#limited life session 8
mooneith · 1 year
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mel-loly · 1 year
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-It's not your impression, he really did it.
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bookworm-2692 · 1 year
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Time for another Limited Life graph and data table! This time, I took the data from my previous graphs, which effectively had time stamps for every time someone changed colour, and added together the total time everyone was at a particular colour, and then graphed it. 
This data above shows everyone in order of most to least time total, and below the cut I also have this data as percentages, as well as ordered most to least time for each colour.
First, the data as percentages:
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It’s fascinating that Skizz was the only person to spend a full 8 hours as a single colour - both times he dropped a colour was naturally and without death, and while he was yellow he only died once (falling down the elevator Impulse hadn’t finished making), and killed twice (Bdubs during the duel, and Tango as the final green sacrifice), which means they exactly evened out. This means he’s also the only person to have over 50% of his time in a single colour, and he is only one of two people to spend the greatest percentage of time in yellow rather than green.
The data in order of time spent green:
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The data in order of time spent yellow:
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The data in order of time spent red:
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It’s fascinating that Martyn spent so long in red, though it makes sense - he was the third to fall red, and then won the whole thing. Impulse and Scott were the last to fall red (and indeed both accidentally became yellow again after everyone else was long red), so even though they survived as long as Martyn, they didn’t have nearly as much time on that final colour. 
Scar is also the only person in the top 7 (top half) of time spent red, who didn’t also make it to the top 7 of total time, which I also find interesting. Equally, this makes Scott the only top 7 total time person in the bottom 7 red time list... though he’s only red for ten fewer minutes than Impulse (lowest of the top 7 red time), so it’s less striking than Scar’s inclusion where he is.
There’s so much interesting to extract from this data, but I’ll leave this here for your perusal. If there’s anything else anyone would like to see graphed from my data, let me know!
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They’re attacking together.. besties moment
pearl limited life session 7. I have 9 drafts. Well 8 now i guess. But only 3 of them existed before limited life i think? So now i’m just collecting them. There’s a backlog.
[ID: a minecraft screenshot from limited life, taken at night at spawn/entertainment rock, facing bad boy manor. Impulse and Tango are both facing to the right of the image toward the clockers, the viewer only able to see their side and back. They’re both in fully enchanted diamond armour and hold a shield in their offhand. Impulse is closer to the viewer, and he’s holding an enchanted bow. Tango’s further away, and he wields a crossbow, loaded with a rocket. His shield is raised like he’s either blocking an attack or reloading the crossbow. End ID]
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a-sky-of-diamonds · 1 year
Does it seem familiar?
Waking up in a world with 13 other players, thinking nothing of them, at first. Running around alone, untied, unfettered, until a single choice binds you to a single person. but you now run around knowing how it ends, knowing of the inevitable red that will spread and then spill, knowing that now and more because of the ticking clock within your chest. but you now wake knowing that one of the players, the very one you would think of, is missing; and now you bind yourself because of an offer, rather than a debt. 
Taking up the role of protector. Bodyguard. Hand. Different words acting as shells around an essence of the same meaning; a meaning you never thought you’d apply to yourself, now worn with pride twice. but now you’re the one with less time on the the clock. but now the person you protect is in danger because of how much life he has, not how little.
Does it seem familiar? 
In just a few hours, chaos unfolding. Lives being lost; friends being hunted; and, when everything reaches its lowest point, the person you pledged your life to protect asking you to do the impossible. but this time it’s a resort, not a request. but this time it’s to give to you, not than to take from others. but this time it’s to bring peace rather than wage war.
...Does it seem familiar?
(And it’s the sea, not the land. A resort rather than a fortress, a duo rather than an army, a show from the 90s rather than a medieval war. But these are just different guises acting as shells around an essence of the same meaning; of the same actions, repeating over and over again.
And yet-
To offer, not to pay. To protect purely from compassion, not with necessity. To give, not take. For peace. 
...These events, you think, are like a shard of glass tossed into the sea. The essence is there and will always be, but the sharp edges are dulled by time and saltwater. They become softer. Smoother. Their core remains, and yet the harshness is lost to days the gone by.)
(Except there’s something else. Time may dull rough edges, but time is not the only force acting here. Just as sharp shards can be smoothed, smooth stones can be sharpened. 
After every winter, there comes a spring.
The thrill to kill the fleeting gill.
