#like 'we were supposed to get humanitarian aid from [place]'
beardedmrbean · 1 month
Have you seen that post going around showing pictures of dead Palestinian kids and directly comparing it to Auschwitz? My blood is boiling, dude. I know it's lame to get offended, but holy shit. People have no idea how war works and they clearly forgot how INSANE Auschwitz was.
If it's the one I think it is between two of the ones I've seen one is totally fake and the other is Syrian children that assad gassed.
Did the same thing with the starving child and several other photos of victims of various atrocities not committed by Israel in gaza.
Putin is near universally reviled by people in the west and the pain and death in Ukraine isn't getting anywhere near the coverage as this is and while I understand that as a species we do love a come from behind underdog story, why the movie Dodgeball did so well....... in all seriousness though it's wild and I could understand the visceral hate if Israel had been the one that started this, but since 1948 they've only initiated one war and that was supposed to be a preemptive strike, day 1 they started out under attack and have been in defense mode ever since.
Somehow that involves winning every war they've been in but honestly the folks coming after them have never been professionals, even still as outnumbered as they are they hold and push back and I guess all the people that are tired of losing on the ground decided that the PR machine would be better.
So we get lines of either fake dead children or dead children from a totally different conflict because for all their talk about Jews being white they can't tell the difference between a Syrian, a Saudi, an Egyptian, or a palestenian and if they can't tell nobody should be able to I guess.
They've been attempting to appropriate the Shoah for decades now, sinwar and crew finally thin they're going to manage it.
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and if not, they'll try again.
Everyone believes their claims about mistreatment at the hands of Israel why do they not believe them when they say they're happy to send innocent people into the meat grinder.
The fact that they keep having to pull out pictures and video from other conflicts should say something about how many people aren't dying in gaza.
But we're not supposed to think about that.
Or they don't expect people to at least.
An army letting humanitarian aid through that they know for a fact is being hijacked by the people they're fighting against, but doing it anyways because some of it will get where it's needed isn't going to be in the market to slaughter children on purpose.
We had isis surrounded in their last stronghold, they had no food, people were eating grass, there were innocent men, women, and children in there, they didn't get truckloads of UN aid and nobody was screaming that they should, not much at least if they were.
This is just a weird thing going on, and sickening in places as well, like the Holocaust thing that started the essay that for some reason I just kept typing.
sorry bout that, lol
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mariacallous · 2 years
Lake Ivan is a scenic lake surrounded by pine forests some 240 kilometers from the northern Russian city of Pskov. Over the lake stands a small village called Opukhliki. Yulia, whose parents have an old house in Opukhliki (we’ve changed her name at her request), calls the village a “dying ghetto”: she says that there’s no life in it, apart from Blue Lakes — a lakeside resort where visitors come to stay in the summer. Last May, Yulia realized that Blue Lakes had been designated a “temporary housing facility” for Ukrainian refugees, and that people from Mariupol were living there, side-by-side with Russians taking an ordinary vacation. Without any money of their own, and subsisting on a daily allowance of about $15, paid by the local Department of Social Services, the refugees lacked even the basic necessities like medications and detergent. Yulia and her friends began to collect and deliver aid to these people — but, to their astonishment, within a few months the refugees suddenly left for Mariupol, on buses provided by the local government. The volunteers believe that Russian authorities manipulate the refugees, enticing them back to Mariupol and other uninhabitable places with free transportation and promises of “compensation” for their demolished homes. But the Ukrainians’ real motives in returning to Mariupol might be more complicated.
To get this story right, we must begin with qualifying the word “refugee.” Although this word is favored by the Russian authorities, some Ukrainian “refugees” in Russia were, in fact, forcibly transported there. Others fled to Russia because they had no other escape from the war. But people in all of these groups find themselves dependent on the Russian social services and the tiny allowance that ties them indefinitely to the “temporary housing facilities” where they’re placed in Russia.
Yulia and her friends in Opukhliki wanted to help the refugees from Mariupol. They began to gather clothing, medications, detergent, and other necessities to bring to the Blue Lakes resort. Although local authorities were supposed to supply all the essentials for the refugees, they weren’t doing it. By August, the volunteers were regularly delivering humanitarian aid to Blue Lakes. But one evening, something unexpected took place there. While the Ukrainians were having dinner together with other tenants, several people from the staff came into the communal dining room and announced that anyone wishing to go back to Mariupol could return there — tomorrow morning. “They told them about this at 9 p.m.,” Yulia says. By 9:30 the next morning, around 60 people had boarded the buses sent for them — and left for Mariupol, on a single night’s notice.
The management had come prepared, with a list of former Mariupol residents who might want to go back. The volunteers were struck by how quickly everything happened, but it turned out that the refugees themselves had appealed to Pskov regional authorities as far back as June, asking for assistance with their return. One of them, Oxana (her name has been changed in this article) told Meduza that they appealed to the Social Services department and the Governor’s office. The local authorities promised to help, but said they needed time — to get funding, to arrange transportation, to get clearance for crossing the border. They warned Oxana and others that the trip might be unsafe.
Later, Yulia and her friends learned that the Ukrainians had packed their bags far in advance, and spent months waiting to be taken back home. When several buses were sent for them at last, it turned out that they’d have to travel without air conditioning. The weather outside was summery — 30 C (86 F). Still, they climbed onto those buses and were gone.
Some of the volunteers working with Ukrainian refugees believe that this kind of determination is not entirely their own, and that Russian authorities are actively encouraging Ukrainians to return to places where conditions are neither habitable nor safe. Natalia, who volunteers at We’ll Help You Move, an organization that helps evacuate Ukrainian people to Europe, is convinced that Russian authorities use promises of monetary compensation for damaged property to entice people back to Mariupol, and that they don’t tell them the whole truth about life in the city. Here’s how Natalia described these manipulative tactics:
They’ll show them a map of the city, marking all the condemned buildings. This is the greater part of all the real estate: the city has been completely destroyed by war. People are returning because they believe that they’ll get at least some financial compensation for their property. I wouldn’t trust occupation authorities. These compensations are a mirage, and probably no one is going to pay them — it’s not worth risking your life and returning to a ruined city.
It’s true that 80 percent of Mariupol’s real estate had been destroyed by the Russian armed forces as of last March. On July 30, Denis Pushilin, the Russian-appointed “head” of the annexed Donetsk region of Ukraine, promised that residents would be compensated at the rate of 36,000 rubles per square meter of damaged property (or about $58 per square foot). To determine the compensation in each case, properties must be inspected by a committee that assesses the damages in the presence of the property owner. Meanwhile, the occupation authorities are promising to restore the city. “They build one house — and present it as proof that Mariupol is being restored,” Natalia says.
Of course, people are hopeful and want to come home. Usually, Ukrainians who leave for Europe understand that the old Mariupol is gone. Those who want to come back are usually the ones who live in a bubble, who believe their TV. They don’t really know what’s happening in the city.
Volunteers are at pains to understand why the Russian authorities would encourage and organize the refugees’ return to Mariupol. Some think that this is to make a show of “Mariupol coming back to life.” Others wonder if returned residents might not be exploited by Russia as a “human shield” in the event of a Ukrainian counter-offensive. But a Kremlin insider who spoke with Meduza didn’t know of any measures currently taken by Moscow to preempt a Ukrainian offensive. The Ukrainian army’s General Staff has, in turn, speculated that Russia was sending back Mariupol’s former residents to bolster the “referendum” turnout. This, too, isn’t entirely convincing, given how little care the Kremlin itself invested in making its faux “referendums” even remotely credible.
Yulia thinks that the authorities responsible for assisting the refugees have simply run out of resources:
Russia’s Northwestern region is not the richest of Russia’s “middle belt.” The Pskov oblast is Russia’s uncontested “leader” in poverty. The social workers were told to make sure that these poor refugees get everything they need. The woman in charge said to me: “We’ve handed out 10,000 (about $160) apiece to each of them, and we’re out of money. We have nothing left, but they keep asking for more.” It was the Department of Social Services that most wanted to see them go — since the social workers are expected to help the refugees, but don’t have any resources.
At Blue Lakes, the management informed the Ukrainian tenants that
you can get compensated for destroyed property, but only if you’re there to apply in person. The damage must be assessed in the presence of the property owner. The bureaucracy is complicated, so it’s easy to miss your chance if you don’t hurry. You should go there quickly and get it done.
Stanislava, the volunteer describing these tactics, says that “people give in to emotions,” and go. Several refugees from the facility in Opukhliki wanted to visit Mariupol for a while, to deal with the compensation paperwork and come back to Russia later. Several days after leaving for Mariupol, one of them got in touch with the volunteers. They learned that, when he arrived in Mariupol, he saw that “the city was gone.” In shock, he gave up on the compensation. His family, including his several children, remained in Opukhliki, but he had no means of getting back to them. Transportation from Opukhliki to Mariupol had been organized and paid for by the Russian authorities. Now that he wanted to come back, he was on his own. The volunteers helped him plan an itinerary, and found a place in Moscow where he spent a night on his way back.
Natalia, who volunteers for an emigration service, thinks that what often draws people back to Mariupol is the fantasy of getting back to the city not as it really is today, but as it had been “in the summer of 2021.” People cannot bring themselves to believe that the past is gone forever, she thinks.
Other volunteers point out that the most vulnerable of the refugees — the elderly people and the disabled — have precious few social protections in Russia. People of working age have problems with employment: “A nurse with 20–30 years of experience is offered the job of an orderly paying 17,000 rubles [less than $300] a month; a woman with two university diplomas does manicure,” a volunteer named Larisa describes their predicament in Russia. This dovetails with the fact that the refugees temporarily housed in Russia have no money of their own. Because they depend on their allowance of 900 rubles ($15) a day, they wind up trapped in the subsidized facilities, demoralized, and depressed. Volunteers become their only source of basic necessities. Some of the refugees begin to drink.
“While in temporary housing, we missed home,” says Oxana, who returned to Mariupol in August.
Everything we loved remained there, and so many of our friends. We were frightened by the situation there, and by the uncertainty. I dreamed of Mariupol every night. We were being bombed, again and again, and it was terrible, even in a dream.
For a while, Oxana considered staying in Russia. Once, all the Blue Lakes residents took a trip to Pskov. The city seemed to her inviting — “quiet, old, and cozy.” But she and her husband were used to a warmer climate, to gardening and growing their own fruit and vegetables. “In Russia, the produce is all brought from afar, and doesn’t taste good,” Oxana muses.
When she arrived in Mariupol last August, she was in shock, and wondered whether she should have left Opukhliki. The bus that took her family home arrived in Mariupol through its demolished Eastern district.
For the first few days, we just set up the basics. We cleared the rubble left from the shelling. We used to have two houses; one of them was destroyed, but the other remained. When we got there, it had no electricity, water, or gas. In a few weeks, there was water again. In a month-and-a-half, the electricity came back. At first, I cooked over a bonfire, then we bought a propane cooker. When power came back on, we got an electric stove. You get used to anything with time. You hardly even notice that the city is in ruins — you just go on your way, getting things done — there’s no time to look around.
When Oxana and her husband need a shower, they visit friends who have a water heater. Central heating, too, has been destroyed all around Mariupol. In the spring, water shortages forced some people to break their heating pipes to get at least the gray water in the absence of potable water in the city. Now they seal their windows with plastic film. Many people still cook outside, over bonfires.
Oxana doesn’t regret coming back, and has faith that everything will be fine in the future. Her retired husband and grown-up son both work in construction. “Two months after we came back,” she says,
we finally felt at home. We met our friends, our old acquaintances — there’re lots of people coming back. And many others would like to as well, but their homes have been destroyed. Some people find empty apartments to live in, some stay with friends or relatives.
Oxana worries about getting her promised “compensation” from the occupation authorities. An official committee came and inspected the site of what used to be her house. They assessed the damage, and she hasn’t heard from them since.
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momental · 3 months
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More than a million Palestinians are seeking refuge in Rafah, a city in southern Gaza, as Israel plans to send ground troops into the area. The Biden Administration has expressed concerns about potential civilian casualties and stated that they would not support such an operation. President Biden himself has called the Israeli response to the recent attacks 'over the top.' Yousef Hammash, an aid worker with the Norwegian Refugee Council, spoke about his experiences as a Palestinian in Gaza and the difficult decisions his family has had to make to ensure their safety. He emphasized that there is no safe place in Gaza, despite any instructions provided by the Israelis.
'We have been forced to flee south and told it would be safe, but then the bombing didn’t stop. We witnessed this several times. We are pushed to make these decisions, but, when we flee from one place to another, we basically move under fire. What we are looking for is a sense of safety. Rafah is supposed to be a humanitarian zone and a safe area, but the bombing hasn’t stopped. There have been so many bombings since we came here. There is no safe place in Gaza.'
When did you arrive in Rafah?
'Unfortunately I stopped calculating days. Every day is similar. So I don’t remember. But a month ago, at least.'
What caused the decision to go to Rafah?
'There was an announcement from the Israeli Army that Khan Younis was going to be next after they finished the military operation in the north, in Gaza City. But I decided to flee before the Israelis announced the operation in Khan Younis.'
Who are you travelling with?
