#like ‘facilitates him traveling through time so he can accidentally kill his first love and best friend who he thought left his life’
irregularbillcipher · 2 months
“doomed by the narrative” this, “doomed by the narrative” that, literally none of your blorbos are him
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douxreviews · 5 years
Legends of Tomorrow - ‘Egg MacGuffin’ Review
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"I’m sorry that our first date got ruined by Nazis."
The Legends of Tomorrow episode title game is really on point this year.
Forgive me in advance if this is overexplaining, but I'm not entirely sure how well known the terms are and it's going to become relevant in a minute. If you already know the terminology better than I do, and I'm sure many of you do, I beg your indulgence.
A 'MacGuffin' is the term for a plot device that exists solely to provide motivation to the characters in a story. The example that's most often cited at this point is the titular Maltese falcon statue in The Maltese Falcon. This is a subtly different thing than 'phlebotinum,' which we discussed a few episodes back. Generally speaking, phlebotinum is a made up thing that facilitates the character's journey, for example, polyjuice potion. A MacGuffin is a made up thing that motivates the character to make the journey, for example the sorcerer's stone. Or philosopher's stone if you live in a country where the publisher wasn't afraid of accidentally teaching children the word 'philosopher.'
The real takeaway is that Legends of Tomorrow has now given me an excuse to explain both of those terms, and regularly allows me pretentiously discuss semiotics, and is therefore the best thing ever broadcast. But I digress.
The genius of this week's episode title is that the golden egg that Nate and Zari are looking for at the Adventurers Club is unequivocally a MacGuffin with no significance of its own beyond that (at least this week).  In fact, part of the plot of that storyline explicitly involves Nate and Zari questioning exactly that point, and they come to the conclusion that it is a MacGuffin that Sara planted just to give them an exciting first date. Which is clever because it isn't a MacGuffin within the story we're watching, but it absolutely is a MacGuffin from the outside perspective, and you know it might actually be possible to be too clever about these things. Whatever your personal tolerance for post-modern narrative gameplaying, I really enjoyed it.
Now, in the past I've complained a bit here and there about the fact that the Legends' reduced number of episodes in a season often makes them condense what could be two or three episodes worth of plot into one. I'm not sure if I've just gotten used to it or if they're getting better at it, but I've really begun to enjoy the fast, breezy clip at which these episodes move. Nate and Zari are really just doing an extended Raiders of the Lost Ark homage, and a nice zippy pace is essential for that kind of romantic adventure fiction. The Ark of the Covenant itself, while we're speaking, is another classic example of a MacGuffin. I'm certain that was not coincidental.
In any case, I think I'm pretty well sold on the Zari and Nate romance, and I think it's down to one particular moment in this episode. When they realize that Sara has set them up on a romantic mission, Zari offers to call it a night and return to the ship, and Nate says, 'Or we could see where this mission takes us.' What he's clearly really saying is, 'Hey, I'm open to exploring whatever this is going on between us if you are, but there's no pressure.' I don't seem to go a week without mentioning how refreshingly adult the characters on this show are.
In fact, part of why the aforementioned fast and breezy pace felt so appropriate this week all around is because the show has romance stories on its mind. We have Sara and Ava, thankfully post-argument, making an effort for one another in the little ways. We have Mick and Charlie at Romanticon, attempting to cash in on Mick's authorial alter ego, Rebecca Silver, without actually having to reveal himself to his fans. Which is so completely on brand for both of them that I loved every second of it. God bless Mick, both for actually caring about his fans and for being willing to admit the fact when pressed.
Then finally we have my current relationship on the show, Ray and Nate. I realize I went on a bit about this last week, but I just can't say enough about how great their friendship is. Thank you, whoever on the writing team made the decision that Ray would give up his soul to Neron in order to save Nate's life, as opposed to Nora's. Neron said he would make Ray kill someone he loved in order to break him, and the show went with Nate as that person. Is it possible to platonically 'ship a couple? Because I am totally team Palmwood.
That was an unfortunate first attempt at a couple name. Please leave alternate suggestions in the comments.
Which leads me to the painful part. There were a number of little clues as to what was coming for Gary, but I really only noticed them in hindsight. When Sara is discussing who the murderer could be in book club, she mentions that it must be the dogwalker because of his pent up frustration and being treated like a doormat. The shot transitions from her to the next scene halfway through the line, which means we're hearing her but looking at Gary. The subplot about Vincent the Adventurer's assistant is basically a mirror of Gary's position. And Gary is clearly crying in the bathroom – a thing that he had just told us he often did – when Ray calls him and he drops everything to go help.