Always remember: the world is not kind. And if it is, it’s not very interesting to Watch.)
Or, in other words:
A single day/And then it’s gone
Doomed to repeat/Our will be done.
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fogwitchoftheevermore · 6 months
i know we don't know that secret life is going to be 8 sessions yet, but looking at how this one went and the landscape of the server (6 yellows, 8 reds, no greens) i think we can pretty safely bet on it, and frankly, secret life is really solidifying for me that 8 sessions is the perfect amount of time for a life series. it's not too long, not too short, we get content for two straight months before the 7 or so month gap. this is the platonic ideal of a life series, for me.
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mcminer · 1 year
As it's the day before Limited Life Uploads, it's time to see if our yellow-feathered friend will live past the next session and make it to session 8 (even if it's just for 30 minutes)!
Reminder: Jimmy has 3.5 hours left, meaning he can't die AT ALL tomorrow or we can say sayonara to the yellow bird!
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6ebe · 2 years
lmao I can’t believe having MILD asthma just ruined my whole term and athletic aspirations for the whole academic year like that snshdndnddk
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babygirlbdubs · 9 months
so bdubs’ video is. 12 hours long.
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there were 8 sessions of limited life, during which they recorded 2-3 hours. say you do very basic editing and just shave out all the kind of dead space. 1.5 hours per session makes 12 hours.
im JUST saying guys.
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mooneith · 1 year
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I love ghost Scar
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lolli-popples · 9 months
Life Series Crossword
I got bored and made a Life Series crossword. I think it's pretty easy, but I'll post the answers if enough people enjoy it.
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2. Who is the only person who's been the boogeyman and not killed anyone?
4. Who has taken Scar out of the Life Series the most times?
5. Which Limited Life player is responsible for the boogeyman kill on Jimmy that should have taken out of the series, but didn't, as it only took off 1 hour instead of 2?
7. Who is the only victor to win their series without killing the second-place player?
12. Which 3rd Life player lost all their lives in one session?
14. Which official Limited Life player was the only one not to upload episodes while the series was live?
16. Who has placed 9th in the Life Series 3 times in a row?
Which of the Clockers was the last to die?
3. Who, of Jimmy's allies, has placed the highest while allying with him?
6. Who was the first player to die intentionally?
8. Which Southlander was the only one not to make a tower-base?
9. Who is the only player to have the same score in every series?
10. Which red name did Bdubs kill in Last Life in order to get a life from Etho?
11. Who had the most kills in Last Life?
13. Who has the highest overall score other than the 4 victors?
15. Which player has held the most lives at one time?
Oh, also all of the answers are player IGN's (without any numbers)
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1anxiousbeancrying · 2 months
Life series Scott and the watchers.
I absolutely adore the life series and was watching martyns lore streams, but my favorite thing is that the watchers Canonically hate Scott. So I went back through the series to see every time the watchers mentioned Scott or when Scott broke a rule. And theres a lot surprisingly.
3rd life: near enough everyone broke a rule during this one 😭, and apart from Martyn and ren no one else really had lore, apparently you weren't meant to team with reds but most people did and and you weren't meant to kill on green or yellow, but Scott,grian and Martyn did so it doesn't really matter.
Last life: this is were it starts to get interesting. Scott refuses to kill as the boogie man and this pisses the watchers off, in martyns episode 8 they say,
And so Scott is sent to red at the end of the session. And then he goes on to not only kill Martyn and ren but to win the season. They were really not happy with that.(There's a lot of watcher Stuff in the last episode but I'm just going to talk about the Scott parts).
"oh the irony, to be undone by the one you were tasked to destroy, even giving the tools you couldn't do it ,leaving only the hound standing would have sufficed" (Scott and ren)
"all it took was a simple 3,2,1 and you All obliged, bar one"
"you mean Scott?"
"his will to live was too strong, his flame burned too bright,now look what's happened".
They really didn't like him this season.
Double life: while the watchers kinda took a back seat this time Scott still broke a tone of rules. He refused to pair up with his soulmate and teamed up with Cleo who was martyns soulmate, and when it came to the end instead of fighting like the watchers want he blew himself up and gave pearl the win
Limited life: this is were it gets interesting again. He gets boogie immediately(I love how he yells at watchers saying it's probably because he didn't kill anyone in last life). But he killed so fast that it ruined the anticipation for the watchers and so it was re rolled. He teams with Martyn, and that's were it gets interesting, after Martyn kills him, he gets another message from the watchers.
