#lillian carter
oodlesodoodles · 1 year
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hibiscusbabyboy · 6 months
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“I don’t know what happened, I don’t know what happened. I was young and sweet, and then something happened. Something overwhelming, something everlasting.”
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the-ghost-bracket · 10 months
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Greta propaganda
Abigail propaganda
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adrian-paul-botta · 1 year
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Lillian Gish photographed by Nell Dorr in 1930 (Amon Carter Museum)
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plushee-cant-draw · 6 months
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Idk what to put down here. :3
(Brief context: Deerclops got him. lmao. anyways takes place in my au where Jack Carter and his wife end up in hell the constant. And also everyone is a creature bc humans hard to draw and I never learnt to draw or write them growing up. Also he'll be fineeee he has about 25 health left)
(...Extended context and headcannons below the cut <3)
anyways in game (I MIGHT BE A LITTLE WRONG ABOUT THIS...) Abigail (I THINK) will attack things even when calm if they are aggressive and Wendy is still close to the threat (or at least it feels that way when I play Wendy lol) and Abby won't stop or try to avoid attacks like a couple other mobs do (pigmen, merms, bunnymen, maybe some more.)
so the context is that the deerclops came to attack during the winter and of course, Abigail, full of violence, is attacking and ignoring the fact that it is about to attack her. She knows this, but still ignores it because she doesn't mind getting hit and possibly "dying" again since she knows she can be brought back easily (She doesn't really like dying because it upsets Wendy, but at least she'll have helped distract and take down the deerclops, which will benefit the survivors and thus Wendy) (Also she lacks a sense of self preservation)
Jack does not want either of his daughters to be harmed, even though Abigail is dead. So, after trying to tell Abigail a few times to back away from the deerclops and her not noticing (Too focused on violense) he decides to run forward and pull her/pick her up and move her out of the way of the Deerclops' attack (Ghosts are corporal at will and to biological things and their attacks) ...which results in him getting stabbed instead.
He doesn't really mind this outcome. Abigail is safe now, which is much more important to him than his own health and life (He also lacks a sense of self preservation) (I really like to headcannon Jack as having traits Abby is shown/implied to have, bc of how Wendy and Maxwell have quite a few things in common in the cannon)
Abigail, however, does not like the outcome of her father being stabbed. Wendy and her mother Kathrine also do not like this outcome. Maxwell is especially unhappy about the fact that his brother has been stabbed.
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spiritual-sister · 2 years
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"Welp looks like we're both wrong, he's alive AND well"
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hitchell-mope · 2 months
Supergirl hospital au.
Kara Danvers. Chief of Paediatric Surgery. Nicknamed “Supergirl” for her near perfect success rate. Married to Mike. Mother of Eddie and Tony.
Mike Matthews. Chief of General Surgery. Nicknamed Mon El for his middle names of Montgomery Ellington. Uses his very large inheritance to fund life saving surgery for the patients whose insurance won’t allow it. Married to Kara. Father to Eddie and Tony.
Alex Danvers. Chief of Orthopaedic Surgery. Kara’s adoptive sister. Bit of an adrenaline junkie. Wife to Kelly. Mother to Esme.
Kelly Olsen. Chief of Psychiatry. Staunch advocate for her patients rights. Even if it means going against Alex. James’s sister. Alex’s wife. Mother to Esme.
James Olsen. Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery. One of Kara’s best friends. Very kind. But can lay down the law when necessary. Kelly’s brother. Lucy’s husband.
Lucy Lane. Chief of Trauma Surgery. Military Veteran. Tends to be tougher than need be sometimes. But she’s getting better. James’s wife.
Nia Nal. Chief of Plastic Surgery. A teensy bit New Agey. But not to the degree that it interrupts her career. Sees Kara as her mentor. Brainy’s wife.
Brian Ackerman V. Chief of Neurological Surgery. Nicknamed Brainy due to being a child prodigy and working at the hospital since he was 16 years old. Nia’s husband.
Winn Schott. Chief of Radiology. Knows how to put patients at ease. One of Kara’s best friends. Samantha’s husband. Ruby’s stepfather.
