#like this term has been absolute hell and i feel like i'm dying constantly but it was really cool that they said that to me :3
fangedtracks · 1 year
just got done for the day and i have a raging headache :/
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disgruntledspacedad · 3 years
Jayyy!! Sweet, slutty in the AM.
Without giving BL spoilers, or maybe you won't? Idk 👀👀 not *cough* fishing or anything *cough*
Can I please have 💖 for Javier??? I'm curious...
Angel out-
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Javiears pregnancy headcanons? You got it, babe!
Quick and obvious disclaimer to treat all of these as if they are a Better Love AU, at least until I tell you otherwise. 😘
Any baby that these two have would be a total surprise. Ears never wanted kids, and Javi has never thought long enough about it to decide how he feels about a family. He’s always assumed that was never in the cards for him.
Once the initial shock wears off - and that’s gonna take quite a while for both of them - Javi and Ears both jump feet first into the parenting thing. They each harbor some intense opinions about what a kid should and shouldn’t have to put up with, and there are lots of deep conversations that Last into the early morning hours. They nail down the important stuff pretty early, decide that they’ll figure out the rest with time, and discover a whole lot more about one another in the process.
Ears’ body hates being pregnant. She doesn’t realize it, but she’s got her Ashkenazi ancestry to thank for this. Ears is sick as dog snot clear through her first trimester and well into her second, exhausted and achy and throwing the fuck up. She gets awful migraines, too. There are days when Javi is convinced that carrying this baby is going to kill her, and he worries a lot.
Ears handles all of this as stoically as she can. She’s miserable, but she’s not about to complain and make Javi feel even worse.
Speaking of Javi, that protective streak he’s got goes into overdrive the instant Ears tells him about the baby. Ears has got to constantly remind him that she’s pregnant, not dying, and Javi good god, please just let me do things, okay??
That being said, it takes Javi a little while to connect the idea of Ears being pregnant to Ears carrying his baby. It’s all very abstract to him, to the point that on Ears’ worst days, Javi almost feels a little resentful.
That all changes at Ears’ sixteen week appointment. She’s just starting to feel like a human again, and this time, Javi is allowed to go back with her.
Oh my god, you guys, when Javier Peña sees that blurry, black and white, tiny little baby on the ultrasound screen... yall, his entire world shifts.
Ears notices instantly. It’s kind of hard not to, given how tightly Javi is suddenly gripping her hand. He glances over at him to find his eyes glued to the screen, silent tears rolling down his cheeks. It takes her aback a little. “You okay?” she asks quietly, and Javi nods, drags his eyes away from the ultrasound screen and gives her a soft, wet smile, and something slots into place for Ears, too.
Javi quits smoking cold turkey that day. Seeing his tiny little daughter for the first time put a lot of things into perspective, and Javi decides then and there that he wants to be there for her as long as possible.
The first three weeks are miserable. Javi does his best to get out of the house when he’s feeling tetchy (which is always), and Ears does her best to be understanding, but they get into more than a few little spats.
The makeup sex is 🔥🔥🔥, though.
Ears is not a big girl. When she starts to show, she shows fast, and Javi swears he can see her body change every day. Ears is pretty indifferent. She’s not self conscious - Ears finds pregnancy to be inconvenient, more than anything.
Javier Peña has never seen anything as beautiful as Hannah Aarons carrying his child.
Javi fucking loves it. There’s something primal about running his hand over the gentle swell of Ears’ belly and knowing that it’s his daughter that’s growing there. He’s not one to talk to the bump, but Javi can hardly stop himself from touching it. All the fucking time. Ears will sometimes playfully shoo him away. “Hands to yourself, you animal. I’m trying to nap!”
Seriously, their sex life doesn’t suffer at all. It doesn’t help that Ears refuses to buy maternity clothes. She’d much rather lounge around in Javi’s t-shirts and his old sweats, something that makes Javi’s cave man brain damn near implode every single time he sees it.
Ugh, and he’s sweet to her. Observant and affectionate and accommodating of absolutely everything. Cravings? Tell me what you want, babe, I’ll get three. Foot massage? Come here, mi reina, let me make it better. Yawning through dinner? Go get in bed, Ears, I’ve got dishes tonight.
