#like labor and environmental impact aside
coochiekrab · 23 days
its still guenuinely baffling to me to think that someone can go "oh i need new clothes" and the first thing they do is type www dot shein dot com
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Kate Beaton's "Ducks"
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It’s been more than a decade since I began thrilling to Kate Beaton’s spectacular, hilarious snark-history webcomic “Hark! A Vagrant,” pioneering work that mixed deceptively simple lines, superb facial expressions, and devastating historical humor:
Beaton developed Hark! into a more explicit political allegory, managing the near-impossible trick of being trenchant and topical while still being explosively funny. Her second Hark! collection, Step Aside, Pops, remains essential reading, if only for her brilliant “straw feminists”:
Beaton is nothing if not versatile. In 2015, she published The Princess and the Pony, a picture book that I read to my own daughter — and which inspired me to write my own first picture book, Poesy the Monster-Slayer:
Beaton, then, has a long history of crossing genres in her graphic novels, so the fact that she published a memoir in graphic novel form is no surprise. But that memoir, Ducks: Two Years In the Oil Sands, still marks a departure for her, trading explosive laughs for subtle, keen observations about labor, climate and gender:
In 2005, Beaton was a newly minted art-school grad facing a crushing load of student debt, a debt she would never be able to manage in the crumbling, post-boom economy of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Like so many Maritimers, she left the home that meant everything for her to travel to Alberta, where the tar sands oil boom promised unmatched riches for anyone willing to take them.
Beaton’s memoir describes the following four years, as she works her way into a series of oil industry jobs in isolated company towns where men outnumber women 50:1 and where whole communities marinate in a literally toxic brew of carcinogens, misogyny, economic desperation and environmental degradation.
The story that follows is — naturally — wrenching, but it is also subtle and ambivalent. Beaton finds camaraderie with — and empathy for — the people she works alongside, even amidst unimaginable, grinding workplace harassment that manifests in both obvious and glancing ways.
Early reviews of Ducks rightly praised it for this subtlety and ambivalence. This is a book that makes no easy characterizations, and while it has villains — a content warning, the book depicts multiple sexual assaults — it carefully apportions blame in the mix of individual failings and a brutal system.
This is as true for the environmental tale as it is for the labor story: the tar sands are the world’s filthiest oil, an energy source that is only viable when oil prices peak, because extracting and refining that oil is so energy-intensive. The slow, implacable, irreversible impact that burning Canadian oil has on our shared planet is diffuse and takes place over long timescales, making it hard to measure and attribute.
But the impact of the tar sands on the bodies and minds of the workers in the oil patch, on the First Nations whose land is stolen and despoiled in service to oil, and on the politics of Canada are far more immediate. Beaton paints all this in with the subtlest of brushstrokes, a thousand delicate cuts that leave the reader bleeding in sympathy by the time the tale is told.
Beaton’s memoir is a political and social triumph, a subtle knife that cuts at our carefully cultivated blind-spots about industry, labor, energy, gender, and the climate. But it’s also — and not incidentally — a narrative and artistic triumph.
In other words, Beaton’s not just telling an important story, she’s also telling a fantastically engrossing story — a page-turner, filled with human drama, delicious tension, likable and complex characters, all the elements of a first-rate tale.
Likewise, Beaton’s art is perfectly on point. Hark!’s secret weapon was always Beaton’s gift for drawing deceptively simple human faces whose facial expressions were indescribably, superbly perfect, conveying irreducible mixtures of emotion and sentiment. If anything, Ducks does this even better. I think you could remix this book so that it’s just a series of facial expressions and you’d still convey all the major emotional beats of the story.
Graphic memoirs have emerged as a potent and important genre in this century. And women have led that genre, starting with books like Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home (2006):
But also the increasingly autobiographical work of Lynda Barry, culminating in her 2008 One! Hundred! Demons!:
(which should really be read alongside her masterwork on creativity, 2019’s Making Comics):
In 2014, we got Cece Bell’s wonderful El Deafo:
Which was part of the lineage that includes the work of Lucy Knisley, especially later volumes like 2020’s Stepping Stones:
Along with Jen Wang’s 2019 Stargazing:
2019 was actually a bumper-crop year for stupendous graphic memoirs by women, rounded out by Ebony Flowers’s Hot Comb:
And don’t forget 2017’s dazzling My Favorite Thing is Monsters, by Emil Ferris:
This rapidly expanding, enthralling canon is one of the most exciting literary trends of this century, and Ducks stands with the best of it.
[Image ID: The cover of the Drawn & Quarterly edition of Kate Beaton's 'Ducks.']
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Transforming Your Space: The Essence of Bathroom Renovations
Transforming Your Space: The Essence of Bathroom Renovations
Embarking on a bathroom renovation journey is more than just a cosmetic upgrade—it's a chance to transform your space into a haven of relaxation and functionality. Whether you're looking to enhance the aesthetics, improve functionality, or increase the resale value of your home, a well-executed bathroom renovation can achieve all these goals and more. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind when planning your bathroom renovation project:
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1. Define Your Goals: Before diving into the renovation process, take some time to define your goals and priorities. Are you looking to create a spa-like retreat, maximize storage space, or improve accessibility? Understanding your objectives will help guide the design and decision-making process throughout the renovation.
2. Budget Wisely: Establishing a realistic budget is essential for ensuring that your renovation stays on track financially. Consider factors such as materials, labor costs, and unexpected expenses when setting your budget. It's also a good idea to set aside a contingency fund for any unforeseen challenges that may arise during the renovation process.
3. Focus on Functionality: When redesigning your bathroom layout, prioritize functionality and efficiency. Consider the flow of the space, the placement of fixtures, and accessibility for all users. Maximizing storage space with built-in cabinets, shelves, or vanity units can help keep your bathroom organized and clutter-free.
4. Choose Quality Materials: Invest in high-quality materials that are durable, water-resistant, and easy to maintain. From tiles and countertops to fixtures and hardware, selecting quality materials will ensure that your bathroom renovation stands the test of time. Consider timeless finishes and neutral colors that will appeal to a wide range of tastes and preferences.
5. Pay Attention to Detail: The devil is in the details when it comes to bathroom renovations. Pay attention to small touches like lighting, mirrors, and accessories to enhance the overall look and feel of the space. Incorporating energy-efficient lighting fixtures, stylish mirrors, and luxurious towels can elevate the design and create a welcoming atmosphere.
6. Consider Eco-Friendly Options: Sustainable design is becoming increasingly popular in bathroom renovations, with homeowners opting for eco-friendly materials and fixtures that reduce water consumption and energy usage. Consider installing low-flow toilets, water-saving faucets, and energy-efficient lighting to minimize your environmental impact while saving on utility bills.
7. Hire Professionals: While DIY projects can be rewarding, complex renovations are best left to the professionals. Hiring experienced contractors, plumbers, and designers will ensure that your renovation is completed safely, efficiently, and to the highest standards. Be sure to research potential contractors, read reviews, and request quotes before making your decision.
8. Plan for the Future: Finally, consider the long-term needs of your family and how your bathroom renovation can accommodate them. Aging-in-place features such as grab bars, curbless showers, and adjustable-height fixtures can future-proof your bathroom and make it accessible for everyone, regardless of age or mobility.
In conclusion, bathroom renovations offer the opportunity to transform your space into a functional, stylish, and inviting retreat. By defining your goals, budgeting wisely, prioritizing functionality, choosing quality materials, paying attention to detail, considering eco-friendly options, hiring professionals, and planning for the future, you can create a bathroom that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations. Whether you're embarking on a small-scale update or a full-scale remodel, a well-executed bathroom renovation is sure to enhance the beauty and value of your home for years to come.
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grewone · 2 months
Understanding Solar Panel Prices: Factors That Influence Costs
Embracing sustainable energy options is an opportunity to align eco-consciousness with profitability. In today’s environmentally conscious world, transitioning to clean energy is crucial. Beyond environmental benefits, it’s a promising path for businesses to enhance their savings while practicing sustainability.
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Our blog post explores the key factors affecting solar panel prices, relevant for both small enterprises and large corporations. 
Key Factors that Influence Solar Panel Prices
1. Quality and Efficiency
The performance and lifespan of solar panels significantly depend on the quality of materials used. Additionally, the efficiency of these panels in converting sunlight into electricity is carefully assessed. Panels with higher efficiency are typically more expensive. But their ability to generate greater power in a smaller area makes them more economical over time.
2. Installation Expenses
Labor costs associated with the installation procedure include wiring, mounting, and site inspection. Other variables, like the complexity of the roof the distance from the electrical grid, and the choice of solar module manufacturers might also affect installation costs. For example, adding labor and materials for the installation of solar panels on rooftops with several angles or barriers may raise overall costs. 
3. Geographic Influence
When it comes to solar system expenses, sunlight availability stands out as a critical component. The efficiency of solar panels is intricately linked to the local environment. Factors like potential shading from nearby buildings or trees and the overall sunshine accessibility play pivotal roles.
To maximize energy production and economic benefits, a thorough evaluation of the geographical context is essential.
4. Warranty and Longevity
Since warranties offered can differ in time and scope with solar panels, it is important to give preference to solar panel manufacturers who have a track record of keeping their warranties when weighing your options. Strong warranties guarantee long-term savings by protecting against any maintenance expenses.
