#korean house rental
jvzebel-x · 1 year
How do you feel about diversifying police?
here are some clips from an article about the Honolulu Police Department, the police i grew up with&one of the most-- if not THE most-- racially diverse forces in USAmerica, with 21% having claimed to be ethnically Hawaiian&only 12% identifying as white:
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i think this was a stupid question, lmao. when i say all cops are bastards, trust: i mean every fucking one of the inhuman cunts. if i saw a uniformed officer bleeding to death on the street, i'd make sure to stomp ON them, not step over them, regardless of the details of that blood.
#the joke surrounding the hs i graduated from that was exclusively for ethnically hawaiian kids#was that most of us would go on to be either cops or firefighters. it wasnt a totally inaccurate joke.#meanwhile i was sexually&physically&verbally assaulted by the hpd starting at 16 lmao#&watched a cop show up at my house to see my mothers bloody face when i was somewhere around 10#only to tell HER to leave the property bc my dad was the primary lease holder&head of house. oh also he knew him.#my brother had been to court twice by the time he was 17 bc the SAME COP kept following him around to ticket him#so my little brother got called a gang member&asked what drugs he was on after being pulled over for doing 26 in a 25#then got a ticket for being tboned in a roundabout by a Korean woman w no license. she didnt get any ticket#but my brother did bc the car was a rental so he didnt have the insurance paperwork in it when the cop showed up. that HE called.#bc HE was always told that thats what youre supposed to do bc he was raised by our idiot (&v visually local asian) father#not by our very hawaiian mother who told me from the time i was 5y/o that cops arent my fucking friends.#no. i dont give a single fuck about any form of diversity in any police forces unless theyre details on an obit im cheersing to.#(&dont be fooled by the article title btw. regardless of how CoNceRnEd the commission was this article was written in Feb2021#&exactly zero changes have been made to the force since so obviously shit wasnt THAT concerning once the spotlight went away.)#💌
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
You may be aware of the concept of “a rental car.” It’s where you go to a store that lives inside the airport, promise to give them some money, and they hand you the keys to a car. When you’re done with that car, you just give it back and you never have to see it again. No oil changes. No windshield washer fluid repair. No welding new body panels into it after driving on a particularly pointy gravel road.
The thing is, this is an incredibly expensive procedure. Before the world broke, even the cheapest rental agencies were gonna charge you more than just flying in, taking a taxi to the junkiest piece of shit on Craigslist, and then signing a fake name onto the title. Cops give you like a week’s leeway on getting it actually registered – even more if you are there for a “business trip” and are wearing Value Village’s finest two-piece Italian-cut dead salesman’s suit. You get to drive a new kind of car, it doesn’t cost you that much, and when you’re done you can just drive it back to the seller’s house in the middle of the night and take a taxi back to the airport.
So, being forced to rent a car during my recent trip to Philadelphia in order to give the keynote speech at the Bad Cars Monthly conference, I decided I would get the maximum amount of value out of my rental. I neutral-dropped the fucker at every light, started a small side business delivering heavy goods for cheap, and did my best impression of Petter Solberg on every even vaguely curvy road I could find. At one point, I took it to a drag strip and put down a weak fifteen-second pass, the transmission warning light shrieking the entire time as I force-fed it a couple gallons of nitrous oxide that I picked up at a shop near the hotel. Never before had a 2023 Hyundai Sonata been thrashed so thoroughly and without mercy, and I can assure you that the lot boys (and ladies) were impressed when I rolled the filthy, used-up chunk of Korean iron into the lot, parked it across four stalls, and threw the keys into a nearby storm drain after yelling “Catch!”
Friends, I cannot recommend that you purchase a new 2023 Hyundai Sonata. I can, however, assure you that I have depreciated this particular unit enough that it should be really cheap at auction.
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c-rowlesdraws · 1 year
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some more drawings from my sketchbook that I did while in Thailand at the beginning of the month!
The top one is of a cool house in Chiang Mai with a little iced tea/drinks stand out front-- I loved all of the tiny businesses all crammed next to each other in Chiang Mai and Bangkok, especially the ones with hand-painted or otherwise unique, eye-catching signage. It seemed like you could buy any sort of thing you could want, from produce to snacks to clothes to electronics, just walking down any single block. I loved the abundance of power lines in the cities, too, as another visual sign of life and activity.
The bottom two sketches are some stealthy life drawing I did in Suvarnabhumi airport, and drawings of passerby from photos I took while visiting Wat Arun in Bangkok. There were lots of people strolling around and taking photos of one another at Wat Arun in beautiful traditional dress, and at first I thought they were a wedding party or something-- but then I noticed the signs for costume rentals, and also heard a few of them speaking Korean. I wondered if there was any controversy about a religious site being used as a place for dress-up and photographs, but I didn't see anyone shoot the tourists any obvious dirty looks. Part of me was jealous of them in those beautiful outfits, but as a white person I'd stand out a lot more than the Asian foreign tourists, and maybe just look kind of silly.
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iamthenerdqueen · 8 months
The Red String of Faith - Chapter XI
Idol!AteezXOCs Soulmates!ot8AteezXOCs OCXOC Slight Social Media AU!
slight twigger warnings:Polyamory, group of 10, two OC's -feel free to replace one OC with yourself if you'd like- , listen this is an idea me and my best friend had and is something for fun read at own risk, not edited as always, also we are starting to explore themes such as bxb and gxg if thats not for you, this story may not be for you.
Chapter VIII, Chapter IX. Chapter X, Next
The hardest part about moving to the other side of the world, literally was finding a place to live. On top of that, finding a place large enough for 10 people to live comfortably in a city as populated as Seoul. 
Just after Lia and Lyra returned home from LA months ago, they decided that the most important thing in their move was this exact issue. With the help of the ever-faithful Hajoon, they began a very specific hunt, and to no one's surprise, they found nothing that was what they imagined. Now, did they really expect to find an apartment or condo with enough space for 10 adults to have their own rooms, no. 
Instead what they ended up finding, by a stroke of luck and a random choice was an apartment complex up for sale. It was rather large and seemed to be a luxury apartment complex. Now the price had several zeros attached to it, but something the girls rarely spoke of was their current finances. After Lia had begun getting a decent income from her streams and brand deals the first thing the girls did was invest in property. 
They owned the apartment they lived in, a rental house in Myrtle Beach, and their most expensive property up until that point was a historic home located in downtown Charleston. They made a significant amount of passive income from these properties, and the Charleston house was specifically successful as it was used often as a wedding venue. So, dealing with property wasn’t anything new for them, but the biggest problem was that they weren’t Korean citizens nor did they understand the laws surrounding owning property like that in Korea. 
This is where Hajoon was a real lifesaver, he knew a good deal about how to go about this. Instead of the complex belonging to Lia and Lyra as personal property, they were able to obtain it using the property management company they had established in the United States for their Charleston property. 
The fun part of all of this is that because of the change in management and the sale, many of the tenants had moved out long before the girls came into the picture. Those who had remained through the buying process had turned out to be incredibly kind tenants and many of them had lived in the building for many years. 
New lease agreements had to be sent out to those who remained and the girls did all they could to keep the rent the same or even lower it if they could, they also let those who remained know that there would be some renovations taking place as soon as possible. 
They had really lucked out with the fact that the top floor of the building had become completely vacant during the process, and to accommodate their large soulgroup they were planning to turn the entire top floor into one large living space. There were six units on each floor of the building, four three-bedroom/two-bath apartments, and two three-bedroom/three-bathroom apartments on every floor of the building. 
So to begin with the girls had decided to take two of the three-bedroom apartments and one of the three-bedroom apartments to make one ten-bedroom apartment, plus each of the three-bedroom apartments had a small office. Now, you might be a little lost here because of the sheer amount of luck the girls had in making this possible, they were too. They really handed a lot of the reins over to Hajoon to figure out the layout of the project as he knew what would work the best for the boys and their lifestyles. The few things the girls requested were as follows: one bathtub, one western-style standing shower, at least two refrigerators, a washer, and a dryer. 
