#like he runs into Fushimi at S4 and mentions how he helped Yata look for him
ridiasfangirlings · 9 months
I know you aren't Brazilian and maybe you don't even know what I'm talking about but could you please give us K characters in a Festa junina? Maybe sarumi could dance together quadrilha and stuff!
Imagine this as one of those things where Homra and S4 just so happen to end up in the same place at the same time, like Homra wins a trip to Brazil just as Munakata, Fushimi and Awashima are also there gathering intelligence on some Strain issue. Kusanagi notes he didn’t even know there was a festival happening right and Totsuka grins all did I forget to mention it, I thought Anna might enjoy seeing something fun. It’s super crowded and Kusanagi sighs but he’s smiling, asking Anna if she would like to see the festival. Imagine them buying her this colorful red dress that she can twirl around in. Totsuka takes her to see all the dancing, excitedly trying a bunch of different foods and figuring it’s good for them all to enjoy this downtime.
Mikoto is already exhausted just by being in proximity to all this so he decides to go find a place to nap, which is when a guy in a big straw hat and farmer’s overalls walks over to him all ‘how unexpected to run into you here, Suoh.’ Mikoto raises an eyebrow and imagine him grabbing the brim of the hat, picking it up to see Munakata’s smiling face, and then promptly pulling the hat back over Munakata’s face, like maybe he can pretend he didn’t see it. Munakata isn’t so easily swayed though and he mentions that he’d heard Homra would be in the country, how unfortunate that even in such a large country they end up in each other’s proximity. Mikoto’s all must be my bad luck, Munakata’s like I could say the same (and yet he’s not going away). Mikoto wonders what’s with the outfit and Munakata proudly says that when attending a local festival one must dress as the locals do, Mikoto can’t help but note that even in these kinds of clothes Munakata still has his usual aura about him.
Yata meanwhile is enjoying the food with Kamamoto when he gets a little lost in the crowd. He accidentally runs into someone and starts to apologize, only to hear an irritated tongue click in reply. Yata’s like wait Saruhiko, unable to believe that Fushimi is both here and dressed in rural clothing with a straw hat. Fushimi grumbles that this is all Captain’s fault and Yata’s like seriously you’re such a gloomy guy, can’t you even enjoy a festival. Fushimi’s like there’s nothing to enjoy here Misaki, listing off all his grievances about the festival like everyone is too stupidly happy and it’s loud and the lights are annoying and these clothes itch and he doesn’t like food and people keep dancing and singing with worthless amounts of energy. Yata sighs like I guess I gotta teach you how to have fun huh, Fushimi claims he doesn’t need Yata to help him with anything. Yata’s like come on, it’s a festival so I’ll let you off the hook for now, trying to drag Fushimi into the nearest dance. Imagine Fushimi decides to get Yata back and finds a way to sneakily get him into a dress, like telling him he has to dress for the festival and pointing Yata to the wrong tent. Yata comes out in a red dress looking pissed off and Fushimi snickers, but suddenly they get swept up in this big dance. People keep dancing around them too and Yata’s just going with it while Fushimi has a strange look on his face, because he actually speaks the language and he’s realized people keep referring to them as a bride and groom. 
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
I think there was an ask about Aya met Misaki again, and Saruhiko is jealous. So how about doing it with ReiSaru post RoK, when he truly found a place where he belong. What do you think Aya's thought when she met Saru again that time and seeing for herself the person who Saruhiko mentioned back then. I really love how it was mentioned in lsw that time, that Saru seemed to recalled smtg happy, there was to have recalled something happy when he said this and his eyes flashed blue light
I think this would definitely be eye-opening for Aya, just seeing Fushimi attached to someone besides Yata (and I wonder how she would feel about the fact that Fushimi did kinda choose someone ‘up to his level,’ like with Yata she lost to Yata’s overwhelming energy and honesty and now here Fushimi ends up with Munakata who’s an incredibly singular genius type). Maybe her school gets caught up in some Strain thing and S4 comes to help, she recognizes the uniforms as being the same that Saruhiko was wearing that time he confronted her on the bus and she finds herself wondering if he’s there. Afterward she wanders around the school a little as the S4 boys are getting everything cleaned up, just trying to see if he really is here. 
