#like i was very much like the boys when akk just said that
sparklyeyedhimbo · 1 year
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the eclipse is a comedy[someone is being very normal about the newbie] 3/?
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25shadesoffebruary · 6 months
I have a few people tag me @firstkanaphans @negrowhat in this and when I originally did it I only put Phaya from the sign but I started thinking and I said yeah I got more so here are the others.
1. Phaya from the sign
Idk if it’s the way that Billy plays this character or what but Phaya has my heart. He’s just so annoyingly cute and playful but so smart and curious and he does not like to be ignored and so passionate, it’s endearing really idk.
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2. Mork from Last Twilight
This man is so warm and kind and loving and caring and loyal and and and I could go on and and on I love him so much. Like that man went to jail because his friend decided to put his woodpecker into another birds tree and he fought for his ex girlfriend trust. I’m sorry that man is so fucking warm.
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3. King from Bed Friend
I love this man and his big brown cow eyes so much. He’s just a walking green flag and he so sexy. He is just thoughtful, caring, loving, warm. I want him on every level. Love him
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4. Akk from Enchantè
He a little slow on the uptake but that man is so romantic and kind. And truly was a green flag. And truly just wanted the best for Theo even if he had to put himself on the back burner.
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5. Jeng from Step by Step
JENG WAS A MAN (no pun intended) That man was a CEO of his own business while trying to manage another business that he hated. He was self sacrificing and so kind. I love that tired his best to change when it came to Pat. He made some questionable decisions but I believe he did that because he thought that was best for him. He was loving and caring a I count him as a green flag.
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6. Mark from Love Mechanics
That man went through so much for love. But I love how he was true to himself. I love how self aware he was and I love how he stood up for himself. Mark knew who he was and also knew what he wanted but he also knew that he was fucked when it came to Vee. I would have treated him right.
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7. Ayan from The Eclipse
That man was a menace. But I love how fiercely loyal he was. I love how kind and thoughtful and loving this man was. He just wanted Justice ( and for the school to burn to ashes and for ashes to go the dumpster never to be seen again) for his uncle, he was a heartbroken boy who has lost his one close person in his life and was spinning around lost like a broken compass but he found his north in Akk and I love that for him.
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8. Phayu from Love in the Air
Is this really a surprise to anybody. I mean come on now. That man knew how to stand on business. He knew what he wanted and made sure he got it. Made sure the person he wanted was also on their business. He wanted them to be successful together and love a man that is ambitious. Very loyal and protective but was also completely a simp.
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9. Boeing from Only Friends
This man was wicked for no other reason then the fact that he could be. I was fascinated. Came to ruin lives and almost succeeded to if it hadn’t been for RayMew and them being like ahh back the fuck up off my man. I still think RaySandBoeing threesome should have happen. I would have like to see Boeing and Top kiss but also BoeingTopBoston would have been interesting to see. And I think Boston would have loved it there to be honest but we talking about Boeing here. Anyway that man should have had more screen time so he could fuck up more people lives.
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10. Kinn from KinnPorsche
Listen Linda, that man was most definitely not a green flag and a very dark pink flag but I don’t think he was a red flag. He was just dumb. He’s complicated. But he was kind and thoughtful in his own way. And he tired to be fair to people. But Porsche was on that man mind 25/8 and it’s hard to think when someone is occupying your mind like that. But is he very loyal to a man that did not deserve it. He was caring for his people and was a big simp and I love that for him.
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Tagging: @respectthepetty @smittenskitten @spicyvampire @chaos0pikachu @icouldhyperfixatehim @omarandjohnny @piningintrovert @pondsphuwin and anybody who wants to do it
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thisloveislikeabattle · 9 months
SandRay is just AkkAyan spelled differently
I've lost count of the number of rewatches I've done of The Eclipse since watching it six months ago for the very first time, but once Only Friends started airing I haven't done any rewatch, just because all my thoughts these past weeks have been obsessively about Sand and Ray
BUT yesterday I found myself watching it again after months and when I got to episode 11 it hit me: SandRay's dynamic when it comes to taking care of each other is the same as AkkAyan's but backwards.
Let me explain, I was watching this specific scene
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And this thought came into my mind: "If in The Eclipse it's Khaotung's character that takes care of First's character, especially when it comes to emotional needs, in Only Friends it's actually the opposite with First's character taking care of Khaotung's character"
Since then I haven't been able to stop noticing all the ways Ayan and Sand mirror each other when caring for their partners
Ayan looked at Akk, and saw something extraordinary. He saw this beautiful broken boy, who was hurting so much and doing it all wrong, he saw him holding on to a very thin thread just on the verge of letting go. Ayan saw all the love Akk needed, and despite being very broken himself, he never ever let go of him.
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Akk did bad things and said awful stuff and pushed Aye away time and time again, and still Aye stayed right were he was and held him up every time Akk hit the ground.
Showed him how despite all his flaws, all his mistakes, he was still someone worthy of love.
And so throughout their journey Ayan gave his heart and soul, took all the love he could muster and stood firm by Akk's side, no matter what.
Ayan made no excuses for Akk's behavior, held him accountable, called him out when he was doing something wrong and at the same time offered Akk all the support he needed to get out of that bad place because he knew how necessary it was to have a support system.
And isn't that exactly what Sand has been doing with Ray ever since he first saw him, left alone, drunk as hell, getting into his car without any concern for his life?
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Just like Ayan, Sand has found this special fragile boy who needs lots and lots of love. And where Akk wanted acceptance and to be good for others, Ray only wants to be loved and to be someone's priority for once in his life.
Even the little things Sand does for Ray. And yes, we joke about Ray being Sand's spoiled princess, but before Sand came into Ray's life, did anyone ever treat him with this much care and affection? No.
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Lighting up his cigarettes, cooking for him, helping him with his helmet, driving him around, changing his dirty clothes when Ray is too passed out to care, going after him no matter what Ray said or did, shaving him...
Yes, Sand is a natural caregiver and perhaps acts of service are his love language, but to me the point is that Sand is able to see the full potential Ray could reach.
Sand knows how precious he truly is; with patience and love and care, with someone by his side ready to fight the battle with him, someone who will not give up on him, Ray may one day be able to blossom into this wonderful person that he is capable of being.
Until that moment comes, Sand will be there for him like no one ever has before. Because Sand looks at Ray and sees someone worth fighting for, someone worthy of love.
And yes, I am aware that Ayan and Sand are very different characters, they are at different points and have different expectations when it comes to relationships.
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Even the way they handle things when it comes to love is different: Ayan is very much open and ready and unafraid to communicate what he wants from Akk, while Sand is emotionally constipated, with his walls all up, still falling hard but refusing to admit it even to himself.
Yet the way Ayan and Sand care for their loved ones appears to me as the very same.
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wen-kexing-apologist · 11 months
Thai QL Favorites Game
*sigh* y'all seem to love torturing me with the terrible, terrible weight of having to pick favorites.
Tagged by @telomeke
Favorite Thai QL: Moonlight Chicken 
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gif by @jaehwany
This is so fucking hard because like…I Told Sunset About You, 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us, and The Eclipse exist and I could wax poetic about all of them, about how much heart went in to them, about how strong the performances of the actors are, about how emotionally impactful these shows were for me. Because all of them were, and they were impactful and relevant to me in so many different ways. I can say with utter confidence that I have not been as impacted by a piece of television as I was with ITSAY and 180D. But, fundamentally, Moonlight Chicken is the show that started it all for me. Moonlight Chicken is the first show that I started writing analysis about, it is the first show that I started interacting with other people on this website over, I have so many tumblr friends now explicitly because of how I engaged with this show, and how others engaged with this show. And so, regardless of how many other incredible, impactful, cinematographic masterpieces grace my screen, Moonlight Chicken will forever be my favorite because it gave me a community I didn’t have before. 
