#like dudeeeee. wtf...
pikslasrce · 1 month
god the watercooler chitchat in this place. daily affirmations im here to make money not friends im here to make money not friends
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suenitos · 3 months
him saying george would be a bad dad made me start wanting to light him on fire
DUDEEEEE. i hated that so much like wtf was even that
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feelingbat-ty · 4 months
So I was just thinking about Gotham and like, ‘what would the general rules of the city be?’ So I stated a list
1) No plants
2) don’t go out at night
It’s a pretty short list cause I got caught on ‘don’t go out at night’ cause like, clubs and bars exist lol
So than I emended it to ‘don’t go out alone’ but I honestly don’t think your chances about scarecrow would be any better 5 (or less! Come on, who actually has 5 friends these days?) to 1.
So than that thought led me down the rabbit hole of hole ‘how many of the hostages that villains take hostage, are intoxicated.
Just imagine the Riddler has say twenty two hostages tied up over a vat of acid (22 cause he grabbed 21 from the club and wanted an even number)
Batman (disappointed): Really Ed?
Robin! Dick: Gee wiz dude?! Why did you swipe these swell people from the club?
Batman: Ed this is the third time this year.
Robin: yeah dude! Common we all know you have to work for your hostages. Leading a group out with glow sticks is cheating!
Riddler: I-
That one women that was randomly grabbed from the street to make an even number: Please! Please let me go! I have a wife and a kid please!!
Riddler (fed up): What! You can’t have a wife! Your a girl!
Drunk sorority girl (who’s so intoxicated fear is an abstract concept) piping in: Dudeeeee gay people exist wtf!
Robin (only wants to cause chaos lol): Yeah Ed wtf! That’s so insensitive!!
*Cue the rest of the drunk college students joining in and bullying Ed - cause who else would be lured out of a club with the promise of free glow sticks?*
I’m gonna speed run the rest of this scenario real quick.
Ed, who subcomes to the woes of being bullied by a group of drunk college students goes “Fucking fine!! I’ll let you go!” And than let’s them go. Well, that one women he kidnapped flees at the first sign of escape (she’s a nurse, she has a brain lmao) while the rest of the group just stays there.
“What. Are. You. Doing. You’re free! Leave! You can go!” The riddler exclaims, throwing his hands in the air.
The drunk girl from before pips up, “nah ah,” and says seriously “we got glow sticks, so bats has to solve the riddle.”
Numerous other students nod their heads in agreement and raising their own glow sticks for emphasis.
Another fun tidbit I imagine is that their all wearing those glow stick crowns ya know? So when the kidnapped women from before gets home, her wife is amused like, “what’s this?” She says with a grin, “did you have a work party?”
And than the kidnapped women solemnly shakes her head and with a hollow tone says, “I was kidnapped by the Riddler.”
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i-luvsang · 5 months
help i just want good lotr ff rn. like so bad where is the good stuff it all disappeared ??? screaming crying like. what happened to the whole entire retelling of the story with a reader insert and dramatic injuries and angst and protective aragorn or legolas like. HUH... HUHHHHH idk i just really want aragorn hurt/comfort fics where reader gets injured in a fight like dudeeeee wtf if anyone has recs on here or ao3 please give like help
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cherotto · 11 months
『 ESP 』
TODO lo que ha salido respecto a esta nueva serie de Disney llamada “Primos” ha sido cómo mínimo INSULTANTE por no decir ya de plano absurdo o racista. Todos saben que:
1— Una de las actrices de voz de uno de los personajes dentro de esta serie nos ha llamado “Nazis de la gramática” y que somos unos insolentes / maleducados simplemente porque alguien le CORRIGIÓ un error gramatical en la intro de la serie. El error es BASICO, alguien le señaló que en lugar de decir “Oye, primos” es “OIGAN, primos” siendo que el primero está mal conjugado y nadie lo usa realmente. En vez de hacérselo notar a los demás en el crew o simplemente disculparse, va y se hace todo ese mojón mental diciendo que nosotros somos los que no sabemos una mierda de NUESTRO PROPIO IDIOMA, QUE ARRECHO.
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2— Está misma actriz de voz luego tiene LA AUDACIA de subir dos videos, uno creería que tal vez fue para hacer algún tipo de disculpa o algo por el estilo, pero ahora su táctica cambia y nos dice que: “el Español es una lengua de conquistadores, que por lo tanto no la usa ni debería ser usada, que de todas formas es una nativa México—Americana y que sin importar que tanto nos enojemos con ella, igual esos errores no serán corregidos de su parte” TODO ESTO DICIÉNDOLO EN INGLÉS CON TODOS LOS HUEVOS DEL MUNDO, como si su mugroso y queridísimo inglés de pitiyankee que habla no fuera traído por los colonos.