Javi starts noticing Ears’ puffy feet somewhere around the 28th week or so. Ears swears they don’t hurt, exactly, so they both write it off as one of those weird pregnancy things.
It’s not. Ears has severe pre-eclampsia. Javi only finds this out after Ears gets a migraine so bad that she can’t see straight. Javi carries her to the car and forces her to go to the hospital. They’re there for all of five minutes when the doctor on call deems Ears’ blood pressure to be high enough to constitute a medical emergency, and Javi’s world is turned upside down again when he hears the word “c-section.”
Ears is only 33 weeks pregnant.
Less than an hour later, Javi is holding his baby girl. She’s tiny, the tiniest little human that Javi has ever seen, but she’s got a hell of a set of lungs on her, and Javi has never been so relieved, so stunned, so riveted, or so enraptured by anything in his entire life.
Oh, shit, he’s crying again.
She’s absolutely perfect. Off her oxygen within two days, taking feedings like a champ, and obliterating every goal her pediatrician sets for her.
Javi is so fucking proud when his girl is discharged a full week earlier than the doctors anticipated. She’s still a little small, but growing like a weed, and Javi just knows that between her and her mom, he’s gonna have his hands full.
Ears is fine, just a little sore. There are no long term complications from pre-eclampsia, so as soon as she’s up and sort of moving, Ears in full mom mode.
Ears loves being a mom, but she and Javi are in full agreement on this - one and done.
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Yooooo I'm so ready for that crackpot theory 👀 Batshit and Evil Nero rights all the way!!
YOOOOO I think @teatitty was also saying this - that if Nero hadn’t been Waifu’d so hard by the writers, she could’ve been one of the best anti-heroes in the series, and I feel that in my soul because I frankly think Nero has so much untapped potential, like even apart from the increasingly obvious hints that she’s the Beast of Revelations/the Whore of Babylon, you don’t need to look any further than the fact that she has Imperial Privilege Rank EX.
For reference, not even someone like Ozy, a literal god’s avatar, who considers himself far and above all other humans, who as a Servant is on par with the likes of Gilgamesh and Karna for how absolutely busted strong he is - not even “King of Kings, god-pharaoh Ozymandias, look on my works and despair,” has Imperial Privilege Rank EX.
Because as I mentioned, Nero is straight-up delusional. A lot of this manifests itself in her constant attempts to be a famous singer or actress - not realizing that she’s tone deaf, because she is Nero! The greatest artist who ever lived, who is good at everything! There’s also like, absolutely everything about Nero Bride, who represents one of Nero’s most famous IRL episodes of “madness.” Ozy knows that he has limits and weaknesses, and even though he’s immensely powerful, he knows that he can’t simply snap his fingers and bend the universe to make himself invulnerable. But Nero? Nero fully believes that she can do whatever the hell she wants, she has no flaws, and no weaknesses. So what if she never learned to use a sword, she’s the greatest emperor of Rome, she can make a sword and become a Saber-class Servant if she damn well pleases. So it goes.
But there’s also a lot of hints that Nero recognizes that she’s delusional. The plotline in the Roman Singularity with her constantly having headaches was dropped - her second skill, remember, was originally called “Migraine” before it was upgraded. She also admits at one point that her best class as a Servant is Rider - but she refuses to become a Rider-class Servant. (Because again, doing so would bring her closer to her true form as Beast.)
Nero IRL is a SUPER interesting figure. There are, actually, some who believe that Nero was semi-popular among the common people of Rome, and that there were active efforts among the upper-class to oust and discredit Nero because his political whims were unpopular in the Senate. There isn’t a lot of evidence to support the “fiddling while Rome burns” anecdote, but of course, we can’t forget the conquest of Britain, and the bride incident, the persecution of minority faiths, among other things. I wouldn’t really consider Nero a sympathetic figure at all, even if a lot of the worst stories about them were exaggerated. But this kind of plays into Fate!Nero’s characterization.
So Nero spends a LOT of time in Fate doing absolutely everything possible to avoid facing who and what she really is and desperately trying to make herself appealing and cute and charming to others. This includes becomes a Saber class Servant (I have a theory about Sabers representing forms of idealism but also they’re supposedly one of the most well-rounded Servant classes in terms of their strengths, and are considered “strongest” of the seven normal classes), trying to forcibly make up with Boudica (who should be an Avenger but that’s beside the point), downplaying her hatred and persecution of Christians and her role in the burning of Rome, downplaying her conquests and her mistakes and the callous way that she treated people around her, generally making herself into a “benevolent emperor” who was beloved by her people and fell on tragic times but always got back up again!