Favorite Pairing: First and Khaotung 
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gif by @gunsatthaphan
I want to make it very clear, I do not condone fanservice. I am generally opposed to speculating about the nature of two actor’s relationships to one another outside of work. So, when I talk about my favorite pairing, I mean it strictly as scene partners. First and Khaotung are my favorite pairing because they are incredible fucking actors. First is a fucking chamelian, like seriously, I saw him in Not Me first, then in The Eclipse, and I think it took me until I looked up what else First had been in during my first viewing of The Eclipse that I even realized he had played Yok. And that blew my fucking mind because Yok and Akk are radically different characters. Yok is loud, chaotic, comfortable, and open. Akk is quiet, stressed, distressed, closeted, suppressed, and First does such an incredible job with both of those characters. After I watched The Eclipse for the first time, I went back right after to watch Not Me so I could compare First’s performance, and I was just blown away. I have since rewatched The Eclipse about six times.
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gif by @choikangho
Then I saw him as Alan in MLC and again, First was able to be an asshole to Jim while maintaining a sympathetic position, he navigates so well the razor thin edge that has to be balanced when it comes to making a character that first appears as an antagonistic force but whose pain and anger is immediately understandable, and he does it with ease. It both makes me sad and happy that Aof did not know how good of an actor First was. I heard from @so-much-left-to-learn that Moonlight Chicken started filming before The Eclipse was released, and that Aof wasn’t ever on set for The Eclipse and therefore would not have really had a chance to see him playing more serious roles. I am glad that Aof acknowledging how blown away he was by First means that First actually can act and I am not just distracted by the angelic face of his. Also, this boy can fucking cry. 
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gif by @gaykey
Khaotung similarly, I think my first exposure to Khao was The Eclipse and then I saw him in A Tale of A Thousand Stars and I was like “Hello??????????? Where did my rat bastard go? This is a sweet ray of sunshine!” Khao is a powerhouse, and a master at displaying, expressing, and articulating grief that it radiates out of the screen. It is unsurprising to me that everyone was singing his praises in MLC and I feel some type of way about the fact that Aof knew how talented Khaotung was and trusted him to carry the heavy responsibility of portraying the grief of losing a parent so soon after Aof lost his. And everyone who said that your eye can’t help but be drawn to Khao whenever he is on screen is correct. Khaotung is a force to be reckoned with, and though you are drawn to him, I don’t think when he is not the focus of the moment that he ever steals the scene. Also, this boy can fucking cry. 
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gif by @thebvbbletea
I think it was @ginnymoonbeam who said that First and Khaotung elevate every role they play, and I have to agree. But further, they elevate each other, and I so enjoyed the clips I’ve seen of First and Khaotung discussing their friendship and how they had never gotten to work together, and how they had a conversation with each other when they got cast opposite one another in The Eclipse being like “this is probably the one and only time they are going to have us work together, so let’s show them what we’ve got” and they just like…demolished those fucking roles, and now are scene partners in a number of shows. I loved watching the Behind the Scenes videos where First and Khaotung describe what they have learned from each other working together, especially how First is always going back to look at the camera and to observe the scene they have just recorded so he can see how the scene is looking, take mental notes, and adjust as needed, and how Khaotung had never done that until he was on set with First. 
Again, I will not speculate in any way, shape, or form about the true nature of their relationship to one another outside of work, but inside of work they do appear to be deeply deeply important to each other which is just so wonderful to witness. Regardless of whether or not their friendship is that strong when cameras aren’t rolling, I love seeing sweet, vulnerable, and strong displays of male friendship where First and Khaotung are literally crying at the thought of not seeing each other every day. Like, I just think shit like that is incredibly important for people to see in hopes that they will understand that it is okay to love your friends loudly and strongly.  
Most underrated actor: Jennie 
I love Jennie so much, my face always lights up when she is on screen. I think she is a great actress, and gave a very compelling performance as Mae in 3 Will Be Free. I would love to see her in more things, in larger roles. 
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Favorite Character: Akk, The Eclipse
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gif by @fuligongs
Thankfully this is a Thai QL tag only so that I didn’t have to pit two bad bitches against each other (Wen Kexing and Akk). Ohhhhhh Akk, you are trying so hard to please everyone around you, and you are so scared, and so prone to being manipulated, and so stressed out. You have so much pressure on you, you are carrying so much doubt and fear and pain. You tried to murder your classmates, you cry yourself silly over problem you are partially responsible for. You are complicated, and suppressed, and constantly on the verge of bursting, and I want to just wrap you in a blanket, give you hot chocolate, and tell you everything is going to be okay. Akk is my beloved BL boy. I relate very hard to the composition of his character. I am not an Akk apologist, because he has done some very wrong things in his life, but I love him because of all the wrongs he has done. Because he didn’t know any better, because he had a lot to lose if he did not do his job to a satisfactory degree, because he saw a hot boy who was immediately mean to him and fell head over heels, and because Akk is constantly evaluating and questioning his worldview, and adjusting it accordingly. He has such a huge heart and he’s not quite sure what to do with it. 
Favorite Side Character: Chot, Step by Step 
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gif by @mushiemadarame
This man has his shit together and spends too much of his precious time corralling his love sick, dumb fuck gay boy boss and his love sick, dumb fuck gay boy coworker around their enclosure.
Favorite scene in a QL: 180 Degrees Longitude Passes Through Us, Ep. 8
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The farewell Wang gives to In near the end of Episode 8 is probably my favorite scene in a QL ever for a very innocuous and unexpected reason, and that is the flashback to Mon comforting Wang in the aftermath of their confrontation. Now, poor @bengiyo can attest that when I first saw the literal like…ten seconds of Wang falling against the doorframe of his mother’s bedroom, and then collapsing sobbing in to her arms, that I was sent in to the most intense emotional distress of my entire life for deeply, deeply personal reasons. I shared this entire clip because I think the confrontation itself is a marvel to behold, the way the tension has been building and building and building the entire show, and you can almost hear the whistle as the pressure finally becomes to much, and then erupts. GOD THIS SHOW IS SO FUCKING GOOD. Anyway, it took me thirty minutes to calm down and breathe properly from Wang’s “Ma” moment in this episode and because of how strongly it impacted me, it is my favorite scene. 
Favorite line in a QL: “You’re allowed to be weak, at least with me” / “You don’t have to be strong, not with me” 
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This is a line that is very frequently said by at least one half of a pair, Akk and Ayan say it to each other in The Eclipse, King says it to Uea in Bed Friend, I’m pretty sure there is some variation of it that Praipai says to Sky in Love in The Air. It is cheesy, and tropey, sure, but boy oh boy how I love the level of safety and comfort it implies between characters. Like, fundamentally, an aspect of relationships that is constantly evaluated in romance, is who knows you better than anyone, how you show your most authentic self to the person that you love. I mean, seriously, how much of romance stories revolves around hiding parts of yourself you fear no one would ever love? How much of romance stories revolve around keeping secrets because you are scared of losing the person you have? How much of romance has their conflict arise from the revelation of the secret, but not the secret itself? How much of romance has their resolution occur after moments of complete and total honesty?
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I love all variations of this line, non-verbal ones included, non-verbal ones especially: from Pran sobbing in to Pat’s shoulder in Episode 10, to Tien fainting in Phupa’s arms, to Akk and Ayan always holding one another while one or both of them cries, navigating nightmares, and panic attacks, bearing witness to abuse, etc.
