#ler!joe keery
simplee-dreaming · 1 year
A/N: My first fic in a LONG time. Thanks so much to the anon who requested it. Apologies for the wait! (For the purpose of this fic, Joe is Joe Keery and Joseph is Joseph Quinn).
Word count: 604
Summary: Joe, Joseph and Gaten discover how ticklish the reader is.
“Right, so what you’re saying is that I should sit as far away from the host as possible?” You asked, folding your arms.
“Only because you’re the newest! Gaten should sit closest, then me, then Joseph, then you,” Joe replied. 
“Shouldn’t you be sat at the front as the elderly member then?” You snapped back.
“Hey! I’m not that old!” He scowled as you raised your eyebrow. 
“Y/N, if you sit furthest from the host then you’ll be closer to the audience…” Joseph chimed in.
“Oh that’s true…I could really get them going…” 
“Okay maybe this is a bad idea…” Joe said, nervously. 
“No, no, you’re right. If I sit at the back then I can make the audience boo everything you say,” you rubbed your chin. 
“Alright fine, you can sit near to the host if you want,” Joe quickly retracted. 
“Actually, I’m fine near the audience.” 
“Y/N please…don’t wind up the audience.”
“Why not, Joe?”
“Because you’ll get them to turn on me!”
“Come on Y/N, we all know you’re the most popular.”
“So?” You repeated.
“So, you’ll steal the show.”
“Y/N, stop saying ‘so’...”
You paused.
“Why?” You asked. Joe frowned. 
“Because I said.”
“Alright, you asked for it.” 
Joe launched himself off the sofa and jumped on top of you, pinning you to your end of the sofa. He didn’t even wait for you to complain before tasering your sides. You let out a scream and grabbed hold of his wrists. 
“Oh. My. God.” Joseph’s mouth was agape. He and Gaten didn’t know you were ticklish. Joe only found out by accident but swore he wouldn’t tell anyone. But, technically, this wasn’t telling anyone….
You kicked your legs frantically as Joe scribbled his fingers into your ribs, too quick for you to prise his hands off. 
“Lads, give us a hand will ya?” Joe called over your screams of laughter. Joseph and Gaten exchanged a bright-eyed look before sprinting over to you. 
Joseph joined Joe at your torso, intertwining his arms with Joe’s so he could tickle your tummy whilst Joe attacked your sides and ribs. Meanwhile, Gaten went straight to removing your shoes to tickle your feet. You kicked your legs even more as your screams turned to screechy laughter. Joe looked over his shoulder to admire Gaten’s work at tickling your feet. After a while, Gaten turned around and shuffled up your legs. Your laughter suddenly went wild and your body thrashed more than before. Joseph and Joe looked down to see Gaten, wide-eyed, squeezing your knees. 
“Woah,” Joe stopped tickling your sides to admire this new reaction. Joseph giggled along with you before joining Gaten in squeezing your knees. They took a knee each, squeezing the top and scribbling their fingers underneath. This sent you crazy, dipping in and out of silent laughter whilst your upper body flopped like a fish. 
“I need to get in on this,” Joe laughed, squeezing both your knees and thighs. Your laugh quickly turned silent as you bashed your fists on the sofa (...sometimes on Joe’s back by accident…) 
The boys took that as a sign to stop, all getting off of you to let you breathe. 
“You okay?” Joseph asked, pulling you in for a cuddle.
“Yeah..” you giggled softly. 
“So…still want to sit by the audience?” Joe asked. You shot him a smirk. 
“Whatever it takes to get you back…” You teased, right before the assistant came in to collect you all. Little did Joe know you were about to let the audience in on how ticklish he was…..
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youngstvcky · 2 years
no bc 😭😭
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inutaffy · 1 year
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yall wheres that gif of steve looking at eddie up and down as he says this it looks like he’s looking at his lips bro where is it
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ariesbilly · 2 years
I think Joe Keery seems bored with the show at least partly because he's tired of people only asking him about his hair and maybe he's sick of only being known for Steve or not being able to be seen for more of his acting range? He was great in Spree. His character Kurt Kunkle in that movie is super different from Steve, so he definitely has the potential to go further if he doesn't get typecast. I also think he's probably annoyed with the writers trying to push stancy if I had to guess since the whole arc of season 3 was him getting over nancy and finding himself but now they seemingly want to put him back at square one. I still feel like the cast seems close-ish and enjoys their time together, but the show is probably ending at the perfect time. I read their original "bible" for the show and it was originally supposed to be one original season, and then another comeback season when all the characters are really grown up middle aged adults. Then when it got renewed they restructured it to a 4-5 season arc. I think thats where the discrepancy/confusion is coming from.