'My mother, my four sisters and their families, and my wife and two children. I am responsible for all of them. I am the decision-maker. Since the beginning of the war, I agreed with my sisters and their husbands that, for me to feel comfortable, I wanted my family around me. Communication and phone calls are hard. I feel responsible for my sisters. I am the only man for my family in Gaza. My father passed away a few days before the war, so that has added responsibility on me.'
How old are your children?
'Eliaa is five years old. Ahmed is two and a half.'
What sorts of questions do they ask you, and what do you say to them, if you feel comfortable sharing that?
'It’s not the first experience for my children. My daughter Eliaa was three during the war in 2021, and, at the time, I was able to convince her that the bombs were fireworks. Now that she is five, it’s harder. Now my children understand the meaning of war and the meaning of drones and air strikes. I have run out of justifications. You cannot adapt to this situation, but they are getting normalized to this. But, with every air strike near us, I have to make sure they are safe and try to give them the feeling of safety. Sometimes even I don’t have that feeling to give to my children. Even as adults, mentally, I don’t think we are stable enough to keep up, so imagine what it’s like for children.'
Is it true that your sister is giving birth?
The author is currently at the hospital, waiting for his sister to give birth. He explains that there is only one hospital in Gaza for delivery and birth, causing it to be overcrowded. He is waiting outside because he doesn't want to hear his sister screaming and potentially lose control of his emotions. Before the war, Rafah didn't have a main hospital, but now it is overwhelmed with patients. The author is worried about losing control, which is why he is waiting outside in the sun.
When asked about the status of food and medication in Gaza, the author explains that medication is a huge challenge as they are missing ninety percent of the types they need. In terms of food, all they receive is canned food, which is unaffordable for most people due to inflated prices. Additionally, no one is receiving a salary and there are very few A.T.M.s in Rafah.
The author describes how he and his family get food, stating that there is a daily mission that provides water and food. However, when he goes to buy food for his house, he doesn't have a wish list and just buys whatever is available. Finding specific items can take days and they often cost a lot.
As for living arrangements, the author was lucky enough to get a house because he arrived early. However, most people in Rafah are living in makeshift shelters and the city doesn't have the necessary infrastructure, healthcare, job opportunities, or clean water to support the increased population size.
Imagine the entire population crammed into the smallest city without any preparation. Families have been forced to flee without anything and are desperately searching for something to cover their heads. The harsh winter has brought massive storms and rain, making the situation even worse. It is completely unacceptable what these families, especially the children, are going through. We are unable to handle such circumstances. In just a few seconds, we lost our homes and shelter. I encountered a family on the street who had just arrived by foot. They had no idea where to go or what to do, including where they would sleep. This is the reality for thousands of families. Many of them are using the sidewalk as their shelter, desperately seeking anything to protect their heads.
Source Link: Trying to Keep His Family Safe in Rafah
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trh-thesussexes · 4 years
Inside Duchess Meghan’s Emotional Farewell to Royal Life at a Private Engagement
It was supposed to be a quiet day off in the countryside until my phone went berserk—the staccato buzz I set for palace correspondence almost sending it off the table. “His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales is delighted to announce the engagement of Prince Harry to Ms. Meghan Markle,” the November 27, 2017, email read, followed by a note inviting royal correspondents to join the couple for a special photo call to mark the occasion. A few road rules may have been bent to make the 80-ish mile drive from Oxfordshire to Kensington Palace—in traffic—but it was worth it. Standing by the lily-covered Sunken Pond as Harry shared his joy at finally finding his teammate, it was the perfect start to a chapter that would finally bring the royal family into the 21st century. Over the months and years that followed, I closely shadowed the work of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, getting to know the couple better through their humanitarian endeavors, engagements, and overseas visits. Their high-energy work ethic and passion for social justice attracted a new, more diverse demographic of royal watcher to the scene. As a young(ish), biracial royal correspondent, the change was exciting. And as their popularity grew around the world, so did a new golden era for the House of Windsor. Never did I expect that less than two and half years later I would be standing in one of the State Rooms at Buckingham Palace as the Duchess of Sussex emotionally bids much-loved aides farewell, with her flight “home” to Canada leaving in a matter of hours. But then, neither did the couple. After starting the year with a formal proposal to move into part-time working royal roles, and bring some much-needed privacy and safety to their family life, Harry and Meghan’s hopes were quickly dashed by an institution seemingly unable to accept change as a viable option (even though some royals across Europe—and even other members of the British royal family—have succeeded in balancing duties to the crown and individual careers). To say they were crushed is an understatement. It’s a decision that the couple still feel wasn’t necessary, but also wasn’t a surprise, given the lack of support they received as they were relentlessly attacked by sections of the British press with almost daily mistruths and hateful commentary. While recent tabloid coverage has made it seem like the Sussexes’ half-in-half-out bid was about wanting it all, the reality was a couple who were left with no other choice but to create their own change after being left to fend for themselves against impossible circumstances—even during her pregnancy. They knew something had to change, but they also didn’t want to stop supporting the queen. One can’t help but wonder if things might have been different if a family member or two had stood up for them during the darkest times. Despite the pain and difficulties behind the scenes, work has continued to be a priority for the duchess, who is excited to be carrying over her four royal patronages into the Sussexes’ new chapter. It’s also the reason why I was at Buckingham Palace's 1844 Room on Monday, having been invited alongside two other journalists to cover Meghan’s final engagement as a senior working royal: meeting 22 students who have received scholarships from the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU). As their royal patron—a role she took over from the queen in 2019—Meghan will continue to prioritize the organization even after officially stepping back on March 31, especially given her position as the vice president of the Queen’s Commonwealth Trust and a former scholarship student herself. In fact, Meghan’s time at Illinois’s prestigious Northwestern University, where she majored in international relations and theater, is what drew her to the ACU in the first place. “The value and importance of higher education is why it should be accessible to everyone, no matter your background,” she says. For Commonwealth Day, March 9, the ACU brought together some of their brightest minds for a private meeting with the duchess, ahead of their attendance at Westminster Abbey’s Commonwealth Service, where some would bear the flags of their countries. The students are all studying masters or PhDs in the U.K. after receiving scholarships from the ACU’s three programs—Commonwealth Scholars, Chevening Scholars, and the ACU Blue Charter Fellow. “That’s what so powerful,” says Meghan, a long-time champion of the importance of universal access to higher education. “This incredible union and the ability to gain so much knowledge and to be able to take that back home.” Chatting with the scholars, the duchess is eager to hear more about how their studies will contribute to tackling the many challenges our world faces today. As she talks with the students, it becomes clear that she’s already done her research on why each guest was invited. It’s inspiring to seeing someone so prepared for these types of engagements, as opposed to just showing up for the photographs. But Meghan doesn’t know any other way of doing it. “I think it’s so important to actually engage with people,”she explains.“I care about these things!” The ACU has seen over 90,000 scholars come through their administered programs, and those invited to Monday’s meeting represent 11 Commonwealth countries in total. Halima Ali, a lawyer from Kenya who is currently studying for her masters in energy and natural resources law at London’s Queen Mary University, says Meghan’s role as patron is hugely important. “For Commonwealth and also Africa countries,” she says,“to see her, her interest, her participation, means a lot to us.” Meghan seems particularly impressed as she chats with Archana Kaliyaraj Selva Kumar, a chemistry student at Oxford University, who has devoted much of her time to using her research to create a new sustainable energy-storing battery that can help communities back in India without wired power. She is also an advocate for helping more women get into science. “What an incredible role model you are,” Meghan tells her. “And seeing is believing. Others see you and ... seeing someone in that space is so inspiring.” During a conversation with a female PhD student from Kenya, Meghan’s eyes light up when the subject of sustainable travel comes up. “That’s something my husband is incredibly passionate about,” she tells the Sheffield Hallam University student. “During our travels to Botswana and different parts of Africa, we’ve seen the link between tourism and how much money is going outside of the country instead of back to communities. There has to be a symbiotic relationship.” For her own travels with Harry, Meghan prefers to move around in a way that allows them to integrate with the locals. “When we go to Botswana, we grab a backpack and pitch a tent!” Meghan laughs. “It’s not much, but that’s how we like it!” Standing at the side of the room, I spot Secretary General of the ACU Joanna Newman looking on proudly. She came to know the duchess well from their numerous ACU engagements and meetings together, and is excited about their relationship continuing long into the future. “She has been a fantastic amplifier of ACU messages to much broader audiences for us,” she tells me, adding that her patronage has given the ACU coverage in places they could have never reached before, including Harper's BAZAAR. She calls Meghan a powerful spokesperson, recalling how she started public conversations about the lack of Black professors and even period poverty.>“The headlines haven’t been about what our patron is wearing or the official engagement started at this time and ended at that time and there was a cup of tea in the middle, it’s about why we are doing what we do and why ACU exists. She’s been a real champion of the work that universities do.” The ACU meeting came at the end of what Sussex aides have nicknamed a “farewell tour” for Harry and Meghan—a chance to tie up loose ends at the palace while taking on a slew of final royal engagements. The itinerary has been packed, starting when I joined the Duke of Sussex in Edinburgh, Scotland, on February 26 as his sustainable travel initiative, Travalyst, entered its next development phase. The ambitious project will be a key component of the Sussexes’ philanthropic portfolio, and it’s become extremely clear just how important the cause is to Harry, who regularly takes part in meetings behind the scenes. Chatting with him one-on-one recently, I was struck by how knowledgeable he has become in this field; his many trips to Botswana inspired the beginnings of the initiative more than a year ago. As one of the attendees at the Edinburgh work summit whispered to me after his speech, “He’s about to change the game for good.” Reuniting after five days apart, Harry and Meghan’s showstopping arrival at the Endeavour Fund Awards served as a reminder of their ability to command the world’s attention. “Nothing to see here, just Meghan Markle showing the fuck out during her final round of royal duties,” wrote a Twitter user, as the pictures of the couple beaming under their umbrella went viral around the world. Inside the ceremony, the focus was firmly on the veterans being honored, all speaking highly of the duke, or Captain Wales, as he’s better known in the veteran community. It’s that mission to support servicemen and servicewomen that has seen Harry pledge to continue to support the community in his new non-working royal life, not just in the United Kingdom but also in North America too. The first task? Bringing the work of the Endeavour Fund and Invictus Games, both of which he helped establish, closer together. Harry’s lifelong commitment is why Saturday’s Mountbatten Festival of Music was a particularly difficult moment, wearing his Captain General of the Royal Marines uniform for the last time. Giving up his royal duties has resulted in his military honors coming to an end—a particularly tough pill to swallow and something that has been just as difficult for his wife to witness. It is, a source close to the couple tells me, a wound that will take time to heal for Harry. Meghan’s surprise appearance at an East London school for International Women’s Day and more traditional royal engagements such as Harry opening an immersive British motorsport museum alongside Lewis Hamilton (“There's nothing better than officially opening a building that is very much open,” the duke joked about the Silverstone Experience, which first opened its doors in October 2019) that rounded out what has been a roller coaster of a farewell visit for the Sussexes. Getting on with the work has always been what it’s been about for Harry and Meghan, but behind the smiles of the photos has been a vulnerable couple who are still very much hurting. Back at Buckingham Palace, the ACU students now en route to Westminster Abbey and Harry quietly slipping through the door to say hello, the reality—and the emotions—finally set in as I give Meghan a goodbye hug. She’s flying back to Canada on the last commercial flight of the day, eager to be back in Vancouver Island to be there when Archie wakes up. For a couple who only ever wanted to focus on their work and bring good to the world, it seems like an unnecessarily cruel ending to their royal lives. Forced to give up roles they’re incredibly proud of after sacrificing so much to get there. At this point, the grand Drawing Room is almost empty and tears that the duchess had been bravely holding back are free to flow among familiar faces. As she embraces some of the loyal staff she will most likely not see again, I can’t help but feel sad for the dedicated team members whose tireless efforts—to promote the couple’s work, launch landmark projects, and deal with the near-daily crises brought on by tabloid lies—have come to an abrupt end. Compared to other royal households, it was a smaller operation, with less resources than the more sophisticated offices at Clarence House and Kensington Palace, but in the short space of a year since setting up, Team Sussex had become like a family, looking out for the couple as much as they could. While the weeks and months ahead will no doubt present new challenges for the Sussexes, the couple genuinely feel a sense of excitement about what’s to come, which includes the freedom to work at a pace that suits them, no longer weighed down by protocol or threatened by toxic agendas. And while much has been (incorrectly) speculated about specific commercial endeavors they might be taking on, both Harry and Meghan are eager to get stuck into their work, which will still revolve around their humanitarian efforts and helping amplify the voices of young people around the world on a wide gamut of issues. “The terrain may be a little different but their priorities are exactly the same as before,” a well-placed source tells me. “Keeping the family, most importantly Archie, safe is what will make all of this worth it.” (x)
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banditthewriter · 4 years
Choose Your Fate - Caspian - 9
I suck so much. I’m so sorry guys. The good news is that there’s only one part after this so hopefully you won’t have to wait much longer! 
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The manor was busier than you could ever remember it being. Even before your palace burned down, you had never had this many people around. And the manor was significantly smaller. 
Narnian forces combined with Farehian and Reimani forces were able to clear out the rest of the forces that had stolen your lands. Finally, for the first time in many years, Fareha was complete once more. 
It should have taken years or even months, but it all happened in a matter of weeks. With the might of Narnia and the renegade Reiman forces behind you, the other kingdoms relinquished their claims quietly. 