Gary Green, on paper, should not work as a character. He should come across as a caricatured doofus, occasionally good for a comic relief moment. But Adam Tsekhman invests him with something undefinable and real, and he just fundamentally works as a tragic figure despite all the reasons that he shouldn't.
Also, whoever planned out that Gary's nipple returning from Hell would be the final temptation that makes him give in to Neron is a mad genius and should be our leader now.
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Everybody remember where we parked:
The Waverider did some proper time travel for the first time in what feels like ages and took most of the team to the Adventurers Club, 1933, in order to retrieve that golden egg. Mick and Charlie, meanwhile, take the jump ship to Romanticon, 2019. Gary uses his time courier to flit between 2019 and the Waverider, and Neron and minion-Gary appear to lift Damien Darhk's old time travel stone from Constantine and use it to leave for destinations unknown.
Remember when time travel seemed like an exclusive and exotic thing?
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Sara: "Honestly, with Neron gone, catching fugitives has never been easier. I thought it was gonna take all week."
Zari: "It was that awkward, huh?" Sara: "Even the mummy thought it was awkward."
Nate: "Excuse me, my good man, could you point me to the nearest facilities? I have an urgent need to… uh... relieve my bowel."
Nate: "Wait. Trip wires. This is going to require one of us to squeeze through these trip wires, maneuvering our bodies in unexpected ways." Zari: "Are you asking me to do that?" Nate: "No, I’m asking you to hold my coat."
Ava: "Honestly, I usually just drink rose and let Mona go on and on."
Gary: "I may not be a master of the dark arts, but I am an intern of the dark arts."
Ava: "Were you guys about to hook up?" Zari: "No. no, no, no, no." Nate: "It was definitely on the table."
Bits and Pieces:
-- This show just doesn't do misunderstandings for dramatic effect. Nora immediately told John that Ray was possessed as soon as she woke up. Neron repeatedly goes out of his way to clarify that he's the one doing evil things, not Ray, even when it would really be in Neron's best interest to let the Legends think otherwise, thus driving them apart. That might be the thing I appreciate most about the writing.
-- It seemed odd at first that Mona didn't already know about Mick being Rebecca Silver, but on reflection it makes sense.
-- Loved the Garima cosplay at Romanticon.
-- How many books has Mick had time to write by this point? I mean, I suppose time travel would help with that, but I lost track of how many different titles they mentioned. I particularly liked Raw Hides.
-- Mick's final speech to the con about how all anybody really wants is to feel a connection was a lovely piece of writing, well performed. And a hell of a good underscoring to what was happening to Gary at that moment.
-- I get why they didn't do it, but it would have been smarter for Charlie to have shape shifted into a neutral third party to portray Rebecca. That said, I adored the Rita Skeeter vibe she had going on with her outfit.
-- Outside of the Rita Skeeter vibe, we also had phoenix feathers and a dragon egg. I'm sure there were a few other Harry Potter nods that I missed beside those. Anyone?
-- And speaking of the egg, it's a neat bit of long term plotting that what was just a MacGuffin this week is clearly set up at the end to be relevant to a different plotline later.
-- It's entirely in character for John Constantine to be rude and speak to Gary like that in a moment of stress, but the whole sequence of events felt sadder to me when I thought about the considerate way that he sheltered Gary's feelings last week.
-- I've noticed that they've gotten into the habit lately of consistently leaving someone on the Waverider to 'Quarterback' the mission. That's not only hugely useful for splitting up the characters and facilitating different schedules, it's also a really sound battle tactic.
-- Note added after the writing of this review.  Apparently 'Egg MacGuffin' is the official name of this sort of thing as cited on tvtropes, and not an original pun coined by the writers here.  Ah, well.  Still a clever title for how it was used here.
I loved this episode from beginning to end.  How can we only have three more left?
Three and a half out of four, and the only reason it's not higher is I suspect I'm going to need a higher number to go to in the next few episodes.
Feel free to mention your favorite MacGuffin in the comments.
Mikey Heinrich is, among other things, a freelance writer, volunteer firefighter, and roughly 78% water.
