justmochi · 2 years
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sp-ud · 6 months
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rezkamartyr · 2 years
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Billy Bob Webster
back to the 2002, when Billy was the High School Baseball team leadet, that everyone was afraid of.
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Arihiro! A kiddo for Kokichi and Korekiyo, he’s the SHSL Cult Leader 
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lyssdoodles · 6 years
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drew my pokesona again :)
from feebas to milotic- still friends
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samarix-blog · 7 years
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yrbutchgf · 7 years
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mercurygray · 3 years
Let's give this a go for your OC ask box. Deliah Turner [WAAF Section Leadet eventually]. Appears in my tumblr ficlets 'Courier' 'Postscript' 'Breaking The Seal' and the script from Wings (https://darkhorse-javert.tumblr.com/post/637670617170214912/wip-wednesday-sort-of). She's steady and can be depended on, built with a core of steel, but also feisty and knows her own mind- will not be pushed about. Has a kind and loving heart, a sharp wit too. A good leader - and if she's not leading you'd want her along.
I'm going to copy the link from the ask here for interested parties so everyone can read along: https://darkhorse-javert.tumblr.com/post/637670617170214912/wip-wednesday-sort-of
This is such a lovely little snippet, and I LOVE the script format.
I know it's a brief glimpse, but Delilah reminds me a little bit of Mary Alice, who isn't *officially* part of the Girl Gang but tags along . Like Delilah, she's fiercely protective of the soldier in her life, and wants to fix things for him even when she also knows she...really can't. A big part of Mary Alice's arc is actually trying to be more spontaneous and *less* dependable, so I think they'd have a lot to talk about.
Interested parties can check out more of Dilly on @darkhorse-javert's blog at her tag - and everyone who hasn't done so already should go watch Foyle's War already! It's an excellent World War Two tv series.
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canaryrecords · 3 years
This collection is a direct extension of and fills a gap between several previous Canary collections, namely the two volumes of 1912-16 performances in Turkish, Armenian, and Kurdish (And Two Partridges), the collection of 1916-17 performances by Kemany Minas (When I See You), and it ties them together with the two volumes of 1920s independent Armenian-American label releases (O My Soul and Very Sweet). Taken together with this collection and performances several other collections (Why I Came to America, Two What Strange Place, and I Am Servant of Your Voice), we have been able to present about 150 performances of late-Ottoman folk music recorded in the United States before the Second World War, a significant percentage of what was produced and a reasonable cross-section for use by interested listeners or future researchers.
The peak of production of recordings by and for Anatolian immigrants, the vast majority of whom were Armenian and Greek, by the two major U.S. record companies, Victor and Columbia, coincided with WWI and its immediate aftermath and the massive, catastrophic, and genocidal loss of life in their communities and families and the widespread destruction of the homelands of the performers and their audiences. It is necessary to hear these performances in that context.
Karekin Proodian (b. 1884) was a seasoned veteran of the recording studio when he recorded the sides presented here, having having already recorded 14 songs in Turkish and Armenian for Columbia between December 1915 and June 1916 (half of them collected on the Canary album And Two Partridges Vol 2). These sides, four of the six he made for Victor, are especially notable for the inclusion of the great Kemany Minas as his violin accompanist. He recorded about a dozen more sides around 1921 for independent labels (half of those collected on the Canary album Oh My Soul).
Two apparent sessions in February 1917 yielded not only an extraordinary series of performances by Kemany Minas (see the Canary album When I See You) including his best-selling lament for the massacre at the village of Egin in eastern Turkey, but also a half-dozen recordings by his cohort including oudist and singer Garabet Merjanian (who went on to record again a decade later by which time he was working in the shirt collar factory in Troy, New York), the superb, classically-trained violinist Harry Hasekian (whose performances were issued not only anonymously but as having been "Recorded in Europe" on the disc's label - they were not), and the otherwise unrecorded Armenian clarinetist and oudist whose names were given respectively as Takis Zakas and Tambouri Looder.