Also, I was just curious, but how do you think the duffer brothers' have given into fan service?
I get the same vibe as well, but I can't really pinpoint many specifics aside from Steve's entire character development and arc, and even that doesn't entirely seem like fan service rather than the duffers genuinely falling in love with the actor on set as they've said in an interview, where they talked about how they rewrote the whole scene with Steve, Jonathan, and Nancy in it to include Steve. It was originally supposed to be Lonnie in that scene at the byers' house and not Steve. Steve was supposed to die. They were still filming season 1 when this happened so they obviously didn't know that Steve would be a fan favorite yet as the show itself hadn't even aired. Not only that but I dont even think Steve became an official fan favorite until season 2 aired if I remember correctly. He hadn't had his full character arc yet in season 1 so we hadn't seen all of his likability yet.
steve and dustin is the fanservice. season 3 is a direct result of the fandom i swear to god lmfao
and it shows... cuz that season is god awful
i also feel like a lot of the anti billy rhetoric is a result of the fans braindead opinions. cuz like even after season 3 when more people sympathized with billy, you still got a lot of “i like billy now but that was a good death/redemption” like.... bitch no in the hell it was not
if there had been more pushback for how badly they handled billy as a character in general, i dont think we’d be seeing them doing all this shit theyve been doing. but theyve got their mindless little drones following along so they can continue to say whatever they want
steve and robin having no personalities outside of each other? thats from the fans lmfao 
just in general the way the fandom at large just... does not question any shoddy storytelling allows the duffers to keep doing the absolute least. they throw their bones to keep people interested and distracted (steve and his relationships with dustin and robin, give j*pper their big moment, dangling some shit here and there with b*ler so people will think thatll ever happen etc etc)
eddie as a character was entirely created to get them more money from merch and yall fell for it
whole thing is sloppy its a bad show i hate everyone god bless
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osborgs · 3 years
Stranger Things: tudo o que sabemos sobre a 4ª temporada
Faz mais de um ano que não vemos um episódio novo de Stranger Things. Dá saudade, né, minha filha? A série da Netflix que conquistou nossos corações está indo para a sua 4ª temporada e, por causa da pandemia do coronavírus, teve suas gravações atrasadas. Mas a produção está a todo o vapor e um teaser foi lançado recentemente, nos deixando ainda mais ansiosas para saber o que vai rolar pela frente. 
Por isso, juntamos aqui tudo o que sabemos até agora sobre a 4ª temporada de Stranger Things.
EntretenimentoStranger Things: novo teaser da série explora passado de Eleven6 Maio 2021 – 14h05
EntretenimentoStranger Things: Millie Bobby Brown tenta impedir ator de dar spoilers8 abr 2021 – 17h04
EntretenimentoStranger Things: amizade entre Steve e Dustin foi um “acidente” no roteiro6 abr 2021 – 17h04
Atenção! Se você ainda não chegou a essa parte do seriado, é melhor deixar a matéria para ler depois, afinal, ela pode conter spoilers.
Ela está mesmo acontecendo?
Sim! Depois de ser interrompida por causa da Covid-19, as gravações de Stranger Things voltaram com tudo. Mas, segundo Gaten Matarazzo, o Dustin, elas estão longe de terminar, já que o o cronograma da série, iniciado em 2020, foi interrompido. Em entrevista ao Collider, o ator disse que as gravações tiveram que se adaptar e estão sendo colocadas em pausa diversas vezes. Tudo isso faz com que seja difícil dizer quando elas irão acabar.
O que será abordado?