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mbtizone · 7 years
Desmond Hume (Lost): INFP
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Dominant Introverted Feeling [Fi]: Desmond knows what’s important in life and knows what thoughts, ideas, and beliefs truly matter to him. He has to participate in the solo race around the world to prove something to Widmore. He wants respect, and he needs to do something to earn it. His honor means a lot to him, which is why he becomes hellbent on winning. When Libby gives Desmond her husband’s boat, he proclaims that he will win this race for love. Desmond is true to himself and knows what he wants. When Widmore offers to buy him off, Desmond refuses to give up on Penny that easily. He doesn’t care about the money. He just wants Penny. When Eloise tries to tell him that he’s not supposed to buy the ring for her, Desmond rebels against this. He’s the master of his own fate. He has the freedom to live his life however he chooses. He is compassionate and forms strong bonds with those around him and often uses morality to relate to others. When Sayid is told to kill Desmond in order to bring Nadia back, Desmond asks what Sayid will tell her when Nadia asks what he did to facilitate their reunion. When he recognizes Jack from the stadium, he’s genuinely curious about his life and what happened with the girl they had talked about… even though he had spent years in the bunker, slowly descending into madness. When he begins to have visions of Charlie dying, he does everything he can to prevent that from happening and becomes something of a secret guardian angel. When he eventually foresees that Charlie’s death will result in Desmond being able to reunite with Penny, as well as everyone being rescued from the island, he is unable to go through with it at the last second and saves his life yet again. When he has another vision of Charlie dying, which will result in their rescue, he tries to convince Charlie to let him go at the last second instead because he just can’t let Charlie die. When Desmond discovers that Inman was getting ready to take his boat and abandon him on the island, Desmond is furious with him for lying and stealing the last two years of his life, accidentally killing Inman in his rage. When Desmond finally manages to make it off the island, he is instantly willing to risk being discovered by Widmore in order to go to Oxford for Faraday. He has to. He won’t just sit back and not do something to help the people who were left on the island. When Desmond realizes that he’s in the afterlife, he makes it his mission to track down every person from the island and bring them back together. He needs to show them so they can all move on together.
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Auxiliary Extroverted Intuition [Ne]: It’s easy for Desmond to make guesses and assumptions. When he first meets Jack on the stadium steps, he is immediately able to deduce that he’s down about a girl, and wonders what Jack did to deserve the way he was punishing himself. When he finds Hurley in the flash sideways, he is able to intuit that he is also down because of a girl. He pushes a button for years, even though he doesn’t have any solid proof that he’s actually saving the world, as he’s been told. He can’t bring himself to stop pushing it though, because what if it’s all true? Sure, Desmond has considered that it was all just a mind game or an experiment, but maybe it’s real. He believes in miracles and destiny, and doesn’t need to see anything to believe in it. However, he tends to entertain a variety of viewpoints and beliefs. He goes back and forth, discovering faith and losing it. His perceptions are malleable and ever-changing. When Desmond is unable to sail his boat off the island, he begins to believe that the island is the only thing left. He thinks they’re trapped in a snow globe and the rest of the world is just gone. When Desmond is traveling back and forth between his current life on the island, and his past in the U.K., he asks his friend what he knows about time travel. Yeah, it sounds crazy, but he knows what he’s experiencing! When he meets Eloise, he believes that she’s just his subconscious trying to scare him out of proposing to Penny. When Sawyer suddenly wants to go hunting with him, Desmond quickly comes to the conclusion that he’s playing some sort of angle because Sawyer’s barely spoken to him at all since his return to the island. When Desmond has a vision that someone would parachute onto the island, he believes that it’s Penny, and is heartbroken to discover that she wasn’t the parachuter. Desmond is good at providing possible explanations for things. He can see beyond what is most realistic or probable, and come up with alternative answers. Maybe the father of Claire’s baby left because he knew he wouldn’t make a good father. Maybe he was trying to do what was best for her. He’s able to see that Locke’s real reason for forcing everyone to stop pushing the button is “because you need to look down the barrel of a gun to find out what you really believe.” What if the experiment wasn’t on the people working in the Swan station, but on the people in the Pearl? Desmond deduces that he crashed Oceanic 815 and implores Locke to stop what he’s doing and continue pushing the button…
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Tertiary Introverted Sensing [Si]: … because he recognizes the hieroglyphs from the day that he left the hatch to kill Inman, He returned to the hatch afterwards and was late to push the button. On that day, the plane crashed, so clearly this is all real! When Desmond is trying to get the others to remember each other, he resorts to recreating some of their most important memories. Charlie, Claire, and Kate were all present for Aaron’s birth, so he recreates those circumstances, which allows them to remember. Although he tends to be an abstract thinker, Desmond still maintains a set of traditional values. His family, his faith, and having the blessing of Penny’s father all mean a lot to him. The past has a tremendous impact on Desmond and he has a hard time letting go of certain things. He’s unwilling to accept that he’ll never have Widmore’s approval, which causes him to experience a lot of self-doubt and second guess his relationship with Penny. Desmond has no interest in drinking with Charlie and Hurley until he sees the scotch they have – MacCutcheon… the same whiskey Widmore once said Desmond was unworthy of drinking because he would never be a “great” man.
