#l.d curtain
I have a question. Who took the dart out of Curtain’s neck? Like was there a vote or whoever touched their nose the slowest had to do it? Probably Milligan because he most likely put him in the bag (I’m glad I wasn’t the only one that thought of Milligan carrying Nickolas 😂) but I can just imagine Kate and Milligan being like:
Kate: “…”
Milligan: “…”
Kate: “ Well I’m not going to do it.”
Milligan: “Of course not!”
Kate: “ Than why are you looking at me like I should.”
I’m probably overthinking it but I thought it and now it won’t go away. (PFFFFFFFF what if they just left it there 😂)
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
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7grandmel · 2 months
Todays rip: 25/03/2024
The Life and Times of Wade L.D.
Season 3 Part of: The SiIvaGunner Christmas Comeback Crisis
Directed by Smoky, Chaze the Chat Music by dante Full list of credits on Wiki
Requested by Jiko Music! (Request Form)
Five years. It's been five whole years since the third season of SiIvaGunner came to an end. Five whole years since, in some ways, the channel began charting a course that would change it's direction forever. Season 4 Episode 1's mission statement was incredibly concise - to return the channel's chaotic, unpredictable nature of the Season 1 days, and to deliver on the absolute titan of an event that was the King for Another Day Tournament. After various production woes in the Christmas Comeback Crisis' main storyline and a newfound interest in other ventures through the King for a Day Tournament, it became evident that there simply wouldn't be much room left over in the itinerary for the channel's ongoing storyline in 2019. And so, in a way, Season 3's finale marked the day that the channel's storyline bowed out to a backseat position - yet with The Life and Times of Wade L.D., they did so with utmost splendor.
I've said before on here, at least way back on 時の回廊 <ver. CCC>, that I don't wish to get too hung up on dissecting the Christmas Comeback Crisis storyline in particular - compared to most other lore on the channel, the form it takes is one that any average viewer is well able to dissect and watch on their own without much added context needed. I adore the series and wish to celebrate it - particularly its later endeavours - with my whole heart, but if I did I feel as if I'd inevitably be writing up to pages in the triple digits. Yet even if you're not all too familiar with the Christmas Comeback Crisis, be it as a newer fan or just plainly someone uninterested in the lore, it's pretty immediately noticeable that The Life and Times of Wade L.D. has a far different feel to it than other endeavors in the series. For one, the story told doesn't follow a character like Wood Man or Smol Nozomi or Haltmann, but an entirely new character - one who is created and (seemingly) ceases to exist entirely within this storyline. It is in some ways a standalone story - one that, perhaps more noticeably, is presented in an incredibly unique fashion - through an chronological archive of various recordings, emails, receipts, logs and photographs all centered around the titular Wade L.D. character. A character who, for the first time in the Christmas Comeback Crisis story, depicts the life of the everyman in Grandiose City - those who are not heroes nor villains, but are simply trying to exist within this strife-filled world that The Voice Inside Your Head unleashed at the series' beginning. Three years deep into this storyline, and it's officially become so much more than just the fun Kirby: Planet Robobot spoof that Patched Plains Fusion Collab, Mother's・Caption (We Paused The Channel For HOW Long?! Mix), The Noble Haltmann and so many more rips were all themed around. With Season 3 in particular, we'd gotten so many deeper insights into how this universe's world and operations were undergoing, small little peeks behind the curtain - it only makes it all the more befitting for the season to end with a full-on investigation of the truth. "Trust Nobody. Doubt Everything."
I believe its fair to say that The Life and Times of Wade L.D. was one of the most ambitious individual videos the team had made at the point of its release. Throughout its entire, gargantuan 30-minute runtime, we're spoiled with quality in so many different areas, from the fantastic artwork that maintains the story's mysterious atmosphere perfectly, to Smoky's remarkable writing being able to effortlessly ping-pong between seriousness and sly comedic jabs and references, to the soundtrack done entirely by the CCC series' sound director and certified GOAT, dante. Before the King for Another Day Tournament had the world floored, it was The Life and Times of Wade L.D. that kept impressing me with every turn - the commitment the team still had to this story, despite the clear signs to move on from it that they would eventually take in the years to come, was awe inspiring.