My crackpot theory is that we’ve never seen Nero’s true face - literally. I think that, upon dying, Nero may have had a moment where she realized what she truly is - and that includes seeing her appearance clearly for the first time. And I think that what she saw, she didn’t like. So as part of her intense image make-over, she manifested a new face for herself - the face of someone in history who was beloved, who was adored - really adored - by everyone, who was held up as a shining example of a leader. At the point when Nero was created, it was already canonical that OG Saber and Jeanne d’Arc had a strong enough resemblance that the lunatic Gilles de Rais could mistake one for the other, and Mordred being a clone of Arturia makes their similarities a given. But I genuinely think “picked” her face on purpose when she manifested as a Servant, so that more people would be inclined to like her, because she’d look like someone they already admired rather than someone they knew to fear.
(This is my Watsonian reasoning talking - the Doylist and actual reason why Nero has Saberface is because the creator wanted to surprise the fans by making a familiar-looking character act in ways that were completely unexpected. But I like my theory better.)
Anyway rights for Batshit Antihero Nero!!!
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patchun · 3 years
WBaWC Deep Dive: Part 1/2
Lots of philosophical ideas are presented and explored in this game. In this post I aim to point them out. ZUN stated this in his SCooW interview:
"There isn't any sort of obvious theme to the story this time. It's mainly just an introduction of "there's a world like this out there". There's a variety of things going into that world, particularly satire, but if you ask what the work wants to show you, there isn't much in particular. "Here's this world called the Animal Realm, and here's these various elements spread throughout it."
And after doing a ton of digging... yeah, I think he's right. I was kind of hoping there would be something unintentional, but because the perspectives of the human and beast spirits aren't really shown, and only the spirits of their rulers, taking an actual message away from this game is very difficult. That said, I feel with this game more than any other, it's very easy to identify why certain decisions were made. Why is the first boss a stillborn child? Isn't that pretty random? No, let's look into it.
The story this time is quite complicated, so you may not be able to see the whole picture if you just play as one character. To be fair, you may not be able to do so even if you clear them all. (lol)
This will obviously be based on my own interpretation. Long post ahead.
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Eika Ebisu. The soul of a stillborn child, and a master of stacking stones. Importantly:
She and the rest of the stillborn child spirits at Sai no Kawara stack stones as work every day. They stack stones as work, in Shinto mythology this is as repentance - because they brought sorrow to their parents by dying too early. Kind of morbidly amusing, I guess, but ZUN makes it a point to say this:
She's also a god of fortune who's able to change simple, pointless work into something that's enjoyable and worth doing, and who can make the best out of any bad situation.
Her ever-cheery demeanor, bright intellect, and penchant for constantly holding exciting new events like stone-stacking contests makes her the Sai no Kawara's resident idol, beloved by all the children's spirits there.
With the spirits of stillborns, yes. I feel like it's more hopeful to portray them as having fun in the afterlife, you know?
Being a god of fortune, Eika is able to make stone stacking FUN. The simple labor of stacking stones for these kids is no longer labor for repentance, but a game, thanks to her (NOTE: labor.) For that reason she is the resident "idol". She is probably the most healthy idol in the game, according to the ideology ZUN seems to be presenting, but we'll get into that later. There's more to this character.
In philosophical discussions of animal rights, when we ask "what is it that makes humans worthy of moral rights", we try to find a criteria. Something that humans have that nothing else does. That criteria then needs to be defended as being a good reason for humans to have moral rights. Used to, sentience was the argument made for human uniqueness. Humans are sentient and conscious, while animals are, in Descartes' scummy terms (sorry, I hate Descartes) "mere automata". We worked on this assumption from that idiot for years, but recently it has been scientifically proven that animals, at LEAST mammals, birds, crustaceans, cephalopods, and reptiles, are sentient, and it is summarized in a document called the Cambridge Declaration of Consciousness.