5. Solar Panel Manufacturer Impact
Solar panel prices are not solely determined by their technical specifications. The manufacturer plays a significant role in shaping the cost. While renowned manufacturers often command higher prices, their investment in research and development yields cutting-edge technologies.
These innovations enhance the efficiency and lifespan of their solar panels, justifying the premium pricing. So, when evaluating solar panel options, consider both the upfront cost and the long-term benefits.
6. Business Considerations
Aside from solar factors, consider business aspects unique to the business's energy requirements, such as selecting a specific solar installation choice like ground mount, rooftop, or floating and the choice of solar module manufacturers.
To optimize space use and energy production efficiency, companies located in urban areas may find rooftop installations more viable, while those with extensive land may choose ground-mounted systems.
When it comes to solar panel costings, having a clear understanding is crucial for businesses. As you decide between different solar options, do so keeping in mind your company needs, financial aspect, and long-term energy goals. 
Solar panels are not only beneficial for the environment but for your business as well, they lead to long-term savings. When deciding on solar technology, analyze the effects on the future as well as the upfront costs.
Choose GREW as your Partner in Sustainable and Green Energy Solutions
GREW is known as one of the best solar EPC companies in India, dedicated to enhancing renewable energy solutions and spearheading the nation's transition towards sustainability. We have garnered trust as one of India's foremost solar EPC contractors, adept at understanding diverse business energy needs and prevailing market trends.
Partnering with GREW means gaining a reliable advisor to accompany you on your solar power journey. We offer expert guidance to navigate through the complexities of solar solutions, exploring pricing options tailored to meet your company's specific energy requirements.
Want to begin your solar journey? Contact GREW for a consultation and take the first step towards adopting cleaner and greener energy solutions today.
For more: Understanding Solar Panel Prices: Factors That Influence Costs
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ef74tb · 1 year
The Benefits of Living Frugally: Making the Most out of Your Money
Are you looking for ways to live a meaningful life without breaking the bank? It may seem impossible, but it is possible! With some smart budgeting, bartering, and frugal living techniques, you can get by without sacrificing your dreams and passions.
Living frugally has its own rewards - from reduced financial stress to less clutter in your home. By making conscious choices about spending and resources, it's possible to enjoy all of life's comforts while still saving money.
So if you're ready to make changes that will benefit both your wallet and well-being, read on as we explore eight tips on how to do just that!
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Define frugal living and its benefits
Frugal living is all about making conscious choices to save money and resources. It's not about being cheap or sacrificing quality of life, but rather finding a balance between living comfortably and responsibly.
By adopting a frugal lifestyle, you can enjoy numerous benefits such as reduced financial stress, less clutter, and a healthier environment. Frugal living helps you to prioritize your spending and make mindful decisions that can lead to long-term financial stability. Moreover, it makes you more resourceful, creative, and grateful for what you already have.
So whether you're looking to save money or reduce your environmental impact, frugal living is a smart and rewarding choice that anyone can embrace.
Budgeting strategies that can help you save money
Saving money can be a tough challenge, but budgeting can be an effective tool to help you reach your financial goals.
One tip is to track your expenses to see where your money is going, so you can make cuts in certain areas. To avoid overspending on groceries, try planning your meals for the week and sticking to a shopping list. Using cash instead of credit cards may also help you stay within your budget.
Another strategy is to set aside a portion of your income for savings each month before you start paying bills or spending on other purchases. With a little planning and discipline, budgeting can be the gateway to financial success and freedom.
Tips on how to make the most out of what you have financially
Managing finances can be a bit of a struggle, but it doesn't have to be that way. No one likes the idea of splurging only to see their bank accounts plummeting down.
However, making the most out of financial resources is not a daunting task. First, set realistic goals; simplify your budget by cutting down on expenses. Then, focus on saving even a minimum amount or consider side hustles like tutoring or freelancing.
Maximize your earnings by applying for credit cards with benefits or rewards that fit your lifestyle. Finally, invest in items of value to guarantee long-term financial stability. With the right mindset, anyone can reach financial goals and enjoy the fruits of their labor.
Living with Sundown Dementia
Living with Sundown Dementia can present some unique challenges, but it doesn't have to mean the end of a fulfilling and happy life.
Sundown Dementia, also known as Sundowning, is a common phenomenon in which a person with dementia experiences increased confusion, anxiety, and agitation as the sun sets. While it can be frustrating for both the person with dementia and their loved ones, there are many strategies that can help manage these symptoms and improve overall quality of life.
Taking walks during the day, creating a calming bedtime routine, and engaging in activities that the person enjoys can all help ease the transition into nighttime. With patience, understanding, and the right support, it is possible to live well with Sundown Dementia.
Overcoming the hurdles of SEO
Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, can be daunting for even the most seasoned digital marketer.
With constant algorithm updates and changing best practices, it can feel like a never-ending hurdle race. However, that doesn't mean it's impossible to conquer!
By focusing on a few key areas, like creating high-quality content and optimizing for mobile, you can start to see improvement in your rankings. And don't forget about the power of analytics to track your progress and adjust your strategy accordingly.
So don't let the hurdles of SEO stop you in your tracks. With a positive attitude and the right tactics, you can overcome them and propel your website to the top of the search engine results.
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vrushali456 · 1 year
 Automotive Motor Market Tracking Report Analysis 2023-2031 
The size of the global Automotive Motor Market was estimated at USD 35.20 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 7.8% from 2023 to 2031. An important economic factor, the automotive sector is on the cusp of new technological advancements. The car business is currently being driven by customers' need for expensive and unique features. The availability of skilled labor at reasonable prices, strong R&D facilities, and affordable steel production all contribute to the global success of the automobile industry. Over the past few years, there has been a steady increase in the number of cars using electric motors.
Get Sample Copy of this Reports@ https://www.econmarketresearch.com/request-sample/EMR0010/
Top Key Players:
BorgWarner Inc.
Brose Fahrzeugteile SE & Co. KG
Bühler Motor GmbH
Continental AG
Johnson Electric Holdings Limited
Mabuchi Motor Co. Ltd.
MITSUBA Corporation
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Nidec Corporation
Ricardo PLC
Robert Bosch GmbH
Siemens AG
Market Growth:
The automotive sector has shifted its focus to electric vehicles as a way to reduce vehicle emissions, which is driving the market. The cost of producing electric drive trains and fuel-efficient diesel engines may increase in the next years as governments and environmental agencies implement rigorous emission restrictions and laws in response to growing environmental concerns.
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Market Segmentation:
Automotive Motors Market (By Application: Power Antenna Motor, Alternator, Electric Parking Brake, Fuel pump Motor, Sunroof Motor, Wiper Motor, Starter Motor, Electric Power Steering, Engine Cooling Fan; By Vehicle Type; By Technology; By Function; By Motor Type) - Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, Regional Outlook, and Forecast 2023-2031
Market Restraints:
The raw materials are necessary to make motors are created using steel bars and copper wires. The availability of materials and price fluctuation are worries for motor makers and suppliers. The US automotive market's expansion is constrained by fluctuating raw material prices. Aside from that, producers are unable to benefit financially from falling material prices due to long-term supply agreements.
Market Opportunities:
Eventually, automotive motors must be changed, which is anticipated to have an impact on the market expansion. However, it is anticipated that development potential will be brought about by OEM efforts to introduce motors with minimal wear and tear, a longer life, and greater efficiency.
Enquire Before Buy@ https://www.econmarketresearch.com/enquiry/EMR0010/
About Us:
Econ Market Research is a one-stop provider of industry research and actionable intelligence. Through our syndicated and consulting research services, we help our clients get solutions to their research requirements. We specialise in industries such as semiconductors and Electronics, Aerospace and Défense, Energy, Automotive and Transportation, Healthcare, Manufacturing and Construction, Media and Technology, Chemicals, and Materials.
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If you have any queries about this report or if you would like further information, please contact us:
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Website:- https://www.econmarketresearch.com
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joycruz · 1 year
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a self-regulating business model that helps a company be socially accountable to itself, its stakeholders, and the public. By practicing corporate social responsibility, companies can be conscious of the kind of impact they are having on all aspects of society, including economic, social, and environmental. To engage in CSR means that, in the ordinary course of business, a company is operating in ways that enhance society and the environment instead of contributing negatively to them.
Many companies today are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of CSR that go beyond their bottom line. Generally, the more socially responsible and conscious a company is, the more the public supports that organization.
Some examples of CSR in action include:
Reducing carbon footprint
Engaging in charity work 
Purchasing fair trade products 
Investing in environmentally conscious businesses
Getting involved in volunteer work
Improving labor policies
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For a company to be socially responsible, it first needs to be accountable to itself and its shareholders. Companies that adopt CSR programs have often grown their business to the point where they can give back to society. CSR activities can help forge a stronger bond between employees and corporations, boost morale, and aid both employees and employers in feeling more connected to the world around them. Aside from the positive impacts to the planet, here are some reasons businesses embrace CSR practices.
Stronger brand image, recognition, and reputation
Engaging in CSR has a great impact on a company’s public image. Customers and shareholders often feel more emotionally connected and loyal to a brand that aligns with their values.
Increased customer loyalty and sales
Excellent CSR gives a company a chance to showcase consistency and win loyalty, which ultimately converts into customer retention and increased sales. Have faith in your CSR initiative, and ensure they align with your customers’ values. In doing so, your customers will place their trust in your business and remain loyal to your shared mission.
Operational cost savings
By reducing resource use, waste and emissions, you can help the environment and save money too. With a few simple steps, you may be able to lower your utility bills and achieve savings for your business.