" a pillar built another test" (the pillar Scott built and jumped from when running from the yellows)
Later they say
" the thrill to kill the fleeting gill" (hinting at both him killing Scott and martyns later betrayal).
Also 90% of Scott deaths in this season are from him letting people kill him for time, once again not fighting properly. In his lore stream Martyn said that the watchers feed of negative emotions and that they don't get much from Scott which also plays a great part into why they hate him.
Secret life: in this season he burns one of the secret keeps books to spite them, when the zombie apocalypse happens him, Cleo and grian are they only survivors making the others fail there task. And every single one of his deaths were voluntary, he let Martyn kill him the first time and gem kill him the other two.
This man is a menace to the watchers and it's so funny.
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lixettzunderscore · 6 months
Secret Life Session 9 Doodles!! (Spoilers?)
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i'm nearly a week late, but here, the last entry in my secret life doodle extravaganza :v;
(general thoughts on the season, doodle recap and links to past sessions under the cut!!)
so uh, that finale huh? was rotating that in my head for like a solid 24 hours after i saw it, ngl--
watching this season was super fun!! i'm kind of sad it ended, watching all the episodes and doodling silly moments has been the highlight of my weeks over the past two months, but also i very much need a break so i feel a bit relieved too- managed to get every session this time around, which was an improvement from my limited life doodles!
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here's the count of how many times i doodled each character! keep in mind that all versions of the characters count, including the lil chibi heads, so some numbers might seem larger than expected :0 (if you'd like to see similar stats for the limited life doodles, please let me know!! i counted them up a while back :D)
(session 1 doodles)
(session 2 doodles)
(session 3 doodles)
(session 4 doodles)
(session 5 doodles)
(session 6 doodles)
(session 7 doodles)
(session 8 doodles)
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wyvspike · 1 year
Time's up
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"That's it. I'm out."
Session 8 really couldn't have gone better for Etho, and I'm so happy with how things ended for him. He did an amazing job holding on til the very end, even ended up in the top five, and got some amazing fights in with the other members along the way. And ofc, congrats to Martyn for that amazing and well deserved win. (The editing on his video was incredible!!) It was an amazing season, and I'm seriously gonna miss the weekly chaos on Fridays </3
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lilirari · 6 months
           𐙚 ⋆୨୧˚ KISS IT OFF ME ⋆ ˚ ꩜ 。
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𓂃 ࣪ ִֶָ☾. the one where gavi drops his girlfriend off to uni because she (unfortunately) missed her alarm.
💌 pablo gavi x fem! reader (written work + social media au)
# author's note : this is dedicated to my favourite gavi lover, @zowanew :p <3 it's not really proof-read & i have limited spanish knowledge (i used google translate for most of the spanish parts) so if you see any grammatical mistakes or some sentences seem off, please look the other way 👩🏻‍🦯
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beep beep beep.
your alarm went off as you grumbled softly and begrudgingly turned to the other side of the bed. your hand slowly hovered over the digital clock on the bed stand, as you pressed the button on the top and lazily opened an eye to look at the time. however, when you saw that it was already 7:00 am, you immediately jolted up from your bed, your sleepy eyes widening as you stared at the clock. you rubbed your eyes and blinked a few times to check if you were actually staring at the real thing or just dreaming.
“ it's 7 already ? how did i sleep through the 6 o'clock mark ? " you muttered to yourself in shock as you quickly scurried out of your bed and folded your blanket. you arranged your bedsheet before giving a soft pat to your miffy plushie who sat besides your pillow and looked after you when you were asleep. " good morning miffy. " you said, smiling down at the white bunny plushie as you slipped into your comfy slides.
you swiftly made your way to the bathroom, doing all the necessities like brushing your teeth, washing your face and doing your daily skincare routine. after you were done, you came back into your room and opened your closet, as you stared the clothes hanging inside. your eyes darted left and right as you made up an outfit combination in your mind straight away. you pulled out those clothes and started getting ready to head to the university. you had your classes at 8 am so you rapidly changed your clothes, not wanting to be late. just then, your phone, which was placed on your dressing table, buzzed and the screen lighted up. you leaned down only to see that it was a message from your boyfriend. your lips curved upwards into a small smile as you opened the message to reply back to him.
imessage 💬
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pablito 💗
good morning baby ! did you sleep well ?