All of this is punctuated by what perhaps sets the story apart the most from other CCC productions - the full voice acting of all spoken and/or recorded dialogue. Season 3 was still a time where the voice acting the channel would have was typically in jest, either through sentence-mixing, text-to-speech, or through jokey rips altogether such as Haltmanna feat. Rob Thomas of Matchbox 20. Before Season 4 Episode 1 and onward would bring proper voice-acted performances for characters like John NotWoodman, DJ Professor K, and Joke-Explainer 7000, we had this. And perhaps unsurprisingly, it is that titular character, Wade L.D. himself, voiced by ripper CaptainComedy, who through my every rewatch still impresses me most in his performance. At once, CaptainComedy's performance feels tired, fed up, exhausted, yet also like someone no more different than you or I - a true everyman, a cog in the machine, yet one with pent-up anger and frustration building up inside of him, anger that comes out as events unfold.
Its hard to not get excited, as a big lorehead, to have the narrative in question focus so much on loose ends set up by prior CCC events and Haltmann's Archives videos. The presence of 2B from Nier Automata as a prominent character, the direct callbacks to the first-ever side story in Waluigi's Tacostand and establishing its bizarrely critical plot importance, the building drama between Haltmann and The Voice, the investigation onto SiIvaGunner's empty house and the traces of Woodman's presence there from the very start of Season 2...there is such an overarching feeling of satisfaction throughout all of The Life and Times of Wade L.D., as if I'm being genuinely rewarded for having paid attention to all of the channel's workings ever so extensively. All capped off by a genuinely touching narrative about the gradual collapse of a man's life.
Yet more than that satisfaction, what I love most about The Life and Times of Wade L.D. - above the music, the story, the artwork, the lore, or whatever else - is how much it still truly feels like a SiIvaGunner production. CaptainComedy's performance is incredible, yes - but right alongside him, you have channel founder Chaze the Chat playing a literal self-insert of himself, dubbed by only the most modest amount of investment into the role, althewhile making references to Maroon 5 and Kara's Flowers. There's references and nods to prior CCC episodes, an ongoing bait-and-switch joke that sees "Dr. P", set up to be a reference to the Dr. Piccolo meme, actually turn out to be referencing Dr. Pavel of Baneposting (Maskettaman - Dr. Pavel's Fly​-​So​-​Good) fame. There's just this subtle cheekiness to it all - never any sign that the episode and the storyline aren't being sincere, yet with countless signs to remind you of just how much fun the team are having in producing this story. A beating heart. A passion.
There are so many readings one could make of the storyline, that I don't know where to - or even if I should - begin. In our real world, the SiIvaGunner channel is a passion project driven entirely by voluntary contributors, a group of people contributing to a greater whole as a hobby out of love for the channel, their craft, and one another. It stands in stark contrast to the version of SiIvaGunner that The Voice Inside Your Head seeks to create, a symbol of the whiniest of fans of the channel's early days, and it stands in even starker contrast to what Haltmann further wishes for it to be - to produce rips as content, as products, as a job to attend just like Wade L.D. himself does. Wade's journey is one of excessive overwork, of burnout - perhaps not of making rips, yet with work pertaining to SiIvaGunner itself althesame. The environment Haltmann has created necessitates that Wade finds escapes from his job in order to feel relieved from it, that his work offers him no relief or fun - that the act of contributing to SiIvaGunner's growth is, at this stage, no longer something done out of passion. The Christmas Comeback Crisis, as meme-filled as it and the entire channel its hosted on is, is a form of a dystopia, if a subtle one, and the insight we get into Wade's life shows just how dire a project like SiIvaGunner could, in a far-worse world, be.
I could, really, as I said before, go on forever about this, about any Christmas Comeback Crisis episode. The series means the world to me, the CHANNEL of SiIvaGunner of course means the world to me as well - but it was, as I've said many a time before, through Season 2 that I unabashedly fell in love with the project. The Life and Times of Wade L.D. was everything I could have ever wanted a side story of the Christmas Comeback Crisis to be, and it warms my heart to see so many people from the team still cherish it. Be it dante reminiscing on how important of a project it was for him as a composer, or indeed this post's requestee, Jiko Music, arranging the episode's main theme for RIP^2 just last year with the beautiful LD. Its clear that it's so much more than just another piece to the SiIvaGunner lore - as perhaps SiIvaGunner's best Season finale second only to the one Season 7 just provided us, The Life and Times of Wade L.D. is downright incredible.