Retaining key and talented employees
Many employees feel a greater sense of purpose and connection to a business that engages in CSR. Knowing their actions will help the world in a positive way motivates employees and provides an incentive to continue working with a company.
Easier access to funding
Investors and benefactors want to know that their money goes to good causes. They are more likely to invest in a company or body that has supported its community and environmental development.
A commitment to corporate social responsibility is no longer optional. Businesses that want to stay relevant to new generations and who want to help people in need around the world while increasing their own revenue and efficiency will benefit from embracing CSR. By creating and participating in CSR initiatives, companies have the opportunity showcase their core values and create trust among your employees and your buyers.
Companies need to understand that CSR affects their internal (employee engagement, productivity, turnover rate) and external (increased sales, customer loyalty, brand awareness) growth.
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srrpnj · 3 years
Why the Roaring Rock Park Forest Management Plan Should Not be Implemented
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Roaring Rock Park, Washington Township's beautiful natural public park in Warren County New Jersey, reflects a local story about the loud roar that can be heard as the water of Brass Castle Creek rushes past certain boulders during periods of very high water. The land for this park, which covers a few hundred acres, is set aside for passive use, including hiking and picnicking. Fishing is allowed in the creek, which is stocked with trout.
In 2020, the Township government passed a resolution #2020-110 which called for a "Forest Management Plan" to be developed. The resolution signaled the intent of the Township government to hire a professional logging firm to selectively harvest the trees within the public park over a ten year period. The resolution also indicated the Township would share in the revenue of the timber harvest. Note that this park was acquired by the Township in the 1999 for preservation using New Jersey Green Acre Funding. This is noted on the Township government's web site.
The New Jersey Highlands Coalition reviewed the Forest Management Plan, and has stated their concerns about the environmental impacts to the public forest.
Sara Webb, Ph. D., Professor emeritus of Biology, Drew University, has reviewed the Plan and identified impacts to the ecology of the public forest.
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Sara Webb, Ph.D., Forest Ecologist Professor emeritus of Biology, Drew University [email protected] February 21, 2021
The proposed Forest Management Plan for Roaring Rock Park would damage the region’s quality of life, wildlife, and the environment. The plan provides a comprehensive description of the Park’s forests, but it is a logging-focused plan with negative consequences. It proposes to log 260 acres of forest (40% of a square mile), counting both large timber trees and cords of mid-sized firewood. This plan of action carries costs that might well offset any gains from timber sales. It thus should not be implemented.
The plan does not detail what sort of revenue might be possible, and serious questions must be asked about this, particularly because of expenses that the Township will face after logging: to plant trees, control invasive species, restore trails, and the losses of key ecosystems services.
All should recognize, however, that this plan is a simply a logging plan. Thousands of large trees will be lost. The wood will be hauled away, with its lost value as habitat, carbon sequestration, and soil replenishment. The impacts will be enormous. Damage from logging will be considerable and costly to repair.
Often today such plans are presented as “management” or “stewardship” plans, because as foresters tell me that “logging” sounds so negative. Often these plans assume incorrectly that New Jersey’s forests must be managed to be healthy: to be thinned and cut down for maintenance. We often hear incorrectly that all our trees are the same age, unhealthy, or low in diversity. These assumptions are true at Roaring Rock Park. However, all should recognize that tree harvest and log removal is at the heart of this plan. If our goals were biodiversity and forest health, we should instead manage deer and invasive species, not extract living healthy mature trees.
The Plan calls for cutting down large swaths of forest from Roaring Rock Park, clearing 260 acres (40% of a square mile).
The Plan would cut down 3,500-14,800 trees over the next ten years, some 40% of them very large trees with 60% mid-sized firewood trees.
The Plan would convert walking trails through the woods into wide logging roadways for logging equipment, cutting into the forest on either side, exposing soil to erosion, especially where the roads are on steep slopes, and to invasive plants. Even if restored sufficiently for use as trails, they will pass through a very changed, cleared landscape which will look very different from the perspective of trail users drawn to using the park.
Logging management beyond the roads also would increase soil erosion, increase stormwater runoff and flooding, and decrease groundwater recharge. These problems will be even most severe where logging is planned on Roaring Rock’s steep terrain.
Truck traffic would be heavy on local roads, to transport heavy machinery and logs.
Water quality is at risk in at least one trout stocked C1 creek: Brass Castle Creek. Water quality in other locations could suffer. Increased runoff would cause more flooding and more seasonal dips in surface and groundwater supplies.
Habitat and wildlife of natural forests would be greatly harmed, except for deer which would increase. Our region has much open land and plenty of young brushy woods, but little intact mature forest as required by many of our birds, from owls to woodpeckers. Wetlands within the Park are critical habitats also at risk from logging activities. Saying that Best Management Practices will be followed is no guarantee of minimizing damage.
Invasive species, as the plan explains, are already established at proposed logging areas. They will take over completely wherever the canopy is opened through logging. Roaring Rock would see increased threats from in tree-strangling invasive vines and other invaders that outcompete native wildflowers and young trees. Controlling invasive species is difficult, labor intensive, and often dependent on pesticides. Prevention is best, by maintaining the intact forest canopy cover.
Logging thus accelerates the steep decline of forest ecosystems by promoting the combination of invasive species and high deer populations.
With abundant deer and invasive plants, it is very difficult to get forest back after logging. Any natural regeneration is heavily browsed. Planting enough new trees is expensive and they too are devoured by deer. New trees need watering to get established, a logistical challenge on the scale of this logging plan. Ultimately, we must recognize that a future forest simply might not take hold.
Another reason to reject this plan is that climate resilience is greatly harmed when the largest marketable trees are lost. The latest science shows our oldest trees and most intact maturing forests both store and take up the greatest amount of carbon from the air.
After logging, there will be major expenses for the Township. We must recognize the limited role of foresters. It is not the role of the Forest Management Plan to take care of or pay for problems that logging will cause; to its credit, this Plan does explain most of the post-logging work that must be done (by others).
It is expensive to replace lost trees and keep the land forested. Even with great effort and investment, it can be impossible to restore forests, because of deer and invasive species. Costs include the purchase and the planting of new trees of sufficient size to survive, the challenge of watering them, and the cost of somehow protecting new trees from deer and invasive plants. Effective deer fencing [10’] and its maintenance as well as herbicides are extremely expensive.
To restore trails from widened logging roadways is also costly and will require extra effort to control invasive plants.
It is also costly and difficult to manage increased storm water runoff, to minimize erosion of bared and disturbed soil, to plan for greater flooding and to grapple with more widely fluctuating water supplies.
The ecologists of the state agree that forest management by logging is not appropriate for northern New Jersey’s natural parks and conservation lands, because of all of these challenges and because intact maturing forests are quite uncommon. Such established forests like those of Roaring Rock provide ecosystem services of many types that should not be squandered lightly. This logging-focused forest management plan is not appropriate.
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chrisbitten123 · 4 years
Electronic Music History and Today's Best Modern Proponents!
lectronic music history pre-dates the rock and roll era by decades. Most of us were not even on this planet when it began its often obscure, under-appreciated and misunderstood development. Today, this 'other worldly' body of sound which began close to a century ago, may no longer appear strange and unique as new generations have accepted much of it as mainstream, but it's had a bumpy road and, in finding mass audience acceptance, a slow one.
Many musicians - the modern proponents of electronic music - developed a passion for analogue synthesizers in the late 1970's and early 1980's with signature songs like Gary Numan's breakthrough, 'Are Friends Electric?'. It was in this era that these devices became smaller, more accessible, more user friendly and more affordable for many of us. In this article I will attempt to trace this history in easily digestible chapters and offer examples of today's best modern proponents.
To my mind, this was the beginning of a new epoch. To create electronic music, it was no longer necessary to have access to a roomful of technology in a studio or live. Hitherto, this was solely the domain of artists the likes of Kraftwerk, whose arsenal of electronic instruments and custom built gadgetry the rest of us could only have dreamed of, even if we could understand the logistics of their functioning. Having said this, at the time I was growing up in the 60's & 70's, I nevertheless had little knowledge of the complexity of work that had set a standard in previous decades to arrive at this point.
The history of electronic music owes much to Karlheinz Stockhausen (1928-2007). Stockhausen was a German Avante Garde composer and a pioneering figurehead in electronic music from the 1950's onwards, influencing a movement that would eventually have a powerful impact upon names such as Kraftwerk, Tangerine Dream, Brain Eno, Cabaret Voltaire, Depeche Mode, not to mention the experimental work of the Beatles' and others in the 1960's. His face is seen on the cover of "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band", the Beatles' 1967 master Opus. Let's start, however, by traveling a little further back in time.
The Turn of the 20th Century
Time stood still for this stargazer when I originally discovered that the first documented, exclusively electronic, concerts were not in the 1970's or 1980's but in the 1920's!
The first purely electronic instrument, the Theremin, which is played without touch, was invented by Russian scientist and cellist, Lev Termen (1896-1993), circa 1919.
In 1924, the Theremin made its concert debut with the Leningrad Philharmonic. Interest generated by the theremin drew audiences to concerts staged across Europe and Britain. In 1930, the prestigious Carnegie Hall in New York, experienced a performance of classical music using nothing but a series of ten theremins. Watching a number of skilled musicians playing this eerie sounding instrument by waving their hands around its antennae must have been so exhilarating, surreal and alien for a pre-tech audience!