She gets outside and spots Fushimi off in the distance, immediately recognizing the way he slouches past everyone. She finds herself running after him, not sure if she wants to yell to him or what it is she would say if they came face to face, she just wants to see him. However as she gets close she sees Fushimi’s talking to someone and she finds herself stopping, looking at the guy Fushimi is talking with. She can tell from the uniform that this person must be important and she wonders if this is that ‘current boss’ Fushimi was talking about that time on the bus. Imagine she finds herself just stopping and watching how Munakata and Fushimi interact, Fushimi’s mostly giving a report but they’re just chatting a little too, Munakata praising Fushimi and being a little doting because the danger’s over and there’s some time to relax. Aya is surprised to see how relaxed Fushimi looks from when she last him, it’s not like how he was with Yata but somehow she can tell this isn’t bad either, like Fushimi is looking at this person as if he’s worthy of Fushimi’s respect — and she can see it again, some bright blue reflected in his eyes that wasn’t there before, and even though she can’t really see what’s so special about Munakata she’s absolutely certain that this person is the cause of it, the person who changed Saruhiko. 
Maybe Munakata spots her then and goes over to ask if she needs assistance, the moment he looks at her Aya feels like this unmistakable sense of presence that makes her step back a little. Fushimi suddenly clicks his tongue as he recognizes who it is and imagine Munakata so intrigued to meet a member of Fushimi’s family, like so this is your cousin. Fushimi wonders if Aya wanted something and Aya tries to put on a calm face as she says nothing, she was just wondering if Fushimi was still with these people. Fushimi says he told her to stay out of ‘this’ world and Aya asks if Munakata was the one who brought Fushimi into it, is this the person who told you to change the world that you don’t like. Munakata is so flattered that his words resonated so strongly with Fushimi-kun as Fushimi rolls his eyes and is like this doesn’t have anything to do with you, you can leave. Aya keeps looking between them, Fushimi being his usual blunt self and Munakata just accepting it all with a smile and she finds herself thinking suddenly about the ‘King’ she heard about in jungle, she doesn’t really know even now what that means but looking at these two she somehow can’t help but feel that yes, this guy is Saruhiko’s King.
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
It was a summer post-rok with everyone starting to get along. Munakata invited them all to the beach. While everyone was playing in the water Fushimi makes a sandcastle but this time he is joined by Yata and then Anna makes her own with Kusanagi helping. Shiro and friends wanted to join and made their own, too. They lighted fireworks at night remembering how they used to fight with flames but are now bonding together with something as pretty (and dangerous) as fireworks.
They could make an entire beach full of castles (and Awashima has to stop Munakata from using his powers on all of them, like Captain this is a public beach). Imagine post-ROK Munakata thinks it might be a nice inter-clan bonding opportunity to go to the beach, like isn’t celebrating in the summer a standard event. It’s been a long time since Homra went to the beach and they agree, Kusanagi thinking it might be nice to build some new memories there all things considered. Anna mentions it to Neko and the Silvers agree to come as well, thinking about it Shiro probably hasn’t been to the beach like ever and he’s always kinda wanted to hang out with friends that way. S4 are just excited that since everyone else is invited too that means they won’t have to fight sharks or catch their own food this time. 
When they get to the beach Fushimi of course initially hides under the umbrellas in his hoodie, refusing to go out in the sun. Yata sighs and is like fine but I’m not letting you stay there all day, going to do some surfing on his own. At some point Munakata appears wearing his speedo and now Yata’s too creeped out to continue so he goes back to the beach, where he’s surprised to see Fushimi isn’t hiding in the shade anymore. He spots Fushimi a little ways down the beach making a sandcastle and seeming very intent on it, the sandcastle is already half made and super intricate. Yata sits down next to him all wow that looks so cool and Fushimi stops and looks up, maybe a little bewildered as Yata grins. Fushimi looks away and clicks his tongue softly as he says it isn’t that great, Yata’s like yeah it is it’s cool. Yata offers to help and soon the two of them are working together on a sandcastle in between good-natured squabbling, Fushimi’s making this really intricate castle and Yata keeps trying to “make it cooler” with big hunks of sand and they’re both having so much fun that it doesn’t even occur to Fushimi that this will get swept away by the tide. 
