#like I just know he’s spreading wild misinformation and lies about so much shit
zhe-lazy-fox · 3 years
Is it a Repeat of History
Fandom: Dream SMP Words: 1 827 Category: Gen Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
AO3 link: [Here]
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  “What are you doing?”
Wilbur froze, stood before the dark wooden button on the stone wall. The button connected to the 23 stacks of TNT that would blow up the prison and let Dream out.
  “Phil?” No no, Phil couldn’t be here! he shouldn’t be here! Wilbur had made sure Phil would be distracted with the others by fighting the withers!
  “What are you doing.” Phil asked again, his voice sounded tired and old.
Wilbur’s fingers twitched against the stone, hearing the rustle of feathers and cloth behind him. A shaky exhale left him as he slowly turned to look over his shoulder.
Phil stood there, Armour and clothes damaged and dirtied from the withers Wilbur had spawned earlier, from what he snatched from Techno’s stash of wither heads and soul sand, but Wilbur wasn’t able to concentrate on the damage his father had taken. Instead his eyes were staring at Phil’s face. Phil wore a tired expression with mixed emotions, he looked sad, worried, angry and disappointed all at once, and Wilbur hated the combination.
  “You couldn’t stop me last time. What makes you think you can stop me now?” Wilbur asked with a smirk. Phil sighed before he walked further into the room, but stopped when Wilbur gave away something akin to a growl, moving closer to the button.
  “I was misinformed and confused back then, you forced my hand! I regretted it! I still do! You lied to me in your letters, I couldn't understand why for a while, but I know the truth now and I understand. You don’t have to do this, Will.”
  “Phil!” Wilbur laughed, stumbling away from the button to face his father fully with a wild grin spreading his arms out “You don’t understand a thing!”
  “Then explain it to me so I can understand!” Phil cried out, a small burst of anger and desperation in his voice. “Will please-”
  “I have to do this, Phil! I have to repay Dream for saving me from the hell that was purgatory! I have to repay his kindness!”
  “Kindness?! Will, Dream did not bring you back out of kindness! He did it for his own gain!”
  “You can’t stop me! You couldn’t stop me last time! You can’t stop me now! I AM going to press that button!”
Phil clenched the hand he held his sword while grounding his teeth.
  “I won’t let you do that. I owe Tommy and everyone else that much, to make up for Doomsday.”
Wilbur grew still before he stared at Phil with cold eyes
  “Are you going to kill me again, father?” Phil shuddered, feeling memories of the first time flash through his mind, Wilbur’s manic laughter, wild eyes and crazed talk, Phil was forced to look away as tears burned his eyes.
  “No.” He said, voice steady and clear, he inhaled before he looked up at Wilbur, meeting his eyes head on “I won’t make that mistake again.” Phil sheathed his sword. Wilbur stared at him before he laughed.
  “You’re a fool!”
  “Yes, I am, aren't I? A fool for not realising my son was suffering on his own, and still is.”
  “I’m perfectly fine!” Wilbur snapped
  “Are you though? You were alone for 13 years… that’s a long time, Will.” Wilbur snarled and spun around to face the button again.
  “My mind is made up, You can’t change it!”
  “You’re making a mistake! What do you think Dream will do once he gets out? Huh?! He won’t care about you, he only cares about himself and his idea of being a god. Who’s to say he won’t kill you once you’re no longer of use to him?”
Wilbur stood still, staring at the button. Baring his teeth at what Phil said. Dream wouldn’t kill him, he was his hero! he wouldn’t- Dream saved him from purgatory! He would send him back there! Right?
  “Why are you doing this?” Wilbur asked in a cold voice. “Why are you trying to stop me?”
  “You’re my son, Will.” Phil said as easily as if Wilbur had asked him what the colour of the sky were. “You will always be my son. Your actions disappointed me, but I still love you, I could never stop loving you. I want you to be happy and okay… Is that such a selfish wish for a parent? You wanted what was best for Fundy too in the beginning, before things got bad. But if you press that button I can’t say the others will forgive you again!”
Wilbur clenched his fists, trying to ignore how the button grew blurry before him, only to clear up when he blinked and the clear drops of water fell to the floor. Phil should be shouting at him, be angry and demand answers, not- not say how much he loved him. Wilbur scrunched up his face before he gave away a scream, slamming his fists against the wall.
He distantly heard Phil call out his name in a panic.
