calmchapsart · 4 years
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First lamias of 2020
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Sans got a lil too close than he shouldve
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snakesnskellys · 4 years
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Honey and his favorite bee plush...
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vex-bittys · 6 years
Only Blue: A LamiaSwap Story
This is the third place fic raffle prize for jezziconvair, who asked for a yandere lamia but left most of the details up to me. I hope the finished product makes up for the long wait!
Contains: murder, yandere behavior, hypnosis,drugging, captivity, mentions of abuse
(There is no sexual content in this story. It is under the cut for length only)
Since you were a child, since the first time you heard about the breaking of the Barrier, since you first watched monsters emerge from the Underground to stand in the sunlight once more on your television screen, you dreamed of having a monster friend, and Blueberry, or Blue as you frequently called him, was a dream come true.
You met the rare skeleton lamia at a community center which held events to promote human-monster relations. Blue possessed an irresistible personality, coupled with blue, star-shaped eyelights and an ever-present grin. He fascinated you from the moment you laid eyes on him, and from his exuberant greeting- a tight hug that lifted you right off of your feet- you guessed that he felt the exact same way about you.
Blue referred to you affectionately as Human, and after your first meeting, you got together time and again to go out for food or coffee, partake in hikes and other outdoor adventures, and stay in to binge watch shows and movies. Blue answered all of your questions about monsters in general and skeleton lamias in particular, and you did your best to explain life as a human living on the Surface to him.
You trusted Blue completely, so when your significant other turned violent, you placed a tear-filled call to him in the middle of the night and ended up as platonic roommates. You were too shaken by the attack to talk to the police, but Blue assured you that he handled the situation, and your ex never called or bothered you again. The whole ordeal strengthened your friendship with Blue even further.
Blue, ever the vigilant protector, visited you every day at your job, dropping you off and picking you up and even stopping by for spontaneous check-ins just to set your mind at ease. When you and Blue went out, he often playfully put his arm around you to prevent potential suitors from approaching. If they didn’t get the hint and flirted with you anyway, a warning hiss usually scared them away.
You were grateful to Blue for his big brother tendencies. After your last dating experience, you weren’t ready to put yourself back out on the singles’ market quite yet. Nothing would change your mind until a stranger gave you a shy smile one day. You recognized the person; you’d seen them around town at many of the same restaurants and events that you and Blue frequented.
You struck up a conversation with them, and the connection between the two of you sparked to life in that moment. They seemed to like you, and you couldn’t deny the attraction you felt for them. You gave them your number, and they promised to call you that very night.
Their calls became a nightly ritual, and you spent hours talking to them every week. You couldn’t help gushing to Blue about how happy it made you every time you saw a text from them or fell asleep to the sound of their voice. You asked Blue if he minded if they joined you for a movie over the weekend, and he gave you a curt head shake. You thought nothing of it until the day of your date-and-a-half arrived.
Blue’s behavior could only be classified as odd. He acted like they weren’t even there, answering any question directed at him with icy silence. The movie ended with the three of you standing awkwardly in the lobby. Blue glared at your crush, and your crush rubbed the back of their head awkwardly under his scrutiny.  You wondered what the lamia’s problem was, and you confronted him about it when you got home.
“Why were you being so rude?” you demanded. Blue never treated anyone that poorly. Did he know something about them that you didn’t?
“I don’t trust them,” replied Blue smoothly. “They creeped me out. I just want what’s best for you. I just want you to be safe.” Blue’s eyelights radiated sincerity, and the longed you locked eyelights with him the more his words made sense to you. Maybe you weren’t thinking clearly after your last relationship? Blue just wanted you to be safe. You trusted Blue. When they called you that night, you didn’t answer the phone.
Your mistrust faded away overnight, however. Your crush called later, apologizing for imagined scenarios, and you relented, accepting their offer of dinner and dessert for tonight, just you and them. They promised to pick you up at seven, and you found yourself actually looking forward to the date. You shared your excitement with Blue,and he smiled, a sweet and genuine smile.
“I’m so happy that you found someone,” he congratulated you, setting your mind at ease.
You were ready for your date by six, picking out a flattering casual outfit for what you hoped would be the first date of many. Seven o’clock came and went. Eight o’clock passed by as well. Around nine, Blue slithered through the door, brows raised in surprise at seeing you still waiting in the kitchen where you’d been when he left earlier.