It was a lot and a lot of money. It really ate into the savings the girls had acquired over the years but their plan was to live and die in this place. Plus Lyra didn’t think she could handle using a drying rack ever again after college. What surprised them was pretty soon after renovations were in full swing and they were again accepting tenant applications was the outreach from several other soulgroups looking to apply for housing. Before they knew it they had a nearly full complex with soulgroups or families of at least 5 people, it was quite the shock. They also were able to retain the same staff as the previous owner employed, with a very strict NDA to sign in their new employment contracts to add some protection to the boys from stalkers or paparazzi. 
The most interesting part of it all was that the boys had no idea, and all Hajoon had told them was they would be moving to a new residence to accommodate the new size. They were none the wiser to the fact that the girls owned the building or that they had completely renovated a space for all of them. 
“Tell me again why we’re meeting the girls there? Why are they there before us?” Wooyoung was badgering Hajoon with questions about the whole situation and was really annoyed at the fact they had been back in Korea for only 48 hours, had only seen the girls twice as they had to go into the company and do some schedules, plus they had just haphazardly packed up their whole life to move to some random new dorm on the other side of town. He did have to admit it was the fancy part of town but still… he was crabby.
“Because Wooyoung, they are already there and have been since we returned to Korea. They’ve had their own things to handle like their visas and all the soulmate paperwork, you boys got off easy because you had to be at the company all you needed to do this round was sign the paperwork. Plus they had their things shipped here from the otherside of the world and have been working on putting together furniture, being there for final installations, so” Hajoon rattled off as he drove.
“Final installations? What do you mean?” Hongjoong asked from farther back in the SUV, Jonho and Yeosang were also in the back of the car with him while Wooyoung sat in the passenger seat. The other half of their group was in an SUV behind them with Yunho driving. 
“You’ll understand when we get there, it’s just a new place.” Hajoon did his best to not tell them anything, he knew the girls wanted everything to be a secret. Silence fell over the car and remained that way until Hajoon pulled their vehicle into the garage attached to the apartment building. 
For Lia and Lyra, they were still unpacking. They had made it through all the crap that went into their rooms, their shared office space that was also Lia’s filming set up, and everything for the living room they had and was like 60% of the way through the things that belonged in the kitchen. 
There were two main things both of them hated about moving which were packing and unpacking. It was clear to tell that during their packing they had given up as they now were dealing with boxes of random shit intermixed with their kitchen supplies. 
The current box they were dealing with had pots and pans as well as some things that were obviously last-minute additions intended to go in a box headed for Lia’s bedroom. 
“Oh my god, Lia. Listen, I know you like some weird shit but this paddle…” Lyra didn’t finish her sentence, instead, she just laughed as she held up the bright pink paddle that looked more like a gag gift than a real sex toy. It had the Playboy bunny logo cut out in the middle and meow etched across the pink leather handle. 
“I don’t have an answer for that one. I saw it on Amazon and knew I had to have it.” Lia answered straight-faced, “It was under my sink in case anyone went snooping they would think I was a freak and stop looking through my things,” she finished now halfway into another box. 
This was when all eight of their other soulmates and one incredibly tired Hajoon came in through the door. Walking into the room they all just saw two piles of boxes, some of their own but most of them belonging to the girls. Lyra, with a bright pink paddle in her hand, and Lia bent over in front of her reaching into a box. 
It was very…. suggestive to say the least. 
“I thought you two were platonic, this doesn’t look very platonic to me,” Wooyoung was the first to say anything, his hands on his hips like a parent who just found out their child was doing something naughty. 
“Hajoon I’m so sorry. I swear this is not what it looks like,” Lyra said as she tossed the paddle across the room as if she was trying to dispose of the evidence. The boys just started laughing, unable to take the situation seriously, Yunho even laughed so hard that he dropped the duffle bag he was carrying. It was that movement that made the girls realize that the boys were carrying the last of their things with them, mostly the last of their clothes in luggage or duffle bags plus their daily essentials like their toiletries. 
“I’m going home now, I’ll be back to pick you all up for schedules the day after tomorrow. Please, don’t call me.” Hajoon was joking, well everyone hoped he was joking as the tired man waved as he walked out the door of the apartment. 
The boys paused to take their shows off at the door before walking further into their new space all of them with the same confused look on their faces, they knew they would be in a large apartment but this was huge. 
“KQ has gone all out huh, how did they afford this? I know we are doing well, but this is like something insane,” Seonghwa said as he walked through the new living room that was somewhat put together with a brand new couch big enough for all of them to fit comfortably, a couple of new tables that matched the new entertainment system that was set up along the back wall. 
“KQ didn’t pay for this?” LIa said from her new spot crisscrossed on the floor working on the same box as before, “We bought it once we made the finalized plans to move here, the whole building actually.”
“What?” Several of the boys said at the same time while some others just looked at Lia like she had grown two heads. 
“It just ended up making more sense to own and this opportunity came up, it also gave us the chance to have free reign on what we wanted. Come on,” Lia stopped talking to stand from her spot on the floor, “Let’s go on the grand tour,” 
The next forty-five minutes were spent with the whole group going through the entire apartment. They were the most excited about the fact that each of them got their own room, and had a space to make a small in-house studio if they wanted in the empty office. The real kicker was their reaction to the kitchen, well the two kitchens combined into one. 
“It’s huge, I think I might pass out. Two fridges, this is a dream,” Wooyoung really did look like he might pass out at the sight of the new kitchen. 
“Wait until you see the one in the den,” Lyra said as she began toward the other side of the apartment, though calling it an apartment at this point was a little lackluster. Really they should call it a penthouse or their floor, something more true to size. 
“Den?” Yunho put his arm around Lyra's waist as he walked up behind her to follow her through the rest of the tour. He wasn’t super familiar with the term, it sounded funny to him in English.
When he saw the set up his jaw dropped, the den was on the far side of their new space. The room was huge and almost all of the walls were lined with shelves. Books filled one whole wall from floor to ceiling with different series and books while the other side was half books and games for all kinds of consoles. 
“What?” Yunho asked in Korean, taking in the room, it seemed more personal and geared toward them here. Unlike the living room, they had seen right when they walked in. 
“We know you all are gamers, and I have quite the book collection, so…” Lyra shrugged, smiling at the room, personal things like this made it all worth it for her. Seeing parts of all of them coming together, making a home for all of them. 
All the boys filtered in and began exploring, most of them looking at the area where they could set up their games and seeing the gaming consoles the girls had brought with them. A switch and an older Xbox 360 were all they had, leaving plenty of room for the boys to set up the ones they brought with them. 
“I don’t know this book,” Yeosang said from where he stood looking at the books, noticing different ones on slight display. Some he knew despite the English titles, like Harry Potter and The Lord of The Rings Trilogy, but he hadn’t read this one. 
It was displayed in a mixture of poetry and other books. 
“I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart: I am, I am, I am.” Lyra spoke softly and mimicked the thumping of a heart as she spoke the last few words, “That is The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, I love that book. It’s about a woman in college who struggles with her mental health. I read it as a young woman in college struggling with her mental health, it helped me a lot. The ones to the right are the books I wrote my senior thesis about,” Lyra pointed to two books shelved together before shifting to point to the tallest shelf.
“The quote I just said, I used part of it on my graduation cap. To remind myself that I got myself where I was, to feel the beating of my heart not because I was nervous, but because I was proud of myself.” The cap had a background of what looked like pages out of an old book, the entire edge of the cap was lined with fake white pearls. The top and bottom corners were lined with a mixture of pink and white fake flowers that had a thin layer of glitter on them from what Yeosang could see. The English words were clear in the middle of the cap. I am, I am, I am.
The closer Yeosang looked across the shelves of books he noticed that there were books in Korean, poetry, histories, fables, and versions of copies of some of the books from the other side. 