O final da 3ª temporada deixou os fãs com o coração na mão com a ~suposta~ morte de Hopper, interpretado por David Harbour, que desapareceu ao tentar fechar o portal do Mundo Invertido. Para nossa alegria, em umas das primeiras imagens da nova temporada, foi anunciado que o xerife está vivíssimo. “Nem tudo são boas notícias para nossos ‘americanos’; Hopper está preso longe de casa, na nevosa terra de Kamchatka, onde ele enfrentará ameaças perigosas – humanas… e outras.”, disseram os Irmãos Duffers, criadores da série.
A verdade é que Hopper está mantido como prisioneiro na Rússia e precisará escapar do inverso rigoroso para retornar a Hawkins, o que vai ser difícil, visto que na época, por volta dos anos 80, a relação do país com os Estados Unidos não era nada boa. Com isso, nós sabemos também que as gravações serão feitas em outros lugares, não apenas em Atlanta, como até o momento. Algumas cenas foram gravadas, inclusive, no Novo México.
“Enquanto isso, nos Estados Unidos, um novo horror começa a surgir, algo que estava enterrado há muito tempo, algo que conecta tudo. A temporada 4 está se tornando a maior e a mais assustadora já feita, e mal podemos esperar para que todos vejam mais. Até lá, orem pelos americanos”, disse os diretores. Será uma temporada perigosa e estamos ansiosa para isso! Será que nosso grupo de amigos favoritos irá visitar o Mundo Invertido, para deter essa nova ameaça? 
Paralelamente, iremos desvendar o passado de Eleven (Millie Bobby Brown), bem como os seus poderes. Como contamos aqui, o ator Matthew Modine, a.k.a o Doutor Martin Benner, está de volta ao set. Ele é considerado um grande vilão da série e também o Papa de Eleven, já que a “criou” e a utilizou como cobaia de seus experimentos. Essa é a realidade que será explorada na 4ª temporada, como mostrou o último teaser lançado pela Netlfix. A cena divulgada mostra crianças carecas e de avental brincando em um quarto com um arco-íris no chão. O Dr. Benner entra dá bom dia e diz que tem “algo muito especial planejado”. Depois, ouvimos uma respiração ofegante, que tudo indica ser de Eleven.
Outra novidade é que Steve (Joe Keery) e Robin (Maya Hawke) provavelmente estarão de emprego novo, já que a sorveteria Scoops Ahoy, onde trabalhavam, foi destruída junto com o Starcourt Mall na batalha final da última temporada contra o Devorador de Mentes.
Como apontaram algumas imagens da gravação, teremos um novo ambiente de trabalho para Steve, em uma locadora de filmes chamada Family Video. 
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Stranger ThingsDivulgação/Divulgação
Em novembro de 2019 foi divulgado também o nome do primeiro episódio. Será Chapter One: The Hellfire Club (Capítulo Um: O Clube Hellfire em tradução livre). A série virá com uma pegada mais sombria e assustadora. 
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Novos Personagens
Teremos novos personagens, sim! Robert Englund, interpretará Victor Creel: um homem perturbado e intimidador que está preso em um hospital psiquiátrico. Eduardo Franco, será o Argyle: um viciado em diversão, entregador de pizza e o novo melhor amigo de Jonathan Byers (Charlie Heaton). Jamie Campbell Bower, famoso por contracenar na saga Crepúsculo e em Os Instrumentos Mortais, fará Peter Ballard: um homem atencioso que trabalha como ordenança em um hospital psiquiátrico. Sherman Augustus, fará o Tenente Coronel Sullivan: um homem sensato que acredita saber como deter o mal em Hawkins. Mason Dye viverá o personagem Jason Carver: um atleta bonito e rico namorando a garota mais popular da escola. Tom Wlaschiha será Dmitri, um guarda prisional russo inteligente e charmoso. Nikola Djuricko vai interpretar Yuri, um contrabandista russo imprevisível que adora piadas ruins, dinheiro vivo e pasta de amendoim crocante. Joseph Quinn vai ser Eddie Munson, chefe do clube oficial de D&D da Hawkins High, The Hellfire Club.
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Outro ator que se juntou ao elenco foi o irmão de Maya Hawke, o Levon Hawke. Ainda não sabemos quem ele interpretará, mas pelo visual, deve fazer parte do Hellfire Club.
a new character was spotted filming at the video store pic.twitter.com/Fx0J1lIjC0
— best of stranger things (@badpostst) October 22, 2020
Será a última temporada? 