They’re making enough of a racket that Anna comes over to see what they’re doing, Yata asks if she wants to help and she shakes her head and says she’ll make her own. Kusanagi brings her some buckets and Neko follows him looking for Anna, Anna shows Neko the sand castle and Neko thinks it looks neat. She waves Shiro over all look Shiro look and now the Silvers have been roped into sand castle making as well. Eventually the Homra and S4 alphabets probably notice what’s going on and now a whole challenge has popped up, everyone making their own sandcastles to see whose is the best (Anna wins, because hers is the only one everyone can agree on).
 It’s starting to get dark by this point and that’s when Munakata pulls out the fireworks, Fushimi clicks his tongue like you really trust these idiots with sparklers. Everyone’s running around the beach with the fireworks and laughing and Munakata quietly notes that the tide is coming in near Fushimi’s sand castle. Fushimi looks at it and then at the fireworks lighting up the sky and Yata chasing Kamamoto down the beach with a sparkler and he gets this small smile as he says that’s fine, this moment is enough to be permanent. 
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Rescuing Fushimi, Yata breaks his leg and is forced to leave the skateboard for a couple of months. Yata and Fushimi reaction to this fact? Before the first season, after the first season, and after the second season when they started dating and living together.
Before the first season, I’m thinking Homra days for this? Imagine Yata breaks his leg on a mission, maybe it’s not like a terrible break (or even just a sprain) where it’s not so much that he can’t walk but he can’t skateboard because there’s too much instability and the worry that he could hurt himself really badly if he were to fall. Imagine this happens when he’s on a mission with Fushimi, like Yata’s fighting some gang member guys while on his skateboard and Fushimi is covering his back. Fushimi almost gets surprise attacked and while he’s taking these new guys down someone manages to knock Yata off his skateboard. Yata cries out in pain and Fushimi is immediately there and stabbing, probably already with a running monologue of guilt in his head that he let someone touch Misaki. Fushimi takes down the rest of the guys and then goes to Yata, Yata says he’s fine but then he can’t even stand upright on his skateboard and Fushimi has to carry both of them back to Homra.
Kusanagi looks Yata over and wraps his leg, telling him to be careful with it for now and no skateboarding for at least a month. Yata’s super upset because he relies on his skateboard for extra speed, complaining to Fushimi the whole way back to the apartment. He’s probably upset that he’ll be less helpful to Mikoto too and that really irks Fushimi, who calls Yata an idiot and is like if you want to break your legs go ahead. Fushimi’s in a super bad mood because he feels like this is his fault and he keeps complaining about how useless Yata is but imagine him quietly supporting Yata regardless, like he attempts to make dinner so Yata doesn’t have to stand for so long and Yata starts to notice that every time he feels tired Saruhiko somehow just manages to always be right there to lean on (also imagine Fushimi asking Kusanagi if Kusanagi can teach him to drive, Kusanagi says he’s too young but then relents and offers to give Fushimi some small lessons in like a parking lot so Fushimi can get a license once he’s old enough and then he can drive Yata around, Fushimi clicks his tongue and denies that’s why he’s asking).
Post-S1 I feel like this would just make Yata even more depressed, he’s already down and now he can’t even really move very well on his own. He’d probably hole up in Bar Homra and sleep half the day, feeling stupid and down on himself because his leg hurts and he wants to skateboard but he can’t. Imagine no one knows about this either, like Kamamoto and Anna are busy with something at Kamamoto’s place and Kamamoto hasn’t had the chance to check on Yata lately and of course none of the other Homra guys are really aware of what’s going on. One person knows though — when Yata fell one of the S4 alphabet was nearby and they mention it to Fushimi in passing, that yeah I saw Homra’s Yatagarasu fall off his skateboard the other day and he looked like he really hurt himself. Fushimi’s all why are you telling me but then of course the next time he’s out he takes a detour near Bar Homra.
Fushimi sees Yata hobbling around the bar, maybe Yata hasn’t gone out to get food in a while either and he’s like digging around under the counter for something to eat and complaining because his leg hurts so much. He finally throws himself back down on the couch with a sigh, Fushimi clicks his tongue quietly and walks away down the street. Some time later Yata hears a knock on the door, he says they’re closed and there’s another louder knock. Yata sighs and drags himself to his feet, limping to the door as he’s like I said the bar is closed. On the stoop in front of him is a grocery bag filled with food and drinks, Yata looks around like wait who delivered this. He doesn’t see anyone but figures it must be for him, taking the bag inside and wondering if it was Kamamoto or one of the Homra guys. Meanwhile Fushimi watches from a distance until Yata takes the food, telling himself this is just because he can’t fight Yata properly if Yata starves to death.
