guerrerajaguar · 2 months
My Devoted Husbands ( Fem!Reader) Chapter 3: What should I do now?
Warnings: Slight angst, mentions of polyamory, reverse harem.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Head Canons
As soon as Kyojuro left, you immediately changed into your kendo practice outfit, grabbed a couple of bokken and went to look for your dad. As he saw you storming in, he instinctively hid behind your mom using her as a human shield. Your mother graciously slid to the side allowing you to throw one of the bokken directly to his hand.
-“Ah darling, I am so glad that you reached us here; your mother and I were just talking about Kyojuro and we just feel like…” He said desperately looking at your mom but obtaining no support from her.
-“We will decide this, right now. We will have a 3 set kendo match, if you win I will let Kyojuro know about our family legacy and I will allow you to freely speak to him about your crazy marriage ideas. But… “. Your stance was fierce and full of determination -“If I win, you will never mention anything related to the corp and will drop the circus about marriage until I decide the time is right. Deal?”-
You father was really taken aback, they both were in the middle of a very exciting conversation where he described to your mom how fast you moved in the living room and that he was completely sure that you had already surpassed him. But even after that, he stared at you solemnly standing up from his seat.
-“Y/N, sweetie, weren’t you training today with Sanemi-kun? Genya-kun will be disappointed if you did not make it.” He said sweetly, trying to convince you to drop off the subject.
-“Oh, the boys can manage without me. They are actually rooting for my victory.” Your voice was calm but defiant and as your father knew you were not going to step down from your challenge, he finally agreed.
 -“Very well, so be it. And might we keep our promises then, independently of the match result”.
-“I do trust that you will keep your word, because if you don’t, I will never speak to you back again. And you can bet I am dead serious” . Your gaze was fixed on his, with fiery resolution. If you were going to date Kyojuro, you would do it properly and on your own terms. 
You two walked down to the center of your garden, your mom would play as referee since she used to be a very skilled demon slayer. Your brother joined to witness what he believed would be your dad's defeat. Just by staring at you he knew you were already skillful enough to win over a kendo match, it was just a matter of time.
-“Whoever wins 2 sets out of 3 will be the winner of the match”- your mom said as she placed herself in the middle of you both “As for kendo goes, a direct contact will count as a point.” You and your dad were fixedly staring at each other, your bokken up in a guard stance, a dead silence reigned at the battleground and so your mother said with clear voice:
Almost immediately after that, you felt a very strong impact in your stomach that propelled you to the far back of the backyard, finding yourself in the need to kneel down to stop yourself from hitting against the wall.
-”Point!”. Your mother exclaimed as you looked at your dad still kneeling on the floor. He had that fiery gaze that confirmed his high ranking at the slayers corp. You were gasping for air but tried to dissimulate, that strike had been really precise and painful.
-”If you have any intention of winning, you need to start taking me seriously, Y/N. I might be your father but I am still The Water Pillar and if you ever intend to claim this rank, better start acting as the Tsugoku you are and drop your childish ideas.”
He was right, you have been so angry about what just happened with Kyojuro that you totally forgot who you were about to fight, it wasn’t an UNO match against your daddy; it was a kendo match with the Water Pillar. 
For an instant you felt a bit insecure, unsure if you could attain victory, but then it hit you. Even if you did not say it out loud you knew that your honor and worth as swordswoman were at stake. Because, how could you talk so big if you weren’t able to back your words with true strength? That was the challenge you threw at him by asking for a kendo match. You probably could have thrown a tantrum, asked your mother to intervene or given him the silent treatment for a couple of days to make him stop all his babbling related to Kyojuro. But no, you were so sure that your sword skills were superior to his, that you threw that challenge completely secure about your victory.
It wasn’t about boyfriend or marriage anymore, it was about if you were already strong enough to officially surpass your father and become the next Water Pillar. It was about if you could keep the family legacy with dignity. You were sure that by then, he would start respecting your decisions more and will stop making ridiculous comments about your personal life.
You honestly loved being in the corps, the training sessions, the knowledge your father passed to you and why not; you loved how damn good of a slayer you were. So yes, you would show him how strong your will to protect humans from the demon menace was and how proud you were to call yourself a Demon Slayer.
And you will, definitely, win.
As all doubts started to dissipate, you stood up with your gaze fixed on the messy ground, steadily breathing and as you sheathed your bokken to your belt, you said to your opponent:
-”Now I am ready, father.” You patiently  waited for your mother to call the beginning of the next set.
-”Start!” It was like your body moved by itself, you quickly positioned yourself at your dad’s back.
-”Water breathing, second form: water wheel!” Your rival was merely able to dodge it, he counterattacked, but you were faster blocking his front strike and so you continued:
-”Water breathing, fourth form; striking tide…” Now your father started to defend himself from a series of speedily impacts as you quickly changed your direction with a back somersault, you yelled “ Water breathing, sixth form: Whirlpool!!!”
-”Point!” Your mother briskly said as your bokken slightly impacted your dad’s shoulder. You are now even, 1 to 1, the next set will decide everything. You were pretty sure that your father was enjoying the match as much as you and you were also sure that the hardest part of the tussle was about to start. None of you said a word and so your mother proceeded to yell with excitement:
-”Start!” None of you two were to be seen at any place, as you both bet on speed for achieving victory. Only a high level swordsman could follow your now inhuman encounter, your brother was the only one having trouble keeping up compared to your mother, who was completely focused on identifying the match winner as her eyes quickly scanned the entire scene.
Your father’s strikes were faster, stronger and more precise compared to the beginning of the match; you felt like your bokken could break at any moment. You needed to use your entire body to dodge his strikes since getting a broken weapon will translate into an automatic loss.
While your foothold kept changing constantly you decided to start building momentum for a final strike, you were tired and were sure that if you did not finish it with all you had left, you would probably lose. You started your attack by briefly changing direction to totally impulse yourself on your garden wall, as you were total concentration breathing, your strong step cracked the wall as you propelled yourself forward against your father, this was it:
-”Water breathing, ninth form: Splashing Water Flow, Flash!”. It happened in an instant, a thunderous sound announced that one of the bokken had broken and after all the dust had settle; there was an obvious winner. You and your father were standing, staring in opposite directions, with your bokken slightly touching the back of his neck and your dad’s half bokken on the floor .
-”Point and match! Your mother happily yelled as you dropped to the floor, completely exhausted. Your father was showing you a big smile when he offered his hand to help you get up.
-”Do not ever doubt yourself again, your strength and skill now pairs with a pillar, live your life with honor as you have always had.” The feelings that those words carried were so powerful to you, that you had tears at the brink of your eyes. Just as in the beginning of the match, your body moved by itself, warmly giving into your father’s embrace, this was the moment you have been waiting for almost all your life since you unsheathed your first katana. You have finally deemed yourself worthy of your last name.
Well this was not it, at least not yet. You still needed to receive Lord Kagaya’s blessing and successfully complete your first mission as the lead of high-ranked Demon Slayer squad. But this was indeed the beginning of the rest of your life. Time flew so fast while your Dad merrily recreated your final strike with your brother’s help, that you did not notice it until your phone vibed violently with a sort of extremely enthusiastic texts:
From: Nemi
[Wth Y/N? U left me hanging by myself with the little shit.]
You couldn’t help but to giggle, you can’t remember how many times you have asked Sanemi to not call Genya those, in your opinion, bad taste nicknames but your friend was just like that. As you start writing back to him you realized how late it was and that you were not going to make it to your date with Giyuu.
From: You
[I finally broke my old man’s bokken, TTYL, got a date. ]
The time it took you to get ready was barely human, you showered, put some clothes and perfume on, grabbed your purse and you were already sprinting to the recently opened tea house. You thought that being a demon in slayer was not always that bad, as it came along with some physical perks. Being late was a usual with you and a good thing was that Giyuu never seemed to care about it.
It was not hard to spot your friend, peaceful sitting in a two-person table, scrolling through his phone, with a chilly glass of water at his side. The waitresses noticed you immediately as you made your way to your seat. Your black haired companion stood up as soon as he saw you walking in, he was slightly taller than you, he had was wearing a stretchy white blouse and denim jeans, his hair was a bit messier than usual, but still styled into a low pony tail.
“You look terrible.” - said your friend in a very serious tone.
“Thank you! I missed you too…- you said with a sarcastic tone while you removed your jacket and sat down, picking up the menu and calling in the waitress.
“…and you still wonder why you don’t have a girlfriend.” - You concluded raising a eyebrow and giving him a small side smile.
“I did not meant any harm with that… I am actually concerned. I think you sometimes take your training too seriously.” - He spoke as he ordered his and your drink. He’d know you for so long that he did not needed to ask about your choice. The waitress nodded and quickly removed herself from the table. It was actually nice the way you both got treated by the waitresses every time you and Giyuu hanged out, you assumed that it was because your friend was considerably handsome and that you both had always gave out the “best friends” vibe.
“… And I have not ever complained, not even once, for not having a girlfriend”.- You rolled your eyes with a wide smile.
“Then, you should learn how to properly speak to lady if you ever wanna change that.” - you concluded as you took the first sip from your drink. It was absolutely blissful, the floral scent flooded your nose, warmness embracing your insides, instantly relaxing every aching muscle of your body.
“I will take your advice, thank you”.- He sipped from his drink, and you were not sure if he enjoyed the tea as much you did, in fact it was always very hard to read your friend’s mind. Actually now that you had come to think about it, the way you two bonded was kind of peculiar.
You and his sister, Tsukako, became good friends during high school and even though you had knew him since then, you and Giyuu did not became friends until you both got into college together, in the same bachelor degree. A lot had changed since those times, but certainly not his lack of expressions, and you could not help but to compare him with Kyojuro and how much of an open book was your new blond boyfriend.
BOYFRIEND! Yes, these were happy news that you definitely wanted to disclose with one of your closest friends. The thought of Daki not being the first one to know gave you chills, but out of sight, out of mind right?
“So, you are never gonna guess what happened to me today.”- you took another sip. -“I was at this pizza place and I chose to start choking at the worst time possibly…” - Your friend interrupted you.
“Y/N, I need to tell you something…- his face was serious, nothing out of the normal, but was not the type of guy to ever interrupt you, so he left you out of words.
“I-I… Well that’s… ok sure. Is everything alright?”- you sipped again, glancing at him with the lower corner of your eye, with consternation.
“I like you and I want you to go out with me.”- Luckily for you, the tea was in the right place at the right time, otherwise your recently confessed lover would had a dripping wet face by then.
That phrase keep floating around your head, you blinked with confusion, did you heard that right? Probably not, so you sipped again while you cleared your throat.
“You, err, like me? You like me, exactly in which type of way?.- you asked, while repeating to yourself: “Please do not say it, please let it be a misunderstanding, please, not today.”
“In a romantic way, the way a man feels attracted to a woman.” - he sipped and cleared his fine lips with a neatly folded paper napkin. You rested your chin on the palm of your hand, using your fingers to cover your mouth, frowning with concern, unable to speak. This had to be a horrible coincidence, it was just some nights ago that you had dismissed your dad’s ranting about your friends having romantic feelings for you and here you were; A new boyfriend, the broken bokken of your father and another love confession.
Could this day get any crazier?
It was not the fact that you could not like Giyuu, he was indeed a great guy and you enjoyed being around him. Having your blue-eyed companion as a boyfriend was not an idea that you disliked but the problem was that you were dating someone else by now. How were you supposed to gracefully reject a friend and not hurt his feelings? You were not even sure if you were ready to be in a relationship with Kyojuro and there you were, having to break the heart of someone you cared for and if this was not enough, you were about to start the process to become the water pillar.
It was too much, too much for her, too much for a couple of days, too much for her the rest of her life thank you very much.
“You do not have to give me an answer right now. I am going on a business trip tomorrow. We can talk about it when I come back and I will be fine with whatever decision you take.” - He calmly called the waitress again to ask for a refill. How in hell could he be so calm after he spat such words? How could he failed to see how were you crumbling on the inside? Nonetheless, that was a good thing, right? It turned you into a very good liar, concealing your secret until the day you die. You have not spoken a single word.