Pode ficar tranquila que a série não irá acabar tão cedo, mesmo com o clima de desfecho da 3ª temporada. “A quarta temporada não será o fim. Sabemos qual é o fim e sabemos quando será”, disse Ross Duffer, em entrevista ao Hollywood Reporter. 
Quando ela será lançada? 
A expectativa é que ela seja lançada ainda em 2021. Mas, com o atraso das gravações, pode ser que ela venha só em 2022. É difícil, nós sabemos, ficar dois anos sem assistir Stranger Things.
E aí, animada?
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natashalions · 6 years
alias: ler pronouns: she/her timezone: pst favorite faces: gugu mbatha-raw is the queen of my heart lately!!!! also steven yeun, stephanie beatriz, ezra miller, antonia thomas, diego luna, alia shawkat, jenny slate, joe keery, kelly marie tran, tatiana maslany, henry cavill, taron egerton, sally hawkins, winona ryder, aaron tveit, and melissa fumero to name a few~ plots/dynamics you’re dying to play out: i’m a slut for romance ngl. but also family plots, stuff based on tv/movies/musicals/etc., angst with happy endings, platonic life partner friendships, & a bunch of stuff i’m forgetting bc i’m exhausted what you’re looking forward to on nty: 30+ charas!!!!! my dream a gif:
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jointhehuntrp · 6 years
Alias: ler Time Zone: pst Fav Faces: steven yeun, sally hawkins, alia shawkat, tatiana maslany, joe keery, antonia thomas, stephanie beatriz, gugu mbatha-raw to name a few Fav Plots: im a slut for angst with a happy ending; also found families, platonic life partners, lots of fluffy things Preferred word count: i try to keep it rf but sometimes i can get long winded A quote that represents you: "ugh, what a bore" - widowmaker Face you’d like to reserve: tatiana maslany
Welcome to the hunt! (Face reserved)
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simplee-dreaming · 2 years
You're Old
A/N: Finally got around to finishing this one! Thank you to the anon who requested it. For the purpose of this fic, Joe Keery is 'Joe' and Joseph Quinn is 'Joseph'....obviously.
Word count: 1409
Summary: The reader teases the boys for being 'old'. It doesn't go down well.
“I can’t believe Gaten is turning 20 this year,” Joe sat down and ran his hand through his hair. 
“Must be weird for you man. You’ve known him since he was 13,” Joseph sat next to him. 
The three of you had just finished an interview with Gaten where you answered questions from a cookie jar. One of the questions included a statement that said Gaten was turning 20 this year…and Joe clearly couldn’t handle that. Gaten had to rush off soon after the interview but Joe was still in shock as he followed you and Joseph into a room to chill before your next interview. 
“What’s the big deal?” you replied, standing in front of them both. 
“He’s turning 20. 20! I was 23 when I met him,” Joe said. 
“Damn, it must be hard for you, now that you’re middle aged.” 
Joe slowly looked up. 
“Excuse me?” 
“Well you’re 30 now, aren’t you? That’s pretty old man.” 
Joseph snorted as Joe’s mouth fell agape. 
“That’s brutal, Y/N,” Joseph said, closing Joe’s mouth. 
“What? It’s true! 30 is old. And 29 isn’t much better,” you added. Joseph’s smile quickly dropped. 
“You what?” 
“Just because you’re still a teen, Y/N, doesn’t make us old,” Joe finally spoke. 
“Oh no, my bad, it doesn’t make you old. Just ‘wise’,” you sarcastically made quotation marks with your hands. 
“Hey! We are wise!” Joe exclaimed. 
“Mhm. The two of you together are as wise as Patrick Star.” 
“How very dare you disrespect the Star like that,” Joe responded. 
“I’m surprised you grandads even know what Spongebob is.” 
“Hey! Spongebob started before you were even born, he was our childhood!” Joe cried.
“And who are you calling grandad?!” Joseph added, getting up from the sofa. 
“Whoa easy there Joseph, don’t want you doing your back in,” you let out a little giggle. He raised an eyebrow at you before slowly turning to Joe. 