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Inferior Extroverted Thinking [Te]: When Charles Widmore makes Desmond feel inadequate and worthless, he takes action to prove him wrong. He’ll show him by winning the race around the world. Surely that will earn him some respect. Desmond struggles with knowing his place within society and what he’s supposed to do. He’s all set to marry Ruth, and then has an epiphany that leads him to abandon her without a word to become a monk. Although the nature of his offense is unknown, Desmond was imprisoned and subsequently dishonorably discharged from the army because of his failure to follow orders. After Desmond’s vision about the parachuter, he becomes focused on recreating his vision exactly as he saw it and manipulates Charlie, Hurley, and Jin into accompanying him for a “camping trip.” He becomes so determined that he disregards the fact that going through with it will lead to Charlie’s death. The important thing is finding Penny and getting home. When Desmond remembers his life on the island in the flash sideways, he immediately sets to work, tracking down everyone he knew from the island. Desmond inserts himself into each of their lives and personally relates to them as he orchestrates a series of events to get everybody else to remember their former lives as well, so they can all move on together.
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Enneagram: 9w1 6w7 4w5 Sx/Sp
Desmond: Take it easy. Keep the weight off. Here, let me have a look. Does this hurt? [Jack shakes his head.] You haven’t sprained it then. I don’t fancy your chances of catching up with me tonight, though. Jack: I wasn’t trying to catch up. Desmond: Aye, of course you weren’t. Jack: What do you know about sprains, anyway? Desmond: I was almost a doctor once. Jack: Small world. Desmond: You a doctor then? [Jack nods. Desmond offers Jack his water bottle.] So what’s your excuse? Jack: Excuse? Desmond: For running like the devil’s chasing you. My excuse – I’m training. Jack: Training for what? Desmond: For a race around the world. Impressive, I know. So your excuse better be good, brother. Jack: Just trying to work a few things out. Desmond: Ah, a girl, right? Jack: A patient. Desmond: Ah, but a girl patient. What’s her name? Jack: Her name’s Sarah. Desmond: What’d you do to her then? Jack: Do to her? Desmond: You must have done something worthy of this self-flagellation. Jack: I told her — I made a promise I couldn’t keep — I told her I’d fix her and I couldn’t. I failed. Desmond: Well, right. Just one thing — what if you did fix her? Jack: I didn’t. Desmond: But what if you did? Jack: You don’t know what you’re talking about, man. Desmond: I don’t? Why not? Jack: Because with her situation that would be a miracle, brother. Desmond: Oh, and you don’t believe in miracles?
Desmond: It was 3 years ago. I was on a solo race around the world, and my boat crashed into the reef, and then Kelvin came. Locke: Kelvin? Desmond: Kelvin — he comes running out of the jungle — hurry, hurry, come with me. He brings me down here. The first thing he does — because there’s beeping already — he types in the code, he pushes the button, and it stops. What was all that about, I say. Just saving the world, he says. Jack: Saving the world? Desmond: His words, not mine. So I started pushing the button, too. And we saved the world together for awhile, and that was lovely. Then Kelvin died, and now here I am all alone. The end. [Jack hands over the jar and Desmond tries to fix the computer.] Jack: [to Locke] Don’t tell me you believe this. This is crazy. You think that makes sense — pushing a button? You’re going to take his word for it?! Locke: His word is all we have, Jack. Desmond: You don’t have to take my word for it. Watch the film. Jack: What? Desmond: The bookcase — top shelf, behind “Turn of the Screw” — projector’s in the pantry.