mi corazón
good morning lover boy <3 yes i did. although i might've slept a bit too well...
i kinda overslept...
pablito 💗
it's good that you got some well deserved sleep but don't you have uni today ?
mi corazón
yeah 😭 i think i'm going to be late.. i have to turn into the flash to be able to attend my first class on time 😞
pablito 💗
hm.. i don't think that's necessary, y/n. i'll come and pick you up at your house. i also have a practice session for our match tonight and your university's on the way to the stadium anyways.
mi corazón
oh baby, it's all good, don't worry. you don't have to go through such lengths for me ! i'll just try to catch the bus.
pablito 💗
no, i won't take a refusal as an answer. i'll be at your door in 15 minutes. take all the time you need to get ready, okay ?
mi corazón
but gavi 😭
pablito 💗
you can't stop me i'm already omw, amor
mi corazón
.. okay, alright 😞 thank you :( i love you <3
pablito 💗
love you too. see you soon :)
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you closed your phone as a soft sigh escaped your lips. you were really so lucky to have gavi in your life. he adored you so much and was always willing to go through extreme lengths just for you. you shifted your focus to the mirror as you dolled yourself up with some light make-up and fixed your hair. you wore the necklace which gavi gave you on your birthday the previous year, and smiled as you looked at it through the mirror. it was your favourite belonging as it had yours & his initials on it. you shoved all the necessities required for the day into your bag and donned your favourite converse all stars.
you made your way downstairs, where your mother and your breakfast awaited. you acknowledged each other's presence, and you had your breakfast and talked a bit about what you were both planning to do this very day. a few minutes later, you heard a car horn in your driveway as a small smile decorated your lips. you informed your mum that gavi was dropping you off, which made your mum chuckle and tease you a little. after you said your goodbyes, you walked out the door to see your boyfriend waiting for you in his sedan car. as soon as he saw you, the expression on his face lighted up.
" hi, amor. you look so pretty today. " gavi greeted, pressing a light kiss on your forehead as you sat down on the passenger seat.
" thank you, baby waby. " you replied back, a small snicker escaping your lips as you noticed the change in his expression when he heard that nickname. you liked to use it whenever you were teasing him because it always made him pout and you found this action of his to be so endearing. " you don't look so bad yourself, guapo. " you commented, giving him a slight up & down look as you smiled. gavi always dressed up really well *cough* unlike his best friend pedri *cough*, and he looked good in any outfit, be it a suit or just a plain t-shirt.
the ride to your university was quite fun. you talked about how much you were dreading to take the afternoon classes and gavi talked about the silly antics his teammates liked to pull during practice sessions. you also had a good laugh when you reached the gates of your uni because of your boyfriend as he kept honking at the students blocking the road, angrily yelling " GET OUT OF THE WAY ! MY GIRLFRIEND'S GOING TO BE LATE !! " at them. this resulted in a few head turns and confused stares but you didn't even notice those looks because being with gavi made you so much more happy and not give a care about anything else in the world.
when you had finally reached your class building, you noticed your friends waiting for you at a distance as you waved at them, flashing them your pearly whites.
" thank you so much for dropping me off today, pablito. i would've gotten some sort of detention if it weren't for you. i owe you one. " you expressed your thanks as you took off your seatbelt.
" you don't have to owe me anything, y/n. all i ask for is a kiss. " he replied back, eyebrows raised and a small smirk plastered on his face as he awaited for your response.
" what ? a kiss ? but my friends are looking at us ! " you exclaimed, the colour of your cheeks turning into a light shade of pink.
your boyfriend, obviously, did not listen to your protests though as he rolled his eyes before immediately leaning in closer to you, planting his lips on top of yours. you could feel his lips forming a smirk as he held the kiss for a few seconds before pulling away.