“No date?” he asked innocently.
“No,” you told him, barely holding back tears. “They didn’t call, and they won’t answer my messages. We made our plans today, why would they cancel?”
Blue wrapped his arms around you, pulling you tight against his ribcage and coiling his long, ecto-flesh around you, surrounding you in his comforting presence.
“Shh,” he soothed, “It’s alright. There’s nothing to worry about. I suspected they might do something like this. You’re better off without them.” You felt so tired. Blue was right. Blue wouldn’t lie to you.
“I’m better off without them,” you repeated softly as the tension left your body. Blue lifted you gently into his arms and carried you into your room.
“I’m here for you. I always will be. It’ll be just you and me,” he murmured as you kicked off your shoes and pulled the blankets over your still-clothed body.
“Just you and me,” you repeated his words again. It sounded so safe and comfortable. Just you and your very good friend Blue, who would never let anything happen to you. Your head nestled into your soft, downy pillow and you drifted off into a dreamless sleep immediately.
You awoke well-rested, but the sadness from being stood up the night before lingered. You checked your texts and voicemails, but your crush hadn’t contacted you at all. You left a vague voicemail for them, asking them if they were ok and telling them that there were no hard feelings over the missed date. When you finally left your room, dressed for work and starving for breakfast, you discovered that Blue wasn’t even home to give you one of his famous hugs. It was going to be a long day.
Fortunately, you shared your shift with your favorite co-worker and high school partner in crime. As soon as you came through the door, she embraced you. With a happy sign, you leaned into the gesture. How had she known you needed this? It took you a moment to realize that she was crying. You pushed her away, holding her at arm’s length while you absorbed her puffy eyes and the streaks of eyeliner and mascara running down her face.
“What happened?” you asked, your own problems forgotten in the wake of your friend’s misery.
“You didn’t know?” she asked in shock. “Oh, honey, I’m so sorry.” You must have looked as utterly bewildered as you felt because she led you into the break room, waving at the TV where news anchors covered a breaking story that held the other workers captivated.
You stared at the TV with an open mouth. Photo after photo flashed across the screen. Over a dozen faces of apparently unrelated men and women slowly filled the screen. You recognized two of the images- your abusive ex and your recent crush. Your eyes darted to the news ticker, attempting to catch up with the words marching across the bottom of the screen.
Anxiety thrummed through your entire body as you picked out words and phrases, putting the story together as different images appeared on the TV. Bodies found. Mass grave. Secluded area. No suspects. No leads. Just victim after victim being exhumed.
How could this be happening? You’d seen your crush yesterday! You collapsed onto the sofa in the break room, processing the information sluggishly. They were dead. They were gone. They were murdered. Numbness swept through your body, chasing away the energy of a restful night’s sleep. You friend shook your shoulder, repeating your name until you regained enough mental fortitude for an eloquent “Huh?”
“Are you ok? Do you want to go home? I can drive you.” You considered it, then nodded. Blue must surely be home by now. He would know what to do. He would take care of you, he had to because you couldn’t function right now. Not after this.
Your friend dropped you off at Blue’s house, waiting outside and watching you through the windshield to make sure you got into the house alright. You fumbled with your key before simply turning the knob in frustration and finding it unlocked. You’d locked the door behind you when you left for work that morning, and that meant Blue must be back from his early morning errand.
As soon as you stumbled across the threshold, you heard the sound of the shower running. You didn’t think you could drag yourself through the house to the bathroom in your shaken state, so you called for him, just him name, but it was enough. The shower noises ceased, and Blue hurried to your side, toweling himself off as he went.
Distress must have been written all over your face because he let the towel fall onto a pile of dirty clothes on the floor- an unusual sight in the tidy lamia’s house, but not noteworthy enough to distract you from the horrible newscast you’d witnessed. Blue held you close to him, stroking your back in soothing circles. He didn’t even ask what was wrong; you’d tell him when you felt ready.
Breaking away from the hug, you sat on the couch and wordlessly patted the seat next to you. Picking up the remote, you flipped through channels until you found the same news story as before, although they were all reporting live coverage of the same event. More pictures had been added to the list of victims, and your stomach twisted as you remembered meeting some of the other victims before as well.