So this proves a problem for those who believe animals aren't worthy of moral rights. So then, what else do humans have that animals don't? Why are we special in deserving moral rights? Well, that would be our intelligence, right! Even the smartest animals are only about as smart as a five year old (this is not actually true but let's just pretend it is, they're smarter). But then, if intelligence is the criteria for moral rights, then what exactly is the system here? Does that mean that children are less worthy of moral rights than adults because they aren't as intelligent? Does this mean that people who mentally disabled and not viewed as "intelligent" by parts of the populace should be less deserving of moral treatment?
This has been a veryyy simplified summary of the discussion, but here's where it gets even more interesting. You see, here, two controversial ethical topics meet - abortion and animal rights. Because if you want to argue that sentience OR intelligence are the criteria for moral rights, then in either case, early fetuses absolutely do not have moral rights! This is a problem for anti-abortion arguers, which is a funny intersection in my opinion. I bring this up because, of course, while Eika is not an aborted fetus as far as I know, she is still a fetus. She is quite out of place in a game where the rest of the opponents up to Keiki are animal spirits, right? But no, the fetus and children in general actually have a very philosophically interesting place in animal rights discussions, because oftentimes to argue that animals are not deserving of moral rights you also have to take away the moral rights of children. In case this whole thing has left you confused, the side I took was that sentience IS the criteria for moral rights, meaning both animals and children have moral rights, while fetuses don't.
Now, what does Eika tell us about this? Well, nothing. Just that ZUN seems to have thought about it, really. But there are two keywords that apply broadly to WBaWC as a whole when talking about Eika:
Moral value
So let's continue.
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Urumi Ushizaki. Seeing a farm animal after a stillborn child really set off some alarms. Her name translates to "moist beauty". Not sure I needed to know that, but I came across it in my research so now you do too.
She carries a stone carving of a baby. Once she gives the baby to someone to hold, she makes it heavier and submerges them in the river. She was an awe-inspiring youkai who took advantage of humans' kindness. However, since she's forbidden to attack humans in Gensokyo, she currently runs a fishery at the Sanzu River.
If one tries to cross the river without a shinigami's permission, they'll be attacked by creatures like extinct giant fish and plesiosaurs. Nowadays, she spends her time domesticating those giant fish, and makes a living wage by sometimes selling them in Gensokyo.
A baby then a cow with a baby. Urumi is the "Parental Guardian of Ancient Fish". She apparently domesticates them and makes a living wage (interesting terminology?) sometimes selling them to Gensokyo. But, it's implied that as a fisher, she actually cares about these fish. In Reimu (Wolf)'s story:
Reimu: I'm fine, thanks. If it's just fish I'll have to deal with, I'll filet 'em no problem.
Urumi: That so? Fine by me, then. I won't hold back when I turn you into food for my beloved ancient fish!
When Reimu threatens her fish, Urumi gets defensive. She refers to her fish as "beloved" and suggests valuing them over the protagonist, even though she isn't supposed to attack humans. In the SCooW interview, ZUN is asked, more or less, what's up with the fish in the Sanzu river? He responds:
It's full of fish that died, or went extinct. They can't go to Hell or the Netherworld after they die, you see... since fish and insects are in a bit of a separate category, the way I think about it.
So, remember that distinction we made earlier when talking about Ebisu? How the animals that have been proven to be sentient are mammals, birds, reptiles (cephalopods, crustaceans)? That excludes fish and insects, and here, ZUN makes that distinction as well. Fish sentience is still pretty up in the air at the moment. But that said, if there's any unintentional message in WBaWC, I suppose it would be here.
The fact that Urumi is able to domesticate these ancient fish in the first place implies a certain degree of sentience, and moreso, even without that, Urumi pretty clearly ascribes moral value to her fish in Reimu (Wolf)! In almost all routes, she defends her fish and suggests she'll feed the protagonist to them, but Reimu(Wolf) makes it the most clear that she actually cares about them. Which, when you think about it, of course you'll care about the things you domesticate.
Also Urumi's design is so cool and yet no one draws her anymore. Justice for Moist Beauty. There is more to be said about the livestock theme of this character, but we'll get back to that when we talk about Yachie's profile.
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Kuwaka Niwatari.
Her true identity is that of Niwatarijin, the god of wild chickens from before they were domesticated. People tend to think of chickens as being sort of weak and cowardly, but she's a polite and just god who values equality and altruism above all. She's quietly considering what she can do to help raise the status of chickens, who've been reduced to a food source for humans.