Wilbur opened his eyes to stare at the button. The button that if pressed would let Dream out… and also destroy whatever chance he ever had left of rebuilding the bridges he burned during the 16th.
His arms fell limp to his sides. as more silent tears fell from his eyes. He had to press the button, but he couldn’t do it. He had to repay Dream for saving him, but he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t press the button… He couldn’t do it.
  “Will?” Phil asked, voice filled with worry from how quiet Wilbur was being. A sharp inhale followed when he saw how Wilbur raised one hand towards the button. “No!” he gasped “Will please!”
But there was no click of a button pressed, just the muted sound of a button being removed. Phil started when Wilbur slowly took a step away from the wall and turned to face Phil, the button held in his hands, tears streaming down his face.
  “Dad-” Wilbur’s voice cracked. Phil sprung into action pulling Wilbur into a hug, holding his son tight.
  “It’s okay, you’re okay.”
A keening noise left Wilbur followed by the clatter of the button falling to the floor as Wilbur threw his arms around Phil, hiding his face in his fathers shoulder as the two of them sank to the floor. Screaming his anguish and sadness out, choking on his sobs and tears. Phil pulled him closer, wrapping his wings around his son, like he had done so long ago when Wilbur was younger and small.
  “I’m sorry!” Wilbur choked out between his sobs and cries “I’m sorry dad-”
Phil shushed him, kissing the side of his head.
  “It’s okay, it will be okay, everything will be okay.”
Steps made Phil turn his head to see the others in the opening to the room. Techno looked worse for wear but relaxed at what he found.
  “Dad!” Fundy called out pushing past Techno.
Phil could feel Wilbur freeze in his arms, and try to get out, possibly to run, but Phil held him still. Fundy crashed to his knees next to them, worry clear on his face, ears folded back.
  “Dad?” Fundy glanced up at Phil, several questions on his face, Phil gave him a tired smile before pulling one of his wings back to reveal Wilbur. Fundy hesitated before he reached out his clawed hand placing it on Wilbur’s head. He felt Wilbur flinch under his touch before the older turned enough to be able to look at Fundy., eyes red and puffy from crying.
  “Hey Funds...” Wilbur croaked out with a wobbly voice. Fundy gave away a sniffle before he threw himself at his father, worming his way into the hug to cling to Wilbur.
  “You’re okay! You asshole! I hate you so much!” Fundy cried as he clung to Wilbur, Wilbur looked shocked before he pulled back one of his arms to hold Fundy instead.
  “I- sorry...” Fundy sobbed before he pushed his head up under Wilbur’s jaw, something he hadn’t done since he was a child.
  “You’re not dead, again… I don’t want you to go, you idiot father.” Phil couldn’t help but laugh at the expression that fell over Wilbur’s face, complete and utter confusion before he started to cry again, hugging Fundy even more.
The sound of a pickaxe hitting the stone made them look up to see how Techno and Tommy were both working on breaking down the wall to get to the TNT to remove it. Techno and Tommy both grumbling under their breaths as they argued but worked together. Wilbur once he calmed down, pointed out the other places where he planted TNT for the prison, Techno and Tommy, now joined by Quackity, Sapnap, George, Ranboo and Tubbo helped to clear it all away. 
The destruction from the withers wasn't as terrible as Wilbur thought it would be, but then again, everyone had been together fighting them, killing the withers fairly quickly.
  “Wilbur!” Techno called once the last of the TNT was removed and the holes filled with dirt. Wilbur blinked and had to tilt his head up to look at the older piglin hybrid, who glowered down at him.
  “Yes..?” Wilbur asked, panic rising in him.
  “Don’t steal my shit.” Wilbur blinked and spluttered, THAT was what Techno was focusing on?! “The same goes for you Tommy! You still have my axe!”
  “WHAT?!” Tommy screeched further away, patching up Puffy who had taken a bit more damage than the others.
  “Will.” a light voice asked, making Wilbur turn to look behind him, finding himself face to face with Niki. She gave him a small smile, but it was lacking the previous warmth he was so used to seeing her smile have.
  “Niki?” The slap echoed out causing everyone to turn and find Wilbur stumbling back.
  “That’s for blowing up L’manberg!” Niki shouted, another punch followed, causing Wilbur to winch as he stumbled backwards to try and get away from Niki’s angry advances.
  “That’s for dying!”   “That’s for brushing everything I said away!”   “That’s for betraying everything we stood for!”   “Wai- NIKI!” Wilbur yelped as he avoided another hit, hands held up in surrender.   “That’s for releasing the withers!”   “That’s for trying to free Dream!”