You stayed in the manor and worked with some of your men on humanitarian aid and on gathering the herbs that were needed for Narnia. Although returning your necklace had seemed to have some effect on the magic, you didn't want to take the chance that it wasn't a cure for all of the people and creatures there. 
Percival went out with the armies, but he wasn't involved in any of the fighting. Lom informed you that your brother had quite the mind for strategy. 
Your parents would be proud of him. 
With the manor bustling and full of soldiers from different kingdoms, you felt like and true queen for the first time in a very long time. You were helping your people and your kingdom was prospering. 
There was another side of the situation that you weren't sure how you felt about it. With the other armies out there securing your kingdom's lands, it meant that Caspian was still there in Fareha. 
Caspian was with the armies more often than not, you didn't see him much, but just knowing he was in your kingdom made your heart race. And the few times you did see him over those few weeks were full of meaningful looks and quiet conversations. An unspoken rule was that when it was just the two of you, conversations stayed away from the fighting and politics. When it was just the two of you, you talked about your lives growing up and funny stories from your childhood.
There were also times when Caspian was around your brother. Considering Percival had been prepared to fight Caspian for your supposed death, the two of them got along splendidly.
It was almost too good to be true. 
Of course your brother also noticed the way that you were around the king. It had started as pointed looks but moved on to him poking fun at you within the first few days. 
"You went for a truce and came back with a beau," your brother teased as you both watched Caspian out on the grounds with his men. "Are there wedding bells in the future?"
You swatted at his arm. Your hand brushed his and you felt the edge of his ring. Carefully you grabbed his hand and inspected the stone inside the setting. 
"This has to go back to Narnia," you said as you brushed your finger over the stone. "Our mother brought them with her and somehow it has been leeching Narnia's magic. It is only fair to give it back."
Percival twisted the ring off his finger and put it on the ledge of the window the two of you stood in front of.
"Will Caspian return it or will you?"
That had been a question posed by Caspian as well. He had offered it in a way that made it sound like he didn't want to make you go out of your way, but you knew he felt as you did. Both of you wanted more time together.
"I will return the ring myself. I want to see Narnia one last time…"
Your brother grasped your hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze. 
"You won't have to do it alone. I will go with you."
The young prince had grown into a young man while you were away. Once more you thought that your parents would be proud of him. 
Of you both.
"Then we shall both go to Narnia to return the ring."
Narnia was more beautiful than you remembered. The awe you had felt as you arrived at Cair Paravel the first time was reflected on the face of your brother as your carriage arrived.
Ahead of the carriage was Caspian on his own horse, Evander. When you arrived to the front courtyard, Caspian was there to help you down from the carriage. His hands on your waist made your heart race, but you tried to hide it behind a smile.
"This is Cair Paravel? It's beautiful," your brother breathed out as he joined by your side.
"Caspian! Y/N!"
A blur of color rushed through the throngs of guards before you were engulfed in a hug. Eloise looked healthier than you could have ever imagined her being before. And her grip was extraordinarily tight.
Thankfully Lom had recognized her or else he would have pulled his sword.
"I thought for sure you wouldn't make the trip back after you returned to Fareha. You've missed so much here. And I… oh!"
She noticed your brother at your side and stepped back away from you, but you did not release her hand. 
"Eloise, this is my brother, Prince Percival of Fareha. Percival, this is my dear friend, Lady Eloise of Narnia."
You couldn't help but notice the immediate reaction of your brother. He puffed his chest out a bit before he leaned over her hand with a chaste kiss to her knuckles. And Eloise looked red cheeked and doe eyed as she giggled over the display.
"I do believe they will get along just fine," Caspian joked under his breath as he came to stand beside you. 
You bit your lip to hide your smile, but you felt a warmth in your chest as you let yourself lean against his arm.
You wanted your brother to be happy. And if that happiness came in the form of Lady Eloise, who were you to judge?
Your happiness had come in the form of Caspian. 
The springs bubbled up at your feet as you led Percival through them. He had been in silent awe since you had come through the trees. While this wasn’t your first time seeing the springs, you knew what he was feeling. It wasn’t just the obvious feeling of magic that rose from the water, but it was the beauty of it all.
You led him around the bend to the multicolored spring. The moment he saw it, he let out an audible gasp.
“It is beyond belief,” he said as you helped him over the boulder before both of you sat down. “If you had told me when you left for Narnia the first time that I would find myself sitting on a boulder and staring at something so completely full of magic, I would have thought you had gone mad.”
You squeezed his hand and looked out at the water. The colors sparkled under the water, drawing your eyes from one side to the other. It seemed that every time you noticed a new color, a different color would catch your eye. And if your memory was correct from the last time you were here, you were pretty sure the colors had changed places.
“This is the heartbeat of Narnia,” you explained just as Caspian had explained it to you. “You can feel the magic pouring from these springs, but this one… this is the connection to Narnia I think. And it’s from the bedrock under this spring that the strange gems came from.”
Percival pulled his ring from his pocket and looked it over. You knew that he was struggling with the thought of losing it forever. You had a mental struggle with the same thing before you brought your necklace out here.
“It’s the last thing I have of theirs,” he explained as he slid the ring onto his finger. “If it’s gone, what do I have?”
Your hand went to your throat in a long time comforting gesture, but there was no pendant to grasp. Instead you reached out and grabbed your brother’s hand.
“We have their hearts and their beliefs. We have the kingdom that they created and the people they cared for.” You pressed your free hand against his chest over his heart. “Our parents will always be with us, here. They’ll never leave us.”
He wrapped you into an embrace, burying his face into your shoulder. You held him tight and closed your eyes, breathing in his familiar scent.
You had been distant as queen, put up walls because it was what you thought you should do. You wanted to be the best queen that you could be, but all you had done is turn your brother into a stranger.
With a careful nudge, you pointed to the water. He kept his hand in yours as both of you walked into the water to your ankles.
Percival knelt down over the green streak under the water. He pulled off the ring and stared at it for a long moment. Then he looked out over the water.
“It’s what our mother would have wanted,” he said as he lowered the ring into the water.
You knew the moment that he dropped the ring in the water. A flash of magic burst from the spring and rocked both of you backwards, your brother landing in the water. But instead of rain, it seemed as if the sky became alight with a hundred rainbows.
“Oh my,” you said as you fell to your knees in the water beside your brother, “it’s… beautiful.”
You were so entranced by the colors that were darting around the sky that you didn’t notice your brother staring at you at first. When you did finally notice, you laughed and bumped your shoulder into his.
He laughed and leaned against your shoulder.
“You love it here. Not just here at the springs, but Narnia.”
You did. It had come as a surprise, but you loved Narnia as much as you loved Fareha. When the ships had come close enough to see the coastline, you had felt as if you were returning home.
“Fareha is my home,” you replied instead.
Percival squeezed your hand and tilted his face upwards towards the sky.
“Fareha will always be your home and Fareha will always be your kingdom, but you can’t deny the feelings you have for this land. Or for the king.”
“Percival,” you scolded, but he shook his head and met your eyes.
He looked so much older than his young years.
“You have given so much of your life to being a queen. I am proud to call you my sister and my queen and I would follow you into the abyss if it came to that, but… but you deserve to be happy. And everyone can tell that Caspian feels the same. I don’t think I’ve seen Lom so at ease with someone so close to you as he is when that person is Caspian.”
It was true. Lom, your fiercest protector and close friend, trusted Caspian. He’d told you on the voyage back to Narnia that if he could not be at your side, he would only trust Caspian there.
“Even if I did… even if… what could come of it? He would never leave Narnia and I could never leave Fareha.”
Percival smiled at you with the kind of patience and exasperation you never expected to see on his face.
“Have you asked him? Have you talked to him about this or have you just made the decision for the two of you? Because perhaps it wouldn’t have to be one or the other. Perhaps you can be happy and get what you deserve.”
You shook your head and tried to will away the tears in your eyes.
“How did you get to be so wise?”
He splashed some water at you before he leaned back into the water even more.
“I learned it from my sister.”
A post for voting will be up right after this.
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nehswritesstuffs · 4 years
Twelveclara- Humour , fluff- in which clara while learning to pilot the tardis accidentally breaks something off to her horror. Chaos ensues.
I LOVE IT. *SMASHES MUG* ANOTHER—oh shit that was my good mug…
1291 words; not precisely the scenario in the prompt but it is close enough; I got some humor, some fluff, a wee bit of drama, banter, some Classic references (oblique and not), and a couple other things jammed in there; this February has been a weird-ass month for me overall and I’m very glad to end it on a decent note like this you have no idea though I love this ship and adore you all and I’m just thankful that we have stuff like this in times of need, which is admittedly a weird thing to say/admit to but sometimes it needs to be reiterated
“Are you sure you know what everything does?” Clara deadpanned. She watched as the Doctor glared at the TARDIS console, hand covering his mouth and chin as he wracked his brain. He was supposed to be teaching her how to fly the ship, yet as he was going around pointing out what all the wee switches and knobs and dials and fiddlers did, he stopped in his tracks, trying to remember what a very specific button did.
“I know, Clara,” he replied gruffly, “but it hasn’t been pressed for a long time. It could do something different now.”
“So you forgot.”
“I did not.”
“Then what are you doing? Scouting your chin for stubble?”
“What…?” He noticed he was still holding his chin and took his hand away, looking at it before folding his arms across his chest. “I am simply considering the options.”
“Go on, then. What are they?”
“It could be the coffeemaker or the room jettison.”
“…the coffeemaker or the what…?!”
“Room jettison—I have one in case of emergencies. It’s rather useful, either able to rid the place of stale furniture or guests, create extra thrust in a particularly bad scenario, let the ship shed a couple tons if she gets fussy and self-conscious…”
“You could burn off entire rooms? With people still inside?”
“Theoretically, yes, though if living beings were still inside then there is always chance for issues. It wouldn’t let me get rid of Kamelion that way, but I think that was tech-related pseudo-empathy regarding the state of its disrepair…”
Clara blinked. “You what…?”
“Oh, Kamelion. Robot-android-like being, wandering around the ship. I hope you never have a run-in.”
“Is that why I could have sworn that C3-P0 was wandering around outside my bedroom a couple nights ago?”
“I’m not entirely certain what a See-Three-Pee-Oh is, Clara, but I can safely guess that it has nothing to do with poorly-made, know-it-all robots that might as well of been cobbled together by a child.” He bristled at a memory and shook his head. “We’re getting off-topic. Let’s leave the button for now.”
“I’m not leaving the button! Isn’t there a manual? Couldn’t you just ask the TARDIS?!”
“It’s not that simple, Clara,” he insisted. The lights dimmed momentarily, accompanied by an irritated whirring. “Yes, yes, though we’re lucky I can understand you most days.”
“No manual?”
“It’s a useless piece of gobbledygook that is only practical reading in theory…” He frowned as Clara smacked her forehead in frustration. “What…?!”
“Over a thousand years old and you’re not only still an idiot, but you’re also a first-class bloke,” she said. “You’re as bad as my dad.”
“I thought we agreed to not compare me to your father in any regard,” he groused.
“This I’ll make an exception for,” she fired back. “It just so universally bloke-ish that I almost feel like it shouldn’t surprise me. All I want to know is what this button does and you can’t even get out a manual to tell me that…”
As she spoke, Clara pointed towards the button, accidentally hitting a completely different switch in the process. The TARDIS jerked in response, first lurching heavily, launching the Doctor and Clara to the floor. It began to quake afterwards, slowly building in intensity.
“What the hell was that?!” Clara shouted over the ship’s rumbling.
“I don’t know!” the Doctor replied. “You hit something though! It was too quick to see!”
“If we hit it again, will it stop?”
“I don’t know—it depends on what you just hit!”
A siren began bleating as red lights flashed. The Doctor struggled to prop himself up against the console, thoroughly impressed.
“This is new!” he grinned manically. “Isn’t this an interesting reaction?”
“No!” Clara replied. “It actually is making things worse!”
“Nonsense! It’s actually rather fun when I don’t know what’s going on—you know how exciting that is for me.” He began pressing buttons and flipping switches and turning dials, figuring that something would get the ship to calm down. The TARDIS bucked again and knocked him back into the railing. “Easy now! Kill me and you never get fixed!”
Clara’s eyes went wide at the admission. “WHAT?!”
“It’s nothing to worry about, Clara,” he claimed. The Doctor aimed for the console and threw himself towards it, clutching a panel tightly. “Just a bit of banter. You said you wanted me to banter more.”
“That’s not bantering! That is only making things worse! THIS JUST KEEPS GETTING WORSE!”
Ignoring how flustered his companion was becoming, the Doctor continued to test bits of the console until the TARDIS came to a sudden standstill, one final large tremor tossing the occupants back to the floor. They stood and glanced around: all the books were flung from their shelves, the furniture was in disarray, and the entire console room was a complete mess.
“Oh no, oh no, oh no…” Clara muttered under her breath. She rushed up the stairs and began to pick up books, attempting to sort them back onto their previously-appointed shelves. Going into a panic, she did her best to replace everything quickly as possible, ignoring the Doctor as he began to wander about the console.
“Good news, Clara! I know what that button does now,” he announced, going over what he had just fiddled with. “Less-good of news is I now remember which thing it was that jettisons a room and it was definitely not the button.” He turned to look at Clara and saw that she was no longer on the same level as him, instead attempting to clean up the mess above. Slowly taking each step along the stairs, he quietly came up behind Clara shelving books with tears in her eyes. He touched her shoulders, which only made her jump in fright.