If you've been following along so far, you probably understand already where this is going. A few words may stand out here. Domestication, equality and altruism above all, status, and "food source for humans."
Kutaka is probably the blatantly nicest character in WBaWC, who tests you because she's worried that if you go further, you'll be hurt (after winning, of course, the protagonists insult her). There's not just a ton to say about Kutaka's character itself, but there is this tidbit in ZUN's interview:
Chickens don't usually have a very positive image attached to them. Calling someone a "chicken" certainly doesn't make them sound strong either, right? And the only other common impression of them is as food, so I tried to give her a dignified feeling.
So, ZUN has deliberately designed Kutaka to be dignified, noted that she is a character who values equality and altruism, and included that one of her motivations is to raise the status of chickens who have been "reduced to a food source for humans." What's fascinating is that by creating Kutaka this way, he has given us a message - ZUN believes, to a degree, that Kutaka's motivation is a just one. Kutaka is intended TO raise the status of chickens. So let me say this. To those of you who made fucking chicken wing jokes after this character was revealed:
If you'd like to repent, you can start by stacking stones. Trust me, it's fun!
Now, all of this is cool, but part 2 is where it's going to get interesting - when we finally get to Yachie's profile, the description of the "Animal Realm" of Hell. I'm excited, but I need to make dinner. Part 2 coming soon.
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peter-laufeyson · 4 years
i'm the bad guy
Summary: Ben and Rey's daughter goes missing. The reader has a dark ending as she then realizes who she is deep down inside.
Pairing: Ben Solo x daughter!reader
Word Count: 1800+
Warnings: Violence (nothing too bad)
Author's Note: Sheesh. Sorry this too so long...
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HIS heart stopped faster that what he could've possibly imagined. He sat in silence and fear as it dwelled over his body.
Rey stood next to him feeling his and her own emotions. She wondered where their beloved daughter could be.
"Where was she last seen?" Ben finally spoke to the palace guards.
"Just outside the palace gates." He paused, "My King, there was a note left in her room next to a dagger covered in blood, saying Ben Solo owes me a life."
Rey eyes slowly grew wide as she touched Ben's shoulder. He knew who it was. What he didn't know is where he would've taken her.
Ben dismissed the guards and order half his troops to search far and wide across Alderaan and other planets.
When the two royals arrived in their chambers, Ben slowly sank down into the bed and tears fell down his face. Rey wiped his cheek and kissed his soft skin and she removed to crown that sat upon his soft wavy hair.
"She's stronger than she looks" Rey encouraged. Although Ben seemed as if he didn't even hear the words that came out of her mouth.
"Something is off. The palace guards would've never let her get close to the palace gates without our consent" Ben trailed off.
"Are you suggesting there is a mole upon our troops?"
"[Y/N] loves to be adventurous, but she wouldn't leave" he thought harder, "and if that was her blood than she wouldn't have been able to make it all the way to the gates with out dying. The palace is ways away from the gates."
"Unless the blood wasn't hers" Rey suggested.
"Or she used the force to heal herself" Ben continued after her.
The two stared at different places of the room.
What really happened?
"I didn't know the Princess of Alderaan was so beautiful" the man walked behind your tied down body as he touched your hair gently and slowly crept his hand down your neck.
"What do you want Arius?" [Y/N] questioned firmly and he pulled his hand away.
"Ben Solo, I hate that name. It sounds too heroic."
"Are you suggesting that my father the King of Alderaan is a foolish man?"
"He was leader of the Nights of Ren. Kylo Ren had everything except the feeling of love. That is why he has become Ben Solo." He spat the sentences in [Y/N]'s face. This angered her because she knew her father, the King, was more that a ruined man who's parents have died.
"So why did you want me?"
"When your father first joined the First Order he was thriving in darkness. He had no ounce of pitty or care for anyone. He was absolutely ruthless."
He paused and looked at the wall. You could tell by his facial expressions that he was going into the real details about the story.
"When he was developing the Knights of Ren, he searched different planets to complete his Knights. Although, when he burned down the temple he took some kids with him. That night I was planning with him how we were going to convince other students to join us, he left me there in the fire to die."
