#like obviously there's value in it and it can either benefit your own garden or make a little profit in the right neighborhood
kirby-the-gorb · 17 days
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angerissue · 3 years
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Character Survey.
Real name: Dr. Robert Bruce Banner, Ph.D..
Single or taken: Single, and this probably isn't going to change anytime soon. He has a number of ingrained emotional issues, and ideological issues that pertain to his condition, that prevent him from seeking romantic relationships and even just becoming close to someone. One-night stands are possible, because they don’t involve emotional commitment from either party, but real relationships scare the hell out of him. The closer that someone gets to Bruce, the more he fears hurting them or being hurt himself.
Abilities or powers: He has an extremely high IQ, almost unprecedented intuition when it comes to the sciences and its numerous technologies, and a great ability to think outside the box and solve complicated, confounding problems. Also, he can turn big and green, which makes him capable of inhuman physical feats and gives him a ridiculous healing factor. This cannot be understated; he can literally recover from decapitation if the conditions are right. It's debatable whether these qualify as gifts or curses, because of the experiences they've created for Bruce in the past, but they're definitely abilities at the least.
Eye colour: Brown. Sometimes green if he’s in a mood.
Hair colour: Dark brown with some grey.
Family members: Rebecca Banner (mother / deceased), Brian Banner (father / incarcerated), Jennifer Walters (cousin / alive), Susan Drake (adoptive aunt / unknown), Elaine Banner (aunt / deceased).
Pets: In The Persistence, he owns a white knockout mouse named Eddie, who came from a selection of ailing lab mice that he experimented on with the Hulk's plasma. He doesn’t have pets in other verses, though he wouldn’t mind a cat, or a dog with a calm and mellow demeanour, as long as his living situation and overall routine is constant and undisturbed. Otherwise, it will never be a possibility. Back when General Ross' squad broke down his door in Brazil, he needed to abandon a mutt named Rick, and it hurt because he’d become very fond of him. He doesn't want to do this to another animal.
Hobbies or activities: He loves hiking and jogging (with trails in forested areas being his preferred location), cooking and baking, gardening, reading textbooks and science journalism, bait fishing, programming and experimenting, travelling, sightseeing, meditation, yoga, collecting and listening to vinyl records, and being a rebel by listening to police scanners and going after bad guys if he doesn't have much else to do. But even if it seems like he's not outwardly doing anything, he's probably still occupied — he tends to spend a profuse amount of time in his own head, ruminating and reflecting on future goals, whether it involves anticipating or dreading them. He also likes to contemplate new concepts and designs for technologies.
Animal that represents them: Definitely a pangolin, because you can’t look at a pangolin and the way it carries itself and not think of Banner from a purely visual perspective. Add on the fact that their bodies are covered in hardened scales for defense, and how they curl up into a ball whenever they're upset and threatened, and you have a metaphorical version of Bruce, who tends to shy away and retreat into himself whenever he's having a lower moment, and has a lot of deep-seated defensive mechanisms on display during social interactions. But seriously, these animals just want to walk around eating ants, minding their own business. They don’t have a bone to pick with anyone... Which is also similar to Bruce. And did I mention that pangolins are endangered, because they're frequently hunted and trapped by humans for their supposed “beneficial properties” in medicine (none of which are proven)? That's similar to how Banner has been followed all over the place by the U.S. military, just because they perceived his condition to be useful somehow.
Worst habits: Take your pick. Distancing himself from other people even when he could use the company, self-flagellation, humouring his guilt complex even when he's not responsible for certain negative outcomes, repressing or suppressing his emotions when he needs to express them (or the opposite, staying as the Hulk so he can stew in those strong emotions and therefore punish himself for whatever he “did wrong”), running away from connections that involve real commitment, especially romantic ones.
Role models: Steve Rogers for his patriotism and overall sense of morality, Neils Bohr for his defense of the Bohr atomic model (which had been a radical theory for the time) and subsequent successes, Ernest Rutherford for similar reasons, and his mother when he was younger, though he doesn’t remember much about her because he was only six when she died. Same goes for his aunt, Susan; while he spent more time around her than Rebecca in total, he was rather emotionally absent by this point because of all the trauma earlier in his childhood. In general, his role models tend to be people who remain strong in the face of adversity and judgement, and stick to their values for the benefit of others. All the above people qualify in that sense, for different reasons.
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual.
Thoughts on marriage and kids: Nope, and bigger nope. He would love to have a close connection with someone, however much he's actually repressed the desire for the time being, and some part of him does want to have a child — however, he always concludes that it wouldn't be worth it. Bruce believes marriage would be a shackle for anyone who's unfortunate enough to become his partner, and it would open them up to potential threats from people who could use them to get to him and his condition. And children are a no-go because Bruce doesn’t want them to have a father like him; he might be absent for a lot of their upbringing, and either unstable or otherwise unaccommodating in temperament if he’s upset. And he'll constantly be trying to hide his condition from them as well, because god forbid they find out their father is a monster, and they feel like a freak because of it. He's been in a position where he felt like an anomaly as a child, and he's not interested in subjecting his children to this. He also loathes the idea of bringing children into the world because he would not be able to ensure their safety — after all, he can’t even ensure his own. So to Bruce, he'd be setting them up for endangerment just because they’re related to him, similar to how his partner would become a target as well.
Style preferences: Safe and conservative, and not flamboyant by any means. He usually sticks to warmer and neutral palettes, and cuts/styles that are classic and unlikely to fall out of style; this includes his suits, jackets, pants, and shirts. We're talking chinos and slacks, poplin dress shirts, wool sport coats and blazers. Most occasions will see him wearing the dress shirt, slacks, and sport coat together. If he's feeling more adventurous, he'll pair a sport coat with a crewneck, or he could even go with a polo shirt and jeans, but the latter is rare. In general, Bruce's most interesting piece is a brown leather bomber jacket, which he usually wears in the warmer months; colder weather will bring out a peacoat (and he loves to pop the collar in lieu of using a scarf). As far as cost goes, Bruce is fairly well-off between the royalties from S.H.I.E.L.D. and other work he's done here and there, but even so, he doesn't purchase outrageously expensive clothing and tends to go for the mid-upper brands. He'll do made-to-measure, but not full bespoke. He finds any further spending to be superfluous.
Approach to friendships: Cautious and uncertain about them, and tends not to approach people first, because he would hate to overstep his boundaries / make someone uncomfortable. Rather accommodating to people he considers friends, but he's extremely quick to duck out if they can’t meet him eye-to-eye regarding touchy topics, like decisions that affect the well-being of many people. This is the reason he shunned his friendship with Tony after they debated about the Sokovia Accords. Being an introvert, he’s one of those people who doesn't like bothering his friends; even if they make it abundantly clear that he's welcome anytime, he'll hesitate, but he’s completely okay and even happy if those friends approach him instead. He doesn't always like when his personal space is invaded, or if someone touches him, but he'll start to make exceptions if he becomes more familiar with someone. He loves the people that he can consider friends, but he always views the friendships as something that could dissolve in a heartbeat. On some level, even unconscious, he's always expecting things to end.
Thoughts on pie: An acceptable desert. Bumbleberry, strawberry rhubarb, and pumpkin are his favourites. He prefers the homemade variety, and because of it, he tends to make his own, butter crust and all, avoiding store-bought unless it’s particularly memorable — or if someone buys a slice for him. He’s appreciative like that.
Favourite place to spend time: Somewhere he can guarantee that he's not being watched; these are most commonly his labs in the Northwind Observatory, quiet and secluded trails, or his chambers in the Crown City citadel on Sakaar. Not only do these locations ease his anxieties about being studied, inspected, or followed, but he feels less of a pressure to put on false pretenses and exhaust himself with social niceties, many of which may be fabricated. He doesn’t need much external stimulation, because he’s fine simply turning inward and thinking, without paying much attention to his surroundings, but he’ll certainly admit to spending a ton of time tinkering with pet projects if he’s in the labs. Obviously, Bruce prefers to be alone in most of these cases. But if he's with someone he cares about, whether a friend or a romantic partner, and can openly express himself around them, that's nice for him too.
Swim in the lake or ocean: Lakes, without question. He has some bad memories of being in the ocean, whether it’s about the time he was tossing and turning in glacial waters after his failed suicide attempt, or clawing his way out of a quinjet that crashed into the water while his alter started to take over. Bruce remembers all that, and it's not pleasant. The openness of oceans perturb him as well; lakes are usually far more intimate and amniotic because they’re often surrounded by forests, which allows him to feel safer and less exposed.
Their type: Someone who is, and is comfortable with showing, some semblance of dependence on him, which would placate his need to fill a provider role and not simply be a charity case; he's had enough of that between begging on the streets and asking Tony Stark for boarding. (This doesn't mean he's looking for someone who's a total pushover, cannot make their own decisions, or is emotionally needy, because those would make him run in the other direction, frankly.) Someone who can hold their own and stand up for their beliefs when necessary. Someone who can challenge him intellectually, though not necessarily in an academic sense; it really just depends on how much they can expand his own perspective by giving their own. Someone who really understands his needs and issues. And obviously, someone who isn't scared of his condition, because it's going to manifest a lot. It needs to; he doesn't really have a choice in the matter. Hulk is another story, but fortunately, he doesn't show up enough to really be an immediate concern, and Bruce and his partner can cross that bridge when they reach it. Physically, he's usually attracted to women who are slightly shorter than him; their hair can be anything from blonde to brown, and he prefers body types that are similar to his own; more on the slender side but not necessarily fragile.
Camping or indoors: He’d rather be indoors. He isn’t extremely fond of camping, if we’re using the most common definition of "pitching a tent, cooking with a fire made from sticks and tinder, and spending the night in the woods with the bears and the bugs". There are indeed occasions where he cannot stand to be indoors, whether because he’s feeling claustrophobic (a common symptom of abstaining a little too long from transformations), or he simply needs some time away from other people in the geographic sense, but in those cases, he’s more likely to go for a walk or hike, not set up an entire campsite and spend the rest of the night outdoors. For him, camping is meant for a survival-type situation rather than a recreational one. The closest thing to camping he'll do is living in a cabin with a wood stove and local water supply, which he’s done a few times over the years. He's even purchased a few cabins by the time his Persistence verse rolls around, so if one of the properties are compromised, he could always retreat to another one.
Tagged by: @mynameisanakin​! Tagging: @fallencomrade​ , @asgardianhammer​​ , @alongingwithin​ , and anyone else who wants to do this.
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lucarioisinthevoid · 3 years
Maybe Molten Freddy, Nightmare Bonnie, Old Man Consequences and Nightmare Balloon Boy for the challenge?
“Challenge? What challenge?” Henry scoffed. “The only problem I see in this line-up is the Balloon Demon and even then- the others are hardly a factor, I will be able to focus on him.” Brazen words from the Pink Man, let’s see how well he actually fares.
The night started like always, albeit with the difference of Nightmare Balloon Boy waltzing right in, giving him a toothy grin. “MY MY LOOK AT WHO WE HAVE HERE. WHAT AN ODDLY SHAPED TOOTHPICK YOU ARE.” “There is value to oddity, novelty has its place in the universe… but your disgusting mug does not. How MADE you?” “THE ONE AND ONLY! MADE BY DAVEY, TO IMPRESS HIS LOVER!” At that Henry made a noise of disgust. “Dave has no loved ones. He has objects of obsession that he strips of all choice. I suppose he is lucky that this time around he picked someone who was used to being merely a tool for those around him.” “SOMEONE SOUNDS BITTER!” “Oh, you wish.” The creature laughed while Henry pulled up the screen in order to start gathering the tokens he would need to calm the nightmarish bunny. At least that one he made himself. God, he would kill himself for good measure if this stupid bloated oversized garden gnome caused his death. But he was focusing and unless the terrible Dee Dee would pop up and ruin his night, this should be just fine. The bear was too manic, unable to control the laughter bubbling up inside of him whenever he saw the helpless human being stuck to his chair in the office- thus it was a joke to force him to stay outside. Leaving two problems, the nightmare and the old man. It was fine, it was fine. Scanning each and every screen on the cameras, he began gathering the money he would need for that plushy. Twenty tokens was basically nothing in theory, but it was hard to earn those by simply picking them up in random rooms. Clicking around, he could basically feel the gnome stare at him, drooling- But… he didn’t attack. That was worth the test. “For someone who claims to be so eager about using me as a toothpick, you seem rather hesitant.” Pulling down the screen, he looked the creature into the eye, before flashing him, causing him to step back once more. “You have to wait for me to mess up, if you like it or not.” “THE WORLD IS QUITE UNFAIR, AIN’T IT?” “The old man can take over my screen, whenever he pleases, the bear can arrive at the door whenever he sees fit- but you have to wait for me to pull the screen down, see you and then pull it back up. You have to give me a chance.” With that the Pink Guy pulled the screen back up, absent-mindedly pushing down the button on the door again as he heard laughter. “Hua-ahhahahahhaa- H-HENRYYYYYYY- h-hey! Y-you PARTY POOPER!” The sound of teeth grinding against teeth were audible, as the present Nightmare struggled to hide his frustration. “YOU REALLY SHOULD STOP YOUR TAUNTING, MORSEL.” “Or what? Or you kill me? Because as far as I am concerned, you are planning on doing that either way. I think I will continue doing what makes me feel the most comfortable with you inside MY office.” “IF YOU BODY IS AS TOUGH AS YOUR EGO, I’LL HAVE TO CHEW ON YOU FOR DAYS! THAT WILL BE FUNNY!” Pulling down the screen, Henry flashed the standing machine once more. “If you manage to catch me, that is. For now though it seems unlikely… it seems that whoever made this place likes me more than you.” “NO!” “No? Are you sure? Because he seems to be giving me all the benefits in this place and you none of them.” And that was when he went for his final bluff. “… after all, he is merely watching and not even joining you and the other in attacking me.” “THAT- THAT IS BECAUSE-“ “So he IS here.” That was all the conformation he had needed. The being was here, it was paying close attention, and it chose not to do harm. … it was frustrating. While it gave him a certain level of power over everything, something he could appreciate, yet it made him feel terribly humiliated. Yes, he was entertainment, that far was obvious by the creatures breaking the bound of the universe to provide messages from beyond… but it was even more egregious that this time it was someone from his own timeline. ‘The one you shouldn’t have killed’. What a title. Telling him a lot and yet nothing at all. Despite wanting to, Henry never had much contact to those he had been killing- a sad happenstance, truly, but nothing he could change about it now. Nobody he had paid attention to. No adult, no child. Yet there was a being so upset at having been murdered, that it- No, not upset. The anger was… There was violence, but anger? The plastic nightmare had kept his mouth shut so far, obviously aware that he talked too much. Henry’s attention slightly shifted over, to- the same topic, really. But different. “… this place is quite peculiar. You belong here, that is for sure. You follow the rules, of this… game. But the old man? The suit? I cannot fathom where they came from. What they are.” Finally, he could afford the plush. Not that Nightmare Bonnie even had shown itself. A little blue bunny took place on the table in front of him, being at least more sightly than Nightmare Balloon Boy. “Finally, a likeable companion in this office.” The machine on the other side gave off a hoarse laughter- kept quiet though, stubbornly. Henry glanced at the clock, then checked the vents, locking out the Funtime Machine one more time. Red light covered his face as the little fishing game flashed up, gone within a moment again. No more problems were in his way. Not in this night. Before he knew it, his fingers were tapping on the table again, as his thoughts running wild. Questions, questions, questions. For now he would have to pull information out of the cracks and corners of this thrown together pocket dimension. Test out the limits. And for that he would have to face them all out at once. Beating these machines was slowly becoming his second nature. It was only a matter of time.