All that said, the other line that has been haunting me recently is “No one has asked me how I am in awhile” said by Tawan in My Ride because oof, yeah, in many ways and in many aspects of my life I am Tawan and truer words…
Most Anticipated QL (& why): Only Friends 
First being a slut. Neo being a slut. Mark being a slut. Force being a slut. Khaotung being a slut.  Book being a slut. JENNIE!
This chart: 
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This clip from the trailer: 
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(gif from @ahxiang)
The playlist: 
I am 0% looking forward to the fan reactions because I feel like this is a show rife for the picking around discourse, but I am looking forward to seeing what kind of a ride (haha) Jojo takes me on. 
Healthiest relationship in a QL: Mork and Tawan, My Ride
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gif by @save-the-data
I haven’t finished this show yet, I have the last two episodes to watch but I really love the reciprocal relationship the two of them have, I know it seems funny and ironic to say this, knowing that Mork did withhold information from Tawan and continued to try to alleviate his fears by lying to him about it, but they are open and honest with each other in a really wonderful way, I love their dynamic, and I think that as they continue to know each other, and love each other that they will only get better and better with open, honest communication, and mutual respect and care. 
Most toxic relationship in a QL: Akk and Theo, Enchante 
Sorry if you like this show, and sorry if you like this couple, and I know this feels out of left field when VegasPete exists, when FUTS exists, when Boss and Toy exist but like… 
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Theo does fuck all for Akk, he just creates the most elaborate lie, doubles down on it, triples down on it, lets four other boys try to woo him, and Akk’s devotion to Theo and Theo’s downright obliviousness to Akk’s life needs leads to Akk getting fucking FIRED FROM HIS JOB BECAUSE THEO COULDN’T FIGURE OUT HOW TO RIDE THE BUS. Like…I’m sorry, but as much as I do believe that many relationships have some inherent level of imbalance, whether that is time, emotional needs, income, life experience, etc. and that can be fine and does not inherently make a relationship terrible or “toxic”, folks I’m sorry, I have seen 60 BLs at this point and I think this is the couple that I like the least. 
Guilty pleasure series: There is no such thing as a guilty pleasure, I own that shit…
My guilty pleasure series is not so much a series as it is revisiting certain scenes in different BLs that I love. I have rewatched a number of the fight scenes, make out scenes, and sex scenes in the shows I have seen: Eclipse, Bed Friend, La Pluie, LITA, KinnPorsche, Moonlight Chicken, etc. 
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gif by @liyazaki
There isn’t a particular order, and there is no intentional plan, but sometimes a backing track of a scene gets stuck in my head and I have to watch the scene to get it out, and sometimes I’m like “damn I miss my boys”, and sometimes @colourme-feral is an asshole and reblogs King and Uea gifs and I am seized with the urge to see them again. I tend to watch kissing scenes and sex scenes a lot in the shows that I’ve seen because I love breaking down the choreography of the scene. If you don’t know by now, I spend a lot of my time in shows analyzing the body language of the characters and there are no scenes more rich with body language to analyze than the strongest emotional moments, which come through the eruption of a fight scene, or through the intimacy of a love scene.
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gif by @alexshenry
I will often watch a particular moment of a scene like four times in a row, trying to parse through every microexpression on an actor’s face, or wonder how the hell they managed to get through a scene without laughing. I love watching other people have strong emotional responses in a television show because I cannot and do not act, and therefore I am constantly amazed and curious about how a person is able to make their face move like that, make their body move like that, make their eyes shine like that, etc. 
Most underrated series: He’s Coming to Me 
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Honestly, I would say 180 Degrees Longitude Passes Through Us is also a highly underrated series, but 180D is very heavily reminiscent of stage plays (which makes sense since the director is a playwright) and I that is not a style of performance that is as easily watched for everyone. So I can understand the physicality, and the pacing, and the space to be a barrier to actually enjoying the show. Which is why I am going to say something most other people have said…He’s Coming to Me. 
I am picking this one because it is filmed in a similar style to most other GMMTV BLs which means that it is accessible to a wider audience. But it’s released was impacted by a number of different issues, including fan pushback, which is to say the least a goddamn travesty. This is a beautiful piece of media, with (unsurprising) stellar performances from Ohm and Singto. Aof knows how to do an Episode 5 roof scene, let me tell you. I have seen it on a recommended watch list from time to time, with mostly just the statement that people should watch it because there is a really good coming out scene. Which is literally all I knew about the show when I started watching it, and which promptly became a thing I got a bit miffed over, not because I didn’t love the coming out scene (I super super did) but because this show is so queer. This show is a gay trifecta (by, for, and about queers) and no one fucking told me?!
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Like, seriously the only thing anyone at all had to say about this show was that the coming out scene was good? Not the way that seeing ghosts is a metaphor of queerness, not that Ohm delivers one of the most gut-wrenching screaming apologies? Not a peep have I seen about Ohm’s ramble about people’s assumptions about what and who he likes by his friends in the locker room? 
Everyone needs to see this show. I know that the distribution of it prevented a lot of people from seeing it in any timely fashion, but it is available on YouTube now and I would highly, highly recommend it. This was a 10/10 show for me. 
Tagging @solitaryandwandering, @colourme-feral, @ranchthoughts, @rocketturtle4
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acequinz · 2 years
Not me waking up and realising exactly what chadok had said on the stairs...
He told Akk that he would be the best student and get the scholarship just like his previous senior (whose name I have forgotten).
But this made me think was the previous prefect captain also a scholarship student like Akk?
That would explain why Akk looked up to him as much as he did. If the senior was from similar background as Akk.
Cause then that would mean he saw hope in the senior.
He was very obviously a "country bumpkin" when he came at the start and as a result was bullied and looked down upon and then there was someone else like him, with the same background but he was considered the pride of the school.
So of course he followed in those footsteps.
But what will be more interesting is, if Chadok made these boys the prefect head for a specific reason.
The reason being their desperation to be the best and come out on top. Because he knew they would be easier to manipulate.
Because they needed this unlike the other rich boys in the school. They had to be the best, it was a choice they made but it's not like there was a better option if they wanted a good life for themselves.
We know Chadok is manipulating Akk with his desperation due to his family background. But how long has he been doing this shit?
Like how fucking long? How many people were manipulated like Akk and broken down?
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bengiyo · 1 year
Moonlight Chicken Ep 4 Stray Thoughts
Yesterday, we delved deeper into the demolition plotline and considered the global impacts of gentrification and how they can turn people against each other as Wen and Gaipa are connected to the process. We met Jim's landlord, and I joined Li Ming in expressing disdain for him. Wen came clean about his role with the company, but not his relationship with Alan. Li Ming is failing school and wants to work abroad, but he's also falling for Heart in an adorable way. Finally, Alan appeared for all of ten seconds, and I was thrilled to see First.
Ah, yes, starting with the most endearing boys. Something terrible is going to happen this episode if they're trying to suck me in.
Okay, Fourth and Gemini are just too adorable. I'm so curious about the training they've been through in the last three years.
Chapter 4: The Midnight of Lifetime
Lol, the next scene, Aof? He said, "Let me use the overwhelming cuteness of Li Ming and Heart as direct comparison for how cold things are between Alan and Wen."
There's so much in this breakfast scene. Alan and Wen still share an apartment, and so have to talk about domestic concerns. They aren't together anymore, but I feel like Alan is still invested in the social cachet of their appearance as a couple. Alan can quickly pay a bill online, and some of their household items look like goods we might use in the West.