Your eyes slightly widen. You wondered if his story was completely true. You know that your father burned the temple and took a handful of students.
"Why didn't he let you go with him?" You asked, breaking the silence.
"Because I wasn't dark enough."
"So what your going to kill me to get back at my father?" You wanted to know the real reason why he took you.
"No" he smiled wickedly then continued, "I heard from a palace guard that your a kind, adventurous, and loving princess. I heard that your so kind that even though your palace guard attacked you and you stabbed him, you healed him."
You wondered where he was going with this.
"Do you want me to do something dark?" You suggested.
"Yes, actually if you truly want to leave and reunite yourself with your family, you'll have to do it on my terms."
"Your terms? Who the hell do you think you are? I am Princess of Alderaan. You are just my pathetic subject who can't seem to get what he wants." You raised your voice in authority. It took you a second to realise what you said but even when it hit you, you didn't want him to see you surprised with your choice of words.
"Me? Pathetic? Look at you! A stupid Princess tied up to a chair!" He mocked. Your body was starting to boil in anger.
"Look at me girl! You will do as I say."
He pulled out a lightsaber from underneath his garments and you could recognize it as Kylo Ren's crossblade.
"What are you going to do with that?" You asked, a bit of shock as to how it has it.
He walked behind you and quickly ignited it and he slashed the ties that held you down. "I won't be doing anything with it," then he walked back in front of you and handed it to you, "you will."
"What do you want me to do with that?"
"I want you to take me back to the Kingdom and I will surrender myself. All I want you to do is take the lightsaber with us."
You frowned. Why would he do all of this just to take him back to Alderaan? Something was sketchy.
"You won't try to kill me on the way there?" You asked the obvious.
"How could I kill you? You will have the lightsaber in your hands."
You decided to take him back to the Kingdom and quickly boarded the ship. You'd rather let the King decide what to do to him.
You landed the ship a little ways from the town. And walked behind him to ensure you kept your eyes on him.
As you walked through the town the crowd seemed to recognize you and they bowed in respect.
Although something didn't feel right. You senced something was wrong. Taking him to your Kingdom seemed like a stupid plan.
You were shot by Arius and he stood there with his blaster pointed at you. You feel on one knee and yelled in pain. The crowd around you seemed too terrified to watch, so some left to find guards to assist you and other stayed to watch incase you absolutely needed help.
You healed yourself within two seconds and stood back up. You ignited the lightsaber he gave you and its vibrations almost made you feel terrified and frightened at the same time.
He shot you again but you deflected it. Then he kept shooting constantly as you tried to keep up with dodging the blasts.
Arius' gun overheated and you turned the lightsaber off and ran to him.
The punching between [Y/N] and Arius was harsh and neither held back on hitting each other. On both faces small spots of blood and bruises could be seen.
In the distance you could heard the Royal Guard and you felt the distant presence of your parents. Although it didn't stop you from holding back. The one thing they both forgot was the small crowd watching their beloved Princess get beat and be aggressive back.
You rapped your arm around his neck and held him tightly. The Royal Guard and your Parents stood there in shock.
"Let him go [Y/N], people are watching" your mother, the Queen, warned.
You didn't care. You thought about everything he said about your father and it angered you. You wanted to kill him.
"Do as your Queen says [Y/N]" your father said sternly. It sounded as if he was mad at you.
You released him and stood up. After you dusted yourself off, you sent a force push at him as it made his lungs hurt. Arius felt as if something stepped on his chest.
Arius stood up. And you gave him a death stair.
"Stupid girl. Did you really think it would be that easy? I thought a spoiled little brat would be smart enough to realize the man in front of you."
The tension was rising and you could feel your body wanted to do something rigorous.
He kept talking but you were so caught up that the words were no longer going through your ears.
You quickly force pushed him to the wall and ran to put your forearm against his throat.
"Keep talking and I'll make sure you won't be able to say another word" you threatened.
"[Y/N]!" You were slightly shocked to hear your father in that tone. He never raised his voice at you because you never given him the reason to.
"You will release this man and retire to your room immediately!" He added. But you felt so rebellious and you didn't want to listen.
"Oh look the little princess just got in trouble by her daddy." He mocked you. That was it for him.