The man in the top left square made beautiful silver filigree jewelry. Blue had purchased a necklace from him for you at a local art fair. After Blue fastened the necklace, with its butterfly shaped pendant, around your neck, the man had kissed your hand and called you exquisite. Blue’s hand laid on top of yours on the couch cushion, and as if he could read your thoughts, he brushed his thumb along the back of your hand where the man had placed his kiss.
A young woman two pictures down on the same side had laughed at a joke you told when Blue took you out for ice cream. She’d even given you an extra scoop for “making her day a little brighter.” Fresh tears welled up in your eyes to join those that had already trailed down your cheeks over the untimely and unexpected death of your crush earlier. In the lower right corner you recognized the face of another person who had held a door open for you and waved you into a restaurant like royalty. How was it possible to be familiar with so many seemingly random strangers? More importantly, who had done such a horrible thing? Someone committed these crimes, and they needed to be found and held accountable!
The newscast cut to a press conference with the chief of police. The shuffling of papers sounded deafening in the pregnant silence as the press waited for an update on the victims or information about a potential suspect. The police chief inhaled deeply, preparing to drop a devastating statement to those gathered around, hoping for swift justice for all of the lives lost.
“We have no suspects at this time.”
The conference room erupted into startled gasps and worried hushed discussions. It took a moment for the reporters to compose themselves and start launching questions. The police chief wore a harried expression as he sifted through the cacophony to answer specific individuals.
“Is there a connection between the victims?”
“At this time, the murders appear to be random and unrelated, spanning over the course of at least several months. Currently, we are only able to theorize on how the perpetrator has been selecting their victims.”
“Does this mean that anyone could be targeted if the killer strikes again?”
“Unfortunately, yes.”
You didn’t even notice when your body started shaking, but the warm security of Blue’s muscular tail encircling you with gentle protectiveness made you realize how badly the story was affecting you. Your crush had been murdered while you waited for them to pick you up for a date. You stood in the kitchen, calling and texting them, and at that very moment, they might have been fighting for their life. What if you were next? The killer could be anyone, and their target could be anyone as well.
Everything suddenly felt so unstable and unsafe. You slumped against Blue as alternating waves of anxiety and numbness washed over you. Your eyes fell on Blue’s discarded clothing, and you stared at it, unseeing. It only caught your focus because it was out of place. Blue never left a mess. He even picked up after you sometimes.
“It could’ve been me,” you whispered. Blue chuckled, the sound jarringly out of place considering the circumstances.
“You’re safe. The killer won’t hurt you.” Blue’s words instantly calmed you, the way they always did.
“Safe,” you murmured. That’s right. You were safe. Nothing to worry about. Except you still felt unsettled. You couldn’t put your finger on it right away, but something was definitely out of place. You concentrated, continuing to stare at the clothes strewn across the floor. It dawned on you slowly. The shirt and scarf and the floor around them were smeared with bright red mud, the same color mud you’d seen when the news cameras panned over the mass grave.
“Blue, how did you get that mud on you?” you jerked away from him before he had a chance to answer you, but his coils tightened around you, preventing you from escaping. You struggled, but he overpowered you easily. “Blue, what’s going on? Did you murder them? Did you kill those people?” Hysteria crept into your voice.
Blue’s tail tipped your chin upwards until you were forced to look him directly in the eyelights. The fathomless depths of blue threatened to swallow you whole, but you couldn’t summon the willpower to blink or avert your gaze.
“There’s nothing to worry about,” he intoned. “Everything is fine.” Your body sagged; you suddenly felt like you weighed a thousand pounds, as if gravity had somehow increased on you specifically. Blue kept on talking to you, purring reassurances that vibrated through you, right down into your bones until your panic finally subsided. Fatigue tugged at you, and your eyelids, previously reluctant to so much as blink, could barely stay open.
“Nothing… to worry… about,” you managed to murmur, words slurred by exhaustion. Blue’s assurances made sense; they always made so much sense, especially when he stared right into your SOUL with those dazzling eyelights. You didn’t remember going to bed, but you woke up late into the afternoon the next day wearing your favorite pair of pajamas.