“You know, us ‘oldies’ have gained a lot of experience in our time dealing with kids like you,” Joe said, also standing up. 
“Except I’m not a kid,” you replied. 
“No. But you’re younger than us which instantly makes you a kid. And Joe has dealt with teens for years,” Joseph responded. 
“I’ve had my fair share of teens teasing me for being in my 20s. And I know how to deal with them every damn time.” 
“Yeah but…you’re no longer in your 20s. You’re too old to do anything now without landing yourself in a care home,” you sassed. 
“Is that so?” Joe put his hands on his hips. You giggled. 
“What’s so funny?” Joseph asked, folding his arms. 
“You two trying to look threatening. It’s adorable.” 
“Oh really?” Joseph said in a teasy tone. “We’ll show you adorable.” 
“What do you mean?” 
Joseph and Joe smirked at each other. 
“Like I said, I’ve had a lot of practice dealing with sassy teens. But I think Joseph needs a little more practice. Right?” Joe turned to him. 
“Right. And who better than someone who’s going to tease us for being ‘old’,” Joseph stepped closer to you and you backed away. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Nothing….yet…” Joseph replied. Both boys took another step closer and you collided with the wall behind you. 
“Say, Joseph, what do you think their weakness is?” 
“I dunno, Joe, but I’d love to find out. They laugh a lot so that could be an advantage for us.” 
“You make a good point, Joseph.” 
“Why are you guys talking like that?” 
“We’re building up the tension,” Joseph replied. 
“To what?” 
“To when we tickle you,” Joe said, sternly. You went bright red. 
“Oh sorry, did I just say tickle you? My bad. I meant to say when we tickle the shit out of you,” Joe took another step closer. 
Without thinking, you turned on your side and bolted it to try and escape them. But Joseph was far too quick and grabbed you instantly, holding you in a bear hug with your back against his chest. 
“And where do you think you’re going, darling?” Joseph whispered in your ear, making you squeal. 
“Aww look at them, giggling already when the tickling hasn’t even started,” Joe stepped towards you and gently poked your tummy, eliciting a stream of giggles. You brought your knee up to your stomach to try and block him.
“Ah-ah-ah, not a chance…” Joe started squeezing at your tummy and you yelped and squirmed in Joseph’s arms. 
“Nohohoho plehehease Johoe!” You giggled as his spider tickled your tummy. Joe smirked up at Joseph who decided to help by forcing his fingers under your arms. Your giggles suddenly turned into screams which made Joseph laugh. 
“Now this is adorable,” Joseph teased, nuzzling his head into your neck whilst his fingers danced in your armpits. 
“GUHUYS PLEHEASE!” You screamed. Your knees gave way beneath you but both boys followed you to the ground, keeping up the pace of their tickling. 
“We’ll stop when you apologise for calling us old,” Joe said, straddling your waist so you didn’t accidentally kick him. His hands quickly moved to squeeze your sides. 
“NEHEVER!” You cried. Joseph had just pulled your arms above your head and sat on them so he could use both his hands to attack your sensitive armpits. You thrashed violently beneath them which only made them laugh more. 
“Are we old, Y/N?” Joseph asked, digging his fingers in.
“YEHEHES VEHERY!” You yelled back. 
“Sounds like someone hasn’t learnt their lesson yet,” Joe tutted. He lifted up your top and blew a raspberry on your stomach which gave you butterflies. Your feet banged against the floor as he blew more raspberries on different areas of your stomach, coupled with side squeezes. Joseph was alternating between tickling your ribs, armpits, neck and ears. When you tilted your head one way to stop the tickles, he would attack the other side just as quickly. 
“Surely you must be getting tired now, Y/N?” Joseph asked, still giggling at your yelps and squeals. 
“NOHO-AAAH FUHUCK!” You screeched loudly as Joe shuffled down to knead into your thighs and hips. 
“Whoa, bad spot?” Joe asked as you cackled beneath him. You somehow thrashed even more violently and let out one final loud scream before dissolving into silent laughter. The boys stopped instantly to let you breathe but kept you firmly pinned to the floor. 
“I’m gonna ask you again…are we old?” Joe gave you a stern look. You nodded and giggled. 
