#last time was spn now tenet
glitterparpaing · 3 years
i can't not think of the scene in tenet where neil says "hey u could've killed me n u didn't do it haha" while making coffee and the protag answers "maybe i got soft" (i mean i only saw the french version and this is the exact translation)
and neil answers
"oh, tu es loin d'être mou :)"
which literally means, AND I CAN'T STRESS THIS ENOUGH,
"oh ur far from soft :)"
what???? WHAT?????? and with THAT FACE???
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the first time i saw this which was with my mom and my brother in a full movie theater i was like "oh my. god. i've seen fanfictions being more fucking subtle than that wtf are u doing"
and no i WON'T analyze the way the coffee maker opened in that scene bc fuck u let me keep my innocence
and i've seen it three times now (bc u know apart from the gay the movie is really super fucking complicated and i still don't understand it fully) and i'm super fucking sure i'm not the only frenchie who noticed it and also it just. wasn't made to be interprated in any other way bc in french we NEVER say this sentence unless we wanna flirt or talk dirty and french dub what r u doing with my soul
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no-gorms · 3 years
It’s last day of the year, I’m trippin’ on antihistamines and I got tagged by @alexcat45 (thank you!)
Name: scaramouche and/or Annie D
Fandoms: Currently that would be MCU for fannish output, but in general I’m pretty panfannish and am loosely following the goings-on for SPN, Star Wars, Alice in Borderland and Tenet.
Most popular multi-chapter fic: Probably Not Part of the Plan (SPN)
Favorite story you’ve written so far: A lot of my fics spark joy, but in recent memory There’s a Party Going on Right Here (MCU) made me cackle even if it made me sad about the missed opportunities in canon.
Fic you were nervous to post: My Yuletide fic, but I’m always nervous about exchange fic.
How you choose your titles: I let my music player shuffle to something appropriate, or I use a phrase thematically related to what the fic is about (”Half Agony Half Hope” is an obvious choice for a Persuasion fic), or I try to do the “elevator pitch” summarizing of a fic to nail down what it’s about in as few words as possible.
Do you outline: Yes, at least in simple bullet points. I'm usually too anxious to start writing something unless I have an idea about the ending beforehand.
Complete: AO3 tells me I have 218 works, but there’s earlier stuff lost to the void of the earlier internet, and scattered ficlets I keep forgetting to archive.
In progress: I am not actively working on anything at the moment, i.e. I haven’t started any new word docs.
Coming soon/not yet started: I have two Marvel Trumps Hate fics I'm loosely brainstorming. I’m trying to trick my brain into working on both at the same time, where when I need to procrastinate on one, I procrastinate with the other one.
Do you accept prompts: Not right now since I have the two auction fics, but I do take Steve/Tony prompts sometimes, and the finished works go to my AO3 promptfic collection.
Upcoming story you are most excited to write: I only have the two auction fics on my brain right now, and I hope they both turn out decent!
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neonthebright · 7 years
I was tagged by @mogadeer, @nightmares06, and @taters169, so I guess it’s time I actually fill this out. ;P
Rules: tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better
Nickname: Neon (online; irl I don’t really have any)
Zodiac sign:  Virgo
Height: 5′3.5″
Last Thing You Googled: “What is bechamel sauce made of”
Favourite Music Artists: Lady Gaga
Song Stuck In My Head: Just Like Fire (P!nk)
Last Movie you watched: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
What are you wearing right now: Tshirt and sweatpants
Why did you choose your URL: Because I’m Neon but just neon and neonbright weren’t available.
Do you have any other blogs: @neonthewrite and @neonthesprite (because I’m a nerd and I like my naming theme, I’ve embraced it)
What did your last relationship teach you: Some people might accept something about you but only as long as it is convenient for them. Also dating people who aren’t ace is probably a waste of everyone’s time.
Religious or spiritual: Baptist, technically, but haven’t been to church in a while (I follow the loosest tenets of Baptism, meaning I can make my own interpretations of things for my spiritual well being)
Favorite color: Green
Average hours of sleep: 5 - 6  Sleep is hard
Lucky Number: 4
Favorite Characters: Sam & Dean Winchester, Crowley (SPN and Good Omens), Buffy, Willow, Kaylee Frye, Turk & Carla (Scrubs), Hiro Hamada, Vanellope von Schweetz, LINK & ZELDA, Nixie and Walt (both OCs of nightmares06), Moonlight and Keeandra and Sawyer (OCs of @creatorofuniverses )
How many blankets do you sleep with: Like 5
Dream Job: Full time writer
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