For those interested, check out the recordings of Theremin virtuoso Clara Rockmore (1911-1998). Lithuanian born Rockmore (Reisenberg) worked with its inventor in New York to perfect the instrument during its early years and became its most acclaimed, brilliant and recognized performer and representative throughout her life.
In retrospect Clara, was the first celebrated 'star' of genuine electronic music. You are unlikely to find more eerie, yet beautiful performances of classical music on the Theremin. She's definitely a favorite of mine!
Electronic Music in Sci-Fi, Cinema and Television
Unfortunately, and due mainly to difficulty in skill mastering, the Theremin's future as a musical instrument was short lived. Eventually, it found a niche in 1950's Sci-Fi films. The 1951 cinema classic "The Day the Earth Stood Still", with a soundtrack by influential American film music composer Bernard Hermann (known for Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho", etc.), is rich with an 'extraterrestrial' score using two Theremins and other electronic devices melded with acoustic instrumentation.
Using the vacuum-tube oscillator technology of the Theremin, French cellist and radio telegraphist, Maurice Martenot (1898-1980), began developing the Ondes Martenot (in French, known as the Martenot Wave) in 1928.
Employing a standard and familiar keyboard which could be more easily mastered by a musician, Martenot's instrument succeeded where the Theremin failed in being user-friendly. In fact, it became the first successful electronic instrument to be used by composers and orchestras of its period until the present day. http://www.chrisbitten.com/
It is featured on the theme to the original 1960's TV series "Star Trek", and can be heard on contemporary recordings by the likes of Radiohead and Brian Ferry.
The expressive multi-timbral Ondes Martenot, although monophonic, is the closest instrument of its generation I have heard which approaches the sound of modern synthesis.
"Forbidden Planet", released in 1956, was the first major commercial studio film to feature an exclusively electronic soundtrack... aside from introducing Robbie the Robot and the stunning Anne Francis! The ground-breaking score was produced by husband and wife team Louis and Bebe Barron who, in the late 1940's, established the first privately owned recording studio in the USA recording electronic experimental artists such as the iconic John Cage (whose own Avante Garde work challenged the definition of music itself!).
The Barrons are generally credited for having widening the application of electronic music in cinema. A soldering iron in one hand, Louis built circuitry which he manipulated to create a plethora of bizarre, 'unearthly' effects and motifs for the movie. Once performed, these sounds could not be replicated as the circuit would purposely overload, smoke and burn out to produce the desired sound result.
Consequently, they were all recorded to tape and Bebe sifted through hours of reels edited what was deemed usable, then re-manipulated these with delay and reverberation and creatively dubbed the end product using multiple tape decks.
In addition to this laborious work method, I feel compelled to include that which is, arguably, the most enduring and influential electronic Television signature ever: the theme to the long running 1963 British Sci-Fi adventure series, "Dr. Who". It was the first time a Television series featured a solely electronic theme. The theme to "Dr. Who" was created at the legendary BBC Radiophonic Workshop using tape loops and test oscillators to run through effects, record these to tape, then were re-manipulated and edited by another Electro pioneer, Delia Derbyshire, interpreting the composition of Ron Grainer.
As you can see, electronic music's prevalent usage in vintage Sci-Fi was the principle source of the general public's perception of this music as being 'other worldly' and 'alien-bizarre sounding'. This remained the case till at least 1968 with the release of the hit album "Switched-On Bach" performed entirely on a Moog modular synthesizer by Walter Carlos (who, with a few surgical nips and tucks, subsequently became Wendy Carlos).
The 1970's expanded electronic music's profile with the break through of bands like Kraftwerk and Tangerine Dream, and especially the 1980's when it found more mainstream acceptance.
The Mid 1900's: Musique Concrete
In its development through the 1900's, electronic music was not solely confined to electronic circuitry being manipulated to produce sound. Back in the 1940's, a relatively new German invention - the reel-to-reel tape recorder developed in the 1930's - became the subject of interest to a number of Avante Garde European composers, most notably the French radio broadcaster and composer Pierre Schaeffer (1910-1995) who developed a montage technique he called Musique Concrete.
Musique Concrete (meaning 'real world' existing sounds as opposed to artificial or acoustic ones produced by musical instruments) broadly involved the splicing together of recorded segments of tape containing 'found' sounds - natural, environmental, industrial and human - and manipulating these with effects such as delay, reverb, distortion, speeding up or slowing down of tape-speed (varispeed), reversing, etc.
Stockhausen actually held concerts utilizing his Musique Concrete works as backing tapes (by this stage electronic as well as 'real world' sounds were used on the recordings) on top of which live instruments would be performed by classical players responding to the mood and motifs they were hearing!
Musique Concrete had a wide impact not only on Avante Garde and effects libraries, but also on the contemporary music of the 1960's and 1970's. Important works to check are the Beatles' use of this method in ground-breaking tracks like 'Tomorrow Never Knows', 'Revolution No. 9' and 'Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite', as well as Pink Floyd albums "Umma Gumma", "Dark Side of the Moon" and Frank Zappa's "Lumpy Gravy". All used tape cut-ups and home-made tape loops often fed live into the main mixdown.
Today this can be performed with simplicity using digital sampling, but yesterday's heroes labored hours, days and even weeks to perhaps complete a four minute piece! For those of us who are contemporary musicians, understanding the history of electronic music helps in appreciating the quantum leap technology has taken in the recent period. But these early innovators, these pioneers - of which there are many more down the line - and the important figures they influenced that came before us, created the revolutionary groundwork that has become our electronic musical heritage today and for this I pay them homage!
1950's: The First Computer and Synth Play Music
Moving forward a few years to 1957 and enter the first computer into the electronic mix. As you can imagine, it wasn't exactly a portable laptop device but consumed a whole room and user friendly wasn't even a concept. Nonetheless creative people kept pushing the boundaries. One of these was Max Mathews (1926 -) from Bell Telephone Laboratories, New Jersey, who developed Music 1, the original music program for computers upon which all subsequent digital synthesis has its roots based. Mathews, dubbed the 'Father of Computer Music', using a digital IBM Mainframe, was the first to synthesize music on a computer.
In the climax of Stanley Kubrik's 1968 movie '2001: A Space Odyssey', use is made of a 1961 Mathews' electronic rendition of the late 1800's song 'Daisy Bell'. Here the musical accompaniment is performed by his programmed mainframe together with a computer-synthesized human 'singing' voice technique pioneered in the early 60's. In the movie, as HAL the computer regresses, 'he' reverts to this song, an homage to 'his' own origins.
1957 also witnessed the first advanced synth, the RCA Mk II Sound Synthesizer (an improvement on the 1955 original). It also featured an electronic sequencer to program music performance playback. This massive RCA Synth was installed, and still remains, at the Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center, New York, where the legendary Robert Moog worked for a while. Universities and Tech laboratories were the main home for synth and computer music experimentation in that early era.
1960's: The Dawning of The Age of Moog
The logistics and complexity of composing and even having access to what were, until then, musician unfriendly synthesizers, led to a demand for more portable playable instruments. One of the first to respond, and definitely the most successful, was Robert Moog (1934-2005). His playable synth employed the familiar piano style keyboard.
Moog's bulky telephone-operators' cable plug-in type of modular synth was not one to be transported and set up with any amount of ease or speed! But it received an enormous boost in popularity with the success of Walter Carlos, as previously mentioned, in 1968. His LP (Long Player) best seller record "Switched-On Bach" was unprecedented because it was the first time an album appeared of fully synthesized music, as opposed to experimental sound pieces.
The album was a complex classical music performance with various multi-tracks and overdubs necessary, as the synthesizer was only monophonic! Carlos also created the electronic score for "A Clockwork Orange", Stanley Kubrik's disturbing 1972 futuristic film.
From this point, the Moog synth is prevalent on a number of late 1960's contemporary albums. In 1967 the Monkees' "Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn & Jones Ltd" became the first commercial pop album release to feature the modular Moog. In fact, singer/drummer Mickey Dolenz purchased one of the very first units sold.
It wasn't until the early 1970's, however, when the first Minimoog appeared that interest seriously developed amongst musicians. This portable little unit with a fat sound had a significant impact becoming part of live music kit for many touring musicians for years to come. Other companies such as Sequential Circuits, Roland and Korg began producing their own synths, giving birth to a music subculture.
I cannot close the chapter on the 1960's, however, without reference to the Mellotron. This electronic-mechanical instrument is often viewed as the primitive precursor to the modern digital sampler.
Developed in early 1960's Britain and based on the Chamberlin (a cumbersome US-designed instrument from the previous decade), the Mellotron keyboard triggered pre-recorded tapes, each key corresponding to the equivalent note and pitch of the pre-loaded acoustic instrument.
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chidsantos · 4 years
Globalization: A Necessity with Consequences | My Own Idea and Perceptions on Globalization
Journal Entry No. 1 
July 12, 2020 
Globalization is deemed inevitable and necessary for a forward and progressive world. It furthers the economic, political, and cultural development of countries by making goods and services globally accessible. Moreover, it recognizes that global crisis demands for a unified solution and cooperative call to action. For instance, the global crisis climate change can only be solved if countries work interdependently. Aside from this, everything nowadays is set at a global standard. Without globalization, countries would not be able to keep up with such standard, more or less develop and progress. However, despite the need for globalization, its underlying moral and ethical consequences must also be considered. An example of this is how globalization brings poverty and exploitation to countries with low wage and soft labor practices in exchange for high profitability. This being said, globalization is a necessity that bears both positive and negative consequences. It brings forth the challenge of keeping a just and humane world in spite of continuous global development.
