#laia x leo x vlad
aslanvlad · 5 months
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Happy New Year! Here’s to more of them 🥂
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ratanslily · 2 months
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some ot3 for my ot3 truthers🍊
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nesrinslittleworld · 3 months
As Romance Club Update draws near, I couldn't help but canalise my frustration for the lack of DALS episode with some memes...
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But at least:
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mila-bee · 4 months
Finally! It was getting real old having everyone make choices for us, felt so good to be like no, this is where I want to be and this is who is want to stay with!
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borgiabarbie · 8 months
I could not cope with being Laia Burnell. How is she meant to choose?
Pros: Kind, respectful, intelligent, handsome, devoted, passionate, likes books and art, you have a lot of history together.
Cons: Doesn't warn you about bloodstained crime scene corridors, his ghost contemplated getting a bit murder-y back in the fifteenth-century, overshadowed by his uncle/brother/great great grandpa, might still secretly make creepy pebble art as a hobby.
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I only tried Ezel's route out of morbid curiosity, but... *whispers* it's actually really good? He's very well suited to Laia, and the moment a LI talks books I'm a lost cause. Plus he's so respectful and caring whilst still being passionate? Ezel, you are a lovely green flag.
Pros: Sexy, obsessively-devoted, rich, owns a fortress, mysterious, passionate, intelligent, patron of the arts and sciences, calculating, a lot of shared history.
Cons: Obsessive, no, like, *really* obsessive, ominously secretive, vanishes randomly, may or may not be partially trapped in the wall, doesn't get on with your friends, not all the shared history is 'great' (to put it mildly).
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And he knows that because he lost Lale and realised nobody could replace her 🥺 Everything about this scene was perfect (apart from goddamn Vlad doing his Elsa impression before they could kiss 😑).
Pros: Charming, intelligent, witty, sexy, mischievous, caring, can magic you up a new look/pet/missing brooch, powerful to have on side, no Lale/Ottoman Empire baggage.
Cons: Tied you to a tree and offered you up to Vlad as a snack a few weeks ago, reluctant workaholic, bad at opening up emotionally, almost set your mom on fire, massive flirt.
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"All his care and comfort" 😭. The transformation of this demon from carefree fuck buddy to loving boyfriend has been beautiful to witness.
TLDR: I'm glad I'm not Laia, because deciding between them would be horrible (okay, I'd personally pick Noe, but that's not really the point). Each of them has such good chemistry with Laia 😭
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hojiteaversion · 10 months
Laia and the Barbie Outfits She'd Politely Force Each LI to Wear With Her On Halloween
Laia and Leo
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Laia and Vlad
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Laia and Noe
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Laia and Sandra
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Laia and Ezel
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Laia and Mehmed
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VERONICA 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭!!!!
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emily-the-fae · 1 year
There are a lot of mentions of how Vlad in Dracula: A Love Story
is a copy of Luke Evans
which is yeah kinda obvious
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how come there are absolutely no mentions of the fact that Gradish from seasons 1-2 is an absolute copy of Raul Esparza (aka the annoying guy from Hannibal)?
I mean
Just look at him
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Complete copy
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softlys-things · 10 months
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malbontevickyx · 2 years
Just been listening to this and I can’t stop thinking about Vlad and Laia… ❤️ would also really suit for Leo and Laia too. ❤️ The lyrics just seem to match them really well.
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Well, maybe we already met once before, oh, oh
Another time, late night
Same kids in a different life
And I just cannot wait to meet my girl
When I meet you
Girl, I'll know you
I'll hold you and I'll be home
And I'll know I found the sweetest human being alive
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atlasira · 1 year
OK I FIGURED IT OUT! Leo and my Mc are a couple now and vlad is our best friend. Side note: I payed for one of the sex scenes and Leo was flipping her around and teasing and shit 😭 in another one he picked her up FROM THE BED and moved her TO THE DRESSER 😭😭😭like LEO?????????????
Yeah definitely no regrets here
!!!! You made it!!!!!!!
Yeah Leo’s s*x scenes are wild lmao. He’s all over MC in and out the sheets!
I’m so happy you’re enjoying his romance! It is so well done. The only problem is that after you finish the book, he’ll have set your standards so high, it’ll be harder for other LIs to compete! He’s a menace (affectionate)
(Also personally, I like bestie!Vlad because the story puts more emphasis on how the squad are all friends and he wants to be there with all his friends, rather him mostly wanting to be there just for Laia. But that’s just me 🫣)
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aslanvlad · 2 years
Thank you to the lovely @thestonelady for the generator idea, these are so fun.