Wilbur steeled himself for another punch only to freeze and blink when Niki hugged him.
  “Wha-”   “And this is for listening to Phil and still being here.” she spoke, muffled by Wilbur’s sweater. Wilbur stood frozen in her arms before he gave away a congested sniffle.   “Thanks… Niki.” Niki let go and stepped back to look up at him.
  “Now don’t go and die any time soon okay.” Niki said as he turned to walk back towards where most of the others were gathered “I have so many new recipes I want you to try.” Wilbur gave away a wobbly smile before he rubbed at his eyes not wanting to cry again, before he followed.
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chimbbles · 5 years
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A/N: another attempt ladies and gentlemen, once again, it's shitty and my ask is open for more shitty writings! or if you wanna be friends come hit me up pls I don't bite :( anyways, I hope you like it~ 💌
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it's not that big of a deal really
it was truly an accident, but it turned into a crazy myth
and you hate him for it
it all started with someone's rooftop party
birthday boy lee donghyuck decided to throw himself a pool party, on a rooftop
everyone's invited, except for mark because he's lame
just kidding
but are we?
anyways, hell everyone in your college is invited
haechan, his nickname, is pretty popular around school
not the jock kind of popular, he just.....knows a lot of people, and they know people, and it's a typical college party
where you bring a plus one and one plus one and suddenly the party equals a school prom or something
there's even a theme smh johnny the party planner
so you're friends with mark, and he's determined to show off to haechan that he's friends with that chemistry major genius he admires so much
totally didn't invite you just to get back at him nope
anyways, it's mean but you've never heard of haechan before, despite his seemingly large following on instagram
you didn't even know you guys attended the same college
it's not that you're a total homebody and never goes out to parties, you're just....not interested in their parties
and that's strike one, when you laughed in his face when he introduced himself as the "most popular guy in school"
in your defense, you thought it was self-depreciating humour
hyuck in return, wasn't as amused as you were, maybe in private he could've taken it better, but you just snorted at him in front of like, half of his friend circle
he's not pissed, he's just ashamed?
because he talks about you so much renjun literally can't take it anymore
it's like, he knows so much about you, your birthday and cafes you like(from your social media)
heck he even knows who's the bitch you're referring to in your subtweet
it's veronica from chem class 3
but also, you don't even know he exists
fast forward and skipping through his slight, maybe a bit bigger heartache,
he's lying down and just chilling on a hammock, away from you because his ego needs to take a break from that hit
he'd by the pool with the dreamies, half of them, renjun, jaemin and jeno in the pool and jisung and chenle next to him sharing a hammock
this is what was meant by an accident, you just wanted to get to the fruit bar, when ten, this lanky dude bumps into you from nowhere, and by accident
you bump into haechan
splash splash
his balance isn't the only thing he lost when he fell face flat into the pool
apparently chenle's laugh grabbed everyone's attention, and when the one and one is put together, hyuck became the school's laughing stock for a month
his glare at your dumbfounded state was anything but forgiving
that wasn't even the end of things
this sounds like it's made up, because no one can have such bad luck, ever, in one single day
but there goes hyuck, breaking beliefs left and right
you approached him and tried to apologise for basically ruining his day
he didn't actually know what to do, because he honestly wasn't mad at you, he was mad at the situation
you can throw him into the pool 3000 times and he'd say I love you 3000
yes, he might have a minor crush on you
but he's also super embarrassed, this was supposed to be his big day, and you're here
he wants to show you the best side of him
but that doesn't translate well onto his face
he......doesn't even know what he looked like at that moment, he was just stunned
but you must've thought he was growing mad because you further apologized, and your hand motions grew more frantic
and there you go, ssstrrriiiikke three
it was by accident
but you knocked over his refreshment, yes, the one he was trying to calm himself down with from the embarrassment
it could've been worse right, the glass could've hit someone
and you should've hoped so, because then they wouldn't be sober to call the police and have the party cancelled
this, including the series of embarrassing events that happened at haechan's party became the talk of the whole campus
and more than anything you dreaded it
it painted you in a bad light, and was giving you more attention than you ever fancied
what you didn't know was how much it bugged haechan too
he's been trying to get the dreamies to shut up about it, but even if he did, the whole school was chattering about you
he thought he would've gotten the short end of the stick, seeing how he was the laughing matter at his own party
but the jokes quickly turned sour when someone started the speculation of why it happened
and it sounded crazy to him
because why would there be a why? it was an accident, and yes maybe he did feel his face get a bit red and his blood level rise
but you explained that it was complete accidents, there was no malicious intention, or intention of any kind
idiots on campus starting saying that you had a crush on haechan, but you wanted to stand out, so you did all those things on purpose to get him to notice you
it's a total lie, and hyuck has to debunk it before it gets to everyone, but he doesn't know how
this time, it was he who accidentally started something up, and it went a little like this:
"hey haechan do they like you?"
