#like li fenli as
vroomian · 7 months
Fuck it crossover of my ocs in the op world: Jeong as captain, Hana as first mate, Yrz as doctor, Kiba as navigator, and masa as…. a menace, honestly (but also he does the cooking. Is it people?? Who knows! Not the crew!)
Jeong got spit out in the grand line, picked up a sword and a job as a bounty hunter and just went from there. No devil fruit. Saw the crew forming and went wow I am the only functioning adult here! Unfortunate!
Hana is the daughter of a world noble who fucked off into Adventure the first time her gross family handed her a slave, and then tried to engage her to her half brother for Purity’s Sake. She’s as op as always, and definitely has haki and some sort of broke devil fruit lol. Honestly she’s just vibing here.
Yrz is an ex marine, save how shit the government was and went lol no and became a pirate. He joined Jeong because they were A Normal Adult. He didn’t want to be captain or first mate! No devil fruit because giving up the ability to swim in a water world is Very Stupid.
Kiba is a drifter from a blue. He’s got his canon backstory but instead of Tsume being chill, she was an asshole. Because he couldn’t find a partner he got exiled from the clan and his island instead. He probably became an information broker pretty young. he’s interested in the history of the world. He got a devil fruit that makes him really hard to remember, aka the source of all his problems lol. Or he could also be an escaped cipher pol agent! Got that ninja shit going on lol.
Masa is Just Some Guy who came out really fucked up. They’re all transmigrations still, so he had his wandering the afterlife forever phase already. This new world is so much fun (for him)! He’s a mercenary who’s been damn near everywhere. The rest of them probably met Masa while he was breaking out of impell down (for fun! He still eats people :)). Ue is some sort of function of masa’s haki aura or devil fruit, I can’t decide which is funnier. Ue is waaaay more physical though and really likes Hana’s company for some reason.
Honestly the crew stays together because all of them are transmigrations. Except for masa. Masa is there because Jeong took on look at him and basically chained themselves to his side to stop Masa from Making Things Worse On Purpose :)
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vroomian · 3 years
Wait. Did Huaisang know Li Fenli was pregnant during the war or did he find this out late like his brother? 🤔
he found out after :)
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vroomian · 4 years
I’m obsessed with Li Fenli. Can we hear more about her and nhs?
in the future when lfl has her saber, she lets nhs ride around on it when he’s tired -- while she controls it. in fact, that’s how they arrive at the top of the could recesses stairs. lfl wouldn't be caught dead making her delicate wife walk anywhere! 
(nmj always scolds her for treating her saber like it’s a donkey but secretly finds it adorable. also it’s good training!)  
nhs and lfl have agreed that concubines are okay, but only if they get to share them :)
wwx has declared lfl “the coolest person i’ve ever met” 
possibly he has volunteered to be a concubine in the future. possibly he was joking. who can say? 
(not wwx, that’s for sure)
lfl and nhs have negotiated two children from her, and if they want any more they’ll take up a concubine to have them
lfl and nhs set off a lantern nhs painted together <3
jzy is so fucking jealous of their relationship lol, just talk to your future wife you moron!! 
in the event that nmj is incapacitated, the whole sect (including nmj) has quietly agreed that lfl is going to be the next sect leader if only because nhs would dump the work on her anyway
the younger shidi take to calling nhs madame nie, and the name just stuck lol
possibly nie papa survives?? 
nhs and lfl are genuinely in love with each other, but it took longer than anyone else realizes. i’d say it happened sometime after the sunshot campaign?? before that, they were just terribly fond of each other. 
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vroomian · 3 years
Hold up. Li fenli would be chill with meng yao? Did I miss something in your one shot?
I mean yeah? Why wouldn’t she be cool with him? Meng yao would obviously turn out different just because lfl would bring in her cousin to teach him. Lfl isn’t nearly as moral or judgemental as nmj. As someone baisically immune to manipulation and bullshit, She also knows and tends to like schemers (see nhs and lff) even if she’s not one herself. She’s basically been conditioned to find unherhanded scheming as both normal and a sign of love lol.
She’d like meng yao! Also, she’d understand meng Yao’s desire to join the Jin and put the fear of god into jgs so meng yao would be treated much better.
...honestly? Lfl likes meng yao and hates jgs so she probably buys meng Shi out out right under jgs’s nose before he can use her as leverage. Also as a birthday gift for meng yao lol. It’s takes about half her savings, but she only spends money on nhs anyway so it’s fine. So meng Shi lives as lfl’s “maid”.
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vroomian · 4 years
🧸 for YRZ and 💡 for Li Fenli?
🧸 - On a scale of 1 - 10, how ‘soft’ is your OC? 1 being the edgiest of edges and 10 being a literal teddy bear that cries at everything? (Bonus questions, where on the scale would your OC place themselves, and where would they like to be on the scale?)
yrz would place themselves at a 2, and he’s really a 4. He’s honestly a pretty self-centered person who hates being inconvenienced. He doesn’t trust easily but he does do things he sees as his ‘responsibility’ to his best abilities (such as being lwj’s friend/wingman, being a cultivator etc). he does feel guilty occasionally, but never enough to change. 
💡 - How does your OC enact plans? Do they plan down to the smallest details, or do they wing it?
lfl: plans? what do i look like, my cousin or something? 
lfl is more of the opinion that if ‘smash it’ didn’t work, then the next plan should be ‘smash it harder’, and she lives her life that way.
schemes are for wives and assistants. lfl is here purely to make herself the biggest baddest target in the room. if they’re looking at her, they’re not going to see nhs or jgy coming <3
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vroomian · 3 years
Li Fenli said in her character chapter that her brother is dumb as f bitch and just wants to get into someone's pants, so he's like a dumb version of Wen Chao, because that's my first impression of him by Li Fenli's description
Basically yeah. Good thing he dies!
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vroomian · 4 years
🎁 🧸 🍺 for li fenli please author-sama!
🎁 - What kind of gift-giver are they? Do they give thoughtful gifts? Expensive gifts? Practical gifts?
simple, thoughtful gifts for nhs, practical gifts for everyone else! 
🧸 - On a scale of 1 - 10, how ‘soft’ is your OC? 1 being the edgiest of edges and 10 being a literal teddy bear that cries at everything? (Bonus questions, where on the scale would your OC place themselves, and where would they like to be on the scale?)
shes a 9 for nhs, a 6 for nmj, jgy, and her cousin, and a 4 for everyone else. 
🍺 - What kind of drunk are they? (e.g. talkative, sleepy, flirty etc.)
she holds her alcohol very well, so she doesn’t act that different. in fact the only way to tell is that she’ll start trying to shrug off her clothes if she gets too hot, and maybe start carrying nhs around. 
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