In terms of economy, I can observe that globalization makes rich and developed countries even richer. Usually, this happens because they take advantage of backward or less developed countries. It expands and promotes capitalism by maximizing profit from countries with low wages and soft labor practices. For instance, when buying clothes in H&M, I notice how clothes have “Made in China” or “Made in Vietnam” tags. H&M, among other fast fashion brands, offers apparel that is cheap relative to luxury brands. Their products are affordable because countries like China and Vietnam, who are major production areas for fast fashion companies, have low wages and less strict environmental and labor practices. As a result, rich countries that distribute H&M products earn high profit compared to production countries like China and Vietnam. Despite its positive influence on economic development, it can also be observed how it negatively influences ethical and legal practices by promoting exploitation and slavery in exchange for goods. Aside from economy, I can also observe how globalization affects culture. Western countries have increased their influence by producing goods or products at a wider scale. Because of this, western culture influences and dominates the culture of different countries around the globe. In the long run, this may result in culture erasure and lack of diversity. Despite this, positive responses can be seen in how countries uphold and preserve their respective local and regional cultures. Globalization can also be observed in the political aspect. For instance, the United Nations recognizes human rights all across countries, even in the Philippines. The UN recently denounced the Philippine Drug War, deeming it unjust and inhumane. Although the UN is not state-owned, globalization enables it to recognize the hostilities of Duterte’s drug war. By doing so, they give Duterte the chance to face international prosecution for this inhumane drug campaign.
Globalization touches a lot of aspects of life. I find it difficult to achieve a complete grasp of globalization without missing a few factors. I find this fact unsettling because there are a lot of things I do not yet know about the topic. It makes me ponder how globalization affects my life without me knowing it. What if globalization negatively affects my life and I am not aware of it? Do its positive contributions justify its negative consequences? My mind is baffled just thinking about the topic of globalization since it is such a broad and complex topic. I have a lot of questions about globalization and I admit that I have so much to learn. At the moment, I recognize the fact that globalization is inevitable and necessary for a forward and progressive world. It furthers the economic, political, and cultural development of countries by making goods and services globally accessible. However, it makes me feel uneasy that, again, I do not know the full extent of globalization. I also am not yet fully aware of the effects it brings to my life as a citizen living in the Philippines. The Philippines, as a microcosm of globalization, is affected and affects the world today. For instance, the issue with the West Philippine Sea is a product of globalization since it contains natural resources which is in the interest of both the Philippines and China. It impacts and touches a lot of aspects of life such as environment, economics, and politics. This may seem like an issue between China and the Philippines alone but it actually contributes to a much bigger problem between Chinese and their superiority over other countries. This microcosmic issue has such a big impact on the world we live in today. This is just one of the examples I can think of and I believe that I still have so much to learn about the world we live in today. With this, I highly look forward to completing the course CONWORL because I believe that finishing this course would contribute to my insights and deepen my understanding of the topic. 
The lecture and the supplementary material provided helped me in getting a better grasp of what globalization is. From what I’ve learned, globalization is an inevitable phenomenon that deals with economy, politics, society, culture, and environment. It enables a more united world since everything is interconnected and interdependent. Contrary to popular belief and what I used to believe in, globalization is not a new phenomena and its oldest form is environmental (i.e. climate change). The development of globalization is also not linear. It progresses in the form of clumps also known as Waves of Globalization. The first wave occurred before World War I. During this time, movement of labor was free because passports and visas were not required unlike today. Being an OFW, for instance, requires so much documents and papers.  There was total free flow or no restrictment of both capital and people. After this, during the time of World War I and II, people became more suspicious of foreigners. This constitutes the dark age of globalization since people did not feel safe making investments in foreign countries. This caused other countries to retaliate with higher tariffs which in turn brought a sharp decrease in international trade. The second wave introduced much trade between rich countries. The third wave, on the contrary, increased the participation of developing countries such as China and India. They began opening their countries to world trade. This paved the way for China to be the number one producer of goods in the world today. Aside from this, I learned that there are anti-globalization groups. I find this quite ironic because it is nearly impossible to escape globalization and its effects. Such groups use globalizing technologies and ideologies to fight globalization. However, I recognize the point made by anti-globalization groups such as their argument that those who are deprived of resources are not capable of functioning with an increase of competitive pressure. For instance, globalization increases the profits of investors at the expense of laborers or workers. In the long run, I feel that globalization will take its toll on the overall well-being of the world may it be in politics, culture, economics, and the environment. Since everything is interconnected, everything is affected by globalization. Everything done at a micro level evolves to a macro level and affects the state of countries respectively.
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July 5, 2020
My weekly review of some things I have been up to. Topics include the goals for think tank work, a data model for policy, decoupling, determinants of birth rates, and the New African Renaissance.
Data, Analysis, Solutions
This has been a week of some serious rehashing of the Urban Cruise Ship project and what we are trying to do.
The three buzzwords we are using are Data, Analysis, and Solutions (though the logo doesn’t have ‘Data’ in it). We are strong on Data, OK but could be better on Analysis, and lacking in Solutions. Our funder wants to rectify this imbalance.
When one reviews various research, think tanks, and advocacy organizations, one finds a tendency to specialize in different portions of the policy pipeline. Our World in Data, for instance, is one of the best presenters of data out there, as the name would imply. They are weak on analysis, and one has to do additional work to turn the data into a coherent picture of the world, at least a picture more definite than the “things are getting better” message that OWID director Max Roser promotes. They don’t offer solutions.
At the other end of the spectrum, there is a range of advocacy organizations whose job is to develop solutions. Citizens Climate Lobby is the one in the environmental space that I consider to be the gold standard. They advocate a carbon fee and dividend. CCL commissions research and analysis from top tier outfits, though as a primary source of dispassionate data and analysis they are not the place I would go.
Union of Concerned Scientists, the organization from which I inadvertently copied the acronym, is the best example I know of that straddles the Data -> Analysis -> Solutions pipeline. Their scope is broad. I don’t always agree with their ideological orientation, and I find that their material has become too partisan for my tastes, but the quality of their work is consistently good.
I tend to gravitate to wide scope projects, so in some sense the Urban Cruise Ship scope of work is a good fit. But I fear that I am setting up for failure for trying to do so much that I cannot do any of it well.
A Data Model for Research and Policy
This is another idea I have been thinking about, and it is still so amorphous that I don’t even have a good title for this section.
As described above, I envision a fairly well-defined pipeline that starts with raw data (from environmental sensors, laboratory results, survey results, statistics, etc.), proceeds through multiple layers of analysis, and leads to an output of a well-defined policy that can be implemented by a well-defined entity. By policy I am referring not just to government policy but also business practices, investment strategy, or pretty much any kind of policy.
It is very difficult for any one entity to do this process in its entirely (see above), especially since good policy should draw upon a wide range of disciplines. Therefore, a division of labor develops in practice. Most policymaking isn’t very good though, relying more heavily on ideology and folk wisdom than on rigorous analysis.
We have the data tools necessary to break the pipeline into interoperable and computable chunks. The open data movement in governance is a good step, though they could greatly improve their offerings. We need open science too, which means open access publishing, but more importantly means publishing in a form that is accessible both to machines and a more general audience. We should think of R or Jupyter Notebooks, and semantic presentation of knowledge such as RDF, rather than PDF files, as the basic unit of academic publishing.
Publication at the think tank level would work in the same way. Since think tanks don’t typically do primary research, they would take as input academic publication and produce as output general policy principles. Advocacy organizations could take as input the work or academics or think tanks and output specific policy proposals.
In theory, a policy proposal could be compiled into its rationale in terms of raw data and mathematical models. On the latter, the models could even be run through a proof checker such as Lean. This would allow the development of agents that could analyze policy proposals for red flags, such as data of disputed veracity or methodological problems.
An end-to-end computable model for research and policy, aside from facilitating better decision-making in general, may emerge as an important infrastructural component of the technology stack that will ultimately become artificial general intelligence. As I’ve noted earlier, I think that popular understanding of AGI neglects the infrastructural aspect of the problem.
If this was an idea that I am serious about--which, to be clear, it is not at present--I would go about it as follows. First, I would draft one or more white papers explaining the technical workings and sample use cases of the system in detail, together with a business case. Second, I would implement proofs of concept of key subsystems using what I have built with Urban Cruise Ship. Third, I would seek funding and build out a team and create a minimum viable product. Then I would figure out how to make the system snowball via network effects. At least the first two steps I know I could do with sufficient time and effort.
In ecological science, decoupling refers to a system that allows population or economic growth to occur without an increase in overall environmental impacts. I spent the week developing some time series of world environmental impacts to see which ones are growing or shrinking in absolute terms, on a per capita basis, and on a per-GDP basis. Of course I’m not the first person to attempt to do this, but I haven’t seen anything comprehensive laid out and I think there should be.
Across a range of impacts, the only recent examples I see of growth relative to GDP are ores (by metal content) and minerals (e.g. sand, stone), both from 2002-2015. I would expect them to decouple after we get past the peak of world urbanization. There are absolute declines in meadows and pastures, 1990-2017 (though I wouldn’t consider this definitive), land for forestry, 1990-2017, several forms of air pollution in the OECD, ozone depletion, mercury emissions, extreme poverty, and lack of access to safe drinking water. On a per capita basis, I’ll just say the picture is a mixed bag.