“Don’t touch me!” she snapped tearfully. She crouched down, sitting on her calves, and curled up as she attempted to calm herself down. He sat down crosslegged on the mess of books and papers next to her, waiting patiently. Trying to not make eye contact, she glanced at him, concentrating on the skull design on his t-shirt.
“Nothing’s damaged,” he stated. “Everything’s fine.”
“You just said I jettisoned part of the TARDIS.”
“Empty rooms I haven’t a use for, nothing more.” He waited until she made the decision to sit in his lap, opening his arms so that she could sit close. Pressing a kiss to her hair, he lingered there, taking in the scent of her. “There have been worse things done to the TARDIS… by me, in fact.”
“You’re a liar.”
“It’s true—you haven’t seen the previous times I’ve redecorated,” he claimed. “Clara—I’m not a good man… at least when it comes to interior design.”
“You idiot,” she half-laughed. She rested her head against his chest and listened to his hearts, both still beating rapidly from their scare. At least he definitely knew how to make her feel better after a scare. “If you’re no good at interior design, I guess that means you’re following my orders when it comes to how we’re going to tidy up.”
The Doctor froze, not entirely sure about what to say. “Uhhh…”
“None of that now; come on.” She stood and held out her hand, offering a boost up. He took it and they started cleaning up the mess from the jettison. “I think it’s only fair after giving me a fright like that.”
He opened his mouth to argue, then wisely closed it, instead opting to lean in and lightly kiss the back of her jaw. She shuddered happily and he knew he was forgiven, yet kept picking up and reshelving books anyhow. It didn’t hurt to build up some extra safety points, after all.
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mariacallous · 1 year
The old idea that autocracies are better than raucous democracies at getting things done found new life during the coronavirus pandemic. Many Western commentators argued that while democracies dithered and debated, autocracies were quick to respond and mobilize their resources. Sometimes that might be true—but only if you are the right kind of autocracy. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Turkey, it turned out, is not one of them.
Erdogan’s response to the country’s devastating earthquake on Feb. 6 was painfully slow and uncoordinated. But regimes in which power is centralized are supposed to be fast and organized. All Erdogan had to do was pick up the phone and order his commanders to dispatch NATO’s second-largest army to the badly hit cities, mobilize the bureaucracy to send much-needed aid, and deploy emergency response teams. He did not. Just minutes after the 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit 10 Turkish provinces, troops stood ready to step in and take part in search and rescue operations. Yet in the critical early hours, the order from the top never came. Nor did Turkey’s Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (AFAD) rush to help the victims. Why?
In a brilliant book, Timothy Frye tells us that strongmen are not as strong as we all think. Being an autocrat is no easy feat. Autocratic leaders, particularly in personalist autocracies such as Turkey’s, face trade-offs. They mobilize support by promising to get things done, but the things they must do to build their one-person rule end up undermining their capacity to deliver on that promise. One of the first things strongmen do when they centralize power is weaken institutions. But weak institutions make it difficult for them to govern, which eventually undermines their strongman rule.
Erdogan, in his 20 years at the helm, has hollowed out the country’s institutions and placed incompetent loyalists in key positions to centralize power in his own hands. This made Erdogan the strongest man in the country but left the state barely functioning. One of the most striking examples of institutional erosion is Erdogan’s suppression of the Turkish military, which went far beyond the legitimate aim of limiting the generals’ role in politics.
Disaster relief is an important part of most modern armies’ work. They can act quickly and provide medical and logistical support after natural disasters. As part of his efforts to curb the generals’ power, Erdogan stripped the military of its capacity to respond unprompted to domestic disasters such as earthquakes, establishing AFAD to take on that role instead.
The organization, like every other state agency in Turkey, quickly became a tool for Erdogan to boost his support at home and abroad. He stuffed AFAD with incompetent loyalists and made it part of a network of faith-based aid organizations to push the narrative that Erdogan was the “protector of Muslims” around the world. Advertisements showing AFAD providing aid to Muslims in need appear all over pro-government television channels and newspapers, and they are displayed at events in municipalities controlled by Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party.
In reality, however, AFAD lacks the resources, experience, and human capital to carry out the mission it was set up to perform. The person in charge of its disaster response department is a theology graduate with no experience in disaster relief who previously served in Turkey’s Directorate of Religious Affairs. Despite AFAD’s well-known shortcomings—it operates on a small budget and has a staff of just over 7,000 people—the organization was put in charge after the earthquake. All rescue efforts and humanitarian aid had to go through it, and no other state agency, international aid group, or nongovernmental organization could lift a finger without AFAD’s permission. Even Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar, criticized for not deploying troops to the earthquake-affected areas fast enough, hinted that his troops stood ready to help but never got the order. Tens of thousands of victims died because Erdogan and those in his inner circle did not want anyone, particularly the military, to outshine the agency he had created.
The man who came to power promising to get things done could not deliver on that promise in Turkey’s darkest hour because his one-man rule incapacitated the country’s institutions and eroded the foundations of governance.
The earthquake did not just shed light on how Erdogan has damaged the state’s capacity in the two decades he has been in power; it also revealed where his priorities lie. Like all autocrats, Erdogan faced a trade-off between enriching his family and inner circle and serving the people. It is a difficult balance to strike. If an autocrat chooses to please his cronies at the expense of the people, he might face popular protest. If he decides to serve the public by redirecting government spending at his cronies’ expense, he might be challenged by the small circle around him.
In the last decade, Erdogan consistently chose the former over the latter. His controversial and unorthodox monetary policy to cut interest rates despite spiraling inflation made his already-rich cronies even richer, while runaway food prices and skyrocketing rents squeezed those at the bottom. Poverty soared as millions of Turks were unable to meet their basic needs. While granting infrastructure and building contracts to cronies who cut corners on safety earned Erdogan’s inner circle billions of dollars, the shoddy residences they built turned into graves for tens of thousands of people.
Erdogan may finally pay a price for all of that. Turkey’s presidential and parliamentary elections are likely to be held in June. No matter how hard Erdogan-controlled media try to spin things, the sheer scale of the devastation makes it impossible for Erdogan to hide his government’s incompetent response. That will dim his prospects. Pushing the elections back to a later date will not solve his problems, either. The earthquake has compounded Turkey’s existing economic, social, and political woes, leaving the country and Erdogan’s prospects in a worse place.
Erdogan’s Turkey is a powerful reminder that strongmen do not bring stability and do not get things done. They are at their worst when their country needs them the most. The tragedy that struck two weeks ago reminds us that Turkey does not need a strongman; it needs strong, capable institutions.
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jokerfan99 · 5 years
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You're useless... (RWBY/RVB) by Necroceph
*RVB Opening Theme*
'Room 18-13'.
Ruby looks up and sees the exact same number as written on her keycard. Though she's ready to enter her dormitory, she still however too hesitant to enter for she's not the only one to be sleeping in there. She's been told that there will be three other recruits staying with her and not just as roommates, they'll be her teammates for the rest of her time here! Oh no, she says to herself in that little head of hers but regardless she still has the confidence to enter. She swipes her card over the scanner on the door and the metal slab slides into the walls, revealing the room inside. The room is of decent size enough for four people, with two bunk beds at both ends of the room and the walls' color aren't as bland as she thought. Ruby is intrigue at the sight as she enters, for a military academy like this the dorm room here is quite homey.
Ruby: Wow this place looks kinda nAAAAAAIIIICCEE!!! OW!
Ruby accidentally trips on the floor when one of her legs hit something on the way. She turns to see what she had tripped on and examines what appears to be three fallen luggage bags placed near the door's entryway. Who's bag's are these?!
???: Hey, watch where you're going!
A voice next to her caught her attention. She turned to see an older girl, probably two years older than her, with white hair and blue eyes
Ruby: Sorry! ???: Sorry? Do you have any idea the damage you could've cause!
The girl grabs the suitcase and opens it, revealing the contents inside to be books about military strategy, gun parts and... a colored rock inside a capsule?
???: The rest of these can handle, but this one is an exception! Inside contains a raw element. One crack of this would result in a less-lethal but messy explosion! Ruby: Sorry, I didn't mean to uhm... Weiss: Schnee. Weiss Schnee. A name I'm sure you'll know well! Ruby: Never heard of it. Weiss: What? You know, 'Schnee'? Schnee Finery Company? Ruby: Doesn't ring a bell. Weiss: Lord almighty... just help me get this stuff out of the way. The next thing I wouldn't want is another dope tripping on them. Ruby: Okay okay. By the way, since you're in this room, does that make you my teammate? Weiss: Hmph, I guess so. Ruby: Oh, well. Name's Ruby Rose! It's nice to meet you partner. Weiss: Partner? Please, we just met a few seconds ago. Ruby: Aww, don't be such an ice queen! Even if we're in a military academy, that doesn't mean we have to act cold around each other. You, me and the other two members, I think we'll have a lot fun time here together, AS A TEAM! Weiss: My you're an optimistic one. Ruby: Hey, my mom told me to look on the brighter side of life! Weiss: I wish my mom were like yours __________________
???: For the bravery of their actions for averting last night's terrorist assault, the Vale military academy has decided to award these fine women with the official Jaded Medal of Honor.
Ruby can barely hold the excitement as the academy's High Adviser wraps the medal around her neck. She wants to give him a tight hug, but that would be embarrassing since she's now on live TV. Best not to make the academy a laughing stock. The Adviser moves to the next recipient beside her and if it wasn't for her, she wouldn't be alive to have a medal herself. As always, Weiss kept herself composed as she receives the medal before turning her head to her partner with a smile and nod to her.
Weiss: Excited? (whisper) Ruby: Are you kidding?! This is one of the best medals in the academy, EEEEEE! This is the best day of our lives! I can't wait to tell dad!(whisper) Weiss: Good to see that you're happy. Ruby: Aren't you excited? Weiss: Why would I? I got about a hundred medals back at Atlas. Ruby: GASP! Cool! How did you get them? Weiss: I'll tell you once this ceremony's over. Hey, remember what you said about a year ago. You said we can go through this together as a team. When you said that, I was skeptical at first but now, it looks like you're right all along. Ruby: Looks like the good old 'Ice Queen' has her heart thawed out. ???: YAAAAHOOOOO!!! Weiss: Oh for the love of... Yang, we're on live TV now, you bruising afflicting dunce! Ruby: Eh... a bit thawed out. ???: Before we close this ceremony, the leader has something say. Miss Rose?
Her heart skipped. What did he just say? She thought they were here to get the medals but she wasn't told that she needed to make a speech! Dear God, why?
Ruby: I wasn't told I had to make a speech! I haven't written anything! (still whispering) Weiss: What do you think, it's Ozpin! He always makes people do something they can't do! Ruby: What do I say, what do I say? Weiss: Anything as long as it fits the subject! Aha! I got something for you.
Weiss started whispering something to her that may help. She makes it quick to not test everyone's patience but it should be enough for her.
Ruby: Hey that'll do, thanks! Weiss: Go give em hell and try not to stutter. __________________
A date?! Ridiculous! This is just a walk with Weiss, yeah that's right, a plain old walk with your own best friend. Nothing else! Although, she does feel a bit warmhearted when she's close to her. Friendzone anyone? As they reach the center of the park, Ruby notice something's up with Weiss' tone. Usually she hears the shrill rich girl voice of hers, now a tamed yet concerned.
Ruby: What's up? Weiss: Wha- oh it's nothing. It's just that time flies so fast. We've already reached our second year and in about three more months we'll be graduated. Ruby: Yeah, it's kinda sad that we'll have to go on our separate ways. But hey at least we did a lot of things together. Fighting Sangheili pirates, kicking insurrectionist butts and most time favorite of all is winning the Vytal Games! Well, Pyrrha's the one that helped us won. Ahh, those are good times. Weiss: So what's your plan after graduation? Ruby: I'm not sure. But I am planning to volunteer into the Intergalactic Aid and Hope group with Yang, just like mom and dad. I want to protect anyone those in need of help, regardless of their nationality. Weiss: A humanitarian PMC company, huh? I think that position fits you well. For me, I'm planning to join the Atlesian army. Ruby: Of course you are. You're an Atlesian! Though I'm not sure it's really the best choice right now. Weiss: What do you mean? Ruby: I mean have you heard the state your home military is in? I heard the soldiers there have turned from noble protectors of Atlas, to jingoistic military fascists! Overprotective against non-Atlesians, committing questionable acts that they considered to be justifiable and recently I heard they let your own class to manipulate them just for the sake of more payment! Weiss: And that's exactly why I want to enter. Ruby: What?! You want to be like everyone else there? Weiss: No, I wish to clean it. I'm fully aware of what's happening there and I have to say, this brings shame to my planet! Can't believe it still hasn't gone AWOL or worse! If I enlist there and try raising up in the ranks, I'll try to clean it up till there's not a single stain of corruption in it. Ruby: You sure it's really bigger than Vale's military. Weiss: Well I don't care how big it is, but I'll do whatever it take to bring the military back to it's former glory. Even if it'll take me a hundred years, or a thousand years. I promised myself to never give up and fulfill that dream.
Ruby wraps her arms around Weiss, clinging her tightly from behind.