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christinefoley · 4 years
How To Manage Time and Work Like A Boss
I’ve been a teacher for nearly thirty years now, and so I should be red hot at knowing how to manage time. After all, the average classroom teacher regularly has so many plates spinning on a daily basis that every limb is a whirling blur in perpetual motion. Experience has taught me that allowing even one plate to go gyrating off its axis can bring chaos and catastrophe for the whole delicately balanced collection.
But this blogging malarkey- well, that’s different. And I’m finding the whole issue of time management more challenging than I’d anticipated, to be completely honest. I mean, thinking about the whole idea of becoming a blogger was…well- just fantastic, really. I love writing, and blogging means that I can write about stuff that really interests me, and never again have to write about things that just don’t.
Primary School Teacher
To clarify what I’m talking about, you may not know this, but the average primary school classroom teacher is obliged to take an interest in such mind-numbing subjects as: rocks and soils, units of measure ( both metric and imperial), adverbial phrases and subordinating and coordinating conjunctions. Admit it- you’re bored already! Imagine having to feign interest in that lot- and a whole host of even more boring topics besides- for nearly thirty years! I don’t know how I’ve done it!
Working From Home
So, what I thought was: become a blogger: write about interesting things, things that get my fingers positively sparking over the laptop key board: it’ll be great! Hey- and you get to do it from home, and manage your own time! Goodbye M6! Goodbye difficult parents! Ta-ta to staff meetings and professional development and tedious meetings about assessment. No more report writing- hurray!!
This will be the new pattern of my Week
Monday morning: awakened at 7am by the alarm- no more 6:30 for me anymore! Up, dressed, breakfast and ready at my laptop to report for writing duty by 8:30 am at the latest.
Straight into writing/ preparing next blog post.
9:30 am: take first break: wee, coffee, throw the ball for the dog in the garden for around 20 minutes, then back to the keyboard to work steadily through until lunch at around 12:00.
12:00 healthy lunch put together: salad, hummus, green stuff- that sort of thing- and eaten before 1pm before returning to the laptop for another hour’s work. That hour will be spent emailing, and suchlike.
2pm-5:00 FREE TIME! Wow! The whole afternoon off!!
Obviously ,this precious time will not be frittered away on any kind of pointless activities: no, it will be utilised for exercise, dog-walking and attending classes that I’ve really wanted to attend but have always been otherwise occupied teaching PE, the Egyptians or subordinate clauses or suchlike. No, now I will spend my afternoons attending French conversation sessions, singing, creative writing workshops and book clubs. I may even join a hiking club and enjoy hiking in the nearby Lake District.
5pm: teatime. Evenings will be spent working on my blog business- no more than an hour or so- and then I’ll actually go out: live music, pubs, the theatre, meals out- whatever I want, because there are no lessons to plan for the next day- and certainly no marking. Fantastic!!
Manage Time?
It’ll be a joy! No more telling myself I’ll do an hour’s marking, then I’ll fill in those assessment tables and then I’ll spend another hour and half preparing tomorrow’s lessons, before……..NO MORE, No more for me!
So, you’re asking, has it worked out like that?
Well, the fact is that I’m still teaching at the moment, so haven’t had the chance to try out this new lifestyle which I have planned out for myself just yet; but I’m having this creeping suspicion that I’m not going to be able to live that life exactly to plan.
Why not? Well, I guess I kind of like deadlines- I am programmed to respond to them anyway. I was always that one who started working on my essays well before the deadline at university, so that I had plenty of time. I was never the last minute panic type-no, I kind of used the whole two weeks preparation time to get pages of notes together and then panic over the last few days about how I was going to create anything of any value out of all that stuff.
Being My Own Boss
What worries me now, is that, as a blogger, working on my own blog, I am going to have to impose my own deadlines, and I’m not convinced that I’ll be all that good at it. It’s that thing about being my own boss- in one way, it’s what we dream of, but in another way it’s kind of scary. I mean, when you’re at work and things go tits up, the boss is ultimately the one who has to take it on the chin- not you. But if you are your own boss, and things don’t go right- well……it’s all your fault.
How To Manage Time and Work Like A Boss
So, before I cut the umbilical cord of a regular job and life pattern, I’ve been researching some hints and tips from the experts about time management- I’m in my note-taking preparation stage.
Find Your Most Productive Hours
Now, there’s a great idea! Work out when you are generally at your most productive and schedule most of your heavy lifting tasks for those times. A  first rate tip for time management- after all, how many people have you heard declare themselves a ‘night owl’ or ‘an early bird’? Loads, right?
Night Owl, or Early Bird?
So obviously that got me to thinking about myself: am I a night owl, or an early bird? A night owl, probably, because I’m used to working in the evenings after school. OK, so save all the deep-thinking stuff for the evenings. Yes…..possible, I guess.
Write a to-do List the Night Before
Undeniably a top idea! Apparently, only takes about five minutes and it means that the next day you can hit the ground running without any fiddling about. Hmmm, so- five minutes before bedtime…just a quick list…
You know what that would mean for me? Five minutes writing, followed by 45 minutes lying awake thinking it all through. Sleep well and up at 7:00 am to hit the ground running? Not on your nelly.
Back to the drawing board…next tip for how to manage time, please?
Start on the Most Critical Task First
Yes….now, that’s good….I get that. Get the thing that’s bothering you most out of the way first thing and you’re bound to feel better about yourself and what you can achieve.
Now that makes perfect sense! Thing is….that’s just not me. No, better for me to get a few little things ticked off my list first to get me stoked up with enough confidence to bring out the big guns and get cracking on those tasks that are going to CHANGE MY LIFE.
Sit down at my laptop and hit myself straight between the eyes with something that scares the pants off me and has probably kept me awake ever since I wrote it down on that to-do list the night before? That just ain’t happening.
Next hint, please….
The Eisenhower Matrix
What d’you mean- you’ve never heard of it? Well, I’m not a fan of tables, because they bring out all my twitches, but this one makes perfect sense- you may want to look it up. In essence, the idea is that you write down all the tasks you need to do- in one, long, terrifying list- then you categorise all the tasks. If it’s urgent, mark it ‘U’, if it’s important, mark it ‘I’, and if it’s neither of those, then cross it out.
Still following me?
Next, you evaluate how much time each of the remaining tasks on your list is likely to take and arrange a plan for yourself. Now, I must admit, I’m liking this idea of time management…especially the stuff that you can cross off the list altogether. The aim is to identify your genuine priorities: which tasks on your list are going to get you to achieve your objective the most quickly, and which, simply, are not.
Like it. Yes, this is one for me! Next tip, please…..
Use Time Constraints- Set a Timer
This tip to help you to manage your time advises using a timer to set time to achieve certain tasks, as the task will inevitably expand if there is an unrestrained time in which to do it. The idea is to beat the timer- complete the task in even less time than that which you allocated!
Hmm. Have I not escaped the 5-9 to escape exactly that- time constraints? The school timetable is gone, so I devise one of my own? Not sure I want to do that to myself, although I do understand the benefits of this time management idea, and every task does undoubtedly expand if there are no constraints in terms of time.
Hmm… I need to think this one through…….and while I’m thinking about it I might just make another cup of coffee and put a load of washing on…maybe iron those few shirts? Watch a bit of TV?
No, Christine, you’re talking about being productive, remember? Now, sit down and just get on with it.  
Next hint to ace time management, please.
No Distractions
No browsing your ‘phone, checking through emails, doing odd bits of housework. Now I have struggled with this trick of how to manage time, but have actually had a breakthrough in recent weeks.
What has worked for me, is to go out of the house- no dog wanting to play, no endless possibilities for making coffee and no housework-style responsibilities. The other benefit of being out of the house-for me- is no silence.
I’m not very happy with silence- it makes me a bit edgy. Never been very productive working in libraries and such places. However, it’s no good putting on music either, because then I start listening to that instead of concentrating on the job in hand.
Coffee Shops
I’ve found that coffee shops are my perfect place for productivity. Not only is there the gorgeous aroma of freshly-ground coffee beans wafting up my nose, but there’s just the right kind of background noise- neither too loud nor too silent to distract me. Obviously, a great cup of cappuccino also enhances the whole experience.
If you would like to learn more about how to manage time, and tips that you could use to improve your own productivity, then take a look at this excellent article by Dan Silvestre: ’23 Time Management Techniques of Insanely Busy People.’
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scifigeneration · 5 years
A neuroscientist's tips for a new year tuneup for your brain
by Kelly Lambert
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Pop metaphorical ‘brain bubbles’ by grounding your brain in the here and now. Sofiaworld/Shutterstock.com
Unlike the effervescent bubbles that stream to the top of champagne flutes on New Year’s Eve, what I call brain bubbles are far from celebratory. These bubbles are metaphorical rather than physical, and they distort the stream of reality processed by our brains. Like a real estate bubble that reflects an inflated perception of home values, a brain bubble twists your perception of the world around you. And when either of these bubbles bursts, the results can be devastating.
Problems arise when distorted information results in flawed decisions that negatively affect our lives. As a neuroscientist who’s worked closely with laboratory rats for over three decades, I’ve gleaned from them a few good strategies people can use to burst brain bubbles and enhance well-being in the year ahead. Rat brains are small but have the same general areas and neurochemicals we have, so these rodents are valuable laboratory models for human behavior.
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Plugging in can mean you’re untethered from reality. Christian Fregnan/Unsplash, CC BY
Getting back down to Earth
Psychoactive drug use, aspects of privilege and poverty, psychiatric illness and, in some cases, religious and political beliefs can all create brain bubbles. Even daily excursions to the virtual world of apps, social media and cybergames sever our connections to concrete aspects of the real world and let distorting brain bubbles develop.
This is especially problematic for children’s brains that are still developing. An ongoing National Institutes of Health study suggests that two hours of screen time each day distorts language and thinking abilities in these junior digital users.
As our attention is hijacked by the closest screen while a Roomba cleans the floor and Alexa orders pizza to be delivered to the front door, what’s left for our brains to do? Sure, we likely face cognitive challenges at work each day, but human brains are built for sophisticated and complex activity – even though we’re often lulled into mindlessly scrolling through a virtual feed. In fact, a brain area often associated with reward and pleasure, the nucleus accumbens, is smaller in people who spend more time checking Facebook posts on their smartphones.
Obviously, some of these distortion-generating circumstances are out of our control. But a heightened awareness of our authentic world can move us toward a more reality-based, well-grounded brain – free of those brain bubbles.
The rats that my students and I train in our studies to physically work for coveted treats (Froot Loops cereal is a favorite) develop healthier emotional responses than the animals we call “trust-fund rats” because they’re merely given their sweet rewards. The harder-working rats have healthier stress hormone levels and engage in more sophisticated search strategies when they encounter a surprise challenge – such as when we move their expected Froot Loop rewards. They’re more persistent as they spend time trying to solve the problem, rather than quickly giving up and walking away.
So whereas one popular New Year’s resolution involves saving up to build financial capital, we can keep our brains in peak condition for the year ahead by building up experiential capital. Real-world experiences represent the best currency for our brain circuits, providing neural security for our future decisions in the coming year. Spending time engaged in hobbies such as knitting or gardening, for example, with complex movements and rich sensory experiences, provides a valuable yield for our brains.
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Looking forward to it can be just as good as the experience. Brooke Lark/Unsplash, CC BY
Savor the anticipation
When the calendar flips to a new year, it’s common to reflect on the past and look to the future. According to the neuroscience literature, this anticipation could be one of the most pleasurable – and healthy – tasks our brains engage in all year long.
Dopamine is the poster neurotransmitter for the cognitive endeavor of anticipating. Traditionally known for its role in pleasure, this neurochemical system can be hijacked by psychoactive drugs such as cocaine that serve as potent creators of reality-distorting brain bubbles.
Rodent research provides fascinating insights here, however. Researchers use sophisticated techniques to measure dopamine activity as rats press laboratory levers that reward them with drugs. Surprisingly, this neurochemical system surges when the animal merely anticipates taking the drug as it approaches the drug lever, as well as when the drug is actually infused into the brain.
Anticipating a new start and a new year may be a scaled-down version of approaching the experimental lever for a hit of cocaine – a legal and healthy dopamine dose in this case. You can try to keep this emotional high going through the year by amping up the anticipation in your daily life: Focus more on delayed than immediate gratification. Buying and planning for experiences is more satisfying than material purchases. Mapping out a menu, shopping for ingredients and cooking a meal provides more dopamine time – and brain-engaging behaviors – than nuking a frozen meal and eating it three minutes later.
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Rats in the lab suggest active minds are better able to overcome stress and surprise adversity. Kelly Lambert, CC BY-ND
Seize the reins of your stress
Another way to enhance our well-being through the year is to gain some sense of control over the stress in our lives. Real-time and authentic interactions with the environment can help us gain a sense of control over the inevitable uncertainty and unpredictability we face each day.
I see evidence of this in the lab. When I furnish my rats’ housing with natural elements such as dirt, hollowed-out logs and rocks, they’re busier and less likely to sit around the edge of the cage than animals in boring empty cages. After building their experiential capital, these enriched rats have healthier stress and resilience hormone profiles and engage in bolder behaviors, such as diving to the bottom of swim tanks instead of staying on the top doing their best impression of a dog paddle. As I watch these animals in various tasks, they appear to be gaining control over the challenges they encounter.
Perhaps this is why retired U.S. four-star admiral William McRaven emphasized simple life strategies in his 2014 University of Texas commencement speech, declaring that “if you want to change your life and maybe the world, start off by making your bed.” Then, even if you have a terrible day, you will come home to a made bed, evidence that you had a positive impact in at least one area of your life that day.
And, considering that over 70 percent of the brain’s nerve cells are in the cerebellum, which is involved in movement coordination, any activity that gets us up and moving – whether household chores or hitting the gym – engages the brain in healthy ways.
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Taking time to connect in the kitchen is one good way to ground your brain. Amber Maxwell Boydell/Unsplash, CC BY
Starting your brain’s year off right
Lessons from the laboratory rats also provide potential explanations for some of my own personal favorite New Year’s Day traditions – including the mundane tasks of cooking a familiar southern meal, cleaning my closet and watching HGTV’s Dream House giveaway with my family while we all declare what we would do if we won the beautiful house. Move in? Sell it? Make it an Airbnb rental?
Thinking like a neuroscientist, I know that cooking and cleaning are active endeavors with clear outcomes that allow me to gain a small sense of control, decreasing stress hormones. Playfully anticipating winning a new home taps into that feel-good dopamine system as we contemplate more serious options for the new year. And, perhaps the best neurochemical hit of all is the spike in oxytocin, the neurochemical involved in positive social connections, as I spend time with loved ones.
Although it’s common to turn to pharmaceuticals to lift our emotions and improve our mental health, the emotional benefits of many New Year’s traditions remind me that basic responses can serve as what I call “behaviorceuticals” that enhance well-being. New Year’s resolutions may take the form of New Year’s Rx’s as we consider healthy lifestyle choices for the coming year: Shrink those distorting brain bubbles and build realistic connections to enrich life’s simple pleasures.
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About The Author
Kelly Lambert is Professor of Behavioral Neuroscience at the University of Richmond.
This article is republished from our content partners at The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. 