“Sorry, I did interrupted you. You were talking about a pizza place?” - He sipped again, with inhuman tranquility, and you decided to play along. If you were going to reject him you would have time to think about the best way to do it and still end up in good terms, because that was only way to do it. Right?
“It was, it was nothing special, it was the best slice pizza that ever tried to kill me.” - For a change, Giyuu chuckled.
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guerrerajaguar · 2 years
Tengen Uzui x fem!reader
This is another follow up for @misslili265 @themisslili request. This one is a little bit longer, I hope is worth and... I left the best for the end, your lovely Gyomei. Hope you like this one too <3
Tengen Uzui x fem!reader (Reacting to a love confession of his darling hugging him from behind)
Warnings: Slight Angst, slight Smut (implicit)
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The Sound Pillar was anything but a nitwit, or better put in his words, he was definitely very flamboyant. He also knew how attractive, charming and enchanting he was. And there was no doubt about it, he definitely knew her ways with the ladies and of course, his worked up body was one of his more powerful assets, and oh hell he was terribly aware of this.
Without a miss, he will always make sure to be the center of attention especially when you were watching. He bitterly remembers the first time he tried to hit on you and how you blatantly rejected him. It was in your first promotion ceremony, apparently you have caused a very good impression to the Love Pillar in your latest mission under her lead and this resulted in her recommending you to level up.
You were very proud of yourself and solemnly received all the praise and congratulations from your fellow comrades. So when the Sound Pillar blocked your way by leaning his elbow on the wall and told you with a mocking smile: “So, I heard those hands of yours are pretty talented, how about if you put them to test on this body?” he concluded flirtatiously, raising an eyebrow and staring at your lips.
You have no idea what type of face you made, but Uzui’s went from hero to zero in a matter of seconds. And as if it was not bad enough you shoot the coupe of grace answering him: “Uzui-san…” your voice was cold and sharp as ice and continued “you are a Pillar and this is an official corp event, please behave accordingly.” You forced a small reverence and turned your heels to the Love Pillar direction who was still throwing flowers at you. Your blood was boiling in anger and he was absolutely awestruck, this has never happened to him.
But it seemed that this only fueled Uzui to flamboyantly keep flirting with you, but with a little bit more of modesty, he was unsure if he will be able to withstand another rejection like that coming from you. Little by little he started to make sure that you knew you were in his thoughts all the time, sending your favorite flower bouquets at your lodging room, gifting you beautiful jewelry hair pins, gallantly inviting you to have dinner after your missions, delivering expensive and colorful kimonos and specially trying to catch you outside your room every morning before anybody else. “Good morning Y/N, fancy a morning run with the Sound Pillar?” he asked with a side smirk.
At the beginning, you were totally sure that Tengen was going through all that trouble because you turned up to be a challenge by probably being the only girl that had rejected him. And since you were pretty sure that was his motivation, you decided that you will not be playing his game. You were really polite regarding the gifts and invitations, thanking him but never really accepting them.
For starters Tengen could not understand why his usual techniques were not working, so he started exploring other ways to get closer to you. Have you just decided to grab something to eat with your girlfriends? Pum, he was there in the table across waving at you with a playful smirk, inviting himself to your table sitting right beside you. How about your most recent missions? “Oh, Y/N, what an extraordinary coincidence. Fate wants us to be together!” said Tengen while holding his chin between his index finger and thumb. You really started to question how easy it must be to bribe the mission assignment division of the corp.
Or how about that time you needed a new blade? “Y/N let me walk you to the forge village” He said gentlemanly, offering his muscular arm for you to walk alongside him. “Uzui-san, it's an entire day trip…” you answered with a puzzled expression. “Doll, for you I am always available, a day, a week, or say; the rest of my life.” He always said these types of things with the most charming and chivalrous expression.
Even if you wanted to or not, you actually found out that the Sound Pillar was a really nice gallant man and started to enjoy hanging out with him more and more often. But you never, really straightforwardly reciprocated to any of his flirting stances.
Yes, Tengen started to court you because you were the hardest challenge he had faced so far, but his plan backfired when he madly fell in love with you. He treasured every single moment you spent with him, he memorized every single trait of your face, your hair, your laugh and along with the sound of your voice were the memoirs that kept him going through his longest missions in which you started to feel disappointed by “fate” not having you together this time.
He did not realize at what point you started to be the most important thing in his life until he decided to confess his love to you, but this time for real. Being flamboyant as he was, the only thing he could think of was marriage. Yes! you will be the most beautiful bride of all and of course you will both have some many kids, of course, only if you wanted to.
He was entirely lost in his fantasies on how you will look in your wedding dress and the delicious wedding night he will be preparing just for the two of you, that his ears caught inadvertently a conversation between two slayer girls with whom you typically hang out with.
“Is Y/N officially dating Uzui-san? I mean, he technically is everywhere she is, but that does not mean they are a thing, right?” said one girl curiously, making the Sound Pillar heart stop. The other girl responded “Well, I have never seen her responding to any of his compliments nor accepting his gifts. So, I think she is only being polite with him.” The other girl nodded and added; “Well, yes, I still remember how mad she was when he tried to hit on her on her promotion night. I’ve never seen Y/N so furious, come to think about it…”
Tengen did not wanted nor needed to finish listening to that conversation, his heart have sunken to his feet, leaving a stinging pain in his chest. Those annoying girls were right, you have never given him a straightforward sign that you felt for him the same way he felt for you. Now that he has started to think about it, he technically forced himself into your life in a lot of aspects.
Anxiety started to build up in his chest, what if you were really only being polite? All the missions you have completed together, all the times he made you burst with laughter or the time you shared your home-cooked onigiri with him? Fear also started to bubble near his heart.
All those situations, all those moments you both shared where because he had forced them into you. Trying to calm himself, the Sound Pillar sat down on a wooden bench in front of a flowing river, right below a cherry tree under the night sky. He had a serious sullen expression.
No way, he was the flamboyant and charming Tengen Uzui. There is no way you could have faked those moments, no woman will be able to resist… Except that you already did, the first time you met, actually… And just when panic started to invade his entire body, he felt the warmest embrace he had ever received from behind, gently placing your arms under his, resting your palms in his pectorals and leaning your cheek to the back of his neck you calmly said to him; “I found you.”
Tengen was a total mess, he was at the brink of a mental breakdown and there you were, the only one that could save him from despair. He tried to move in order to face you, but you tightened the embrace and went on: “Please, Tengen, don’t… Hold on just a little… I was desperately looking for you. I.. I know I’ve been the worst date ever.” You now rested your chin on his right shoulder and continued “On a lot of occasions we’ve been together I’ve wanted to let you know that.. What I’m trying to say is that…”
Words were getting stuck in your throat but you were finally able to let out a sweet and soft: “Tengen, I love you, I really do…” You barely had the chance to inhale after your last words before realizing Tengen had turned so fast that in a blink of an eye you were entirely seated on his lap face to face.
“What did you just say?” he asked with a dead serious expression and you felt so flustered that you automatically hid your face in his chest while weakly answering: “I’ve never being really good with words, that is why it took me so long to… you know… tell you that I love you” without hearing a reply to your latest confession, you felt your chin being lifted to meet the biggest magenta eyes you have ever seen on the Sound Pillar.
He had the most delighted expression and told you: “How flamboyant of you my love” and leaned down to kiss you. Deeply, first savoring your lips and then letting his tongue play with yours causing you to release a soft moan. His hands slowly sliding all the way down to your waist barely brushing the sides of your breasts sending an electrifying sensation of pleasure through your back. Your hands outlined his broad chest all the way to his stunning abs causing him to nib your lips and realizing that there was some serious movement at the base of your seat.
He separated from the kiss and while you were still panting he stood up carrying you in bridal style. “I knew you would be perfect” He gently smiled at you, kissed your forehead and continued while walking with you in his arms: “So would you prefer Ivory or pearl?” resting your head closer to his chest you asked confused: “For what exactly?”. Tengen exploded in laughter and exclaimed: “Why, for your wedding dress of course! Our wedding will be…” you interrupted with a low voice and a timid smile: “Really flamboyant”. Tengen chuckled “You see doll? We are meant for each other!” You were absolutely thrilled to know where Tengen was going to take you that night, but you were entirely sure that it would be perfect as long as the sound Pillar was with you.
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guerrerajaguar · 2 years
Can I make a request for Uzui, Kyojuro and Giyu having a Spanish s/o who always calls them Cariña, Cariñ, Mi amor, Mi vida etc.
I am not Spanish I just wanted to do this because I thought this would be interesting😊
Hi Anon!
Thanks a lot for this request, I had a lot of fun writing about these hotties! Please, if you will, listen to: Shakira's my Hips Don't Lie; oldie but goodie tbh. Have fun and I hope you like it <3
Tengen Uzui, Kyojuro Rengoku and Tomioka Giyuu reacting to his S/O calling them love names in spanish.
Warnings: mentions of blood, mentions of death, implied polyamorous relation, soft angst.
Tengen Uzui
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You have a pretty dynamic relationship with Tengen, considering the fact that he has 3 wives. You totally lose it when you initially found out, given your cultural background that was an absolute no-go. You will, for no reason ever, involve yourself with a married man; but little did you knew how persistent Tengen will be about it. “Y/N, darling I am telling you. They are totally fine with this. Please, my sweet, sweet Y/N.” He will plead, all the time, totally submitted to you trying to convince you to meet his wives.
When you finally agreed to meet them, not entirely convinced though, it definitely went way different from how you imagined it. They were absolutely fantastic, caring and kind with you even going to the extent of telling you: “Tengen was right, you are absolutely gorgeous! You are also part of the Demon Slayer corp right?”. From that day on your tension regarding him being married decreased little by little and so you allowed all Tengen’s intentions to court you.
One day when you and Tengen were cuddling in his state you curled closer to him and tenderly let slip a: “Mi amor, me encantas”. Tengen stopped stroking your hair and grabbed your chin to meet your eyes. With the most confused expression you have ever seen in his face you realized that you just spoke in your native language. You were about to apologize but Tengen interrupted you with an ear to ear grin: “Darling, I did not understand a word but sounded absolutely flamboyant!” you shyly answered: “It means that… umm, I fancy you so much I am totally crazy about you.”
If you knew how embarrassed you would be for translating it, you would have preferred to never be involved in his life. Tengen burst into loud laughter and pinned you down to the floor gently holding both of your wrists with his hands and covered your face entirely in kisses and told you: “You are so flamboyant, mi amor”.
This event took your relationship to a whole new level, because he automatically adopted all your love expressions in Spanish: “Mi vida, how’s your day going so far?” “Mi amor, would you like to go for a walk?” “Cariño, come to bed, it's already late”. You felt feverish every time he called you like this and your face turned entirely red when Makio, Suma, and Hinatsuru started to call you by those names as well. So without even noticing, everyone at the Sound Pillar state were talking a little bit of spanish.
Totally unaware of how much Tengen loved when you love-called him in spanish, one day you stealthy got closer to his ear and whispered: “Mi amor, ¿Dónde te habías metido?”. Hearing your voice in a silky and seductive tone caused the Sound Pillar body to immediately tense up and with his ruby eyes wide open, quickly turned around to pin you against the wall; one hand right above your head and the other strategically located at your waist.
He was so close that you could feel the contractions of his chest while breathing and fiercely looking down at you, he asked: ”Doll, say that one more and I will urge you to accept an invitation to my bedroom”. As you grew aware of the situation you were, you defiantly answered: “ Well of course I will, cariño.” Making sure he listened pretty clearly to that last word, you allowed yourself to be carried away in a bridal style to the bedroom which you certainly will not get out until late the next morning.
Kyojuro Rengoku
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You and Kyojuro are what people will call: love doves. It was obvious to anyone who watched you, that you both were born to be together, twin souls if you will. He had always been a very respectful gentleman, so it just came natural that his darling will be the ultimate object of his adoration. His confession came right after he returned from the Mugen train mission just as he missed dead barely by an inch. He knew that he could not stand another day to pass by without you knowing how he felt for you .