3— Cuando se le preguntó a la creadora si de casualidad había al menos una persona del crew que pudiera corregir el absurdísimo error de “Oye, primos” o una persona que cómo mínimo haya estudiado aunque sea un poco sobre la cultura, todo lo que dijo fue “Es difícil hacerlo cuando cargas con los sueños de otras personas” 🥹 LIKE CHAMA, WTF, DE Q HABLAS, ESO SIGNIFICA QUE HAY O NO HAY AUNQUE SEA UN MALDITO PENDEJO QUE PUEDA HABLAR BIEN ESPAÑOL EN ESA VAINA O QUÉ???
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4— Aparte de lo antes dicho por la actriz de voz y la autora, hay un personaje dentro de la serie llamada Cuquita, en México es usado como un apodo para las mujeres llamadas “Refugio”, pero deberían al menos haber consultado con alguien, que en OTROS PAÍSES Y REGIONES DE LATINOAMÉRICA ESE ES EL NOMBRE COLOQUIAL QUE SE LE DA A LA VAGINA. 『 Por ejemplo, en mi país, Venezuela, es dicho Cuca, Totona, etc 』. Normalmente a los programas se les da una buena revisión antes de sacar algo al iré, incluso algo tan simple como un apodo puede significar algo bueno, totalmente insultante o directamente bizzaro en algunas regiones, como lo es este caso que debió haber sido revisado o como MÍNIMO consultado.
5— Otro personaje es llamado “Chacha”, usado comúnmente por varios países Latinoamericanos para referirse despectivamente a las mujeres que hacen servicios de la casa, como cuidar niños, barrer, limpiar, etc, en resumen empleados del hogar, pero “Chacha” es usado particularmente para denominar a las mujeres que hacen estos trabajos.
6— Los muy güebones todavía le ponen a la ciudad donde estos bichos viven “Terremoto Heights”, que es básicamente lo mismo a que yo el día de mañana agarrará una hoja y empezará a hacer un cómic sobre los gringos y su cultura y que como mucha coincidencia decidiera que deben vivir en “la avenida tiroteo escolar” o “ciudad 9/11” .
GENTE, POR DIOS, alguien dígale a los gringos que la mayoría de nosotros ya estamos salados de tanta “Representación Latina” que solo resulta súper estereotipada, denigrante y absurda. Sobra decir que no todos los hispano-hablantes son de México, eso se ha dicho miles de veces e igual siguen con lo mismo, es un caso perdido en este caso. No TODOS vivimos en una numerosa familia, ni en un chiquero, mucho menos nos la pasamos mamando con el Cinco de Mayo, like dudeeeee, wtf.
Peor aún, esa cosa todavía no se estrena y a solo dos días de haber subido su opening ya ha logrado sacarle unos comentarios bastante detestables and suspicious tanto a la actriz de voz como a la autora. No habría ningún problema si esto solo fuera una representación a los Chicanos, que son bien conocidos por hablar un español muy sacado de las bolas y mocho de haber nacido directamente en Estados unidos. Pero es que lo más absurdo de todo es que todavía, aunque hagan una serie sobre nosotros, aún no se nos respeté (como siempre, los gringos creyendo que saben más de Latinoamérica que los propios nativos, lol).
Y no solo eso sino que ENCIMA todavía se enojan con nosotros y somos los malos por pedir que como MÍNIMO se respeten las reglas gramaticales de NUESTRO PROPIO idioma, en este punto ni siquiera estamos enojados por su mediocre intento de representación, porque ya es algo que ha pasado muchas veces, ni siquiera estamos exigiendo que se cambie algo más de la serie, solo se pedía que corrigieran una maldita frase y aún así se ponen con un pingue mojón de diarrea a tratarnos de Nazis por exigirles lo básico. Cómo si por el simple hecho de que se interesarán en nosotros e hicieran una serie sobre nuestras vivencias desde un enfoque súper errado fuera motivo de agradecimiento de nuestra parte, como si le fuéramos a lamer las patas por cualquier jalada que se tiren el día de mañana al respecto.
Si van a hacer algo, háganlo bien, manga de giles. Deberían hacer investigaciones más profundas o tener al menos a alguien del crew que si sea latino, especialmente si la mitad de la serie gira en torno al hecho de que son una FAMILIA LATINA, es como si yo quisiera hacer una serie de doctores pero convenientemente no sé nada sobre ellos y todavía me enojará con los verdaderos doctores por corregirme, nagüara, para gafos no se estudia, mamagüebos.
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Y solo por agregar, siempre me enojará que si eres un extranjero en Estados Unidos, ante el mínimo error que cometas al pronunciar algo o a la hora de estructurarlo, se enojan contigo y te exigen un inglés avanzado, siempre tratandote como algo inferior para completar. Pero si a estos “Latinos / Estado Unidenses” les exiges lo básico del idioma, eres hasta el diablo por corregirles.