A forthcoming project by our friend and colleague Harout Arakelian will present context and biographical details of the Armenian singer Helen Paul. Suffice it to say for now that she recorded only two sides, both patriotic and in support of Amenian revolutionaries. Her recordings were made for Columbia between the two session recorded by the great Armenian-American soprano and philanthropist Zabelle Panosian.
The oudist and singer Jemal Bey remains an obscure figure, having recorded only four sides, accompanied on violin by Avny Bey. Avny Bey we know was born Hassein Avny on August 24, 1896 in Smyrna (now Izmir, Turkey), arrived at Ellis Island Aug. 11, 1914, trained as an electrician, and lived at 52 Rivington St., the heart of the Jewish Lower East Side. He recorded at sessions of one Sinem Effendi (maybe Sinem Hojaian who likely plays kanun on a Feb. 1917 session and Leadet Hanim, the first woman to have recorded in Turkish in the U.S. - see And Two Partridges Vol 2) in September 1915. He lived briefly in Pittsburgh in 1918 working as a porter, was naturalized as a U.S. citizen in 1920, and married Marion Meehan, an Irish Catholic, in June 1930 in NYC. The kanunist with whom he worked, T. Kappas, continued to record into the 40s with several of the Balkan/Me Re circle of performers including Marko Melkon and Nick Doneff.
Tom Stathis was born April 15, 1882. in present-day Kirklareli, Turkey (eastern Thrace, north of Istanbul). He recorded four songs pseudonymously (two Turkish folks songs and two patriotic Greek songs) before recording four songs for Gennett Records in 1924 that were rejected for release and another four on January 28, 1925 that were released by Gennett (all in Turkish). By 1940 he had been married to a woman from his home town named Soultana Bilber and was single again when he had an address at 743 W North Ave in Chicago at which time he had recently been farming in Culver, Indiana. Shortly thereafter, he relocated to Hot Springs, Arkansas, where he lived for three years before he died October 3, 1944 in St. Joseph's Infirmary after a stay of 8 days of "physical exhaustion" accompanied by a bacterial infection at the age of 62.
Columbia and Victor both ceased recording immigrants in the Armenian (and Arabic) languages around 1920 and stopped recording in Turkish except for a few rare instances. They did, however, continue to keep many titles from their back-catalog in print well into the early 1930s and issued imported recordings for the immigrant population into the 1940s. (See the Canary album Notes From Home Vol 2).
Much of this music became a connecting link, on records and in unrecorded performances by the players and their contemporaries, for what would become in the United States a variety of "scenes," including a network of "oriental" nightclubs and a more loosely organized world of community parties. Taken as a whole, they're both the dying gasp of a world that would never exist again and a harbinger of something new to be reborn, partially through the existence of the mechanical means of their reproduction, in the generation to come after them. No one at the time could have known either of those truths. They were always just now and now and now and now, moving forward as we all do in our best moments like blindfolded poets stepping faithfully toward an open elevator shaft.
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It's ✨character✨ time :)
I will not reveal important things to the plot here, you just get to know them a little. They will all be gender neutral as I need to figure out gender, age, name, and all that. They will mostly have powers but those are unnecessary at the moment (I don't know what powers)
Mc- main character, protagonist (maybe an antihero? Idk), bi,
H1- can't reveal too much about them for drama purposes, Rich Kid™ good heart, blind in one eye???
V1- villain. Bad, evil, corrupt, power hungry. Enjoys hunting.
R1, R2, r3, r4, r5 (important but I can't reveal why)
R1- corrupt, bad. Not as bad as v1 bit still pretty bad. Elitist, rich, likes power, loves money. Robin hood villain
R2- :) they are smart. Very smart. They are good at manipulation (in fact that may be their power)
R3- nope. You're not knowing anything about them :)
R4- not too bad. Better than the rest. Still bad, but better
R5- nope. Not getting any info :)
Some of MC's friends-
Most To be made and named
Bean- sweet, not a bad bone in their body. Younger than the rest.