You were the first person he wanted to see the moment he arrived at the Butterfly state. You reached his room the fastest you could, full of utter terror when you found out that he had just fought the third upper moon. As you saw him all covered up with bloody bandages, barely able to sit up straight; he gently took your hand and confessed: “Y/N… My beloved Y/N…You captivated me since the first time I set my eyes on you. I just simply can’t understand what you do to me, you simply make my heart ablaze. So please, even though I know it's selfish for me to ask, please be mine and only mine. My life will be dedicated entirely to you and only you.”
He said this with the widest and warmest smile regardless of his physical pain. He waited patiently for your answer, softly stroking the back of your hand in spite of growing nervous every second you remained silent. As tears started to build in your eyes, you gently bent over to tenderly embrace him, with extreme caution of his injured body.
You silently started sobbing, wetting his bandages, your mind traveling to the catastrophic scenario of Kyojuro’s death. You could never deal with that. Regardless of being aware that a demon slayer's life is at stake in every mission, especially when you had also put yours on the line, Kyojuro was your sun and you will do whatever it takes to protect him. Even if you needed to sacrifice your life. But, how could your strength compare to an upper moon? Even then, you would never flinch an inch, ever.
The Flame Pillar could sense your heart breaking right in front of him as he knew you better than anyone else. He did not needed a reply from you to be able to know how much you loved him and in how much pain you were for seeing him in that condition. He tenderly smiled as he tightened the embrace you were both sharing, how could he be so cruel with the person he loved the most? He thought that it was definitely the worst way to start a relationship. You finally broke the silence: “Kyojuro, my heart has always belonged to you” you said while still sobbing and continued: “I could never stand it, the idea of losing you it is just…”
He released from the embrace to catch your sight and slowly grabbed one of your hands to kiss it: ”You won’t, I’ll become stronger to brush all your fears away. I’ll always be here by your side. I promise you that.” He concluded with a serious expression, his beautiful amber eye set on yours and you softly responded with: “Oh Kyojuro…” as you threw yourself into his arms.
That was the beginning of your relationship with the Flame Pillar, his recovery took plenty of time and you made sure to visit him every single day. His day lightened up as soon as you crossed his bedroom door, sometimes you took Senjuro with you so you could both pamper your boyfriend on his way to his complete wellness. You both enjoyed curling up to each on his bed, sometimes he being a big spoon and some other times you enjoyed having him resting his back against your chest as you gently stroked his fiery hair.
One of those times, while you were grooming his hair you inadvertently called out to him: “Cariño, your hair feels so soft”. He immediately took your hand and delicately brought it to his lips and asked you: “Cariño? What does that mean?”. You laughed nervously as you realized that you have partially spoken in your native language and answered him back by hiding your face in his hair: “Oh Kyojuro, no… Please, don’t make me tell you… It's so embarrassing…”
He replied, now turning back to face you: “That only increases my urge to find out its meaning!” Your face was completely feverish, it was the first time you called Kyojuro: "sweetheart" and you just had to translate it to him. He totally lost it when you finally told him what it meant.
He will constantly do the most charming and adorable things for you with the hopes of hearing you calling him love names in Spanish. And if he did not succeeded, he will hug you from behind, hiding his face in the crook on your neck, finally begging for it: “Please my love, just one more time, for me? Please?”
You were delighted to discover how much power those words had on Kyojuro, so you wisely saved them for the intimacy of your shared bedroom at night. When luckily, you could not careless the moaned words Kyojuro took out of you.
Giyuu Tomioka
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Your relationship with Giyuu started in a pretty unexpected way. From the beginning you had always managed to catch his attention, it puzzled him the way that you seem to be able to talk to him so freely and carefree. You typically stopped your way to do some sweet small talk with him: “Good morning Tomioka-san, how’s everything going?” “Tomioka-san, fancy some of my daikon?” ”Oh Tomioka-san, your hair looks so nice today!”
Most of the time, he was unsure of how to reply back to you, especially because words were not his strength. But what tormented him the most was that he was never able to tell you how dizzy you made him feel, you were so beautiful and kind that he was concerned that you might not feel the same way as he did.
Luckily for him, he knew that his State was midway of your usual training ground, that way he could catch a glimpse of you more than once a day. A really wild idea popped to his mind one evening when you excused yourself in the middle of your conversation, he yearned so much, explaining that your lodging being so far away pushed you to go back as soon as your training sessions were over.
He was certainly clueless of how to start a conversation with you, but proposing you to move into his state in order for you not having to commute so much was absolutely terrifying for him. What if you had the wrong idea about him? Was he going too far, to the extent of making you feel uncomfortable? What if you stopped talking to him? That will be the death of him. He then pictured himself being equal to Tengen, being so confident of his flirting methods but in reality some of them were more intrusive than charming.
His heart was beating fast as he saw you approaching, that was going to be the day when he will be starting the conversation and better yet, invite you to move in with him. His thoughts were a complete mess at that moment, so when you waved him good morning he remained silent with an unaltered poker face.
This was his typical facial expression but not answering back at all caused you to think that you have probably overdo it, so continuing your way you apologized: “Ah, I am really sorry Tomioka-san You are probably sated of me talking to you non-stop. Rest assured, I will definitely stop from now on.”
As you bowed down to complete your apology, he gently grabbed you by your wrist and guided you inside his State. You were totally awestruck, what was he planning to do to you? He did not seem to be the violent type, but perhaps you just grinded his gears that day. Would he report this to the HQ? You never thought that he would be so displeased with you approaching him and as you continued to enter deeper into his property you tried to talk yourself out of that situation: “Tomioka-san, I was being serious about not approaching you anymore, this is really not necessary.”
You tried to look calm but your voice gave out how you were really feeling and that was Giyuu’s signal for stopping right on his tracks. He then spoke out with a very soft voice: “Y/N, I would like you to move into my state with me. That way your commute will be shorter.”
Your eyes widened in pure surprise, you were both standing right in front of the main entrance. Was he being serious? Was he asking you to move in with him? You could have never imagined that something like that would happen. Was it him feeling the same as you?
Inhaling deeply you spoke: “Tomioka-san I really appreciate your offer, but I can’t possibly see myself accepting it. I am really grateful to you”. All the time since the beginning of his proposal he will be facing in a totally different direction to where you were not releasing you from his grip. “I insist, please…” He would have never thought of himself doing something like that; holding someone, inviting them to live with him and even insisting after a negative response. But that is just how important you were to him.
You finally ended accepting his offer and moved in with him. Slowly he started to open more with you, his expressions softened and he clearly showed more openly his feelings for you especially when inside his state. “You came back earlier today” said Giyuu while trapping you between his body and the table in which you were placing some of your stuff. His chest was pressing tightly against your back as he placed both of his hands beside yours, completing your lockdown.
“I am home, mi vida” You said as you quickly kissed his cheek hoping for it to be a valid token for your release. Nevertheless he did not move at all, instead he leant closer whispering to you: “Fancy telling me what “mi vida” means?” His voice was firm and demanding and at that moment you realized that his grip made you so nervous that you accidentally talked in Spanish.
“Uhh, well… That means… Well is something sort of like… Ummm” Your words did not make any sense as you grew more anxious with the situation and so the Water Pillar turned the situation worse for you when he slowly started kissing the back of your neck. In between kisses, he will keep telling you: “I am pretty sure that is not what it means.” You were melting right then and there, who could have guessed how much a teaser the “shy” Water Pillar was?
After you explained to him what it meant, he asked you to love-call him more in Spanish. He adored to hear you calling him “Mi vida” because that will literally mean that he belonged to you. He totally lost it when you told him “Amor mio” while you were sitting on his lap both chilling in his engawa. You automatically had him begging for your love, whispering your name in the most seductive voice you have ever heard coming out from his lips.
An electrifying pleasant sensation discharged through your spine as Giyuu gently guided you to his favorite place to show you how much he loved you. There, you thought, would be the perfect place to let him know a couple of more love names in your native language.
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guerrerajaguar · 2 years
hi im the akaza nsfw hcs anon!! sorry for being so impolite i should have asked for them nicer 😅you said you needed me to disclose my age, so im 20!!
Hi anon! Thanks so much for following up your request and disclosing your age! No, absolutely no offense at all! I was super excited to receive this request; this would be me first NSFW that I write in english so I hope you like it <3
NSFW Akaza Head Canons
Warning: Minors DO NOT interact, explicit language and content for adults.
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We all know Akaza is a very physical demon, but when it comes to sex he is not the one to do it just with anyone that crosses his path, independently of how attractive they might be.
He considers the sexual act to place him in the most vulnerable state possible, exposing all his weaknesses while being numb with pleasure; so he needs to be sure he is fucking someone who he will die for.
He will never EVER disclose this information ever.
He certainly has a preference for women, but if you make a way through his heart; gender is not a showstopper at all.
The first time you two fucked was pretty savage; He was typically very calm and respectful around you, not invading your space and just hanging around you where he could easily and safely keep you inside his field of view. He wasn’t a demon man of many words, so it was a surprise when his entire body tensed up when you approached him. He could sense your arousal, he knew what your intentions were since his body had been burning for feeling you under him, his desire had materialized in a glance that scared you a little bit.
Fierce, full of hunger, like a famished predator mouth watering over an exquisite prey.
This man is all about consent.
As soon as he confirmed what you wanted, he harshly ripped your lower clothing (with his inhuman strength was nothing but a piece of cake) laying on your back, licking his way up to your main entrance, using his fangs to mark the place he had already been.
His hands will tightly keep you in place whenever you tried to squirm away at his touch, he would grab your legs steadily open for him, his fingers sinking in your skin, leaving reddish marks of his fingerprints on your skin. His tongue would desperately look for your clitoris, libidinously licking all his way up from your inner thighs.
-“So wet for me already.”-
His long tongue will skillfully circle around your clit at ranging speeds, sucking all your wetness with his lips almost like kissing, his fangs will contact your pinkish and sensitive skin; stripping muffled moans from your mouth at his touch. Lewd muffled squishy sounds would fill the room and would rip him a devilish smile when your hands gripped his hair, looking to support you from all the pleasure you were receiving.
As you tighten the grip on his hair, he understood that your climax was getting near.
-“Are you there so fast? Then cum on my tongue. I will eat it entirely.”-
He had already tasted your lips before (not as much as you have wanted) but he wanted to flavor the entirety of your being. He raised his head from in between your shaky legs, his expression was impure, as his arousal was incontinent now that he drank everything you have so beautifully cummed for him.
His actions would be greedy, he was so deprived of this shameful desire that he wanted to get the most of you. He ably slither all the way up to your chest, admiring your breasts as he exposed them without second thoughts; with the help of his strong hands.
Licking your hard rock nipples, sucking your right while massaging your left; his eyes closed shut, savoring full of ecstasy the resulting taste of your skin mixed with salty sweat.
-“A-Akaza, too sensitive.” -You would squeal a plea as you started to feel the effects of his overstimulation.
He would look at you with condescendence, almost pitiful, no smile in his face and would seriously say:
-“I will stop then”.-
-“No!” You will grip him with the only garment he had left on “I-I just, this is new for me, these sensations, but I Iike them, please do not stop…”- The obscene smirk he gave you made your heart race quicker than before.
-“Such a good girl, enduring all this for me.”- You would throw your head back as he lightly sank his fangs in the side of your neck after harshly kissing it. He then whispered to your ear:
-”Just tell me to stop and I would, but if you want me to; I will drag you to hell and you would absolutely fucking love it.”-
Your entire body froze as Akaza’s words extended pleasure to the very tip of your toes. He was a predator, he knew how to hunt and feed himself for what his body craved for; naturally he knew how much you wanted him inside you.
His shaft was throbbing in pain with furious palpitations, so strong that you could sense the movement under his pearl white pants. By this time you were entirely naked, completely at his mercy.
You then pushed him away from you (surprisingly easy), as he straightened up, you kneeled down to him while exposing his monumental erect penis. Full of his distinctive midnight blue tattoos, with a shiny swollen dripping head; for which you decide to gift a couple of kitten licks. Akazas’ eyes were exaggeratedly open, watching how you placed yourself in such an obscene posture, allowing him to see your bare breasts and your perfectly round ass; all at the same time.