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anarchistbitch · 2 years
I went cycling yesterday right. So. We clicked pictures. And. He was posing. And one of my friend became the photographer. And. I became the spot boy and dropped rocks. And. Look at this masterpiece!!!
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@wtf-is-reality @steven--with-a-v look!
oh. my . god
the fucking vibes of it are off the charts holy shit. AND ALSO it genuinely looks like the cover of a coming of age movie!!
cycling with ur friends during the sunset sounds so fun!! and yall turned it into an impromptu photoshoot and got one of the best shots
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nyctospoilers · 2 years
KHDR Reactions
Episode 7: Reason for Disappearance
WHY would you take him through the CORRIDORS of DARKNESS, XEHANORT??? He’s not even fucking reacting to the “pushes” of darkness because his heart just got shattered, that poor boy.
okay 65 years later…
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“My mentor taught me the one inscribed in the book, chosen to be a dark vessel, can connect their heart to others and feel what the feel” okay 1. “Omg he’s such an empath” but seriously 2. I wonder if this connects to what Darkness said about Ventus, and how through him all of them can like… regain themselves?? I think it said. Either their wills or their forms, I can’t remember. But interesting…
“I must embrace these emotions. Let them flow into my heart” oh lmao I thought Xehanort was referring to Ventus, is he talking about himself?? Or a combination of the two because in the BBS reports, Xehanort wanted Ventus to be his vessel at first, but decided he was too weak so he changed his mind to Terra.
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Eraqus “Better late than never” that says so much LOL
“Water under the bridge” Xehanort 🥺 Eraqus is so fucking gay 4 U
Xehanort “I took him under my wing this past year” okay noted 
“He might be the one” “Are you sure?” 👀 yes computer enhance
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^ okay this is fucking funny
Reason for Disappearance
Okay, I’ll just say it. I can’t tell if Eraqus and Vor are just friends (because I fucking love platonic relationships between men and women), or if this is a developer’s decision to make us acknowledge that no, Eraqus and Xehanort are not gay lmao. Shipping mindset and “okay what’s really going on at this Disney ruled IP team” are two different mindsets for me. That being said, I really do like the friendship between Eraqus and Vor LOL
“How do we defeat something like that?” okay that lingering into a scene transition is so sexy
Odin calling the vessels for darkness “A necessary sacrifice” oh boy here we go
Okay so I feeeeel like everything Odin said here, we already knew. 7 hearts of light. summoning KH and using it’s power affects the entire world– so is it worth using KH if just to save the few “vessels of darkness” who are sacrifices?
“The dark seeker will finally be upon us” yeeess yesssssss
Aww Hermod!
THE UNDERWORLLDDDD (((also damn… does that mean the other classmates really did die…)))
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^ THIS IS SO FUCKING FUNNYYYYYYY. I swear to god if I un-blacklist this game, and nobody else thinks this game is funny, I will be so mad LOL
Awwww Hoder…. :(
God Hoder’s dress is so pretty
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Daaaaaaamn dudeeeee fuckkkkkkk
God am I going to get Phil talking to Xehanort…..
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^ Dumbass shdkdhkdjd
Bragi “if I choose Eraqus, you’ll tag along, right Xehanort?” HA!
Jesus christ they are fucking DIGGING at eraqus asdlkfjasdf
Yesss I looove the underworld music, its one of my favorite world themes LOL
Hades “Disappeared? Oh right, Mortals. Always have to sugarcoat everything. Personally, I prefer ‘dead.’” STOP LMAAAOOOO
Ugh cerberus is going to be so hard I know it… I’m going to use so many revives… JUST KIDDING I only needed 1 lmao
The hand grab 💞⭐🤸💫 You fucking know xehanort was doing some Mr. Darcy-hand-stretch after that
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^ Damn the upper classmates really did die… NOOOOO NOT THE SIDE PONYTAIL GIRRRLLLL 😭😭😭
“We discovered an evil fairy that put a curse on a princess” so when the FUCK. do these disney worlds take place!!!!! Cause Aurora was during BbS!!! Wtf!!!!
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u tellin’ me a 14 year old noob defeated maleficent when 4 trained students could not…
OOOHHHH So the Underworld IS connected to the final world. Okay, I’m glad that’s cleared up for me now.
Damn c’mon, philosophy!
Hades “pfft like I can tell who’s who” LMAO
Wtf is this light… OH ITS ODIN. that is so gandalf of him to glow like that LOL. c'mon, light of earendil!
“So only you remain…” damn… so did.. Baldr and Bragi die off screen???
65 years later
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Xehanort “I did this for him, not you.” oh dayumn
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^ Why does vanitas stand like 🧍‍♂️
Godddd I am DYING to know why Ventus has a heart of pure light (like PURE pure light) if he isnt a Princess of Heart!!!
