demcnsinmymind · 8 months
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@kxllerblondsent : “i think it's time for you to take a break.” | PROMPTS FOR WORKAHOLIC CHARACTERS WHO PUSH THEMSELVES TOO HARD | Always Open!
Azzy edition
"Aw, see. I knew you'd come around. Caring about me. How lovely" it teases, not at all taking a break or letting go by even one tiny bit. Because it knows that this is what the other is ever so politely hinting at without using the actual words. It makes itself comfortable on Clark's couch, uses the fingers of the body it occupies to trace the texture in a nonsensical pattern, keep tapping away at it in a barely there rhythm.
"I don't suppose you'll be surprised to hear that I don't need rest. Or sleep. Though to be fair, technically, this body does, but you know that too, right" it goes on and waves the other off with a frown, only to end up smirking again.
"Offering him food and coffee to keep him going. Really, ever so mindful. Though I must say, I'm still waiting for the day you offer him a bed. Some rest. A good night's sleep. Boy, he sure could use a break."
Soon, that smirk gets replaced with a curious and amused little frown. It stops drumming on the couch, lets go of it, entwines Lance's fingers instead as it leans forward with much interest.
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"Do you take breaks? Sleep? Funny little concept, isn't it. And don't get me started on the dreaming. Do you do that, too? I used to, I think. I mean, that's what their little book says about me, right. The Sleeping Chaos, The Blind Dreamer. So it must be true, huh. I wonder what else it says, what else you know. What else you do."
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striigon · 2 months
@kxllerblond liked for some dawg
THE WOLF'S BEEN restless. He swears he can feel her presence, feel those icy blue eyes on him and on Clark. She would take some interest in him, wouldn't she? A cambion might not be so different from herself, and he knows she's the kind to look for new playthings.
HIS SENSES ARE too overtuned for this. He's gotten so much stimulus in this wretched city that he can barely hear anything at all anymore, so the sudden appearance behind him has him snarling, grabbing at the throat, teeth bared to bite -
AND JUST AS suddenly he lets go without a word. Just Clark. Fuck.
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droidsplode · 1 month
@kxllerblond said: "How did they manage to get so many snobs in one place?"
Rex is leaning against the bar, his back turned to it as he observes the room of mingling politicians. At the comment of the man behind the bar, he chuckles into his glass. " For my sake I'll choose to assume you are not including me in this statement . " He jokes. " For your sake, if any of these ' snobs ' ask , I'll tell them I didn't hear you correctly . "
Usually Rex doesn't attend events like this. None of these people would even recognise him, despite taking orders from him on a daily basis. His neat suit and the American flag pin on his chest identifies him as a member of the government, sure, but few know him beyond the drones he controles.
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" It's inevitable when you put a bunch of powerful people in the same room , I suppose . " He muses with a shrug. " I've found a lot of politics is just an elevated form of a dick measuring contest . It takes a certain type of person to be good at that . " He turns to the man. " I would assume , running places like this , you'd be used to dealing with these types . "
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miidnighters · 1 month
@kxllerblond | continued from ☾
"I mean. Relevance is a strong word. Everything's relevant to something." Somehow, her thick accent makes this a more confusing turn of phrase. Lulu is unperturbed, crunching a chip in thought.
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"Do you think, though, that the probability is increased because of your long life? Like, have you seen more unlikely things going on so far? Or do you think you will? I'm not sure where you're at, with that. You have one of those faces, you know."
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yxkanna · 3 months
❝ it’s not as bad as it looks, i swear. ❞ (sends u asks but in an evil way c:<)
normal things // @kxllerblond
THIS IS NOT what he expected his Wednesday evening to look like. One moment he's sniffing all of Clark's coffee samples and scrolling through Twitter absently on his couch, and the next - well. He's not really sure what's happened next. But Clark is here, and he's bleeding, and Nick is already up in his business trying to tell just how bad it is.
"SORRY, ARE YOU a medical professional?" This isn't his usual tone with Clark. There's no playful needling in his voice this time - his words are sharper, more pronounced, listening but mind clearly thinking ahead as he views the man before him from a purely analytical standpoint. "I'll make the judgement on that, thanks. I'd say go to the hospital but the fact you're here and not there now sort of answers that for me - tell me you keep a first aid kit here."
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stainedpast · 2 months
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His steps are calculated, light yet quick as he treads towards what he believes to be a possible exit, but he needs to check on the pulses of the bodies on his way if the situation allows. Just as his foot is about to pass the barrier covering his figure, a hand grips his wrist, it takes everything in him not to gasp, his chest full of air trapped in, and part of him thanks whatever for the workouts he performs, helping him keep his balance despite the slight pull to the other direction. All is NOTHING in comparison to when he turns to glance at the source of interruption, a little angry, but it quickly dissipates as he gets a good look at them, his face goes pale, heart skipping a beat before racing, lips slightly parted in disbelief, eyes widened. They- They should be dead! He SAW them become a CORPSE in front of his eyes, felt no fucking pulse to make sure. What the fuck is going on? Are they some kind of secret agent of the government and swallowed pills to make his vitals barely detectable? No- He swears on everything he cares about that they were BLEEDING!