“Why did you get the same books in Korean?” Yeosang asked as he picked up a second copy of Peter Pan, this one in Korean. 
“I got those so that you all knew that there is something for you all to read, there are some of my favorites and some of Lia’s favorites,” Lyra pointed to the copy of Dracula and tapped the hardback cover he had in his hand, “That is my favorite of all. I fell in love with the idea of Neverland and decided that I would never grow up.”
Yeosang smiled at her words, the girls always seemed to surprise him. He couldn’t think that thought from his head as the night continued. The boys unpacked some of their things, beginning most excited to set up the den with their own games and consoles. 
Everyone spread out within their new space trying to get settled, not much could be done for the boys as their new furniture had yet to arrive, only their new mattresses had come. Lia and Lyra were both engrossed once again in the process of unpacking, doing a little here and there.
“Pretty!! I want to see your room!” San was far from quiet as he made his way down the hall toward Lia’s room. 
Without much hesitation, San walked into the room of all-white furniture and fake plants. A string of fairy lights was Lia’s current task as she was standing on her bed putting the string up above her headboard. 
“It’s not totally done yet, I don’t have my vanity set up yet.” Lia’s words went in one ear and out the other as San focused in on the CDs she had displayed on the wall and beside it the album they belonged to set neatly on several shelves. 
“It’s all so cute except for the albums.” San was pouting from behind her Lia could hear it in his voice. Turning over her shoulder to look at him she saw the expression on his face, he was full-on pouting but also glaring at the wall where she had her kpop albums displayed.
“The albums are cute, you’re just mad that I listen to more groups than y’all.” Lia stuck her tongue out at him as she teased her soulmate from across the room. 
“I can’t believe my own soulmate is cheating on us with so many others,” San made the motion to wipe away a fake tear from his eye.
“You are so dramatic,” Lia rolled her eyes as she walked over to him and hugged him despite the fact that he had crossed his arms.
“How are you calling me dramatic when you’re the one with Stray Kids, BTS, Seventeen, and NCT on your wall? Do we mean nothing to you?” the fake crying returned at this point as he tipped his head up toward the ceiling playfully. 
“Oh no, you don’t get to leave out the fact that Ateez is also on that wall, thank you very much.” Lia pointed to the places where several of their albums were on display. “And at least I didn’t display my lightsticks… yet. Lyra has her up in her room already.”
At Lia’s words, San's eyes went wide before he began to turn to go hunt down his other soulmate who had the audacity to stan other groups. 
Lyra, who was unexpectedly folding clothes in her room with Jongho, was surprised when San walked into the room like a bat out of hell. 
“You are also a cheater, not even trying to hide it,” San went straight up to one of her bookshelves where she had her albums neatly shelved with her two light sticks on either side as if they were book ends. 
“Is this about us being multi-stans again?” Lyra didn’t blink as San picked up her Ahgabong and waved it around as proof. 
“How could you, I thought you were ATINY. I thought we were the lights of your lives, I thought you loved us,” San’s volume had attracted a few more of the boys down the hall to the girls' rooms, most notably Hongjoong had come down as well. 
Hongjoong was just a little too smug at the conversation happening as he was probably the most unhappy with the fact that the girls were die-hard fans of other groups. 
“I mean, by this train of thought I’m cheating on GOT7 with you, not the other way around,” Lyra shrugged, not really bothered by the dramatics of her soulmates. 
A gasp left Hongjoong from just inside her bedroom door, before Lia spoke from her spot in the room, “Yeah, I would technically be cheating on Stray Kids with Ateez.”
The was a split second where the boys seemed to make eye contact and even Jongho who really didn’t have a dog in this fight quickly caught on to what was about to happen, so he shifted to the left of Lyra to get out of the way.
Both girls were soon wrapped up by San and Hongjoong respectively as they showered them with aggressive affection as they would call it. The girls were helpless to escape the awful tickling they were receiving until they gave in to the boys' demands to be ATINY first and everything else second.
A few hours later they had all settled and had unpacked as much as they possibly could. 
In plain honest truth, they were all clingy, and at some point, someone had suggested they just make a giant pallet on the floor of the den. 
It was Lia. Lia suggested the giant pallet on the floor and because the boys had very little willpower when the girls were concerned, they were all lying in a giant puppy pile on the floor. Lia snuggled between Jongho and Yeosang, each of them had their own blankets, unlike the rest of the soulmates who were sharing with each other. Those three were blanket hogs and unashamed to say it. 
Lyra had found herself between Wooyoung and San, the three of them under the same blanket. It’s a good thing that Lyra tended to sleep on her back, but she couldn’t move if she wanted to because of the vice grip both her soulmates had on either side of her. They were all chatting quietly while Yunho and Jongho were playing a 1 vs. 1 game on the switch. 
Lyra was almost asleep when she heard Lia get up hastily from her spot on the floor, making a bee-line for the bathroom. She had been dealing with some sort of nausea since the flight into Korea. Her immune system had always been trash and all this traveling was finally catching up to Lia were the last thoughts that crossed Lyra's mind as she fell asleep that night. 
A/N: Hi friends :) Long time no see, but I am back with the next chapter and the start of the second arch of this story. That being said this is not my favorite chapter tbh and is really nothing more than a filler. I also would like to say here that it will be few and far between for a while until I update again, but I will be doing my best to write and publish many at once.
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the-institute-rpg · 1 year
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Name of Master/Mistress/Professor Purchasing or Renting Home:
Park Jae-Min
Is this a purchase or rental?
Brief Description of Home:
He brought the land and had an architect friend design the home in the style of a house he lived in Korea before moving to the island. It is a Contemporary home with elements from traditional Korean homes.
The house is at the edge of the forest and leads into the ocean far enough away to not be disturbed.
Number of Bedrooms/Bathrooms:
4 bedrooms and two and a half bathrooms
Why Did Your Muse Choose This Home?
He dislikes the suites and would like some privacy away from people.
How Many People Will be Occupying This Home
Jae-Min only.
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liacontilde · 1 year
My own fanfic pt.2a
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September 22, 2019 I spent a very strange night. As Namjoon had told me, I took the liberty of grabbing something from the fridge for dinner, since I was starving. I took the opportunity to finally get in touch with my family and spoke to my friend, who continued to apologize for the inconvenience and was glad that someone had helped me so selflessly. I got up in the morning and left the room to clean myself. I have showered and I have beautified myself a bit, because I had not realized the day before of the looks I had. I left the bathroom a bit nervous. I had spent the time in the shower thinking about what he told me the day before. What did Namjoon mean that there were some things to clear up? I imagined some kind of cohabitation contract. I headed to the kitchen and found Yoongi there. He was having breakfast and I got ready to do the same. Y/N: 안녕하세요! He looked at me strangely but returned my greeting kindly. It was clear to me that he was quite uncomfortable with my presence there. Soon, Namjoon came out. When he saw us, I could see a certain relief on his face. NAMJOON: Glad to see you together. As I already told you, we have some things to talk about. How did you spend the night? I stayed for a moment processing the amount of things he had said and then I answered him. Y/N: Yeah, well… It’s been a little weird for me to be so far from home. I have remembered a lot about my loved ones. NAMJOON: I hope you rested well anyway. He sat down on one of the chairs and began to speak to Suga in Korean. Then, both sat around me and Namjoon started talking. NAMJOON: Yesterday… I saw you in need and maybe I was too hasty to offer you to come here. I know you have a job and that you start tomorrow at the company, so you won’t be here with us for long and you will leave when you have enough money to pay rent.I nodded but let him continue talking. NAMJOON: However, there are several issues to solve. The first is that Yoongi has agreed to let you stay in exchange for a small rental fee. For being here and using light and water in the house… It seems fair to me. I’m not going to ask you now, but when you have the money… Y/N: I totally agree. In fact, I had already thought about telling you about it. Namjoon paused to translate for Yoongi I guess and then turned back to me and continued talking. NAMJOON: Money is not a problem, but our biggest concern and therefore the most important request is… That unless it’s a life or death emergency, you can’t give this address to anyone or give out our names. I know that right now it may sound strange and even suspicious, but for your safety and that of all of us, you cannot do it. I stayed for a moment thinking very surprised and somewhat worried. So I remembered the trip the day before. Namjoon was completely covered and did not show his face, plus the weird question about privacy skills. NAMJOON: I promise you that we are perfectly legal people and that we will not cause you trouble. But don’t cause trouble for us either. I was still confused, but I also needed to earn their trust. Especially Yoongi's. Y/N: Okay. In that case... Do not say names or addresses. I guess that in general you do not want me to give out your personal information. Namjoon seemed relieved upon hearing my words. NAMJOON: Yes, exactly that! I couldn't have said it better! He paused and again spoke to Yoongi in Korean again. When I thought they were done talking to each other, I jumped back into the conversation and asked Namjoon. Y/N: Excuse me, so... If I have to leave the apartment tomorrow, I'm going to need the password to get back in later in case you're not there. Namjoon looked at Yoongi and proceeded to give me the password on a piece of paper. NAMJOON: Don't take it out of the apartment. Study it and learn it before tomorrow. I took the paper and started directly to study it. Namjoon talked to Yoongi again and then he adjourned. -To be continued-
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jojos-party-rentals · 16 days
Jojos Party Rentals
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Dinuba is located in Tulare County, California, United States. According to the 2020 census, the city's population rose to 24,563 from 21,453 in the 2010 census. It falls under the Visalia-Porterville metropolitan statistical area. Notably, the Alta District Museum in Dinuba, housed in a renovated train station, displays a range of exhibits depicting the region's history.