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irlwakko · 2 years
i just woke up on an orchard-slash-commune and have no clue what day it is. maybe world-renowned scientist and happiness guru L.D. Curtain can help me
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seirve · 8 months
question for tmbs fans:
please reblog this is a very important topic 🙏
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myfairkatiecat · 6 months
Ok so, TMBS AU where some people are born with the ability to use magic and some people aren't, but since it's uncommon to be born with magic and people are afraid of what they can't control, it's very frowned upon.
Nathaniel is born with magic. Nicholas is not.
During their childhood at the orphanage, Nicholas furiously learns as much science as he can to make excuses for Nathaniel's accidental uses of magic, as they are children and Nathaniel hasn't had the opportunity to learn to control it. Nicholas knows Nathaniel's life will be easier if no one knows he has magic, and while Nathaniel knows it, too, his pride gets the better of him.
Nicholas is adopted and Nathaniel isn't, all because he wanted his new family to know what he could do.
Brotherly betrayals and broken promises later, Nathaniel is an adult by the name of L.D. Curtain, pretending his uses of magic are tied to entirely scientific inventions. The point? To control the entire world. Because that was what they were afraid of, wasn't it? People with magic taking over the world?
If they were going to hate users of magic either way, why not take over the world?
But Nathaniel's plan falls apart when his brother sends in a team of child spies to infiltrate his school, one of whom has magic herself. When she is able to dismantle his inventions with her powers, he begins to rethink his approaches. If his brother would adopt a girl with magic, he clearly didn't hate him because of his powers...
Maybe he should take this from a different direction. Show the people what magic can do for them. How it can make them happy.
(Maybe then his brother will see that he is good.)
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ldcurtain · 1 year
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Any fic or TMBS au headcanons or ideas you want to share? 👀
Ooooo I have so many but I’ll try to limit it a bit!
So for TMBS au headcanons one concept that always entertains me (and I know I've told you this one) is book!Curtain and show!Curtain meeting up (aka L.D. and Nathanial to make my life easier). To me, this is the equivalent of the Doofenshmirtz and Doofenshmirtz-2 meetup in Phineas and Ferb: Across the 2nd Dimension.
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They would get along and talk about their plans for world domination for about 5 minutes before L.D realizes that Nathanial actually has a heartTM and when Nathanial asks where SQ is and how he's doing, L.D says "...the Executive...? What about him?" Nathanial then realizes he has to throw hands and it won't end well. He also realizes he has another SQ to take in (who needs it, poor guy!!!).
Another fun AU headcanon with these two is the idea of them as theater kids. It's been talked about a lot, but in my mind, there are different types, as someone who's been around theater kids for a long time (and yes, was one).
Nathanial is definitely an Annoying Theater KidTM. There is no doubt about this. He is the type of theater kid to correct your harmonies (usually in a gratingly nice way), steal the spotlight whenever he can and overall is not a team player. How he was in that one performance as a kid tells me everything I need to know, tbh.
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He also will definitely spontaneously sing and dance in the hallways, resulting in several traffic jams. Self-awareness? This guy has none.
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However, there is an earnestness to him you can't deny. He loves his craft. He corrects your harmonies for the betterment of the show. He may be annoying, but it's because he wants the show to succeed. Part of the very reason he's annoying is because he's RIGHT. You hate him but also secretly love him. Does he sing "Santa Fe" for every audition? Yes. Does he hit that high note at the end? Also yes. If he doesn't get the lead, you better believe he will do his best as Tree #3. Tree #3 may look like he's doing too much, but really he's just putting his all into it and that comes off as stealing the spotlight.