"what? no it's a myth"
he said that, in the spur of a moment, because you liking him back would be a myth only he wishes would be true
but guess which idiots got the wrong idea? the geniuses of spreading misinformation
and said misinformation spread like wild fire, deeming you a bad omen, and especially to haechan
it dealt more damage to your reputation than to you mentality
because if you were a bad omen, the first person you would be cursing is yourself, for bringing all this shit upon yourself
but also, to haechan, because you found out weeks later that he actually said it himself
you can't be more annoyed
you clearly explained to him how it all happened and that it was an accident
you even went to testify with him to prove it was an accident
how could he, knowing all this, sit still and accuse you of being a bad omen??? a bad luck charm????
not to sound dramatic, but he basically ruined your campus life, even the newcomers know of your story
back to hyuck
he's panicking, almost everyday when he has to pass by your class
he feels so guilty even though he basically didn't do anything wrong
he tried to hush down the rumours and even told some people off who were just shittalking you in the hall
like, what does you wearing that sweater have anything to do with this???
he's lost like a puppy, he wishes he had the courage to just walk up to you and come clean, and he has tried!! but he chickens out every time
and after that one time you shot him a vicious glare at the cafeteria, it was clear he wasn't high on your favourite's list and he just lose hope in trying to make amends with you
and that brings us back to present day, where it has been three months since the incident, and a new batch of freshman have flooded the school
hyuck wasn't feeling like having lunch today so he opts for a walk around the campus park, where he spots you and he's bout to run away again
when he hears some bigshot chicks calling you names
yes, still calling people names in college smh
he can't take this behaviour, because you're right there, without earshot
and he just knows they're being mean to get on your nerves
so there goes lee donghyuck, stomping over to the girls and telling them off
"oh, you wanna call people names now? well I have a lot of suggestions for you, mainly inspired by you,"
you can hear everything, because the argument got pretty ugly from there, and everyone just got excused into the counsellor room, where they're told to not be childish and have petty little fights on the school campus bla bla blah
and you know, because you silently followed after them and stood outside to eavesdrop
what else were you supposed to do when haechan, who supposedly started this whole nonsense up was defending you?
so you wait outside until they're done and you call out his name, relishing a bit in the way his whole body halts to an abrupt stop at the sound of your voice
you guys go somewhere more private, and not in front of the counsellor's office because dude no one's trying to get in there again
and you deadpan him for an explanation, because-
"yes, it's what you deserve, I know,"
"well then why did you spread lies about me??"
his eyes goes wide when he's accused, head shaking and promises he never intended to
"it's an accident, I swear. someone just asked if you liked me and I thought, what the hell? that would be a dream to like, like even if someone told me I would say it's a myth because why would you like me back, you know? like I like you but it's impossib-"
"literally shut up for a second,"
you don't mean to sound like that, but he's babbling a lot and you can't get the point, and when you ask him to repeat, his face flushes a bright pink
"I like you, and someone said you like me, and I think it's a myth, and I said it, and this happened. I'm sorry. the end."
taken aback is an understatement
but you literally walk a few steps away from him, just to clear out your mind and think
because this whole time you thought he hated you for embarrassing him at his how party when in fact he explains
that he's just embarrassed to see you because you saw him being embarrassing and that he feels guilty?
it takes you a while, but eventually, you guys sit down properly and talk it out
and you quickly find out why he's so popular, because he's a joy to hangout with, skip the parts where he mercilessly roasts you
you two grow closer by each day, spending free times together and haechan or hyuck, as he lets you call him, even walks you to your classes
the whole campus is dumbfounded, because not only is haechan walking perfectly find beside you, he's smiling and not in pain, even when he has his arms around your shoulder
it takes him a month to finally confess(because he's still a chicken), but you guys finally get together and the whole school's mind is blown
and every rumour about you is debunked immediately, and you guys are deemed the school's next power couple
"what a turn of events huh, my lucky charm?"
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