Jack: So, you don’t get out, you don’t see anyone. Where does your food come from? You really think this is happening. Desmond: Why wouldn’t it be? Jack: It says “quarantine” on the inside of the hatch to keep you down here. To keep you scared. But you know what? We’ve been up there for over 40 days and no one’s gotten sick. You think that this is the only part of it that’s true?! Do you ever think that maybe they put you down here to push a button every 100 minutes just to see if you would? That all of this — the computer, the button — it’s just a mind game?! An experiment? Desmond: Every — single — day. And for all our sakes, I hope it’s not real. But the film says this is an electromagnetic station. And I don’t know about you, brother, but every time I walk past that concrete wall out there, my fillings hurt.
Jack: Nothing is going to happen. Some man takes you down there, shows you a movie, and you push a button on, on faith alone? Nothing is going to happen! Desmond: In about 15 minutes you’re either going to be very right, or very wrong, brother. You want to shoot me?! Shoot me! But I’m not- Jack: Why are you running? You don’t even know what you’re running from! Desmond: I remember you — running — I know you — I met you — Los Angeles. I was training, yeah? You twisted your ankle… Jack: Stop. Desmond: You’re a doctor, right? There was this girl — you were worried – you said, you said you failed her. That was you. Jack: It doesn’t matter. Desmond: Was she okay, the girl? Jack: It doesn’t matter. Desmond: What happened to her? Jack: It doesn’t matter. Desmond: How can you say it doesn’t matter? Jack: I married her! Desmond: Right, and you’re — you’re not married to her anymore, then?
Desmond: Do you think I did it on purpose? I was sailing for two and half weeks, bearing due West and making 9 knots. I should have been in Fiji in less than a week. But the first piece of land I saw wasn’t Fiji, was it? No. No, it was here—this, this island. And you know why? Because this is it. This is all there is left. This ocean and this place here. We are stuck in a bloody snow globe! There’s no outside world! There’s no escape! So, just go away, huh. Let me drink.
Libby: So, a sailing race around the world? Desmond: I have 8 months to get into the best shape of my life. I’ll tell you what, miss, I’m going to win. Libby: And what do you get if you do? Desmond: What really matters is who I win it for. [he pushes the brochure toward her] Libby: [looking at the brochure] Charles Widmore. Desmond: He tried to buy me off. And when I didn’t take his money, he took away the only thing in the world that I ever truly cared about. Libby: Who is she? Desmond: His daughter. I was unsuitable on several levels. Libby: And what’s the 42 grand for? Desmond: It’s a wee bit complicated. As of yet, I don’t actually have a boat. [Libby looks sad] Sorry, did I say something wrong? Libby: I have a boat. It was my husband’s but he got sick. He wanted to sail the Mediterranean—he never—he passed away about a month ago. Desmond: I’m sorry. Libby: I want you to have it. Desmond: I can’t take your boat, miss. Libby: But you have to. He’d want you to. Desmond: What was your husband’s name? Libby: David. Desmond: And what did he name his boat? Libby: Elizabeth. He named it after me. Desmond: Then I thank you, Elizabeth. And I shall win this race for love.
Desmond: You’re wasting your time, sister. I shot myself with that stuff every 9 days for 3 years. [he looks at Aaron] He’s lovely. Is the father here on the Island? Claire: No. Nope, he’s been gone a long time. Sort of walked off the moment he got a bit scared by the situation. Desmond: Well, maybe he knew he’d be a lousy dad—thought he was doing what was best for you. Claire: He was doing what was best for him.
Desmond: I’ll be back in a year. Penny: What if you were back, right now? Desmond: I’m going to win this race, Pen—his race. And in a year, I’ll be back. Penny: Desmond, what are you running from? Desmond: I have to get my honor back, and that’s what I’m running to.
Desmond: I think your friends just blew themselves up, brother. Locke: They’re not my friends. Desmond: I can’t hear anything. Maybe we should open it. Locke: No, no; it’s a trick. Desmond: A trick? They could be hurt? Is your doctor around? Locke: Our doctor is God knows where. And he sure as hell doesn’t care about anything happening down here. Desmond: Can I ask you a question, brother? Locke: Absolutely. Desmond: Is the reason you’re letting that clock there run all the way down to the very last tick—is it because you need to look down the barrel of a gun to find out what you really believe, John?
