#la brea promo
televisionpromos · 5 months
La Brea 3x02 "Don't Look Up" Promo - As the Survivors attempt to integrate with the villagers at the Fort, a flock of vicious pterodactyls attacks their new home. Ty tries to figure out his next steps and seeks help from an old friend.
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lili2424 · 5 months
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Jack via getty images
(La brea season 3 promo photos)
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harris-coopers · 5 months
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Jack Martin and Veronica st Clair as Josh Harris and Riley Velez in La Brea season 3 promo.
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film-book · 2 years
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LA BREA: Season 2 First Look Promo & Plot Synopsis - The New Season Begins in September [NBC] https://film-book.com/la-brea-season-2-first-look-promo-plot-synopsis-the-new-season-begins-in-september-nbc/?feed_id=85887&_unique_id=62c1d3fc01846
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spoilertv · 4 months
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finishinglinepress · 2 years
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FLP POETRY BOOK OF THE DAY: Deciphering the Desert: a book of poems by Susan Cummins Miller
TO ORDER GO TO: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/deciphering-the-desert-a-book-of-poems-by-susan-cummins-miller/
The fifty-three poems in Deciphering the Desert capture a geoscientist’s contemplation of, discoveries in, and wisdom gained from the changing terrain of her life and work. These poems arise from the mysteries that surround us in the intersections of landscape, science, history, prehistory, and time. They excavate what lies behind, beneath, and beyond surface observations and experiences—the extraordinary in the commonplace—and they reveal the healing power and renewal to be found in the desert West.
Tucson writer Susan Cummins Miller, a former field geologist and college instructor, is the author of the novels Death Assemblage, Detachment Fault, Quarry, Hoodoo, Fracture, and Chasm. She compiled and edited the anthology A Sweet, Separate Intimacy: Women Writers of the American Frontier, 1800-1922, and her award-winning poems, short stories, and essays have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies. Finishing Line Press recently released her chapbook of poems, Making Silent Stones Sing.
ADVANCE PRAISE FOR Deciphering the Desert: a book of poems by Susan Cummins Miller
Each time Susan Cummins Miller walked into her childhood library in Pasadena, she saw these words above the door: “Be made whole by the great spaces and the stars.” The poems in Deciphering the Desert are filled with the stars. And shells. And dry bones and shining stones. Azure skies and back roads, Joshua trees, pack rats and yellow butterflies. Susan’s curiosity about the natural world began by asking questions on summer trips with her family throughout the West. And receiving answers. In one poem, Miller questions the La Brea Tar Pit woman: “Did you ask questions? Did you feel the subtle shift in tenor when answers appeared, as if from the very air?” The poems in Deciphering the Desert are crafted the same way the earth is: with specific details and colors, and the names of things intact “in the starlit secret places, … the riverside camps.” The mysteries of nature become clearer as we are made whole by Susan’s words.
–Liza Porter, author of Red Stain and Keep the Singing.
From a plastic dashboard Jesus to bared-soul musings, poet/geologist Susan Cummins Miller leads readers on a lyrical field trip through family, culture, and, most of all, the natural world–thus helping us decipher far more than the desert.
–Wynne Brown, author of The Forgotten Botanist: Sara Plummer Lemmon’s Life of Science and Art
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flixadda · 2 years
La Brea - Season 2 - Teaser Promo
La Brea – Season 2 – Teaser Promo
Teaser Promo Source link
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whumpypepsigal · 3 years
just watched the tuesday episode of la brea… THE STORY IS GETTING JUICYYYYY!!! and another whumpy episode for a new character. yeah, making the gifs right now my friends haha!
you know, i’m angry at myself for starting a show this good…i don’t have the patience to wait for a week *cries tears of regret*
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televisionpromos · 4 months
La Brea 3x05 "The Road Home, Part 1" Promo - A traitor turning on the survivors leads to a deadly confrontation as they're shocked to learn where Eve has been taken.
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chezledawson · 2 years
Saison 4 épisode 21: Separation Anxiety
Tout le monde se fait la tronche depuis le bal de promo. 
Dossone n’a pas reparlé à Gretchen et Joer à Pacey. 
Mais Guèle dit à Dosson que Gretchen lui a donné son préavis et qu’elle quitte la ville. 
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Dosson va alors la trouver avec le prétexte de signer son album souvenir du lycée (?). 
