps w filler arcs for days, but magi is none of that. it’s seasons have a sure story line, w each episode holding a purpose to advance that specified arc, and it’s just so fun. next is samurai champloo! omg i love this anime so much. it’s so fun, and i’m not one to like episodic series, i prefer animes w a long-running plot, but this show is just so funny and the setting and soundtrack are killer! last one for this category is gurren lagann. guys if you haven’t seen this you’re doing yourselves a disservice. it’s so over the top crazy… but it just works? like every time you think there’s no way they can top this, they do and it’s one of the most entertaining shows i’ve ever watched 
sci-fi / fantasy / supernatural! okay last category i promise lol. psycho pass!!! honestly psycho pass is one of my fav shows ever simply bc i loved the universe so much, and i thought that it was so incredibly interesting . it’s definitely a show i use to get people into anime who think anime is just kiddy cartoons, bc it’s got cool action, good characters, but it’s not the most serious anime ever, in comparison to something like fate/zero. next steins ; gate! this anime is great, fan-fucking-tastic, and it’s time travel done right, and the ending omg the ending is so satisfying. the full circle and perfection of it is amazing and you definitely should watch if u haven’t already! next after that is durarara / baccano! okay so i honestly have no idea what category to put these shows under bc they’re so unexplainable to people lol. like i have no idea how to describe these shows to people other then, they’re fucking awesome just watch and you’ll get it after you’re done lol. next isssss nagi no asukara! omg this show. i’m crying just thinking about it. the only word i can use to describe this show is atmospheric. is just makes you feel like you’re in this world with them and i cried buckets at the middle mark guys, BUCKETS :”) 
misc. okay these shows i didn’t know what to put them under so i’m just going to quickly mention them. zankyou no terror. this show seems to be very polarizing for the anime community. people either love it or hate it, i’m definitely in the camp of thinking it’s amazing. there are most certainly flaws but i can overlook it bc when i watched it for the first time it just made me feel something, like this sense of absolute misery (lmao yes it’s depressing af but a great show imo!), like i’d never be happy again bc the ending just got me that much. also the anime beck! it’s an anime about music and something about it is very… raw? idk how to explain it, it just feels very natural, and it’s a very boyish version of nana, so if you like nana i think you’ll also like beck!
jesus christ what have i done?????? idk how this got so long but i hope you find something you like in this messy list of my feels and emotions lmao
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