This will be a good graphic and I am looking forward to having it done. The nice thing about a big picture graphic like this is that there are many conclusions the viewer can draw, and I need not be heavy-handed about it.
Factors that Govern Birth Rates
As planned, I took some time this week on the fertility work, this time trying to get a handle on some more practical questions.
There are a few things that are widely known in the field. Urbanization and educational attainment generally lower fertility. Religious people tend to have more kids. Family planning policies lower birth rates, though the effect is not very significant in wealthy countries. Legalized abortion lowers birth rates.
The two most popular pro-natalist policies are baby bonuses and subsidized childcare. The one estimate on the efficacy of baby bonuses I know about is Lyman Stone’s estimate that it costs anywhere from $30,00 to 300,000 to induce one additional birth, based on an Australian project. Several studies, such as this one, suggest that subsidized child care is more efficiency than a baby bonus, in terms of induced additional births per public dollar spent. That’s not what I would have expected but it makes sense.
Beyond the well-known observation that fertility is lower in urban areas relative to rural, there are some interesting distinctions within cities. Shoag and Russell find that stringent zoning depresses fertility. Kulu and Washbrook find that fertility is higher in smaller cities compared to bigger cities. Kulu, Boyle, and Andersson find that fertility is higher in suburbs relative to city cores. None of these are too terribly surprising, though since the effect of zoning is typically to suppress city size and density, the results of Shoag and Russell would seem to be in tension with the others. There is a story that can be told that would harmonize them, which is that cost of living is more relevant than urban form, and that cost of living tends to be higher in city cores, larger cities, and cities with stringent zoning.
Last week I noted three overarching hypothesis on the drivers of fertility decline: the quality/quantity tradeoff, cultural evolution hypotheses, and the tendency for modernity to create competing desires to family formation. I can’t say that anything I looked at this week helps me distinguish between these hypotheses.
New African Renaissance
This paper came out a couple weeks ago, outlining a vision for a Pan-African future. It is an interesting read, though a bit heavy on the speculative idealism, but I like to indulge in this kind of stuff now and then. There are some heavy hitters behind the initiative.
Based on demographic trends, Africa is the region of the world that looks to be in the best position to prosper in the second half of the 21st century.
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endless-bestiary · 5 years
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Are you bored with regular old alligators? Do you think their scales have lost their luster? Do you want something warmer and cuddlier without sacrificing any of the two-ton lethality of a crocodilian? Then do I have the creature for you: the Wooly Gator! Yeah, it's mostly a regular alligator that we put some yeti hair on, but now you KNOW it's fantasy. 
The "explanation" for the Wooly Gator's hair is kind of hand-wavey at best; the bestiary says they grew it to adapt to "deteriorating climatic conditions". As far as I can recall, climate change isn't a major theme of FF12 (or any Final Fantasy title), and Giza Plains has a fairly typical dry/monsoon cycle that appears in several places on Earth. Most industry in Ivalice is conducted via emissionless magicite, and that which isn't is either standard manual labor or very small-scale forging. Even the giant airships use magicite arrays that have no environmental impact aside from hitting the occasional bird. What generational environmental disturbance could growing a wooly coat be a response to? Honestly, I legitimately have no answer here. The events of the game are too short-lived to be indicative of long-term change. The only extensive mining project is on an isolated floating continent. My best guess is just that there is natural climate change (oil companies do not interact) that has no bearing on the timeline of the game. Is this a paragraph-long shrug? You bet!
Despite the Wooly Gator's namesake, my interest lies with its bizarre split jaw. The lethality of an alligator comes from its bite strength. It's common knowledge that while almost nothing can escape from an alligator's jaws once it bites down, a human can hold its mouth shut with their hands. Therein lies the rub: the "biting apparatus" of an alligator's musculature involves two jaw muscles working in tandem to apply hundreds of pounds of force upward from the lower jaw, distributed evenly across its bone structure. Two problems arise when you split the upper jaw. One, the united bone structure becomes much less stable, meaning that in order to apply the same force as a traditional alligator, the Wooly Gator must apply a counterforce with both of its upper jaws to keep itself from ripping them off. Two, there is almost no real estate for the musculature required to apply both upwards AND downwards force from all three jaws at once. Really, it's like they didn't consider the biomechanics of this fantasy alligator at ALL. 
If we disregard the wonky anatomy of the Wooly Gator's mouth for a moment, what does it do for the creature's aesthetic? The answer could go either way. On the one hand, it adds a sense of surprise and cleverness giving a false face to an otherwise unintelligent creature. On the other hand... look at its tiny stupid snout. I hate it. The Wooly Gator looks like it asked to borrow my Pokémon cards and never gave them back. I cannot stand its smug face. Mouth closed? Yay, fun alligator! Mouth open? The Wooly Gator shoved me into a puddle to act cool and now all its friends are laughing at me. It's just not a good look and it detracts from the overall experience of fighting a giant lizard. Also, you exclusively fight them when they're looking for a mate, so you only fight *horny* ones. Go back in the water, Wooly Gator. I don't want you here.
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aleishamurdock-blog · 5 years
History of a Hershey’s Kiss 💋
What are the ingredients?
Milk Chocolate (Sugar, Milk, Chocolate, Cocoa Butter, Lactose, Milk Fat, Soy Lecithin, and Vanillin [Artificial Flavor]).
Where do they come from?
They source their cocoa from various growing regions around the world and have committed to use 100% certified cocoa by 2020. Most of the cocoa comes from West Africa. The milk is farm fresh from dairy farms within 100 miles of the factories. The sugar comes from sugar plantations across the southern US and around the world. The vanilla flavor is all natural and can come from various parts of the world like Madagascar. Lecithin comes from soy beans and is used to balance out the milk and cocoa butter and give it a better consistency.
What are the working and living conditions of the people who produce the cocoa?
With the majority of the global cocoa supply coming from Africa, the need for workers on plantations is always there, this has brought about the thriving business of child labor, slavery, and human trafficking across African borders. Many cocoa farms do not own the cocoa plantation and pay the land owner 50‐66 percent of each year’s crop. To keep costs low, farmers use their own family members as a source of labor. Hazardous conditions include applying pesticides, working with sharp objects like knives and machetes, working without safety equipment, and environments full of snakes, insects, and other dangerous animals. Although governments and corporations are aware of this problem, no accurate information, aside from estimates, exists regarding the true number of children working on cocoa plantations. The amount workers are paid is typically not efficient to live off of despite efforts to change conditions and labor laws. In 2011, over 400 foreign students working for Hershey went on strike after Excel, one of the company’s sub‐contractors, mislead and underpaid them. OSHA later fined the sub‐contractor $283,000 for health and safety violations.
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Are child laborers involved?
Children who work on cocoa plantations are usually somewhere between 12 and 15 years old but some are as young as 5 years old. The issues of child labor, human trafficking, and forced labor in West Africa have drawn the attention of many organizations, especially those who work directly with them. There are many different initiatives, laws, and other precautionary measures in order to reduce the use of children for cocoa farming in terms of manual labor. In Africa individuals under the age of 14 are not allowed by law to work within the business sector, which does not include family farms. This law does almost nothing when considering the large amounts of family cocoa farms and the ease of hiding non‐family laborers.
How is it produced?
Cocoa pods are harvested from trees. The cocoa pods are collected in large baskets, which workers carry on their heads to curing areas. At the curing area farmers remove the cocoa beans from their pods and they are fermented and dried. The dry cured cocoa beans are then packed into sacks for transport. The cocoa beans are transported in trucks by road to the Ghanaian port, where they are packed into containers. The Cocoa products are transported in trucks by road back to the port of Singapore.
How does the cocoa get to the market?
The Cocoa products are transported in trucks by road back to the port of Singapore. A container ship transports the Cocoa products by sea to the port of Melbourne. Truck’s transport the cocoa Products by road from the port of Melbourne to a manufacturing factory. Manufacturers use the Cocoa products as ingredients. These products are loaded onto palettes and into trucks. Trucks transport the products by road to a warehouse where orders are assembled. These orders are then loaded on to pallets and into trucks. They are then transported by Road to super markets and real outlets.
How are prices set?
Supply drivers tend to be the stronger influencer of chocolate’s price volatility. With cocoa being a main ingredient this is what price typically fluctuates on. Africa – primarily the Ivory Coast and Ghana – is the largest global producer of cocoa. Supply fluctuations are a result of a number of factors, from political and civil unrest to labor issues and the effect of weather, diseases and pests on crop yields. For example, long periods of dry weather are not conducive to cocoa bean growth, resulting in supply shortages. Others ingredients such as sugar, dairy products, nuts, corn sweeteners and energy (natural gas and fuel oil) are also necessary to produce chocolate products. The prices of these commodities are driven, for the most part, by the commodities market, which sets the price based on supply and demand levels and can result in varying levels of volatility on commodity prices.
What international corporations dominate the chocolate Trade?
The dominating chocolate trade corporations are Mars Inc., Mondelez International, Nestlé, Ferrero Group, Meiji Co., Hershey Co., Lindt & Sprugli, and Perfetti Van Melle.
Who regulates it?
TransFairUSA is what many companies use to regulate the trade of cocoa to make them seen as a better factory. Others trade through one of the two world exchanges, either the NYSE Euronext or the Intercontinental Exchange.