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  Gretchen lui explique qu’elle s’est inscrite à des cours d’été pour rattraper son année et qu’avant ça elle part faire un petit road trip. 
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ça mouline dans la tête de Dossone le forceur qui a une super idée: JE VAIS VENIR FAIRE LE ROAD TRIP AVEC TOI!!
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Gretchen a l’air ra-vie
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Elle lui donne rdv le lendemain pour le grand départ mais eheh quand Dossonne arrive, Gretchenne s’est en fait déjà barrée pendant la nuit (en lui laissant un petit mot dans son album souvenir mdr)
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Eheh bien ouej la Gretch. 
Côté Pacey et Joey: le mec de l’université où va Joer qu’on avait déjà vu dans l’épisode de noël là où elle arrêtait pas de chouiner (un des épisodes) revient à Capeside (est-ce que ces gens n’ont pas une vie importante plutôt que de passer leur temps au yach club de port-barcarès sérieux?) pour une autre soirée de rencontre entre les futurs étudiants. 
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Il demande à Joer si elle peut emmener Pacey parce qu’ils avaient bien accroché l’autre fois et il a une proposition à lui faire.
Joey fait des moues et des phrases alambiquées pour dire qu’ils sont séparés mais que ILS SONT EN BONS TERMES (mdr on la connait celle-là) et qu’il viendra.
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Elle pense qu’ils ont un programme spécial dum-dum à l’Université que Pacey pourrait intégrer et que c’est sûrement pour ça que le doyen veut le voir!
Elle va trouver Pacey (qui est bientôt re-homeless vu que Gretchen s’est barrée et que c’est elle qui payait la barak), lui explique le bouzin et Pacey lui dit qu’elle lui manque. 
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Ils vont à cette soirée ensemble, j’adore les cheveux de Joer franchement ils ont enfin trouvé une coiffeuse potable sur le plateau, bravo. 
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C vrai.
Et bon, en fait le doyen propose à Pacey un job de matelot sur son bateau cet été, pas du tout un truc pour un programme spécial pour aller à l’université.
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Pacey fait sa tête de dépression-je-suis-un-nullos, Joey est #triss de l’y avoir fait croire. 
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    Sinon side story un peu plus réjouissante: Jen se retrouve nez à nez avec Stéphane Plaza et Sophie Fergiani chez la mémé:
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La mémé a mis la maison en vente! Sans le lui dire!
Et en plus pour aller vivre dans une maison de retraite...
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Jen comprend que c’est pour financer ses études que la mémé se sacrifie, et elle est colère.
Elle veut aller voir la dite Brea pour se faire une idée, et ça ressemble plutôt à une prison avec une mémé garde qui les engueule.
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Calmos Brenda. 
   Je comprenais pas pourquoi c’est la mémé qui devait s’occuper de financer les études de Jen vu que ses parents sont pétés de tunes, mais on comprend que Jen a refusé l’argent de ses vieux. 
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Ah ben on est bien maintenant, on pousse la mémé à l’ehpad parce qu’on a des principes? Pas bravo Jen. 
  Et puis bon 15000 dialogues plus tard, après en avoir discuté avec Jack, Jen propose à la mémé de venir s’installer à Boston (où elle a choisi d’aller à l’université) où elles vivront ensemble. 
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J’adore cette idée. 
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Trop adorables pour Capeside.
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alyblacklist · 3 years
Hi, Aly! Still no promo for 9.03?
No, they ran the same 5 second clip they ran last week on the last commercial break before the end of the ep and then ran promos for La Brea and New Amsterdam instead at the end of the ep. I fear they may have cut the budget for TBL promos for this season (although I hope not).
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spoilertv · 5 months
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slytherbun · 2 years
ahh i love it!! i’m looking for some new series recommendations - have you saw Deadly Class? i might start that one
no i haven't but i've watched a promo lol
hmm shows that are finished i'd rec: one tree hill, shameless (i'm on s6), the fosters, schitts creek, the vampire diaries, the originals (vampire diaries spinoff), 90210 (from 2008. i haven't seen the other)
also finished: lucifer, z nation, society and the order. they are kinda silly shows. i didn't really like the endings. z nation and society was canceled. i'd save these for last on the list.
on going netflix shows: outer banks, emily in paris, virgin river, stranger things, ginny & georgia (although i kinda find ginny annoying), fate: the winx saga (there's only a few episodes so far and it kinda starts slow so push through it if you can).