Desmond: Tell me about this other hatch you found—this Pearl. Locke: What do you want to know? Desmond: Details. Locke: The Pearl is a psychological station full of TV monitors. And two men sat in viewing chairs and filled notebooks with observations on what happens in here. And then they put the notebooks in pneumatic tubes and send them back to their headquarters so they could evaluate us—as an experiment. [Desmond looks concerned, confused] What? Desmond: What if you’ve got it backwards? Locke: Backwards? Desmond: What if the experiment wasn’t on the two men in here, but on the two men in there? I want to see that tape, John.
Desmond: Come where?! What about the button?! Inman: Screw the button, man. Who knows if it’s even real? Desmond: That’s not what you said when you were going on and on about dams and electromagnetics and failsafes! Inman: Well, I was drunk. Desmond: Why did you lie to me?! Inman: I lied to you because I needed a sucker to save the world after I left! Desmond: You crazy old bastard! You stole my life!! Inman: Oh, come on. Desmond: What else did you lie to me about?! What else? Tell me?! [Desmond has Inman by the collar and they fall to ground. Inman gets up and Desmond rushes him, falling on top of him. Inman hits his head.] Desmond: How could you do this to me?! Get up. [Desmond sees blood coming from the back of Inman’s head and realizes he’s dead.] Desmond: Oh my God. Oh my God. [Desmond grabs the failsafe key from around Inman’s neck and runs back to the Hatch.]
Desmond: We need to push the button. Locke: No, we don’t! Desmond: Do you not hear me, brother? I crashed your bloody plane? Locke: How did you manage to do that? Desmond: On that day, those numbers turned to hieroglyphics. And when the last one came down this whole started to shake! And that screen? That screen filled up with “system failure,” [pointing to the printout] System Failure! And I know what they are. 92204—September the 22nd, 2004, the day your planed crashed! It’s real! It’s all bloody real!! Now, push the damn button!! Locke: I know what I saw! It’s a lie; it’s not real! None of it is real! Desmond: You don’t want to push the button? Then I will. Locke: No! [Locke grabs the computer and smashes it on the floor. Desmond looks horrified. There’s about 3 minutes on the timer.] Desmond: You killed us. You killed us all.
Penny: You know you don’t really need a job from my father, Des. Desmond: It’s not about the job. I want him to respect me. Penny: And respect you he shall. But if for some reason he’s too daft to see how brilliant you are it’s not the end of the world.
Desmond: Just tell me if it’s possible? Donovan: Which part? The island full of mysterious hatches? Or the computer which keeps the world from ending? Desmond: You know what? Forget you’re my best mate, right? As a physicist — is it possible that I’ve somehow managed to go back in time and I’m now living my life over again?
Eloise: That man over there is wearing red shoes. Desmond: So, what then? Eloise: Just thought it was a bold fashion choice worth noting. Desmond: This isn’t really happening, is it? Eloise: Sorry? Desmond: I’ve had a concussion. You’re my subconscious. Eloise: Am I? Desmond: You’re here to talk me out of marrying Penny. Well, it won’t bloody work. Eloise: Oh, yes it will. Desmond: No, there is no island. There is no button. It’s madness. I love her. She loves me. I’m going to spend the rest of my life with her. Eloise: No, Desmond, you’re not. [Suddenly, there is a loud crash behind the bench Ms. Hawking and Desmond have been sitting on. Some scaffolding has fallen and killed the man with red shoes.] Desmond: Oh, my God. You knew that was going to happen, didn’t you? [she nods] Then why didn’t you stop it? Why didn’t you do anything? Eloise: Because it wouldn’t matter. Had I warned him about the scaffolding tomorrow he’d be hit by a taxi. If I warned him about the taxi, he’d fall in the shower and break his neck. The universe, unfortunately, has a way of course correcting. That man was supposed to die. That was his path just as it’s your path to go to the island. You don’t do it because you choose to, Desmond. You do it because you’re supposed to. Desmond: I’m going to meet Penny in an hour. I’ve got the ring; she’ll say yes; I can choose whatever I want. Eloise: You may not like your path, Desmond, but pushing that button is the only truly great thing that you will ever do.