The origins of Dinuba's name still need to be clarified, and despite several existing speculations, there are no confirmed theories. It is thought that railroad engineers whimsically chose the name when they constructed a branch line in the region. Initially, the city was named Sibleyville after James Sibley, who granted 240 acres to the Pacific Improvement Company.
During the early decades of the 20th century, Dinuba hosted a notable Korean-American population, which organized a parade to support Korean independence from Japan on the second anniversary of the March 1st Movement in 1920.
The total land area of Dinuba, as reported by the United States Census Bureau, is 6.5 square miles. The terrain is primarily flat, about 345 feet above sea level, with a slight gradient from east-northeast to west-southwest. The groundwater mirrors this surface flow, moving from the northeast toward the southwest. To the northeast of Dinuba, modest hills reach elevations up to 526 feet.
The 2010 census detailed a population of 21,453, with a density of 3,315.7 people per square mile. The demographic composition was predominantly White at 52%, with smaller percentages of African American, Native American, Asian, and Pacific Islander populations. Other races and multi-racial individuals comprised the remainder, with Hispanics or Latinos representing 84.4% of the population.
It was recorded that 99.2% of the population lived in households, with a small percentage residing in non-institutionalized group quarters or institutional settings. Of the 5,593 households, 58.6% included children under 18, and most were opposite-sex married couples. A single female or male-headed some households. Unmarried opposite-sex partnerships and a few same-sex marriages were also noted. About 12% of households consisted of individuals, and 5.8% were seniors living alone. The typical household size was 3.81, and families averaged 4.04 members.
Population distribution showed a youthful demographic, with a median age of 27.2 years. The gender ratio was nearly balanced, with a slight male majority. Dinuba had 5,868 housing units, with the majority being owner-occupied. Both the homeowner and rental vacancy rates were low, and most residents lived in owner-occupied units.
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gracelaramusings · 3 months
Day 2: Palaces and Princesses in Seoul
The beauty of being a rower (yes, I had to get that in, somewhere, as soon as possible) is it makes jet lag much easier. Why? Used to getting up at ungodly hours, feeling tired but knowing you can push through it, precisely the skill-sets needed to cope with a 7 hour time difference. Alarm at 8am (so late!), up and about, ready for the day.
I love buffets. I first walk around and try to find the hidden corners, the yummy stuff that most people don’t notice. I mosey around and lift the covers, taking in all the sights and scents of the new and strange foods. Then I do my best to find a knowledgeable English -speaking kitchen team member who can take show me around and tell me, as a Kosher-style pescatarian, what I can and can’t eat. Following which, I take lots of little servings of all the oddest things, so I can explore new cuisines and flavors. Chopsticks as breakfast cutlery? Of course! Tofu and curries and fermented thisses and thats, divine! Kale and fresh apple juice, a glorious cappuccino, and I’m set. Breakfast should never be rushed. And on a first morning? It is the time to figure out what we plan to do the rest of the day, and even the next, if possible.
There’s a billion things to do in Seoul. So my objective was to find the most special Seoul-only things. After all, we only have two days! The palaces are the clear go-to, and that indeed was what we chose to do our first full day here. The largest King’s Palace, one of a few.
The cool thing about the Seoul palaces is you can rent a period costume and gain free entry to the palaces as you stroll in fancy wear. Since Yuval was not much in to dressing up, and I enjoy watching others more than dressing up myself, we skipped the rental and went straight to the palace. On our way, we already saw a pair of women dressed in the royal do’s. Lamenting I did capture them on camera, as I crossed the road and approached the palace gates, I hundreds of beautifully clad women- and men!- a sight to see. From braided ribbons in their hair to puffy undergarments that made their skirts wide, it was a perfect people-watching place. The guards were in their special garments, too.
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One of the disadvantages of being so spontaneous that you buy a ticket to an exotic destination just the week prior is the fact that you don’t have much time to read up on history. I love knowing history. I’m the sort of person who reads all the signs in a museum. And sometimes even takes a picture of the sign so I can read it later. What I learned quite quickly is how viciously evil the Japanese conquerors were, and that many of the original buildings were burnt to the ground, or dismantled and sold. It seems only after the Olympics were held in Korea that the country began to realize- and act upon- how precious their heritage is, and that it must be reconstructed for all to see and celebrate. So, slowly but surely, they are reconstructing. Beautiful bright colored buildings, stone walkways, ponds, plum trees and more are all about. Too bad we were too early for the plum blossoms!
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We stayed long enough to enjoy the changing of the guard of the King’s Palace- yes, even in Korea! Booming drums, marching music, colorful costumes and flags. A sight to see!
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From the Palace, just a short walk away was a neighborhood with traditional Korean houses. Many of the dressed up people continued on to there as well, so it was lovely to stroll around amidst the fancy costumes and traditional homes- where people actually live, so the many signs asking visitors to please keep quiet were everywhere. Just roaming around in such places is wonderful.
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Since I was formally the navigator, of course, pondering our next step, I had to find a vegan restaurant. It turns out the one that was not-too-far also seemed not-so-impressive so I was not feeling the need to actually eat there. Instead, we continued on to a traditional market. Food stalls, dumpling dough makers, traditional Korean clothing, vintage stores, shoes, fabrics— you name it, with a colorful map describing each of the sections. Huge. You could absolutely get lost inside. We eventually exited somewhere, and made it to the subway somehow, and ventured back “home” after a full and wonderful day.
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We topped off the night by trying out an electronic golf session. Hitting golf balls against a screen indoors. Hmmm. Golf is apparently really big in Korea. I do not like golf. We were the clueless, hyper ones in a room where a few wannabe real golfers were hitting far more impressive shots than we, in silence. I accepted my suck, and the fact that I don’t enjoy golf. Rowing, on the other hand…
Fortunately, full and wonderful, after a long day coupled with jet lag, meant that it is perfectly ok to simply call it a night. And that is precisely what we did (after some wine, snacks and desserts!)