They're a group. The characters still have to be made
V1:s gang-
Characters still need to be made
The rebels-
Leadet- they're the leader :) can't reveal too much about them
I think that's all for now. This will be added to
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stone-man-warrior · 4 years
May 22, 2020: 6:12 pm:
I tried to show this a little while ago, but the “Add Photo” feature was gone, Tumblr terror operative had disables it. So, this information is the kind of information that can be used to understand the highest levels of terror take-over.
This simple graphic, is oversimplified, as not to confine your thoughts, or control you in any way. The graphic is very generic intentionally.
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First know that when I thought about sharing this, I was also thinking about Mike Pompeo. That is the level of terror I want to expose here, but this graphic works at all levels of terror take-over. What you see, is a protected area, inside of another area, that is not so protected as the one in the center there. In those areas, are people. The protected area in the center, contains the place, the information, and people who are leaders of any kind of store, or business, or government agency. The outer area, is where the workers are, doing work. They are not leadership, and they just do their job, and they get paid to do their job. The leaders in the center, protected area, work for a profit, based on the productivity of the workers. The leaders, pay the workers, and the workers are productive so that the leaders can make a profit. In a government setting, it’s a little different, but not much. So, the thing is, that all kinds of places where there are leadership, and workers, is the same as this very basic set of ideas. Everything is based on the notion that there will be some leaders in a protected area, and the workers are located around that area, and are not as protected as the area where the leaders are at. If one or more workers needs to talk to a leader, usually, the leader will leave the protected area, to go speak with the worker. Sometimes, the worker is granted permission to enter the protected area where the leadership does business from.
When take-over happens, with use of Nitrous Oxide/Versed airborne gas mixture, these conditions are optimized for use as an extension of the terror take-over. All it takes, is one nitrous gas wielding terror soldier, to get inside of the protected area. Once the terror soldier is inside, then, with release of the gas weapon, the leadership can be overpowered, tied up, or even killed. The gas makes a condition that prevents the victim from screaming in pain, and also provides that the more gas that is inhaled, then, the more comfortable is the victim, and that comfort extends into the realm of feelings of safety, and is also a truth serum, like sodium pentathol is. The successful terror soldier, who has overpowered the leadership inside the protected area, can then leave the room, but also, leave the door unlocked, and also can do other activity that may be necessary to turn off an alarm, or camera, or other safety measures. That one terror soldier, can open the door for other, more specialized people to come in later, or, right away.
Think about Ivanka Trump here. She is famous for the idea of “Opportunity Zones”. Opportunity Zones, also include opportunity times. A Christmas party at the facility or government office building is such an opportunity time. In that case, there is other considerations.
Office party, where the leadership has been studied by the offensive party, will reveal that the leadership all have a favorite movie star, or musician, or sports personality, and those kinds of entertainers are used by terror. The famous personality is arranged to be invited to the party.
When the leadership has indicated that Dolly Parton is a favorite, and the leadet would like to meet her, then, the terror elements who have already gained positions in the company or government building, will arrange that Dolly Parton is at the party.
Dolly strikes up a conversation with the leadership, and then a private tour of the facility, and ultimately, a suggestion that a private autograph session is available... inside the protected area.
Dolly gets inside with the leadership, releases nitrous gas, overpowers the leadership, who simply passes out from exposure to the invisible gas. Then, Dolly leaves. Her role is complete, she joins the party, but leaves the door open.
That’s when some other, specialized terror ops go into the protected area, and are equipped with a look-a-like impostor, and some make-up.
The party ends, everyone goes home, except those in the protected area. They go to work doing terror activities inside the protected area. Work resumes the next day, but that leadership individual has a hang-over, is not feeling well, he says, and stays in the protected area. The workers don’t care, they do their job, and most of them were not invited to the office party.