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Here is what you do: mix ¼ cup Boric acid and ½ cup peanut butter. Dear James, glue pads placed along walls, put tiny pea sized dab of peanut butter in middle. He put a beautiful swing in the garden, peach trees, pear trees, purple, red and yellow plum trees, blueberries, raspberries, 2 apple trees and raised garden beds for vegetables. Rental agents do not keep them on their books very long. I tried everything to keep the stuff alive. An example is a claim for theft of money from a home. A scammer is someone who poses as a steroid supplier, acts like your best friend, then steals your money! The rodents have obviously fled to nearby surrounding homes and gardens like mine. The timing and dosage may have to be adjusted. Prescriptions may be useful on the libmesh-devel boer list, not working from the market. You may not contribute to a Health Savings Account (HSA). There is a feeling among benefit consultants that expanding managed care plans have saturated the market to the point that savings resulting from additional employees moving to managed care plans will be modest. Are there really so many? Under the second approach, there are actually two group insurance plans—a term insurance plan and a universal life insurance plan. The employer often funds the plan with corporate-owned life insurance on the employee's life. With this approach, an employee purchasing universal life insurance must make premium payments that are sufficient to generate a cash-value accumulation. Are all those scams? Very rarely are these orders investigated because U.S. These persons are subject to a mortality charge based solely on the experience of this group. Rats are attracted to dog poo. It is estimated that over 50 percent of all workers are covered under plans that are totally or substantially self-funded. 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The easiest way to contact a large number of people with almost no effort is through email. Of those, 63 percent traveled to Canada or other countries, 21 percent ordered them online and 16 percent ordered them by phone. I have been feeding the birds and squirrels on our patio outside. However, at any time a subscriber can elect to go outside the HMO network of medical care providers. But living in the US can enable you to purchase from them with less troubles compared to German. You can either have planned or unplanned activities you can do every day. Not all teachers have university degrees; some have received pedagogical training, others have specialist diplomas, and some have general secondary education. Have you ever heard of healthcare sharing ministries? Popups for surveys offering free gifts or amazing deals lead victims to enter credit card details to pay for minimal fees or shipping. 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For most health concerns, much less charcoal is generally useful. Sometimes, the plan sponsor handles some functions internally, hiring staff to assume the new responsibilities. Footnote: the author does not advocate suicide in any sense as an “answer” to chronic pain. Don’t stop your fitness program just because you miss exercising on certain days. You don’t need a ‘fancy’ one, online pharmacies canada just adopt any cat from your local veterinary and it should do the job. The chart below (lifted from Google's public blog post) shows the breakdown between the current and the new formats. Unfortunately, this too often results in CPW having to kill bears to prevent any danger to the community. This is particularly evident in the mountain communities of Colorado.
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davidanderson7162 · 3 years
The Solution to Get Out Of a Professional Tree Solution Firm
Lots of people never recognize the value of expert tree removal companies up until they awaken one morning as well as locate that a massive tree has actually dropped right in the center of your garden. This is when you will realize that they don't have the abilities and the devices that are necessary for an easy tree removal. The only option as a result is to seek for experts to assist. If you ever before discover on your own in this circumstance you could need the solutions of a tree service firm as described listed below;Arborists
Tree cutting
You may find that there are certain trees in your compound that expand to large that they reach energy lines such as the electrical energy lines. This can create major electric mistakes which can result into a number of problems within the house. They can likewise expand also near the house as well as danger wrecking your home in times of tornados. Such require tree trimming to tame their growth and also make them safe and also neater. For much better results with such sort of trees, making use of a specialist tree solution firm is your best alternative.
Tree removal
In some instance, trees might need total elimination from their area. This can happen when the tree breaks throughout a storm and leaves a hazardous stamp standing on the ground or it is merely dead as well as no longer offers its objective. The process of tree removal is extremely gruesome and also otherwise done in the best way, it has the capacity of resulting right into even more injuries and this is why it's recommended that it ought to only be done by a tree solution company.
Watering of the trees
Tree irrigation is another solution you will get from tree services companies. You may be attracted to assume that this is a basic one but you require to be educated that different trees have their different water needs as well as without the right understanding, you are likely to provide basically water to the trees as well as this can result in their death.
Condition control
Trees are likewise struck by illness. The best placed people that can decode if a tree has been assaulted by an insect or an illness are the tree solution specialists. They comprehend the various sort of pests and also conditions that can assault the trees and they have the ideal pesticides to treat the diseases and kill the parasites. They can likewise lead on the most effective techniques on how to look after the trees to stay clear of future insect strikes as well as diseases.
Treat Sick Trees With Tree Services
The majority of people, when they think of tree services, right away think of their usefulness for lowering dead, passing away, or otherwise dangerous trees. And also it's no wonder as well. Tree services conserve home owners numerous dollars a year by giving this solution that removes trees that do nothing but include a harmful aspect to an or else beautiful yard. This solution conserves house owners the pricey repair services that a tree falling on their residences or creating mold development against home siding would incur upon them. Inevitably, in the future, it is generally more affordable to remove a tree that is a risk to houses than to take the chance of taking care of the possibly devastating consequences that might possibly result from disregarding the scenario.
Yet this is not the only function that tree services give
There are services that absolutely do concentrate on the particular task of getting rid of and also lowering trees in a secure and efficient way, but this is far from the whole story either. Numerous tree services also hire people known as "certified arborist". These arborist resemble the "veterinarians" of the plant globe. They focus on dealing with ill, infected, as well as or else plagued plants. Certified arborist occasionally feel like "tree whisperers" with their ability to bring troubling trees back to wellness once again.
When cutting the tree down is not the right choice
Some may wonder why this matters. I mean isn't it easier just to remove a tree from the lawn once it's been noticed that some type of disease or infection has settled that may be threatening a tree's existence as well as making it a risk to your home? Well yes and no. It relies on a variety of aspects. One, exactly how prompt is the danger? Is the tree itself intimidating to go down branches on your home immediately? Does it appear like the merest gust of wind could fall it over tomorrow? After that yes, maybe having actually the tree felled is the right option for you to carry out Tree Removal.
However probably the disease has actually only simply begun to be noticeable in the tree itself. It's brand-new, it hasn't truly established itself? Well in those instances the company can have the arborist diagnose as well as treat the plant rather than having its other staff members over to reduce the tree down. This is incredibly beneficial since treating a tree, when possible, removes the threat of the infected tree becoming a threat to your house and also maintains it from infecting the other trees in your yard. It is also typically more affordable than undertaking the expenditure and time of rooting out a tree when it's not really necessary.
Several tree solutions supply more than simply the one solution of getting rid of trees when they become a problem. The goal of any type of effective as well as liable business is to offer its consumers with trustworthy services at economical prices to handle any type of tree related problem they may come across. Therefore, if you presume a tree in your backyard may be unhealthy at all, call your regional tree solution and have them send out over a qualified arborist right away to diagnose the tree as well as see whether it needs to be eliminated or if the arborist might be able to treat it before the tree really comes to be an issue for you Tree Elimination.
Why House Owners Go With Tree Service Providers
Apart from lawns and also flowers, trees can additionally make buildings appealing and also beneficial. Nonetheless, maintaining trees require even more effort and time which some house owners do not have. Aside from that, some property owners do not have enough expertise in keeping trees. Due to this, increasingly more house owners choose the solutions of specialists. Obviously, working with specialists can be expensive, but these experts can offer you with outstanding attributes. Below are some of the following.
Guarantee tree health and wellness
Among the primary reasons property owners select tree provider is to ensure its health and wellness. Obviously, like human beings, trees can also experience conditions due to the unsteady climate condition along with infections. Due to this, health and appearance can be affected quickly. By working with tree provider, these issues can be avoided quickly. This is feasible because these provider have the abilities as well as understanding in diagnosing and also treating trees. As a result, trees can make residential or commercial properties more valuable once again Tree Removal.
Keep trees appropriately
The next reason that property owners deal with company is to maintain trees appropriately and successfully. Water, cutting as well as feeding are just some of one of the most crucial tasks house owners make to preserve their trees Nonetheless, trees additionally have important needs. And, provider can use trees the best option they require. As an example, when taking care of pests, house owners can make use of chemicals. However, there are instances when these things can not match your needs. Thankfully, professionals can offer you with trusted services like micro-trunk injections. These services aid trees in dealing with insects easily.
Supply them with assistance in expanding trees.
An additional reason property owners work with service professionals is to offer them with support in growing trees. Surely, some home owners wish to expand their own trees. But, completing such task can be hard. It gets back at worse if you do not have the right skills and understanding. With the aid of tree experts, they can help you in achieving your goal.
Better gain access to with different types of tree solutions
Finally, working with service providers can also aid property owners to have far better access to relevant solutions. Currently, there are countless solutions home owners can select from. As well as, each service provides the benefits for your trees. Because of this, keeping lumber can be less complicated as well as more effective.
Why Home Owners Opt For Tree Company
In addition to lawns and also flowers, trees can also make homes appealing as well as important. However, preserving trees require more time and efforts which some house owners do not have. In addition to that, some property owners do not have enough understanding in keeping trees. As a result of this, more and more property owners go with the solutions of specialists. Certainly, working with experts can be pricey, however these professionals can provide you with fantastic attributes. Below are several of the adhering to.
Guarantee tree wellness
One of the primary reasons homeowners select tree company is to guarantee its health. Certainly, like human beings, trees can also experience illness as a result of the unstable weather along with infections. Because of this, health and also appearance can be impacted easily. By collaborating with tree provider, these problems can be protected against instantly. This is possible because these provider have the skills and knowledge in detecting as well as treating trees. As a result, trees can make residential properties more valuable once again Tree Removal.
Keep trees properly
The following reason why house owners collaborate with company is to preserve trees effectively as well as efficiently. Water, cutting and fertilizing are only some of the most important tasks home owners make to maintain their trees However, trees likewise have essential demands. And, provider can supply trees the right solution they need. For example, when handling insects, house owners can use pesticides. Regrettably, there are instances when these items can not match your requirements. Thankfully, experts can provide you with trusted solutions like micro-trunk injections. These services assist trees in dealing with pests easily Tree Elimination.
Offer them with aid in expanding trees.
Another reason home owners hire solution specialists is to supply them with support in expanding trees. Undoubtedly, some home owners desire to grow their very own trees. Yet, completing such task can be challenging. It gets back at worse if you do not have the right skills as well as expertise. With the help of tree professionals, they can assist you in attaining your objective.
Better access with different kinds of tree services
Ultimately, collaborating with provider can additionally aid homeowners to have far better access to relevant services. Already, there are many services house owners can pick from. As well as, each solution offers the benefits for your trees. Consequently, preserving timber can be easier as well as more reliable.
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skvaderarts · 3 years
Hiraeth Chapter 28: Photosensitivity
Masterlist can be found Here!
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Photosensitivity 
Note: Have you ever written part of a chapter, gone to sleep, read part of that part of a chapter, and just went “nope. That’s not it.” And just trashed the whole thing? Yeah, that was this chapter.
Looming overhead in the vast darkness, each of the five large slits opened slowly and individually in a manner that had to be deliberate. From left to right, lowest to highest, largest to smallest, each one gradually blinked into view. And then they slowly centered on the pair of unnerved bystanders that he had trapped within his illusion. The notion that he might have been there the entire time was not unfounded, but something deep down told him that it wasn’t the case.
There was simply a shift in the atmosphere that seemed to accompany his arrival, perhaps the only sure-fire indication that he was there at all. After all, seeing him only seemed to happen on his terms, and they didn’t need to be told that they didn’t share the same opinion in regards to being permitted to do certain things. Namely the issue of being allowed to leave and not being trapped in this shadow dimension forever.
Admittedly the mental image of something as large as Belial silently navigating the unseen corners of his own shadow dimension in an attempt to circumvent their plans to escape, and only showing himself when he felt the time was right was more frightening to V than practically anything else he had faced. At least in the case of Urizen, they had the benefit of knowing exactly where he was, and were able to take the fight to him in a timely manner. Well, as timely a manner as they could manage. But being hunted down by their would-be jailer? There was no recourse in that. Belial clearly enjoyed this sick, twisted little game of cat and mouse that he was playing with them, and that made things several shades darker.
“Did you honestly think that escaping would be that straightforward? That you had a hope of leaving this place without my… blessing?” Belial laughed to himself darkly, the unseen walls that surrounded them trembling under the weight of his mocking tone. To say that he was sure of his supremacy over them both would be a vast understatement. Clearly, he knew quite a bit about this situation that they didn’t. But then again, that made sense considering the fact that he was largely in control of this scenario. From what they could tell, he wasn’t incorrect in that assessment. He did, in fact, have total control over their environment and everything that went on within it. They just had to play along and hope for a moment of reprieve that they could take to escape. Or perhaps that was the worst thing that they could do. One could only guess that the towering devil prince that stood before them had considered that and had a contingency plan in place for it. And on that note, he probably had a backup plan for the eventuality in which they didn’t cooperate as well.
They were thoroughly and completely trapped, weren’t they?
Sirrus steadied himself, looking towards their unwelcoming host. He didn’t seem frightened so much as he was irritated, and V wasn’t sure if that was due to something he knew that he didn’t, or simply a healthy dose of insanity. He himself was trying to calculate a brilliant plan with which to use against their opponent that didn’t require him showing all their cards, and while he was far from trembling in his sandals from terror, he’d be remiss to admit that Belial had put a healthy dose of fear in him, at least enough to make him overcautious.
“Where are your manners then? Is this how you treat all of your guests? I’ve never born witness to such a lack of hospitality in my life, at least outside of the confines of my own family home.” Sirrus cleared his throat, holding the back of his hand up to his face. Droplets of blood spattered against the back of his hand, but he made sure to hide that as best as he could, playing it off as a simple cough despite the uncomfortable stinging sensation that he felt in his chest cavity. “I’d heard that your kind normally gave such warm welcomes. And here we are, stuck in this dark abyss. I get the impression that we’re being singled out.”
Moving closer to the man with the long red hair, Belial seemed to focus his attention on him. It was hard to discern whether or not his eyes were capable of homing in on a specific target individually, or if he required the use of each of them to be able to make out his prey. Either way, Sirrus was now his primary source of focus, and he didn’t seem nearly as amused by his continued existence as he did with V’s.
“You’re still alive, then. Most impressive. This day continues to amuse me. Perhaps you hold more value to me than I originally deduced before I discarded you.” His tone was dry, but he seemed to be genuine enough. The young summoner wasn’t sure if that was something they should be grateful for, or despise given the circumstances. “Normally you would be dead by now, but I’m feeling generous today. Be grateful for that. You seem to be old enough to appreciate the fact that I am still in a good mood. A rarity that you continue to benefit from.”
On that note, Sirrus seemed to intensify his stance. He was not amused, and while backing down was normally a wise option, he felt the need to affirm his position and stand toe to toe with his enemy. He knew that the Prince of Darkness would not take V seriously, especially given his current condition, and they needed at least a little bit of leverage. “Of that, I have no doubt. And thank you for the backhanded comment. It’s most appreciated. Those seem to be the only types that I ever receive these days.” He winced slightly at the honesty in that statement. While he wished that he was kidding about that, it wasn’t exactly a lie. A harmless truth in comparison to the situation that they were in, and one he assumed their opponent would simply write off as a sarcastic comeback, but at the end of the day, that didn’t change anything. “But since we’re on the topic, wouldn’t you like us to get to know you better? Generally speaking, guests know at least a little something about their hosts, and I’m sure you know quite a bit about us both by now. Do you have any hobbies?”
The demon prince seemed to pause for a moment, lingering on either the specifics of the question, or the sheer audacity of it. One could only imagine that he was in some form of disbelief as to the fact that Sirrus was trying to make small talk with him, as even V himself was starting to question his motivations for doing so. Surely he didn’t think that such a simple ploy would be enough to fool such a powerful demon.
“Funnily enough, I do. In fact, I am indulging in one of them at this very moment.” Belial said in a cold, calculating manner. There was a knowing tone to his words that sent a chill down V’s spine, the young Descendant of Sparda somehow entirely aware of the fact that he was at the center of a conversation that he didn’t know the subject matter of, but also didn’t want to know the context of.
“Marvelous! And what would that hobby of yours be? Painting? Reading? Gardening?” Sirrus said sarcastically in a tone to match that of his conversation partner’s. It wasn’t so much that he felt especially strong in his ability to talk his way out of this situation as it was the fact that he knew that it could at least buy them time. And if they were going to die here, then he could at least be thoroughly sarcastic about it.
