#lightkeeper lorn
Hello again Archivist!
I swear, I'm going to start charging for delivery. I'm not really sure how, given that I don't know what the person who keeps giving these to me looks like, but I'll figure it out. Here's another letter from our mysterious individual.
A piece of heavy cream paper, slightly rough at the edges like it was handmade rather than mass produced. The writing is in an elegant, loopy cursive, written in midnight blue ink that shimmers slightly when it catches the light. Also, the student offering you the note has a bit of dark blue ink on their left hand. It could have come from the note being wet when they got it, but none of the letters are smudged.
For Lorn, formerly Lightkeeper Lorn,
A sign found in the warped images produced by trying to to play a disc which was once a home movie of a family's ocean vacation. One of the Spring Court Gentry ran their fingers over the disk in contemplation of its silvery surface, and now the original sunny Pacific Ocean has been replaced by fog and restless, roiling water, with only a single light to guide the watcher from the depths.
Your vigil did not go unnoticed, nor did your departure go unmourned. The one for whom you waited gave everything to get back to you, and lost who they were in the process. Their body rests now, in a peaceful grave on foreign shores, purchased by their earring. They were not entirely unmade by the brine. Take comfort in that.
Though many things are too far gone to ever be mended, and what the Unsea takes does not return, there are those whose feet can walk from the foam-flecked beaches with some of themself intact. We advise a course or two in chemistry, while you're re-acquainting yourself with the rest of the world.
Oh, and Archivist, the faint form of a grey wanderer in the mist behind the Lightkeeper whispers to us of words yet to come. Lord Ceranes is no particular friend of ours, so we offer this free of charge: his time will come, and your wait will end. Take heart from the end of Lorn's vigil. All good things to those who wait.
The Council of Heralds
P.S. To those who have inquired; Unfortunately, unless the electronic in question is particularly sentimentally linked to you, AND it was touched as part of a Deal, we cannot ensure that any resulting fortune will be about anything in particular. It's really not that direct, guys, we're sorry.
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yahoo-travel-editor · 6 years
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(Photo by Mark Rosengarten, License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
1. 美國奧瑞岡州・海希塔岬燈塔
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(Photo by Jonathon Simister, License: CC BY 4.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
佛羅里達以北21公里處的奧勒岡海岸上,有一座歷史超過120年的海希塔燈塔(Heceta Head Lighthouse),以18世紀末探索太平洋西北地區的西班牙探險家布魯諾・海希塔(Bruno de Heceta)命名。
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(Photo by Dan Hershman, License: CC BY 2.0, 圖片來源)
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(Photo by Eric Riback, License: CC BY 2.0, 圖片來源)
在海希塔抵達這裡以前,這片海岸是印地安部落釣魚和狩獵的居住區,他們捕獲海獅,並從近海岩石上收集海鳥的蛋。1888年時,隨著白人的移入和定居,同年開始興建燈塔,採用來自克拉克馬斯河(Clackamas River)的石頭,以及舊金山的磚塊,打造出今日17公尺高的結構。
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(Photo by John Fowler from Placitas, NM, USA, License: CC BY 2.0, 圖片來源)
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(Photo by Dan Hershman, License: CC BY 2.0, 圖片來源)
不過隨著燈塔的電氣化和自動化,1963年時最後一位燈塔看守者功臣身退,於是附件閒置的燈塔看守者宿舍(Heceta Head Keeper's House),一度轉作學校使用。
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(Photo by Joe Mabel, License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
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(Photo by Leonard^Bloom at the English language Wikipedia, License: CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
在它6間風格不同的客房中,「水手I房」和「水手II房」(Mariner's Room I & II)擁有最佳視野,可以從60公尺的高度眺望下方海浪拍擊岩石的景觀,另外像是躺在床上就能看見燈塔的「看守者房」(Lightkeeper’s Room),也相當受歡迎,現在就上官網:www.hecetalighthouse.com,看看這些房間各有什麼特色吧!
