#linguistic prescriptivists are welcome to die mad
existennialmemes · 5 months
"That isn't a word!" Clearly it is, because I have used it as one. "You can't use/spell that word like that!" Clearly I can, because I have done so
"You can't—"
Listen to me, language is fluid, malleable, it exists not just to be used by us, but to be shaped by us. It is a tool to convey thoughts, the only thing that matters is if the thought was effectively conveyed. Not how technically accurate the usage was when compared to an arbitrary and equally made up standard.
So the next time you feel the urge to correct how someone uses language: Don't
Because you understood them, which means they used it correctly. Even if it wasn't correct before, it is now. The sheer Co-Creative act of Communicating and Comprehending brought it to life. You did that. You drew the intended meaning from those words and in doing so cemented their validity into the zeitgeist.
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