You used the force to choke your parents and the guards. With your other hand you used the force to bring the lightsaber to your hand and quickly ignited it and brought it against his neck.
"So what are you now? The little bad Princess?"
"I'm the bad guy"
With that you sliced his head off and everyone ran away screaming.
The Royal Guard and your Parents were released and they stood there in shock. They were only able to see your back because you weren't facing them.
"What did he do to me?" Your tone was unrecognizable.
"Baby, put the saber down" your mother suggested.
Ben felt as if it was his fault. He could see himself in her the night he burned down the temple.
"How did he make me feel this way?" You started to lightly cry in horror.
"Its okay. We can help you overcome these feelings." You heard you father say with a loving tone.
You mumbled somthing but they couldn't heard you.
"What did you say" the Queen asked.
"I don't want to overcome these feelings. I feel so different and powerful now."
They were so shocked. They couldn't believe what you just said.
"I will miss you dearly" you say before running off quickly towards Arius' ship.
They all tried to run after you but you were far younger and they couldn't keep up.
"What is she going to do?" Ben asked Rey almost terrified to even ask in the first place.
"She will try to conquer the galaxy as you once desired. Then if she needs to, she will return back here to seek revenge" Rey replied.
"What revenge does she want with us?" Ben questioned.
"The dark side tends to make you do things you didn't want to do before. You should know that."
They both looked up at the direction that your ship left and they wondered if they should go looking for you ever again. Or if they should wait for the day of your return.
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Upside Down Headcanons:
Gonna tag @kingbillyharringrove because the two of us have talked in depth about this before, and @paladin-cleric-mage because they requested me to tag them! Love you guys. Lots of this will be me babbling about cool facts too because I love biology so much.
The most commonly accepted and seen headcanon- the Upside Down wildlife (with the possible exception of the Mindflayer) are a form of semi-sentient plant evolution. That being said, I'm now going to break down the different plant aspects of wildlife I have developed and would like to share, as well as habitat, time cycles, and weather.
Parasitic Plants
I would like to bring to your attention Rafflesia Arnoldii, also known as the Stinking Corpse Lily. It has a putrid, decaying flesh scent and produces the largest known individual flower in the world. "It is parasitic on members of the genus Tetrastigma (in the grape family, Vitaceae). It has no roots or leaves and most of the time lives unobserved inside the woody stems and roots of its host." (Source) Also, it looks like this:
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I can absolutely see the Democreatures being evolved from this beauty. In their larval stages, they would have to have a host to survive(as seen with Will, who was the host for what was probably Dart) There are many different types of Rafflesia that look very similar but are smaller however, so that's food for thought as well.
While we have not seen much in terms of the actual Upside Down (which is both a shame and a crime), it is easy to assume there are more living variants to the ecosystem than just the three we have been shown. It is, after all, an entire realm parallel to our own. And so, I would like to introduce you to Hydnora Africana, another unique parasitic plant, that grows in the roots of Euphorbia caput-medusae, a succulent. It's undetermined whether or not it has roots or a stem, though it's makeup lends it more towards having one root system and no stem. It's appearance is also fascinating, and it's far too easy to imagine some monstrous creature based off of it:
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The fine white threads when in first bloom are just wide enough for beetles to get in through, but may find it difficult to escape through. After a few days the "teeth" pull apart so that the beetles may escape and distribute their pollen. (Source)
There is also the plant Orobanche fasciculata, or Clustered Broomrape. They are endangered in many states, including Indiana! (Source) "Clustered Broomrape (Orobanche fasciculata), also known as Yellow Broomrape, has mostly 5-10 long, slender, 1-flowered stalks rising from a short, trunk-like stemusually 2-6 inches (5-15 cm) long. It occurs in the midwestern and Plains states." (Source) It is also nicknamed the Cancer Root, and it's a parasitic herb.  The species has both male and female reproductive organs, and is a perennial(meaning it comes back each year.) (Source) It is parasitic on the roots of Ambrosia and other members of the Compasitae. It is one of plants I have based herbivorous creatures off of, prey animals that act as a food source for Rafflesia and Hydnora variants. The reasoning for this is because of its medicinal uses. "The root is pectoral. The chewed root has been used as a dressing on wounds and open sores. An infusion of the leaves is used as a wash on sores. Forms of the plant that are parasitic on sweet sage roots have been used as a treatment of cancer." (Source) It looks like this:
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With the spores that are constantly in the air of the Upside Down, and the often-times toxic nature of fungi, it's all too easy to picture variations of wildlife as evolved sentience from them as well. Here are some good contenders for potential wildlife!