Oh god! Oh god!
Almost forgetting about his gripped arm, his lips want to voice his disbelief, but the danger around is still there, he could get them both killed if spotted, again in their case—- Wait! What the fuck is he thinking? He seals his lips, trying to shut both his mind and voice.
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@kxllerblond : grab, sender grabs receiver's wrist to stop them from leaving. / klaus | accepting
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designedparadigm · 3 months
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❛ you look ridiculous in that outfit, by the way. ❜ / @kxllerblond
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   "you  know,  i  am sooo  glad  you  pointed  that  out  because  it's  not  as  if  i  wasn't  already well aware  of  that  fuckin'  fact."  julie  doesn't  bite  back  her  retort,  hand  gripping  the  handle  of  her  knife  just  that  little  bit  tighter,  irritation  running  through  her.  sure,  it's  all  fun  and  games  to  the rest  of  them  to  run  around  in giant  bunny  mascot  suits  -  but  it's  a  living hell  for  her. 
   "if  i  didn't  actually like  those  motherfuckers,  i  wouldn't  be  wearing  this. believe  you  me."  a  scoff  passes  her,  lifting  the  knife  in  her  hand  and  eyeing  it  through  the  costumes  head.  it  narrowed  vision,  it  felt  clunky  to  run  in  -  yet somehow  frank  and  susie  especially  took  joy  in  it.  joey?  well,  fuck,  when  did  anything  bother  joey?  how  she  wishes  she  had  his  attitude. 
   but  she's  not  joey  -  she's  julie.  and  this  costume  is  fucking  humiliating. 
   "you  make  one  more  fucking  sidelong  comment  and  i  will  gut  you  like  a  fucking  fish.  get  it?"  she  points  the  knife,  emphasizing  the  threat.  "i  already  feel  fucking  stupid.  you  make  it  worse  -  i will  take all  of  this  shit  out  on you."
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g0dforb1d · 9 days
❛ today isn’t your day, is it? ❜
Eyes close, head drops and the lanky young woman whines. It very audible but it's not a sign of agony or fear, it's annoyance, it's from having her day disturbed.
She smelled him before entering the bar but hope, prayed even that he was just a passerby, that he wouldn't have anything to do with her active husk of a body.
"I don't know yet," Iggy swallowed thickly, fingers casually making their way into her bag to fish out a pack of cigarettes to slip between her overlined lips as she peers deep into her new company's eyes, "It seems it's going to be all up to you..."
Demons and devils and all things spooky seem to become a pain in the neck after making deals of damnation... Iggy tried her best to steer clear of anything she could smell from a distance because most discussions just sound like shake downs but the downside of her one power given to her (outside of national fame) was that she couldn't tell any of them apart. She assumed they all worked the same, reported to the same people and had the same code of ethics.
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pohlepen · 2 months
" it's okay , i already have a dollar ."
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       ❝   but that's the polite thing to do; to offer someone a dollar when they offer you a smoke.  so i’m being polite   ---   are you sure you don't want my dollar?  it’s just kind of customary,  ❞    he’s not entirely ruining the vibe, but she'd feel a helluva lot better if he just took the money.
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the mick meme / accepting / @kxllerblond
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eyeless-smiles · 18 days
@kxllerblond cont. from x
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Clark was very good about his cool, his being collected. And yet, that carefully practiced temper was always stretched to its limits with these sorts. The dancing around information sorts, the smirking and the smiling and the-—the dramatics. Ugh. Couldn't anyone just be normal? Just answer questions and be transparent? ❝ In your experience... ❞ he echoed it flatly in that dull and near-monotone of his. His eyes flicked away in a roll and he exhaled a moody sigh as if to silently say 'alright, fine. Let's do this.' ❝ Then you mustn't have much experience with them on account that I am not one. ❞ arms crossed, expression sour. ❝ And it's not my fault, darling, that you're evidently so vulnerable that even sparing the information as to what the fuck you are-—forgive my language-—would be a potential threat to your well-being. ❞
The Corinthian's visage cants to the side as hidden maws scrutinise the stranger before him with interest. He claims hes not a demon? Yet the Nightmare can taste the bowels of Hell clinging to his person like a heavy blanketed weight. Its an odour that never leaves a creature that has spent any time in Lucifer's domain.
"So you're something new, then." The Corinthian seems pleased with the tidbit of information he managed to gleam from the stranger, despite how irked the man seems that the Corinthian isn't inclined to divulge his own secrets.
An amused laugh rolls form his lips when the well dressed gentleman begins to get snarky. The Corinthian decides to indulge him. He slips into the seat opposite the stranger. Two unnatural beings playing the part of simple coffee shop patrons.
"Forgive me for simply being cautious, doll. Playing it loose with secrets is a good way to get yourself killed."
