#leeches are cool too. kind of creepy i suppose but very beneficial
princepipper · 18 days
i see u like bugs. how did this happen, might i ask?
Simple, I grew up in the dirt, raised by many earthworms.
...if you're serious about that, I don't really have a big answer, I just like bugs! I maybe didn't live in the dirt but my mother raised myself and my brother to play outdoors instead of online or whatever. I didn't really make friends with people, but I spent a lot of time in the garden, lifting rocks and finding as many critters as I could. I love bugs, and plants, and nature in general.
I'd love to study environmental sciences and biology, entomology in particular. I don't know what sorts of bugs I'd like to focus on if I did, I truly love so many... and I'm not really bothered by anything considered a creepy crawly, I like spiders, wasps, and centipedes just as much as butterflies, bumblebees, and snails (or whatever people deem "good" bugs)
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