#kotlc dex diznee
dex: Relationships should be 50/50. fitz cooks us dinner while I sit on the kitchen counter looking pretty.
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Sophie: hello people who do not live here
Bianca, Dex, Tam, Linh, Fitz, Keefe, and Marella: hey
Sophie: i gave you a key for emergencies
Keefe: We were out of doritos
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honeii-puff · 4 months
I have no idea how KOTLC was ever a middle grade book series.
Right of the bat of book one: Kidnapping and Torture of **twelve-year-olds.** Plus the mentioned fact that if Dex wasn't in the cave and taken that they'd have assumed she committed **suicide??**
Like wtf
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poppinspop · 7 months
What if
Keefe like hand stitched a stuffed animal for dex
Cuz everyone has it except dex soooo oops going crazy about it👌👌
And dex holds it dearer than his life because keefe frikin hand stitched that for dex shjejsj
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demonic-kotlc · 9 months
I feel like Dex is the middle child for Shannon whenever she writes
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cogaytes · 1 year
this is a reminder that sophie, dex, and keefe have all kissed more people canonically than fintan. despite all the fintan gets bitches headcanons.
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confessionsofkotlc · 1 month
i wanna see a POV of biana and dex👍👍
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ahoyimlosingmymind · 1 month
Kotlc works so well as a narrative expose on class war. I'm just saying-
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Dex Dizznee
Dex makes handmade gifts for his siblings al the time, and when they got accepted into Foxfire he made them different fidgets and sensory tools based on their needs. Bex got a fidget ring, Lex got a wird handheld spinny thing, and Rex got the elf version of a Rubik's cube.
Eventually, Dex makes them contact rings as well, but instead of only panic switches they include other cues about wanting to talk, or that they're thinking of eachother. Dex wanted to make sure they didn't feel left behind whenever he had to leave them again.
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dragoncookies · 10 months
Roller coasters!
Here’s how I think some of the KOTLC characters (The teens) would react to going on a rollercoaster at amusement parks in some AU where they do that (like a scary rollercoasters with loops and big drops and stuff).
She would be less terrified than you’d think. She rides Silveny all the time so she used to that kind of thing and she’s also used to human machinery so she’d be nervous but have a good time regardless, though she has her limits. She’s perfectly okay with waiting behind while others go on some life destroying roller coaster. She loves the rides that are like those swings that spin around (you know?). 
Daredevil extraordinaire. He’d be so down to do it but you’d hear him praying for his life once the ride actually starts. Like full on confessions but once the ride is going he’d be doing that happy yell thing you do on a roller coaster. He’d also be the most likely to loose a shoe or smt on the ride. 
She would love rollercoasters and I know it. She’s the type to be smiling and laughing and enjoying the sound of her friends screaming. When you go and see the pictures she looks so happy. She’s a rollercoaster enthusiast.
Scared shitless. He’d squeeze his eyes shut and scream for his life. As soon as the ride stops he’d be the type of person to just flop over his seatbelt or something dramatic. His photos at the end look goofy as hell and always cause the most laughs. He still is convinced by his friends to go on every ride somehow though. 
Personally Dex would be my favorite rollercoaster enjoyer. He’d be the type to sneak food or something on there so as you’re going up the hill you just watch him whip out a meal or a board game. He’d be the type to somehow be wearing sunnies in the photo because he’d just KNOW where the cameras are. 
She’s lowkey the most enjoyable person to go on a rollercoaster with. She’d get butterflies and you could see her get nervous about it but in a way that makes you more excited and less worried. She’d be the type of person to look at a roller coaster and say “there’s no way I’m going on that” but go on it anyways. She’d also be the type to have her hands up the whole time. Also, in line, she’d sit down and start crocheting something. For real.  
It’s not for him :/.He wanted to go on one once to be with Linh and didn’t show any fear for the sake of others but when the ride was done he’d fainted! He may or may not throw up after riding rollercoasters. He still goes to amusement parks with friends because he carries all their stuff and looks great in a visor.
So excited about rollercoasters. She’s kind of like Biana in that they make her laugh but she does not have an endless appetite for rollercoasters. She got a lil ambitious and went on four in a row and threw up (like Tam did) but she wasn’t fazed and went on another half an hour later. A true trooper. She likes watching the world do a lil spin on loop-de-loops (spelling?). 
An ambitious rollercoaster consumer and tries to predict where the cameras are so he can make sure to have a comically stoich face. He likes to sit next to Dex so his poker face stands out more in photos. He’d definitely panic while up there but love the thrill! He wasn’t a natural rollercoaster daredevil but built up his stamina. He’d also be the one to help convince other people who don’t want to go on the rollercoaster to yolo and try it. 
Do I even have to write this? She’s literally out there risking her life to go on the most horrifying rollercoasters. Some rollercoasters even relax her. I’m scared of her. She LOVES spilling the HOTTEST TEA while waiting in line too.
Super skeptical about the human technologies. Consistently doubting the whole time in line, but she’d have such a good time on a rollercoaster she’d have to admit they’re not so bad. She won’t go on ALL rollercoasters, she does decently well. She’d be the type of person to squeeze your hand or need to like hug someone while the rollercoaster is going. It’s not so bad ngl. 
Thanks for reading all of it. Like seriously you made it to the bottom congrats.  
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indigos-dreamscape · 2 years
Petition for Shannon Messenger to make Sophie go batshit crazy and have an insane villain ark! Yes? Yes.
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Keefe: He's totally into you
Sophie: Nooo
Keefe: He made you crush cuffs
Sophie: Eh, everyone gets them at some point
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marellaredeks · 1 year
Dex and Biana are living in an entirely different genre than everyone else
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poppinspop · 6 months
Ok so I think dex would be good at maths cuz he likes alchemy+engineering basically, but that's where keefe would be weak at cuz he has a photographic memory which can help him in everg subject except maths cuz u have to solve Maths, but with dex its opposite and he struggles to remember all the text, Sooooo
They both help each other out in these subjects cuz yes. Bonding. Hehehehe
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scythepringles61 · 11 months
Tumblr media
In conclusion,
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artemis-lynn · 2 months
Yes ik it isn't newsies, shut up
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