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Events 4.11 (before 1970)
491 – Flavius Anastasius becomes Byzantine emperor, with the name of Anastasius I. 1241 – Batu Khan defeats Béla IV of Hungary at the Battle of Mohi. 1512 – War of the League of Cambrai: Franco-Ferrarese forces led by Gaston de Foix and Alfonso I d'Este win the Battle of Ravenna against the Papal-Spanish forces. 1544 – Italian War of 1542–46: A French army defeats Habsburg forces at the Battle of Ceresole, but fails to exploit its victory. 1689 – William III and Mary II are crowned as joint sovereigns of Great Britain on the same day that the Scottish Parliament concurs with the English decision of 12 February. 1713 – France and Great Britain sign the Treaty of Utrecht, bringing an end to the War of the Spanish Succession (Queen Anne's War). Britain accepts Philip V as King of Spain, while Philip renounces any claim to the French throne. 1727 – Premiere of Johann Sebastian Bach's St Matthew Passion BWV 244b at St. Thomas Church in Leipzig, Electorate of Saxony (now Germany). 1809 – Battle of the Basque Roads: Admiral Lord Gambier fails to support Captain Lord Cochrane, leading to an incomplete British victory over the French fleet. 1814 – The Treaty of Fontainebleau ends the War of the Sixth Coalition against Napoleon Bonaparte, and forces him to abdicate unconditionally for the first time. 1856 – Second Battle of Rivas: Juan Santamaría burns down the hostel where William Walker's filibusters are holed up. 1868 – Former shōgun Tokugawa Yoshinobu surrenders Edo Castle to Imperial forces, marking the end of the Tokugawa shogunate. 1876 – The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks is organized. 1881 – Spelman College is founded in Atlanta, Georgia as the Atlanta Baptist Female Seminary, an institute of higher education for African-American women. 1908 – SMS Blücher, the last armored cruiser to be built by the Imperial German Navy, is launched. 1909 – The city of Tel Aviv is founded. 1921 – Emir Abdullah establishes the first centralised government in the newly created British protectorate of Transjordan. 1935 – Stresa Front: opening of the conference between the British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald, the Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini and the French Minister for Foreign Affairs Pierre Laval to condemn the German violations of the Treaty of Versailles. 1945 – World War II: American forces liberate the Buchenwald concentration camp. 1951 – Korean War: President Truman relieves Douglas MacArthur of the command of American forces in Korea and Japan. 1951 – The Stone of Scone, the stone upon which Scottish monarchs were traditionally crowned, is found on the site of the altar of Arbroath Abbey. It had been taken by Scottish nationalist students from its place in Westminster Abbey. 1952 – Bolivian National Revolution: Rebels take over Palacio Quemado. 1952 – Pan Am Flight 526A ditches near San Juan-Isla Grande Airport in San Juan, Puerto Rico, after experiencing an engine failure, killing 52 people. 1955 – The Air India Kashmir Princess is bombed and crashes in a failed assassination attempt on Zhou Enlai by the Kuomintang. 1957 – United Kingdom agrees to Singaporean self-rule. 1961 – The trial of Adolf Eichmann begins in Jerusalem. 1963 – Pope John XXIII issues Pacem in terris, the first encyclical addressed to all Christians instead of only Catholics, and which described the conditions for world peace in human terms. 1964 – Brazilian Marshal Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco is elected president by the National Congress. 1965 – The Palm Sunday tornado outbreak of 1965: Fifty-five tornadoes hit in six Midwestern states of the United States, killing 266 people. 1968 – US President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1968, prohibiting discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of housing. 1968 – A failed assassination attempt on Rudi Dutschke, leader of the German student movement, leaves Dutschke suffering from brain damage.
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swldx · 3 months
BBC 0423 12 Mar 2024
12095Khz 0359 12 MAR 2024 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from TALATA VOLONONDRY. SINPO = 55445. English, ID@0359z pips and newsroom preview. @0401z World News anchored by David Harper. Former US President Donald Trump has criticised a congressional bill to force TikTok's parent company to sell the app or see it banned in the US. Mr Trump, who attempted to ban TikTok in 2020 while in the White House, said the proposal would give unfair advantages to Facebook owner Meta. Lawmakers are debating a measure that would force TikTok parent company ByteDance to sell it by 30 September. President Joe Biden has said he will sign the bill if it passes. Haiti's Prime Minister Ariel Henry has resigned, the chair of the Caribbean group of countries has said, following weeks of mounting pressure and increasing violence in the country. It comes after regional leaders met in Jamaica on Monday to discuss a political transition in Haiti. Mr Henry is currently stranded in Puerto Rico after being prevented by armed gangs from returning home. He had led the country since the former president's assassination in July 2021. A former Boeing employee known for raising concerns about the firm's production standards has been found dead in the US. John Barnett had worked for Boeing for 32 years, until his retirement in 2017. In the days before his death, he had been giving evidence in a whistleblower lawsuit against the company. Boeing said the 62-year-old had died from a "self-inflicted" wound on 9 March and police were investigating. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has been selected to seek a third, successive term in July 28 elections, a senior ruling party official said Monday. The Supreme Court loyal to Maduro upheld a 15-year ban on opposition primary winner Maria Corina Machado and others, prompting the US to consider reimposing sanctions. A South Korean man has been detained in Russia accused of espionage, Russian media report. Baek Won-soon was arrested in the far-eastern city of Vladivostok "at the start of the year", state agency Tass reported, and is now in a Moscow jail. He is believed to be the first South Korean detained in Russia under suspicion of espionage. The price of Bitcoin, the world's largest cryptocurrency, has hit a new all-time high, above $72,000. The surge is being driven by US finance giants pouring billions into buying bitcoins. The new record represents another dramatic moment in Bitcoin's turbulent history. In recent years Bitcoin crashed in value after many traditional investors dismissed its rise as a speculative bubble. Airbnb says it is introducing a worldwide ban on the use of security cameras inside rental properties. Airbnb users have previously voiced concerns about the use of indoor surveillance cameras. Bananas are set to get more expensive as climate change hits a much-loved fruit, one of the world's top experts from the industry tells BBC News. Pascal Liu, senior economist at the World Banana Forum, says climate impacts pose an "enormous threat" to supply, compounding the impacts of fast-spreading diseases. @0406z "The Newsroom" begins. Backyard fence antenna w/MFJ-1020C active antenna (used as a preamplifier/preselector), Etón e1XM. 250kW, beamAz 315°, bearing 63°. Received at Plymouth, MN, United States, 15359KM from transmitter at Talata Volonondry. Local time: 2259.