Gong is so correct.
I know Jim is worried, but he should respect his nephew's privacy.
Earth and Fourth played that fight so well. These two characters are both aching and so tired.
Important Chin Tickle Update: Gemini did it to Fourth when Heart was trying to cheer up Li Ming.
Ah, yes. The gays wrestling over a hose. A staple trope.
I love that Gemini has gotten to play cheesy and romantic twice. Putting his crush in a cute shirt that says "Touch me if you can" is sending me.
Crying over this birthday cake scene, because it takes a village, you know? Sometimes families have troubles, and it's their friends and neighbors who need to nudge them just enough to help them see each other properly.
Wen ain't shit for doing a surprise birthday party and excluding Gaipa.
Important Chin Tickle Update: Jim did it to Wen.
"When you decide on something for him, you think he's too young. But when you expect him to do something, you think he's old enough." Where is Wen from, because it takes other people a long time to learn this?
I like a personal shirt for Jim as a gift. Anything to fancy might have offended him. And of course, we can use it to make him take off his shirt.
Beam really did a number on Jim. I like that he won't touch Wen now that feelings are involved.
If I had a man hitting on me that pushed me to watch my favorite romantic movie that I can't seem to enjoy anymore, I would fold, especially if I was asked to describe it because the disk failed.
I need to know what Alan did that made Wen sneer like that. Also, I want to see what First and Mix look like when they're not at odds with each other.
First is a special actor, his physicality as Yok, Akk, and Alan have all been distinct. Alan seems to default to the seme stance.
Poor Gaipa. He's sweet, but it's just not what Jim wants.
You could see envy radiating off Alan when he recognized Jim, and then you saw him calculating because Jim didn't recognize him at all.
Gaipa and his mom seem to be doing okay, based on the house and clothes.
Add Gaipa's mom to the list of good parents. Saying she doesn't regret him being gay, but would regret if he didn't love anyone, and then demanding he get a boyfriend for her sake. She also asserts that parents always know. Oh, gay boys and their moms.
I don't think there are a lot of Christians in Thailand, but the Jesuits are just so persistent.
The teens are on the loose! Begin the gay date montage!
It's very sweet of Li Ming to bring Heart somewhere he can connect to other people.
Suddenly Ford. You better sing, boy!
The final sequences with the narration were lovely. First does a good job playing up Alan's increasing anger. There's just so much to love in the last couple of minutes about the complexity of life.
Um, what is this preview? Heart better not be hurt!
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dwindlinghaze · 6 months
hi, so happy that you’re having an event !! can i please get a 🩰 and 🪞 (just the vibe you get from me and my akk ig, also i looove you theme so very looking forward to the moodboards)
male preference, marauders era / well, im 21, studying literature and linguistics in the uni. im leo (which says a lot)/ im really into literature - my fav books are probably classic english novels like little women and frankenstein. but i also adore sci fi and fantasy / i love abba and taylor swift a lot / i love wearing sweaters, classic suits and vintage shirts with collars and puffy sleaves. also obsessed with jewellery (pearls, golden rings an hoops) / my weird obsessions are true crime and supernatural (the tv show)/ i love going out in cinema and theatre/ i am bubbly until you are disrespectful to me or which is worse to my friends, my bestie says she’s scared when im mad/ hate stupidity and being late/ hope to become a researcher in the field of education 🦢🕯️
heyy ty for participating in my 500 celebration 🫧
☾⋆。𖦹 °✩
🩰 : i ship you with remus lupin
╰┈➤ remus loves spending time with you in silence while reading english classics. it could be in his dorm, library, couch, anywhere.
remus' head was positioned against your thigh, he was listening attentively as you read 'little women' out loud to him. "I can't say 'yes' truly, so I won't say it at all," you said. "do they end up together?" the boy looked up at you. "jo and laurie?" you ran your fingers through his hair as your face stretched into an amused smile. remus hummed in reply. "well, we've got to finish the book to find out," you answered although you knew the ending all too well.
╰┈➤ remus loves seeing you in sweaters all snuggly and warm, he'd lend you his sometimes too. oh and also, he thinks your style looks so flattering on you and would definitely buy clothing items or jewelries that remind him of you. you didn't care if it was expensive or not, you love anything that he gives you. pearls, rings, and hoops give the vibes of elegance which he adores so much!!
both of you were shopping together and he stumbled across a gorgeous piece of clothing. "wait, this one will look stunning on you! try it please?" his finger pointed to a puff sleeved top with pearls decorating it. "well, what do you think?" you questioned as you did a spin with your arms out. "i love it." he ended up buying it for you and you kiss him in return.
╰┈➤ you and remus will have a movie night twice a month to watch sci-fi movies and if you're having a rough day, he'd put on supernatural- because he knew it's your favourite- while cuddling you on the bed with different kinds of snacks to cheer you up. he would take you out to the cinema when there's a good film you've been eager to watch or on special days he will get you tickets to see live theatres.
"honey, c'mere to bed," he said when he saw you walking in, face tired and body exhausted. "i've got your favourite snacks," he continued as you plopped down beside him, a sigh escaping your lips. "thanks, love," you gave remus a chaste kiss before positioning yourself to get comfortable under the blanket with him. "relax yourself, dove, you've had enough of work today," he kissed the top of your head before pressing play on the screen.
"oh my god you did not!" you gasped when remus held out two tickets to watch 'the phantom of the opera'. "i know you wanted to watch a live performance lately so...." he said shyly as a wide smile appeared across your face. "it must cost a fortune!" you shook your head in disbelief, looking at him with love and admiration. "don't worry about that." he just loves making you happy.
╰┈➤ after hearing from your friend about how scary you were when you're mad, the last he'll do is making you mad. he's a bit reckless sometimes so he'd be more careful about what he says or does.
╰┈➤ remus is a man of discipline. he would never be late!!!
╰┈➤ he is so supportive of your dreams of becoming a researcher in education. we all know he's very academically smart and well educated so he gives you little opinions (though you don't need it because i'm sure you know what you're doing but love hearing his thoughts anyway)
╰┈➤ i also ship you with james potter solely because you both have fire signs and uh hello?? twin fire signs (yes a taylor reference)
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tidesreach · 2 years
"why are you so stubborn, shortstop?" / "to get your attention like this, big foot"
god i just love that aye knows what akk responds to and what he doesn't respond to. or more that he's taken the time to learn what he responds to and what he is comfortable with. and he keeps that knowledge in his heart and uses it but never ever pushes it too far. in fact, instead of pushing akk out of his comfort zone aye has carefully helped akk expand his comfort zone. instead of trying to smash through akk's walls he has helped him take them down brick by fucking brick. which is so important. like, this boy is a pro at problem solving. he has very diligently learnt that akk does not respond well to pressure and is most comfortable when aye teases him and doesn't put too much weight or demand on his words. and equally he has learnt that this also helps akk to reassess and redefine what he is comfortable with. and it's just a) really a testament to how well aye has observed all of the nuances of akk's expressions and responses and b) such a pure expression of love.
aye's patience and understanding and the way he has repeatedly validated akk's struggles with expression have allowed akk the space to work through it on his own terms, without pressure and with support. and while aye has consistently been forward with his feelings and affection, he has never been demanding with them. he frames his feelings and affection in a playful way because he has learnt that akk finds it easier to respond to that. and in doing so he has helped akk entirely shift the boundaries of what he is comfortable with. so much so that akk verbally expressed his feelings for the first time and was so comfortable in saying the words that he didn't even realise he'd said them.