Post-ROK imagine Yata trying to be brave about this, telling Fushimi that he’s fine it’s just a sprain, the skate shop will let him work register for a few weeks until it heals. Fushimi calls Yata an idiot for not paying attention to where he was going and Yata’s like yeah well you should see the trick I almost pulled off. Fushimi notes that Yata can’t skateboard for at least a month and Yata sighs like yeah well it’s okay, I guess I’ll just take a lot of cabs and stuff. Fushimi clicks his tongue and is like “…drive.” Yata’s all huh and Fushimi mumbles that if Yata needs to go anywhere. Fushimi can drive him, and if Yata gets into a fight he should just stay by Fushimi’s side and Fushimi can take care of him. Yata listens to all this with his face getting progressively redder, Fushimi glances back at him with an equally red face and Yata gives him this huge grin like I guess it’ll be pretty cool getting driven to work by my boyfriend.
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
AAA can we get a part 2 of that AU where Yata's rich and he meets Fushimi at one of the rich kid parties? Maybe the reconciliation of it, or the explanation as to how, even though Yata left, he kept looking for Fushimi?
So continuing on from this ask, Yata and Fushimi used to meet at parties until Yata runs away from home and then poor Fushimi feels super abandoned. After Yata leaves home and joins Homra he tries everything he can to find Fushimi, like even though he's happy to be part of Homra and he finally feels like he has somewhere to belong his greatest regret is that he couldn't save Saruhiko too. Knowing only Fushimi's name isn't as helpful as he'd hoped, maybe Kusanagi offers to help Yata out and uses some of his contacts to try and track Fushimi down but with no luck. Any letters sent to the actual correct address are initially destroyed by Niki, who naturally couldn't let his precious monkey play with anyone but him, and then once Niki dies Fushimi moves and is unreachable. Yata's always got this little bit of melancholy in the back of his mind, like sure he's safe and his life is cool but he's always wondering where Saruhiko might be and what he's doing now.
Obviously this then becomes something of a shock to Yata years later when he's hanging around with Homra and they run into a Scepter 4 patrol. Yata's been dealing with Scepter 4 regularly ever since he joined Homra and so he doesn't think anything of this, just more Blue dogs that he has to chase away. That's when a knife hits the ground in front of his skateboard, sending him flying, and Yata hears a voice that he only vaguely recognizes – it's twisted now, nothing like that hushed gloomy voice Yata remembers so well, but even so he would know it immediately. Yata looks up in just total shock as he says Fushimi's name, seeing this guy standing before him with a different haircut and blue clothes but still Yata knows right away that this is Saruhiko.
Yata's happiness at seeing Fushimi is immediately dampened by the way Fushimi treats him, Fushimi being all cold and mocking and just clearly painting himself as Yata's enemy. At some point Fushimi refers to himself as 'the person you left behind' and that just hits Yata hard where it hurts, because maybe he really did leave Fushimi behind and isn't this his own fault. They fight and Yata returns to Homra all miserable, like he was so happy knowing that he finally found Fushimi again but here they're on opposite sides and Fushimi hates him. Somehow the 'opposite sides' thing doesn't upset him as much as he thought it would though – Yata always hated Scepter 4 but now when he thinks about them he just thinks about Saruhiko being there and it's like even if Fushimi's a Blue Yata doesn't care, he just wants to be Fushimi's friend again.
He wonders if Fushimi ever even got any of his letters and maybe that's how he eventually starts breaking down the wall between them, the next time they meet Yata just throws this letter at Fushimi's feet. Fushimi wonders idly what this is and Yata says it's one of the letters he sent, that got returned because of a bad address. Yata has a lot of them and he's going to show Fushimi each and every one, because he needs Fushimi to know that even though Yata's found a place where he's happy, even though he managed to escape his miserable home and finally feel accepted, Yata still has been searching for Fushimi all this time (and then Yata, who hates the Blues most of all, actually ends up bowing his head to Munakata in thanks – because all Yata wanted to do was save Fushimi and he couldn't, but at least someone could and to Yata that's all that really matters in the end, is Saruhiko was able to be saved).
