#let's not be dicks today - just block / unfollow if you have nothing nice to say <3
Suggesting you’re being hated on for having an opinion is kind of a cop out and just not true. Of course you can have an opinion, but we can also call you out on the very unkind way you choose to express that opinion.
You CAN have an opinion and speculate, but SHOULD you do so by creating a hashtag about your hate for someone, misrepresenting things they’ve said, repeatedly calling them names and saying that they are talentless and mediocre? (I’m not even really into her style of music, but literally everyone working in music today respects how influential she has been).
You can absolutely have that opinion, but spreading it on the internet achieves nothing except making you look like kind of a dick
Oh dear me, how do I put this nicely? Let me try:
I... Don't care. I don't care if you disagree with me or don't like me for what I am saying or how I'm saying it. I don't care if you think I'm a dick for thinking what I think and writing it down online for a handful of strangers to debate on. I just don't care.
And sure, call me out for it! Why not. Tell me how terrible I am. And by all means do it on anon, god forbid someone has a spine around here and actually messages me so I know who I'm talking to. But I suppose that's kind of the point here, isn't it: I don't know you, and I. don't. care. whether. you. like. me. or. not.
And guess what, I've got great news for you. No-one forces you to be here. Heck, no-one forces you to like me! Unfollow, block, do whatever you see fit, I promise it's fine.
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silverduckie · 2 years
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Dominic Sherwood as Mason Pollard in Eraser: Reborn
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
I hope i don’t offend because this isnt my intention but i think you and many girls on here put Colby on a unrealistic pedestal. He might be a nice guy and touchy feely but he is not perfect. He cheated on his ex, there is no excuse whatsoever for infidelity. He said he knew it was ending… then end it don’t do that. Hes young and allowed to date sure but in all honesty it appears he leads girls on, even via the internet that is obvious. He will be all about a girl, feature her, in videos and stories, leaves them comments then throws the away and unfollows or blocks them. Im surprised he hasn’t done this with Shea or Amber (i know he liked Ambers comment today) but we even noticed the separation there. It seems like he acknowledges the problem yet refuses to fix it and keeps juggling women at once. Its just a matter of time before he drops Katrinas friend too.
Sam has a lot of issues too im well aware of that, but it seems like many don’t notice or care because he is committed. All i am saying is that while Colby is attractive & friendly, dont make him out to be this dream boat of a bf simply because he is affectionate with women. If anything being like that would qualify any other guy to be a f boy.
i recognize that there is a lot i don't know about colby and that the idea i have of him in my head is just that: an idea. not the truth.
and i know he cheated on one of his gfs at some point. that's terrible and i agree he should have just ended things instead of letting the relationship drag on to that point. what i will say is that he did that (assumingly) back in his late teenager years (like 18-19) or in his early twenties. and i believe that who he is now isn't that person. is it possible that he would cheat on another significant other? yes, technically it is a possibility. but if we're gonna think like that, we also have to say sam's a cheater too bc he did it in high school (and it was multiple times on the same girl).
when i wrote what type of bf i thought he would be, i also said that as long as he worked on himself before and during the relationship, he would be a good one. i am very aware of the fact that he needs to work on himself, not just healing his own heart, but working to be a better person for whoever ends up being his partner.
and as i've said in other asks, there's no way to know if he's leading girls on when he's having these fwb/hook ups. if he was burning bridges with every girl he got into contact with, there's no WAY one of these girls wouldn't have snapped already and spread the news that colby's a dick. there's just no way.
also, by saying this, you make it seem like that one, he goes after girls that are already want more than a fwb and two, make it seem as if every girl he's with falls for him when neither of these things could be true.
if a relationship/fwb/hook up ends, there's nothing wrong with him not talking to the girl after the fact. flings aren't supposed to be long term. that's kinda the point. but that doesn't mean things ended badly either.
his relationship with amber, while possibly not as strong as it once was, doesn't mean he kicked her to the curb. they're both adults that have full time businesses to run. they could just be busy.
i think the thing to keep in mind with colby is that none of the women he has been seen with, whether they are just friends or something more, are in a committed relationship with him. and vice versa. and bc of that, if he really wanted to juggle multiple women at once, he's allowed to. as long as he's not hurting anyone and lays out exactly what he wants in the fling, then he's fine.
literally the assumed girl he's with rn has a crush on two other guys. if she's allowed to have other crushes, why can't he??? they aren't committed to each other.
look, at the end of the day, i know that the vision i have of colby in my head is most likely wrong and there's a high probability he's worse than what i imagine. but i would rather think of him as a sweet guy with a tendency to be aloof rather than a fuck boy that would fuck a tree if it had a hole in it lol
also being flirty with women when you aren't committed to one isn't fuck boy-y. some guys are just flirty.
(sorry if this makes no sense i wrote this literally falling asleep so... that's my cue to go to bed lol)
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