L.D., on the other hand, is the worst kind of theater kid. He has a Preshow Ritual. It is an hour long and if you interrupt it, you will be dead to him. He constantly argues with the director about why they didn't put him center front in every dance number. He doesn't correct your harmonies, he just sings louder than you so you're not heard. Team player? What do you mean, this is the L.D. Show now there is no team. Anyone not on his side is against him and his clique (as small as it is) will do their best to shun you if you so much as breathe wrong. Heaven help you if you're near him the day the cast list comes out and he doesn't get his desired role...it's not pretty. He practices his monologues a hundred times in front of a mirror to the point of looking over-rehearsed. A real example of this is in TPD when L.D makes his whole villain speech after capturing the kids while circling around them....you cannot tell me he didn't practice that. It was way too choreographed.
This type of theater kid will not rest until he has gotten a lead and even that will not satisfy. Only complete control of his role and the show in it will be enough. He doesn't love the craft per se, he loves the craft done HIS WAY. The only thing saving professional crews from working with him is word-of-mouth about his insufferable personality (one show had the misfortune of picking him as an ensemble character -- he lasted two days before being fired).
So yes, both Curtains are Annoying Theater KidsTM, but annoying in their special ways :)
That got me thinking about what the rest of the MBS gang would do for their extracurricular activities in a high school AU. Because they differ, I'm dividing them by book and show canon. I'm keeping this short, but I can deep dive if y'all have specific questions on why I picked a certain activity for someone.
Reynie - Book club
Sticky - Mathletes
Kate - Soccer
Constance - Weirdly enough, chess
SQ - Art
Nicholas - Speech/debate
Rhonda - Choir
Number Two - Journalism Club/Yearbook
Milligan - Gardening Club
L.D. - Theater (to everyone's detriment, but at least he didn't pick model UN)
Martina - Girl Scouts (be very afraid)
Jackson + Jillson - Band KidsTM
Ten Men - they aren't in extracurriculars, they are just that gang of bullies the teachers can't stop and have since stopped trying (Crawlings wants to be in the Sewing Club, but McCracken won't let him >:()
Reynie - again, Book Club
Sticky - Chem Club
Kate - Tetherball
Constance - no extracurriculars, she just sets up a gambling ring in her school after the events of season 2.
SQ - Art :)
Nicholas - Community Service
Rhonda - some sort of Activism club, maybe all of them
Number Two - Woodworking
Milligan - Swim Team
Nathanial - I know he did rowing, but I choose Theater for reasons
Garrison - Neuroscience Club
Martina - Tetherball
Jackson + Jillson - still Band KidsTM
Jeffers - I honestly don't know where Jeffers would thrive best but I would hope he would find a club where the perimeter was secure and his heart was happy :) maybe a nerd group like one about his fave TV show or dance (reblog your headcanon!)
Noland - he would create a Sailing Club
Cannonball - Noland's first mate, of course :)
As for fic ideas, I actually have one I'm working on right now, it's slow progress because it's my first one, but I'm super excited about it. The only hints I will give is that it involves Milligan and Kate and was inspired by a post I saw a while back. Hopefully, it'll be done soon and I can share it with you!
Thank you Bods, this was so much fun to write!!!
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l.d. curtain.
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nathaniel benedict.
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I know I said I'd get this out, like, two days ago, but unfortunately I had a pressing essay that I needed to finish. HOWEVER, I have now dealt with it, and so I get to gush about how much I enjoyed this chapter of "S.O.S."!!!!
(This is also going to be in a few parts, so I do apologise. I wanted to do it justice.)
First off, ten chapters!! A very exciting milestone :)
And I was so happy to see all of the sneak-peaks from the WIP Ask Game slot into this chapter; it's like five different layers of satisfying to see the passages I was really excited to read earlier match up with a piece of writing that I love so very dearly.
There is something so exactly siblingesque that Curtain is extremely angry about his brother "stealing" their joint ideas. I have basically had that exact conversation too many times to count.
Poor Jeeps. He's jeeped it up again.
"How many back-up locations and safe houses can one person have?" How many indeed. I think that either they have a ton, because all of them wanted to be prepared so they just set up like five different back up plans without telling each other, or Curtain's forces are absolutely abysmal at finding their singular safe house.
Curtain thinking about how Garrison is closer to him than Nicholas, even though she's currently brainswept herself is so sad. He had a family, and now all that he can do is compare how deeply their various "betrayals" hurt him.