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
So, Scepter 4 has more taller members than Homra. Whereas, Homra has shorter members just like that. What if the height roles were reversed between the two clans? XD
I don't think it's quite that simple of 'one clan is taller and one is shorter' though, like out of the alphabet boys S4 does have more tall members – particularly Hidaka who is the tallest alphabet boy – but they also have some of the shorter members too – Fuse is the shortest of all the alphabet boys and the same height as Totsuka, only Yata is shorter out of the male characters. So maybe the switch should be less the S4 guys becoming short and the Homra guys becoming tall and instead say everyone gets their height reversed so that the taller members are now short and the shorter members are now tall. This is of course the happiest Yata's ever been, I bet he can't wait to go find Fushimi and rub all this fancy new height in his face. Maybe Yata doesn't even realize that this is a Strain thing, he thinks his prayers have been answered and okay it took a while but that growth spurt finally came. He's not-so-secretly bummed when he gets to Homra and sees a now six-foot-plus Totsuka happily patting the heads of a much shorter Kusanagi and Mikoto and realizes that okay maybe it wasn't a growth spurt after all. The Homra alphabet are taking it all right, like Fujishima and Eric probably don't really care that they're shorter now (though Yata probably takes a moment to look at Eric all 'who's a chihuahua now' and Eric gives him a flat look like 'sorry I didn't hear what you said, golden retriever'). Bandou lost height and Akagi gained height and somehow Bandou is pissed off by this, like it's bad enough Akagi gets more girls now he gets the height as well, this isn't fair. Chitose wonders if being taller will get him more dates, Dewa doesn't care because his hat already added a couple inches anyway.
Over at S4, Fushimi is not leaving his room because there's no way he's running into Misaki while he's like this (also he ran into Captain earlier and despite Munakata being only a few inches taller Munakata couldn't help but mention the 'cute short Fushimi-kun'). Benzai and Kamo don't mind so much being short – Benzai is now closer to the ground so it makes petting cats easier – but Doumyouji is probably very vocally freaking out at how short he is now while the suddenly-tall Fuse and Enomoto just give him flat looks. Enomoto tries to act like this isn't a big deal but he's kinda hoping that maybe he's more memorable now that he's tall, he's even taller than Zenjoh-san so he can keep his place as third megane after all. Hidaka is now the shortest member of the alphabet squad and he keeps playing it off like it isn't that big a deal but at the same time he really wishes Fuse would stop smirking and asking him how the weather is down there. Also Akiyama-san keeps offering to get things off of high shelves for him because after all short people can't reach tall things so Hidaka might need Akiyama's help he only needs to ask and it sounds very polite but also Hidaka gets the distinct impression that maybe he's always been mildly resented up until now for some reason.
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ridiasfangirlings · 3 years
Zombie AU. Takes place in Yata & Fushimi's last year of middle school. When they hear news of what's happening Yata is concerned for his sibling so he & Fushimi leave to go pick them up from elementary school. After rescuing Yata's siblings, they're about to be overrun by zombies, when a local 'gang' called Homra swoops in & helps them. They stay with Homra for safety, as the world continues to get progressively worse. Homra eventually meets & teams up with S4, a former private police force.
So imagine this starts as a nice normal day at middle school and then turns into a zombie movie halfway through. Maybe Yata and Fushimi manage to escape because they're skipping class too, like it's during the day that things start getting messy as some zombies manage to make their way onto the school grounds and start biting. Most of the kids are in class and don't notice what's going on until it's too late and then panic ensues as everyone tries to escape at once. Yata and Fushimi however were hanging out on the roof and Yata sees these weird adults staggering through the courtyard. He wonders what's going on and Fushimi leans over and stares down with this keen look, like he doesn't think 'zombies' immediately but he definitely feels like something's wrong. He grabs Yata's arm and says they should go home, Yata doesn't get why Fushimi's suddenly so insistent but he goes with it. They make it to the courtyard just in time to see a few faculty members get bitten and turn into zombies and it's a total 'oh shit we're in a zombie movie and we look like expendable side characters' moment. Yata wants to try and run right past the zombies but Fushimi stops him, saying they need to be cautious about this and instead they sneak around the building to where Yata's been hiding his bike. By the time they retrieve the bike the school has already exploded into chaos, imagine Yata just pedaling as hard as he can past all these zombies and carnage while Fushimi clings to him on the back of the bike.