Weiss: HEY! Ruby: That's amazing! Can't wait to see you clean up the military! And once you do, you might end up being Atlas' academy's high adviser! Weiss: Heh, you totally are a dope, aren't you? __________________
How could she? She just left them while she ran away. Upon meeting her, she doesn't feel happy, sad. No. She was angry and disappointed at the women she once fought together as a friend, now betrayer. She called out her name, but didn't come.
Ruby: Where were you? Why did you leave when we needed you! Weiss: I did what I was ordered to! If I stayed, we would've lost everything! And what were you doing back there? You were supposed to keep the enemy back at bay before reinforcements arrive! Now we lost the entire base because you had to rescue everyone! Ruby: Everyone was dying! Weiss: That's what being a soldier IS ALL ABOUT! Ruby: And what about you?! We made an oath to fight side by side, no matter the situation! Now Yang's dying and Blake's in a mental mess! Do you really care about your team or JUST YOUR STUPID CAREER?! Weiss: YOU WATCH YOUR MOUTH, ROSE! STOP BEING SUCH AN UNDISCIPLINED BRAT! Ruby: AND STOP RUNNING AWAY LIKE A COWARDLY DESERTER! Weiss: THAT'S IT! IF YOU DON'T LIKE FACING THE REALITIES OF WAR, THEN JUST QUIT BEING A SOLDIER! Ruby: I DON'T CARE CAUSE YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE ONE! WE'RE DONE HERE! Weiss:... Ruby:... Weiss: You're useless. __________________
At the Red Base, Ruby Rose's Room
Her bright silver eyes instantly opened. She screamed at the top of her lungs as she sprang herself up from the pillow where her head was resting on. Air, she needs air! She's now having a hard time to breathe right now as the dream experience she just went through was too much for her. Prepared, Donut reached out for her as if to try to calm her down. Wow, talk about a nightmare, Donut thought to himself
Donut: Wow wow! Ruby Ruby! Take it easy there! Wooh, you must have some nightmare. Glad you didn't fall off from the bed.
Ruby looks around her surroundings. She's in her room and for the sake of her rest, the lights are off aside from the table lamp next to her bed. On the wall across her room, the clock reads; 10:37PM. I've been unconscious for the whole day! she thought. As she tries to recall the events that happened just now, she felt the wetness in her eyes, as if tears had flowed on them. Dad she been crying in her sleep? Could be.
Ruby: D-Donut? Where am I, and what happened? Donut: Remember that stink formula we used for the Blues? Yeah you kinda puked out and fainted at the same time once you smelled it. And it's good thing you didn't suffocate from our stench once we brought you back here. Ruby: Oh that's a relief. Good thing you guys were around... waaaaaaiiiiitt, you guys carried me? Donut: Yep! Ruby: While you guys were covered... in... the... the...
Oh dear.
Ruby: EEEEEWWWW!!! GROSS GROSS GROSS GROSS!!! EEWWW!!! Donut: Hey hey hey, there's nothing to get worry about! We carried you here with a sheet of tarp plus we made sure not to touch you.
Ruby smells herself (just in case) and to her relief she doesn't smell like rotten eggs. And speaking of the stench, why didn't she smell any it from Donut? Donut was covered in the stuff with the rest of the Reds! She looks at him closely, and noticed Donut's armor has somewhat became sparkly clean and the stench isn't on him anymore, though why does he smell like... gasoline?
Ruby: Donut, have you been massaging yourself with oil again? Donut: Oh that? Nah I just applied gasoline all over my armor. After we brought you back to your room, we started thinking of how to get the stench off our armors. We manage to get the yucky green stuff out but the smell still stick. PEE-YEW, Simmons wasn't kidding about how hard this stuff comes out! At first, Sarge thought of burning our armors for a week would get the smell away and he was like; 'Gentlemen, we are going NAKED! I don't care what nature has prepared for us, but we human beings are the most highly adaptable species in the galaxy! Bring it on mother nature! Ruby: *shiver* Don't tell me you guys- Donut: We were about to until something of a miracle happened. While Sarge was lecturing, Grif was resting on this barrel full of gasoline when all the sudden he slipped, causing the stuff inside to spill all over him. When he got up, the fall cause his helmet to go off by the way, he didn't pass out once he took a sniff on himself. For whatever reason the gasoline got rid of it, well more likely smother it than neutralizing it completely, Simmons theorized. But hey at least that solved our garbage problem. Although fragrance oil would do more better. Sarge: Aaahh! Look's like my favorite sniper of the year's awake!
And here's our favorite jingoistic leader of Red team entering through the door.
Sarge: How ya feelin'? Ruby: I'm feeling a bit better. Though I could use a snack. And please no military cookies! They're getting gross the more I keep eating them. Sarge: Not to worry. While you were asleep I opened up Grif's stomach to collect those oreos inside him just for you. Though they're a bit digested like a gum under a boot but I'm sure they're still eatable. Ruby: Uhm... no thanks! I'm not hungry right now. Hahaha! Sarge: Plus I'm decreasing your work shift tomorrow as another reward for that beautiful hand to hand combat you pulled off back there. Sniff. Reminds me of my young and violent childhood! Ruby: The what? Sarge: The fight! That uppercut you made was a marvel to behold. Ha! It reminded the time with Grif who I once had the liberty to uppercut him till he flips around like a freshly prepared Texan V meat patty! With extra fat of course. and a lot of mustard. Grif behind the door: I heard that and I'm not fat! Simmons behind the door: Yes you are, fatass. Ruby: When did that happened? Donut: A year ago during Sarge's Birthday BBQ party. Grif finished up the BBQ sauce. Sarge: The fight would've gone a lot better if those three morons hadn't interfered! Donut: Sorry! Sarge: But anyways, that was still one heck of a fight. Though there's something that's been bothering me lately.
Sarge brings his visor close to her face. It's as though if he's trying to examine her facial expression. This kinda make Ruby uncomfortable with Sarge being so close to her, as though if she's hiding something.
Sarge: You seem to know her, private! Ruby: Who? Sarge: Don't you remember? The Blue you just fought! The one with the white hair, the blue eyes. You cried out what seems to be her na- GREAT CRANBERRY SANDWICHES!!!
Sarge and Donut quickly ducked to the floor to dodge a large and sharp object flying pass above their heads, following a loud "CHING" behind. They stand back up and turned around to see Crescent Rose's blade pierced deep through the concrete wall, before turning back to Ruby, who is now standing on the bed with the same however tamed angry expression.
Ruby: Know her? KNOW HER?! GRRRRRR!!!! That backstabbing rich kid! I can't believe she's here in Blood Gulch and also working for the Blues! The last time we met should've been the last! GRRRRR!!! I WANNA SPLIT THAT FIRST CLASS HEAD OF HERS RIGHT NOW!!! Sarge: By my jumpin' jackal opes, she's out of control again! Donut: Ruby, calm down. We wouldn't want another Blue base massacre, do we? Ruby: WHAT...ohh. Oh my God, I'm so sorry! Sooooo sorry!
Embarrased, she get downs from the bed and removes Crescent Rose off the wall.
Ruby:  Sigh... yes I know her. Donut: Aaaaahhh. So you do know her. That kinda makes sense since the way you two called out each other's names was mind boggling, and as it turns out you knew each other. Though your relationship is somewhat hostile. Sarge: She's a Blue scumbag! That's what! Ruby: No it's not that she's Blue, it's... just our past is rather... uhm... shall we say complicated. Sarge: Complicated huh? Might not by as complicated like our time during the O'Malley incident. Ruby: You guys want the short or long story? Sarge: As long as I know the details but make it short. Ruby: Right. It was about six years ago, before I enlisted into the Red army. I was studying in this military academy back at my home planet. Did I told you guys about my home planet? Donut: Not exactly. Ruby: You should! You're gonna love it there! Sarge: Ahem! Ruby: Right, sorry! During my first day there, I met this girl. She was a literal ice queen, not just cool blooded and all, she's literally born on an ice planet! And the very same girl you guys saw me fight this afternoon. Her name was Weiss Schnee. Donut: I see how this is going. You two must've been bitter rivals. Ruby: Not exactly. She would've been if we weren't assigned as partners in a team of four. Sarge: Partner? Well that isn't so...THAT'S ALBINO WAS YOUR PARTNER?!?! Great Caesar's toast! Ruby: Heyheyhey, don't get all freaked out like that! This was before I join Red after all. At first we never liked each other. But as I got to know her more, she's actually a sweet girl from the inside. We trained together, studied together, always watch at each other's back. So much as so that we became... don't freak out again please... friends. Except is didn't last very long. Donut: Aww that's so sweet! But then when did you guys ended up hating each other? Ruby: Shortly before graduation, we were... we...
Unknown to Sarge and Donut, Ruby began to remember memories of her past, very bad ones. The painful memories that were supposed to be buried deep in her subconscious are now resurfacing back more further ever since she saw Weiss again for a very long time. The gunfire, the screaming, the destruction, all slowly coming back to her. They're too much for her that she couldn't mutter another word.
Ruby: Goddarnnit. I can't! Sarge: Dagnabbit, the oil must be wearing off. I'll be back. Ruby: No it's not that! It's ... ugh... I've been through a lot of thing's before I came here and they're not very pleasant. Thinking about it make my head hurts, not just that my heart too. The things I saw back then, you guys were lucky you weren't there. Sarge: Hmm... what did hap-. Donut: Sarge, I think that's about it for Rose. Ooooookay... if it's too much to talk about then how about just tell what she did then. Should be enough to understand. Ruby: Sure, that's okay. What she did to me last time, it's something that'll make you wanna wrap your hands around her scrawny neck. AND THEN RIP OF HER... sorry! Lost control again. Sarge: And that is? Ruby: She left me... to die. Sarge:... Ruby... Sarge... Ruby:... Uhm... Sarge? Sarge: DANCING CHICKEN HEADS ON A CHOPPING BOARD! She did that?! Dear God, I've never heard of such an act of cowardice in my life! Desertion is the number one cardinal sin in any army! Except for those cowardly conscripted Blues by the way. And to think that she left you to die just sickens me more! Badder than the time Grif slept on the warthog with cheeze fingers everywhere on the dashboard! Ruby: You have no idea. And because of that, I won't forgive her! Even after death, I still won't forgive her! HMPH!!! Sarge: Well you're right about hating her. Keep on going. Now what time is it right now? Donut. Donut: Uhh... 10:41PM, sir. Sarge: Suffer catfishes, it's late. We better to get some shut eye now, you too! Don't forget we still got a war to go on tomorrow! Ruby: Yessir. Donut: Oh and by the way, if you are comfortable to tell us the whole thing, feel free to ask.
Sarge and Donut leaves Ruby to let her rest more and to get some shut eye too. With them gone, she drops her head back on the pillow. As she closes eyes, an image of Weiss suddenly flashed in her thoughts. She angrily groaned and tries to think of something else to get the image out, a plate of cookies, and it worked. Until another mental image of Weiss shows up. This is gonna take some time.
Ruby: Grunt... if only I hadn't met her in the first place. I'm gonna make her pay for what she did.
At the warthog garage
Shortly after visiting Ruby, Sarge gathers everyone to the garage to brief them about his talk with Ruby.
Grif: Ow ow ow! Simmons: Oh come on! Those anti pain drugs should be enough. Grif: Are you kidding me. Sarge turned my stomach into a jigsaw puzzle! Sarge: Shut it! Gentlemen, I have gathered you all here to give you further information on our sniper. As it turns out, she knew the albino and to make the news more gut wrenching... Grif: Really? Sarge:... she was her best friend. Simmons: What?! Lopez: Escandaloso. Grif: She's actually a double agent? Now that revealed, I'll get the shovel. Sarge: Bury her and I'll trap you in the cavern till your stomach's hollow like a squeezed out sugarcane! Now I didn't say she's actually one! Just hope not. But I can assure she's still on our side. Simmons: Speaking of friends, they don't seem to be happy when they first saw each other. Donut: That's because Weiss abandoned her. Grif and Simmons: What? Lopez: ¿Qué? Grif: Wait, who's Weiss? Donut: Remember the white haired girl we saw this evening. Grif: You mean that new Blue bitch who kept whipping us weeks ago? Damn I wanna give her a taste of her own medicine! Donut: Still I like that hair of hers, it's shiny and smooth looking! Simmons: So what happened between them? Donut:  Well the part of her abandoning her we know about, but she doesn't want to talk about the whole details. Whatever it is that made her refuse to talk, must've been pretty terrifying to talk about. But I'm sure she'll tell us later. Simmons: Hmm, I doubt she'll talk. People suffering from PTSD usually keep their past to themselves. Donut: Come again? Simmons: Post traumatic stress disorder. It's a mental disorder that can develop after a person is exposed to some traumatic event, usually sexual assault, warfare, traffic collisions, or other threats on a person's life. Can't believe Command would allow someone suffering in that condition to join the army. Grif: Yeah we know what that means, smart-ass. You don't have to remind us. Then that would explain why Ruby narrowly liquidfied us! Simmons: Or maybe she just too possessive around her stuff. Grif: Whatever it's the same! Sarge: Hehe! I would like to see that! Anyways, let's get back to our rooms. Can't have anyone sleeping during duty tomorrow. I'm looking at you Grif. And maybe tomorrow I might ask Command if I can burrow Rose's personal files to see what's her whole story with that Blue. Donut: Are you sure? I don't think Ruby would allow that. Sarge: Sorry but I gotta fill in this enemy called curiosity. And as long as I'm commanding officer here, she won't mind.