"The family Curtain had lost" OKAY, WE'RE GOING THERE. OUCH.
But, really, that is an exquisitely crafted line with so much nuance and drama and pain.
It's really interesting that Kate and Milligan's names seem to be at (or near) the top of his list, while Nicholas is purposefully at the bottom. Because he still devotes the same amount of attention and mental energy to thinking about/capturing them. He's just pretending not to care.
" Nicholas, and everyone else that Curtain had ever cared about always fought against him, like disobedient unruly children" Oh, oh buddy. I totally get why this makes sense for his character and everything, but, again, why are you trying to run a school?
It is a skill that you can write Curtain's inner monologue and include such things at “The Endless Burden of Greatness is Mine Alone to Bear.” and still make me feel even smidge of serious sympathy for him. You have a talent, my friend.
You included the bit about Number Two's name!! I find that so funny, and am intensely gratified that you gave him that little thought anecdote about it.
Oooh, the way you included the lights from the shore so early in the chapter gave me shivers. I was brimming with anticipation by the time Curtain fully processed through it all.
It's a tiny bit funny to me that Curtain continually thinks of children and their skills as "pathetic", whereas when he himself was twelve he thought he could rule the world, and still holds that conviction!
"Or maybe Curtain was just being paranoid. Or maybe he wasn’t being paranoid enough." Or maybe you need therapy
His statement about the syllables has always thrown me off, but I reconsidered it here, and while I still have no answers, I have some observations: "Ledroptha Curtain" is 3-2, while "L.D. Curtain" can be considered 2-2 ("Reynard Muldoon" is also 2-2). However, both "Nathaniel Benedict" and "Nicholas Benedict" are 3-3. I wonder if the writers chose "Nathaniel" purposefully because of its syllables, as well as starting with "N". I wonder if it bothers Curtain that his name isn't really balanced anymore (as I can definitely see him struggling with some OCD tendencies; need for control and all) or if he likes it (or pretends to), since it no longer matches his brother.
Curtain's just sitting here judging Reynie for wanting to talk about his Manipulation Salad while pretending to care for more manipulation. I can't believe how irony-blind he is sometimes.
He's so awkward ugh this part makes my insides squirm
It's crazy but also really sad how much Curtain has retreated into his defensiveness since the S.O.S., because he's comparing Reynie to both Nicholas and Pedalian, but he can't get out of his own head enough to recognize Reynie as a person and possibly offer him some grace or even consider why he might be acting so oddly. It's good, because it means that the kids' plan works and their people reading skills have been put to good use, but it's still a little sad.
"who by this point was certain that the backhanded nature of his compliment would undoubtedly be completely lost on Reynie, as he didn’t even seem capable of determining the appropriate time to enter a conversation." Why is he so judgy this is actually hysterical-
Why. Just- Why? What about the Ribbon Interaction was so concerning that nearly ruins Curtain's opinions of Reynie? I mean, it sounds exactly like something Curtain would do but I am dying trying to sort it out in my head because it's so weird
AND HE'S STILL OFF. He has a whole interaction with Reynie, and then goes "Hm, I wonder where the possible spies my brother may have sent are. Truly a mystery." He's such a goofy dork, for all his "Greatness"
It's so neat that Milligan loves hiking. I just adore that detail.
Oh boy, Rhonda and Number Two's fighting never really sat right with me in the show, but I am liking the spin you put on it. I think it's probably just because I read the books and I was expecting them to be sisters, rather than colleagues. That said, I am very curious to see where you take it!
The way that you interject the girls' argument with the little descriptions of Milligan is amazing! It really captures the energy of the situation beautifully.
In a way, Milligan is mirroring Curtain in this scene, with his uncomfortable awkwardness and trying to escape the conversation.
Mr. Benedict's whole life sometimes feels like a series of putting off a task until it eventually confronts him and tips over into a domino line of other tasks. Same, buddy.
You are a beautiful artist and it's like watching a gorgeous quilt come together or someone weaving very fine lace to see you write but also sometimes it feels like you're repeatedly stabbing me in the heart
Oh, oh oh oh dear. It's the Milligan flashback. Still just as emotional the fourth or fifth time around :(
The way you describe his wife is so cool!! It's very genuine and sincere, but you keep the vague, mysterious air as well!! Very good.