The streets are in just as much of a mess as the school was and Fushimi probably thinks they should go back to his place to hide on the assumption that his large well-stocked house will be easiest to hunker down in. Yata's worried about his siblings though, the elementary school isn't far and he can't just leave Minoru and Megumi to get eaten by zombies. Fushimi's irritated at Yata for not listening to him but he just clicks his tongue and says fine, they'll get Yata's siblings and then they need to hide. They probably have to ditch the bike eventually and go for a more stealthy way of movement, they also sneak into a destroyed sporting goods store and Yata gets himself a nice zombie-killing baseball bat while Fushimi stocks up on various knives and even manages to retrieve a gun and some ammo. Yata's like Saruhiko can you even use that and Fushimi clicks his tongue and says he would rather have too many weapons than not enough.
Eventually they make it to the school, where there is even more zombie chaos. Yata and Fushimi get to fight their way through the school as best they can, taking out zombies on the way and trying to get past all the frightened panicking kids and teachers. They split up briefly and Yata goes to find Megumi's classroom while Fushimi goes to get Minoru (who probably comes running out of his classroom and just clings to Fushimi all 'Saru!' while Fushimi has to stop himself from prying the small child away from him). They meet back up outside the school but things are getting bad in the street and Yata doesn't know how they're going to escape, especially with Minoru and Megumi. Fushimi leads them to the nearby parking lot and tells Yata to break open the windows of the nearest car and have Minoru climb through and unlock it. Yata's like wait we can't drive Saruhiko and Fushimi gets this wild grin as he's like I can if it doesn't matter who I hit (and that's how Yata finds out that Fushimi knows how to hotwire a car).
They drive wildly out of the school and through the streets, Fushimi just running down every zombie they come across and Yata thinks that maybe he is enjoying this slightly too much. Unfortunately they eventually get surrounded by too many zombies and they can't go any farther, surrounded on all sides. Yata asks Fushimi what to do and Fushimi gets this grim look as he pulls out some knives, telling Minoru and Megumi to stay in the car. Yata catches his eye and nods, shouldering his bat as he tells the kids to keep their heads down and don't look out no matter what. Yata and Fushimi climb out all prepared to meet their last stand together, which is when they hear the sound of a motorcycle pulling up and suddenly there's this red-haired guy with a flamethrower taking out zombies left and right. Yata and Fushimi stare in shock as this whole motorcycle gang appears and takes down the zombies, a blond guy with sunglasses drives over to them and holds out his hand all come with us if you want to live, okay kids.
So Yata and Fushimi are taken back to Bar Homra along with the Yata siblings, turns out that Homra's a gang that's been running this territory for some time. When the whole zombie outbreak thing happened Kusanagi used his contacts and Mikoto's influence to get a resistance set up almost immediately, procuring weapons for everyone and going out trying to find survivors. Shizume's been pretty overrun in just a few days and most of the guys at Homra are members of the gang and their families, Yata and Fushimi are outsiders who eventually become a part of the gang as well. Yata's strength and speed are praised immediately while Kusanagi is impressed with Fushimi's strategic mind. They can't seem to do much more than defend the bar and occasionally rescue a few survivors though, Fushimi's getting restless that they're just fighting a war of attrition and that Homra has no endgame. Then one day while he's out on a supply run Fushimi runs into Scepter 4, a private police force who all managed to survive the initial outbreak thanks to the genius of their lead officer Munakata. Munakata is intrigued to find that there are other groups of survivors out there and requests an audience with Homra, everyone is surprised when he greets Mikoto with an almost familiar 'Ah, Suoh. So it is you,' while Mikoto sighs and gives this feral grin all even zombies couldn't take you down huh Munakata. The groups are immediately at odds but they also have a common goal and now must work together to defeat the zombie hordes and take back the city.
(Also as long as we’re talking zombie AUs it’s been a while since I mentioned the Great Unfinished K Zombie AU I wrote once for NaNo)
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 years
When do you think Munakata discovered Fushimi and how long do you think it took him to decide that he wanted him in S4? B/c most would have written him off as a gloomy kid but Mun clearly saw and felt his talent wasn't being used correctly. Imagine him just looking at a Homra profile S4 made of Fushimi and going "Oya, fascinating." Cue others around him raising their eyebrows going, "He's a kid and he's like to stab things? How is that fascinating?" and Mun just smiling like, "I want this one."