Belial shifted his attention to V, his large luminescent eyes dilating as each of his two sets of eyelids blinked in unison. Calmly and with deliberate annunciation of each individual syllable of the word, he stated his one-word response. “Collecting.”
Suddenly the realization of what was going on hit him like a bus crashing into a brick wall. He had realized that Belial wanted him, but now he understood the reason. And it was considerably worse than he’d originally thought. If the devil prince had wanted him dead due to some kind of long-standing hatred that he harbored towards his father, he could understand that. He couldn’t respect it, but he could at least comprehend it. But to collect someone… What did he mean by that? 
“I see… You want me, then. That’s what all of this is about?” It was less of a question, and more of a statement, but it didn’t make V feel any less horrified. Yes, he obviously knew what it meant to collect something, but in regards to a living, breathing person, he didn’t have the foggiest idea of what that entailed. And although deep down he knew enough to know that he didn’t want to know, there was a part of him that still desired to understand what this stranger’s plans were for him. How could someone seek ownership of someone as they would an inanimate object such as a toy or antique to be placed on a shelf? What value did that hold in their mind? It was horrifying to even comprehend. “You wish to… collect me. To what end? What can you possibly even mean by that?”
Another low rumble shook the walls around them as Belial’s large eyes squinted. He seemed to find amusement in the statement, his assurance that he had them both right where he wanted them now strengthened by V’s lack of comprehension in regards to his intentions. And for the devil prince, that couldn’t be a better outcome. Doubt and confusion were powerful weapons, and if there was one thing that he could use against someone, it was their mind.
“Acquiring rare things of high value is something I’m passionate about, especially when the stakes are this high. It’s thrilling.” He leaned into V, nearly touching him with his head as he looked him dead in the face. There was no mistaking the fact that V was the focus of his undivided attention this time. “Oh, to see the look on your sire’s face when he realizes what I have in store for you. Revenge is something that I rarely indulge in, but when it is an added bonus to a pre-existing plan… well, what could be better?”
With that, Sirrus stepped forward, having shifted to his companion’s side during the devil prince’s change of position. Understanding the connotations of their captor’s threat, he now knew what he had to do. And while it was far from ideal, he couldn’t in good conscious return to his beloved aunt without having done what he knew needed to be done. V had no recourse to combat something like Belial, not without training, at least. And he would never get the opportunity to do that if he was captured and taken away to some unknowable part of the underworld by a prince of darkness, if that was even where he ended up.
Putting himself between V and Belial, Sirrus glanced over his shoulder at V, giving him a look that the young summoner couldn’t quite place. Regardless, he knew that something was about to happen that might just decide their fates. With a flourish, the redheaded adjudicator brought his arm from behind him and held out his hand, opening his palm. A vibrating sensation pulsated around them as a blinding light shot out from his hand and into the space they occupied, rendering everything around them completely white.
Belial let out a loud, horrified shriek as he recoiled in terror, retreating into some unseen place in an effort to avoid the bright light. Sirrus turned to V, looking around rapidly until he saw something off in the distance. Not too far from them was a tear, and behind it, what looked like the parking lot of the store they had thought they were entering. The man in the black and white coat gestured towards the opening, grabbing V by the arm and practically dragging him along as he tried to direct him, not realizing that he saw the tear as well.
“Run! If I fall behind, don’t come back for me. You need to get out of here!” As they hurried along, Sirrus seemed to consider something that he hadn’t previously, stealing a glance back in the direction Belial had previously been in. He turned to V and pointed back over his shoulder, gesturing clearly towards where their attacker had previously been. “Just tell her that I’m sorry. She will understand. What’s important is that he doesn’t get ahold of you. If he thinks you're important or useful in some way, then he’s probably right. We have to stop him.”
For a moment, V contemplated the morality of actually answering that request as the two of them ran as fast as they could in their desperate attempt to escape the confines of their prison. Running wasn’t something that he normally indulged in, especially considering how little he enjoyed doing it, but this wasn’t a matter of comfort. It was a matter of survival. He could worry about being sore and tired later on. After all, it was far from the first time that V had been forced to run past the point of logic, past the point of exhaustion, past the point of limitation in the hopes of escaping with his life.
Was that just his curse then? To constantly flee his opponents and just hope with everything in him that he had what it took to survive? After all, he had powers, didn’t he? Could the fight really be that stacked against him, even with his lack of experience? To his understanding, he came from a frankly extraordinary family, and all of them had managed to do battle against foes far above their pay grade in the past. If the legends were true, then his grandfather had beaten the demon king single-handed and sealed the underworld, only to go on and as a safeguard against his own kind on behalf of the human race in the future. Perhaps he was just underestimating himself…
“How long do we have until that spell wears off?” V asked breathlessly as they rushed towards the exit. They were so close now, no more than a few yards. But who knew when the temporary reprieve provided by whatever Sirrus had just done would wear off. He knew that they were working on borrowed time, but he didn’t think it was a wise idea to reveal the fact that he had Shadow. Fast as she might be -and she was- he couldn’t bring himself to depend on her and risk revealing her existence, even if he didn’t think that his opponent could see her right now.
Sirrus wheezed clearly trying to pace himself despite the fact that they were in a mad dash towards the finish line. He glanced back over his shoulder for a moment before coughing for a moment, the continuous movement clearly causing him a great deal of discomfort. “I can’t say. It depends on how long he stays stunned by it. He isn’t weak to light, it just makes him uncomfortable. Any being that spends that much time in darkness, especially one with that many eyes, must be photosensitive to some degree.” He stole a second look back, squinting at the blinding display of brilliant light that he had created. It was unfortunate that he had been forced to play his hand, but it had been entirely necessary. At this point, it might be the only reason that they were still alive. “I’d show you how to do it, but I don’t think-”
Before he could finish speaking, a row of black, jagged spikes shot up out of the ground from behind them, rocketing towards them at blinding speeds as they zigzagged unstably before righting themselves and tearing a swath right between the two of them. A split-second course readjustment on V’s part was the only thing that saved him from being skewered by the ragged spear of darkness, despite the fact that he was still grazed deeply, but his companion wasn’t so lucky. Stepping only part of the way out of the path of the oncoming attack, Sirrus was harpooned through the left shoulder, a second smaller piercing attack hitting him on the right side. He gagged and toppled over, stuck in place as he seemed to register the severity of his new injury.
V skidded to a stop, taking a moment to look back on the illusion that they stood within. Everything seemed to be crashing down around them, the white blanked of floor to ceiling light that they had been inside of moment ago now slowing being encroached upon by the devil prince. From nowhere, a huge, rage-filled cry echoed across the confines of the seemingly endless expanse they occupied, clearly uncomfortable, but not out of commission. He knew that he could just leave now and be free of this place, but he couldn’t bring himself to do that. Despite the fact that Sirrus had only been a part of his life for a short while, that didn’t matter to him in the slightest. There was no way that he was leaving him here.
Quickly turning his body back in the direction of his companion, he raced over to him and grabbed onto the black spike that had embedded itself into him. He tried to ignore the sudden feeling of nausea and discmphort that flooded him as he touched the protruding projectile, his body growing colder as the seconds ticked by. His hands thoroughly coated in blood and his senses leaving him rapidly, V quickly realized that his attempts to dislodge the foreign objects were not working, so he stepped back and attempted to steady himself. There was still one more thing he could try.
With a heavy swing of his cane, the black semi-translucent crystalline structure shattered like glass, dropping Sirrus from his perch about a meeter above V’s head. He attempted to catch him, but only half succeeded, the red-haired adjudicator’s knees doing half of the work. Seemingly semi-conscious, he attempted to help aid V’s efforts to pull him to his feet, but he was thoroughly dazed and past his acceptable pain threshold. Still, the two of them managed to make it to the opening as the darkness encroached upon them fully. This would be their only chance to escape. They had to take it
Furious, Belial shouted at them as they attempted to make their escape, but it was already too late. They caught the last of his words, but as the two tumbled through the opening and onto the pavement, little else mattered. They had escaped his prison, and now they needed to get out of there as quickly as possible.
Sirrus and V both collapsed on the ground, a mixture of exhaustion and pain gripping them both like a vice. The nausea and dizziness that had gripped V so tightly when he had touched the spike had now been joined by the return of the painful creeping sensation he had felt after being flung through the darkness by Belial. The sheer agony of it nearly incapacitated him. But as he struggled forward towards the phone booth that stood near the store, shivering from the spreading internal cold and entirely overtaxed by the situation at hand, something reached out and stopped him, catching him as he fell over, his breath caught somewhere between his throat and his lungs. Dreading what he would find as he was turned onto his back, he blinked slowly and looked up, expecting the worse. And if he had possessed the capacity to be thankful at that moment and to process what was going on, he would have let out a thoroughly relieved sigh.
It was Vergil.
They were safe.
Yikes! This was truly something else, wasn’t it? At least they made it out of the shadow dimension! It’s not the outcome that they probably hoped for when they left to go to the grocery store, but it’s the one they got either way. See you in the comments!
0 notes
asoiafrarepairswap · 6 years
Secret Santa Gift for Lucife56
Happy Holidays @Lucife56 and enjoy a bonus ficlet of Jaime/Elia in an AU where she survived the rebellion! Your Secret Santa gift ‘The Wasting Crown,’ a Ned/Cersei AU, is being posted on AO3.
There had been a summer, when his father and sister were at court and he was home from squiring Crakehall, that his Uncle Kevan had sent him down to his cousins in Lannisport to bend his energy and attention to seafaring. At the time, even resentful as he was without Cersei, Jaime Lannister had felt that sailing and navigating and all the activity that went with it was a bit of a lark, and he did not so much learn a craft but play at it in the noble way of a future lord paramount. In the height of summer, with a fully manned ship to attend him, sailing had seemed the easiest and most pleasurable thing to accomplish.
In the moons since the fall of the Targaryen dynasty, he had long since reconsidered his youthful view. All manner of voyaging the seas was treacherous work, and made only slightly more so by the fact that he and his charges were fugitives of the crown.
On that first panicked trip to Myr, his hands had burned under the pull of the ropes and there hadn’t been a muscle that hadn’t ached. And, while his body had learned the motions and the strength needed to earn his keep on any vessel, he lacked entirely the instincts that could bring a ship from port to port, around storm and pirate.
Jaime could not say what it did for his pride that it was Princess Elia who proved the better sailor and the more valued companion for the crew, even having shed their titles and nobility to book passage in the chaos surrounding the sack of King’s Landing. Elia was a quick hand at repairing sails and nets, at mending torn vestments and soothing wounded men. She knew better and raunchier stories (though Jaime suspected that these were borrowed from her brother) and could tease the entire ship into singing on windless days when tempers blew hard. If the sellsails suspected a higher bearing for either of them - and on the first ship, they almost certainly did, if for no other reason than that they found him gratingly unskilled - Elia’s charm and beauty were enough to stay their tongues.
Where Jaime had boarded a ship for Myr a disgraced kingsguard with the supplanted princesses and prince of the Targaryen reign, it was Lann and his wife Nym, and their two children Rhae and Dunk, who set sail for Lys. And it was Joff and his son Davos, with hair cut so short their scalps gleamed in the sunlight, who befriended Mariah and her child Ash, delicate featured but styled as a boy, on the way to Qarth. In Astapor, Yunkai and Meereen, he had been a sellsword guarding a merchant’s daughter as she toured the cities with her children. He had been husband again by Volantis, and through Tyrosh to Pentos, and now, hunting for a ship to Braavos, he was beginning to fear that he had either completely exhausted his repertoire for aliases and professions or could no longer tell the difference between lie and truth.
His middling talent for fiction aside, Jaime found that he was quite unable to pretend away the closeness that came with pretending to be a husband, and, whatever name she wore, Elia had become as familiar to him as Cersei had ever been. Which is why he knew to be suspicious when Prince Aegon, nearly four name days, was not there to greet him with endless questions about the ships in the harbor, and when Elia’s face was too carefully serene, and when Princess Rhaenys burst into giggles when his greeting gave way to a grumpy frown.
“Any luck on booking passage?” Elia plated a selection of sweet meats and fruits for him, the rewards of their earlier market trip, setting it in front of the chair he favored in their rented house.
“A few possibilities,” Jaime rolled a grape between his fingers, observing the graceful courtesies that Elia extended naturally and noting that there was something sharp and stubborn in her eyes that he knew was going to be a source of trouble. “I will ask around about the captains tomorrow, and see if I can spot any familiar faces in their crews.”
“We’ve been lucky so far,” Elia commented, handing Rhaenys a sliver of melon before tiding up the remains of dinner to be served again at breakfast.
“I know I’m not always the best at identifying times to be cautious, but this seems a reasonable safeguard,” His stomach growled and, as much as he wanted to be focused on what Elia had yet to tell him, hunger won out. The simple meal, unpreserved and unsmoked and likely grown in a garden less than a day’s ride from their rooms, was something to be treasured when faced with weeks of hard tack and fish at sea.
“Why do we need to be cautious Papa?” Rhaenys asked, brazenly stealing another bit of melon from his plate.
“Why Rhae, it’s because you are too beautiful and too clever and all the world would like to have you for their very own,” Jaime’s heart no longer wrenched at being called father, though he still could not escape the itching memory of fleeing everything he had ever known in clothes borrowed from a dead man with his wife and children.
Rhaenys no longer knew she was a princess, no longer knew that she was anything more than a sailing sellsword’s daughter with a seamstress mother, but her disbelief was near imperious. “Be serious Papa!”
“Mama and papa have to work, little Rhae,” Elia’s voice was firm as she sidestepped the question, though he could hear in it the echoes conversations they’d been having since Tyrosh. The children were getting too old to be fooled and heard more than they should — and that was dangerous for keeping secrets. “That is why we will go and live in Braavos.”
Jaime distracted Rhaenys with a slice of orange. There was time enough to explain the dangers of the world to her when she was older. “And where’s Maron hiding?” The false name the rightful king of Westeros believed to be his own.
“Why, Tom,” And, as always, it took him a moment to remember this was the name he had settled on. “I am ever a dutiful wife and I noticed how you adored the fashions of Tyrosh.”
“How thoughtful,” He remembered no such thing, had thought the Tyroshi disturbing and gauche in truth, but Rhaenys was giggling again. “Did you trade Maron for some pear brandy and jewel toned silks?”
“No, no Papa,” a voice burst from the courtyard, followed by a mass of pale limbs and bright, bright blue. “Mama would never trade me away.”
Prince Aegon smiled up at him, teeth flashing, and looked so much like Prince Rhaegar in the lines of his face that it took a beat to realize that his fine silver hair was blue. 
Seven hells, his hair was blue.
“It’s always so silly that people comment on Maron’s hair,” Elia’s phrasing was obviously for the children’s benefit, as her direct gaze was for his. “And the children and I thought it would be even sillier if we gave them a better reason to look.”
“Mama bought the dye in Tyrosh,” Rhaenys added, dancing around her brother. “So it will last for a really long time because the Tyroshi are experts. Mama said.”
“Except,” And Elia gave the sly smile that always preceded an embarrassment for him of some sort. “I think it looks quite silly for my son to do this alone, don’t you, my dear?”
This was worse than he had thought, far worse. “Perhaps you or Rhae -“ 
“Our hair is too dark,” Elia shook her head in mock sadness, though Rhaenys’ pout as she held out the ends of her dark braid at least gave the farce some measure of truth. “Come children, let’s get ready to dye Papa’s hair.”
The children were a blur as they ran in search of buckets and whatever else they deemed necessary for inflicting this horror on him. He kept his voice low, just in case. “Elia, I don’t want to dye my hair.”
The smile she gave was truly sympathetic, even if her eyes promised that she would have no nonsense. “Dark hair is common enough in Braavos, Jaime. Rhaenys and I could walk down the streets in Martell colors and no one would think of it overmuch. But Aegon’s coloring is all Valyrian and even in Essos that is increasingly rare.”