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firstkanaphans · 1 year
Not exactly a prompt from the prompt list but after akk staring so hungrily at ayes tattoo. Maybe him kissing his tattoos?
You’re in luck! Great minds must think alike because I wrote a scene almost exactly like this in my very first AkkAyan fic ever. I’ll paste the relevant part below, but you can jump over to AO3 to read the rest. It’s short 💕
“It was in the bathroom, okay? When I first saw your tattoo.”
Ayan seemed very pleased by this. He lifted up the hem of his shirt, exposing frankly too much skin, and Akk couldn’t take his eyes off of the black ink on his hip.
“This one?” Ayan teased. “Do you like it?”
Akk liked it. He liked it a lot. He nodded, too stubborn to say the words out loud.
“What did it make you want to do?”
“I wanted to touch it,” he said, which was the truth, but he was surprised Ayan had gotten it out of him so easily. In all fairness, he was incredibly distracted. Even now, his fingers were curled into the bedsheets to keep from reaching out.
“Do you want to touch it now?”
Ayan’s question startled Akk enough to look up. They had only been doing whatever this was for a couple of weeks and Ayan had been so patient with him. Hands never strayed beneath clothes and when it became too much for Akk to handle, they stopped. Akk just wasn’t ready yet. But this? This he could do.
“Yes,” he said and he hated how much it made him sound like an overeager child.
Ayan took his hand and placed it on the bare skin of his hip. The muscle twitched beneath his fingertips and, thinking he had done something wrong, Akk attempted to yank his hand away, but Ayan held him in place.
“Your fingers are cold,” Ayan explained and then released him, collapsing back onto the bed so that his skin was pulled taut and Akk had free rein to explore as he liked.
He traced the word in the divet of Ayan’s hip over and over, memorizing the shape of it, and he watched as Ayan’s breath hitched every time he let his fingers drift just a little lower. It was nice sometimes to be reminded that he wasn’t the only one who got excited by every touch. That although Ayan may have done this with other boys before, it still meant something to him that it was Akk he was doing it with now.
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aresluna · 2 years
Theory about Namo, our suspicious guy.
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We all agree that this guy is highly suspicious. Honestly, I think he may be involved with Chadok, because it's like he's keeping an eye on the prefects.
Let me explain in more detail
The first time we are introduced to the character of Namo is when he's trying to take a phone from a guy because that`s against the rules. We see he has a prefect band, but until Akk, Kan and Wat arrive we discover that he is not really a prefect, that he is not "qualified" to do it, he expresses that he is doing to improve his grades and begs many times to please let him be prefect, but the answer is NO (what the heck was he doing with a prefect band, where did he get it?)
A detail that I like about Akk is that although in the first episodes he seems very authoritarian, in reality all that he wants is order, he does not seem like a crazy person with power who sits on a higher step and takes advantage of this. He just wants everything to go well, no changes, no problems. I don't remember in which chapter it happens, but there is a conversation between Akk, Kan and Wat in which they agree that they want The world remembers to stop with the protests but THEY DON'T WANT ANYTHING BAD TO HAPPEN TO THEM.  In episode 6 in the beach scene with Ayan he also says he just wants them to stop, he doesn't want anyone to get hurt.
Namo with the conversation with the boy whose phone he tries to take, gives this feeling of a person who LOVES being authoritarian, feeling superior to someone, in fact he challenges this poor boy when he asks for his phone again and says "Or what? I'm a student prefect" (no sweetie, you're not).  
As a small detail, in the first episode when Kan is talking to Wat about the curse and the protesters, Namo is in the back looking at them and smiling. It's a little creepy that he seems to enjoy the "curse" being back, when everyone else is worried about such accidents. I got goosebumps when in episode 7 he asks Akk “why aren’t they punished by the Suppalo curse yet”  
         * meanwhile the flowerpot and the driverless car: am I a joke to you? *
He really wants something bad to happen to them, "so that they will learn"  Something interesting that Dika tells Ayan is that any mistake you make will be cause for you to be watched and monitored. Akk has made mistakes, Chadok is not an idiot and although Akk could have respect and idolize Teacher Chadok, for him he is just another piece in his chess game, perfectly replaceable. For him, the important thing is Suppalo keep going, no matter the form. The end justifies the means. I get the impression that Chadok is getting impatient and wants to kick Ayan out and we suspect that he has recognized Dika’s necklace, another reason to want him out as soon as possible. Akk may be being too slow, even though he's under a lot of pressure, but what about Namo? A boy who wants to be a prefect, who wants the protesters to be punished by the curse, what if this boy was a much more interesting chess piece than Akk  and can be someone in the shadows who sabotages Ayan in his search for information without being suspicious(let's not forget how Ayan directly accuses Akk when he sees that his notebook has disappeared and later admits that he knows it couldn't have been him because they were always together) the thief must be a student because he was wearing the judo suit. 
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If it's true what Akk said, that everyone had their own locker key, where could they get Ayan's key from? MAYBE A COPY? hmm suspicious
Another thing that makes me suspicious of Namo is the fact that he is always a watcher. I find it interesting that Akk told him in this episode.
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He's stealthy and always watching, remember when he saw Kan's fight with the homophobic jerks in the bathroom and then told Thua about it.  Always present, always watching, always listening, but we don't know anything about him. I think that in the conversation with Akk in this episode where they talk about the curse, it's not just a retoric question, I think it's almost a demand of why akk isn’t doing something to punish the protestors. Maybe I'm overanalyzing too much but I feel like HE KNOWS that akk is the curse.
I find it curious that Akk is always questioning Ayan about what his intentions are, but the reality is that the one who we don't know anything about his intentions and goals is Namo, we only know that he is someone ambitious who would like to be a prefect and who knows , perhaps he will be willing to do whatever it takes to get it. Akk wanted to be a prefect for a gay crush (something I would totally do LOL) but I feel like Namo is more about power.
Thanks for reading and I'm sorry if there may be any errors, English is not my first language. I would love to know your opinions.
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gunsatthaphan · 1 year
Twitter news! in the Rabeda interview First and Khaotung did a wile ago they asked about The Eclipse and Our Skyy2 and about the latter they said it's gonna be 2/3 episodes and do you think it is possible? cuz if every show gets 2 to 3 episodes the swries is gonna be 14 to 21 episodes total, it could be possible considering some of their Lakorns but would they be actually doing it? I really hope so🥺 cuz having 2 to 3 episodes of my favourites couples, epsecially Akk and Aye, would be THE DREAM!
I don't know if I can trust the gmm boys with spoilers🤣, Jimmy didn't lie about the line up being on the 22 but...
Like I need more than just one ep!
I SAW THAT 😭 I was expecting 1 episode per pair but this is better 🥺
if akkaye get 2-3 episodes, it's likely that that will be the case for the other couples as well which would mean a total of 16-24 episodes. which is a high episode count for gmmtv standards but considering it's a compilation series, I think it's very much possible. and with FK basically confirming it, I think it's safe. And you're right when you say we can't trust the gmm boys but if FK say it, its law. period. (we should also ask first's voice though just to be sure)
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wen-kexing-apologist · 2 months
Hello. For violence, number 12 & 13 please. Have a wonderful day! Rose💜
Hello Rose! Thank you for choosing violence today.