I always kinda liked the idea that part of what initially drew Munakata to Fushimi was that he could see some aspects of what Munakata himself could have become if he was raised differently and that intrigued him. I’m sure he heard about Fushimi fairly soon after becoming King, since Scepter 4 and Homra tend to have run-ins with each other fairly often and Fushimi was one of Homra’s strongest members. Like the first time Munakata hears about Fushimi it’s from some squad members who fought with Fushimi and Yata and they describe how strong those two are, mentioning that Fushimi in particular seems weak at first glance but was likely the stronger of the two (oh oh imagine the first time Munakata hears about Fushimi is actually from Akiyama and Benzai, reporting their fight with Fushimi and Yata in R:B). Munakata likely wanted to keep notes on all the ‘main’ members of Homra and Fushimi in particular intrigues him because Fushimi seems to be so unlike the rest of the clan. At first there’s not really a desire to steal him away, only to understand more how this person came to be in Homra and what his place in it is, and then finally one day Munakata gets to observe Fushimi for himself and that’s the moment that he decides he wants this person in his clan.
There’s a bit in R:B where it describes Munakata’s awakening as a King and in particular how even from when he was small he was called a prodigy and knew he was superior to other people, but he didn’t let this warp his personality and instead accepted the affection that was given to him. Fushimi by contrast is also someone who is 'superior’ to normal people in many ways but he was never given any kind of encouragement and instead was ignored and isolated, and so he was never able to really grasp his full potential. I could see Munakata upon observing Fushimi realizing almost immediately how talented this person is and how wasted he is in Homra – Fushimi mentions in DOB that Munakata can see how far Fushimi can go and what results he can bring and I think that was something Munakata noticed from the first time he observed Fushimi, that Fushimi is a person filled with untapped potential whose skills aren’t really being nurtured in Homra the way they should be, and it makes him want to enlist Fushimi if only to see how skillful this person could become in a place where his talents are appreciated. I also wonder if part of him saw that here’s a fellow genius, someone who was likely superior to others even from childhood, but who rather than being praised and loved was isolated and ignored and torn down and that 'twisted’ aspect of Fushimi’s personality is intriguing to Munakata as well, having this opportunity to not only make use of Fushimi’s skills but to also be the one who guides Fushimi and helps him accept his place in the world.
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
Fushimi with piercings gives me life, What if fushimi has a lip piercing that he doesn't wear to work and he ends up running into s4 and Homra Mains with it in? Reactions? What if misaki didn't know but he's had it forever basically
Fushimiwith a lip ring that he doesn’t wear often because it’s a bother toanswer people’s questions about it. Like maybe he got it shortlybefore he left Homra (oh, imagine this being just another nail in thecoffin, that he gets a lip piercing and only wears it when he’s homein the apartment but Yata never even notices because half the timewhen they’re together they’re at Homra and even when they’re homeit’s just like to sleep or eat and Yata’s not really payingattention). When he joins Scepter 4 he only wears it on days whenhe’s off duty, like he’ll be sitting in his room playing on hiscomputer and being asocial like usual and no one knows that he’s gothis lip piercing in. Then one day he’s off and out like picking upsome groceries or something and gets called back to work for anemergency, he’s in such a hurry that he doesn’t have time to take thepiercing out. Munakata I imagine havingquestions about it because lip piercing is a fascinating new thingthat he has never experienced before and he is very curious aboutFushimi getting his lip pierced and how it feels and what kind ofjewelry Fushimi puts on and Fushimi’s just like ‘Captain tell me youaren’t getting a lip piercing.’ Awashima simply raises an eyebrow andnotes that lip piercings are probably against regulation, Fushimishrugs and says he’ll take it out next time. The alphabet squad isall about this though, like nobody can believe that Fushimi has a lippiercing and Akiyama and Hidaka especially probably can’t stoplooking at it all mission long.
Then say after the mission is over heruns into Homra, Mikoto probably wouldn’t have any reaction at allother than a shrug but I’m sure Totsuka would be interested andKusanagi’s probably just like when did that kid get a piercing.Totsuka I imagine would be very interested in the lip piercing andthinking that he should get more piercings too and hey Fushimi whydidn’t you let us ever see the lip piercing, like he’s all ready tostart piercing Mikoto’s lip in the name of new hobbies. Kusanagi oncehe gets over the surprise of seeing it just shakes his head like huh,didn’t think you were the kinda kid to get his lip pierced but justmake sure you’re taking care of it. They don’t mention the meeting toYata and so Yata’s super surprised post-ROK when Fushimi shows up tomeet him for drinks and has the piercing in. Yata would probably be alittle upset that he never knew Fushimi had a pierced lip, especiallyonce he learns that Fushimi got it done while he was still in Homralike how did I never notice. He also would probably be a littlebummed because I could see Yata in the Homra days thinking it wouldbe cool for them to get a piercing togetherand here Fushimi did it all by himself and never told Yata anything.It doesn’t help that the piercing is way distracting though, likeYata suddenly can’t stop staring at Fushimi’s lips and going all redin the face.