He DOES remember ventus. Then Xehanort WTF!!! Why did you like.. Practically torture him asdlfkjsdf
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dirtydiary444 · 2 years
There’s this older man at my job he’s the billing manager;) & this man maybe in his early 40s late LATE 30s idk & he is not attractive ik he’s not he slicks his hair back everyday w gel & his shoes are ugly & he has a dads bod but dudeeeee Idk wtf it is about him that gets me soooo mf wet like omg like I want his to throw off all of his paperwork/books/computer off of his desk & fuck the shit out of me in his office like omg I can’t stop fucking him in my head & ik he has kids & prob married & I mean I would never (I think). But dude every time he walks my way I can’t stop but stare at his crotch & I bite my lip alllll the time & I think he’s starting to notice bc the way he looked at me today while leaving work like SIR PLEASE DO NOT MAKE ME DO A HORRID ACT I WILL SIN FOR YOU LORD GIVE ME STRENGTH like I can’t deal I wanna fuck him soooo bad :( look at me like that again sir & I will literally seduce tf out of you like you will lose your job but I think that’s the hot part🥺 like an authority that’s higher than you & sneaking around like fuckkk & I have never slept w an older man before like over 20 years like you were 25 & I was just born type of age difference & I can’t wait to see how this goes:)
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lixbf · 2 years
dudeeeee......... not my parents complaining abt having to make lists of the stuff they want for christmas or their bdays...... like if one of us kids didnt make a list for our bday we'd get total shit we'd never wish for so like.... wtf is your problem????
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purrfectly · 3 years
gonna watch that midsommar movie you ppl keep going on abt
#purrsonal#cults cults cults!! wooo#im white middleclass person eho likes to idealize nature and communal living. this will be perfect question mark ?#edit liveblogging in the tags lol#um#suicide mention tw#but damn this girl took out not just herself but her parents too??? and she duct taped it to her face.... why do that to herself#and this dude is highkey trapped now. sorry buddy lmfao. cannot leave like tjis#jeksjsjshshhsjjsjshhshj awkwardddd#invited her but shes not gonna come. hahahhahahha she ACCEPTED this dudeeeee#oooHhH nice transition. airplane bathroom. nicr nice#this is a good movie. that alone earned many points#by waiting for her he single handly did the most to pressure her into that lmfao#hey shes having a bad trip!!! there are so many peoplr here. why r u letting her walk off on her own#bad? oh wait no#she laid down and it was a dream or?#or no she just fell asleep 😂 wtf#wow shes been greeted last twice. ominous. i would be like. 👀😑#oh he forgot her birthday AND how long theyve been together hahahahhahahhaha#we just gonna ignote the bear lol#and oh! a little love story :) so sweet#LOVE the stages of life#also lmfao he kept lighting the candle. adorable#lol google kt and come up with nothing#its jisy a baby crying. oh wait its still crying??? are theu doing that. sleep training thing????#ah theres so many nice little details. the delay in the sitting down#also that girl i something? mentioning Austin smth? nice#and the babies being raised communually linked in this the crying#anyways im ptetty sure human sacrifice is abt to happen? or maybe im siccing myself up since ik the movie is meant to be ominous#every minite i gtow more suspiciois. so does dani?
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sixofpomegranates · 2 years
Omggggg this new chapter is like everything i have ever wanted dudeeeee wtf how are u sooo talented?!!!! I need the next chapter but i wait until u bless us with some more, ur writing gives off queen fucking energy❤️❤️here you dropped this👑
You think I’m talented? 🥺
Thank you so much! Hearing that (actually reading, but you know…) made me a tiny bit emotional 💖
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Dudeeeee HE KISSED HER WTF ok I don't ship this honestly I like them as friends
dude yeah that was one thing I didnt like about Nicolai he kept thinking they had a chance. tbh I dont ship Alina with anybody......
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chickynn · 3 years
Ah. I see you have fallen victim to episode 3. Did you cry like a baby like me and my sister did? Have you seen the instagram edits? I literally have to skip that episode when rewatching lol
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mirclealignr · 4 years
Can I like... steal your handwriting? Wtf
dudeeeee 🥺 hahaha thank you so much!
but that was awful handwriting. plus i can (and do) write in like 10 different styles depending on how i feel. If that isn’t me idk what is
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thebadluck · 4 years
Hi, as twice stan and a hawks stan how do I deal with all of this bc dudeeeee I was prepared for other stuff not thiiss
Hawks hon wtf are you doing...like wtf
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vercopaanir · 4 years
Are you telling us Din came back from Karga and was uneasy this whole time about something? Like the time he was trying to tell her sometjing but they got tired. Is he gonna say something when they wake and upset her wtf dudeeeee ma feels. On a scale of 1 to 10 (ten being real bad) how bad is this omfg
I mean, I’m dead inside so I’m a bad judge.
Two unnamed parties voted 10.
I said 8.
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