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[ad_1] A Los Angeles-based developer is giving new life to a shuttered Hilton Resort in Houston.  Bryan Kang’s Dos Lagos Asset filed paperwork detailing plans for adaptive reuse of the previous 292-room Hilton Houston Galleria at 6780 Southwest Freeway. A multifamily complicated is deliberate, however the variety of models wasn’t included within the submitting. Conversion of the 200,000-square-foot, 13-story constructing has an estimated value of $40 million.  Dallas-based design agency Huitt Zollars is hooked up to the venture. Building is predicted to start out in April, with an estimated completion date in September 2025.  Kang was commissioner of the Los Angeles Division of Transportation from 2012 to 2014 however has since turned to the world of actual property.  In 2019, he bought an workplace constructing in Orange County for $13.4 million, in accordance with Traded LA. Earlier than becoming a member of politics and actual property, Kang was the CEO of the wholesale merchandiser Rhapsody Clothes, which offered to shops throughout North America, in addition to South Korean retailer Residence Plus. Rhapsody Clothes closed in 2019, in accordance with California enterprise data. Makes an attempt to succeed in Kang had been unsuccessful.  Initially constructed in 1978 and reworked in 2016, the Hilton Houston Galleria has been vacant since its lender foreclosed on the property in 2022. The lodge had closed due to the pandemic. It stays actual estate-owned, in accordance with the Harris County Appraisal District. Its 2023 assessed worth was $7.2 million.  Resort-to-resi conversions are a burgeoning enterprise in Houston’s business actual property scene. Because the Bayou Metropolis’s hospitality market has seen deflation post-pandemic, as depressed occupancy charges and mortgage delinquencies shake the market. Trepp ranked Houston’s lodge market because the nation’s worst final yr.  Whereas office-to-resi conversions make the headlines, hotel-to-resi reuse developments comprise 58 % of Houston’s conversion market, in accordance with RentCafe.  The Houston Housing Authority, in collaboration with Columbia Residential, is changing a dilapidated Vacation Inn at 2100 Memorial Drive, lengthy an eyesore close to Buffalo Bayou, into an reasonably priced 197-unit senior dwelling complicated.  Resort-to-resi developer Shir Capital acquired the defunct Wyndham Resort at 14703 Park Row in 2022. It's planning to open Teak Dwelling, a rental neighborhood, by the tip of this quarter.  Learn extra [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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arjublog · 4 months
Finding Cheap Apartments in Los Angeles: Your Ultimate Guide
I. Los Angeles Rental Market
Los Angeles is famous for the wide array of rental options it provides; however, finding affordable apartments may prove more of a challenge than anticipated. Los Angeles rents one-bedroom apartments at $2200 monthly while surrounding neighborhoods typically offer rates near $1500; In recent years, apartment rent in Los Angeles has been on the rise, making it more difficult to locate cheap apartments. We will discuss various strategies in this article that may help find cheap studio and one-bedroom apartments more easily. cheap apartments in Los Angeles
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Source: phys.org
II. Determine your Budget and Needs
Initial steps toward renting should include defining both your budget and needs. Are you seeking to save money through long-term rentals, or are you simply in search of the cheapest option possible for convenience? An average long-term lease lasts one year; as it extends, costs become increasingly affordable; long-term commitments might not suit everyone so short-term solutions should be explored first if uncertain of long-term goals; consider size/location issues when creating your budget that includes both rent expenses as well as any living costs that might occur simultaneously.
III. Search Strategy
There are various methods available for discovering affordable Los Angeles apartment rentals. Utilizing rental websites will allow you to search listings to identify potentially suitable apartments; while this could save money on agent's fees, it also takes considerable effort and time sifting through them in order to locate suitable options. Tripalink makes finding an affordable apartment much simpler!
Search listings using social media such as Facebook groups. Los Angeles social rental groups such as cheap rental groups on Facebook can provide invaluable information.
IV. Area Analysis
Los Angeles encompasses an enormous area. Rents vary significantly across its many neighborhoods and each offers its own distinct culture and environment, so when searching for an apartment, all aspects of life should be considered when searching. Rents on the east side tend to be lower due to relatively poor public transportation access while west-side apartments tend to provide easy transportation access; Los Angeles's southside provides some of the city's premier locations while the northside provides more moderate options.
Take a tour through some iconic Los Angeles neighborhoods.
Downtown Los Angeles, home of the Arts District and Chinatown, features apartments for rent at various price points ranging from studio units starting around $2,000 annually up to more expensive luxury options which might reach $8,000.
USC provides affordable housing with easy living arrangements close to campus.
Koreatown is Los Angeles's premiere nightlife district and known for its Korean-inspired cuisine. There is an assortment of affordable rentals here with monthly rent ranging anywhere between $1800-$2,500 per month.
Hollywood offers film companies, celebrities, and a vibrant cultural environment; however, its rents can be expensive: one-bedroom flat rents typically range from $2,500 to $3,000 monthly - although you may find more affordable studio apartments for less than this price range.
V. Search Tips 
You can find cheap apartments by using several methods. Splitting the cost of rent and other living expenses with others can make an apartment cheaper. Search for flexible apartment leases to have more options. Smartly managing utility costs and home maintenance can help you reduce your total living expenses. For cheap Los Angeles apartments, you can take advantage of the rental discount policies and assistance programs.
Use student discounts and housing subsidies for low-income households to find more affordable housing solutions.
Be alert for promotions: Different locations and times may offer promotional events and discounts that could help you secure better prices.
Actively negotiate with the landlord or agent.
Being patient and collected during your apartment search process will allow for smoother negotiations and reduce the chances of making quick, hasty decisions.
Source: hotels.com
VI. Conclusion 
Finding cheap apartments may be challenging, but you can do it with proper research, an accurate budget, and timely and accurate information. By taking these steps and using various search tools you will soon have found the perfect home for you.
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college-girl199328 · 1 year
A West Vancouver landlord has been ordered to pay his former tenants more than $40,000 after evicting them from their rental home to put the property on short-term rental sites like Airbnb.
But Eric Limoges says the province and municipalities aren’t doing enough to protect renters from illegal evictions in the first place. Limoges and his family had rented a house on Taylor Way for about ten years.
Months after Limoges and his family packed up and moved to a brand-new rental home in Delbrook, no one had moved in at his former residence. When Limoges attempted to serve his former landlord, Heung Ryeol Yim, with papers for a dispute at the Residential Tenancy Branch, he ran into a newly-arrived tenant at the home who told him he was only there for a short time and that he rented the place via Airbnb.
“I kind of laughed, like, it was just so egregious,” Limoges said. Limoges presented his case at a Residential Tenancy Branch hearing in October. Yim did not attend, and in November, arbitrator Kimberley Akow awarded the tenants $40,629 – the equivalent of 12 months’ rent.
“I accept the undisputed documentary evidence and affirmed testimony before me for consideration from the former tenants and the witness that neither the purchaser nor their close family member(s) moved into and occupied the rental unit as required by the Notice and that the rental unit was left vacant for several months before it was renovated and used as an Airbnb rental,” Akow wrote.
Requests for comment were left at businesses in Saskatchewan that list Yim as the owner. A woman who answered a phone number associated with one of those businesses said Yim was in Korea. She said she forwarded a request for comment to him via a Korean chat app.
Getting the RTB ruling in his favour took Limoges most of 2022, so he can receive his financial compensation will require another process through the B.C. Supreme Court.
“I don’t see landlords writing checks to their previous tenants. I don’t see it happening,” he said. Limoges is speaking up now, not because he wants sympathy but because he stated his case highlights failures at the local and provincial level to prevent illegal evictions and the establishment of short-term rentals that eat into the supply of properties that could otherwise be rented to people who live and work here.
There is a huge principle. I'm less concerned about my own experience than about the broader issue. The former home was put back on the long-term rental market, but at more than double the price he was paying.
“It costs nothing for this guy to do this because he doubled the rent. So be it that he has to pay us 12 months’ rent. I mean, he’s breaking even on Day 1,” he said.
As of January 2023, the home is no longer on Airbnb, but it is listed for $365 per night on Vrbo, another short-term rental site. Short-term rentals aren’t permitted under the zoning bylaws of North Vancouver and West Vancouver, but a recent scan by Limoges found about 600 active listings on the North Shore on Airbnb alone.
Under West Van’s bylaws, a host could be fined $300. In North Vancouver, the fine is $500 (which is lowered to $375 if paid within 14 days). But neither municipality actively seeks out short-term rental hosts for ticketing.
“The enforcement process is challenging, as gathering evidence to prove short-term rentals is a really resource-intensive process, and given other caseloads and staffing levels, the fact is that West Vancouver has to take a reactive approach to that enforcement,” said Donna Powers, West Vancouver spokesperson.
Often, when a property is subject to a complaint, staff will investigate and send a letter to the owner informing them they have violated the bylaw.
In 2021, West Van had 27 complaints about short-term rentals, which resulted in 13 letters and four bylaw tickets. In 2022, there were 24 calls resulting in nine letters and seven keys.
In 2022, staff in the District of North Vancouver issued nine $500 bylaw infraction notices to hosts. “What we try to do is continue to work with them and get them to comply, and most do,” said Dan Milburn, general manager of planning and permits, adding that “less than a handful” are repeat offenders.
In 2022, the District of North Vancouver council opened the door to legalizing and regulating short-term rentals, pending the results of public consultations. Staff are scheduled to report on the matter on Feb. 13.
DNV staff try to keep a tally of he number of short-term rentals operating nearby, Milburn said. Before the pandemic, it was around 800, dropping to less than 500 in 2020.