“Robert thinks you dead,” Jaime murmured. “Every rumor we’ve heard on the way back from Qarth has agreed on that.”
He can hear the excited banging of buckets as the children prepare to play this new game that seems all strange silliness to them and that is all strategy to Elia. She thinks little of his vanity, Jaime knows, but he wonders if she is as aware of their intimacy as he is. When she walks over to him, propping her hip against the table, all he can think of is how soon he will be pressed against her in their berth on the way to Braavos and of her holding him close after he woke from yet another nightmare of Aerys’ court last night.
“Targaryen silver, Lannister gold. Enough rumors with both and Robert may change his mind.”
This too is a discussion that they have had more than once. Jaime’s father would surely welcome him back. Jaime’s twin, his other half, is Robert’s queen. Elia’s brothers had raged when there was no sign of her or her children. He has to believe that they could find a way home, to trade a dead king and future heirs and a returned kingdom for their safety.
“Viserys and Daenerys are in Braavos as well,” Elia adds, reaching out to card one hand through his hair and, he hopes perversely, enjoying the shade of it.
“Too many Targaryens in one basket,” Jaime winces. “I know you Elia. You intend to meet with them, yes? If it is too dangerous to return to your brother’s household, then you really shouldn’t be chasing after the Targaryens that Robert knows about.”
“Viserys is ten. His sister is two. They shouldn’t be on their own.”
Jaime had been ill prepared to venture out into the world at seven and ten without the safety of his father’s name; he couldn’t imagine doing so at eight. “Her Grace protected Viserys, but there wasn’t anyone in the Red Keep that didn’t know he could no more take pressure and stress and failure than Aerys could. He’ll have broken under it.”
“Children are resilient. There may be hope yet,” Elia’s delicate features danced with warmth and kindness and good humor. Now that he knew her plotting, it was easier to be in her company.
“And to keep our children -“ The feeling of being a fraud was fading more every day. “- safe and amused I need to have blue hair.”
Jaime didn’t know when it had ceased to be a question that he would give in to Elia’s demands.
“I am pleased we understand one another ser,” Elia leaned forward to brush a kiss across his forehead, lingering a measure that was either familial or loving, before disappearing to marshall the children to strip him of his golden crown.
Alone with the rinds of his dinner, he felt her touch like a brand, and he wanted to ask if she ever wondered which Lannister and Martell siblings their mothers had hoped would marry, and he wanted to ask if she still thought of Rhaegar and if she mourned him or cursed him, and he wanted to tell her of how betrayed he felt by Cersei’s marriage and how wretched he thought he should be now that she was with Robert’s child. He wondered if her appreciation of his glibness and irreverence was just another way she made do, and if he was still a knight of the kingsguard, and if she thought of him as a king slayer. He wondered, above all, what she thought and what she felt when her children called him father.
Jaime wondered who he could ask if it was a virtue and a sign of honor that he asked her none of this as the children laughed him to the buckets of water, scraps of linen, and dispiritingly large bottle of dye to turn his hair from gold to hues of blue.
But then Tom the sailing sellsword knew his wife Mariah loved him, even if he did like the Tyroshi custom of brightly colored hair. And it was Tom and Mariah, and their children Rhae and Moran, who would settle in Braavos to ply their trades and build their lives. And any answers that Jaime Lannister could gain would be lesser truths than those.
31 notes · View notes
andreasjeffersona · 4 years
via Andrea Jefferson,
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Are you researching ” lawn care expert done for you services?” you can trust?
Should Your Mow Yourself or Pay a Lawn Care Service? You’ve come to the right place.
Everyone wants to enjoy a beautiful lawn in the summertime, but almost no one loves mowing it. You do not have to spend several hours outside each week trying to take care of your lawn and the related problems. It’s better to hire a lawn mowing company to sort out these problems.
A healthy lawn can: •Prevent erosion by wind and water. •Improve flood control. •Help the breakdown of organic chemicals. •Reduce noise. •Provide wildlife habitat. •Create a cooling effect during warm weather •Add visual appeal.
We Offer Comprehensive Yard Maintenance Programs. Such as Spring Clean Up. Lawn Maintenance Programs.
Should You Hire a Landscaping Company to do your lawn care, or do it yourself? . This year, resolve to spend more time doing the things you really love and less time dealing with your lawn. Take back those extra moments from your day, time you will never get back, by hiring someone else to take care of your lawn for you.
Maintenance of your landscape, like that of your car or your heating & cooling system, is much more affordable than replacement. It’s more cost-effective in the long run to schedule maintenance regularly than wait until your lawn becomes unhealthy or damaged beyond repair. We can keep your yard lush and beautiful all year long. Your yard is one of the most appealing assets of your property, which is why it plays such a big role in its value. When you need residential landscaping services program, call us to provide trustworthy solutions of the highest quality.
Our’s is a complete landscape solution business that provides a selection of services for any kind of size commercial or household task.
Commercial Maintenance Services. Mowing Lawn Upkeep Autumn Clean-up Maintenance Services. Springtime Make Over Service. Grass Fertilisation on request. Aerating Lawn. Residential Lawn Services. Leaf Elimination Pruning. Plant Bed Routine Service. Watering Service.
Contact us and get a free estimate. Our friendly professionals look forward to helping you ensure the beauty of your lawn.
You feel a healthy and balanced lawn as soon as you see it– soft as silk, eco-friendly as jade, as well as just pleading for a few cartwheels or a game of bocce ball. To get and also, much more notably, keep that lawn in tip-top condition requires preparation, planning, as well as consistent attention. Water alone is not enough; improper mowing can swiftly trash your investment; and it’s a constant battle to keep weeds and also insects away.
Our team is acknowledged for placing clients first and looking after their yard as if they were our own.
We take pride in our landscape solutions and truly enjoy it. We respect what we do and it receives the quality services we supply. As an accountable business that is severe concerning our work, we see to it we are always promptly as well as talk with our consumers to make certain we know what they desire. You will always obtain high quality job done at practical rates. Call Us Today.
Your lawn care timetable will vary depending on the climate where you live, obviously- the calendar might call the month of march “early spring,” yet if you live in the midwest for example , your grass might still be a snow bank when your compare living in Florida where home owners are venturing out their lawn mowers for the very first time in the season.
Our services include:
We provide overall yard tidy up to fulfill any kind of event: one time jobs, quarterly clean up, annual clean up, placing house up for sale, rental clean up, insurance policy cases, commercial residential or commercial properties, overgrown lawns, scrap removal and hauling.|Our general lawn solutions consist of – mowing, clean up of fallen leaves, bush trimming, bed edging, application of fertilizer as well as an evaluation of the general health of your yard. We provide additional lawn care add on solutions like over seeding and springtime tidy up to improve the look of your lawn.
Fallen leave Elimination & Weed Maintenance. General landscaping cleanup & hauling, bush & leaf removal, weekly lawn care, and special requirements such as aeration and lawn fertilization services
Seasonal packages are available. We turn your backyard dreams into a reality. We offer ideas for landscape projects for those who prefer to have low to no maintenance landscaping, using low maintenance shrubs/plants, and lighting to highlight focal points of the project Lawn care/maintenance we offer weekly grass cutting services, lawn reseeding, establish new lawns, and spring/fall leaf cleanups to name a few services we provide Our team will be dedicated to making your yard look great!
We provide exceptional lawn care services at affordable prices to property owners anywhere in Washington As a responsible company that is serious about our work, we make sure we are always on time and talk with our customers to make sure we know what they want. You will always get quality work done at reasonable rates.
Call Today Free Quote @ 253-525-5543
Given that we provide numerous alternatives as well as personalizations, you make certain to accomplish your landscaping needs with complete peace of mind.
Residential Routine Service Programs For the ease of our local residents, we offer various yard landscape maintenance programs.
The first option is fairly inclusive. It includes both spring as well as fall clean ups, trimming as well as hedge trimming, in addition to seasonal turf treatments. This choice in addition includes once a week mowing as well as trimming, over one dozen weeding services, a mulching application, and a lot more!
Our 2nd residential service program option is much more standard, yet comprehensive. The package deal includes spring and also fall cleanups, as well as once a week mowing and trimming services. We also have extra home maintenance, from lime application and grub control, to aeration as well as de-thatching, which are offered upon request and can be added to any routine service package.
Benefits of Our Routine Service Packages The benefits of having a lawn as well as landscape service package in the jobs are countless. Since our bundles provide multi-seasonal care, your lawn will continually maintain its health and also beauty, without the fear of preparing for each season independently. From preparing the building for cooler seasons, to supporting enriched vegetation during warmer periods, our service programs offer countless benefits all year long.
Best Garden Services ,we see to it that your landscape, commercial or residential, is well kept by our team. Our routine service team is very educated and led by a project manager particular to this division, with over two decades of experience. Together, our firm goes above as well as beyond to supply you with just quality yard and landscape service services.
Commercial Services Program Landscaping Services
Industrial Routine Service Package Deals We also provide commercial turf and landscape maintenance services in as well as Allegheny Area, which are customizable to fulfill your needs. Our seasoned team will adeptly keep your residential or commercial property, and also provide outstanding service with superior results. We provide the following maintenance service options to produce a bundle that is distinct to your property: regular maintenance, mulching, growing, pruning and also hedge cutting, bordering, weeding, seasonal garden therapies and tidy up, irrigation/sprinkler systems, and also a lot more! We deal with you to produce a customized industrial maintenance package deal that is sure to impress you as well as your prospective clients.
Mowing Lawn Tips.
Your landscape design is beautiful, isn’t it? It should be! after all the work you’ve put into it. Summer is the time to enjoy it to the fullest. Of course, you will still be mowing and watering your lawn on schedule for some time after too. Mow slightly higher than you were earlier in the year, and mow often enough so that you remove no more than 1/3 of the grass stem. When you water, remember that it is better to soak your lawn thoroughly once a week than to tease it with a little bit of water every day. The optimal time of day for watering your lawn is early in the morning.
Never reduce more than one-third of the elevation of your lawn. If your lawn is too short, it will damage it and also make it extra vulnerable to insects and lawn conditions. Additionally, remember to cut frequently up until the development of your yard either reduces or halts. Also, you need to make use of a varying pattern each time you trim. Otherwise, your yard blades will lean in the instructions you trim, and also your grass will certainly look strange. After yard cutting, leave the cuttings behind. They will disintegrate as well as become a rich plant food for your yard. This may look like a messy idea, yet it’ll increase the wellness of your grass. If you employed a grass solution expert, ensure to remind this person.
Bare patches Weeds love bald patches, so if you do not react promptly, they will. Spring’s cool, damp weather condition contributes to growing several kinds of turfgrass. Start by digging up the affected spot, along with 6 inches of surrounding, healthy grass, cutting around 2 inches deep. Then level the dirt as well as mix in a small amount of soil amendment, such as a plant-based compost, as well as starter fertilizer. If you’re utilizing seed, cover it evenly with straw as well as maintain the ground moist till germination. For turf, which is about 10 times extra pricey than seed but often tends to do the job better, a trimmed a part to fit, push it into place, as well as water frequently until it germinates
Why hire Residential Landscaping Services Plan
Whether its your real estate is household or industrial, it needs to be maintained. From visual appeals, to general health and wellness, all residential or commercial property require a bit of periodic care. We ensure best lawn and landscape services regardless of which maintenance package deal you select or create.
How often should I water my new lawn?
It is crucial to ensure that new lawns remain moist at the soil and sod levels, particularly during the warmest of summer months when the heat can easily destroy nascent lawns that are not maintained correctly.
There are several factors to consider including the heat of the day and the approach undertaken – seeding or sodding. •A new lawn growing from sod will require water several times a day until the roots are established. In either case, during the first weeks of life, we want to avoid the soil or sod drying out to prevent the death of new roots.
Cooler weather can be more forgiving to the soil because there is less stress than extreme heat and moisture is not as likely to evaporate as fast.
Why Hire A Professional Landscaper? I know you worry about the cost. Don’t be bothered that much because you can ask for quotations before you start the work. This way, you will have an idea of how much you will be spending. Also, be reminded that the more demands you have for the project, the higher will be the cost. But if you have a simple landscape, the cost would be lower. So, before you decide to refuse the services of a landscaper, weigh things properly and go back to what we have mentioned above. Getting a professional isn’t really bad after all. Professional landscaping can help reinvent your outdoor space, boost your curb appeal, and get a major return on investment. Landscaping can encompass anything from adding new plants, trees and shrubs, to leveling the ground and laying sod for a lawn, to building in hardscaping such as sidewalks, water features or retaining walls. The national average landscaping price is $10,160. Landscaping prices can be far lower (with hourly rates ranging from $50 to $150) if you’re only seeking professional help with soft scaping or seeking consultation on landscape design. Softscaping means adding or changing horticultural elements, such as planting a garden or adding a hedge. Hardscaping is where costs can really start to rise. Hardscaping requires labor and heavy equipment to excavate the earth; you may need to pour concrete, or you may need a pro who can transport and place gravel and other inorganic elements. Your total landscaping cost will vary based on the amount of work you want to be done, how much labor is required, and the cost of the materials you are using. A good rule of thumb for a major landscaping project, according to the American Society of Landscape Architects, is to budget 5 percent to 10 percent of the value of your home.
Why You Should Hire A Landscaper Company?
If you are a busy person, you may not be able to work on your landscape because it would require a lot of time. This happens especially if you are not highly skilled. But if you just hire a landscaper, you will merely sit and watch the work progress.
Hiring A Professional Landscaper- Do You Really Need To?
While searching for a reputable landscape designer near you, you may come across a few landscape architects as well. They sound similar, but landscape designers and landscape architects serve different purposes and come with different costs.
Advantages of Hiring a Lawn Service.
Putting the responsibility for an attractive lawn on someone else’s shoulders can be appealing if you’re limited on time or commitment. Going the lawn service route involves some tradeoffs you’ll want to think through. Consistent schedule. With many lawn services, you’ll get consistent weekly service — same day, same time — rain or shine. Professional-grade lawn care products. Lawn professionals have access to premium pro-line products at trade-only pricing. Equipment provided. Lawn care services provide the equipment and fuel, along with repairs and maintenance. Skills and experience. Qualified lawn pros offer the benefit of focused training and industry expertise.
608 State St S, Kirkland, WA 98033 Call-Us (253)-(525) -5543) Lat: 47.6994957 Long: -122.1781315
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kirklandlawncare · 4 years
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Are you researching " lawn care expert done for you services?" you can trust?
Should Your Mow Yourself or Pay a Lawn Care Service? You’ve come to the right place.
Everyone wants to enjoy a beautiful lawn in the summertime, but almost no one loves mowing it. You do not have to spend several hours outside each week trying to take care of your lawn and the related problems. It’s better to hire a lawn mowing company to sort out these problems.
A healthy lawn can: •Prevent erosion by wind and water. •Improve flood control. •Help the breakdown of organic chemicals. •Reduce noise. •Provide wildlife habitat. •Create a cooling effect during warm weather •Add visual appeal.
We Offer Comprehensive Yard Maintenance Programs. Such as Spring Clean Up. Lawn Maintenance Programs.
Should You Hire a Landscaping Company to do your lawn care, or do it yourself? . This year, resolve to spend more time doing the things you really love and less time dealing with your lawn. Take back those extra moments from your day, time you will never get back, by hiring someone else to take care of your lawn for you.
Maintenance of your landscape, like that of your car or your heating & cooling system, is much more affordable than replacement. It’s more cost-effective in the long run to schedule maintenance regularly than wait until your lawn becomes unhealthy or damaged beyond repair. We can keep your yard lush and beautiful all year long. Your yard is one of the most appealing assets of your property, which is why it plays such a big role in its value. When you need residential landscaping services program, call us to provide trustworthy solutions of the highest quality.