Agh, and poor Milligan keeps second-guessing his memories and worrying that they're hallucinations or something, my heart hurts for him. And once again!! He wants to meet her again. I think that it adds a lot to things with how you've been writing him, because while obviously finding Kate again was amazing for him, but he probably had to grieve his wife all over again when he remembered her. (But, of course, we know that he'll get to "see her" in Kate, a little)
The way that Curtain does a full 180 from harshly judging Sticky for being timid and like Nicholas to (correctly) assuming that he's a spy is as ridiculous as it is interesting. Curtain is highly intelligent, he and Mr. Benedict are siblings, after all. However, he is constantly handicapping himself with his distrust of others and unhealthily excessive self-reliance.
“Not slacking off on your classes, are you?” SIR. What classes????
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kneeslapworthy · 1 year
plspls can you drop the link to your playlists 😭 i can't find themmmm
That's because I had them on private ahaha sorry
These are all of the "Taylor's Version"-playlists, but I'm currently working on making playlists with the music I mentioned in my Spotify Wrapped post :)
Reynie Muldoon (Taylor's Version)
Sticky Washington (Taylor's Version)
Kate Wetherall (Taylor's Version)
Constance Contraire (Taylor's Version)
S.Q. Pedalian (Taylor's Version)
L.D. Curtain I Nathaniel Benedict (Taylor's Version)
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(click to read on ao3)
In which Mr. Benedict and Number Two escape Curtain’s capture, only to find Milligan has gone missing as well.
“Of course it’s true I can make anyone happy.” L.D. Curtain’s voice crackled through the television as he smiled benignly at the interviewer. “And,” he said, looking into the camera, “I have a guest with me today to demonstrate.”
Constance turned, her interest caught. This was new — he’d never actually brought someone with him to an interview before.
A familiar face stepped into view of the camera, and Constance dropped her glass of water on the floor with a crash.
. . . (four days later) . . .
“We’ve come to get you out of here.” Number Two’s voice was firm, and she was glaring daggers at Curtain.
“Oh?” Milligan said, and smiled, though he sounded a bit confused.
“This place is a well-concealed hell of emotional control and we are going to get you out of here, Milligan,” said Nicholas. He was trying his best to keep calm, but seeing Milligan like this was unnerving. Heartbreaking.
Please tell me you still want to get out of here. The thought flew unbidden into Nicholas’s mind. Please tell me you’re still in there. Somewhere.
“Oh,” Milligan said again, still smiling. “Why on earth would you do that?”
Nicholas shook his head, barely able to keep himself from crying in front of his brother. “Because I love you,” he said quietly, his voice shaking, unable to look Milligan in the eye. This wasn’t the time for him to say something like that, but it was true, and it was the one thing Nicholas could manage to hold onto. “Milligan, please—”
“Well he doesn’t love you back,” snapped Curtain. “Do you, Milligan?”
“No,” Milligan said pleasantly. “Of course not.”
Something in Nicholas’s heart shattered. “Oh— oh. Of course.” 
Of course. Why had he expected anything different? He knew he wasn’t someone... he knew he wasn’t someone people loved. He couldn’t even love himself most days, why would he think someone else would love him?
But there had been moments — moments when Milligan’s hand would brush his as they walked, moments when Milligan would blush cardinal red at something he’d thought (and Nicholas had lied awake many nights wondering about that), even once when Nicholas had accidentally called Milligan “my love” in some obscure language he was sure Milligan didn’t know — moments that made him think, for a split second, that there was a glimmer of hope.
He must have been wrong.
“He can’t,” Number Two said suddenly, understanding spreading across her face. “He can’t love you, Mr. Benedict— because love isn’t happiness.”
“Love isn’t happiness,” she said insistently, her eyes fixed to his. “Not completely. It can make you happy, but love itself isn’t the same thing as happiness. It’s longing and want and it’s pain, so he can’t love you, Mr. Benedict, not while he’s under Curtain’s sick mind control.”
“Do you mean...?” Before Nicholas could finish the thought, Kate and Constance burst into the room, Kate brandishing her flashlight like it was a weapon.