other on going shows: 911, 911: lone star, the rookie, the cleaning lady, new amsterdam, cruel summer.
you should also watch: law & order: svu, law & order: organized crime (don't watch oc until you're on s22 of svu). also the one chicago shows (chicago pd, chicago fire and chicago med) they are all on going but will keep you busy for awhileeee lol
i wanna see euphoria, game of thrones, the resident, la brea, elite, sex education, greenhouse academy and anne with an e but idk if i'd rec the last 6 or not obviously 😅
there's prob a few more obviously but that's all i can think of rn lol
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finishinglinepress · 3 years
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FLP BOOK OF THE DAY: Making Silent Stones Sing by Susan Cummins Miller
TO ORDER GO TO: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/making-silent-stones-sing-by-susan-cummins-miller/ RESERVE YOUR COPY TODAY
Tucson writer Susan Cummins Miller, a former field geologist and college instructor, is the author of the novels Chasm, Fracture, Hoodoo, Quarry, Detachment Fault, and Death Assemblage. She compiled and edited the anthology A Sweet, Separate Intimacy: Women Writers of the American Frontier, 1800-1922, and her award-winning poems, short stories, and essays have appeared in, or are forthcoming in, numerous journals and anthologies. Deciphering the Desert: a book of poems is forthcoming from Finishing Line Press.
ADVANCE PRAISE FOR Making Silent Stones Sing by Susan Cummins Miller
Each time Susan Cummins Miller walked into her childhood library in Pasadena, she saw these words above the door: “Be made whole by the great spaces and the stars.” The poems in Deciphering the Desert are filled with the stars. And shells. And dry bones and shining stones. Azure skies and back roads, Joshua trees, pack rats and yellow butterflies. Susan’s curiosity about the natural world began by asking questions on summer trips with her family throughout the West. And receiving answers. In one poem, Miller questions the La Brea Tar Pit woman: “Did you ask questions? Did you feel the subtle shift in tenor when answers appeared, as if from the very air?” The poems in Deciphering the Desert are crafted the same way the earth is: with specific details and colors, and the names of things intact “in the starlit secret places, … the riverside camps.” The mysteries of nature become clearer as we are made whole by Susan’s words.
–Liza Porter, author of Red Stain and Keep the Singing.
From a plastic dashboard Jesus to bared-soul musings, poet/geologist Susan Cummins Miller leads readers on a lyrical field trip through family, culture, and, most of all, the natural world–thus helping us decipher far more than the desert. I
–Wynne Brown, author of The Forgotten Botanist: Sara Plummer Lemmon’s Life of Science and Art
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#flpauthor #preorder #AwesomeCoverArt #poetry
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La Brea Promo Topanga HD Season Finale
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esonetwork · 3 years
Feast for the Mind - Soul Forge Pod 224
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/a-feast-for-the-mind-in-every-episode-of-the-soul-forge-podcast/
Feast for the Mind - Soul Forge Pod 224
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A feast for the mind in every episode of the Soul Forge Podcast! So many fun and different topics to cover in this week’s episode. Every show is a feast for the mind, but this time, I actually use that phrase. Find out why when you listen to this one!
La Brea is the latest show I have started watching. I find it really fun and entertaining. It had me hooked in the first 5 minutes. I’ll be giving you a quick overview on the first 3 episodes. Minor spoilers are revealed, but because the show is so new, it should not matter.
My Etsy shop is called Rusted Robot Toys. A recap of my last 4 months worth of sales is discussed. I also talk about how I pack my orders and ship them out. What’s included in every package? You’ll find out in this episode, and maybe you’ll want to buy something! Find the shop at: https://www.etsy.com/shop/rustedrobottoys/
I was listening to the latest episode of the Delta Flyers podcast and one of the hosts mentioned a book. After looking into the book, I decided to purchase it. Because it sounds like a great read, I share it with you. Perhaps you will want to purchase a copy as well.
Speaking of buying things, I just ordered a few more items from Eaglemoss. They sell Star Trek starships and other fun items. I used the Honey plug-in on my computer to get a discount. Try Honey to save yourself some money. This is not a paid plug lol.
Finally, we talk about my recent fake name change. Trent does not suit me. My demeanor and lifestyle is quite different from Trent. Therefore, I’m just gonna be me!
This week’s podcast promo: The Monster Scifi Show, Vaccine PSA
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