Sawyer: Why’re we gotta be out here so damn early? Desmond: You asked me to help you catch a boar. Well this is when they break cover to eat. Sawyer: Looks like they picked a day to sleep in. Desmond: So what’s your angle, brother? Sawyer: My angle? Desmond: Well you, haven’t spoken three words to me and then, suddenly you want to be my hunting partner. Sawyer: My angle, is that I got hearts and minds to change. And politics is all about bribes. Since money don’t mean squat on this Island, I gotta give the people something they like. And people like meat…
Ruth: Why are you here, Desmond? Desmond: Well now that my initiation’s done, I felt like I owed you an explanation. Ruth: Desmond. You can never begin to explain what you did. You left one week before the wedding, everything was planned bought and paid for. You just disappeared completely. Desmond: I had a calling. Ruth: We dated for six years, and the closest you ever came to a religious experience was Celtic winning the cup. Desmond: OK, yes, I was scared about the wedding, so I had a few pints too many, maybe I, I raised my eyes, and I asked am I doing the right thing, and that’s the last thing I remember. And when I woke up, I was lying on my back in the street, and I dunno how I got there and, there was this man standing over me, Ruth. And he reached out his hand and he said to me, can I help you brother. And the first thing I noticed was the rope tied round his waist, and I looked at him and I knew, I knew, I was supposed to go with him. I was supposed to go with him, I was supposed to leave everything that mattered behind, sacrifice all of it, for a greater calling. Ruth: Well its a good thing a bloody shepherd didn’t help you up, or as I suppose you’d be off with the sheep wouldn’t you? Next time you want to break up with someone, Des, don’t join a monastery. Just tell the girl you’re too bloody scared.
Desmond: Are you firing me? Monk: I am indeed. Desmond: You can’t do that, I heard the call. Monk: I’m sure you did hear the call, but the abbey clearly isn’t where you were meant to end up. I have little doubt that God has different plans than you being a monk, Desmond. Bigger plans—
Desmond: If the flashes don’t happen exactly how I saw them, the picture changes. I was supposed to let you die Charlie. Charlie: What’s that supposed to mean? Desmond: It means it’s bloody pointless. I keep saving your life, and what good has it done? Its just gonna keep happening again and again, maybe that’s the point, eh? Maybe it’s a test. Charlie: Test? Desmond: Like God, testing Abraham, except I failed, because I changed what I saw.
Charlie: We have to tell Jack. Hurley: Yeah, I mean shouldn’t he check out her wound? Desmond: Can you give me your word that Jack can be trusted? Now he spent 10 days with those people and then nothing happened to him? And that woman he’s spending all his time with— Charlie: Juliet? Desmond: Aye, Juliet. Two weeks ago she had your friends in cages. Naomi … I mean, you heard everything that she said. If we keep her safe, she’s our way off this Island. So given that, do you trust Jack? Or don’t you? Right. So you better bring us someone we can trust.
Desmond: You don’t have to do this, Charlie. Charlie: What? Desmond: I’ll go. Charlie: No, you-your flashes. Desmond: Maybe I keep seeing you die because I’m supposed to take your place. Charlie: What about your girl, Penny? Desmond: What about your girl? Besides, I might be luckier than you. Keep your memories to yourself. I’ll take it from here. [He takes off his shoes, ready to go instead.] Charlie: I don’t know what to say. Desmond: Well, you could tell me where the, er, weight belt is. Charlie: Right there behind you. [As Desmond turns, Charlie hits him with an oar. He then places him neatly on the canoe.] Charlie: You and I both know… you’re not supposed to take my place, brother.
Desmond: We’ll be in and out. He’ll never know we’re here, Penny. Penny: Don’t underestimate him, Desmond. If he finds out we’re here, I don’t know what he’ll do. Desmond: But this has nothing to do with your father, Penny. We are here because of Daniel Faraday. What he told me–that everyone on that island is in danger, and I am the only one that can help them. I have to do this, Penny.
Desmond: Look, honey, all I have to do is find his mother, tell her he’s still on the Island, and then I’m done with this for good. Penny: Why now? I mean, if he told you all this on the Island, why didn’t you remember it until two days ago? Desmond: I don’t know. Look, I don’t understand how any of this works any more than you do. It… Look, I know it happened. Daniel Faraday knocked on the hatch door and told me to go to Oxford… everyone was in danger, and I was the only one that could save them. I know how insane it sounds. I’ll be back by dark, and then I’m done… forever. I promise.
Desmond: I know you have questions for me. I’m not gonna answer them. I’ve come here to ask you something. And once you’ve told me everything I need to know, you’ll never see me again. Understand? Widmore: All right. Desmond: I need to know where I can find Daniel Faraday’s mother. Widmore: What makes you think I would even know the answer to that? Desmond: Because even before you put Faraday on your little boat and sent him off to the Island, you spent ten years funding his research. So I figure, you must know something regarding his next of kin.