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
So maybe S4 is undercover at this fancy dinner where they're trying to get clues about a strain. But then they almost get caught and as a way to distract the guards, Fushimi grabs a violin from a musician and performs a really difficult piece, which not only gets his team out of trouble but maybe it helped for them to actually obtain the information they needed (like say the info was written down or something). I dunno, just thought the world needed more musically inclined!Fushimi xD
I like hidden talents!Fushimi, like just imagine him having all thesesecret skills that no one knows about because he’s normally too lazyto use a lot of them and he doesn’t think they’re very useful so henever talks about them. So maybe he knows violin because Kisa brieflyenrolled him in lessons because it meant she could drop him off atthe instructor’s house for a few hours while the maid was busy soKisa didn’t have to like actually take care of her son for a while,like that’s just crazy talk. Fushimi actually enjoyed the lessonsthough and because he has a good head for memorization he neverforgot how to play, in fact every now and again he’s played on hisown just to practice. Maybe Totsuka briefly got into a violin hobbybefore Kusanagi made him give it up because the horrible screechingsound was bothering everyone and keeping Mikoto awake. They hid theviolin but Fushimi found it and ended up smuggling it back to theapartment where he would sometimes play in secret when Yata’s notaround. He takes it with him when he moves out but rarely plays inScepter 4 because even in his own room the walls of the dorms are toothin to muffle the noise to his liking.
Then one day Scepter 4 has to go to this whole fancy dinner as partof a Strain investigation, like the Strain is a high-poweredexecutive type who’s secretly using his powers to fund illegalactivities. There’s supposed to be a big criminal deal going down atthe party and Scepter 4 needs to infiltrate in order to get enoughevidence to catch the guy. Fushimi is sent in with a few members ofthe alphabet squad, Munakata and Awashima are outside with the restof the troops preparing to move in on Fushimi’s word. They all havefake IDs and Fushimi hacked into the party’s security systems inorder to get them on the guest list. At first things seem to be goingwell, everyone mingles with the partygoers while trying to get closeto the Strain. They’re all wearing wires, hoping to record the Strainsaying something incriminating. Maybe a couple of the alphabet boysare disguised as waiters too and that’s where they get in trouble,like Hidaka gets a little too eager when he gets the chance to servethe Strain wine and spills the drink, the Strain looks at him allsuspiciously because he doesn’t remember having a tall guy like thisas a waiter. Hidaka’s trying to stutter out a cover story whenFushimi sighs heavily, rolls his eyes and strides up to where themusicians are playing soothing dinner music for everyone. He grabs aviolin and immediately starts playing this amazing piece that makeseveryone, the Strain included, turn and look. While the Strain isdistracted Kamo slips in to clean up the wine Hidaka spilled whilealso smoothly pickpocketing a bill of sale for illegal goods from theStrain’s pocket.
For the rest of the night Fushimi ends up as the violin player andeventually the Strain himself comes up to praise Fushimi, saying hedidn’t realize they’d hired a prodigy and suggesting that he’d liketo hire Fushimi to play at future dinner parties. In discussing thisthe Strain also lets drop a couple important pieces of evidence,specifically the names of the criminals he’s been working with(mentioning that they will be his guests at the next party) andFushimi just immediately puts down the violin and whips some knivesout of the sleeve of his suit because that was all he needed, thanks.Afterward Munakata is praising Fushimi for his excellent work on themission and that’s when the alphabet boys who were there all comerunning up super impressed by Fushimi’s violin skills, like who knewFushimi-san could play violin. Fushimi tries to shut them up but it’stoo late, Munakata has heard and is now intrigued and of course can’twait for Fushimi-kun to demonstrate his secret skills to the force atlarge, perhaps as his skill for the annual year end party. Fushimiclicks his tongue and denies ever playing violin, those idiots hadtoo much wine that’s all.
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