#lemme know if i need anymore tags I'll be happy to add them!
welcome-to-pigeonhole · 5 months
Is there any lore or backstory about the island and characters?!? ( if not that’s okay :•] ) I visit your island every couple months it’s just so fun!!!
Thank you so much visiting regularly!! That's makes me very happy to hear!
And yes I do actually have lore!!
Fun fact, I originally wanted it to be a comic and then realized that my drawing skills were....subpar, so acnh island it became instead!
So some story lore below the cut!!!
(TW for some medical trauma involving kids, derealization, and general weird stuff)
So the main character is Tommy! He's depicted as a young boy (roughly around 8 in this version of pigeonhole) he wakes up in a dreamlike version of his town, pigeonhole. He's greeted by his little sister marble* (5) who tells them to leave immediately because it's "not his time yet", pigeonhole is pretty much like purgatory for Tommy and they are actually in a coma in real life due to a near fatal car accident involving a neighbor Tommy knows** and must wake up before the get too far into this "dream" of pigeonhole. Marble acts as a guide to help them return to the real world, as there are forces trying to make Tommy succumb to the dream and stay here forever (essentially dying in the real world)
Um that's it for like background plot? Like I said it was gonna be a comic in my head but because I can't draw...that's as far as I've gotten with it.
Tommy is actually 13 in reality and Maribel/marble is 10 but in this dream version Tommy has regressed to about 8 because he was that age when they first moved to this town.
All of the villagers are supposed to be weird versions of people Tommy knows in reality.
All of the locations on the island are tied to specific memories from Tommy and is why the are important enough to manifest in pigeonhole (his mother works at the post office at the entrance of the island, stuff like that)
**this explains all of the medical equipment scattered around the island and the scary junkyard owned by Roscoe
*Marble greets him here because she's kinda like an amalgamation of a character from his favorite video game and his little sister in real life (her name is actually Maribel)
Some bonus Tommy character traits:
He HATES wearing shoes and socks so in dream pigeonhole he'll never have any
Their favorite color is yellow
His favorite food is beef stew
They are always wearing a cute sweater because his mom used to make them for him because he gets cold very easily (this is just a real trait of mine because I'm cold all the time)
They're terrified of robots
Also if it had been a comic it definitely would have had a happy ending!! Tommy would have successfully escaped pigeonhole and fully healed from the car accident!!
Hopefully this makes sense! If y'all have any questions please let me know!!
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rainy-booper-snoot · 1 year
hey there! i'm glad you found my blog. on here, i go by snoots. this is my main blog, where i kind of just do what i want. as time progresses, i'll make some side blogs to keep things more organized, and i'll be sure to link them all under the cut for anyone who happens to be interested!
and... i have a few things for you to keep in mind while going through my blog(s). i request of you to please respect them as i would like this blog to be and stay as a safe-space for me. (i will probably add on to these as time goes on, don't be afraid to ask me questions if something is unclear!)
don't enforce any type of discrimination or bullying upon anybody here. people have their own stories and they aren't yours to judge.
when you mention a possibly triggering topic, tag it. it doesn't particularly matter to me how, as long as there is a warning somewhere. if you aren't sure if something is triggering or not, just tag it anyways. people who have issues with thay topic will be thankful!
do not use slurs. i won't get on anyone's butt for cursing since i do it too, and i won't censor curse words (i'll tag though), slurs are on another level that isn't nessicary whatsoever. be kind, and as i said, don't discriminate.
that's all the important stuff so far! more about me personally under the cut. and the side blogs.
thanks for reading thus far!
as far as my side blogs go...
[i'm getting there, no worries. check back in a few days!]
if you're reading THIS section, i assume you want to know a little more about me! which is... really flipping cool, actually. i hope you'll want to stick around!
like i said at the beginning, i go by snoots on here. i've been sticking my nose in tumblr since about 2019, and i've been involved in a couple of fandoms (i'll go into detail later!). i've had my fair share of ups and downs in life, and i'm so happy to be able to put a part of my experience out in the world!
i'm a trans dude (my pronouns are he/him), and i identify as demisexual and panromantic. to sum it up, that means i feel like a dude, and that if i feel attraction at all, it's towards someone i have an emotional connection with. gender doesn't matter for me. i'm trying to get hormone therapy, but it's really hard to get to that point in my country at the moment. i... also plan on getting top surgery. someday.
now, for some of my fandom history so that we're on the same page...
undertale and its au's were a big part of my life since about 2017, however i'm no longer actively a part of the fandom anymore. i try to keep up with a few fanfictions and comics that aren't quite finished yet, but that's just about it. i lost interest for a vareity of reasons, but for the most part, i left it behind because it symbolised a difficult period for me. leaving the fandom behind is to this day one of the best things i've ever done for myself.
rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles and the 2012 tmnt are so dear to me oh my heavens. i grew up with the 2012 version, and it was the perfect series to me as a kid. especially at the time, kid's shows (or better said, the ones i was allowed to watch) didn't have the kind of maturity that tmnt did, and little ol' me absorbed the angst and the plot like a sponge. i wasn't aware that tmnt was actually a sort of 'remake' (i can't even call it a remake, this is tmnt we're talking about) until i discovered rise. rise was just pure fun for me. it had a few emotional moments, absolutely, but it's still without a doubt a comedy. and guess who discovered the show right after the movie came out? me. i did. and it ruined me /hj.
the owl house is the show that child me would have needed the most. i don't have much to say about it yet because i want to wait until s3 is done, but lemme tell you, once it's done i don't think i'll be able to shut up. i found out about it after s1 was done but before s2 started.
inside job is just a fun little series that i adore as it is. i don't even want to say that i'm 100% a part of the fandom because i have essentially nothing to say about it. i love it as it is!
and just to mention a few other things that i'm interested in...
i play the guitar, and i'm planning on learning the e-bass and ukelele! i usually just cover songs for myself, but i occasionally write some music as well. in the future i hope to learn the drums and maybe the piano as well, but that's a long way's away.
the human race is fascinating to me. medicine, psychology and history are some of my favorite things to learn about. there's always something else to know!
literature and art. i'm not quite sure how to elaborate on these.
cats! i have two, i love them too much.
...and more, probably. i'll add more as i learn more about myself.
thank you to the moon and back for reading through this entire thing! stay safe out there!!
yours truly! - snoots
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