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demcnsinmymind · 2 months
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@kxllerblond gets a new thread, kinda fast forwarded from this one
It's been a couple of weeks now, alright. The move has worked, his mom's somewhere in fucking France. Doesn't exactly know where and has purposely chosen not to ask where. Because as great as it is to know that she's thousands of miles away from them, it's even better to know that they cannot get the answer to the where out of him, not even with torture.
He trusts that Clark has done a good enough job at moving her and covering all tracks, though even now he still knows he probably shouldn't. Then again, doesn't have the funds to pull something like this off, doesn't know the right people either, any people anymore if he's honest. A guy like Clark'll have to do.
Even with her gone though, even with her safe, he feels...restless. Reckless. One of the many reasons why he has chosen to stay behind in Washington while Clark has left to attend to other business. Plenty of that on his plate for sure. For a while now, he's been waiting. Baiting. Back in the old house, his childhood home. Empty now. Waiting for them to turn up even though he shouldn't. But hey, if it's getting the job of finding them done...
Pulling out his phone, he shoots the cambion a text message.
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Any luck with that greed demon and the dirty money trail?
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striigon · 3 months
@kxllerblond // con't from here
MATIJA ANSWERS WHEN Clark waves at his plate. The slightest shift of air is enough to disturb him further, flinging the overwhelming scent of garlic into his nose. His face scrunches. His nose wrinkles. His eyes get very small and very squinty. His fangs show themselves ever so slightly as lips peel back in equal parts revulsion and annoyance.
HE SNEEZES. IT'S a terrible sound, loud and high-pitched. Now he's mad.
"JEBI SE, VRAG - take this away before I turn you inside out."
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miidnighters · 1 month
@kxllerblond | continued from ☾
"A bromance is not dictated by time." Barty scoffs, as though this information is something Clark should be fully aware of. "But connection. Intensity. They were good conversations, weren't they? I put pictures of your latte art on my gram. That's bromance, right there."
He had been joking, at least a little. Unfortunately, though, Barty sees that suspicion and decides to play into it a little more.
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"It's like you don't value the bromance at all. Maybe I would have liked to go to Ireland. Now there's a time difference, you can't even call-" had they ever spoken on the phone before? "You may as well be going away forever."
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droidsplode · 26 days
@kxllerblond from here
The sad truth of Rex's situation is that he can't trust anyone that's close to him. This incident only proved it further to him. He used to have to deal with assassination attempts when he ruled the Flaxans, not being a public figure is another reason staying in the shadows has benefitted him. He never considered one could come from inside the GDA. He will not make that mistake again.
He realises how this looks. They met once. Still, it's that detachment that makes him the only person he can trust right now and he needed to get away. Before his anger pushed him to irrational decisions.
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" I know , and I'm sorry . I know it can't not be unnerving , me showing up here , but it is my job to know everything about everyone . I guess that is why I'm here . " He frowns, that didn't come out quite like he wanted it to. He takes his shoes off almost on autopilot. His mind too overrun with thoughts.
" It's Rex , by the way . Rex Conners . " He says as he sits down. He rubs his hands together nervously. " And I'll take the strongest thing you're willing to part with . "
He pauses then, his foot tapping anxiously along. He places a hand on his knee to stop it before speaking up again. " Thanks by the way. For , you know , not closing the door in my face . I had expected you to if I'm honest . " He keeps his eyes fixed on the floor. " I had a pretty rough day today . It made me realise I don't have anywhere to just be - I mean , I live in a government facility . It made me think of what you said , about human nature . " He shakes his head. " I just need to not be around all that . Just for a little while . "
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redride · 1 month
It had been a slow day, the kind of day where Krystal could just work on her bike in the shop... that is until the boss came to her, and told her to take care of the customer that came in. She asked but didn't give much details, just that the car was more expensive and he didn't want to bother, so he told her to do it. Krystal begrudgingly agrees, putting her wrench down and moving her bike out of sight. Couldn't risk someone knocking it over or touching it while she worked.
The woman goes up to @kxllerblond to introduce herself, "Hey there, name's Krystal." wiping the grease on her jeans before extending a hand for him to shake. "Boss told me you needed some work done on your car today, what exactly can I do for ya?"
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designedparadigm · 1 month
"Sorry, I couldn't hear you over my internal monologue." / @ any of your dbd nerds :)
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   there's  a  moment  where  the  witch  stares  blankly,  before  a  grin  curves  upon  painted  lips.  an unladylike  snort  passes  -  before  she's  laughing.  she  clutches  her  mug  in  her  hands  tightly,  trying  not  to  spill  it.  there's  a  hell  of  a  lot  of  things  she's  been  told  before  -  but this  is  a  new  one.  a funny  new  one. 
   "as rude  as  that  is;  i'll  give  it  to  you  for  being  creative  about  it."  she  offers  a  grin,  before  giving  a  shrug.  "suppose  what  i  had  to  say  just  wasn't  important  enough,  huh?"  a  little  disappointing  -  but  then  again,  can't  expect  everyone  to  care.
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