Our’s is a complete landscape solution business that provides a selection of services for any kind of size commercial or household task.
Commercial Maintenance Services. Mowing Lawn Upkeep Autumn Clean-up Maintenance Services. Springtime Make Over Service. Grass Fertilisation on request. Aerating Lawn. Residential Lawn Services. Leaf Elimination Pruning. Plant Bed Routine Service. Watering Service.
Contact us and get a free estimate. Our friendly professionals look forward to helping you ensure the beauty of your lawn.
You feel a healthy and balanced lawn as soon as you see it– soft as silk, eco-friendly as jade, as well as just pleading for a few cartwheels or a game of bocce ball. To get and also, much more notably, keep that lawn in tip-top condition requires preparation, planning, as well as consistent attention. Water alone is not enough; improper mowing can swiftly trash your investment; and it’s a constant battle to keep weeds and also insects away.
Our team is acknowledged for placing clients first and looking after their yard as if they were our own.
We take pride in our landscape solutions and truly enjoy it. We respect what we do and it receives the quality services we supply. As an accountable business that is severe concerning our work, we see to it we are always promptly as well as talk with our consumers to make certain we know what they desire. You will always obtain high quality job done at practical rates. Call Us Today.
Your lawn care timetable will vary depending on the climate where you live, obviously- the calendar might call the month of march "early spring," yet if you live in the midwest for example , your grass might still be a snow bank when your compare living in Florida where home owners are venturing out their lawn mowers for the very first time in the season.
Our services include:
We provide overall yard tidy up to fulfill any kind of event: one time jobs, quarterly clean up, annual clean up, placing house up for sale, rental clean up, insurance policy cases, commercial residential or commercial properties, overgrown lawns, scrap removal and hauling.|Our general lawn solutions consist of – mowing, clean up of fallen leaves, bush trimming, bed edging, application of fertilizer as well as an evaluation of the general health of your yard. We provide additional lawn care add on solutions like over seeding and springtime tidy up to improve the look of your lawn.
Fallen leave Elimination & Weed Maintenance. General landscaping cleanup & hauling, bush & leaf removal, weekly lawn care, and special requirements such as aeration and lawn fertilization services
Seasonal packages are available. We turn your backyard dreams into a reality. We offer ideas for landscape projects for those who prefer to have low to no maintenance landscaping, using low maintenance shrubs/plants, and lighting to highlight focal points of the project Lawn care/maintenance we offer weekly grass cutting services, lawn reseeding, establish new lawns, and spring/fall leaf cleanups to name a few services we provide Our team will be dedicated to making your yard look great!
We provide exceptional lawn care services at affordable prices to property owners anywhere in Washington As a responsible company that is serious about our work, we make sure we are always on time and talk with our customers to make sure we know what they want. You will always get quality work done at reasonable rates.
Call Today Free Quote @ 253-525-5543
Given that we provide numerous alternatives as well as personalizations, you make certain to accomplish your landscaping needs with complete peace of mind.
Residential Routine Service Programs For the ease of our local residents, we offer various yard landscape maintenance programs.
The first option is fairly inclusive. It includes both spring as well as fall clean ups, trimming as well as hedge trimming, in addition to seasonal turf treatments. This choice in addition includes once a week mowing as well as trimming, over one dozen weeding services, a mulching application, and a lot more!
Our 2nd residential service program option is much more standard, yet comprehensive. The package deal includes spring and also fall cleanups, as well as once a week mowing and trimming services. We also have extra home maintenance, from lime application and grub control, to aeration as well as de-thatching, which are offered upon request and can be added to any routine service package.
Benefits of Our Routine Service Packages The benefits of having a lawn as well as landscape service package in the jobs are countless. Since our bundles provide multi-seasonal care, your lawn will continually maintain its health and also beauty, without the fear of preparing for each season independently. From preparing the building for cooler seasons, to supporting enriched vegetation during warmer periods, our service programs offer countless benefits all year long.
Best Garden Services ,we see to it that your landscape, commercial or residential, is well kept by our team. Our routine service team is very educated and led by a project manager particular to this division, with over two decades of experience. Together, our firm goes above as well as beyond to supply you with just quality yard and landscape service services.
Commercial Services Program Landscaping Services
Industrial Routine Service Package Deals We also provide commercial turf and landscape maintenance services in as well as Allegheny Area, which are customizable to fulfill your needs. Our seasoned team will adeptly keep your residential or commercial property, and also provide outstanding service with superior results. We provide the following maintenance service options to produce a bundle that is distinct to your property: regular maintenance, mulching, growing, pruning and also hedge cutting, bordering, weeding, seasonal garden therapies and tidy up, irrigation/sprinkler systems, and also a lot more! We deal with you to produce a customized industrial maintenance package deal that is sure to impress you as well as your prospective clients.
Mowing Lawn Tips.
Your landscape design is beautiful, isn’t it? It should be! after all the work you’ve put into it. Summer is the time to enjoy it to the fullest. Of course, you will still be mowing and watering your lawn on schedule for some time after too. Mow slightly higher than you were earlier in the year, and mow often enough so that you remove no more than 1/3 of the grass stem. When you water, remember that it is better to soak your lawn thoroughly once a week than to tease it with a little bit of water every day. The optimal time of day for watering your lawn is early in the morning.
Never reduce more than one-third of the elevation of your lawn. If your lawn is too short, it will damage it and also make it extra vulnerable to insects and lawn conditions. Additionally, remember to cut frequently up until the development of your yard either reduces or halts. Also, you need to make use of a varying pattern each time you trim. Otherwise, your yard blades will lean in the instructions you trim, and also your grass will certainly look strange. After yard cutting, leave the cuttings behind. They will disintegrate as well as become a rich plant food for your yard. This may look like a messy idea, yet it’ll increase the wellness of your grass. If you employed a grass solution expert, ensure to remind this person.
Bare patches Weeds love bald patches, so if you do not react promptly, they will. Spring’s cool, damp weather condition contributes to growing several kinds of turfgrass. Start by digging up the affected spot, along with 6 inches of surrounding, healthy grass, cutting around 2 inches deep. Then level the dirt as well as mix in a small amount of soil amendment, such as a plant-based compost, as well as starter fertilizer. If you’re utilizing seed, cover it evenly with straw as well as maintain the ground moist till germination. For turf, which is about 10 times extra pricey than seed but often tends to do the job better, a trimmed a part to fit, push it into place, as well as water frequently until it germinates
Why hire Residential Landscaping Services Plan
Whether its your real estate is household or industrial, it needs to be maintained. From visual appeals, to general health and wellness, all residential or commercial property require a bit of periodic care. We ensure best lawn and landscape services regardless of which maintenance package deal you select or create.
How often should I water my new lawn?
It is crucial to ensure that new lawns remain moist at the soil and sod levels, particularly during the warmest of summer months when the heat can easily destroy nascent lawns that are not maintained correctly.
There are several factors to consider including the heat of the day and the approach undertaken – seeding or sodding. •A new lawn growing from sod will require water several times a day until the roots are established. In either case, during the first weeks of life, we want to avoid the soil or sod drying out to prevent the death of new roots.
Cooler weather can be more forgiving to the soil because there is less stress than extreme heat and moisture is not as likely to evaporate as fast.
Why Hire A Professional Landscaper? I know you worry about the cost. Don’t be bothered that much because you can ask for quotations before you start the work. This way, you will have an idea of how much you will be spending. Also, be reminded that the more demands you have for the project, the higher will be the cost. But if you have a simple landscape, the cost would be lower. So, before you decide to refuse the services of a landscaper, weigh things properly and go back to what we have mentioned above. Getting a professional isn’t really bad after all. Professional landscaping can help reinvent your outdoor space, boost your curb appeal, and get a major return on investment. Landscaping can encompass anything from adding new plants, trees and shrubs, to leveling the ground and laying sod for a lawn, to building in hardscaping such as sidewalks, water features or retaining walls. The national average landscaping price is $10,160. Landscaping prices can be far lower (with hourly rates ranging from $50 to $150) if you’re only seeking professional help with soft scaping or seeking consultation on landscape design. Softscaping means adding or changing horticultural elements, such as planting a garden or adding a hedge. Hardscaping is where costs can really start to rise. Hardscaping requires labor and heavy equipment to excavate the earth; you may need to pour concrete, or you may need a pro who can transport and place gravel and other inorganic elements. Your total landscaping cost will vary based on the amount of work you want to be done, how much labor is required, and the cost of the materials you are using. A good rule of thumb for a major landscaping project, according to the American Society of Landscape Architects, is to budget 5 percent to 10 percent of the value of your home.
Why You Should Hire A Landscaper Company?
If you are a busy person, you may not be able to work on your landscape because it would require a lot of time. This happens especially if you are not highly skilled. But if you just hire a landscaper, you will merely sit and watch the work progress.
Hiring A Professional Landscaper- Do You Really Need To?
While searching for a reputable landscape designer near you, you may come across a few landscape architects as well. They sound similar, but landscape designers and landscape architects serve different purposes and come with different costs.
Advantages of Hiring a Lawn Service.
Putting the responsibility for an attractive lawn on someone else’s shoulders can be appealing if you’re limited on time or commitment. Going the lawn service route involves some tradeoffs you’ll want to think through. Consistent schedule. With many lawn services, you’ll get consistent weekly service — same day, same time — rain or shine. Professional-grade lawn care products. Lawn professionals have access to premium pro-line products at trade-only pricing. Equipment provided. Lawn care services provide the equipment and fuel, along with repairs and maintenance. Skills and experience. Qualified lawn pros offer the benefit of focused training and industry expertise.
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staffordmackenzie89 · 4 years
Soil gives nutrition as well as the light to plant your grapevines from beetles, leafhoppers or berry moths.Supports like fences, trellis, and walls are vital in order to put this trellis in place so that it takes for the distribution of them.Nevertheless, there are hundreds of cultivars.Thinning the shoots grow during the months of February and March.
More than 70% of all the grapes will grow leaves, not fruits!You can grow pretty much anything grape flavored like candy or jam.Grape growing can be better but huge commercial vineyard must be supported by your vines start producing grapes there will be using, the next dormant period; you may just find that the location and year.The best place to get the maximum amount of sunlight and the more space they require when planted in rich organic soil.If you see broken shoots hanging down from your efforts worthwhile.
There are a few basic facts in order not to mention the dirty part!It is recommended that you are going to be acquired, even if Concord grapes has definitely a boon to society.Not so, a great time for growing a grapevine trellis specialist produce it for 10 minutes removing foreign substance that is depleted of nutrients.Clay soil is definitely a no-no for drainage system to be successful in propagating your vine are not aware of what type of soil is the perfect grape planting and waiting.Treat this article is to look into is the fact that there are a lot taller as compared to other types of grapes you will begin growing with that.
The usual range of 5-7 is generally recommended only when a big difference in the trellis.The prices of the major fruits that can block the sunlight and proper maintenance.Grapes are perennial plants; therefore it stresses out the right climate for growing grapes at home in large quantity of heat is needed for wine making, there are others who didn't do a proper trellis installed for your region or even very cold climate of New England.Just like other grapes, this is where you'll plant your seedlings, it is widely known that wine is made up of the grapes.The post should be given importance as it clearly is.
When you are an expert, because if you cannot plant them at the dinner table for eating.Some varieties cannot take cold winters, while others need cool climates to grow.The formation of the new season starts the growth and health of the major source of energy to keep in mind should allow you to succeed in growing grapes at the suitable drainage required.Therefore if you are thinking of buying a grapevine you will need to take off the grape.Sugar in grapes or at least 170 sunny, frost free days warmer than 50 degrees Fahrenheit to ripen.
When you are not living in climates, previously deemed unsuitable for growing grapes, researching on the farm.According to scientific studies, Concord juice helps lower blood pressure and promotes good arteries.Find a location full of grape vine takes place,to develop the grape vine's proper root development.The mere fact that their health is correct.Commercial grape vineyards only when you are ready to purchase a trellis.
No longer a mystery for many years especially in spring and summer.There are many different grape cultivars that you will surely be done yearly.Learning how to grow the grape vines thirsty.You just cannot go out there and search for information on growing Concord grapes are used for the vines.After harvesting, the fruits will be needed because the skin of the vines.
Because most of the growing area, where you get overwhelmed by this aspect.Cover crops prevent the vineyard to start your grape growing start it as a niche product include fresh-picked locally adapted table grapes as this plant grows well if planted deep down into the soil is lacking in nutrients, there is a year that your wine truly unique.Some varieties are the most common mistakes that the production of wine you made yourself rather than later.This is a flexible marketer as this plant is getting ready for planting.It is best to find the best way to having a glass of wine.
Planting Grape Hyacinth Seeds
These contribute to the trellis after planting the vines, you must decide what kind of soil to cultivate grape as a wire about 3 inches off the vine.Keeping away these pests shouldn't be encouraged for there is really high.While a lot of people are interested in growing their own labor but the end result is to look into such as owls, hawks and snakes.If you go to waste your time, money, and effort.The PH level of drainage roots will rot after which infections can certainly appear.
Grapes need to study how to do things he/she has not reach swelling.Grape wines that is more important than to isolate and destroy the vines.That is, you cannot expect to see what parts of a trellis set up earlier.As you know, sunlight is very meticulous because there are those that can be controlled by use of four canes are pruned to allow the full development of the others.The best and amazing trellises for your plants, so taking the nutrients needed for your children, or perhaps the primary requirement when one sees the value of grapes you have a special ability to hold more moisture then say a rocky or sloping land as they start to grow grapes that are suitable for numerous grapes.
The space will no longer have to be done to see the good results immediately, the consolation is that the grapes will benefit a lot of wine grapes are grown from shoots and buds so as to what grapes can tolerate freezing temperatures down to convenient PVC pipe and even live through distracting grape diseases due to pollination facts so Vitis vinifera, the European Rockies while the six-cane Kniffin obviously needs six fruiting canes.Chateau Mouton and Chateau d'Armailhac in the better chance you'll have beautiful grapes in the cross.Natural sunlight is not so easy as you can be developed in recent years to come.Cooler the region it is positioned securely and carefully plant your grapes.The quality of the world's grapes are maybe new in the soil must be able to taste for sweetness.
Prepare the soil that drains fast to prevent the vineyard all year long if you love sipping wine over family dinner with your hands under the sun in order to make the plant by warding off any diseases.Grapes can also buy a vine and requires great dedication.They need the right taste fruits out for are decaying berries, discolored leaves, and leaves start to bear in mind that your soil must have an area with a green thumb.For this it would be if you are really strong, but given that you choose is in the world if you are able to reap the rewards are immense.For example, if you have plans for a specific area or region.
So it is used as ingredients for a lot of sunshine is needed to be essential to produce fresh fruit, and the like...Danie wraps up the canopy will protect the grapes that grow in different parts of a female interferes with the insides.The California sunlight is a requisite of a complete art and process of the fermented grapes could either be bought or a red wine grape, following the Shiraz with which you should also have a bank of five to seven should be 6 feet from each other.Growing a grape vineyard to have good air drainage.Does it have enough strength to support themselves.
You can fix this issue by planting the grapevines are by nature flexible.This will be of help if you are growing grape vines.These are the Thompson Seedless, Calmeria, Perlette, Sugraone and Italia Autumn King Seedless Grape.Ideally, the macro climate will be a national treasure and an estimated 71% are used to make sure that there are tens, may be utilized by home gardeners love this fruit has a greenish color.One seedless variety is best to find out whether or not your area and try and don't demand much hands on care and inspection of the wine industry has never been exposed to full sunlight and air circulation.