Where did I buy it?
I bought it at Target
How much profit does a store owner make on chocolate?
They can make between 30 and 48 percent profit.
How is chocolate marketed?
Chocolate is marketed in many ways through ads like posters, commercials on tv and youtube, amusement parks etc...
Are there hidden costs that are not included in the price you paid? (Consider underpayment of labor; environmental impact; government subsidies that are direct [to the company] and indirect [infrastructure such as roads, ports, bridges, and water systems]; and the healthcare costs created by the harvesting, transporting, processing, and eating of this food.)
Yes, there are many hidden costs included in the price the people who produce the cocoa don’t get paid nearly half the amount the chocolate costs and don’t get any benefits either including healthcare or insurance. Also the way the cocoa is transported and how much the transporters get paid is not sufficient. The cocoa is transported back and forth before it even makes it to the chocolate factories. Incorporating the price of shipping like that guarantees more hidden fees.
Now that you’ve gathered some information about the components of this chocolate bar, write its biography. Tell the story of its life from the farming of its ingredients to the production and consumption.
The process of a Hershey kiss begins with the production of the main ingredients cocoa, sugar, milk, and vanilla. Production of the cocoa spans several countries and companies. The cocoa is supplied 70 percent from Africa (Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon).The harvest process is labor intensive and starts when the seeds (cocoa beans) are extracted by splitting the pod with a machete. After the beans have been extracted, they are laid out to dry in the sun for several days in order to acquire the flavor needed for chocolate. The beans are then packed into bags and sent out for shipment where it is changed to cocoa butter then gone through another phase to get to the factory. The vanilla is harvested mostly in Madagascar under better conditions but still not the best conditions. The sugar is brought from southern US mostly and the milk is harvested about 100 miles from the actual factory by cows that, Hershey says, are treated humanely. Once everything is shipped and produced to the fullest it is then shipped to the Hershey factory to come together as the famous chocolate. The Hershey kiss has a specific shape so it goes through the proper machinery to get to that shape. They then ship the chocolate off to stores like Walmart and advertise the chocolate through commercials on tv and posters in store which make the chocolate look deletable, often times referring to the name and having actors use the chocolate kiss as a way to get more customers. People then go and buy the chocolate and eat it.
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wtffundiefamilies · 6 years
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These are my thoughts on the matter.  I’m not a psychologist.  So nothing I say should be taken too seriously.  
But from where I sit, yes and no.
We have no real idea why Josh did what he did, or what satisfaction he gets from predatory sexual behavior and exerting power over others in such a way.  These are things that are still not well understood in the general population, and Josh had an unusual upbringing with some truly horrific lessons around sex.  His family handwaves it as natural adolescent curiosity; I don’t buy that, if for no other reason than he grew up believing that the only acceptable sexual contact one can have is with one’s spouse after marriage.  (Though I have plenty of other reasons for not buying that.  The vast majority of people who wish to engage in such actions seek out a consenting partner for adolescent sexual experimentation, and the majority of those who don’t find one don’t respond by assaulting people younger and weaker than themselves.  I don’t know if Josh actually tried to convince someone to do these things with him willingly or went straight to groping them as they slept, but either way, that behavior is not inevitable.)  
Josh was well past an age where you could argue that he didn’t understand what he was doing and why it was harmful.  In that regard, his age doesn’t matter, and Anna’s calling him a “child in crisis” seems disingenuous at best.  Just because someone is a child doesn’t mean they are ignorant of what they’re doing.  Everyone at some point does something that they know is wrong (although usually not on such a serious level), but Josh displayed no shame or remorse - one of his sisters recalls him smiling and laughing as he cornered her in the laundry room - until he was caught.  He may have at first (hence choosing sleeping victims), but at least one sister expressed his clear enjoyment of what he was doing, which doesn’t sound to me like someone who was engaging in a compulsion they knew was shameful.  
But - and this is entirely my own speculation here, because again, there’s very little hard data on the subject - I do wonder if, because of Josh’s relative youth at the time of his offenses, and potentially the origins of his fucked-up behavior (if they were at all environmental), he might have been more receptive than adults to actual rehabilitation with actual mental health professionals, rather than sent off to do manual labor for a summer as punishment.   
VERY LITTLE is known for sure about effective rehabilitation for sex offenders*; it’s still controversial whether or not such a thing even exists.  But with most psychiatric and personality disorders, early intervention is often stressed as something leading to better results in treatment.  Might it be the same thing here?  It seems a shame that Josh wasn’t given a real chance to change - not just for him, but for his wife, his daughters, and everyone he’s victimized.  I mean, again, who knows if it would’ve helped, but one thing I think we can safely bank on is that DOING NOTHING (and I don’t consider what they actually did as being something) will net you zero results.  For all of their sakes, I wish they’d tried to protect more than their family name.  
It is also something to remember that before Josh was a sexual predator, he was a kid with abusive parents living in a truly awful home environment.  We don’t know how much that has to do with how he turned out.  But we do know that the Duggar parents failed all of their children long before Josh started touching up his sisters.  They continued to do so after his actions came to light.  And they’re continuing to do so.  Their children are still being raised to believe that a big brother sexually assaulting his siblings is just a normal bump in the road of raising a family.  And that the Christian thing is to love and forgive the person who hurt you, because we all fall short of perfection in God’s eyes.  They’re still being raised to believe that beating an infant is a reasonable practice.  They’re still being raised to believe that they are all bad people who don’t deserve salvation; they only have it because Jesus is super nice.  
And honestly their insistence that this behavior is common and not absolutely horrifying makes me think that Josh (and the girls!) may have absorbed their attitude of it being no big deal.  At the time, he was still young enough to be taking his parents’ values as gospel.  Even though his behavior strongly suggests that he knew he was doing wrong and just didn’t care, who knows how that may have impacted him; we’ve seen how strongly it’s impacted his sisters.
(As an aside, I wish we could hear from Grandma Duggar, Deanna and Michelle’s siblings how they feel about it.  I’d be interested to know where they got that attitude from; their families or Gothard culture.  But as always, no one would answer honestly, so.)
Either way, as it is now, I don’t think it makes much of a difference, not because his age at the time didn’t matter, but because Josh hasn’t changed.  He’s still sexually assaulting women (if you believe Danica Dillon, and I do), and he’s still remorseless (Anna’s brother mentioned him cracking jokes about his infidelity).  And the girls and women involved are still just expected by him and his family to smile, forgive and accept their role in what happened as though they were partially to blame.  If we were talking about someone who had done truly awful things as a teenager but had become an upstanding person in his 20s and 30s, his age at the time might make more of a difference, but since he’s still that same person, ultimately I don’t think it matters.  I don’t think much of anything matters, really, because of that.  It doesn’t matter how culpable Josh may have been as a teenager, because he’s now an adult man, a husband and father, and still doing the same shit and still not sorry about it, still joking about it and having a grand old time.  Could he have changed?  We’ll never know.  Can he change now?  We’ll probably never know either, because you have to want to change first.  And there’s been nothing to make me think he does.  
Again, I am not an expert.  And my emotions repeatedly are telling me that no it doesn’t matter he still took advantage of people younger and weaker so who cares how old he was??  But I’m trying to think about it from a neutral standpoint.  I have no idea how either of these things might warp my point of view.  I don’t even present these things necessarily as my opinion (my opinion really starts and ends at “it doesn’t matter because he’s still the same person he was then, and every time I remember baby Joy from 14 Children I straight up just want to murder him and figure the world as a whole would be better off,” but that’s not a terribly constructive way to look at this question, I guess), just as things that I’ve thought about over the course of the Josh scandal.  
* By sex offenders, in this instance I specifically mean those who engage in sexual assault or misconduct.  I realize some people get that title through other means.
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vanshajsblog · 2 years
Construction Automation
Robotic automation has been a hot topic in the twenty-first century. Robotics research in building is not new; experts have been studying the technological possibilities since the 1960s.
Illustrator Jean-Marc Côté envisioned what the world might look like 100 years hence in a set of postcards created for the 1900 World Exhibition in Paris. He envisioned the employment of robotics in building as one of his innovations.
Côté's painting depicts a construction site where robots individually chisel stones while others lay bricks and cement.
Leaving all that aside, in the present world, there has been a tremendous increase in funding, research, and real-world use of this technology during the past decade. Despite being hailed as a game changer, robots have yet to materialize to meet our utopian visions of AI-driven science fiction.
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Robotic automation has enormous potential to improve productivity, efficiency, and manufacturing flexibility across the construction industry, including off-site fabrication of modular homes and building components, robotic welding and material handling on construction sites, and robot 3D printing of houses and customized structures.
Robots are boosting sustainability and decreasing environmental impact by improving quality and reducing waste, in addition to making the business safer and more cost efficient.
9 out of 10 construction businesses predict a skill crisis by 2030, with 81 percent saying they will introduce robotics in the next 10 years to amplify the safety and environment crisis which we face with construction today. Safety and environment are both considered catalysts for accelerating investment in robotics.
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In the last decade there has been a significant uptick in investment, research and real-world use of Robots in construction. At present, there are five major areas to watch:
On Site Production Robots
On-site production robots, as the name implies, operate and perform obligations on-site in order to achieve construction and replace boring chores such as bricklaying, wielding, and so on. In recent years, prototypes such as the Hadrian X, a bricklaying robot, and the Japanese business Shimizu Corp robot-welder have been created and tested. As a result, there are several examples of on-site 3D printing robots.