He closed his eyes as he saw your tongue getting near him, full of expectation; he snapped them open as he felt his entire body react to your lickings. It was probably due to how much he had been waiting to feel you, but he had never felt anything like this: his body numbed entirely by your tongue, fists closed so tight that his short nails penetrated his own skin. If he was planning to take you to hell, this certainly was how heaven must feel like.
-“Don’t”- he said with a throaty growl.
-”I’ll stop then.” You gave him a mocking smile that Akaza wanted to rip off your face through moans.
-”I will tell you when to stop, but let's leave this for another time.” He was concerned of entirely losing control given all the pleasure he was feeling from the oral you were delivering him, he didn’t wanted to hurt you if he went berserk. After all, humans are so pathetically weak, he would hate to break you so soon.
He laid on his back, his shaft vertically erected, inviting you to sit down on him, you hesitated; his length and width would be painful hard to handle. He didn’t needed to be a psychic to read your mind, he knew what was bothering you and really proud about it, he snapped:
“Come. You can sink in at the pace you can endure it. I will help you”- His tone was cocky, so full of himself, being really careful to hide the kindness of his words. You crossed your legs over him and squatting you started directing his twitching penis to your entrance. His unblinking gaze fixed at your hand, while both of his hands were strongly holding you by your waist. You slowly bent lower, the plump mushroom caused you pain as it entered, causing Akaza to growl under his breath. You were so tight, but he will wait until you were ready.
Feeling how slowly you allowed him inside of you made him go insane, his eyes travelled from your face to your hard nipples and to look at how his demonic penis was disappearing inside you.
You knew pain would turn into pleasure, but you were unsure how much of his shaft could make it inside you. Surprisingly, to Akaza’s complacency, you took it all inside you. You remained still for a moment, trying to get used to his sizing; so Akaza spoke;
-”I will move slowly, that is the only way you will get used to it.”- You stared at him with concern, he did not told you this, but he wanted you to know that you could trust him.
You placed his hands on his abs to support yourself: “had they always been this hard?” and he started to slightly move you up and down. True to his word, you quickly increased your lubrication as your vaginal cavity folds where pleasantly rubbed by Akaza’s dripping head and so your pain turned into pleasure. He loved seeing how vilely your breasts bounced at the pace your skin impacted his with such an erotic sound.
You threw your head back as he increased the speed at which he was impaling you, the lewd sounds you uttered and the scent of sex filled the room, your moans where alternating with your desperate gasps for air. Akaza was not rationally thinking anymore, he pulled you near to him to violently kiss you.
Your eyes were clouded with tears as pleasure started to build inside your uterus, both of your hands were now placed each at one side of his head, hunching entirely over him, in a cowgirl like position but having close access to his ears. He will carnally listen as you moaned his name as he increased his lunges speed and intensity. Must have been his sizing, but every time he thrusted entirely inside of you, your clitoris got stimulated; making you to scratch the floor that was your only support as Akaza destroyed your pussy.
-”No-o complaints if I-I f-fill you? Aghh”- As he was getting closer to cum, the rationality of his words were lost.
-”Please Akaza, fill my pussy with your cum”- You could barely speak, as you were getting closer to the climax , again.
-”Good girl”- You would feel how a really strong and warm thick liquid would be shot inside of you at the same time Akaza loudly growled and gripped you tighter to him. To make things worse, Akaza’s final penis twitching used for expelling his nectar last droplets, overstimulated so much that you forced you to bite his nearest available shoulder.
He would wait until your breathing is steady again, to pull out from you. You would look comfort in him, although he was not fond of cuddling yet he would lay with you as long as you wanted to and would make sure to facilitate anything you needed for cleaning yourself.
He has a really high sex drive, but only for the mate he has chosen to be with him. So you were totally abashed to find him in a really bad mood in the days after your first night together.
He was really mad at himself for feeling so much desire around you that he did not spoke to you when the two of you were together.
-”Is something bothering you?”-
-”You sure?”- He would not answer you, he would just hug you tightly, resting his head over yours.
The first times you both had sex, he would be all about himself; of course seeing you bathed in pleasure increased his arousal, but as he felt vulnerable he would want to take the best out of each session, in case it was the last.
As soon as he felt safer, he would definitely be more open to what you want to do; thrilled to try new things as he is obsessed with all the kinky scenarios your mind comes up with.
Also, as time progressed, he would look to incite the sex sessions rather than waiting for you to start them.
He would lewdly kiss your neck or force you to sit on his lap when he is already rock hard with the thoughts of your naked body.
Secretly, over time, he would enjoy almost as much as sex; sleeping with you through the entire night.
He would feel that there is no safer place for you, than with him. Humans are so fragile and he could not endure anything happening to you.
He would probably soften in the after sex, after a while, but you are never to spoke about this to anyone.
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guerrerajaguar · 2 years
Gyomei x fem!reader
So we are finally here, sweetheart @themisslili @misslili265 this is my very gift to you. I really hope to have nailed this as well, please enjoy this lovely Gyomei that is head over heels for you <3.
Gyomei x fem!reader (Reacting to a love confession of his darling hugging him from behind)
Warnings: Angst, mentions of blood and some smut. (Super long, sorry for this)
Bonus: @themisslili please listen to this song during the smut part <3: Telepatia by Kali Uchis.
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It was a rainy dark night when you had an encounter with a demon for the first time. You were running home late due to the sudden weather change and being overwhelmed with all the unattended chores you did not realize that something was stalking you from the shadows. A stinging pain in your arm brought you to understand the dangerous situation you were in, being completely paralized by fear you still managed to deliver a desperate cry for help.
Your ribcage was throbbing in pain, possibly caused by your deep crying or perhaps a blow given by your attacker. Your desperation increased as you could not glimpse anything nor anybody near you, it must have been the darkest night of your life. Thick tears blurred the little vision you had left as you felt your death coming near, without even being able to say goodbye to your family, they will probably never know what happened to you.
Just as you felt all your strength being drained from your body, pain invaded your left side stand as you reached the floor. There was very little that you could gaze at, but you could definitely tell that the demon was being kept at bay by a shiny Katana. Right after that, a strong flash dazzled you, forcing you to cover your eyes. You felt a very rough embrace, more like a pull, awkwardly trying to get you on your feet, but your legs were miserably failing you and you were numbed by the wound in your arm which was profusely bleeding by now.
“Hey, hey, can you walk? Can you hear me?” yelled a young man with a scar in his face running from his nose all the way to his right ear. Although he had a very scary expression, you felt that you were safe with him, because it seemed he had been your savior. You tried to mutter a response, but instead you lost the very last conscience you had left.
You woke up the next day at home, with bandages in your arm and your mom dead worried about you. You still did not have any idea of what happened last night, you were even more confused when your dad explained to you that a very angry looking young man brought you home, completely soaked and passed out. You learned from your sister that you have been saved by a demon Slayer called Genya Shinazugawa, never really questioning how him, a stranger to your family, knew where you lived. Aside from that, does demon slayer mean literally someone that slays demons? Was your last night attacker a demon?
You had so many questions and so much to thank your savior, that you decided to deliver him a token of your appreciation. It took you some time to locate him, it was almost impossible to gather information regarding this organization but you finally made it. Apparently he was frequently seen in an abandoned temple very near your home.
You timidly arrived at the place, observing all your surroundings. It was a really peaceful place, it was surrounded by a very tall bamboo forest that created a soft relaxing melody when the wind swung the top section of it. A small flowing river could be found right in the middle of the stone path that guided you to the only person that seemed to be around that place.
He was a very tall, muscular man with black short hair. Since Genya was nowhere to be seen, you decided to leave unannounced in order to avoid interrupting the man that seemed to be going through deep meditation. As your heels changed direction, he softly spoke to you: “Is there something I can assist you with, dear?” He took you by surprise and feeling a little bit embarrassed, you timidly walked to confess the reason for your visit. “Oh, I see. So you are here to see Genya. I am really proud of my Tsugoku. Namu amida butsu!” said the man who introduced himself as Gyomei Himejima as he burst into tears.
You panicked immediately, have you said anything that offended him? You tried to apologize but he interrupted you with a smile: “There is nothing you need to apologize for my dear. Though I feel bad that you were unable to reach Genya, you see, he was sent on a mission that will keep him away for at least a couple of weeks.” Feeling disappointed you answered him: “Well, I guess it can’t be helped. Himejima-san, could you deliver him this when he comes back? I’m really in debt with him”. Gyomei smiled and taking the package from your hands he told you: “Rest assure, dear, I will deliver this to him. Please forgive me, but I’m still feeling bad for making you travel all the way here and not finding what you came looking for. Would you fancy a cup of tea?” he asked sweetly as he stood up from his meditating position.
You had the tastier and warmest tea of all your life, could it be a special blend or was it the company? Gyomei did not seem to be a very talkative type of guy but you definitely inspired him to talk for hours. He answered all the questions you had for Genya and burst into tears when you told him about the night you were attacked. Without noticing it, a beautiful night sky had covered the entire town already.
You excused yourself in order to return home and Gyomei immediately stood up, telling you: “Let me walk you home, dear. I could not stand the idea of you returning alone by night again.” You nodded and when you were finally at home and about to wave him goodbye, he confessed to you: “Dear, I really enjoyed your company this evening…Could I invite you over some other day? Only if you want to, of course” he gave you a very wide and sweet smile. You replied with a very timid “yes”.
Gyomei could barely wait for you to visit him again and for his fortune, you appeared the very next day to brighten up his entire week. For that occasion, with a lot of care, he prepared dinner for you two and very tasty sweets to enjoy with tea. On your next visit, he prepared a place when you could both lay over soft and tender grass. He wanted you to stare at the sunset sky while telling you a story about the bamboo forest that surrounded you both: ”Dear, have you ever heard the story of the forest maiden?”
“I think I have not, Himejima-san” you answered while covertly sliding closer to him. “Let’s see, it is said that this forest is guarded by a strong and kind maiden whose beauty is only rivaled by the moon and the stars. Although she is very cautious about not letting anyone spot her.” He concluded as he rolled over his side to face you directly, feeling his heart race incredibly fast and keeping your body facing up to the sky you answered him: “Oh, I wonder what a maiden like her might look like?”.
Gyomei was holding back the urge to caress your face, he wanted to memorize all the traits of his beautiful maiden. He already knew pretty well your scent and the sound you made when you walked so he was only missing a mental image of your face. He was unsure of how he should ask you for permission to caress your skin, but to his surprise your hand gently reached his fingers, but you remained silent. So he decided to answer you: “Well my dear, I think I have a very good idea of how her skin might feel like” Gyomei clearly sensed how your body tensed up and how fast your heart was beating. You did not speak a word but responded by entwining your fingers with his.
The Rock Pillar felt an electric discharge all over his body at your touch, was this how being in love felt like? He wanted to pull you closer to him, he needed to feel you, cover you with his body, protect you with his embrace and let you know how he felt for you with a very deep kiss.
Will you feel flustered if he kissed you now? He was aware that you have not known him for long, but he felt that from that day on he would rather die than having to live without you. You were that rare and extremely beautiful maiden which he was lucky enough to find, who stole his heart and he was in no way planning on letting you go.
Very nervously and out of nowhere you quickly stood up telling him: “Gyo… Himejima-san, I think I will take my leave now, I don’t want to make my parents worry”. Gyomei answered you in a concerned voice: “Of course my dear, let me walk you home”. You tried to convince him to let you walk by yourself, but as expected, under no circumstance he will allow you to leave alone.
The Pillar started to worry if he probably did or said something that made you feel uncomfortable, did he mess up for real? Namu amida butsu, he burst into tears while praying that he had not accidentally hurt your feelings or insulted you. And as you waved him goodbye and entered your house, you felt your heart returning to its normal pace with the widest and warmest smile that was ever drawn in your face.
The next day, Gyomei’s worst fears came true. You did not come to see him, nor the following day, nor the next and so an entire week went by without you. Little did he knew that the very next day of your last date, your father made a comment regarding how the Slayers should not be distracted from his duties under any circumstance and should prioritize its work above all. It was not ill intended, but you felt terribly guilty about this. What if a girl, just like you, had encountered a demon with no one to save her in all these days because of you monopolizing Himejima-san’s evenings?