You checked your nightstand, your floor, under your bed, and even in your laundry basket for your phone, but you just couldn’t find it. You gave up and stumbled into the kitchen for breakfast, which Blue had thoughtfully prepared for you. You shoveled down forkful after forkful of Blue’s delicious cooking, wondering why you were so hungry. Did you miss dinner last night? Your memories of yesterday were foggy and distant. You lifted a hand to your forehead to see if you were coming down with a fever.
You couldn’t get your hand to obey you though. It hung limply by your side despite your best efforts to move. You tried to explain your plight to Blue, but you couldn’t get your mouth to form coherent speech; all that came out was a garbled groan. Shadows crept forward from the edges of your vision until everything went black and you collapsed forward onto the table.
Blue made a tsk-tsk sound as he picked you up and carried you back to your bed. As much as he hated using hypnosis on you, he hated drugging you even more. He couldn’t let you leave the house though, not anymore. You obviously didn’t understand the dangers of the world around you. Blue needed to take care of you, to protect you from your own poor decisions, like the possibility of you leaving him for another mate or making accurate by unwanted accusations to local law enforcement.
The lamia had already reported you missing. He’d disposed of your phone in a dark alley already overflowing with trash. He claimed that your whereabouts after you left for work a few days ago were a mystery to him, but he feigned concern like a professional actor, even summoning up some crocodile tears for the officer who interviewed him. Now two officers were planning to visit the house to look for evidence.
Blue sighed, slinging your unconscious form over his shoulder. It was so much easier to hide dead bodies. You could toss them around without fear of harming them, not that he cared about harming those foolish humans when they were alive either. You belonged to him. If they didn’t understand that fact, they deserved to die. Nobody would ever take you away from him. He just had to hide you in his storage unit for a few days until the police lost interest, then he could have you all to himself forever.
The manacles on the twin size bed fastened with a satisfying click. Now you could sleep safely, away from the watchful eyes of nosey neighbors and investigators alike. You flailed listlessly for a moment after he put the blanket over you, but you settled soon enough. Blue padlocked the door behind him with a serene smile on his face. With enough hypnosis and the aide of powerful sedatives, you’d learn to accept him, and he wouldn’t need the restraints anymore.
You attempted to claw your way free of the sludge that clogged your mind. You were trapped, but you kept forgetting where you were and how long you’d been there. You lost track of the passage of time. Dreams became muddled with reality, and all you could truly comprehend were the two mesmerizing blue eyelights that haunted your perpetual twilight.
Your struggles weakened. You saw no reason to fight. You were safe here. Blue protected you. Blue took care of you. Blue knew what was best for you. Nothing else mattered. Nothing else existed.
Just you and Blue.
You and Blue.
Endless blue.
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The Characters
Since there’s so many, this list will be put under a cut. You have been warned.
This post will be updated periodically as we continue to hoard skeletons.
Link for mobile.
THE ROWANS Undertale!Rowan aka Rowan Underfell!Rowan aka Jasper Underswap!Rowan aka Sorrell Fellswap!Rowan aka Ruby Flowerfell!Rowan aka Chrissy/Chris/Chrysanthemum Horrortale!Rowan aka Fido Mafiatale!Rowan aka Rogue Bloodtale!Rowan aka Ash Fresh!Rowan aka Radley