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/necroceph
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32427minden · 4 years
A team of 85 Cuban doctors and nurses arrived in Peru on June 3 to help the Andean nation tackle the coronavirus pandemic. That same day, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced another tightening of the sanctions screws. This time he targeted seven Cuban entities, including Fincimex, one of the principal financial institutions handling remittances to the country. Also targeted was Marriott International, which was ordered to cease operations in Cuba, and other companies in the tourism sector, an industry that constitutes 10 percent of Cuba’s GDP and has been devastated globally by the pandemic. It seems that the more Cuba helps the world, the more it gets hammered by the Trump administration. While Cuba has endured a U.S. embargo for nearly 60 years, Trump has revved up the stakes with a “maximum pressure” strategy that includes more than 90 economic measures placed against the nation since January 2019. Josefina Vidal, Cuba’s ambassador to Canada, called the measures “unprecedented in their level of aggression and scope” and designed to “deprive the country of income for the development of the economy.” Since its inception, the embargo has cost Cuba well over $130 billion dollars, according to a 2018 estimate. In 2018-2019 alone, the economic impact was $4 billion, a figure that does not include the impact of a June 2019 Trump administration travel ban aimed at harming the tourist industry. While the embargo is supposed to have humanitarian exemptions, the health sector has not been spared. Cuba is known worldwide for its universal public healthcare system, but the embargo has led to shortages of medicines and medical supplies, particularly for patients with AIDS and cancer. Doctors at Cuba’s National Institute of Oncology have had to amputate the lower limbs of children with cancer because the American companies that have a monopoly on the technology can’t sell it to Cuba. In the midst of the pandemic, the U.S. blocked a donation of facemasks and COVID-19 diagnostic kits from Chinese billionaire Jack Ma. Not content to sabotage Cuba’s domestic health sector, the Trump administration has been attacking Cuba’s international medical assistance, from the teams fighting coronavirus today to those who have travelled all over the world since the 1960’s providing services to underserved communities in 164 countries. The U.S. goal is to cut the island’s income now that the provision of these services has surpassed tourism as Cuba’s number one source of revenue. Labeling these volunteer medical teams “victims of human trafficking” because part of their salaries goes to pay for Cuba’s healthcare system, the Trump administration convinced Ecuador, Bolivia and Brazil to end their cooperation agreements with Cuban doctors. Pompeo then applauded the leaders of these countries for refusing “to turn a blind eye” to Cuba’s alleged abuses. The triumphalism was short lived: a month after that quote, the Bolsonaro government in Brazil begged Cuba to resend its doctors amid the pandemic. U.S. allies all over the world, including in Qatar, Kuwait, South Africa, Italy, Honduras and Peru have gratefully accepted this Cuban aid. So great is the admiration for Cuban doctors that a global campaign has sprung up to award them the Nobel Peace Prize. The Trump administration is not just libelling doctors, but the whole country.  In May, the State Department named Cuba as one of five countries “not cooperating fully” in U.S. counterterrorism efforts. The main pretext was the nation’s hosting of members of Colombia’s National Liberation Army (ELN). Yet even the State Department’s own press release notes that ELN members are in Cuba as a result of “peace negotiation protocols.” Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez called the charges dishonest and “facilitated by the ungrateful attitude of the Colombian government” that broke off talks with the ELN in 2019. It should also be noted that Ecuador was the original host of the ELN-Colombia talks, but Cuba was asked to step in after the Moreno government abdicated its responsibilities in 2018. The classification of Cuba as “not cooperating” with counterterrorism could lead to Cuba being placed on the U.S. State Sponsors of Terrorism list, which carries tougher penalties. This idea was floated by a senior Trump administration official to Reuters last month. Cuba had been on this list from 1982 to 2015, despite that fact that, according to former State Department official Jason Blazakis, “it was legally determined that Cuba was not actively engaged in violence that could be defined as terrorism under any credible definition of the word.” Of course, the United States is in no position to claim that other countries do not cooperate in counterterrorism. For years, the U.S. harbored Luis Posada Carriles, mastermind of the bombing of a Cuban civilian airplane in 1976 that killed 73 people. More recently, the U.S. has yet to even comment on the April 30 attack on the Cuban Embassy in Washington D.C., when a man fired on the building with an automatic rifle. While there are certainly right-wing ideologues like Secretary Pompeo and Senator Rubio orchestrating Trump’s maximum pressure campaign, for Trump himself, Cuba is all about the U.S. elections. His hard line against the tiny island nation may have helped swing the Florida gubernatorial campaign during the midterm elections, yet it’s not clear that this will serve him well in a presidential year. According to conventional wisdom and polls, younger Cuban-Americans – who like most young people, don’t tend to vote in midterms – are increasingly skeptical of the U.S. embargo, and overall, Cuba isn’t the overriding issue for Cuban-Americans. Trump won the Cuban-American vote in 2016, but Hillary Clinton took between 41 and 47% percent of that electorate, significantly higher than any Democrat in decades. As an electoral strategy, these are signs that Trump’s aggression towards Cuba may not pay off. Of course, the strategy might not be just about votes but also about financing and ensuring that the Cuban-American political machinery is firmly behind Trump. The strategy has certainly not paid off when it comes to achieving the goal of regime change. The Trump administration is arguably farther from achieving regime change in Cuba now than the U.S. has ever been in over 60 years of intervention. During Trump’s tenure, Cuba calmly transitioned from the presidency of Raul Castro to that of Miguel Díaz-Canel. In 2019, Cuban voters overwhelmingly ratified a new constitution. These aren’t signs of a country on the brink of collapse. All Trump has achieved is making life more difficult for the island’s 11 million inhabitants, who, like people all over the world, have been battered by the economic impact from coronavirus. Tourism has collapsed. Income from remittances has tanked (both because of new U.S. restrictions and less income in the hands of the Cuban diaspora). Venezuela, once a major benefactor, is mired in its own crisis. But Cuba’s economy, which was forecast to contract by 3.7% before the pandemic hit, has been through worse, particularly during the 1991 to 2000 economic crisis known as the “special period” after the collapse of the Soviet Union. A change in the White House would bring some relief, although Joe Biden has staked a rather ambivalent position, saying he would restore relations as President Obama did, but adding that he was open to using sanctions as punishment for Cuba’s support to the Venezuelan government. It’s clear that from now until November, and perhaps for four more years, the Trump administration will pummel its island neighbor. Cuba will continue to seek global condemnation on the blockade (the 2019 UN vote was 187 against vs 3 in favor—the U.S., Brazil and Israel) and continue to show what a good neighbor looks like. It responded to these latest provocations in the way that only Cuba does: with more global solidarity, sending Covid-19 healing brigades to Guinea and Kuwait a day after the June 3 round of sanctions. A total of 26 countries now have Cuban medical personnel caring for their sick. That is the kind of goodwill that money just can’t buy and it greatly presents a stark contrast to the Trump administration’s shameful behavior during the pandemic. Back in March, as Cuban doctors arrived in Italy, former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa tweeted: “One day we will tell our children that, after decades of movies and propaganda, at the moment of truth, when humanity needed help at a time when the great powers were in hiding, Cuban doctors began to arrive, without asking anything in return.” Medea Benjamin is an author/activist, and cofounder of the peace group CODEPINK. Leonardo Flores is a Latin American policy expert and a campaign coordinator with CODEPINK. For more on the Nobel Prize for Cuban Doctors campaign, see www.cubanobel.org.
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b-kitsune · 5 years
Many ways to say I love you: Day Four.
Kidge-a-palooza 2019 Prompt: Fireworks. Pairing: Kidge (VLD) Universe: Supernatural! AU Status: Complete. 
''You know? Definitely green is your color.''
''Do you think?''
Pidge looked back at the mirror in front of her suspiciously, with the fabric of two kimonos around her shoulders to decide which of two choices for that night. After several hours deciding along with Shiro, that had been the only ones who had truly called her attention away from too flashy colors and extravagant designs that carried some. But at that point, she couldn't decide which of the two to use.
She wasn't good at deciding her own clothes from day to day. Many times, Pidge chose to use the first thing she found. The specialty of her work often meant that only a dress and a good suit of armor was enough to get through the day. And on special holidays, her family used to take care to dress her correctly to follow the established protocols of her maternal race.
How could she do it with a garment that wasn't even related to her culture?
But she had to do it, for Shiro. Pidge had agreed to bring something consistent to the situation, excited to Shiro as soon as she let him know she wanted to wear one of the traditional Japanese and visually comfortable outfits, to accompany him to the temple while they enjoyed what awaited them that night.
It wouldn't be fair to repent now when she had him almost all morning helping her choose a good kimono.
Damn it, even Curtis had been depressed (and somewhat jealous) as soon as Pidge got Shiro's full attention even before they got off the ship.
One of the clothes she had chosen was an Italian red with a sophisticated pattern of black sparrows around them, while a disgrace of the same color began at the beginning of the knees. Although it was stronger than the others, Shiro had considered it elegant, also, in case of encountering mud while walking through the sanctuary cause of the recent rains, the spots wouldn't be noticed as much.
The other was green, the same light green that she loved to wear in her adolescence, before meeting Shiro and her friends, when she was kept hidden under the protection of the trees and her family. The white degrades began to the middle of the torso and had lovely patterns of cherry branches stamped around it, which contrasted quite feminine.
Both were really beautiful.
When she turned around to see Shiro, she could see a slight tremor in his feet when his gaze moved towards the door, as if he were slightly nervous.
''Yes?'' He put his attention on Pidge as soon as she called his name, somewhat disoriented. ''Sorry, what did you say?''
''I didn't say anything ... Is everything all right?'' Asked worried, it wasn't normal (nor good) to see Shiro anxious about an issue, especially if he remained silent. ''You look altered.''
''It's not that ...'' Shiro stopped a few minutes to think while covering his mouth with one of his hands. After a few seconds, he sighed loudly. ''It's been many years since I've been here ... It's just, weird.''
''Do you feel okay?''
''Something like that.'' He shrugged, grieved. ''It's just ... I never expected to return to my native country, not after a war that took us so long to stop it. I have forgotten my own language a bit. It just feels weird, see all this.''
Pidge smiled in sympathy for his words when she saw Shiro's metal hand take one of the embroideries of the kimonos that were scattered around the room, with a look of nostalgia over his eyes. She could understand what he was referring to.
They had been fighting a war for many years and reestablishing the balance of magic in the world, which took, perhaps, the best years of them with them.
Returning to normality has been an odyssey for everyone. Maybe even more for Shiro, who has trained all his life as a warrior in the face of what was coming, losing his right arm.
Everyone's future would have been different if things hadn't become so dark over the years.
Allura would surely have married Lotor in different circumstances before he became corrupt and perished in the power of quintessence.
Lance would have continued to flirt with girls around him while making great fortunes with the search for unknown treasures.
Hunk and Romelle might never have met. And surely, they would have led normal lives around their villages and families.
Shiro may have inherited the title of kami as it was predestined from birth, protecting and guiding young souls from fatal fates.
And Keith ... Surely, he hadn't even known his supernatural heritage, or her.
But everything was finally over, even at the cost of many sacrifices in the process.
Like her own wings, for example.
It was a strange feeling, a sense of belonging faded by the passage of time and multiple experiences beyond comprehension. And for Shiro, it could be even worse considering that he had no family to return to the place he had called home. They had all perished before they sent him away to foreign lands to save his life.
But he had wanted to show them a habit that he remembered with longing in his childhood days, and go back to reliving his forgotten roots. For that reason, everyone had decided to accompany him to Kyoto and see the Tanabata festival, together as a family.
''We'll have a good time, isn't it?'' Pidge said, at last, Shiro smiled affirmatively after a few minutes of reflection. Rising from the ground to stand in front of her. Pidge looked at him expectantly, his kimono had opened slightly, showing part of his chest. Although Shiro didn't seem to mind.
''Yeah, everything will be fine. Although ...'' He touched her neck uncomfortably. ''I hope that Lance and Keith get to behave like adults who are, and not cause problems.''
''Well, they haven't been fighting as they did in the castle of the lions if that's what you mean. It is rather a friendly competition.''
''I wouldn't trust so much in them. Besides ... "He turned her back so Pidge could see herself in the mirror again, placing the red kimono on his shoulders and ordered it with his hands. ''Keith has been especially active in recent months as if he was demonstrating something ... Or for someone. Can you know the reason, Katie?'' The mention of her name caused a bad feeling to travel on her back, Shiro was insinuating something.
''Keith is weird, I thought you were the one who knew him better than all of us.'' She looked away nervously, without letting go of Shiro's inquisitive tone. Nor his penetrating gaze that could feel her even through her reflection.
''Speaking of which, Krolia told me that dragons usually have quite interesting rituals about the courtship of a couple.''
''Oh yeah?'' Pidge tried to look casual while Shiro approached one of the furniture to take a cloth that worked as a belt. Deciding on the black that matched her kimono. ''Like which?''
''Call attention through fighting, obviously.'' Shiro laughed lightly. She would have, too, if she weren't so nervous, remembering the last controversies Keith had been having with any male entity that was in his way. Especially, around her. ''She also said that it usually happens in later stages of adolescence. Because of course, they are very busy demonstrating how impressive their first years of life are.''