Samantha Arias. Chief of Obstetric Surgery. One of Kelly’s more recent patients due to her previously undiagnosed bipolar disorder. Winn’s wife. Ruby’s mother.
William Dey. Chief of Oncology. Recently moved from England. Excellent baker. Samantha’s best friend. Has a will they/won’t they going with Andrea.
Andrea Rojas. Used to be a pharmaceutical representative. But now she’s joined Mike’s class of interns as penance for the actions of her father and her former friend Lena. Has a will they won’t they going with William
J’onn J’onzz. Former Chief of Neurological Surgery. Now Chairman of the Board. Has a little bit of trouble staying out of the game. Father figure to Kara and Alex.
Eliza Danvers. Former Chief of General Surgery. Now on the Board of Administrators. Always up for a chat. Alex’s mother and Kara’s adoptive mother.
Cat Grant. Former Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Now on the Board of Administrators. Carter’s mother and self ascribed mother figure to Mike.
Morgan Edge. Former Chief of Trauma Surgery. Now on the Board of Administrators. He’s a realist, therefore prickly. But otherwise harmless.
Carter Grant. In Mike’s intern class with Andrea. Nicknamed The New Brainy for being the hospitals newest child prodigy. Cat’s only son. Ruby’s best friend.
Ruby Arias. The hospital is her second home. Wishes to be a Trauma Surgeon. But she’s scared of blood. Carter’s best friend. Tries to keep him grounded where she can.
Lillian Luthor. Runs a highly successful pharmaceutical company. More concerned with appearances than people. Lex’s mother. Lena’s stepmother.
Lex Luthor. Pharmaceutical representative. Smarmy and shallow. Doesn’t care who he hurts as long as the product is sold. Lillian’s favourite child.
Lena Luthor. Pharmaceutical representative. Lillian’s stepdaughter. Hated by all who know her. Including her husband Maxwell.
Maxwell Lord. “Celebrity Doctor”. Deals more in placebos than actual cures. Not as charming as Lex. But he gets the job done. Lena’s husband.
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aiiaiiiyo · 1 year
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ind1c0lite · 2 years
i want you to know that when i saw the ask was from you i said out loud, "this is why i love you" sakjldf
anyways 🐣 with lillian carter? :3
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also I cant draw kids bUT I imagine Lillian was an absolute terror as a kid (shes about 3-5 years old here)
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mxbeckman · 10 months
AN: Sorry if it’s bad, it’s my first time in awhile writing something that’s not just for school or myself 😭
Ends kinda abruptly cause I didn’t know how to end it
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Star glanced in his direction, her body going from relaxed to stiff in a matter of seconds. She contemplated his question for a moment.
“I was 6, I was with my mother and twin brother..” Her eyes glossed over as she spoke, voice unusually somber. “We were driving home, I don’t remember from where. We had stopped at a stoplight and when the light turned green my mother went ahead..” She paused again, her eyes glancing over to Soaps figure across the table before looking away.
“We got hit from the side, I don’t remember much from it, but I later learned we had roll 7 times before the car landed on its back… When I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was my mother dead eyes staring at me from the ground, the rest of her body still in the front seat. She had been decapitated.” Star murmured softly.
“My brother had major injuries but he survived in the end.”
Soap stared at the girl across from him, “..What about you?”
She looked at him once more, “I had been impaled in my side, you know the scar I have there? It’s from that.”
He did know. It’s hard not to notice whenever they are training and she’s just wearing on sports bra for a top.
Soap stood up, bringing himself around the table before embracing her. She wrapped her arms around him, emotions flooding her like a river would.
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supergirlpolls · 1 year
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inkedroplets · 3 months
What's this about a lena/peggy fic? PEGGY CARTER?!?!?
I kind of forgot I had this ask and then I thought, oh I'll link the snippet I posted a while back and because it's tumblr I can't find it so I'll post another one but yes, I have a very confusing, very complicated Supercorp/MCU crossover fic that I've been dabbling with while I write other things. Essentially Lena finds herself stranded on Earth-616 and working with Coulson while she tries to find a way back home. Oh, and Kara is freaking out while trying to figure out where it is Lena went. It's set during their rift so its extra angsty. This snippet is Lena volunteering to go and act as the mole to take down a remaining HYDRA cell.