" who cares about your friends ? anyways, don't be late for tonight's match, okay, mi amor ? since we're going against the merengues in a home match, i need my good luck charm to be present for such a crucial match. " gavi reminded as he cupped your cheeks. " i'll score a goal for you. "
you were still a bit startled by that sudden kiss but you shook it off and nodded at his words. " don't you always ? " you asked, grinning like a cheshire cat. " hm.. i wouldn't miss it for the world. i can't wait to see the looks on the faces of the madridistas when their team loses to us. " you remarked, giggling as you got out of the car. " te quiero, cariño. please be careful when training, okay ? " you requested, waving at him as you closed the door. " hm, don't worry. que tengas un gran día, mi amor. te quiero. see you later. " gavi responded, sending a wink your way before driving off.
you then caught up with your friends, with them squealing in excitement and nudging you teasingly after witnessing your little kissing scene with your boyfriend and you feeling embarrassed but content.
you couldn't take your classes properly though because all you were thinking about was the kiss.
instagram 🎥
yourinstagram 🔒
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liked by pablogavi, pedri, joaofelix79 and 306 others
tagged pablogavi
yourinstagram my baby <3 and there's gavi too ig 🧍🏻‍♀️
view all 67 comments
pablogavi " there's gavi too ig " ???? i dropped you off at uni + dedicated not one but two goals for you and this is how you repay me ? 😞
-> pablogavi do you love miffy more than me or what ? 🙄
-> yourinstagram yes ☺️
-> yourinstagram jk jk i love you more than miffy
-> pablogavi ha, take that miffy !
-> yourinstagram what did this bunny even do to you 😭
-> pablogavi took away all your attention from me 😕
-> yourinstagram eres tan lindo.. 🥹 don't worry, you'll always have my attention, pablito
-> pablogavi yeah i better 😠
pedri gavi estaba flipando al verte con su camiseta 🤭
liked by yourinstagram
joaofelix79 love u bro
-> pablogavi ❤️💙
-> yourinstagram um ?? 🤨🤨🤨🤨
yourbestfriend the matching miffy and badtz-maru rings.. the highway looks like a good place to sleep tonight
-> yourinstagram BESTIE NO DON'T GO THERE 😭
-> yourinstagram i promise i'll make gavi find a good footballer bf just for u 🫶
-> yourbestfriend please 😞🙏
classmate1 girl you're seriously so lucky to have the best pro footballer as ur bf 😭
classmate2 wikihow to be y/n 😞
classmate3 y/n please get us footballer bfs too
friend1 the flower 🥹🥹🥹
friend3 i'm in awe you look gorgeous queen
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liked by pedri, yourinstagram, frenkiedejong and 20,192,299 others
pablogavi con un fan muy especial ☺️ otra victoria en casa ! gracias a todos por vuestro apoyo. força barça ❤️💙
view all 630,122 comments
yourinstagram lo hiciste increíble hoy !
liked by pablogavi
yourinstagram te quiero, mi amor ❤️
-> pablogavi te quiero, mi vida 💙 gracias por apoyarme siempre
fcbarcelona dos goles sorprendentes 👏
pedri chico de oro 💪
joaofelix79 🪄🪄
_ferminlopez 😘
jpcancelo hermanito 😍
_rl9 🔥
user10 you played incredibly well today, pablo !
user21 congratulations on the win, best boy !
user38 forever a culer 🤞🤞
user45 so happy to have gotten 2 beautiful goals from you ! so proud of you ❤️‍🩹
user57 barça's golden boy 🗣️🗣️🗣️
user99 did you guys see how happy y/n was when he scored.. she was literally jumping and screaming 🥹 she's so cute they're so cute :(
user82 my parents <33
user73 the way he dedicated both goals to y/n.. i'm going to take a bath with the toaster tonight
user64 the best barça couple 🫶
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© LILIRARI, 2023 ★
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winter-wilds · 1 year
For those wondering, I just stumbled upon the answer as to why bdubs hasn't uploaded! I checked his account for a video and saw he had a stream up, and assumed he might answer the question I'm sure more than just me had on stream- why wasn't he uploading his limited life episode?
For one, it's a lot of editing- Etho was in the stream and made a joke about it taking 8 hours. As Bdubs himself said, it's a three hour recording session, and you have to run through those three hours at least twice to get the content you would want. That on top of the fact that in order to not make the content entirely boring and repetitive, you have to leave your group / team on purpose often, so you can get solo content or other interactions. Bdubs said there's a lot of roles to play- actor, writer, editor, etc (not that it's scripted- he was just using a metaphor) and that he just wanted to play the one role of actor. The upside of this is that he gets to spend time hanging out with people the whole session, and we will see all his best moments highlighted in other people's videos as is!
The downside of this, of course, is we don't get his perspective. That being said, he mentioned he's considering uploading it all in one video at the end of the series, to get some of his viewpoints on things. It's not a definite, but it's a possibility.
Overall it makes sense and it gives him time and energy to work on other projects, so I figure it's worth it.
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