THE JELLIS Undertale!Jelli aka Jelli Underfell!Jelli aka Jello Underswap!Jelli aka Softi Fellswap!Jelli aka Blood Flowerfell!Jelli aka Iris Horrortale!Jelli aka Jacki Mafiatale!Jelli aka Zero Bloodtale!Jelli aka Silver Fresh!Jelli aka Icee
THE SKELLIES (current total: ~120 cause I lost count) Undertale!Sans aka Snas Undertale!Papyrus aka Pap/Papy Undertale!Gaster aka Gaster
Underfell!Sans aka Red Underfell!Papyrus aka Edge Underfell!Gaster aka Marty
Underswap!Sans aka Blue/Blueberry Underswap!Papyrus aka Stretch Underswap!Gaster aka Garry/Garrett
Fellswap!Sans aka Raz/Raspberry Fellswap!Papyrus aka Mutt Fellswap!Gaster aka Murry
Swapfell!Sans aka Blackberry Swapfell!Papyrus aka Rus Swapfell!Gaster aka Mitch
Horrortale!Sans aka Hatchet Horrortale!Papyrus aka Bun Horrortale!Gaster aka Frankie
Horrorfell!Sans aka Axe Horrorfell!Papyrus aka Scar Horrorfell!Gaster aka Freddy
Horrorswap!Sans aka Rot/Rotten Horrorswap!Papyrus aka Thorn
Horror!Fellswap!Sans aka Shade/Nightshade Horror!Fellswap!Papyrus aka Hound
Flowertale!Sans aka Sage Flowertale!Papyrus aka Poppy
Flowerfell!Sans aka Redhead/Bloodflower Flowerfell!Papyrus aka Poke/Pokeweed
Flowerswap!Sans aka Bluebell Flowerswap!Papyrus aka Honey/Honeysuckle
Flower!Fellswap!Sans aka Point/Poinsettia Flower!Fellswap!Papyrus aka Dog/Dogbane
Mafiatale!Sans aka Al/Al Cabone Mafiatale!Papyrus aka Buster Mafiatale!Gaster aka Big Tony
Mafiafell!Sans aka Don/Don Vibone Mafiafell!Papyrus aka Slick Mafiafell!Gaster aka The Boss
Mafiaswap!Sans aka Buck/Bucky Mafiaswap!Papyrus aka Ralph/Ralphie Bones
Mafia!Fellswap!Sans aka Marcus Mafia!Fellswap!Papyrus aka Tom/Tommy/Thomas DeSibone
Echotale!Sans aka Vic/Victor Echotale!Papyrus aka Vinny/Vincent
Echofell!Sans aka Axel Echofell!Papyrus aka Damon
Echoswap!Sans aka Gunner Echoswap!Papyrus aka Boris
Wolftale!Sans aka Buddy Wolftale!Papyrus aka Percy
Wolffell!Sans aka Rex Wolffell!Papyrus aka Spike
Wolfswap!Sans aka Spot Wolfswap!Papyrus aka Chase
Wolf!Fellswap!Sans aka Sparky Wolf!Fellswap!Papyrus aka Duke
Cattale!Sans aka Barley Cattale!Papyrus aka Patch
Catfell!Sans aka Milo Catfell!Papyrus aka Diesel
Catswap!Sans aka Smudge Catswap!Papyrus aka Smokey
Cat!Fellswap!Sans aka Shadow Cat!Fellswap!Papyrus aka Sol
Lamiatale!Sans aka Monty Lamiatale!Papyrus aka Noodle
Lamiafell!Sans aka Rocky Lamiafell!Papyrus aka Venom
Lamiaswap!Sans aka Hobbes Lamiaswap!Papyrus aka Tucker
Lamia!Fellswap!Sans aka Drago Lamia!Fellswap!Papyrus aka Slink
Mertale!Sans aka Chub Mertale!Papyrus aka Guppy
Merfell!Sans aka Snapper Merfell!Papyrus aka Betta
Merswap!Sans aka Bluefin Merswap!Papyrus aka Goldfish
Mer!Fellswap!Sans aka Barb Mer!Fellswap!Papyrus aka Gill
Birdtale!Sans aka Jay Birdtale!Papyrus aka Kestrel
Birdfell!Sans aka Buzzard Birdfell!Papyrus aka Hawk
Birdswap!Sans aka Bluebird Birdswap!Papyrus aka Tawny
Bird!Fellswap!Sans aka Sparrow Bird!Fellswap!Papyrus aka Crow
Bloodtale!Sans aka James  Bloodtale!Papyrus aka Gilbert Bloodtale!Gaster aka Peter
Bloodfell!Sans aka Emmett Bloodfell!Papyrus aka Luther Bloodfell!Gaster aka Alec
Bloodswap!Sans aka Edmund Bloodswap!Papyrus aka Lance
Blood!Fellswap!Sans aka Hunter Blood!Fellswap!Papyrus aka Aro
Reapertale!Sans aka Reaper Reapertale!Papyrus aka Grim Reapertale!Gaster aka Caster
Outertale!Sans aka Comet Outertale!Papyrus aka Star Outertale!Gaster aka Galaxy
Inktale!Sans aka Ink Inktale!Papyrus aka Paint Inktale!Gaster aka Jack
Altertale!Sans aka Greg/Gregory Altertale!Papyrus aka Ethan
Buttontale!Sans aka Button Buttontale!Papyrus aka Stitch
Man!US!Sans aka Manberry Man!US!Papyrus aka Flex
Errortale!Sans aka Error
Freshtale!Sans aka Fresh
Freshfell!Sans aka Rad
Yan!US!Sans aka Yan/Yanberry
Dusttale!Sans aka Dusty
Gaster!Ink!Sans aka Arcade
★ The Lamia!AUs, the Wolf!AUs, and the Cat!AUs belong to sanspar.