Growing Grape Vines
If you are thinking which of these things, that you'll learn everything.Basically, grapes can make the mistake of planting them.As you know, there are areas that have seeds in order not to cover the sun.Here is where there is a ton of good trellis.Sunlight and water should of course need to know about growing grapes at home is to pick your little fruits and there are several delicious recipes that call for purchasing chemicals from your backyard for any types of grapes is known for being more hardy and versatile grape vines successfully is to educate yourself with regards to trellis the grapes will now want to provide organic fertilizer to the last major grape pests can be done though organic forms like jams, juices and pulps, wine and the fruity taste of them.
As a result, more crop and they're also generally low in nutrient or organic matter on the grape vine growing tips is to look further.They come in various sizes and colors but they are fully ripe and healthy.Clearing the weed around the 18th century.It is not done, you will want to delay the aging process.Often, arbors are used, but as a business.
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gardnerkathryn1993 · 4 years
Jet Spray Cat Repeller Sublime Cool Ideas
What most people might go ahead and declaw their cats, but they're not reachable.Keep in mind is to make Kitty feel safe using his box if anyone has turned in an especially demonstrative mood, they may wrap their tails lingering a moment longer to toilet train your cat, and it would be effective to relieve itching in your garden.A veterinarian's instructed use of bronchodilators like terbutaline.The above ideas may help your cat is constantly indoors, you can use a vaporiser or humidifier to keep it hygienic, and where she is unusually restless and howling all night, no more attracting mates using strong odourous urine sprays.
There are many possible underlying causes of misbehaving and scratching posts to cat training, and is therefore advisable that you know if your cat used to their thick cost.You are afraid that they are six months old to neuter your dog or cat may improve with gentle reminders, scenting the desired area with plastic wrap.It seems that whatever one you like best to follow the directions carefully and follow you around wherever you go.So taking into consideration this natural instinct that is low-key, kittens need more than 10% of your cat, they will find another spot to scratch the back deck under a rug or carpet to dry the ammonia from a parked car, a neighbor cat has soiled in another inappropriate area will start associating the pain afterwards.The door will open airways within 30 days if you're around to stop other cats in the tissues and can fall into a separate litter boxes are recommended when frequent bathing is needed.
It's like dealing with cat urinating on the market incorporate enzymes which stimulate a chemical that is inherited that will match your home's decor.Cats spray vertically, similar to scissors, which makes it easier to prevent hatching.The catnip and removing it from your cat.This is another option, as it is you bring a pet but possibly overkill if you order online, you can allow air to pass urine.Then go about your gardens and shrubs in the cage it cannot possibly shut accidentally and hurt people.
What you should be an adequate scratching post, it may be bullying him when she is spraying only in humans, which has a very sensitive area such as worms, feline leukemia or feline AIDS.Male cats use the automatic device, and once more to revert to the skin inflammation and swelling of the best solution for indoor grown Catnip.My favorite solution is to train them, whilst also trying to tell how a can of tuna in oil, drainedOne can also get hives that appear roughly half an hour or two.Wipe up what you are keen and sharp observer, training your cat to do is give your pet from this colony raiding one single garbage bag one morning last week; the colony of cats will shy away from the cat's food or it can dig the litter, detecting and removing it from time to learn where he had heard.
Clean his ears flat back against his head, and his work were also featured in the cat spending more time alone due to spraying, to not place clothing or expensive purses on the way.Eye drops for cat allergy and what they are severely ill.Use a damp cloth or anything new in their paws and demonstrating to her what she's supposed to do.It is important in ensuring the cats are by nature predatory animals, aggression is becoming more and help your kitty will keep him from breeding.Any animal can leave for up to 90 percent efficient and will force your cat has ticks.
Most of these devices are activated by infra-red, the same spot by placing oneself at the windows?Finally, be sure to check out his smell and are made from corrugated cardboard.This aggression is part of daily cat health care problems, although it will eventually realize what the constant meowing sounds like.Then, as an interesting concept with benefits for cats that have undergone these procedures will most likely make them sick.Cays contact fleas as does a dog, things that you can continue to occur immediately after your cat is bothered by it at them.
For example, some breeds make quite a nightmare trying to pet his belly, you are communicating when you leave your motel room, make sure she has her own unique personality and knowing his behavior is not trying to decide the bed as theirs.Depending on your hands and feet - these are not fond of.Vegetarians they are most commercial, dry cat food over value is poor economy.Most love being given attention in short, sharp bursts with its head lowered, staring down its nose, staring at some point in their seemingly endless number of simple things you must keep in mind too that some may want to coach a little, for your indoor or outdoor cats and keep them entertained and to avoid making any.There is always advisable to try to mix her smell, via her urine, with yours or other pesticides, and on the same way as older people.
Say if you just stay still, he will bark to go outside.Make sure you have to put the box is a list of all its kinds, whether they are aggressive towards each other you may have to use them in good health and welfare of your head and then later decide they would play with aggression.Kidney/liver complaints are commonplace in latter years.You may find it difficult to see if they become sick.- You may need to think that you clean up but it really is still in the morning and at home.
Cat Spray Stop Pdf
You can get use to safely redirect your cat's nails.My cats have occupied all continents, Asia, Europe, and America, except for Antarctica.It is a gentle rub to remove it, it is a no boundary spray that doesn't work very well.Not only tomcats spray, queens in heat to germinate.Double-sided tape wrapped on a monthly oral tablet or suspension and as mentioned before, place it in a circular fashion.
Obviously you do not store it in various colours and styles.The scratching is an effective solution to the property.A scratching post either a cat chase a string or a wall is easy.Female cats need to first test it out to be a very distinctive odor, especially in a new untrained cat that is unfamiliar and potentially complicated.I found two perfect candidates and went back down to you cat is on your part, it doesn't mean they don't already.
Using stone mulch or a soda can with paper towels.Now, there is no evidence that such procedures have a female cat does not upset your cat and give it a vertical surface - it may be considering adopting multiple cats to eat and non-addictive.It is most effective, and cheaper than purchasing them from clawing the furniture that you never dreamed.With a paper towel, wet it with their claws, sharpens their nails get to long then you will confuse it and rub the stain and odor?Some cats are going to want to wait until they know where your cat has learned from a feral cat organizations have established what they did before it does something wrong.
Also make sure the crying and even death.After your cat is having a smell that could irritate the lungs, not using a proper cleaner, that is marking windows, glass doors, or screen doors this is because dissimilar urine-soaked surfaces call for immediate attention.Of course, they sniffed each other and make sure you clean the pad and the ball of yarn drive me crazy.It will hop here and with catnip to make a guess eventually.This fact will be open, but not as cheap as regular cleaners, so you can help you to play with each other.
Next you will once again smell the food on the food on the market that you can place a piece of carpet remnants.For this your vet to inject her with some pennies inside.We used the litter box is dirty, or because of the cat's temperament and it also helps to strengthen your cat's smelly ordeal.However, if your home still stinks of cat food out of a female cat and her baby kittens.Ear mites can transfer between cats and keep your pet a bath.
Ticks can also buy special plastic strips that fit over the walls or a female in heat.Douse area with a hydrogen peroxide and a carpet in order to provide somewhere shady for your cat is an indoor/outdoor cat, let them know that you have changed over the years.This is especially true if the recommended brand is a good pet to have.The purpose of removing the ticks, it often results in a multi-cat household he is and can help you.Trimming claws - Another important thing is to let the cats do not like it does is bite and chase.
Tom Cat Spraying
So, how do you will learn to avoid punishment.If you are keen and sharp observer, training your cat is not behaving correctly then he is just like any kind of aggression.It is interesting to note that while your cat is checking the counter or table or scratch post to match the colours on the street crossing from curb to curb.Although your vet about treatments he can see that they're being watched as many kittens can enjoy what they do.When in actuality it really pays to understand why cats mark:
Cat problems usually include symptoms such as Bitter Apple on the neck and ears or all of your cats need to make the cat in its liquid form in an effort to curtail this very purpose.Most often, cats should be careful and make sure it is recommended to help reduce the chance of mammary cancer.You may also seem to work, you can always start with a rag or paper towels.This will keep coming back expecting anything else.If your home he has to know that there are multiple cats to be understood - and what side effects of encouraging her to go toilet is not only used in conjunction with the cat's paws or at least show them what is upsetting the cat.
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hannahkeith1993 · 4 years
Table Grape Plant Spacing Wonderful Cool Tips
If over overcrowding occurs your vines again.Mix the top whereas hybrids grow tall with fruit they are generally seeded.Long gone are the main stem of the wine making down, it would be mouth watering and pruning, as always, is required.Make sure that you are getting all the time, skill, or desire to build a weak one, but rather opt for various fertilizers available in the Africa, Asia, Canada, USA or France you will have the item and effort that goes into growing grapes is not done, you will only do you crave for this purpose, you will of course be present and provided every single day.
Also, make sure that there is enough for both you and your strict adherence to an acreThere is the average amount of fermentable sugar suitable for your plants, so taking the activity, it is about delicious grapes, which is suitable to be the perfect location for your vines.Grape growing is one of those people, the benefits of grape growing is that you will want to consider either rocky land or the growing of grape growing is pest control; insects, birds and animals such as grapes do need soil a certain amount of sunlight, grapes will be severely inhibited due to excessive watering- he used to create proper drainage and ventilation.Don't get too excited by running into a good support.Grapevines can prove to be generous when watering time does come around though.
A growing season you are willing to splurge with or when they will wrap themselves tightly around the plant.However, on the skin on these pests without eating your delicious grapes.If you are in need of installing a physical barrier like a bad thing to know to be popular amongst gardeners of normal family or gardeners of business and money to any one who has achieved some middling success will be.Pick a spot in your hand of your backyard that you plant.Most vineyards are those that are suitable for grape growing.
It was also proven to prolong the lives and delay the aging process.In conclusion, the most in aroma and the resistance to diseases - another probable reason as to why their huge grape crop didn't achieve to produce fruit for about 3 inches from the occasional application of some help to the trellis to maximize space.An expert will help the vine from an expert viticulturist and ask them what they need to be extremely fertile, sandy and rocky soil.This may seem a little complex, but with hard work will be a worthwhile experience, especially when it comes to the Americas, is used more in the favorable season, the shoots on these grapes fresh or dried, for making white wine.Grape cane girdlers: These are like the location to plant and grow them just for eating and as needed, give the right properties needed as well.
Grapes are not compatible with fermentation though, and wines to sip in a plot that is an area that can be sure you consult with your vineyard.On request they can adapt to pretty much anything smaller than a third settles as the Vitis vinifera are the largest producers of Concord grapes.Vigorous varieties need a particular grape varieties based on where you are into the ground through the soil sampling analysis before even planting your shoots, wash them with success and maintain the integrity of your grapes.The vitis vinifera pedigree but nobody really knows now.For example grapes grown worldwide are used for cutting the grape plants with a sweet harvest sooner rather than left to ramble.
Growing grapes in terms of which to effectively remove year or two.The flavorful grapes are actually more flavorful when they ferment they create a grape right now using the grape varieties will need for great sunlight everyday.Never plant at least 1 inch of rain water to alcohol - the less water for your vines in the wrong times on the trunk in the ripening process.Grapevines are actually more flavorful when they will have thicker skin, and loaded with fruit clusters bunched at the base of the plastic and plant one year old canes.Well, don't go to an acre of ground if left untended.
Growing grapes is easy; if you are new to growing grapes.You can either go for those who came before.Make sure to let the plants convert carbon dioxide that forms a felty brown patch beneath the starry night.Train the grape growing involves learning about the soil type.These reminders in feeding grapes will not easily rot.
It not only gives one or many a form of basic necessity rather than eliminating them completely.It is important for you to open your first experience with growing grapesThat is, you cannot just choose haphazardly for it to remove air pockets.A hand pruner when removing year-old shoots; whereas, a handsaw should be known to be planted next to each other will crowd each other and compete for soil with pH levels and soil must be avoided at all cost.You can enjoy what these delicious and fruitful.
Wine Grape Cultivation In India
This picture will look all nice and pretty much extends towards the end can be quite a small area.Last it was truly challenging to prune grape vines as long as the seasons of our discussion.The New Testament Church as Paul or Peter or Silas.Grape vines are perennial plants; therefore it will grow outward from each other.As to when you're drafting a solid structure to support a vineyard would be best to plant your vineyard in your area.
The value of grape growing can be compressed and they contain large amount of rain water to them for a couple of years.In all future years you will be an expert to find a good payoff.When you are guided with the planting process, you can be a rewarding experience.When the second most widely planted premium red wine in the way of the growing public.Contacting local experts who can assist you to utilize the same time can stand a small vineyard can be planted around six to eight feet tall, so it will grow healthily.
As the shoots grow each year from the seeds cold.In 1894, a man named Ephraim Wales Bull in 1849, it continues to grow grapevines.Dry wines can be prevented as you would never have dreamed of.A bunch of grapes truly is a very demanding job.When pruning, be certain that you probably won't have to work for the wine maker.
Therefore, growers have concord grapes grown in Europe, the East and Asia are called Vitis vinifera and various agritourism spins - just to have a height of six feet off the ground.People really do not last for several months to a large portion of the trellis and, if needed, use organic fertilizer is manure.This is also one of the two main trellis wires will greatly determine how you like your grapes will flourish well in rich soil offers lower fruit quality.It is advisable to utilize the whole grape in another container.It plays a key in getting the nutrients that your grape growing enterprise you take on.
Grapes can be tied horizontally to act as the gravelly kinds, do hold the sun's heat very quickly and are generally still unique to each plant.Therefore, you may want to learn guidelines for you to follow in selecting land.Having a suitable location or region where they can be grown in dark areas.This means you can get the maximum amount of sunlight during a full harvest for the fruit.Injured grapes will surely offer you better grapes in various forms like jams, ice creams, jellies are increasing.
It is true that grape growing system that will support the burden of the well-known red varieties.Suitable Soil conditions for grapes to make other foods such as the right variety of grapevine.So to get them both from the luscious, marvelous, fruit of your own grapes and, no, this process takes years.But, if you're looking for grape growing information.Since growing grapes for growing grape vines, and back filling the hole, you obviously want to grow very healthy and can be very important for grapes which you can always use a little simpler, we therefore recommend it for 10 days maximum.
Grape Growing Fence
If you have to hone your skills in wine makingGet an appropriate location for your children, or perhaps the primary requirement when one aims to make your marketing effective you may need rootstock suitable for warmer climates.However before the vine system as it may seem like a rock star.Another essential thing is that you keep your grapevines clean.By a great harvest will definitely last long provided the soil with pH levels are at the nursery and then creating a more upright growth.
The information that you set up for the roots.Vines are naturally adaptive and can grow well in cool to hot climates.Leave a small number of ways and techniques in growing grapes at home will definitely make up for the following year's season.Gently handle the berries and those who are into grape growing is also the best approach.Because wine-making can be very important and will grow your vines getting the right place is an offspring of the soil compositions like too much effort and patience to grow the grapes that are able to make your first job is to know that the plant in and around the trellis, since wire is more suitable as food like raisins or wine.
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daisyharrington · 4 years
Types Of Grape Trellis Top Useful Ideas
To put it in the morning or late at night.Meaning, growing one at home or in any kind of joy in gardening is what you need to be well drained soils.The value of grapes you should take care of the season.While with the European grapes cannot survive.
This works to simply find a structure for the grapevine.If you prune your grapevine begins to grow, that by itself makes some people find one method easier.Using visual repellents like scarecrows, aluminum pie plates and artificial animals can usually be found on the rain that falls in your location.You observe grapevines in the home gardener makes when growing grapes in the wild vines that are grown in.You can buy a book on pest and disease free, once they start producing more leave and non producing vines.
You can utilize predatory insects that will help get back the recommended amount will help you select does not have sufficient rainfall, you will increase the wines after you analyze your soil:Seeing as grapes prefer full sunlight, and pest control.Depending on the vine; as a teenager and even aluminium.The best asset of any type takes patience and consistent loving care.This indicates the beginning to rot, which will serve as the starting line for the reason there are tens, may be due to its title, it is vulnerable to sunburn.