By that point you were unaware, but Gyomei had fallen in love with you way before the both of you met at the bamboo forest. He remembers the first time he “saw” you, he had just returned from a dead end mission, it went terribly badly, a lot of his comrades lost their lives and he was completely destroyed by this.
And there you appeared, merrily singing and hopping your way to the well he was holding to. When you saw him, you immediately offered him water and help to sit down, he did look way different from that day so you will naturally not be able to recognize him from back then.
Your hands tenderly wrapped improvised bandages on his most visible wounds and assuring you that he was better now you left, leaving a mark imprinted deep in his heart. It was no coincidence that Genya knew who you were and where you lived nor that his training site was close to your home.
He had treasured you for some time now, but he had never had the courage to get closer to you, fearing rejection. He was probably right, he did not wanted you to think that he was a stalker and that is why he respected you and your space above everything else. And then he had you, as you innocently paid him a visit for the first time, being able to hear your voice for the first time in only God knows how long, getting the chance to talk to you and have the honor to treat you with all the love and respect that you deserved.
But now you were gone, but he was not planning to give up on you. Especially not after experiencing what your touch did to his body. He kind of improvised a plan, he will go to look for you at your home and will formally speak to your father to let him know about his intentions of officially courting you because he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. If the idea of you not corresponding him glided to his mind, he brushed it off immediately by remembering the special moment you shared while laid down in the grass.
He was pretty much ready to leave in your house direction when he stopped right on his tracks when he listened to your voice calling from behind: “Himejima-san… I am really sorry” you were panting “I am sorry I have not been able to come to visit you lately, I know that at least I should have told you the reason behind it…” Gyomei's body just froze, you totally took him by surprise. How lucky was he for being able to hear your voice when he was yearning for it so much? But his heart skipped a beat when he felt you embracing him from behind, your arms wrapped around his waist and your forehead resting directly in his back.
“I love you, Gyomei-san” the moment he heard you, he burst out in tears, turning to face you and bending in one knee, he sensed with utter concern that tears were starting to form in your eyes. He gently cupped your cheek with his hand and you immediately started to confess while sobbing: “Oh Gyomei, I am really sorry. I wanted to see you every single day since you told me the story about the forest maiden, but then I felt guilty of how much I was keeping you away from your slayer duties. And I only felt worse when I realized how selfish I was for wanting to spend that much time with you. You have no idea how ashamed I felt.”
Gyomei’s heart melted in that very moment and felt sad at the same time. How could you be so pure and kind? And how could he have let you suffer all that by yourself? He immediately stood up and pulled you the closest to him as possible while telling you: “My love, you have no idea how long I’ve waited for this.” He leaned over to get closer to your face “Y/N, do not ever carry so much on yourself again. Please grant me the honor of being that man that will protect you from everything and anything. To see you crying is the worst pain that can be inflicted to me, my sweet, sweet Y/N…” he placed a lock of your hair away from your face and as you stared into his eyes you kissed him barely standing on your tiptoes.
You threw your arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. His contact was timid at the beginning but as it progressed, your tongue started to look for his. Without much of an effort you managed to push him back down all the way to the ground, leaving your entire body resting over his chest and abdomen, your hands travelled down to get a grip of his hips, he twitched at your touch.
He then hesitantly, softly bundled you hair at the back of your head and before proceeding to sliding his other hand to your waist he stopped to ask: “My love, my body desperately yearns the touch of your skin, but I want to be sure that you will allow me through the sanctity of your body.” He awaited your response tenderly stroking your cheek with his thumb. “I do, Gyomei-san. I do want to feel you.” Your face showed an intense blush as he proceeded to kiss you again, but with more intensity.
He could not even recognize himself, he was about to lose all his sanity as he was savoring the sweetness of your breath. His right hand gracefully glided down your back in order to gently turn you over for you to be under him. Kindly and slowly, his fingers started to outline your face into his mind. At last, he could finally memorize to heart his magnificent maiden’s appearance and he was absolutely awestruck to find out that his dreams did not do justice to your beauty.
Opening your lower lip with his thumb he told you: “Now I think I have a very good idea of how the forest maiden looks like, my love” and without allowing you to answer him back he pulled you into another kiss grabbing your waist and straightening up, allowing you to completely sit over his crossed legs. Since he was so tall, you had plenty of space to place your legs right beside his hips.
He then sensually slipped a hand under your kimono, caressing the bare skin of your abdomen, although you were the one being pleased, the Stone Pillar mouth was the one filled with soft moans and under breath grunts. He swapped your lips for your neck, making sure that his lips left no uncovered area, going all the way down to your right collarbone. He could not stand it anymore and losing the little sanity he had left, he lewdly licked it at the same time one of his hands softly reached one of your breasts.
You threw your head back in pleasure as you moaned his name: “Gyomei…”, he was softly stimulating your button which started to stiffen as the contact prolonged. And while sliding his free hand all the way down your back, but this time also under your kimono he whispered: “Y/N, my sweet Y/N, your body is the utmost divinity my hands were blessed enough to meet. Tonight I will give myself entirely to you. From now on, you will be the only possessor of my body and heart and so my life will be completely dedicated to you. So please, release me from this torture and let me feel you under me.”
Saying that you were completely flustered was a term that will never fully describe how you felt at that moment. The way he touched you, it was like he had known all your soft spots and how to use them to make you love him even more. Heat was rising in your lower abdomen as you felt his virility growing hasty under the skin tight section of your kimono.
You did not needed to touch to acknowledge his colossal sizing and as if he had sensed your concern he laid you down on your back over the tender grass, and being face to face he tenderly reassured you: ”Be certain my dear, that I will never dare to hurt you in anyway. If you let me, I will guide you through the utmost ecstasy tonight…” He then intertwined your hand with his as he started to get you ready for the culmination of his undying love for you.
You both stayed all night in the forest clear, enjoying the nudity of each other, making love to you with tenderness and passion. That night, as you cuddled closer to Gyomei, he decided to go according to his initial plan. And so he did, the next day early in the morning he paid a visit to your parents alongside you, letting them know that he had the intention of taking you as his wife. Your father was overjoyed when he found out that Gyomei was a high ranked Demon Slayer, he was warmly received by all the members of your family.
That night, resting your head on his shoulder, enjoying a cup of tea with him at your engawa you told him: “Isn’t this our ‘happy forever after’?” He answered you back: “No my love, it is barely the beginning”. He then turned his face to kiss you, both of your lips fusing under the beautiful summer night sky.
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guerrerajaguar · 2 years
Can I request some fluff for Rengoku getting married? Thank you!
Hi there Anon! I totally lost it with this one, its a fantastic request. This was inspired by an occidental type of wedding, hope you enjoy it <3.
Kyojuro Rengoku x fem!reader (Getting married with his darling)
Warnings: mentions of death.
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As the Flame Pillar waited seated for the hour to come, his left foot was rapidly tapping against the floor, his leg fidgeting uncontrollably as he constantly rubbed his hands trying to dry the wetness caused by his nervousness. His hands were always ready for his Katana, agile and steady, prepared for engaging into combat. Although this time, none of his outstanding fighting skills was helping him to ease his nervousness.
The only other person that seemed equally nervous as Kyojuro was his younger brother Senjuro. “Aniue, everything will go as planned. Try to relax…”. He said as he handed a big glass of cold water to the groom that looked anything but ‘alright’: “Ah yes, yes, you are right Senjuro. I am not nervous at all!”.The best man knew he was lying, he perfectly knew how much Kyojuro loved you and could not be happier for you two, but at this pace the groom would be a complete mess when arriving at the altar.
Senjuro tenderly smiled at his big brother as he got closer to fix his tie, alongside the groom, he had barely learned how to properly arrange an occidental tie. You had originally intended to go for a traditional japanese wedding, but Kyojuro insisted it to be the wedding which you had always dreamed of, as half of your family had occidental origins.
The Flame Pillar spoke with increasing concern: “Thank you Senjuro. Does it look better now?” He said quickly standing up, opening his arms for a suit check up but before his younger brother could answer back, he added: “Oh no! I think I am not using any cologne. I totally forgot about it! Do we bring some? I think there is some on the nightstand over there. And what is it with this hair?!” He desperately said as he hopelessly brushed his golden and reddish locks into a position that went against its natural place. “Honestly, of all days! This is the worst for having my hair misbehaving… Is that a stain on my shoe? I haven’t even moved at all! Please tell me this can be brushed off my gown…”
For sure, anyone that could observe the scene will agree that it was painfully funny to watch. Kyojuro non-stop ranting about what was wrong with his outfit as the adorable Senjuro running from one side of the room to the other trying to look for; a cologne bottle gifted by their father, a hairbrush, a cloth for his shoes and a fluff remover with very little success.
The room was a total chaos, Kyojuro thought that he had already ruined your special day and Senjuro was in total despair since he had never seen his older brother so stressed about something. Luckily for them both, their mother Ruka entered the scene and gracefully placed everything in order.
“Kyojuro, it is time dear.” She gently smiled as she cupped his face with one of her hands and tenderly arranged his front locks to his usual position with her other hand, and she continued: “You will be fine, everything will go just fine. You will be a fantastic husband to Y/N. I am very proud of you and now is time for you to wait for her at the altar”. Kyojuro closed his eyes to melt into his mother's caress and smiled back at her and confessed: “Now I think I am ready”. He offered her his arm to walk out of the room and urged Senjuro to follow them closely.
As Kyojuro walked down the aisle alongside Ruka, he started to remember the first time you both met. You were wearing a beautiful lilac with white lilies kimono, with your hair tied up with a handsome koi fish hair pin while walking through a wooden river bridge during summer time. It was love at first sight, so intense that he could not help asking you for your name and if you will allow him to see you on the days afterwards.
As he got closer to you he discovered that you belonged to a family, as his, with a long tradition of being demon slayers. But you and your siblings never received formal training since you all lost your father at a very young age, fulfilling his duty. You thought that being a demon slayer was one of the most honorable things a man could be, nevertheless concerned of the dangers that responsibility posed, you were hesitant in reciprocating Kyojuros' feelings. You did not wanted to lose him as well.
Little by little, he won your heart over, showing you how much of a gentleman he was; caring, noble, respectful, chivalrous and extremely powerful. At the end, you convinced yourself that nothing could possibly defeat Kyojuro, so you finally let his feelings reach you without holding anything back. The Flame Pillar fell helplessly in love the more he grew to know you, he spent most of his free time at your house, helping you with your activities and chores, making your family grow fond of him.
And when he was not with you, his mind will remind him in a very detailed way the scent of your hair, the softness of your touch, the pitch of your voice and the soft glow that your eyes showed when you both were together. It did not take him long to propose to you. It was the first time he invited you to his house in order to meet his parents. You were so nervous that you thought you would die.
His younger brother Senjuro excitedly talked to you non stop, since he knew everything about you; Kyojuro made sure to share every single detail of you with him. His father Shinjuro and mother Ruka both agreed that you were extremely beautiful and graceful, Shinjuro went to the extent claiming that you will be the perfect mother of the next Rengoku offspring generation. As your face went entirely red, Kyojuro made it worse by telling them: ”She is more than perfect, is everything I have always dreamed of”.
The Rengoku mansion had a beautiful pond full of lotus and koi fishes that turned into the love stage for Kyojuro bending down on one knee to ask you to become his wife and share the rest of your life with him. A gorgeous rose gold ring with three small dazzling diamonds adorned your ring finger from that day on as you cried with happiness accepting his proposal. He did his research, he knew that you had always dreamed of an occidental wedding and he was going to make sure to fulfill all of your desires and needs.
As he anxiously waited at the altar his head suddenly turned when the chorus music indicated that you were about to start the aisle procession alongside Shinjuro, who offered him to accompany you in your father’s place. Every step you took closer to Kyojuro made his heart ache with excitement. How could he be so lucky to have such a gorgeous wife? Full of virtues and values that made her the most delicate object of his adoration? He could not help it, tears started flowing right down his cheeks. He never thought you could look more beautiful than the first time he met you and there you were, with your stunning wedding dress, hair do and a delicate veil separating your lips from him.