''That would explain why Keith didn't court any nymph when he was young.''
''You're all still young Pidge, you're under twenty-five.'' This time, it was her turn to laugh. Shiro sighed with regret. ''Out of games, don't think I haven't seen what you two are playing since the war ended. You can cheat the coalition, Lance or Hunk, even your parents with some care and a few charms of altering reality ... But I would like you to be truly honest with me.'' Pidge swallowed lasted for the sincerity of his words. ''Keith and you ...''
''I don't know, Shiro.'' She vomited, finally, rolling the kimono with her fingers, she felt a little nervous about the situation. Pidge didn't expect to be talking about that kind of thing with him, for Pidge, Shiro was like an older brother. ''I ... Sometimes it seems like yes, we go out, we spend time and all that. He is kind to me and always lets me go behind his back to have the feeling of flying again, but ... He always ends up going for months on a humanitarian aid mission across the continent. And he returns as if nothing had happened between us.''
''I don't understand ... You two didn't fuck when I was missing?''
''Who told you that!?'' Pidge's face achieved a furious red, similar to the folds of her kimono. Shiro snorted funny.
''Allura told me, she always knows everything.''
''Of course, she always knows everything ... Meddling Elf ...'' Shiro smiled faintly when he saw the frustration on her face. It was understandable, Allura was always very irrelevant to personal space. And the hereditary side of Colleen came to light in Pidge of being extremely reserved with her private life.
''You don't have to worry about that, although I'm a bit funny that you're doing things the other way around. You know, usually you know the person, talk about your interests, then start a relationship. And after that, you start-
''We were in a war, he had lost his only remaining family, and I had lost my wings to save him from Zarcon's attack.''
Pidge stopped for a moment, touching one of her shoulder blades subtly, where the unmistakable characteristic of her father's inheritance was supposed to be. But she knew that if she took off her clothes, there would be nothing there except for big scars that sometimes resented the cold.
She had sacrificed her identity for the greater good at a time of which Shiro's voice had sounded so loud in her head that she doesn't doubt at any time.
She hadn't blamed Shiro for ordering something so risky. If she went back to that moment, would have done it again without hesitation. Pidge would have returned to save Keith from devastating death.
''After you disappeared for months ... Keith and I were broken in different ways. We simply complement each other without thinking too much about it. We needed to keep going at all costs, looking for you in the process.''
''I see ...'' Responded Shiro reflexively. It sounded like something Keith would do.
''With respect to his attitude as adolescent emo reinvented, I don't know where it came from, honestly.''
''Don't worry about that, it's possible that it's because he has spent too much time with Lance and something ... In his genetics, it could start to take sides in his decisions, it may happen over time. You may not even be aware of it. A few years ago, he knew where he came from, who his mother was and who he really was. Give him some time, I'm sure you're important to him Katie, even long before you could imagine.''
''I hope so…''
Pidge looked up once she heard Shiro sigh contentedly for his work. The kimono had been placed on top of her clothes, but he felt a strange sense of pride as it shone on her body. The Asian females were naturally thin and without pronounced curves, so the traditional clothes fulfilled the function of not accentuating anything, but hiding and giving an elegant harmony to the female body.
For the first time in many years, she felt pretty with herself. She turned to see Shiro who was as happy as she was.
''The red will be then.''
''It's good that you say it, do you know what is another of the courtship traditions that Krolia told me?''
''Which one?''
''That the dragons add the color of their scales to their suitors as a sign of acceptance.''
 Keith was somewhat anxious about that night. Rather, quite anxious, enough to keep moving while Lance gave a few touches to his hair before heading to the event that night. So much so that Lance grumbled in frustration when Keith looked up at his hand clock, completely ruining his work in a few seconds.
''You know what? I'm done with you; I don't want to continue with this if you're going to squirming all the time.''
''Sorry, Lance ...'' He answered tired, reaching before he got up and left the room. Keith looked down at the ground, saddened by his behavior. ''It's just, it's kind of hard to keep quiet tonight.''
''Is it cause of the people? Keith, nobody in this country knows us, everything will be fine. Also, there are more rare things than a fire dragon around the streets. They will not try to hunt you down.''
'What? No, it isn't that.'' Keith snorted when Lance returned to his place and again felt his hands in his hair. ''I want ... Ask Pidge to be my partner.''
''Cool! For what?'' Keith watched him confused through the mirror for his relaxed attitude to his open statement. Usually, Lance was extremely protective of Pidge, treating her almost like a younger sister. ''Will you go on a distant trip? Or are you in a kind of scientific research that requires some nymph?''
''Lance, I want to marry her, not to accompany me somewhere.''
''You what!? Who told you could do that !?''
''Oh, there it is.''
''This it's serious Keith! If it's just another one of your transient dragon things, I'm going to-''
''It is not.'' Responded determined, stopping Lance's verbiage. ''I've been thinking about it for many years, and I know it's the right thing to do. I ... I want to be with her, I'm sorry. Pidge is the only one I need on my way.''
''Wow, you're serious.''
''Of course, I'm serious, it's Pidge!'' He shouted frustrated, but Lance didn't allow him to turn to face him.
''Really? I never saw you as a romantic couple, when we were together, it seemed rather that you took care of her by Shiro's orders.''
''At first, if it was like this ... But when I started talking with her, I felt strangely understood. She is a hybrid, just like me. And when I found out who my mother was, Pidge was the one who supported me most to accept me.'' Keith smiled wistfully; it had been many years since then.
''Well in that case ...'' He took his hair again, handling it in a different way while he was taking out small ornaments through the drawers of his shelf. ''I want you to know, that, although this is all very strange for me, I love you both, and I know from Allura that you have been shooting each other since the war ended.''
''Meddling Elf ...'' Whispered with annoyance, and found it strange that the mice came to them every time they were alone. Lance tugged at his hair when he heard it, but he smiled quickly.
''Do the best you can Keith. I will be supporting you in the shadows.''
When he looked at himself in the mirror, Keith could see something curiously interesting. His hair had been collected in a simple braid, which fell on her right shoulder. He could see small rows of smaller braids coming together across the road, and silver ornaments that shone beautifully around him.
It was a flashy hairstyle, but simple in turn, that reminded him momentarily of the one used by the fairies in ascension rituals, and it looked vaguely like Matt's when they first met him.
Something of the heritage that Pidge so longed to connect with.
Keith smirked, giving Lance a big hug for the gesture and moral support. He really needed it. After that, they decided to go with Shiro to choose the ideal kimono for that night.
 The night quickly fell in the foreign sky, with a magical air around it that enchanted everyone when they descended the stairs of Shiro's house. The roads were full of people who wandered from the temple and back, looking for snacks that the stores had to offer and one or another daily game for the moment.
Keith and Pidge were at a safe distance while the others came forward talking about the news they were watching. Pidge was leaning with Keith's arm at the difficulty of walking in sandals that she didn't use, and Keith was trying to do everything possible not to die of a shame since he saw her leave Shiro's room.
She wore a beautiful kimono of sparrows taking flight to the surroundings, which were lost in the sleeves, which accentuated wonderfully to her body giving her a much more elegant image, and her hair taken in a simple hairstyle with a hairpin at her side, gave to Pidge the maturity that used to be lost in its fine features most of the time.
But what caught his attention was the color so gloomily similar to his scales that she wore with pride. Wondering if maybe it had been Shiro's work since he was the only one who knew about the courtship rituals of his race.
He tried to take a deep breath as he followed the path his friends led as soon as they entered a much more agglomerated sector while attending to what Pidge used to tell him when something caught her attention.
Everything would be fine; Lance had assured him before leaving.
''Hey Shiro, why are there papers in the trees?''
Pidge took a few moments away from Keith to touch the papers that hung on the top of the bamboo at the main entrance to the temple. Giving them a pretty colorful appearance. They could see more than one person that they were hanging while away with some happiness on their faces. For what Shiro decided to explain.
''These are desires that people hang for them to come true, written in the tanzaku, the small papers they see there. Whatever you want, you hang it here, and after the festival, they are burned to reach the gods.''
''What a curious tradition.'' Coran approached while he saw other ornaments that accompany the wishes around the branches.
''Can we try?''
When Allura asked a little excited about the idea, Shiro nodded amused and guided them where they could find some tanzaku to start writing what they wanted in the bamboo. When they finished, they went to the highest part of the temple to wait for the fireworks that would appear in a few minutes more.
In the bustle of conversation while Hunk and Coran tasted some candy they bought on the way, Keith took Pidge's hand and asked her to follow him to a desolate part of the forest that surrounded the temple, quietly so that no one would notice at the time. She nodded curiously, holding his hand tightly, it's not as if it was the first time Keith had acted so mysteriously. Her heart beat with anticipation.
They walked many minutes in silence, observing the wonderful fauna of the place so different from their own home, and similar at the same time. The noise of the festival could still be heard from above, along with the lights that adorned the streets warmly. Their clothes gave them an air of comfort that they appreciated enough when moving around the earth.
They were far enough away until Pidge stopped to sit on a wooden chair at the end of the road. Keith approached her worriedly.
''Something happens?''
''No, it's just the sandals. I'm not handled using something like this for a long time.'' Pidge put them aside while massaging the contour of the instep. ''Still a lot to where you want to take me?''
''No, I think that's fine here.''
Keith approached her to remove the strange sock on her feet. The skin looked slightly red and somewhat swollen by the use of sandals. So, he continued to do a light massage to calm the pain of the area. Pidge complained weakly but didn't move away from his touch.
''Fairies shouldn't bring that kind of stuff on their feet.'' Keith said sympathetically, making Pidge grumble with a crooked smile.
''Well, I also have nymph blood thanks to my mother, and we wear shoes even inside the house.''
''But you're not used to this, besides ...'' He kissed one of her fingers as soon as he stopped, making her jump by surprise. Pidge was embarrassed when she felt his lips on her bare skin. ''Your kimono looks better with bare feet''
''Oh yeah?'' Pidge replied with some coquettishness in her tone of voice, taking the foot that Keith had in his hands to his chin, making him look up at her. His eyes seemed to pierce her soul. ''I can read your thoughts, Keith. You know I would look much more beautiful without the kimono.''
''Pidge ...''
Keith's tone warned her that she had lit the fire inside him, approaching her like a hunter on his prey, feeling his breath close to her lips, expectant. Pidge had a big smile on her face, she had pressed the right button.
''Why did you bring me here, away from all our friends?'' It surrounded the neck of Keith to approach it towards her in a slow movement. His lips resting on the outline of her neck. ''Are you trying to stain the precious and innocent date that Shiro organized for all of us? What a cruel dragon you are ...''
''Just me?''
He said funny, walking away from her before he couldn't think correctly. Pidge could be seen as someone completely oblivious to worldly desires, which was a complete lie. The lust of that petite nymph competed with his. He gave her a soft kiss on her lips, demonstrating all the sincere love he had for her. Pidge looked at him expectantly, reflecting the stars on her beautiful golden eyes, that red color highlighted her beauty in a way that Keith’s heart beat wildly, like a teenager in full swing.
Any questions he might have before while talking with Lance had disappeared. He was completely sure that he loved that woman.
He didn't know at that moment, or in what second, they heard an explosion so strong that both turned their eyes to the sky. There they could see the fire consumed in multiple colors that painted everything in its path.
So that's what Shiro meant with the fireworks.
It was truly a wonderful image.
While Pidge was distracted watching the explosions, Keith whispered those important words in her ear. To be sure that she heard it the first time.
Pidge looked away slowly, forgetting the spectacle, then nodding frantically as she hugged him with a smile he had never seen since he met her in that war.
The heart of both couldn't feel warmer that night while watching the fireworks explode over the sky and their hearts were filled with intense love. They didn't need the tanzaku, their wishes had come true.