If the council were to pursue a legalization and regulation approach through business licensing, it would mean having a budget available to be more proactive with enforcement.
Powers said West Vancouver council hadn’t revisited the size of the fine since 2011 when Airbnb was less of an issue. Additionally, the board has not expressed any interest in changing the bylaw.
With such lax enforcement and so much legwork required for compensation, Limoges said the blame falls on the politicians who’ve crafted the rules that give short-term rental hosts so much room to manoeuvre.
“I read their platforms, and they all have plans for fixing the housing crisis,” he said. “The reality is that with the average home price on the North Shore, nobody’s child, without the help of their parents, is ever able to own a property.
He suggested higher fines and more active enforcement to get people out of the short-term rental business and properties put to better use in the long-term rental market.
North Vancouver - Lonsdale NDP MLA Bowinn Ma said when she first came to the office, she was flooded with complaints about tenants being mistreated by landlords.
“That’s why it is now explicitly unlawful for landlords to evict tenants to replace them with Airbnb or to put them back on the market,” she said. “It’s a huge, huge improvement… And I would hope that other landlords thinking of doing this will recognize the significant financial penalty that can be caused to them.”
In light of Limoges’ case, Ma said she is open to discussions about whether the penalty is stiff enough. Entire properties being offered for short-term rentals would be subject to the province’s Speculation and Vacancy Tax, Ma said, and her staff can inform the Ministry of Finance if anyone believes the owner of a short-term rental property is flouting the law.
And, she added, the Residential Tenancy Branch can halt a poor faith eviction before it takes effect. Airbnb did not respond to a request for comment on the issue.
The home Limoges rents today has since been listed for sale. With so much competition for a limited rental supply, if the property owner decides to evict them, the family will have no choice but to leave the North Shore forever.
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jenaeswriting · 1 year
Pachinko was my read✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ of 2023
Pachinko was my first read of 2023. I was recommended it in the lead up to my trip to Japan by Tom's mum. She said reading it would be a good lesson in history. I am used to novels being fun and silly and non-fiction being serious and educational. Pachinko was like learning through play, like soaking up the sense of place on a through pictures. Pachinko was a trip through 20th century Korea and Japan. A period defined by flashpoints, World War I and II, civil conflicts. A period when places, peoples homes became transformed and cermented in time as battlegrounds. The conflict of Manchuria, or Hiroshima, just that a conflcit, and not a place of culture or identity, or home. This is how I had come to interpret the Korean civil war. Korea a nation today split into the North and South. A side to be chosen. Pachinko begins with a whole Korea, and born into it is hardworking Korean woman Sunja. She flees Korea during its time of Japanese occupation. By the time she can make it back, it is spit and owned by Russian and the West. Sunja doesn't fretabout the wartime, lifeis measured through the food on the table. These flashpoints of named and dated conflicts in Pachinko are not the omnipresent happenings, but were natural like the quiet hums of cars in the distance. Not heard until you are told to pay attention. When Sunja finds financial stability, her working children successful, she realises in her poverty, her nation has been lost, re-occupied and divided. To go home is un-true, her she can never go back. ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Pachinko was written in 2017 and tells Korean-Japan hostilities from 1911 to 1989. It follows the family linage of Sunja, daughter of Hoonie, a deformed man with a limp and a cleft-lip trying to make a life for himself in 20th century Korea. A hard worker and respected around his hometown in Busan, Hoonie is arranged to marry Yangjin. In the background Korea is allied with Japan through the Second World War. In Korea, there is poverty on the streets and livelihoods of Koreas are largely ignored by the Japanese empire. Money in Busan comes from the Japanese visitors. Quickly into Hoonie and Yangjin's marriage they birth beaming eyed Sunja. A hard worker herslef, she is volunteers at her mother's bathhouse and tends to the clients, both Korean and Japanese. When she is sixteen, Sunja meets a well-dressed man in the marketplace, he speaks highly of his life back in Osaka. He says he is from Jeju. Sunja can hardly believe when he says he is Korean. It is hard to spot his physical differences in such stunning white and clean clothes. He impregnates Sunja but announces he cannot be with her. Sunja is devestated and feels she has let down her mother and father. A Protestant minister Baek Isak stays in Sunja's mother's boarding house. In his ill-health, Baek declares he will marry Sunja to give the child a name and a better life, one in Japan. Sunja, Baek move to Baek's brother's house in Ikaino, the Korean ghetto of Osaka. Sunja knows the name 'Osaka' from the well-dressed man's stories. He spoke of a land full of food and technology and automobiles. In Ikaino, Sunja does not live this life of decadence. Her and Baek squeeze in with brother in law, Yoseb. Baek's brother is is high in the church and his wife Kyunghee a beautiful woman with soft and thin hands. But despite income and proffession or beauty if you are Korean you are sentanced to the ghettos. Rentals are denied to Koreans by Japanese. In Ikaino Korean children roam the streets and farm animals live with residents. There is little choice to ethic Koreans and living with cattle and pigs is a point to be disgusted of. So, Sunja and Beak move in with Yoseb and Kyunnghee and preparations begin for the fifth member of the house, Baek Isak's illegitimate child, Noa, Followed four years later by Mozasu. Noah and Moses. Noa was the most intreging character. He internalised much of the Korean descrimination from his Japanese peers. In tough times, Sunja and Kyunghee make kimchi at home in massive batches to sell at the markets. The smell of cabbage and garlic seeps into Noa's clothes, at school he is called garlic turd. Noa works hard to distance himself from the Korean archetype. He is told Koreans are dirty so he makes sure his shirt never has creases. He is told Koreans are rude so he is unfalteringly polite to a fault. He is told Koreans will not ammount to much, so he studies hard in school, staying back late after class and working into the night. Noa hates being Korean. He will hate being Korean all his life until he kills himself. To be living in Korea, you are destined for a life of hardshp. To move to prosperous Japan you are not offered the food, shelter or oppertunites of natives. Sunja and Noa and Yoseb and Isak do as they Japanese tell Koreans. They do so without ever questioning or oppposing the walls of oppression which suffocate Ikaino. They are generous, never angry at their place in society. It is a stark difference that until this point, Koh Hansu is the only Korean character who has made a rich life for himself. Of course, he is apart of the Yakunza and cannot have what he wants truely, which is Noa and Sunja. It takes Mosazu, Noa's brother, who defies the anti-Korean sentimate and doesn't take interest in conforming to the rules of the Japanese empirical forces. Noa tells Mosazu to study hard, to not get into fights with those who make him angry. Unlike Noa, Mosazu sees the injustice and can understand it is not him who is wrong but Japanese soicety. He befriends another bullied Korean child and further defies pressure to be a good Korean by taking up work at the Pachinko parlour. Mosazu is able to build a prosperous life for his mother and grandmother in Japan. At the end of the novel when Sunja is in her 70s cleaning Isak's grave placing a designer purse on the graveyard floor it is entirely diffferent image from the poverty striken life Sunja endured during her years of early motherhood in Busan and Japan. The book is the first English language telling of the Korean discrimiation in Japan. A histroy lesson, a comment on entrenched poverty, systematic discrimination, internalised hatred. Working hard and hard and hard in a system built to make sure you fail. The ways in which colonialisation and imperialism do not better those captured nations, and how large empire nations wish not to conjoin for joint prosperity but to keep those conquored on the bottom. To be a winner means there must be losers. It was interesting that Sunja immigrated to Japan when Korea was a unified country. There are times when she, or those in her family wish to see back home. But by going home they are forced to choose a side. Prehaps individual like Noa would wish to appease the Japanese, being taught all his life they are the superior race, never speak ill. Noa may be innclined to show his allegance to North Korea. Despite the quest for Korea to be free, Japanese rule is how many Koreans understand Korea. An American or Western south is still not home. Of course, as the years go on this sense of 'home' becomes very vague. third of fourth generation Japanese born ethnic Koreans have never been to their "native" country. How can this be where they are from? And how can they be made to choose a side and feel at peace. So much change occurs yet people wish for you to choose one side of a coutnry and go back to a counntry that is not yours. The Pachinko game is posited as a game of chance but successful Pachinko businesses, as Mozazu's says is about making people hopeful and then rigging the system. Koreans had been promised better lives in Japan, better lives in the north and in the south. Today, this war rages on.