As Shinjuro offered your hand to him, Kyojuro lost no time in raising up your veil to sweetly confess: “Are they really going to ask me if I wish to marry a goddess like you?” He kissed the hand his father had just delivered to him and you answered with a nervous chuckle while gently wiping his tears with your thumb: “It's just a customary question... I love you too Kyojuro…”. The officiator of the ceremony cleared his throat for the purpose of getting everything started but Kyojuro interrupted him: “I do, I accept. I want Y/N to be my wife until death do us apart”.
The officiator cleared his throat again and talked to you both: “ Mr. Rengoku, although that is the correct thing to say, we have not yet arrived at that part…” And with his usual energy and charisma he answered with a very big smile: “I am sorry but I feel like I can’t wait any longer!”
You giggled as you smiled at your future husband and indicated to the officiator to start the ceremony. All his Pillar comrades merrily assisted to the ceremony, your future brother and father-in -law were sobbing uncontrollably, being your future mother-in-law the one comforting them both. You enjoyed a charming banquet afterwards, all your loved ones congratulating and wishing you both a long life together.
It was done, you were officially Y/N Rengoku, you both were in love, young, full of plans and even though the future is full of uncertainty you could be pretty certain of one thing: The undying and fiery love that Kyojuro felt for you will, for sure, make you the happiest woman on earth.
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guerrerajaguar · 2 years
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Akaza x fem!reader
Warnings: Slight smut
A really nice weekend off the city and a really charming stranger eager to keep you company after a hilarious confusion; what could possibly go wrong
Notes: I'm reposting this revised version, I wasn't really content with the first one. Please forgive me, I realized I left so many loopholes that only made sense in my head. So I hope you enjoy this version as well!
May I join you?
The night was perfect, a slight scent of fresh pine flooded your nose as you admired your little but fully functional campsite. Since you were little, enjoying nights in the wild had been some of your favorite activities and now as a grownup, you had the chance to escape from the city to live this experience all by yourself.
The evening was chilly but nothing that your warm fire pit could not handle. It was almost 11 pm when you realized your fire was about to die, so you adventured yourself into the dark forest clear to look for more firewood. The obscurity was so profound, that getting lost on your way back was fairly easy.
Noises of tree branches breaking on the ground as you kept walking startled you, although you convinced yourself that the responsible might be inoffensive forest animals. Unfortunately, by the time you arrived with your firewood reservoir, you discovered your bonfire had been reduced to ashes; so deciding to call it a day, you put it out with the remaining water inside your tea kettle.
Finally getting ready to rest, you noticed that your tent door was not entirely closed as you believed to have left it. But since you did not have your lantern turned on (wanting to avoid attracting moths), you probably did not close it appropriately.
Hoping to not be visited by enormous and crawling nocturnal bugs, you entered your tent which was almost entirely engulfed by darkness . As you started to remove the blankets on your inflatable mattress, you let out a frightened shriek as your hand felt something soft and warm like bare skin.
Instantly reacting to your touch, someone that looked like a human, yelped but in a lower volume than yours. You rapidly retreated outside of the tent, desperately looking for your flashlight, panting with a little bit of terror. As you found your lantern on the floor, you shakily pointed it directly to the man’s face, that was inside of what you thought was your tent.
You were indeed right, the only piece of clothing covering his body was a very short skin tight boxer; his skin was pale, his body entirely covered by symmetrical linear midnight blue tattoos and had short bubblegum pink hair. He was protecting his face from your light with one of his hands, from which half of his fingers were entirely blue colored.
“Oh no, I entered somebody else’s tent. You gotta be kidding me…” You thought as you felt shame starting to grow while the stranger stepped out from the tent.
-”So, to whom do I owe this pleasure?” The man spoke in a low growl-like voice while brushing his hair back. You were still sitting on the ground and luckily, almost by instinct, you scanned the place with your flashlight.
Your shame instantly transformed into anger as you confirmed that you were in the right campground, you identified your car, your tea cup and your foldable chairs; so it seemed that a complete stranger had not only entered your tent by mistake but also slept half naked under your covers.
-”Uh…I think that the rightful owner of this campsite. I am afraid you got our campsites mixed up.” You said as you stood up, shaking off all the dirt your clothes picked up during your terrorized escape from your tent.
-”Don’t be silly, you are the one who got lost. But, I would gladly guide you back to your site, miss” He said with a devilish grin that showed a pair of pearly fangs, yellow eyes gleaming with the moonlight. And as you raised an eyebrow you questioned him slightly upset:
-”Unless you are the owner of a tea cup with my name and a matching color chair, I believe your campsite must be somewhere else” You said while directing your flashlight to your foldable table and then back to him, which by courtesy was pointed to his chest, revealing a very strong build physique.
His bright yellow eyes wide opened as he realized you were right, with his face entirely covered in red; he quickly re-entered your tent for sloppily grabbing most of his clothing. He exited agitatedly, walking in your direction still half naked and as you instinctively took a step back away from him, he said:
-”I-I am so embarrassed right now, please accept my apologies...” He wanted to reach you, but immediately understood it was a bad idea, although he did not seem to feel ashamed at all. -”I must have lost my way back through the woods, not bringing a flashlight in a place like this was a terrible idea”- He said shrugging, you then thought that he was probably responsible for all the sounds you heard on your way back from your firewood recollection.
-”Don’t worry about it, it was not ill intended. You need a hand going back to your site?” You gave him a small forced smile. You felt uncomfortable since he was still half naked, terribly failing in covering up, in case he was even trying.
-”No, I-I think I can handle it.” He said confidently. But contradictorily, as he walked backwards; he clumsily impacted your foldable table, making all the trinkets and odds that were placed over it to fall all off.
-”I am sorry for that...” He apologized in a lower voice this time as you rolled your eyes. Even though he had almost scared you to death, you found the scene quite funny so you asked again with a friendlier tone as he walked away:
-”Are you sure you’ll be fine?”
-”Yes, um-goodnight, miss…” You raised both of your eyebrows, discovering that his tattoos ran all the way to his back. After he was not visible anymore, you finally entered your empty tent to change your clothes and have a good night sleep.
As you cuddled under the sheets, you realized that the scent of that man still lingered in your blankets and you also discovered it wasn’t unpleasant at all.
That night Akaza could only curse under his breath as he walked back to his rightful camping site. Just some moments ago he felt really lucky when he saw that you had entered his tent ‘by accident’. Your beauty had captivated his attention immediately as he saw you working on your campsite. He then thought about paying you a visit the next day, with a ridiculous excuse as asking if you could lend him a bit of sugar.
While stepping out of your tent, he believed for a second that you might be using a very daring tactic for getting to know him, not really wanting to wait until the next morning. He thought that you pretending to be startled just made it more interesting. He liked how cute you looked, faking surprise as you found him inside where he believed to be his rightful tent. But, could he blame you? He was aware of his attractiveness, so he was more than eager to act forgiving, if that meant he could get to know you.
However, the moment he realized he was the one that had invaded your tent, after getting lost when returning from his last restroom trip before going to sleep, made him immediately burn in shame.You taking a step back from him made it even worse, you now might think that he was some kind of pervert; being that he typically sleeps with no clothes on and could only reprimand himself for being such an idiot.
He desperately tried to act cool while apologizing but felt the situation was beyond repair when he hit your table. Now ‘clumsy’ could be added to the list of things that you might probably not find attractive in him. He will try to fix it tomorrow, if possible, or at least will try to let you know he was not a sick person at all.
The next morning you woke up well rested and fresh to start a new day, you exited your tent while stretching your back. As you were working in lighting up your fire for cooking, a voice distracted you from the activity:
-”Good morning miss” His voice was calm but was still burning in shame with the mental image of what he had done last night, so he barely looked at you “I wanted to properly apologize for last night, again…” You gazed at him and, for your peace of mind, he was now entirely clothed.
-”Good morning! Thanks, but it is not necessary. It was not a big deal.” You said with a friendly tone and smiling at him warmly.
-”Actually I was thinking…” He looked very troubled as he was speaking, almost as if those words were hurting him as they got out of his mouth “Can I invite you over for breakfast? I would like to compensate you for last night, it must have been really uncomfortable finding a complete stranger on your bed…” He asked, almost imploring, placing both of his hands inside his deep blue hoodie pockets. With a really submissive expression, completely different to the one he showed you when he stepped out of your tent
-”Oh… Yeah, I guess that would be nice. But, this time you’ll be taking me to the correct campsite, right?” You said with a grin as he burst into laughter for finally releasing all the build up tension and feeling that probably not everything with you was lost.
He prepared a really fancy breakfast for being in the wild, first class benedict eggs with fresh fruit and freshly brewed coffee. He was trying really hard to make your time with him worthwhile. After introducing each other, you kept conversing and found out that both of you shared a lot of things in common.
He then invited you to explore with him a new trail you have never hiked before. Although you accepted reluctantly, it was a very pleasant experience; he was really gallant, chivalrous and attentive through the entire pathway. You might have had a wrong first impression of him. As your adventure progressed, he quickly found out how much of a crush he was starting to have on you; you were so fun, interesting and adventurous that he believed he had found his perfect match.
After you both returned from your walk, he invited himself to accompany you for your fishing plans that evening.
-”I have never fished anything in my life, I would love to watch an expert in action.” He said with a wide smile, both fangs poking out. He wrongly assumed that you were just a cute amateur, so as you showed him the results of years of practice with your dad, he offered to deliciously prepare your day’s catch. He was an excellent cook and indeed, he was now convinced that you were just perfect for him.
Without noticing, the sun was already starting to set, unveiling a precious clear starry sky; you had spent an entire day with a clueless stranger, which was one of the best you have had in a very long time. As you were both resting by your campfire, staring at the dancing flames and feeling the coldness of the air, you said to him:
-”Who would’ve said that you would be such a great camping buddy, Mr. trespasser!” He chuckled with a really wide smile.
-”In my defense, I will say that this is the luckiest accident that has ever happened to me. Getting to spend an entire day with a beauty like you.” You laughed awkwardly and answered him back:
-”Now, now, so it was all orchestrated then?” He smirked, slowly brushing his hair back as if he perfectly knew how attractive he looked by doing this.
-”Absolutely not miss Y/N, I’m still really abashed that you had to look at me almost entirely naked.” He stared at you, showing both of his fangs with a grin. You quickly raised both your eyebrows as you understood the game he was trying to play.
-”Ah, is that so? I actually thought that it suited you really well.” He chuckled naughtily as you took a sip from your hot tea. He was wondering if you were intending to play his game, but before he could articulate anything else you snapped him out of his thoughts:
-”It’s getting really cold, doesn’t it?” That was his call, he was now convinced that you were indeed playing his game.
-”Well, if you are that cold we could head inside a tent… This time it won’t matter which of them we pick…” He suggested as if that was the only logical option to choose. You giggled softly as you stood up from your seat, wrapping closer to your body your soft blanket; Akaza felt his nervousness increasing. Just some moments ago he was so full of himself and now he painfully felt his heart race against his chest due what he thought was about to happen.
-”In that case let me walk you to your campsite before returning to mine, I wouldn’t want to have any other innocent girl become your victim.” The smirk with which you concluded your phrase, confirmed to him that you were really good at playing games too. He felt adrenaline rushing into his system, he loved being teased by you; such an exquisite forbidden treasure. He then tried regaining some ground on your game:
-”I-What I meant is that we could keep talking inside the warmness of the tent.” His dazzling yellow eyes meet yours in a very intense gaze and in combination with his handsome profile, he cornered you at the brink of being entirely hypnotized by his charm.
-”I was actually planning on inviting you over to my place…” A small smirk was drawn in his face, but then you continued ”But I think I have a bruised ankle from our hiking adventure. I need to tend it, otherwise it might turn into something more serious”. You said with a fake concerned look.
-”Ah, luckily I always come prepared for these types of situations” He extended his hand with a flirtatious smile “I’ll be more than glad to tend that for you, at my tent. If the pain is unbearable, the most logical thing would be for me to carry you all the way there.” That was it, his last move for winning the game.
-”So nice of you Mr. Akaza, but I will handle myself from here. Please have a safe return home”.- He gave you a defeated smile, he was enjoying every minute you pulled his strings, so painfully sweet; so close but at the same time so far away. Full of ecstasy, he waved you goodnight and walked away from your campsite. You definitely liked the game you both were playing, so probably tomorrow you would be the one to invite him over.