12. The unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Dynamite Chuchok. 
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(I love you baby boy, don't you worry)
I do not understand why so many people hated that boy. I love me a happy!sad, and that boy was one of them. I loved how vibrant and open he was about his sexuality, with how vocal he was about his feelings for Fire, that boy is so so brave. He has suffered a lot, he has lost so much, and he refuses to live his life inauthentically. He knows when to push, when to back off, he knows where the boundaries are, where to take space, make space, give space, and he understands exactly why Fire is scared to come out to his Mom. I mean, Dynamite (and Prem) jeopardizes his friendship with Unky in order to keep his relationship with Fire secret and experiences the consequences of Unky being mad that Dynamite didn’t out Fire. 
It is very rare that I feel compelled to write posts about characters in order to defend them, but that is exactly what I was doing when I wrote this Dynamite body language post.
Also, because this is the Choose Violence Ask Game. I will throw out a hot take:
if Mark Pakin had played Dynamite and the character had been exactly the same, we would not have seen the level of hate for Dynamite we saw for Aungpao's Dynamite. So.
Other characters I love with my whole being but that seem to have some contentious relationships to fandom are: Sailom from Wedding Plan, Patts from La Pluie, and Teh from I Told Sunset About You and I Promised You The Moon.
13. Worst blorboficiation
First Kanaphan. 
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Not a character I know, but it has to be said. 
I love that man, but holy shit we need to stop baby-girl-ifying him. And when I say ‘we’ here I don’t just mean BL fans. I mean GMMTB themselves. First is an incredible actor, but the writers and directors always end up babygirl-ifying his characters by the end of their shows. Let! That! Man! Act! 
He can cry so well, it’s true. I understand the desire to let him cry on camera. I understand that his face and those stupid big brown baby cow eyes make it really really easy for him to become blorbo-able but dear GOD I am BEGGING someone to LET THAT MAN HAVE A CONSISTENT CHARACTER. I love Akk, I love him, but the way they handled his character makes him mushy, Sand started out really sarcastic with a kind of take no bullshit attitude and then became this simp, Yok was a phenomenal little slut who FUCKED A FUCKING COP and then cried when the cop (surprise surprise) betrayed him. 
As a point of comparison, the first show I saw Khaotung in was The Eclipse, so you could color me surprised when he showed up all tiny and timid and kind in A Tale of 1000 Stars. Because Ayan was kinda an asshole the entire show. He had a very specific personality that was sustained throughout the show. First did not have the same luxury.
Make Me Choose Violence
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minimeowsom · 1 year
14 BL Men i would allow to steal my heart on the 14th of Feburary.
Happy Valentine
My first and longest Relationship of four years ended just two Weeks ago. and what do we do to get over men? we stan more men. So this post is me Fangirling BL Characters.
Note: i thought about if i wanted this to be actors or Characters, but in the end i dont know anything about the actors, so that would be purely phisical wich is kinda boring, so this will be abour Charakters more then actors ( but lets be honest sometimes the actor just plays into it, i am biased after all. With that being said: LETS GO.
Not on this list but very VERY cute:
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I love Porchay, Tinn and Gun, and i know the actors are all 18 now, but when they where Filming they were all minors, so are thier caracters. It dosent matter to me that i am not much older. Tinn , Gun and Porchay go in the cute folder and stay there.
14. Hia YI (Cutie Pie)
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I knew i would end up with one of the Hia-Squad Guys on this list. in thhe end it is Hia Yi, I personally find him a bit more atractive then Lian but it also breaks my heart how gultiy he still feels for Diaos accident. I think he cares so much that sometimes he doset know how to act what makes him distant, wich is the reason he only manages spot 14 on this list.
13. Leo (dont say no)
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So first of: i was todays days old when i found out Leo und Fiat are a support ship in Tarntype but anyway ... i like leo, he is lovabale, cute, supportive and can man-handle you if wanted. What puts him a bit down for me is how just accepting he is sometimes, like have your own willpower if you just do what i say , i feel like i am taking advantage of him.
12. Price (Sky in your Mind)
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I think i am kind of simmalr to Prince, we would get along, ofc i am not an aristocratic heir, but i am studying to be a teacher, i love being around kids and i have a more gentle personaltiy, this is also the reason he is not higher, i dont think we an really chalange each other to grow. but he is probably the most cute canditate on this list. and he will always be.
11. Kinn (KinnPorsche)
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And here my bias beginns.... Kinn is probably the worst boyfriend on this list if you ... you know not wanna die. But he is my Bad Boy, the one who would burn the world for you, would kill for you, and still would be kind to you and you only. He is gonna leave his mafia Life behind for you (like he wanted to for Porsche) and GOD i am sorry but Mile is so fucking atractive its unfair.
10. Sky (Love in the Air)
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If i wanna have sky on this list i gotta kind of disrigade his Trauma, cause i know i would not be able to take care of it at this point of my life, i dont know if i could handle it, like Pai can for example. But if we talk about his looks: i mean sky is very pretty and i find him very cute in casual cloth. His Personality also seems very entertaing to be around, he can be fun,cute, sassy and seems highly intelegint so you can have a good conversation with him. Sjy biggest "downside" is how he sometimes just forgets to communicate with people that care about him, wich could become pretty anoying i imagainen.
9. Akk (The Eclipse)
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I will say this is the point where it just into who is my typ the most (maybe with one exeption), but that being said i love the eclipse and you will find Akks other half even higher on this list (just because he is more my type xD ) but akk is someone so incredibly sweet, he of course hase the brainwashing problem that has to be dealt with but as we can see as soon as his views get challenged he shows how much he cares, you can also see this side of him earlier with his friends, so i think Akk is just gonna get goofier with time.
8. Win (Between us)
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I don’t really know why i need Win on this list, but everytime the WinTeam, Into you, edit comes into my YouTube autoplay i just fall in love with him again. Of course it has to do with the fact that bourn is a very handsaome guy, but also how deeply he cares, not only for Team but for his siblings, and friends. He ofcourse has his own problems, than again who doesn’t. Also i can’t explain why but i find swimming extremely attractive. Don’t judge me.
7. Sound (My School President)
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So sound is just cute, i would like someone to court me so respectfully aggressiv like he is courting Win, sound seems distant at first when he joins the music club, but warms up to them and turns out to be kind of a goofball himself, he cares for them and even try’s (to no success) to hide his wrist injuries so to not worry them. I think by now my type kind of shows himself: i am really into men who can man-handle me but in a very respectful way if you know what i mean, and i feel like sounds just fits so perfectly on that description.
6. Gaipa (Moonlight Chicken)
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So Gaipa is kind of cheating myself, because as already mentioned with Akk , Akks second half will be a bit later on this list, and big surprise if i like Aye , Gaipa is really not that far away, after all to no one’s surprise they look the same. But i could have done this with multiple people on this list so why Kaipa? I just think the way Gaipa showed his love for Jim is so lovely to me. His food is his love language and i feel like he is getting absolutely robbed by Jim, He knows Gaipa likes him and just ignores him.He is kind, thoughtful and so desperately in love with Jim that i can’t do anything but feel sad for him being stuck in between where he is. When he loves you he gives you his all. I am interested to see how his story will progress and maybe he will be even higher by the end of Moonlight Chicken.
5. Pat (Bad Buddy)
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So when i tried to decide if i want Pat or Pran higher on this list i had a rough time, I think my problem is that their characters shine in their Relationship with each other the most. So i think separating them takes away a lot of it. But we are not here for deep analysis we are here for my Valentines Shitpost. And i think Pat is fun entertaing and very Handsome, maybe to me even a bit more Handsome then Pran to me. But i think he would clash why harder in many regards. I would like to keep it lowkey and i need my life to be organised so i think Pat and i could have fun but we would clash and challenge each other a lot.