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
51% Attack, Free Speech Under Attack? | Hodler's Digest
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51% Attack, Free Speech Under Attack? | Hodler's Digest
My fellow american citizens, tonight i’m speaking to you considering the fact that there is a growing humanitarian and security concern in our southern border. The U.S. Executive will have been shut down for a long time but Cointelegraph didn’t take any breaks, we’re the hardest working staff within the crypto trade. This week, the Winklevii confirmed in an AMA their dedication to a Bitcoin ETF; japanese regulators, then again, denied rumors they had been on account that approving Bitcoin ETFs. Additionally this week, a 51% assault hits Ethereum traditional, right wingers love free speech and Bitcoin, 70% of imperative banks are interested in CBDCs, and Fortnite hasnt fairly embraced the crypto future. Women and gentlemen, Im Molly Jane and this is your weekly Hodlers Digest. After attaining the $4,000 benchmark final Sunday, Bitcoin might not hold it for long. Lets have a appear on the contemporary market updates.On the fifth of January, major crypto alternate Coinbase detected an assault being carried out against Ethereum basic, a cryptocurrency generated through an Ethereum fork, leading to of loss of reportedly over $1 million valued at crypto. Consistent with Coinbase, a malicious agent took manipulate of over 50% of the blocks making up the Ethereum Classics network, main to a so-called chain reorganization, in which nearly half 1,000,000 greenbacks valued at tokens were spent twice. The assault was once later tested by means of researchers at crypto exchange Gate.Io and chinese safety firm Slowmist. With a view to safeguard its shoppers, Coinbase, Kraken and other crypto exchanges have quickly suspended Ethereum basic deposits and withdrawals. A fifty one% assaults refers to a distinct entity taking manipulate of more than the 50 percentage of the blockchain community, which is able to lead to the falsification of transactions and permit double spending. Even though they occur rather rarely, fifty one% attacks are visible by means of many as a major hazard undermining the success of blockchain science.In the wake of the and so on attack, creator of Litecoin Charlie Lee underlined blockchains intrinsic vulnerability to fifty one% assaults. He stated: with the aid of definition, a decentralized cryptocurrency have got to be prone to 51% assaults whether by hashrate, stake, and/or other permissionless-acquirable assets. If a crypto can’t be fifty one% attacked, it is permissioned and centralized. Different authorities cited that whilst 51% attacks are certainly a chance for somewhat small altcoins such as and so forth, they are unlikely to have an impact on higher players comparable to Bitcoin and Ethereum, as that would require a ways larger quantities of hashrate. We talked to Nir Kabessa, president of the group Blockchain at Columbia at Columbia university, and asked him to give us his point of view on the drawback.I feel it turns into enormously problematic to do something like that to a sequence the scale of Bitcoin and Ethereum. But when there may be some thing that this assault has showed us is that it is feasible that it could happen to a prime blockchain. A good-revered blockchain with gigantic amount of miner neighborhood and developer neighborhood. So yeah, I consider above all Ethereum traditional was prone to whatever like this given that of the maximalism and fundamentalism of Ethereum traditional. The fact that they’re giant proponents of immutability, I think makes them form of a reputational target for a 51 percentage attack to type of prove that they’re now not a hundred percent immutable and that matters may also be converted or reorganized. I think there is obviously room for Ethereum classic sooner or later of blockchain. However severe alterations will must be made and new factors to use Ethereum traditional over different chains will need to come out. There will must be new aggressive advantages in one way or another to Ethereum traditional due to the fact one of their strong fits was protection and immutability and that is an argument that they just cannot make to the same full extent anymore.After the attack, the status of Ethereum traditional looks critically compromised. We also talked to Ethereum classic developers Donald McIntyre and Zach Belford and asked them to remark on the accident. Its a fallacy to say that on the grounds that and so forth has been attacked that suggests a proof of labor is just not comfortable. That is ridiculous. In phrases of what we spoke about, what to do. The first thing was to do the postmortem and we did that assembly today and we’re gonna do a couple of extra conferences to continue analyzing the main issue. One concrete protection advice is to use from two thousand five hundred to 5 thousand confirmations for medium or significant transactions, gain knowledge of that probability to put in force a deep reorg safeguard in and so on which I suppose is not likely given that additionally it is something that is untested but it surely’s something that is underneath evaluation. Then, to set a limit on the highest measurement of the dag is another thing. We will be able to not follow any changes unexpectedly without proper research. So there have been double spends and there have been victims of this attacker that’s some thing that we’re not going to revert on change.Of direction we can aid with knowledge to regulation enforcement or if there is any investigation. But the trade is in no way going to be reverted. In the early days of Bitcoin, it was once getting fifty one% attacked at all times. All proof-of-work cryptocurrencies can be fifty one% attacked. Ethereum traditional is obviously no longer the most cost effective one to 51% assault however the reality of the subject is that our hash premiums is 4% of Ethereum and it’s been that for a very long time. The point there is that we isn’t watching at making protocol changes in times of main issue. That is anything that is a part of proof-of-work. I believe that probably the most matters that’s going to reaffirm trust within the group is that there had been a variety of blockchains that have been fifty one% attacked within the last yr or two and a variety of them have answered with protocol degree changes which to me shows numerous immaturity and a lot of simply now not knowing or not understanding what proof-of-work is and how where this genuinely stems from and why.Technically according to the protocol it is now not an assault. It can be part of the protocol. Up to date reviews claiming that the standard online game Fortnite is accepting Monero for on-line repayments grew to become out to be unfounded. The crypto group used to be full of pleasure when Monero CEO Riccardo Spagni announced on Twitter that Fortnite will take delivery of Monero as a fee system for its merch retailer. However, a couple of days later, CEO of Epic games Tim Sweeney refuted the rumors in a tweet, defining the adoption of Monero purely as unintentional. With its over one hundred twenty five million registered avid gamers, Fortnite would have performed a predominant function in pioneering the integration of crypto within the gaming enterprise. In the final few years, other makes an attempt to combine the sector of video video games with blockchain technological know-how became out triumphant. One of the crucial earliest illustration of crypto-video games is Dragons story, a 3D on-line game released in 2013 wherein players can stake Bitcoin at the same time competing in a style of mini challenges.Marking a deeper integration of blockchain into gaming, the card trading recreation Spells of Genesis was once released in September 2016. This was the primary game to use the Bitcoin blockchain to retailer the collectible cards at the core of the game. However neither of the earlier recounted games can healthy the fame of Crypto Kitties, the first Ethereum-centered video game. The Ethereum blockchain is on the core of Crypto Kitties, because it serves to guarantee the uniqueness of each and every digital cat owned by using the players. Nonetheless, while blockchain remains to be to obtain traction as a specific sport-play modifier, on the sport builders side there is some exciting news. After raising $forty million in dollars last September, Cocos Blockchain expedition, a sport development platform developed on blockchain, launched its testnet last week. Cocos Blockchain expedition or Cocos – BCX is built with the Cocos engine, the highest game engine in Asia and number 2 in the world by way of market share, objectives to create an open procedure the place developers can create and test video games constructed on unique blockchains.To extra enhance the combination of video video games and crypto, main companies in both sectors got here together final September to kind the Blockchain recreation Alliance. The workforce includes massive names reminiscent of Consensys, Everdreamsoft and the French gaming big Ubisoft. One factor that blockchain is fairly just right at is presents value to persons. The transparency, the immutability, so all those points furnish a ability to create new facets and those facets are excellent for gamers. For example, if i am a participant and say I watch an commercial, like I do with the cell phone for some video games, I acquire credits however on a platform that you could virtually receive some tokens and people tokens you need to use them to buy games can use them to buy a event and tendencies. For illustration, If I come to a decision as a participant to take part in a beta scan, i will be able to take part and i receives a commission for it by means of the developer in tokens once more. So all those mechanism provide me as a participant the capacity to earn forex or cash and i will use that money to without a doubt purchase anything i would like. We’re working to allow humans to make tokens, to create their art.Now it’s visual artwork however as time goes, it may be extra things like stages or sounds or special elements. And the game creator us right here can be more like a moderator, like an orchestra, anyone who will control the orchestra. We are shaping our product to allow humans to contribute, to have a marketplace so persons can enrich the game in a technique that we even havent feel of. And we’re environment the stones to allow users to do that. Late last yr, Google CEO Sundar Pichai had to explain to not-so-tech-savvy Republican senators why the Google search term fool brought up pix of Donald Trump.Even as many were amused with the aid of the exchange, the actual query involving these senators was whether Google, and extra largely big-tech, have a correct-wing bias. Two figures who agree with this sentiment are the host of Koch brothers-funded speak exhibit The Rubin document, Dave Rubin and Andrew Torba, CEO of Gab, a so-referred to as free-speech social network. Just lately Dave Rubin announced, alongside yet another proper-winger Dr.Jordan Peterson, that they have been leaving funding platform Patreon. That is no small gesture, Petersons account makes over $30K a month and Rubins about $22K. The cause for such an abrupt departure? Protest in opposition to alleged censorship on the part of Patreon.The victim of this assault on free speech in their minds is Sargon of Akkad, a some distance-correct YouTuber who used to be kicked off Patreon for utilizing the n-word on a separate platform. Patreon defended the transfer, citing its community instructional materials prohibiting hate speech. Rubin clearly disagrees and plans to delete his Patreon on January 15. He announced an substitute censorship-resistant funding option: Bitcoin via Squares cash App. One of the crucial first Bitcoin purchasers used to be, unsurprisingly, Gab claiming to have transferred 0.0025 Bitcoin to Rubins his Bitcoin deal with. Gab CEO Andrew Torba has been voicing similar issues when it comes to the stifling of free speech. Gab, which purports to be an uncensored area without spending a dime speech on-line, but critics call a far-correct echo chamber, had their Coinbase account closed for allegedly promoting hate speech. Also, final year, for instance, the new York times stated Gab as the social network the place the Pittsburgh shooter posted his final message before shooting up the Synagogue. Torba acknowledged that the shooter did not signify the broader consumer base of his platform. Nonetheless, Gabs account was once shut down.Whether or not or no longer you supply any credence to Rubin or Torbas views, it’s clear that the decentralized utopia the internet once was is now dominated with the aid of very centralized platforms that have complete control over numerous our content and communications. One answer could paradoxically be to break up colossal-tech firms, control them by means of subjecting them to anti-believe legal guidelines. That means at least they would be defended by way of the first modification; 2d only to the second modification in the hearts of many conservatives. Final yr, after closely criticizing crypto, the IMF head got here out in want of CBDCs. Now it seems they are developing in popularity across the globe. 70% of the worlds crucial banks are presently watching into launching digital currencies in any other case known as CBDCs. That is according to a recently released a survey through the financial institution of international settlements, BIS, in Switzerland, which comprises 60 primary banks around the globe.CBDCs are of course controversial in the crypto neighborhood due to the fact they’d have legal soft popularity, be heavily regulated and, of path, centralized. Of the 63 crucial banks surveyed, 22 are in evolved economies and 41 in emerging ones–that bills for 90% of the worlds financial output. The survey determined that 70% were actively engaged in establishing a CBDC, or at the least at the study section. So far, best 5 banks have sincerely run pilot or experiment runs. Ahead of the % are Uruguay and Sweden; the latters Riksbank plans to launch the E-Krona pilot project this year and start issuance as early as 2021. Uruguay, on the other hand, is leading the %, their pilot venture of the E-Peso successfully led to April of last yr. CBDCs do carry some very interesting questions involving censorship, surveillance and even the loss of life of Stablecoins. Outstanding Swedish Youtuber Ivan on Tech last yeah voiced concerns that Swedes may be at risk someday of going to the flawed protests and dealing with monetary consequences.KMPG for his or her section released a record questioning the necessity for something like Tether if there ever used to be is a Fedcoin We spoke to Thomas Moser of the Swiss country wide bank concerning the emergence of CBDCs and what that would imply for a crypto-pleasant nation like Switzerland. We are obviously in phrases in phrases of study we’re looking into it however this is fairly theoretical study and in addition conceptual research. However we now have no longer had the intention to try out the pilot or to position that into a proof of idea. So it’s quite theoretical research but we came to the conclusion like other critical banks that we don’t consider that at this stage as a minimum that the benefits are larger than the negatives or disadvantages or the risks at least that we could see. If you happen to would provide a CBDC that will sincerely fulfill the function of a stablecoin except once more you’ve got all these ideological issues that you do not want to trust the primary financial institution or when you have just right cause that you don’t want to rely on the imperative financial institution forex in case you once more when you’ve got a primary financial institution that that is not that supplies a currency with hyperinflation i assume then that may certainly no longer be a excellent alternative for a stablecoin.But in that case the stablecoin would traditionally not repair its price closer to the country wide forex however toward the U.S. Greenback or the euro. Previous this week, the French anti-institution motion often called the Yellow Jackets referred to as for the French public to participate in a giant bank run as a mean of protesting towards the monetary elite. Dubbed The Collectors Referendum, the initiative geared toward bringing people to withdraw their savings from banks and other financial associations this Saturday. This, in step with the activists, used to be going to be elected officials worst nightmare and its goal was once to scare the State totally legally and without any violence. The announced occasion resounded broadly within the crypto neighborhood, as it aligned with crypto in criticizing the failings of the common fiscal approach.Many noticed a clear parallel between the Yellow Vests financial institution run and the Proof of Keys event, a protest against centralized crypto exchanges announced by using entrepreneur hint Mayer prior this month. Mayer referred to as upon merchants to withdraw their money from exchanges as a reminder of Satoshis common imaginative and prescient of decentralization and fiscal independence. At the same time the French activists made no reference to crypto, by using highlighting peoples distrust in the direction of normal economic actors, the Yellow Vests protests would have a constructive knock-on outcomes for the crypto industry. To underline the connection between crypto and the Yellow Vest action, street artist Pascal Boyart hid a Bitcoin puzzle in his brand new graffiti committed to the protest. In step with the artist, fixing the riddle will unlock a prize valued at $1000 in Bitcoin. Boyart mentioned the enigma can also be solved best by bodily standing in front of the graffiti.What are you ready for, hodlers? Time to jump to the subsequent flight bound for Paris! Charlie Lee has accused Bitcoin maximalists of being Bitcoin extremists, do you settle, and where would you set your self on his survey? Are you a Bitcoin Extremist, Bitcoin Maximalist, Altcoin Maximalist or Nocoiner? Comment beneath! This episode is backed via alternate Santa. Alternate Santa is a cloud-based buying and selling bot. Set it up in less than 2 minutes, exchange a couple of pairs, pick between long and quick approaches, use tech analysis warning signs, and see your results in real-time.Exchange Santa works 24/7 to get you the revenue you set. The platform is already built-in with Binance, Bittrex, Bitfinex and HitBTC. The link is within the description beneath! And as continually, remember to like, subscribe and hodl! .
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