“Let him go!” Kate snarled at Curtain, flinging her words through the air like a knife. “You nasty little—”
Curtain, infuriatingly, laughed. “Right. Like you two children can possibly intimidate me.”
“Let. Him. Go,” Constance said through gritted teeth. Her face was tensed up in concentration, staring at Curtain with the raw, dispassionate sort of anger only young children can display.
Curtain winced, placing his hands to his temple. “What are you doing?” He hissed in pain, stepping away from her, his eyes wide. “How—?”
Constance smiled smugly up at him and didn’t say a word.
Glancing around at the group of people staring furiously at him, Curtain grimaced. “Fine. Have him! See if I care.” Scowling, he pressed a button on his watch. A hidden door opened in the wall behind him, and he turned on his heel and left.
Number Two started after him, but Nicholas shook his head. “Don’t. He’s gone.”
Beside him, Milligan was blinking repeatedly, as if he was waking up from a long, deep sleep. “Nicholas?” he asked, reaching blindly for him. “Nicholas? Are you there? Where are we?”
“Shh,” said Nicholas softly, and took Milligan’s hand in his, as gentle as he would be with a child. “Yes, yes, I’m here, you’re alright—”
“I love you,” Milligan said desperately. “I wanted to tell you, but he wouldn’t let me, I was trapped, but I do, Nicholas—”
“Oh— oh,” said Nicholas. “Oh.” He felt as if he had forgotten how to speak properly.
Milligan all but melted into Nicholas’s arms, and a shiver went through Nicholas’s entire body. The emotions were flooding back into Milligan; everything he hadn’t felt when he was under Curtain’s control seemed almost ten times magnified. But Nicholas was here, his love was here, and that meant things were going to be alright.
Kate tapped on Constance’s shoulder. “Uh. What’s... happening?”
“You will not be a terrible sister,” Constance said simply.
“Sister? What—”
Suddenly realizing their children were in the room with them, Nicholas and Milligan pulled apart, both blushing furiously.
Constance smirked, and Mr. Benedict promptly fell asleep.
Luckily, Milligan was there to catch him.
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nobodysdaydreams · 5 months
Thanks, Katie! I know you want to see more of Nathaniel's wonderful nicknames so I found something I think you'll enjoy:
“We could always call you Ledroptha,” suggested Constance smugly. “Or Ledroptha Loser, since you did lose to us.”
"Ledroptha?” asked Nicholas.
“Yeah…” said Reynie. “That’s that name that Constance keeps calling him for some reason.”
“Because it’s what he changed his name to,” Constance explained cheerfully. “Ledroptha Curtain.”
The table fell silent as they contemplated the implications of this.
“It’s…a pun,” said Milligan slowly. “Word play.”
“So that’s what the L.D. stands for,” Kate realized.
“The… “L” stands for “Le”?” asked Reynie.
“Does the pun mean anything?” asked Rhonda.
“It means he has embarrassingly bad taste,” explained Constance.
“And it’s my old name, so it’s completely irrelevant to this conversation,” interjected Nathaniel, who was growing rather red in the face.
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L.D. Curtain is the main villain and a horrible father to S.Q my beloved S.Q he is filled with autism and also Curtain is a horrible brother to his sweet twin named Nicholas Benedict he is the best and he deserves the world and to whatever writer started putting in fat jokes at him I will strangle them.
Also Curtain didn't get either vehicular manslaughter or acid poured on his feet
I already love S. Q.
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exist101 · 1 year
He just wanted to go to the mill again with Katie,,,
And this is why I hate L.D Curtain
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biggoldbelt · 2 years
The Mysterious Benedict Society Season 2 Review (2022) | Tony Hale, Kristen Schaal | Disney+
The Mysterious Benedict Society Season 2 Review (2022) | Tony Hale, Kristen Schaal | Disney+
The Mysterious Benedict Society Season 2 review by Big Gold Belt Media –Synopsis:This season, Reynie, Sticky, Kate and Constance, the four gifted orphans who were recruited by the eccentric Mr. Benedict, embark on another mission to save the world from the nefarious plans of his twin brother Dr. L.D. Curtain. When the kids discover that Mr. Benedict and Number Two have been kidnapped, they must…
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