Hydnellum Peckii, or the Bleeding Tooth Fungus, is a creature I've actually drawn and designed before! Similar to the Demogorgon, it is a humanoid omnivore. "Scientifically known as hydnellum peckii, the young bleeding tooth fungus’s thick red fluid oozes through its tiny pores, creating the appearance of blood. The underside of the cap has tooth-like spines. As it matures, the mushroom’s pale pink centre becomes dark, almost black, in colour... The bleeding tooth fungus is a mycorrhiza fungus, engaging in a symbiotic association with the roots of a vascular plant. The fungus receives fixed carbon from the host and, in return, improves the host plant’s mineral absorption." (Source) It looks like this:
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The Bleeding Tooth Fungus creature is a stealth hunter, lying in wait completely still. The blood colored fluid is also scented like blood, luring in unsuspecting prey for the creature to strike quickly and effeciently. It is not built for speed but rather strength and quick movements.
Armillaria mellea, also known as a Honey Mushroom, is a parasitic version that colonizes dead or dying plants, and will kill living hosts. It has an enzyme that gives it bioluminescence, and colonized plants where this fungus is present are known as Foxfire. (Source) It looks like this:
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Creatures based off of these fungi would loan themselves to bioluminescence, in either a total glow or perhaps something with design, such as species patterns.
This one is purely self-indulgent and festures heavily into an AU I've had in development for months and talked about at length with @kingbillyharringrove and @wickedlittleoz for being a rare jarringrove au.
I like to headcanon that there are enzymes that exist naturally in the water of the Upside Down, and when ingested and entering the bloodstream have a reaction with white blood cells that cause a bioluminescent reaction. I like to headcanon that this is why, despite the darkness of the night, it is never truly dark. There's always a dull glow at the very least.
Day & Night Cycles
I love the idea of the Upside Down having a day time, and I now feel ROBBED knowing that the original concept art had considered it! I like the idea of the Upside Down having a Red Sun instead of a sun like ours. During the day, the world os illumimated in a reddish glow and colors appear distorted to what we are used to. The plants tend to have more bluish purple tones during the day.
The dusk and dawn times are brilliant and full of life, with all the glowing beasts and fungi bursting to life in the first hour after sunset and right before sunrise. The late night period is the darkest, when things are either sleeping or hunting. Carnivores have evolved so that their glow is hidden, patterned like the flora surrounding them. This helps hide them from prey animals who might have eyes and flee.
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(Early concept art for the Upside Down)
Weather and Habitat
Now aside from the storm surrounding the Mindflayer, we don't have any real basis for the weather in the Upside Dowm aside from stale and still. My own headcanons include a few other phenomena including:
Acid rain storms. It's a world of death and shadows and decay. Acid rains fit in beautifully with this ideal.
Extreme heat waves, especially during the summer months when many of the creatures travel deep deep south or high high north towards the ever-frozen poles. Alternatively, the summer is when the heat-based creatures come out from hibernation or migrate back from their position at the equator.
Speaking of the equator, much like our world it's considerably warmer than the rest of the planet. Unlike our world, it's literally uninhabitable by the rest of the planet. It's a scorching barren wasteland with extreme volcanic activity and large pockets of gas below the surface of the earth that frequently boil over and explode. The gases are deadly to breathe in even for the native creatures.
Sand and glass storms. Sand storms are prevalent on the outskirts of the equator, where deserts line the center of the globe. Glass storms are closer to the center of the equator, where freak lightening and rapid heat rising keeps the sands crystalized and when the wind catches them and cools the molten sand rapidly, it turns into glass. It's not fun.
The Ocean
This one is fair game, and honestly? Not one I've put too much development into because the possibilities are wider than we can even imagine. I mean, hell. Our OWN oceans provide otherworldly horrors on a daily discovery basis. What would the Upside Down have to offer?
The only thought we've really put into it is @kingbillyharringrove and I decided that the deepest part of our own ocean was a connector to the Upside Down's. When it comes to the oceans, our worlds overlap consistently.
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