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Prefabricated Construction Robots
Prefabricated robots are used in companies to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of manufacturing lines. It comes as no surprise that these robots are being brought into the building industry in order to produce bespoke prefabricated materials to make construction easier.
Autonomous vehicles
From diggers to bulldozers, there are numerous building site vehicles which are primed for automation in construction. They can be used for many purposes, such as demolition or material transfer or to make top soil extraction easier.
Inspection robots in construction
Although there are a few instances of construction inspection robots, such as Doxel, a California-based firm, it is still regarded a construction robot in development. The notion is that the robots may undertake a variety of surveys to aid in the inquiry. They are primarily equipped with cameras and are small enough to go through tiny holes and gaps that humans would otherwise be unable to reach.
Exoskeletons are maybe the most exciting technology that can be employed in construction. The goal is to improve labor employees' abilities so that they can lift heavier weights. Although it may be employed for military objectives, labor employees in the construction industry are outfitted with an exoskeleton suit to prioritize their safety and make working a safer environment. It enhances construction efficiency as well as safety.
It is still early days for the use of robots in construction, yet the level of innovation happening in the field is very promising indeed. Today, the use of robotics in construction is still largely at the prototype and testing stage, yet in the coming years, we can expect more firms to begin using this technology as part of their daily business.
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The intricacy of building sites:
Robots have been most effectively used in mass manufacturing lines, where they are kept in position and repeatedly execute the same duties. This is a far cry from outside construction sites, with unpredictable weather and a one-of-a-kind end result (whether it a road, building, bridge, or anything else). Building sites are difficult for robots to navigate due to the intricacy and judgment required.
Investing in robots entails significant upfront investments, including R&D. Many people still consider the investment to be excessively costly, despite the fact that many construction businesses operate on razor-thin margins. For the time being, hiring and training people is less expensive than investing in robots.
Technology must advance:
As the examples above demonstrate, there is a lot of exciting innovation in the field of construction robots. Nonetheless, none of these robots are extensively deployed, and few businesses actively use robots on-site as part of their daily operations. Before it can be expected to be widely used, technology must advance dramatically.
It is increasingly evident that the success of robotics initiatives will not be determined merely by measuring the amount of time saved and the accompanying labor expenses.
Robotic automation offers huge potential to enhance productivity, efficiency and manufacturing flexibility throughout the construction industry, including automating the fabrication of modular homes and building components off-site, robotic welding and material handling on building sites and the use of 3D printing of houses and customized structures.
We must comprehend people's ability to grasp the demands of this new world of robot-assisted building as well as making the industry safer and more cost effective, robots are improving sustainability and reducing environmental impact by enhancing quality and cutting waste. As a bonus, robotics aims to provide the labor forces with a safer environment.
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By Vanshaj Kaul, Avanish Dham, Mohammed Faizaan
Matthews, K. (2019). Construction robotics is changing the industry in these 5 ways. [online] The Robot Report. Available at: https://www.therobotreport.com/construction-robotics-changing-industry/.
PlanRadar. (2020). What is the status of robotics in construction? [online] Available at: https://www.planradar.com/robotics-in-construction/.
 Clark, C. (n.d.). 9 eerily accurate predictions for the year 2000 from Victorian-era paintings. [online] Business Insider. Available at: https://www.businessinsider.com/predictions-for-the-present-from-the-past-2016-4 [Accessed 5 Feb. 2022].
 News. (2021). ABB Robotics advances construction industry automation to enable safer and sustainable building. [online] Available at: https://new.abb.com/news/detail/78359/abb-robotics-advances-construction-industry-automation-to-enable-safer-and-sustainable-building.
 Thomson, C. (n.d.). A realistic look at the advantages of robotics in construction in 2020. [online] info.vercator.com. Available at: https://info.vercator.com/blog/a-realistic-look-at-the-advantages-of-robotics-in-construction-in-2020
www.google.com. (n.d.). exoskeleton in construction - Google Search. [online] Available at: https://www.google.com/search?q=exoskeleton+in+construction&sxsrf=APq-WBuOGkjndSv66m-HfCDXvwGfS0D9Jw:1644165824500&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwie1q7_wuv1AhVM14UKHdcwAmUQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1280&bih=609&dpr=2#imgrc=l8NIQHw5BBumoM [Accessed 6 Feb. 2022]
www.google.com. (n.d.). obstacles in robotics in construction - Google Search. [online] Available at: https://www.google.com/search?q=obstacles+in+robotics+in+construction&sxsrf=APq-WBvdsejUSe4urcIL7_u5fb6UCv9jvw:1644166911205&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjXjcaFx-v1AhWlxoUKHfEJB0sQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1280&bih=609&dpr=2#imgrc=Ky-OOEiCB3vr7M [Accessed 6 Feb. 2022]
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blueweave8 · 3 years
Construction Lubricants Market Trends, Industry Growth
A study, recently conducted by the strategic consulting and market research firm BlueWeave Consulting revealed that the global construction lubricants market was worth USD 5.5 billion in 2020 and is further projected to reach USD 6.7 billion by 2027, at a CAGR of 3.0% during the forecast period (2021-2027). There is an increasing demand for construction lubricants as more commercial and residential structures are built-in emerging economies. A rise in population is also expected to boost market growth from 2021 to 2027, while higher costs associated with oil production are expected to limit the market growth.
Rising Constructional Industries is Emerging Economies are Favoring the Market Growth
Growing construction industries in emerging economies are key factors driving demand for construction lubricants. During the past few years, APAC has experienced extensive industrial growth, and this is expected to continue in the future. Construction, cement, steel, and energy are among the industries that have attracted foreign investments across the region. In India, for example, the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, through the government-owned GAIL, has set aside INR. 5,000 crore (USD 671.14 billion) for the establishment of two plants to produce ethanol and compressed biogas (CBG) from municipal waste in July 2021. NTPC also floated an Expression of Interest (EOI) in June 2021 for a standalone fuel cell-based backup power system and a standalone fuel cell-based microgrid system with hydrogen production using electrolyzers at its premises. NTPC is seeking to further strengthen its footprint in green and clean fuels through the projects. Therefore, the investments in various projects by Indian companies are likely to widen the application scope for construction lubricants during the forecast period.
The Rise in Automation in Construction Industry is Driving the Market Growth
The construction industry is highly labor-intensive. It necessitates a large number of skilled people, improved work quality, and enhanced production, among other things. Innovative technologies, such as automation, which can increase the quality, safety, and productivity of the construction sector, can address challenges associated with construction work, such as diminishing work quality, labour shortages, and labor safety and environmental initiatives. Sensors, for example, are commonly used in welding and fabrication processes to achieve automation. These sensors capture vital environmental data that can instruct the welding equipment to take appropriate action. Therefore, the adoption of automation in the construction industry is likely to enhance the construction lubricants market during the forecast period.
Global Construction Lubricants Market: By Base Oil
Based on base oils, the global construction lubricants market is categorized as mineral oil and synthetic oil. Mineral oil accounted for a significant share of the global construction lubricants market in 2020 and is likely to dominate the segment during the forecast period. Light mixes of alkanes and cyclic paraffin make up mineral oil-based lubricants. Light and heavy grades of mineral oil-based construction lubricants are available, depending on the usage and necessity. The construction industry uses them in significant quantities because of their low cost.
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Impact of COVID-19
The novel coronavirus has harmed the construction lubricants industry significantly. As a result of the pandemic, many countries around the world have been placed on lockdown. The global economy also suffered as a result of a demand-supply imbalance. Manufacturing, mining operations, and infrastructure projects were suspended as a result of the pandemic. The construction lubricants sector has also been harmed by fluctuations in the price of raw materials required to manufacture lubricants. However, as the countries return to normalcy, the market is expected to strengthen throughout the projection period. China and the United States, for example, have already restored normal operations.
Asia-Pacific Leads the Global Construction Lubricants Market
The Asia Pacific dominated the global construction lubricants market in 2020 and is likely to grow further at the fastest rate during the forecast period. The region’s growth can be attributed to the growth in the base oil movement, rapid industrialization & urbanization, rising population, and high growth in significant end-use industries, such as textiles, chemicals, food processing, and metalworking. The market also offers numerous profitable opportunities to innovators who may tap into niche applications and add new products with favorable product characteristics. Moreover, major industry players are also shifting their production facilities to Asia due to low-cost labor, ever-increasing demand, and favorable government policies.
Global Construction Lubricants Market: Competitive Landscape
The global construction lubricants market is highly fragmented due to the presence of numerous leading and emerging players involved in the market. Companies that are actively engaged in new product development, expansion, and acquisition can only remain competitive in the market. Furthermore, some of the biggest players are expanding their global footprint by acquiring overseas producers. Some key players in the global construction lubricants market are Royal Dutch Shell PLC, Exxonmobil Corporation, BP PLC, Chevron Corporation, Totalenergies SE, Petrochina Company Limited, China Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec Corp.), Fuchs Petrolub SE, Lukoil, Phillips 66 Company, Bel Ray Company LLC., and other prominent players.
In June 2021, BP Plc confirmed the safe start-up of the Manuel project in the US Gulf of Mexico. It is among the fourth of five major projects set to be completed by 2021 globally. Manuel features the most recent subsea production system for two new wells connected to the Na Kika platform. Wells on the platform are expected to boost gross platform output by 20,100 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d).
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