★ BLOODTALE is actually an AU Mod Jelli and I came up with together. It’s a vampire AU. We know there’s probably another vampire AU out there, but this one, Bloodtale, is ours, with our own versions of vampire skellies.★ The original Lamia!AUs, the Wolf!AUs, and the Cat!AUs belong to @sanspar.
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"Waiter! There are lamias in my noodles!!"
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calmchapsart · 5 years
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Baby boy
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calmchapsart · 5 years
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Commission for the lovely @iliterallyhavenolife
Thank you again! always love an excuse to draw lamias
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calmchapsart · 6 years
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Batch 3 of charms have been ordered!
You can find these and my other charms here (depending on when you see this they’ll take about 2 weeks until they’re available at time of posting)
Like my stuff? consider buying me a coffee
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calmchapsart · 6 years
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he’s up to something
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calmchapsart · 6 years
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Not sure which version i prefer
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calmchapsart · 7 years
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With the raffles done I finally had chance to draw another snek
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The Characters (uncut list)
THE ROWANS Undertale!Rowan aka Rowan Underfell!Rowan aka Jasper Underswap!Rowan aka Sorrell Fellswap!Rowan aka Ruby Flowerfell!Rowan aka Chrissy/Chris/Chrysanthemum Horrortale!Rowan aka Fido Mafiatale!Rowan aka Rogue Bloodtale!Rowan aka Ash Fresh!Rowan aka Radley
THE JELLIS Undertale!Jelli aka Jelli Underfell!Jelli aka Jello Underswap!Jelli aka Softi Fellswap!Jelli aka Blood Flowerfell!Jelli aka Iris Horrortale!Jelli aka Jacki Mafiatale!Jelli aka Zero Bloodtale!Jelli aka Silver Fresh!Jelli aka Icee
THE SKELLIES (current total: ~120 cause I lost count) Undertale!Sans aka Snas Undertale!Papyrus aka Pap/Papy Undertale!Gaster aka Gaster
Underfell!Sans aka Red Underfell!Papyrus aka Edge Underfell!Gaster aka Marty
Underswap!Sans aka Blue/Blueberry Underswap!Papyrus aka Stretch Underswap!Gaster aka Garry/Garrett
Fellswap!Sans aka Raz/Raspberry Fellswap!Papyrus aka Mutt Fellswap!Gaster aka Murry
Swapfell!Sans aka Blackberry Swapfell!Papyrus aka Rus Swapfell!Gaster aka Mitch
Horrortale!Sans aka Hatchet Horrortale!Papyrus aka Bun Horrortale!Gaster aka Frankie
Horrorfell!Sans aka Axe Horrorfell!Papyrus aka Scar Horrorfell!Gaster aka Freddy
Horrorswap!Sans aka Rot/Rotten Horrorswap!Papyrus aka Thorn
Horror!Fellswap!Sans aka Shade/Nightshade Horror!Fellswap!Papyrus aka Hound
Flowertale!Sans aka Sage Flowertale!Papyrus aka Poppy
Flowerfell!Sans aka Redhead/Bloodflower Flowerfell!Papyrus aka Poke/Pokeweed
Flowerswap!Sans aka Bluebell Flowerswap!Papyrus aka Honey/Honeysuckle
Flower!Fellswap!Sans aka Point/Poinsettia Flower!Fellswap!Papyrus aka Dog/Dogbane