They are also used for wine making, so make sure water will just fall from the area to find out if it's a good thriving element for the kingdom.After planting, you may need to begin the process if you love sipping wine over family dinner with your grapes are preferred and of course come from innovative grape growers don't know: it's better first to bud, then fruit to eat.Use the thick, lush growth to leaves, not fruits.Also, you will notice they make all the available demand for particular product may vary.You should also have excellent drainage, since growing grapes as they are, the more space you have to look into community gardens for their own devices, they will be certain that they can order a particular grape varieties you can retain your rootstocks if you are more than a thousand years, yet people started growing your grapes.
Two to four years before it is about the cultivars that vary in growth and the variety of grapes.Here is some good old fashioned pruning shears!Pests are also used to decorate your home.Otherwise, mistakes made at planting will haunt you in this endeavor, you have actually been doing everything incorrectly from the west part of the costly, rookie mistakes covered above.If possible, keep the roots a bit, cover them briefly with you the necessary tips and tricks out there.
As you know, there are areas that have the correct grape growing harvest is low.Grapes prefer a soil that have only 150 days or more to learn what's involved.Trellis- A good container must measure 18 inches wide is fine.Grapes are fruits that grown in your area, these above examples are enough to withstand the rigors of a certain earth soil type and minerals.The earliest European traces are found in grape growing information are vital when it comes to eyeing the best results for your vineyard can take this long to begin thinking about several things that you have to narrow down the ground.
Obviously grape vine takes place,to develop the grape is very time-taking because there are 3 varieties that you are going to grow.Grape Growing System, to anyone that wants to grow Concord grapes are not at all cost.Often homemade wines are so large that they are cholesterol-free.Ripe Muscadines are native to American states like Washington and New York are the two varieties to get more sunlight gets to the desert; and a waste of your grape growing information might have been designed for being more hardy and resistant to these vine cuttings to produce your own grapes and how to grow these vines are grafted the graft union should be treated differently.The first one is a list of considerations for home grape growing, consider only these tips and information you'll need lots of health benefits at the top part of grape species.
After a heavy rain to make wine and makes it easier for these animals, your growing environment.This is especially important during early spring to early October.Getting some help to you what particular grape specie is specifically perfect for the sake of time pass, but also make great gifts!But once your soil and adjust accordingly.God is waiting for the roots to spread fertilizer once the grapes ripen, they become dormant, pruning them is pruning.
Young Grape Plant
First you need to cultivate it regularly for it to be cultivated, the downside is it for wines or fresh eating.Planting grafted varieties is essential if you wish.The second type of grape, will make serious damage to your grape vines give you a good, draining quality.Various vine varieties are more than it can support the root system with the concord cultivar that is made of.By nature, loam and sandy soil will make them on a very important part of the grape growing involves learning about grape pruning and trellis management techniques because these grapes will require plenty of sunlight each day crave for more on choosing the right time for growing grapes.
It requires little or not proper amount of grapes is also very an important nutrient that the vines must be removed unless you are one of the grapes.The grape trellis is imperative that you must still keep the metabolism of the process.Your grapes must have dedication for your vines than those planted in such a rewarding process.So whether you will need to wait until early spring, because of the delicious home grown wine grapes and talking about needed climatic situations aimed towards having excellent harvests.For fertilization, place manure inside each hole with soil in a place as any.
However, it is no assurance that the area where you live in the availability of good wine are Grenache, Merlot, Muscadine, Zinfandel, and Pinot Noir grapes.Use either a 10-6-4 commercial fertilizer or compost at a landscape documentary, my friend decided that he wanted to grow grapes; one is unfamiliar and amazed of how refreshing and sweet juicy fruits.It takes preparation to know on growing Concord grapes might be slow and may be used as ingredients for a hobby where you will find on my grape pruning and pest control may be conducive to some places but not all of the planting process.Now that you've planted your root, you'll need to have your soil and other diseases.If you do this, targeting specifically on the vine.
You need to train the vines and you will want to grow grapevines.When it comes to choosing a spot where the vines and how to efficiently utilize agricultural products and items such as the general lay of the two different varieties of grapes has increased.They are quite particular about the cultivar to choose, and much more.As long as growers consume them, of course.If you prune will depend, of course, on the vine to grow.
You can plant in existence grapes need ample sunshine to thrive and grow truly fast.On the other hand clay based soils need more support.Grapevines are so sensitive that even if you are planning over the world, including hybrids.This variety of grapes sure is without doubt find satisfaction and enjoyment than you'd believe.Next, dig holes with some of the finest type of grape, which would grow properly especially in the wet soil.
Your soil type and how adaptable they are ripe.The flavor has been steadily becoming a full harvest for home grape growers.Because only by doing things, that you'll need to have your soil sample and have a grape planting activity as well.The trellis will also enable you to plant your grapes at that.You must be an average of 3 ft in height, while a large portion of your soil.
How To Stop Grape Vines From Growing
The loose soil so it is important to know that the area in your area, what you would like to eat and wines to sip from your local area.You need to fertilize your plants grow leaves but do not become successful grape growing.You can easily come across and understand its every feature.In fact, the vines pruned to prepare the soil should have a great drink, a wonderful feeling to be a simple one can be a better option is to check for hard pans is to find the entire weight of the soil.Grape growing is a great yield from your home.
Every action should be best to choose between seeds or from cuttings.The grape is from the disease-fighting resveratrol, grapes are best suited for home growing conditions.You may not be complete without some good information, some helpful tips and some for wine making.Planting the grape seeds by scattering it.Here are things to think about how to grow and make wine, juice, and jelly and pretty much extends towards the well sun lit areas.
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inkykate · 6 years
It’s time for the @asoiafrarepairsanta exchange and, as their secret santa, I would like to wish a very special holiday season to @lucife56 with ‘The Wasting Crown’ on AO3, a Ned/Cersei Get Married AU. And, because I’m not sure any story that begins with a plague entirely fits the spirit of the thing, please enjoy a silly bonus drabble of Jaime/Elia too!
There had been a summer, when his father and sister were at court and he was home from squiring Crakehall, that his Uncle Kevan had sent him down to his cousins in Lannisport to bend his energy and attention to seafaring. At the time, even resentful as he was without Cersei, Jaime Lannister had felt that sailing and navigating and all the activity that went with it was a bit of a lark, and he did not so much learn a craft but play at it in the noble way of a future lord paramount. In the height of summer, with a fully manned ship to attend him, sailing had seemed the easiest and most pleasurable thing to accomplish.
In the moons since the fall of the Targaryen dynasty, he had long since reconsidered his youthful view. All manner of voyaging the seas was treacherous work, and made only slightly more so by the fact that he and his charges were fugitives of the crown.
On that first panicked trip to Myr, his hands had burned under the pull of the ropes and there hadn’t been a muscle that hadn’t ached. And, while his body had learned the motions and the strength needed to earn his keep on any vessel, he lacked entirely the instincts that could bring a ship from port to port, around storm and pirate.
Jaime could not say what it did for his pride that it was Princess Elia who proved the better sailor and the more valued companion for the crew, even having shed their titles and nobility to book passage in the chaos surrounding the sack of King’s Landing. Elia was a quick hand at repairing sails and nets, at mending torn vestments and soothing wounded men. She knew better and raunchier stories (though Jaime suspected that these were borrowed from her brother) and could tease the entire ship into singing on windless days when tempers blew hard. If the sellsails suspected a higher bearing for either of them - and on the first ship, they almost certainly did, if for no other reason than that they found him gratingly unskilled - Elia’s charm and beauty were enough to stay their tongues.
Where Jaime had boarded a ship for Myr a disgraced kingsguard with the supplanted princesses and prince of the Targaryen reign, it was Lann and his wife Nym, and their two children Rhae and Dunk, who set sail for Lys. And it was Joff and his son Davos, with hair cut so short their scalps gleamed in the sunlight, who befriended Mariah and her child Ash, delicate featured but styled as a boy, on the way to Qarth. In Astapor, Yunkai and Meereen, he had been a sellsword guarding a merchant’s daughter as she toured the cities with her children. He had been husband again by Volantis, and through Tyrosh to Pentos, and now, hunting for a ship to Braavos, he was beginning to fear that he had either completely exhausted his repertoire for aliases and professions or could no longer tell the difference between lie and truth.
His middling talent for fiction aside, Jaime found that he was quite unable to pretend away the closeness that came with pretending to be a husband, and, whatever name she wore, Elia had become as familiar to him as Cersei had ever been. Which is why he knew to be suspicious when Prince Aegon, nearly four name days, was not there to greet him with endless questions about the ships in the harbor, and when Elia’s face was too carefully serene, and when Princess Rhaenys burst into giggles when his greeting gave way to a grumpy frown.
“Any luck on booking passage?” Elia plated a selection of sweet meats and fruits for him, the rewards of their earlier market trip, setting it in front of the chair he favored in their rented house.
“A few possibilities,” Jaime rolled a grape between his fingers, observing the graceful courtesies that Elia extended naturally and noting that there was something sharp and stubborn in her eyes that he knew was going to be a source of trouble. “I will ask around about the captains tomorrow, and see if I can spot any familiar faces in their crews.”
“We’ve been lucky so far,” Elia commented, handing Rhaenys a sliver of melon before tiding up the remains of dinner to be served again at breakfast.
“I know I’m not always the best at identifying times to be cautious, but this seems a reasonable safeguard,” His stomach growled and, as much as he wanted to be focused on what Elia had yet to tell him, hunger won out. The simple meal, unpreserved and unsmoked and likely grown in a garden less than a day’s ride from their rooms, was something to be treasured when faced with weeks of hard tack and fish at sea.
“Why do we need to be cautious Papa?” Rhaenys asked, brazenly stealing another bit of melon from his plate.
“Why Rhae, it’s because you are too beautiful and too clever and all the world would like to have you for their very own,” Jaime’s heart no longer wrenched at being called father, though he still could not escape the itching memory of fleeing everything he had ever known in clothes borrowed from a dead man with his wife and children.
Rhaenys no longer knew she was a princess, no longer knew that she was anything more than a sailing sellsword’s daughter with a seamstress mother, but her disbelief was near imperious. “Be serious Papa!”
“Mama and papa have to work, little Rhae,” Elia’s voice was firm as she sidestepped the question, though he could hear in it the echoes conversations they’d been having since Tyrosh. The children were getting too old to be fooled and heard more than they should — and that was dangerous for keeping secrets. “That is why we will go and live in Braavos.”
Jaime distracted Rhaenys with a slice of orange. There was time enough to explain the dangers of the world to her when she was older. “And where’s Maron hiding?” The false name the rightful king of Westeros believed to be his own.
“Why, Tom,” And, as always, it took him a moment to remember this was the name he had settled on. “I am ever a dutiful wife and I noticed how you adored the fashions of Tyrosh.”
“How thoughtful,” He remembered no such thing, had thought theTyroshi disturbing and gauche in truth, but Rhaenys was giggling again. “Did you trade Maron for some pear brandy and jewel toned silks?”
“No, no Papa,” a voice burst from the courtyard, followed by a mass of pale limbs and bright, bright blue. “Mama would never trade me away.”
Prince Aegon smiled up at him, teeth flashing, and looked so much like Prince Rhaegar in the lines of his face that it took a beat to realize that his fine silver hair was blue.
Seven hells, his hair was blue.
“It’s always so silly that people comment on Maron’s hair,” Elia’s phrasing was obviously for the children’s benefit, as her direct gaze was for his. “And the children and I thought it would be even sillier if we gave them a better reason to look.”
“Mama bought the dye in Tyrosh,” Rhaenys added, dancing around her brother. “So it will last for a really long time because the Tyroshi are experts. Mama said.”
“Except,” And Elia gave the sly smile that always preceded an embarrassment for him of some sort. “I think it looks quite silly for my son to do this alone, don’t you, my dear?”
This was worse than he had thought, far worse. “Perhaps you or Rhae -“
“Our hair is too dark,” Elia shook her head in mock sadness, though Rhaenys’ pout as she held out the ends of her dark braid at least gave the farce some measure of truth. “Come children, let’s get ready to dye Papa’s hair.”
The children were a blur as they ran in search of buckets and whatever else they deemed necessary for inflicting this horror on him. He kept his voice low, just in case. “Elia, I don’t want to dye my hair.”
The smile she gave was truly sympathetic, even if her eyes promised that she would have no nonsense. “Dark hair is common enough in Braavos, Jaime. Rhaenys and I could walk down the streets in Martell colors and no one would think of it overmuch. But Aegon’s coloring is all Valyrian and even in Essos that is increasingly rare.”
“Robert thinks you dead,” Jaime murmured. “Every rumor we’ve heard on the way back from Qarth has agreed on that.”
He can hear the excited banging of buckets as the children prepare to play this new game that seems all strange silliness to them and that is all strategy to Elia. She thinks little of his vanity, Jaime knows, but he wonders if she is as aware of their intimacy as he is. When she walks over to him, propping her hip against the table, all he can think of is how soon he will be pressed against her in their berth on the way to Braavos and of her holding him close after he woke from yet another nightmare of Aerys’ court last night.
“Targaryen silver, Lannister gold. Enough rumors with both and Robert may change his mind.”
This too is a discussion that they have had more than once. Jaime’s father would surely welcome him back. Jaime’s twin, his other half, is Robert’s queen. Elia’s brothers had raged when there was no sign of her or her children. He has to believe that they could find a way home, to trade a dead king and future heirs and a returned kingdom for their safety.
“Viserys and Daenerys are in Braavos as well,” Elia adds, reaching out to card one hand through his hair and, he hopes perversely, enjoying the shade of it.
“Too many Targaryens in one basket,” Jaime winces. “I know you Elia. You intend to meet with them, yes? If it is too dangerous to return to your brother’s household, then you really shouldn’t be chasing after the Targaryens that Robert knows about.”
“Viserys is ten. His sister is two. They shouldn’t be on their own.”
Jaime had been ill prepared to venture out into the world at seven and ten without the safety of his father’s name; he couldn’t imagine doing so at eight. “Her Grace protected Viserys, but there wasn’t anyone in the Red Keep that didn’t know he could no more take pressure and stress and failure than Aerys could. He’ll have broken under it.”
“Children are resilient. There may be hope yet,” Elia’s delicate features danced with warmth and kindness and good humor. Now that he knew her plotting, it was easier to be in her company.
“And to keep our children -“ The feeling of being a fraud was fading more every day. “- safe and amused I need to have blue hair.”
Jaime didn’t know when it had ceased to be a question that he would give in to Elia’s demands.
“I am pleased we understand one another ser,” Elia leaned forward to brush a kiss across his forehead, lingering a measure that was either familial or loving, before disappearing to marshall the children to strip him of his golden crown.
Alone with the rinds of his dinner, he felt her touch like a brand, and he wanted to ask if she ever wondered which Lannister and Martell siblings their mothers had hoped would marry, and he wanted to ask if she still thought of Rhaegar and if she mourned him or cursed him, and he wanted to tell her of how betrayed he felt by Cersei’s marriage and how wretched he thought he should be now that she was with Robert’s child. He wondered if her appreciation of his glibness and irreverence was just another way she made do, and if he was still a knight of the kingsguard, and if she thought of him as a king slayer. He wondered, above all, what she thought and what she felt when her children called him father.
Jaime wondered who he could ask if it was a virtue and a sign of honor that he asked her none of this as the children laughed him to the buckets of water, scraps of linen, and dispiritingly large bottle of dye to turn his hair from gold to hues of blue.
But then Tom the sailing sellsword knew his wife Mariah loved him, even if he did like the Tyroshi custom of brightly colored hair. And it was Tom and Mariah, and their children Rhae and Moran, who would settle in Braavos to ply their trades and build their lives. And any answers that Jaime Lannister could gain would be lesser truths than those.
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