2. 美國華盛頓州・北岬燈塔
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(Photo by Pbjamesphoto, License: CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
在美國華盛頓州的哥倫比亞河(Columbia River)河口、距離失望角(Cape Disappointment)以北大約3.2公里的地方,有一座俯瞰太平洋的北角燈塔(North Head Lighthouse)。
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(Photo by Brian Lenihan from Vashon Island, US, License: CC BY 2.0, 圖片來源)
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(Photo by Another Believer, License: CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
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(Photo by loggedout, License: CC BY 3.0, 圖片來源)
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(Photo by Fl295, Wikimedia Commons提供)
除燈塔外,這裡還有油房、穀倉等複合式建築,其中看守者住宅(Keeper’s Residence)成為家庭度假小屋。這兩棟重新整修過的雙層建築,各自擁有三間客房、配備整套廚具的廚房、鋪上硬木地的客廳⋯⋯房價每晚約在155~450美金不等,有興趣一窺過去燈塔看守者專屬美景的人,不妨上官網:capedisappointment.org查詢相關資訊。
3. 美國紐約州・蘇格提斯燈塔
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(Photo by Mark Rosengarten, License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
和印象中塔身總是漆上白色、一支獨秀聳立於峭壁邊的燈塔造型大異其趣,位於紐約州哈德遜河(Hudson River)上的蘇格提斯燈塔(Saugerties Lighthouse),看來就像紅磚打造的獨棟房舍。
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(Photo by Dicklyon, License: CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
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(Photo by petitebettie, License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
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(Photo by Khürt Williams, License: CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
4. 加拿大愛德華王子島・西岬燈塔
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(Photo by ypell (Yves Pelletier), License: CC BY-SA 3.0, 圖片來源)
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(Photo by Lorne Kelly, License: CC BY-SA 3.0, 圖片來源)
愛德華王子島(Prince Edward Island)是加拿大東部海洋三省之一,也是知名小說《清秀佳人》(Anne of Green Gables)的背景地,不過這座島嶼還有一大特色——擁有多達將近30座的燈塔。其中興建於1875年的西岬燈塔(West Point Lighthouse),以約20公尺的高度,穩坐島上最高燈塔的寶座!
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(Photo by Tangerinehistry, License: CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
燈塔自動化後,最後一位看守者在1963年時退休。當這個漆上深藍色條紋的獨特方錐形塔樓,1987年再度對世人開放時,成為一個擁有13間現代客房的四星級旅館。除了面對的諾森伯蘭海峽(Northumberland Strait)的壯麗景觀外,其中11間客房還附設走戶外甲板,房價每晚約185美金起。值得一提的還有,昔日的看守者宿舍和塔房(Tower Room),都位於西岬燈塔博館中只有房客可以出入的私人區域。至於還有什麼「特權」或套裝行程,更多內容都在官網:westpointharmony.ca/inn_and_museum中。
5. 英國蘇格蘭・魯亞雷燈塔
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(Photo by Kai-sandner, License: CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons提供)
被大西洋環繞的蘇格蘭,擁有將近800座島嶼和漫長的海岸線,在它西北海岸、Loch Ewe海灣入口處的魯伯爾岬(Rubh'Re Point),被認為是當地最戲劇性且最偏遠的地點,聳立著魯亞雷燈塔(Rua Reidh Lighthouse)。
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(Photo by Mike Dodman, License: CC BY-SA 2.0, 圖片來源)
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(Photo by Alexander Reuss, License: CC BY 3.0, 圖片來源)
如今,不再供看守者使用的房屋,成了熱愛大自然遊客的落腳處,從每晚60英鎊起跳的4間客房裡,遇上天氣晴朗的日子,可以欣賞天空島(Isle of Skye)一路延伸至外赫布里底群島(Outer Hebrides)的風光,如果你夠幸運,甚至可以看見鯨豚從眼前成群游過,或是遇上經常在此海域出沒的姥鯊、海獺和海獅等生物,快上官網:stayatalighthouse.co.uk瞧瞧,何時能預約下一段假期吧!
文字/Iris PENG
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elsewhereuniversity · 2 years
Archivist, I find I can no longer wait on the shores of the Unsea. I fear I have sat in my place too long- and the one I wait for is unable to return. I give you the torch-beacon I made, which has been able to guide a few souls away from these shores and back to campus. Also offered is the fire I used to warm myself. It has an iron bottom, and a glass dome. The fire does not go out, or produce smoke. The glass is never too hot to touch, either. Hopefully the beacon might help you to stay more Present, and the fire offers you comfort.
I think I am going to register for new classes, and discover what year it is. I dont know that there was an Archivist when I first sat on the shores of the Unsea. Certainly horses had not yet been banned.
Lightkeeper Lorn- though I suppose I'm only Lorn, now.
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