4.Pran (Bad Buddy)
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As mentioned it was a close race for fourth between Pat and Pran and eventho i personally find Pat a bit more Handsome i think personality wise i would match better with Pran. I like his artsy side a lot, and my god i don’t know why i didn’t say that when talking about Sound earlier but my god Men that can play gituar and sing me to sleep just double their attractiveness. I also like how organised he likes to be and his a bit more (at least compared to Pat) slow and gentle personality. Pat is an all in lover wich i can respect but i have a bit more respect for Pran, he loved Pat for so long without knowing how to convey his Feelings or if they even ever had a chance, that man truly loves and if he does he does so for a long time.
Before my Top 3 : so those three i shuffled around like 5 times while making this list and i still feel like the list changes every other minute. But i love them all so much and god if one of them wants to become real and date me , hit me up
3. Parpai (Love in the Air)
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Okay so to start this of: i think Fort ( or parpai, take it as you want) is incredibly attractive. I started watching BL cause i saw a picture of him in the Viki Preview of Love in the Air. That is also one of the reasons Parpai is so high on this list, he just holds a special place in my heart. But also if you ignore his first not so respectful aggressiv courting at the beginning you get a very green flag. He cares and communicates so much, he makes sure his partner knows he is there for him and he sugar baby’s him (that is not needed tho) also something i said in my love in the air review is that before i saw Fort i never understood what it means when people say someone has gentle eyes but god damit i can see it with Fort. Everytime he looks at anything really he just seems like he could calm my worst moods pretty easy, if you wanted more what i like about Parpai i could write down Skys notebook here but you can just watch Ep.12 again and you will know. Parpai will be always one of my favourite characters.
2. Kim (KinnPorsche)
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Kim is just as Kinn ealier Probably not a really good Option when looking for someone to date. His family just is a major Problem. He knows that too, just look at his broken Love for Porschay. But he is in anyway the Softer version of Kim. Yes he is in a very Dangerous Family but he is way less involved, He would also Kill and Burn the world for you but i feel like Kinn would burn it down first and then look for you and Kim would look first. And i said it before and i will say it again: MY GOD i love my sining guitar Players. The softness with wich Kim looks at Porchay makes my Butterflies have a dance party every time. Breaking my Character only Rule here the most i also gotta say that Jeff Satur is to me one of the most Attractive People out there. And if he is actually like he is portrait in Interviews and lives i would be super down to date someone like him. I fell so hard when he said his pet peeve are bully’s. It sounds so standard but most people have why more trivial things as pet peeves and bully’s i think is an incredibly sweet answer. Also the way and the patience with wich he takes care of the so much younger Barcode shows how lovable he is. BUT going back to Kim even tho dating Kim would never be free of danger i think he would do EVERYTHING to keep you out of it. because he loves you.
1. Aye (The Eclipse)
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We had Khao on this list ealier where i didn’t say it but i think it is pretty clear that i think he is super Pretty and Handsome. He wouldn’t make the list twice if i didn’t think so. But why is does Aye win the Gold Medal and Kaipa doesn’t? First of i Personally think no one on this list full files Respectfully Man-Handling you the way Aye does. He is just so sweet, playful but sure of his beliefs and ideals, he is also willing to compromise to make his partner comfortable without letting them do the wrong thing. I can write a long list of words here what i like about Aye: Handsome, Funny, Kind, caring, Smart, Wilful, Loveable, committed. But i don’t feel like i do him justice, I can’t discribe what makes me love him so much. If you haven’t seen the Eclipse. Go watch it. Its really good. And Fall in love with Aye like i have. I also want to add that i think Khao does a great job acting, he is a very skilled emotional actor and makes you feel like you wanna cry when he is said but also makes you happy with him, wich makes Aye feel so alive.
Anna Out ^-^
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incandescentflower · 11 months
Thai QL Favorites Tag Game
Tagged by both @mineonmain and @dribs-and-drabbles Thank you!
Credit: this game was created by @thatgirl4815 as Thai BL Favorites Tag Game.
Favorite Thai QL: Bad Buddy is still tops, although it is starting to be that there are stronger and stronger ones that maybe at some point it will be like choosing from favorite children haha. BBS is a great relational story line, but I am excited about the more plotty ones happening, especially with fantasy or sci-fi plots and have high hopes others will continue to rot my brain. (looking at you Be My Favorite)
Favorite Pairing: I really feel like this is gonna get boring if I keep talking about Pat and Pran so I'm gonna also say Ink/Pa - I love their dynamic, I was so excited they would be a ship. I also am pretty certain Pisaeng and Kawi will be on this list - for reasons you can find in my screaming all over my blog right now, but since it isn't over yet I guess only time will tell. I would also say Akk and Theo. I wouldn't equally say Cher and Gun, but Force and Book do what they do well. Their shows are very unserious, but we all need some of that in our lives and they are the best at giving it.
Most underrated actor: Until now, I would have definitely said Gawin Caskey. He was never given a lead role and more than anything was doing OSTs (although his voice is beautiful so that's a great way to use him, but shouldn't be the only way). Last year when he was in both Not Me and Enchante at the same time it was like "Why the hell hasn't he gotten a lead?" Seems clear now that he maybe hadn't been the most comfortable with all that being a lead entails, but he is out there doing it now and my boy is so good. I'm so happy for him. I hope this means he'll get more opportunities later.
Favorite Character: It isn't going to be original, but yeah, it's Pat and followed oh so closely by Pran. They're great characters brought to life by great actors. Pran feels a little closer to my own tendencies and so perhaps that is why I get all heart eyes for Pat too. He's just so heart on his sleeve when he stops being oblivious and you gotta love someone who loves openly, honestly without holding back.
Favorite Side Character: This one is tough because I love a ton of side characters, but surprisingly Wai keeps popping into my head. I think Wai clearly is a complicated character, but he does have a nice growth arc, let's go of his stubborn pride, which he seems pretty attached to, and comes around to caring about the engineering guys at the end. I'm sure that it's Jimmy that really sells it, but I have always had positive feels for Wai despite him pissing me off during the series lol. Obviously I love Ink and Pa, and yes, Korn. Pearmai is amazing in Be My Favorite and I love every scene she is in. Max too. I love Max so much, he could never get enough screen time. I've gotta stop or I'll just keep listing them.
Favorite scene in a QL: Ok, this is serious spoilers for Triage so if you don't want to read any, then don't keep going - but honestly I *loved* that the vision Tin had of Tol earlier in the series was actually Tol flipped into the loop. It was such a fun time loop variation and I really enjoy fun time travel paradoxes and scenes where you understand it better from a different angle. Like I say below, underrated.
Favorite line in a QL: This is impossible, but what came to mind first was the scene is ep 11 part 4 of BBS where Pat and Pran have an exchange but Pat's lines are: "Thank you. For trying to make a silly guy like me happy...You never leave me. You fight alongside me. That makes me feel very happy." Again, Pat just telling how he feels in the moment and I love that so very much. And Pran barely says anything with words, but Nanon is king of the sparkly eyes and he says it all in return.
Most Anticipated QL (& why): Only Friends. I love all the actors. It's gonna be a hot mess of drama and all of them in the roles clearly are going to have fun doing it. And Cherry Magic because I want to see how they adapt it and after seeing Tay and New non-DBK roles I think they'll be great in it.
Healthiest relationship in a QL: Pat and Pran are the great communicators who know each other enough to give and take when it's needed and isn't that what we all hope to be able to do?
Most toxic relationship in a QL: I...feel like I have to plead the fifth on this. the ship I would put here is very popular and I think their whole dynamic is problematic and can't really even think about them without feeling annoyed so yeah, I have one that stands out over the others for me but I'll leave it at that. there's definitely plenty though. the healthy relationships are not always the majority.