“Fuck me Y/N, how have you not had enough yet?” Joseph asked, trailing a single finger across your neck. 
“Ihi-t’s fuhun,” you giggled, shaking your head away from the light tickles. 
“It’s fine?” Joseph repeated. You nodded again and continued giggling. 
“Are you being cheeky on purpose so we’ll tickle you?” Joe asked. You went bright red and couldn’t respond. 
“Well, the good news is, now that we know how ticklish you are we are going to get you much more often…” Joe explained.
“Ahand the bad news?” You asked. 
“You’re gonna remain trapped here until you apologise for calling us old,” Joseph warned. He tasered your ribs instantly which made you scream. Joe laughed at your reaction before he pinched at your waistline and spider tickled your tummy again. You were much weaker this time from all the previous tickling so you let out loud, hiccupy laughs as you accepted your fate. 
“One more time, Y/N. Are we old?” Joe asked, joining Joseph in torturing your ribs. 
“NOHOHO!” You cried, not being able to take anymore tickling. Both the boys stopped immediately. 
“No?” Joseph asked.
“I’m sorry…you’re not old….” you breathed out. The boys knew you had had enough and let you up. You let out residue giggles and slowly sat up.
“You okay?” They both asked in unison. You nodded. 
“We didn’t go too hard on you?” Joe asked. You shook your head.
“Not bad for a couple of grandads,” you teased. Both of their faces dropped. Joseph tasered your side and you jumped. 
“Okay! Okay! I’m sorry, no more!” You giggled. Joseph laughed too and pulled you in for a tight hug. 
“You know, Y/N, us ‘oldies’ will always protect you. No matter what,” Joseph squeezed you tight. 
“But we won’t hesitate to tickle the shit out of you when you get cheeky,” Joe warned before joining in the hug. 
You giggled again as you melted in their warm embrace.  
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osborgs · 3 years
Stranger Things: amizade entre Steve e Dustin foi um “acidente” no roteiro
Saudades de Stranger Things, né? A série é uma das produções mais aguardadas pelos fãs e várias teorias já foram feitas sobre qual será o caminho seguido pelos personagens na quarta temporada.
Em conversa com a Entertainment Tonight, Gaten Matarazzo (o nosso Dustin) comentou o que podemos esperar nos próximos episódios e falou sobre a amizade de seu personagem com Steve (Joe Keery), que foi um “acidente” no roteiro.
Gaten disse que terminou de ler o roteiro da temporada recentemente e que ficou bem chocado com tudo que vai rolar, mas que admira muito a escrita de Matt e Ross Duffer, os criadores da série. “O clima será mais maduro, eu acredito que eles fizeram isso de propósito porque querem que a série amadureça com o público. Vamos ficando mais velhos como pessoas e nossos personagens precisam acompanhar”, compartilhou o intérprete de Dustin.
Quando questionado sobre o futuro de seu personagem, Gaten disse que já ouviu dos roteiristas que eles sabem bem como querem finalizar a história: “Eu acredito que eles tem uma linha completamente estabelecida de como querem que a série acabe”, afirmou.
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Dustin e Steve de Stranger ThingsNetflix/Divulgação
O ator aproveitou para revelar que, apesar dos criadores terem toda a história bem definida, a amizade de Dustin e Steve não estava tão planejada: “Foi meio que um acidente, foi algo muito amado pelos fãs, com certeza, mas foi meio que um acidente. Eram dois personagens que precisavam ir aos mesmos lugares e estavam passando por situações parecidas“, compartilhou.
“Eles se tornaram melhores amigos, mas isso não teria acontecido, se tornou evidente no meio da segunda temporada que o que poderia acontecer. Estarmos juntos durante metade daquela temporada foi total um acidente“, contou Gaten. Ele ainda afirmou que os roteiristas não se importam tanto quando esse caminho definido acaba saindo um pouco da rota, contanto que continue apontando para o mesmo destino.
O ator afirmou que, por ser uma produção muito grande e com muitas pessoas envolvidas, as filmagens são mais complicadas já que medidas de segurança devem ser seguidas por conta da pandemia, então vamos ter que esperar mais um pouquinho para conferir os novos episódios.
Ansiosa para a próxima temporada de Stranger Things?
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