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mystlnewsonline · 1 year
Top 4 industrial capitals of the world
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(STL.News) High-speed Internet streetlights, the headquarters of the largest IT companies, a huge number of successful technology startups, as well as virtual supermarkets and robots that brew coffee - it's all there in the most industrial cities on the planet.  We are talking about six megacities where advanced technologists and bright minds from all over the world are concentrated. Dubai, UAE The UAE's most populated city is Dubai.  It is the main financial, economic, and tourism hub in the region.  On the basis of a modest fishing hamlet established in the 18th century, the opulent city flourished.  Massive buildings, chic apartments, resorts, restaurants, and stores began to develop where there once were dunes.  The best way to get around the city is by car.  If you are a tourist, then the easiest way is to hire a car from the rental salon.  You can hire budget, sports, luxury, and exotic cars in Dubai.  The rental price will vary depending on the year of manufacture and model of the hired car. The greatest construction project in Dubai is built in Downtown Dubai.  The headquarters of the greatest corporations, banks, retail malls, 5-star hotels, pricey restaurants, and enormous buildings are located in this famous commercial zone.  Dubai serves as a meeting place for significant corporate executives, investors, event planners, and initiative professionals.  It is the residence of the third-largest port operator and the highest-traffic international airport in the whole globe.  Dubai also has one of the world's most cutting-edge digital networks.  This serves as a useful launching pad for exploring international markets. Seoul, South Korea The South Korean metropolis is saturated with innovation.  Super-fast Wi-Fi is distributed here even by street lights, intelligent video cameras post pictures on Twitter, and coffee in coffee shops is prepared by robots.  The Seoul subway deserves special attention.  There are elevators for the disabled, toilets, tactile tiles, and glass ceilings between the platform and the rails.  And while waiting for trains, passengers can order groceries in a virtual supermarket by scanning a QR code. Real estate in the Korean capital is also much cheaper than in other world cities.  The average cost of an apartment here is $533,000.  And even though South Korea closes the top five most favorable countries for doing business.  In addition, it breaks records in terms of the number of patents granted.  Among those who regularly file patent applications are tech conglomerates LG Electronics and Samsung Electronics.  In 2017, they registered 7.6 thousand and 5.2 thousand developments and technologies.  It is one of the most popular countries for IT outsourcing companies. New York, USA The American metropolis is considered one of the most innovative cities thanks to the huge volume of venture capital and thousands of highly qualified professionals who flock here from all over the world.  Tech corporations and start-ups make up the bulk of the local economy.  WeWork, Verizon, IBM, Citigroup, Kickstarter, Twitter, and Tumblr have offices in New York.  It also houses the Microsoft Lab and the Google Business Center. The city has all the necessary conditions to maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life.  It is also among the largest shopping centers.  Company leaders are against overtime: they set flexible working hours, regularly organize family holidays and urge employees not to give up vacations.  Prices for living in New York correspond to the status of the city.  Thus, the average rent in Manhattan is $3.2 thousand per month, which is about 82% of the average American salary.  Housing in other areas is not much cheaper. Tokyo, Japan While Japan's capital doesn't look as innovative on the outside as the other cities on our list, it's one of the most technologically advanced cities on the planet.  Tokyo is famous for its bullet trains, best robotics, advances in 3D modeling, and cutting-edge software.  The city attracts both very young start-ups and world-famous corporations: SoftBank, Hitachi, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, and Sony Corporation.  It owes its status to the hard work of the local population. Ahead of the 2020 Olympic Games, Tokyo launched facial recognition technology and invested heavily in artificial intelligence for transportation, hospitals, and financial services.  Interestingly, about 90% of all waste is recycled in the Japanese capital.  Containers for separate collection are installed in all offices, supermarkets, and railway stations of the city. The list includes many more cities, including the Netherlands, London, San Francisco, and others.  We have placed in this article only four of them, but even from this list, it becomes clear in which direction the world is moving. Read the full article
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deeppeacesweets · 1 year
Get Ideas for Your Home Wall Design
Whether you are buying new wall design for your property or you want to revamp a preexisting room, there are lots of options available which are both stylish and affordable. These wallpapers come in a wide selection of colors, designs, and styles to suit every taste.
Best wallpaper Singapore
Deciding on the best wallpaper singapore will make a positive change to the look and mood of your home. The first faltering step is to find out your needs. Whether you are seeking to decorate a tiny family area or a large commercial space, there are a number of options available.
Wallhub is among the leading wallpaper providers in Singapore. They feature a variety of high-quality, contemporary designs. They also have an on-trend in-house custom collection. Their wallpapers are sourced from a number of the world's leading design houses.
They are accredited by the Singapore Green Building Council. They are certified for low VOC emissions and additionally they carry FSC-certified materials.
Their wallpaper is environmentally-safe and their designs will also be anti-bacterial. They also have a variety of non-woven wallpapers that are made from recycled fibers. They've a thorough selection of international brands, including Koroseal, Phillip Jeffries, and Sangetsu.
In addition they provide professional installation services. Their BTO project team specialises in wall covering for entire homes. In addition they stock over 500 different designs from across the world.
They are devoted to empowering local artists. They've created a wide selection of products, including murals, 3D panels, and home decor items. They also have a seal of approval from hospitals and schools.
They stock a variety of Japanese and European designs. They are also quick to ship and offer excellent customer service. They are also reasonably priced.
Premium Wallpaper Singapore
Deciding on the best wallpaper for your property can be a challenge. But there are many wallpaper specialists in Singapore to decide on from.
You can find many types of wallpaper, which range from wall coverings to murals. These can be utilized in residential or commercial spaces. A great choice of wallpaper can increase the mood of a space and transform it. It can also be a good way to boost the look of your property and never having to spend an excessive amount of money.
If you are buying wall covering that is both stylish and durable, then you definitely should check out the premium wallpaper Singapore must offer. These are one of the better in the business. You'll find a wide selection of designs from Europe and Korea. They include wallpapers with intricate designs, intricate patterns, and textures.
Additionally, these companies provide a variety of services, such as for instance free tool rental, workshops on how best to install wallpaper, and a DIY service. Moreover, they deliver orders in just two days. This is a superb way to really get your home decorated in no time.
The Singapore Wallpaper Company sources their wallpapers from various places, such as for instance Japan, Korea, and the United States. They've an extended history of producing high-quality wallpapers and give you a wide variety of designs.
Affordable Wallpaper in Singapore From Korea
Using affordable wallpaper in Singapore is really a very viable option. Korean wallpaper is really a highly popular type of wall covering in lots of areas of Southeast Asia, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. It is available in a wide selection of designs, colors, and textures. It can also be washable and is fantastic for tropical countries.
There are many companies in Singapore that sell affordable wallpaper. These include Wallhub, Wallpaper.com, and The Wall Story Pte Ltd. They all offer high-quality wallpaper at reasonable prices. These companies provide you with professional installation services. They also have a choice of the newest designs.
The Wall Story Pte Ltd is really a well-established company in Singapore. The business has been selling good quality Korean wallpaper for over 20 years. They've a wide variety of contemporary and classic Korean wallpaper styles. In addition they stock a wide variety of other decorative items for the home.
The Wall Story Pte Ltd offers high quality workmanship and an extensive choice of concepts. They've a thorough portfolio of projects in the residential and commercial sectors.
The Wall Story Pte Ltd stocks a wide variety of Korean and European wallpapers. Their consultation agents are proficient in the newest Korean wallpaper styles and will have a way to advise you on the best designs for the home.
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