You started getting ready to sleep and as you finished changing your clothes you heard a fake “knock-knock” noise in your tent door. You had a very good idea of whom the responsible might be, so as you opened up your tent zipper you said:
-”So nice of you knocking this time before entering someone else’s tent Mr. Akaza…” Your cheeks entirely flushed in pink as you met your golden eyed companion face, barely inches away from yours. You blinked quickly trying to regain your composure but he was intensely gazing at you and this increased your nervousness.
-”I tried, but I really could not…” He leaned closer to you but this time you did not back off a single inch. “I could not leave without one kiss, at least.” You stared at him with amazement, his scent was so intoxicating; as if he was something that should never be tasted due to being so extremely dangerous, and so he continued:
-”Though I would never dare to steal it. So, may I respectfully ask for one?” Damn, he played it so well. You decided that at least for that night he could be the winner. Your answer, wordless, spoke for itself; you eliminated the distance between the both of you, imprinting your lips on his.
He fulfilled his word, his corresponding kiss intensity matched to what you were giving him, his lips were soft and he tasted as nothing you had ever tried before. Wanting more of him; you nibbled his lower lip, causing him to release a soft moan and he responded by softly sinking both of his fangs with the exact pressure to make it feel really pleasurable.
As he replied with his tongue as you pushed yours inside his mouth, you felt yourself being entirely swayed away. His hands were now resting over your waist, his touch was sending pleasant electrical discharges through your entire body. His breath was engulfing your senses, taking control over the little will you had to resist him.
When you were about to submit to your impulses by pulling him inside your tent, you broke out the kiss and placed the palm of your hand right in the middle of his chest as if trying to stop him. He sighed deeply, still savoring your lips and stared at you with a really soft expression as you spoke:
-”Akaza… I really like you, I think you are the most attractive man I have ever met. But I just don’t feel ready to do something like, ummm, this…” You shamefully confessed, feeling ready for rejection or a negative response from him for cutting him out for this heated up act. But to your surprise, with the softest smile you had seen on him in the short time you have known him, he took both your hands and spoke in a very tender voice:
-”I’ll do whatever you want me to, I’ll do whatever you allow me to do and will stop at your command. My will is completely submitted to you now.” Despite the tenderness of his words, he still managed to speak them in a very seductive way, which was definitely a signature trait of his personality. He officially recognized to himself that you have won, no more games, pleasing you would be the only way from now on. So he continued:
-”I will not hesitate to leave if that is what you want, that kiss was more than what I could have asked for.” He said as he caressed your face, brushing back one of your hair locks. You were really concerned by the ravishing nature of Akaza’s touch and the numbing effect he was having on your body. As he was about to leave, you stopped him on his tracks and asked:
-”I do think tonight’s really chilly” You will now gladly declare yourself a victim in Akazas’ seduction tactics “Can I respectfully ask you to cuddle with me tonight?- He beamed and then kissed one of your hands.
-”I would love to.” This time his voice sounded low and velvety, endearment to your ears.
He kept his word for respecting your boundaries as well as your warmth through the whole night, he thought that your body matched his perfectly and woke up entirely spellbound by your scent and how your skin felt under his touch. Your morning started with a really heated up kissing session, but was interrupted by the check-out time of your camping sites.
As you prepared to leave your campgrounds, you knew that you both were insanely addicted to each other. So as your car engine was turned on, he asked you opening the passenger car door with a fang- showing devilish smile:
-”May I join you?”
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guerrerajaguar · 2 years
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Head Canons: Being Sick
All of you within your home were really healthy, but especially your husbands. Even though it was rare, you were the one that got sick more often, so the household would turn into a first class medical attention center.
Giyuu would be the first one to discover that you were feverish just by staring at you and to confirm it he would place his forehead against yours:
-”Y/N you are burning, you should rest and stop working. Here, I’ll take you to bed”. He will grab your hand guiding you to your room and puffing up the pillows making them comfier.
-”But I am not feeling bad at all, just a little tired.” You would protest trying to convince Giyuu to let you finish some pending items from work.
-”Well, you can finish them when your fever goes away”. He will kiss your forehead,cover you up with a light blanket and caress your cheek with his finger.
Giyuu will inform the rest of the husbands and will immediately pay you a visit with a lot of concern. Kyojuro will then place cold ice packages in your forehead and your tummy, making you shiver from the contact with your skin. He would also make sure that you took the meds in time and form for restoring you to full health as soon as possible.
Feeling bad about placing the cold compresses, he would hug you as you lay over his chest looking comfort in his body heat, placing your head in the crook of his neck.
Akaza would absolutely complain that Kyojuro should not be hugging you because that will prevent your fever to lower down. Kyojuro will completely ignore him as he rests his chin over your head while gently brushing your hair.
Akaza will cook warm cozy food for you; chicken noodle soup, steamed vegetables and warm teas with lime and honey. You would try to convince him to cook mac n cheese for dinner, but this will be the only time he will not surrender to your wishes.
-”Please, just a spoonful will do or chocolate cake. I need the calories, you know?” You will tenderly complain.
-”Uh, uh, no way. There are no nutrients in that food at all.” He will snap back, but having a hard time being strict with you.
-”Akaza, my adored and beloved Akaza, please. Just a small slice of cake then. For me?” You will counterattack with the cutests puppy eyes along with grabbing his hand to pull him closer to you.
-”Fi…ii..nee, but… just one slice and only after finishing the soup!” He will say nervously finally surrendering to your demands. You knew really well his weak spot, so you managed to get away with it most of the time. You will then kiss him and curl with him while eating the cake, sharing some bites from time to time.
If the fever keeps on going, you will then get into a chilly bath tub with Giyuu, since he was the only husband that could stand such low water temperatures.
He would wash your back and your hair, kissing the back of your neck and your bare shoulders. Theoretically that should lower your fever but your body felt the complete opposite.
At the end of the day, the 3 of them will fit into your bed and will watch your favorite movies together until you fell asleep, snuggling in comfortably with you independently of the sleeping schedule.
My Devoted Husbands - Fic / Head Canons
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guerrerajaguar · 2 years
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My Devoted Husbands ( Fem!Reader)
Chapter 1: No, we are just friends.
Warnings: Slight angst, mentions of polyamory, reverse harem.
Y/N is a typical young woman, with a job, a caring family, friends and pets; but her family hides a secret. She comes from a long ancestry of Demon Slayers to whom the government grants special perks such as taxing, properties and marriage. Although there are not many demons left in the modern era, something sinister seems to be moving in the shadows and Y/N will need all the help she can get from her husband or even better, her husbands.
The click of your katana being sheathed announced the result of the combat, your breathing completely stealthy and your eyes fixed on the demon disintegrating in front of your eyes. There was nothing special about that night, you and your father were patrolling the area which you started to suspect could be the center of a possible demonic activity and luckily you hunted down the responsible of some mysterious disappearances.
-”Y/N you are growing stronger everyday, I am really proud of you. I don’t think there is anything else I can teach you”. Said your father warmly as he placed his hand on your shoulder.
-”Nevertheless I feel like there is so much for me to learn about demons. Why are they here? What creates them? Why does it seem like we can’t hunt them all down?” Your father chuckled at your comment.
-”Well, those are very good questions that you might be able to answer, as you grow older” he affectionately ruffled your hair. “The demons situation is really under control nowadays, almost 100 years ago our predecessors suffered a lot of losses. Demons were brutal, outnumbered the corp slayers and completely bloodthirsty. No wonder not many demon slayers families managed to survive up to this era…”- You interrupted:
-”Yes dad, I know that story to heart, you mention it every time we are patrolling!” You said to him teasingly while urging him to go back home.
-”Is that so? Well, let's talk about something else equally as important. So about this Kyojuro guy, from your work, have you considered marrying him?” You stopped right on your tracks, your dad was about to have this dreadful conversation with you again.
-”How can I get to marry someone with whom I don't even have a relationship?” You said trying to wash off the topic.
-”He is a really nice guy, good looking, strong built, responsible; a true gentleman or at least that is what your mom thinks. I believe he has the perfect genes for helping you with the next demon slayer generation of our family!” That was it, you now were really uncomfortable talking about who the perfect father for your kids will be.
-”Dad can we please not…”
-”But I personally think Giyuu-kun would also be a good husband and father as well. You have known him since school and he seems to be absolutely devoted to you.” Your dad was so lost in his monologue to notice how much you were wishing that the demon you just defeated had devoured you, or anything else that could save you from hearing this conversation again. “That is a really important thing, you know? You need a really strong man or men to have your back while you continue with the family legacy.”
In your country being a Demon Slayer was the ultimate honorable occupation, the government would officially recognize the services given by the corp and would grant special perks to families that had fought against demons over generations. One of them was the permission to marry with more than one person, mainly because they were really interested that the Demon Slayer families could keep up with their dynasties, having the most offspring possible.
So, having more than one husband or wife was not unheard of, but not really common as there were not a lot of Slayers families in the modern time. Although the ones that were, tried to marry their descendants among themselves but stopped that practice when they understood that they might be falling within incest practices.
That was the reason behind your father insisting on you to look for a good husband to help you bear the next Water Pillar of your family, even perhaps, a couple more Pillars since your sword skill and talent was the best seen in your dynasty for over 5 generations. But, although you were really committed to be a Pillar, you were not really fond of the idea of marriage; at least not yet.
-”Dad, Kyojuro and Giyuu are just friends. I hang out with them to have a good time but just as FRIENDS” You emphasized that last word in hopes for your dad to stop the pestering.
-”Ah, but do they look at you just as a friend? I think not, my girl, I’m a man and I can sense miles away when a male is attracted to a woman and those boys are heads over heels for you. Not really good at hiding it. But I mean, who can blame them? You are not only incredibly strong but also stunningly gorgeous, you got your awesome looks from your mother.” He will proudly say.
-”Dad! Please stop, it's so embarrassing” You would plead hoping that nobody was listening to your conversation on the street. “Look, they are just friends and I will get married whenever I feel like I found the perfect match, ok?”
-”Oh, is that so. Y/N please don’t worry about it. You could marry both of them… Hold on a second… How I have not thought about that brilliant idea? Yes, marry Kyojuro and Giyuu-kun; that way you shouldn’t have to choose and will have the perfect and balanced child from each! I am so proud of you already.” Your father will excitedly yell right at the front door of your house.
-”AHHHHHHH” You will scream in desperation “Dad! No, just drop the topic already! I am not getting married, ok? I will not be going night patrolling with you anymore. You are just…. AHHHH”- you would then furiously storm inside your home directly to your room. The good thing is that your mom will severely reprimand your dad for pushing so much the topic into you, although she will secretly believe that marrying more than one man would be a very good idea.
You would remove your uniform. safely place your katana on his stand and then proceed to check your phone for the latest news. Making the situation worst, you read a couple of notifications one from Kyojuro and the other from Giyuu:
-”Hey Y/N don’t forget tomorrow's meeting at 6am. Obanai-san will go nuts if we are not there in time. Wanna go out from work to grab lunch? Senjuro just told me about this really nice pizza place I think you will love.”- You read from Kyojuro’s message written with a lot of emojis.
-”How was training? Was your dad embarrassing you again? Don’t be so hard on him, he really loves you. Oh, I almost forgot, would you like to crash at the new tea house that opened right at the corner of your house after your training tomorrow?- Showed Giyuu’s message, just with plain text.
You felt your dad’s words being washed away when you saw your friends’ messages, replied to them both by merrily agreeing to meet each of them. Later on, you receive a call for your friend Daki while cleaning and pampering your katana.
“Y/N are you going to see them both on the same day? You are such a player!” Daki will tease you on the other line of the phone.
“It's not like that! Daki, please, not you as well. You know we are just friends. They have never implied anything different than friendship.” You would say, while holding a lint-free cloth on your mouth powdering your katana.
-”Just kidding, I think you mind more than what you say you do. But anyway, have you told any of them about… being a Slayer?” Her words resounded deep inside of you, you have never mentioned anything about your “peculiar family” activities to any of your friends. Daki will know about your secret because she belonged to a really old forging ancestry that had worked with the corp for generations.