Penny: Why are you lying to me? Desmond: What? I’m not. Penny: Where is she? Desmond: She’s in Los Angeles. Look, Pen, you’ve got nothing to worry about. You know, this was a mistake. No, I… I made a promise that this would be done in a day, and now it’s done. It’s not our problem anymore. Penny: And what happens if you wake up tomorrow and remember something else? Desmond: Then I’ll forget it. Penny: And the next day? Desmond: I’ll forget it. It doesn’t matter, Pen. You’re my life now–you and Charlie. I won’t leave you again… not for this… not for anything. Penny: You’ll never forget it, Des. So I guess we’re going with you.
Desmond: This woman cost me four years of my life–four years that I’ll never get back because you told me that I was supposed to go to the Island! That it was my bloody purpose! You listen to me, brother, and you listen carefully. These people–they’re just usin’ us. They’re playing some kind of game, and we are just the pieces. Whatever she tells you to do… ignore it. [to Eloise] You say the Island’s not done with me? Well, I’m done with the Island.
George: So, did you find what you were looking for? Desmond: Yes, George, I did. Corner of Melrose and Sweetzer, please. George: You got it. And if there is anything else I can do for you, Mr. Hume, you just name it. Desmond: Actually, there is one thing, George. Can you get me the manifest for my flight from Sydney, Oceanic 815, just the names of the passengers? George: Sure I can. Do you mind if I ask you what you need it for? Desmond: I just need to show them something…
Desmond: Ooh… that is a lot of chicken! Hurley: I eat when I’m depressed! Desmond: Ah! So what’s her name? Hurley: I met a girl on a blind date the other night. Desmond: And you didn’t… it didn’t go how you hoped? Hurley: Mmm, she’s totally awesome… except for one thing. She’s crazy! Desmond: Well, all women are a little bit crazy, brother… Hurley: No, this one actually lives in the loony bin. I mean, I saw the van. She’s full on nuts. I mean, she started sane… but then, she told me that we already knew each other. And that, I’d remember! Desmond: Tell me something…did you believe her when she said she knew you? Hurley: Yeah. Kinda… Desmond: Now, I say go with your gut. You know, maybe you should… you should try to find out where she thinks she knew you from before you give up on her.
Desmond: So what did he offer ya? If you’re gonna shoot me in cold blood, brother… I think I have a right to know what you’re getting in exchange for it. Sayid: He told me I could get something back I lost. Desmond: And what did you lose? Sayid: The woman I loved. Desmond: And where is she now? Sayid: Dead. Desmond: And what makes you think Locke can bring her back? Sayid: I died… and he brought me back. Desmond: So, what will you tell her? Sayid: What do you mean? Desmond: This woman – when she asks you what you did to be with her again…what will you tell her?
Kate: H-hang on a second. You bust me out of jail, and make me put on this dress so that we can go to some concert. And you won’t even tell me why we’re here. Desmond: No one can tell you why you’re here, Kate… Certainly not me. Kate: You’re the one who brought me here. Desmond: I’m not talking about the church. I’m talking about here. Kate: Who are you? What do you want? Desmond: My name is Desmond Hume. And even though you don’t realize it, I’m your friend. And, as for what I want – I want to leave. Kate: Leave and go where? Desmond: Let me show you.
Locke: Hello, Rose… [to Desmond] I’ll make this simple. Come with me now or I’ll kill them both right in front of you. Rose: You don’t have to go anywhere with him. [Desmond looks to Rose.] Locke: I’ll make it hurt. Desmond: I want your word. You won’t touch them – ever. Locke: Done. Desmond: Then I’ll do what you want. Locke: Yes, Desmond. You will.
Desmond: This doesn’t matter, you know. Jack: Excuse me? Desmond: Him destroying the Island, you destroying him. It doesn’t matter. You know, you’re gonna lower me into that light, and I’m gonna go somewhere else. A place where we can be with the ones we love, and not have to ever think about this damn Island again. And you know the best part, Jack? Jack: What? Desmond: You’re in this place. You know, we sat next to each other on Oceanic 815. It never crashed. We spoke to each other. You seemed happy. You know, maybe I can find a way to bring you there too.
Desmond Hume (Lost): INFP was originally published on MBTI Zone
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