Guilty pleasure series: Hmm, probably Together with Me. There was so many problems with that show and the plot was terrible in many ways, but Max and Tul were so convincing as the best friends who turned lovers and couldn't get out of their own way. I loved them in that. I also mostly liked Big Dragon which is another problematic start but worked for me. My rule apparently is if you are gonna hook up and be messed up, you both gotta be equally under influences.
Most underrated series: Well, this could change depending on how Be My Favorite ends and is finally received (I think it might not get the noise it deserves, it doesn't seem like it is at this point) but Triage is definitely what I'd say is most underrated one that has finished. It's plot is fun and the holes are lamp shaded and the actors obviously have great chemistry and the theme is that trying matters and I need those kinds of messages in my life, pretty much all the time.
I'm not sure who has been tagged before but how about @galauvant @lurkingteapot @dimplesandfierceeyes @sunshinedobi @kornswasianguyswag @dragonsareawesome123 @dontbesoevil
but no pressure, only if you want to :)
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weilongfu · 1 year
PJO!MorkPi: Pi has gotten quite good at changing his appearance (like his mother), but Mork is much more fond of how he normally looks. It’s time he tells Pi that.
There were many gifts which could be given from Aphrodite or Venus to their children. The most powerful was charmspeak, for with a single word spoken with confidence and power, an Aphrodite or Venus camper could bring a person or monster to their knees. Such as it was, Mork considered himself grateful that the most capable users of such a power were friends at Camp Half-Blood and not enemies.
The lesser known power to change one's appearance, however, was Mork's greatest enemy. Not its user, no, Mork could never hate Pi. He'd loved the Greek demigod since before either of them had found out about their godly parentage. But Mork hated Pi's powers with a passion for they always seemed to feed on Pi's insecurities.
Pi would start the day with his dark brown hair and Mork would watch as it shifted to black, blond, brown, red, blue, and so forth as Pi tried different ways to make himself look more attractive to anyone. As time went on and Pi gained greater control over his powers, it was not uncommon to see that Pi had changed himself to look more like a famous singer or actor.
Mork had even heard from Theo and Akk that Pi had changed his appearance entirely during their adventure and the story set Mork into such a panic that Thara and Pha had barely managed to snap him out of it.
Pete and Yo had, of course, set counter measures. Every night before lights out and every morning before breakfast, the two carefully checked Pi's face to make sure any changes he'd made through the day or in his sleep had been reverted.
"Do not lose your sense of self," Pete told Pi in warning when his powers had begun to manifest. "Mother gave you this power, it's true, but it doesn't mean that you are unattractive or undesirable. It means you have the power to see what others find attractive or desirable and to use it to your advantage."
Of course, Pi would only listen as well as he liked, no less stubborn than his siblings, godly and mortal. And so it was to Mork's great disappointment that Pi showed up to their very first official date with a nose that was not his own, eyes that were blue, cheekbones that were too sharp on a face that was too narrow.
"I heard the movie is a really good one," Pi said as he offered Mork the tickets while he was still bewildered at the current formation of features on Pi's face. "Lots of good action and dialogue." Pi grabbed Mork's wrist and began to pull him towards the appropriate theater, but Mork changed the grip and instead pulled Pi towards an empty hallway. "Huh? Where are you going? The movie is that way!"
"Pi." Mork put his hands on Pi's shoulders and felt the shorter boy tremble for a second. "Pi, why did you change your face?"
"What's wrong with this face?" Pi turned it from left to right, further increasing Mork's discomfort. "Isn't it handsome? I tried to make it look more like that Benedict Cumberbatch person."
"No, Pi. I don't like it." Pi blinked in confusion, his eyes changing from blue, to hazel, to brown, to blue with each blink. "I... Haven't I said that I like your appearance when you're being you?"
"No, you gave me a list of my flaws, one of which was my appearance," Pi argued.
"Yes, because those were things you could change about yourself but refused to out of self pity," Mork replied. "You didn't need braces anymore, your teeth had finished straightening. You just wanted to keep feeling like an outcast. You left your hair messy because you thought no one was looking." As Mork went on, Pi's face morphed to look more like a popular KPop star. "But what you didn't seem to understand is that I liked you despite those flaws, Pi. I, in fact, loved you for them."
"Don't lie to me," Pi said as he shrugged out of Mork's hold.
"Then I won't say a word. Use your powers then," Mork challenged. "Search my heart, search my feelings, and let your face change to reflect what those say I find attractive, not what your brain thinks I find attractive."
Pi sneered before closing his eyes and taking several deep breaths. Mork found himself unable to breathe until the shifting of Pi's features was over. Pi opened his eyes and pulled out a compact that Pete had clearly stuffed into his younger sibling's bag. "This is..."
"It's your face, your real face." Mork stepped into Pi's space. "The face I fell in love with."
"No, no, you really can't-"
"I can. I do." Mork cupped Pi's cheek, thankful that he felt only a teardrop and not the shifting of skin and flesh. "This is the you I love, the you I'm attracted to."
"You asshole," Pi mumbled as he leaned into Mork's hand.
"Will you believe me when I'm not being an asshole?" Mork teased.
"I'd believe you more if you were never an asshole in the first place."
"Well..." Mork took Pi's hand. "I can't change the past, but I can make a better present." Mork pressed a kiss to the back of Pi's hand and Pi felt his cheeks burn in a blush and not in changing or morphing. "So will you come watch the movie with me?"
Pi bit his lip and started pulling Mork again. "I swear to god, if you ditch me after this movie-"
Mork pulled back and Pi found himself in Mork's embrace as he caught him. "Never." Mork's face drew closer and Pi immediately pushed him away again to run towards the theater. Mork sighed and ran to follow, but there was no denying that it was the feeling of Pi accepting his feelings causing his heart to race instead of the exercise.
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not to be an enchante defender but!! it's funny bc one anon said that they were glad abaab was their introduction to forcebook rather than enchante but i am the opposite actually djdnsk
i couldn't finish abaab (maybe i will one day but not even the 2x speed save me from boredom when it was coming out) but i finished enchante (in 2x speed also but i did finish it!!) and while yeah i do think that theo being enchante was a little (read: very) silly and didn't really make sense, i just found akk to be so endearing!! maybe it's because i have a huge soft spot for force but man that yearning. and it had 3 of my fav gmmtv men (gawin, fluke pusit and aou) so i was at least very entertained dhfjd meanwhile in abaab i just couldn't get into it😭
but i do agree that forcebook not only need but deserve a much better storyline!! i feel like none of the ones they were given so far really allowed them to shine (and don't even get me started on joongdunk, get those men away from a university setting)
anyway, I'll also take this opportunity to thank you for the tournament!! it's been a lot of fun, looking forward to the end results!!^^
Okay, I gotta give it to you: Gawin, Fluke, and Aou were definitely a huge incentive for finishing Ehchanté. On the other hand, they weren't anywhere near in it enough to redeem it. I will say tho, there are quite a few pairings from GMMTV I've been introduced to under disastrous circumstances (ForceBook for one, but also TayNew to mention another), and yet I still get excited and optimistic when they get given new projects! Or maybe I'm just weak for pretty boys...
"Get those men away from a university setting" should be its own movement in the greater BL landscape, let's be real. GIVE. ME. MORE. ADULT. LOVE. STORIES!!!
And thank you! When I started this tournament, I thought I had a pretty good idea of how it was gonna go but I've already been proven wrong so I'm also excited to see where the voting will take us!
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