“Feel free to continue discussing it between yourselves,” Lena said as she stood up from the table. “But I think you already know that sending me in as the mole  is the best play.”  She looked around the table and saw the gears turning (however unwillingly) in everyone's head. All except for May who was the only one who would actually meet her gaze. You could give my mother lessons, Lena thought, thinking she had weathered far less intense staredowns from Lillian in the past. She felt everyone’s eyes on her as she turned to leave, half-expecting someone to take another stab at trying to convince her of how foolhardy her plan was, although no one did. 
 There were moments where Lena forgot she was even onboard a ship, it being too large and herself too busy to realize how small it actually was, but today was not one of those days. She found herself walking in the direction of the lab without really meaning to. She got about halfway there when she heard the patter of hurried footsteps behind her. Nearly quiet enough for her not to notice. “Lena.” “I’m guessing you voted against me,” Lena said, not bothering to slow down for May’s sake, knowing she could easily overtake her if she wanted to. “I did,” May said baldly. She fell into step beside Lena easily and while her gaze was still just as steely, she did at least have the decency to open the lab door for her. “No witnesses,” Lena snarked. “Smart.” “There are cameras,” May replied, perfectly deadpan. She glanced behind her before closing the door as if she expected to see someone wanting to intrude on what May clearly wanted to remain a private conversation. “As noble as your offer was,” she said in a tone that made it perfectly clear she believed it was anything but, “ I don’t think you understand what you’re offering.” “Infiltrate the remnants of a Nazi paramilitary terrorist organization bent on world domination to bring it down from within? No, I got the gist of it,” Lena said coolly.  “Whatever stories Coulson or the others might have told you about Hydra, trust me when I say they’re far worse than you could imagine. You’re not an agent, you’re not trained to deal with the physical or mental toll that this job would entail. Coulson is wrong for even considering it.” “But he is considering it?”
“Against my better judgment,” May replied silkily. “If this is a bid to get into Coulson’s good graces or to cement yourself a position with the others then I can tell you right now that is wholly unnecessary. Coulson trusts you and the team does too.” “But not you,” Lena said, not meaning to sound accusatory but sure that it had to at least sound a little  that way to May.
“No,” May replied without a moment’s hesitation. “I don’t trust you.” 
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marcmarcmomarc · 28 days
Kingdom Hearts IV predictions
Toronto, Canada (Turning Red)
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Takes place after the movie.
Is visited by Sora.
Starring the voices of:
Anna Brisbin as Lauren
Madison Brunoehler as Kat (Stacy’s Other Friend)
Addie Chandler as Devon
Tristan Allerick Chen as Tyler Nguyen-Baker
Rosalie Chiang as Meilin Lee
Lori Tan Chinn as Auntie Chen
Sherry Cola as Helen
Jordan Fisher as Robaire
Wai Ching Ho as Grandma Wu Lee
James Hong as Mr. Gao
Orion Lee as Jin Lee
Josh Levi as Aaron Z.
Lillian Lim as Auntie Ping
Ava Morse as Miriam Mendelsohn
Topher Ngo as Aaron T.
Finneas O’Connell as Jesse
Sandra Oh as Ming Lee
Jackson Parfitt as Carter Murphy-Mayhew
Hyein Park as Abby Park
Maitreyi Ramakrishnan as Priya Mangal
Lily Sanfelippo as Stacy Frick
Patricia Summersett as Jaiden (Goth Girl with Green Dye)
Mia Tagano as Lily
Lauren Tom as Sammy (Goth Girl)
Grayson Villanueva as Tae Young
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the-ghost-bracket · 9 months
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adrian-paul-botta · 11 months
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Lillian Gish in evening gown - photographed by Nell Dorr in 1930 (property of Amon Carter Museum Fort Worth Texas USA)
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plushee-cant-draw · 9 months
Post-constant Abigail in my au being a little silly
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It's not clear but she has the codex in the second/last image.
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