Had to try it with my comfort trio obviously!
link to generator + insp post
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hellolovely23 · 2 years
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The original three
Vlad, Laia, Leo
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fallen-wing-magic · 2 years
I want to create Leo/Aslan x Lale/Laia x Vlad sex pollen so bad shsjskdjsjd just talk abt your feelings
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vladindarkness · 2 years
Sorry, no need to reply in case it messes up the blog, but, whoever runs this: this is brilliant. And I'm delighted to see Vlad x Laia x Leo as a throuple! Just, great work!!
Hello hojiteaversion, thank you for your message.
This blog belongs to Vlad but occasionally Millie or Leo will help me with some of the technical aspects. Laia will sometimes lend a hand, but mostly she just laughs at my confusion. I'm still learning. I was dormant in a crypt for a while, it's a whole thing... I, too, am delighted to share this lifetime with two of my favorite suns once again, I feel extremely lucky. Their love and light saves me every day. I haven't quite figured out the little reaction images but I would put two suns and a black heart here.
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borgiabarbie · 1 year
Human Customs
(An extremely tiny DLS Valentine's Day one-shot. Laia x Noe and Leo x Vlad. This is so short and silly that I wasn't going to post it, but I've had a few drinks so here we are 😅)
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Sandra glanced up from her book. “So, what have you planned for you and Laia this evening, since it's Valentine’s Day?” 
Noe rolled his eyes in response, leaning lazily back against a bookcase. “Pfft.”
She raised an amused eyebrow. “Pfft?”
The demon nodded. “Valentine’s Day is the pinnacle of human nonsense, just an annual excuse for greeting card companies to extort cash from the gullible.”
Leo chuckled from his spot on the sofa, Nosferatu nestled in his lap. “Those are definitely the words of a guy who’s never had an actual girlfriend before.”
Sandra shook her head, examining Noe with a knowing gaze. “Nope, they’re the words of a guy who has seduced plenty of women he didn’t care about with conjured roses and expensive chocolates.”
Noe smirked. “Don’t forget the champagne and caviar.”
Sandra grinned at Leo. “Totally means he’s secretly doing something incredibly heartfelt and meaningful for Laia. He just doesn’t want to admit it.”
Noe frowned indignantly, folding his arms across his chest. “I refuse to acknowledge such a nauseatingly human holiday. Any relationship that needs reaffirming with a piece of meaningless card and a bouquet of roses is doomed.”
Leo tickled Nosferatu under the chin. “You’re not even going to make the effort for Laia?”
The demon smirked, his eyes twinkling mischievously. “Hmmm… I suppose I could take her to Rome to visit the floral-crown-adorned skull of St Valentine.”
Sandra shook her head wearily, exchanging a bemused glance with Leo. “The worrying thing is I genuinely can’t tell if he’s joking or not.”
Leo nodded. “I’m just relieved he didn’t offer to steal it for her.”
Noe flopped down on the sofa next to the redhead, earning himself an indignant hiss from Nosferatu. “What are you doing for our melancholy friend, oh Lord of Corny Romance?”
Leo frowned. “I don’t think it’s corny to show someone that you care. I’m not afraid of being vulnerable.”
Noe tutted. “Just answer the question.”
“I’m taking Vlad to see a showing of a silent movie with a live orchestra.”
Sandra grinned, setting her book aside. “That’s a great idea. What movie?”
Leo’s ears turned pink. “Nosferatu. I thought Vlad would find it funny.”
Noe chuckled. “I definitely give you points for comedy.”
Leo rolled his eyes. “At least I’m trying.”
“Who’s trying?” Laia walked into the room, a curious expression on her face. She was dressed extravagantly as always in a long, red silk gown. Laia never did casual. 
“Leo’s trying our patience as always,” Noe explained cheerfully, leaping up to kiss her on the cheek.
Laia surveyed her boyfriend with amused scepticism. “Mmm hmm.”
“Where are you going tonight?” Sandra asked Laia curiously. “You look beautiful.”
Laia beamed, answering before Noe could cut her off. “Noe’s taking me to an art exhibition.” She glanced at the demon with loving amusement. “He somehow convinced the artist to show us around in person.” She glanced down at her phone. “We should probably get going. The cab’s here.”
“I’ll be right with you. I just need to offer Leo some words of wisdom.” Noe stayed behind after Laia left, a slight pink tinge to his cheeks. “Look, I still think Valentine’s Day is nonsense. I just wanted to humour Bambi’s peculiar, human customs.”
“Surrre,” replied Leo, unable to suppress a grin.
Sandra laughed. “Just have a great night.”
Noe nodded thoughtfully, a peculiar smile on his face. “It’s about time I tell her something.”
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