Mafiatale!Sans aka Al/Al Cabone Mafiatale!Papyrus aka Buster Mafiatale!Gaster aka Big Tony
Mafiafell!Sans aka Don/Don Vibone Mafiafell!Papyrus aka Slick Mafiafell!Gaster aka The Boss
Mafiaswap!Sans aka Buck/Bucky Mafiaswap!Papyrus aka Ralph/Ralphie Bones
Mafia!Fellswap!Sans aka Marcus Mafia!Fellswap!Papyrus aka Tom/Tommy/Thomas DeSibone
Echotale!Sans aka Vic/Victor Echotale!Papyrus aka Vinny/Vincent
Echofell!Sans aka Axel Echofell!Papyrus aka Damon
Echoswap!Sans aka Gunner Echoswap!Papyrus aka Boris
Wolftale!Sans aka Buddy Wolftale!Papyrus aka Percy
Wolffell!Sans aka Rex Wolffell!Papyrus aka Spike
Wolfswap!Sans aka Spot Wolfswap!Papyrus aka Chase
Wolf!Fellswap!Sans aka Sparky Wolf!Fellswap!Papyrus aka Duke
Cattale!Sans aka Barley Cattale!Papyrus aka Patch
Catfell!Sans aka Milo Catfell!Papyrus aka Diesel
Catswap!Sans aka Smudge Catswap!Papyrus aka Smokey
Cat!Fellswap!Sans aka Shadow Cat!Fellswap!Papyrus aka Sol
Lamiatale!Sans aka Monty Lamiatale!Papyrus aka Noodle
Lamiafell!Sans aka Rocky Lamiafell!Papyrus aka Venom
Lamiaswap!Sans aka Hobbes Lamiaswap!Papyrus aka Tucker
Lamia!Fellswap!Sans aka Drago Lamia!Fellswap!Papyrus aka Slink
Mertale!Sans aka Chub Mertale!Papyrus aka Guppy
Merfell!Sans aka Snapper Merfell!Papyrus aka Betta
Merswap!Sans aka Bluefin Merswap!Papyrus aka Goldfish
Mer!Fellswap!Sans aka Barb Mer!Fellswap!Papyrus aka Gill
Birdtale!Sans aka Jay Birdtale!Papyrus aka Kestrel
Birdfell!Sans aka Buzzard Birdfell!Papyrus aka Hawk
Birdswap!Sans aka Bluebird Birdswap!Papyrus aka Tawny
Bird!Fellswap!Sans aka Sparrow Bird!Fellswap!Papyrus aka Crow
Bloodtale!Sans aka James  Bloodtale!Papyrus aka Gilbert Bloodtale!Gaster aka Peter
Bloodfell!Sans aka Emmett Bloodfell!Papyrus aka Luther Bloodfell!Gaster aka Alec
Bloodswap!Sans aka Edmund Bloodswap!Papyrus aka Lance
Blood!Fellswap!Sans aka Hunter Blood!Fellswap!Papyrus aka Aro
Reapertale!Sans aka Reaper Reapertale!Papyrus aka Grim Reapertale!Gaster aka Caster
Outertale!Sans aka Comet Outertale!Papyrus aka Star Outertale!Gaster aka Galaxy
Inktale!Sans aka Ink Inktale!Papyrus aka Paint Inktale!Gaster aka Jack
Altertale!Sans aka Greg/Gregory Altertale!Papyrus aka Ethan
Buttontale!Sans aka Button Buttontale!Papyrus aka Stitch
Man!US!Sans aka Manberry Man!US!Papyrus aka Flex
Errortale!Sans aka Error
Freshtale!Sans aka Fresh
Freshfell!Sans aka Rad
Yan!US!Sans aka Yan/Yanberry
Dusttale!Sans aka Dusty
Gaster!Ink!Sans aka Arcade
★ The Lamia!AUs, the Wolf!AUs, and the Cat!AUs belong to sanspar.
★ BLOODTALE is actually an AU Mod Jelli and I came up with together. It’s a vampire AU. We know there’s probably another vampire AU out there, but this one, Bloodtale, is ours, with our own versions of vampire skellies.
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calmchapsart · 6 years
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Don’t worry, they’re crocodile tears
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calmchapsart · 6 years
For the expression meme, how about a lamia with D6?
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calmchapsart · 6 years
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My second commission here for @vex-bittys
Thank you so much, the idea of the sneks in socks is adorable
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