Time goes on, the leadership continues to feel sick, announces to other leadership that he is not going to attend the meetings, so that no one else gets sick at the meeting.
The terror bastards develop another plan to take over the remaining leadership, and use impostor actors.
The workers don’t care, they continue to be productive, so that the leadership can make a profit, and they continue to be paid. Nothing in the worker area changes, while everything in the protected area is changed. Time goes on, and the workers, keep working, while the new leadership, uses the contacts and business relationships of the real leadership, to repeat this process of getting just one gas wielding terror operative, inside of other protected areas.
That is the basics of it. It gets complicated from there.
End terror report: 6:57 pm.
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szepkerekkocka · 4 years
(Bónusz röhej, hogy a FB valamiért szükségesnek érzi, hogy a leadet lefordítsa nekem angolra, és hát a “gabor horn and fishing price” eléggé mutatja, hogy egy ideig azért még nem kell tartani attól, hogy a MI átveszi a hatalmat az emberiség felett.)
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aliasimagines · 4 years
ship continuation for @mylovegoesto​
I ship you with Misty Day & Erik Coulter & Finnick Odair
Misty and you met at the witch academy. She liked you from the first moment saying you have "one of those auras".
She likes dancing with you to Stevie Nicks and also enjoys if you read for her it really calms her. She really likes reading your writings.
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Erik is the leadet of the Dauntless  so there's noone he doesn't know of. You two actually transferred to the Dauntless'  together and got close during those times
You often work out together and sneak outside the Dauntless facility at night to spend tim together. He would probably want to get matching tattoos but one that is not too visible and is not super obvious. And he likes reading with you late at night.
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Finnick and you used to be neighbors and go swimming together a lot before he won the games. He after moved to the Victor's Village but kept in touch with you and went swimming a lot. As the years past you grow closer and become more than friends. It was only a matter of time before he asked you to move in with him.
He likes your fun, clownish personality amd your eyes. He buys you all kinds of books but probably won't let you read cause he will always interrupt you with something "really really important this time I swear!".
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nyahuaisang · 5 years
Am I the only one who's confused about why xicheng seems to be more popular then sangcheng? I mean ship whoever you want, to each their own, but like did jiang cheng and xichen really have much interactions outside obligatory ones? I mean theyre all sect leadets so its not like he'd be meeting with xichen more and jiang cheng spent more time with huaisang during their school days right? Idk I'm just kinda surprise xichang is as popular as it is
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istitutogiglio · 6 years
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Mi piace rileggere questo pensiero nei momenti di riflessione ammirando l' orizzonte dei pensieri. Di Sergio Marchionne: "Esiste un mondo in cui le persone non lasciano che le cose accadano. Le fanno accadere. Non dimenticano i propri sogni nel cassetto, li tengono stretti in pugno. Si gettano nella mischia, assaporano il rischio, lasciano la propria impronta. È un mondo in cui ogni nuovo giorno e ogni nuova sfida regalano l’opportunità di creare un futuro migliore. Chi abita in quel luogo, non vive mai lo stesso giorno due volte, perché sa che è sempre possibile migliorare qualcosa. Le persone, là, sentono di appartenere a quel mondo eccezionale almeno quanto esso appartiene loro. Lo portano in vita con il loro lavoro, lo modellano con il loro talento. V’imprimono, in modo indelebile, i propri valori. Forse non sarò un mondo perfetto e di sicuro non è facile. Nessuno sta seduto in disparte e il ritmo può essere frenetico, perché questa gente è appassionata – intensamente appassionata – a quello che fa. Chi sceglie di abitare là è perché crede che assumersi delle responsabilità dia un significato più profondo al proprio lavoro e alla propria vita. Benvenuto in quel mondo." #sergiomarchionne #leadet
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ask-thsc-blog · 2 years
Me: yes? Who do you think the leader is?
Keith:... Terrence Suave?
SVEN: "oh, fuck no! He was dethroned years ago! Reginald is the Cheif now...'
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