“I…no, I think I haven’t…And I don’t think it's that important at all.” You would lie while proceeding to oil your Nichirin blade.
-”Well darling, you definitely should, unless you want them to be dead worried when you start going on longer missions. I heard my father talk about it with yours, it seems like something big is starting to cook.” You would remain silent, trying to figure out if that could be related to your father's persistent suggestions of getting married.
-”Hello, Y/N! Are you there? Honestly, what are you doing? Is that old Katana giving you problems? Bring it over the weekend and I will fix it for you. Wouldn’t you fancy a new blade? I’ve been working on something new. Please come and tell me your thoughts.”
-”Yeah sure thing, I’ll be there Saturday morning. See you then.”
-”Yes and you can tell me about how everything went out with your dates!”. You were ready to respond but she hung up before anything could come out from your mouth. You returned your katana to its place, took a bath and got ready to finally call it a day as you will be arriving earlier than usual to your job.
Chapter 2
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guerrerajaguar · 2 years
Cutie... I want to say that you are fluffy and I'm hugging you now and braking your bones. It's sounds agressive but it's not!!!
Thanks for answer my requests in the most perfect way, that fanfics, Kyojuro, Uzui,My Gyomei ahhh NO WORDS ARE NEEDED!!! Your mind it's a amazing fount of entertainment... Flower, can I ask something????
CEO KYOJURO.... X Fem Reader
She should not get his attention... As she it's just a employee, she did some mistakes, and let's say he underestimated her at first...but the flame handsome guy got hit buy her atitude after... he was a bit arrogant( yeah I know it'snot canon but it'sAU and he grownup in a differentcontext) and as these situations are getting worse... suddenly she said in a rage tired moment. (That you gonna decide, can be a real drama where he tries even say humiliate words) and she let out all in her mind 》》
She shout: "I'm leaving this company, fuc.k. u"
😶 Yeahhh because in this AU Kyo hits different. His eyes are wide...No ones never talks like this with him... Someone have a lot to think... A nice inside guy of him guy awakens, someonewhat we know better, our old Kyo, thinking abouthis life and what kind of person he should be.... So he realizes something...
" What this woman did to me?"
She live alone, she is independent.
Now she is already working in another place.
Kyojuro feels that something it's missing on his life... But... Well, she it's not so open to his presence.
And now??? What you super writer will do????? Darling...Do whatever you like... Some ideas pop on my mind and I'm spreading everywhere, because I'm lazing to write... lol
Luv yae and you know that right??? Hugs and kisses, lots of them 💓💓💓
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I think you remember this guy's haha
My Darling I love you so much, I am afraid I will receive all your affections in the most lovable way possible <3. You were the one who inspired me to write, I was so shy about it, so I will never ever be able to let you know how grateful I am to you . I love you so very much <3.
So this is fantastic, I had a lot of ideas and I hope that you love this as well. Since I poured some personal experiences in this, I will make it into a 2 part or maybe 3 parts request.
I am thinking about CEO Gyomei in Y/N's new company?
I did felt a little bit weird writing Kyo with such a horrible personality, but as we say in Mexico: Give the customer whatever she requests.
Ohhhhhh yes that icon is so cute and breathtaking at the same time! hahaha Love it, nooooooow its mine <3
Can't wait to see your reaction ! Lots of hugs and kisses <3
CeoKyojuro x fem!reader (Part 1)
Warnings: Angst, swearing and humilliation.
ceoKyojuro x fem!reader part 2
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You were tired, so fucking tired as work kept piling up non-stop, you felt like you could not stand it anymore. Lately you barely made it back home; just to take a bath, eat some fast ramen and sleep for less than 5 hours before going back to work the next day. You could not understand what was wrong with the Beta Prototype. You designed it, ran advanced simulations and analysis along with your other expert peers. It just did not make any sense.
Your manager was pretty reasonable regarding this problem. She knew that you and the rest of the team were doing everything humanly possible to solve the issue but it was just a matter of time for the CEO to get involved in this. He was a really nasty bloke, really full of himself mistreating everyone in the office at every chance he had. Just being slightly refrained by a human resources “warning”, although he knew he was ‘untouchable’ so his unprofessional habits kept going on.
Mitsuri Kanroji, as your manager, had received most of Kyojuro’s rants; about how inefficient your team were, about how long you took for designing a product and launching it to production and how bad of an image your team gave of the company with the customer. She was the sweetest person in the office, so naturally your blood boiled every time she came out from his office absolutely ravaged by his rude wording. Nevertheless, she never ever responded back to him and honestly who will? He was the CEO.
Several times you had suggested improvements in the company’s processes, designing and testing methods, components substitutions, alternative prototypes for unveiling these types of failures earlier in the development stage in order to avoid these dead end situations. But you were never heard even once, you knew Mitsuri shared your ideas but she was all the time blantly turned down with most stupid excuses you’ve ever heard.
-”Honestly, not wanting to invest in pre-design prototypes due to TIMING? Are you kidding me, he wants to talk about timing? How can he be so oblivious to HIS own process?” You claimed angrily during lunch, after your last meeting, to your best friend at the office; Giyuu Tomioka. He was calmly eating his bento box sitting right in front of you, listening carefully to your conversation and offering you bites from his food from time to time in order to make sure that you were eating at least something.
-”I am serious Tomioka-san…. hmmmn…” You were interrupted by him placing rice in front of your mouth. “This man's only job is making mine harder! He wants the fastest of results and resolutions and he doesn’t even… hmmmm…” This time he offered you some salmon daikon.
-”Giyuu…!” You complained in exasperation as he mouth feed you a small bread piece.
-”He doesn’t even know how the product works?” He calmly completed your phrase as he handed you a green tea bottle. You rolled your eyes with a smirk, taking a sip of your drink.
-”Yes! It’s like he did not want the job to be done…” You sighed as you crossed your legs and rested your chin on the palm of your right hand, looking at your friend with a concerned expression.
-”We all know that Rengoku is an arrogant tyrant, there is nothing new about that. But Y/N, you need to take better care of yourself, you barely eat or sleep. I know how dedicated you are, but no job is worth falling sick for.” He said while offering you half a slice of his strawberry cake. “You will figure it out, as you always do. I am positive about that”. He said with a very soft smile, almost imperceptible.
After 2 years you were still unsure of how you and Giyuu could be such good friends, having such different personalities. But still, he knew you best in the office and knew how capable you were. So, for at least half an hour you forgot about what was troubling you and lightheartedly talked with him about going to the movies together the upcoming weekend.
You came back from lunch in such a good mood that you did not catch how anxious Mitsuri was acting when she approached you, asking you for your latest updates on the issue since your last meeting; which had just happened less than an hour ago.
-”Mitsuri-san, that was barely an hour ago…” You stared at her with concern, knowing that this question came from the upper management. “The status is the same as our previous meeting, although I have a couple of ideas we could try…”. You were interrupted as Kyojuro summoned you to his office with his characteristic yelling. Everybody stopped what they were doing to stare at you, you felt a big adrenaline rush building up in your chest. This was it, now you will be bad mouthed by that presumptuous blonde.
-”Yes, Rengoku-san?” You asked him in a neutral tone, barely entering the room.
-”Sit down” He demanded in a very impolite way. “Explain to me how it is possible that incompetent personnel such as you and your team are kept on the payroll?” You blinked in disbelief, words not really sinking in. You shook your head trying to clear your mind for answering him back.
-”Rengoku-san, this issue is very critical. If not properly approached we could face serious legal backlash, we are talking about electromagnetic interference international standards. We are taking the recommended approach for finding the root cause and in fact…” He interrupted you:
-”I know how important this is, I am not an IDIOT!” He was starting to raise his voice yelling at you. You felt anger starting to build in your chest.
-”Yes… so then you will understand that finding the root cause is an equally delicate and intricate matter…” You said, trembling in anger.
-”What I don’t understand is HOW THE FUCK a bunch of stupid people like yourself and the other idiots of your team manage to make this company look bad without any retaliation, is just like we were REWARDING MEDIOCRITY!” That was it, everything sink in, who the fuck this air headed thought he was? The CEO yes, but he was so ignorant regarding everything that was designed at the company that you bit your lip for not answering him back as he continued ranting:
-”Plain stupid, only looking to excuse your incompetency. I am absolutely certain that you were completely ignorant about this subject when you designed that PIECE of SHIT. No wonder it does not WORK…!” That was it, you did not needed to go through this; you would rather be unemployed for the rest of your life than having to endure this lunatic moron for another minute.
-”No… You know what IS REALLY STUPID? Having an IMBECILE OF A BOSS, who is so ignorant THAT HE DOES NOT EVEN KNOW HOW HIS OWN processes work. NOT even the basics and being the idiot he is, he does not have a single clue of how his FUCKING products function.” He was absolutely speechless, no one had ever talked back to him. His fiery amber eyes were so big in surprise that he felt an unpleasant sensation at the base of his stomach. You were shaking due to the anger but you continued:
-”Oh and you know what else? YOU BEING THE SON OF THE MAIN STAKEHOLDER DOES NOT MAKE YOU, AND I REPEAT, DOES NOT MAKE YOU COMPETENT FOR THE POSITION YOU ARE HOLDING. Especially when you treat people that work for you as if nobody deserved to admire ‘YOUR GREATNESS’. You know what that turns you into? AN UNBEARABLE IDIOT. So no, ‘Rengoku-san’” you said his name in a very mocking way and continued “Do not worry about my incompetence anymore because, I FUCKING QUIT. Fuck THIS and fuck YOU and your arrogant attitude. Good luck solving that problem WITHOUT ME!”
You immediately stormed out of his office without allowing him to respond back. Everyone at the office was rooting for you, even if you did not knew it. You had no idea how happy everyone felt for someone finally answering back to their arrogant CEO. You went quickly to your desk with adrenaline still being pumped into your system, making you feel invincible.
You rapidly apologized to Mitsuri for leaving without further notice and asked her to apologize on your behalf with the rest of the team. She looked at you with the most grateful smile you had ever seen on her face and as she hugged you, she muttered :”Thank you Y/N”. You grabbed the most essential of your stuff, Giyuu could deliver the rest later on, and quickly headed to the elevator.
As you suspected, your blue-eyed friend reached you, preventing with his hand the closing of the elevator doors and said with a grin:
-”See? I told you that you would figure it out.” He offered you his hand to help you with all the things you were carrying. He walked you to your car and as he closed your car door he told you:
- “Is it ok if I crash at your place after work?” you nodded and he continued “Now miss Y/N, go home, take a hot shower, a warm meal and a nap until I arrive at your apartment. Deal?” You warmly smiled at him, drove directly home and did exactly as he suggested.
You felt so good, so free, free of that tyrant that was making your life so miserable and yes, you will have to figure out the employment situation but at least for that day you will definitely not worry about it. Little you knew that this was only the beginning of a series of very interesting events.
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guerrerajaguar · 2 years
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Head Canons: Business trip
You would love to go on business trips, since you adored traveling and getting to know new places.
Although you would prefer to have your husbands tag along, they were busy with their own jobs not adjusting to the trip schedule.
More often Akaza would travel with you, since he entirely works from home and being a freelancer gave him a lot of flexibility on his working hours.
Your husbands did not fancy the idea of you being away from them even for just the weekend, but they were understanding and proud that the company considered you a very skillful and valuable asset.
As soon as they found out, Akaza would start complaining about how much he was going to miss you, so much that he might probably die.
He will be bear hugging you every opportunity he had, especially from behind, almost lifting you from the floor.
-”Why does it have to be you? Can’t they send Kyojuro?” He will complain with a grin, since you and Kyo worked together.
-”No, because he works in a different area and this is directly related to my position” You would say while grabbing his chin to kiss him, making his complains stop.
-”Aghhh, that is not fair game. That only makes me miss you more”.
-”Darling, it's only for 3 days. I’ll be back before you notice it. I promise”. You will conclude by tenderly booping his nose making him shower your face with kisses.
Giyuu will help you get your bags ready, wanting to plan ahead for every possible climate change.
-”Love, I think you are traveling really light this time. Wouldn’t you be cold? or What about rain? Here, you should take this.” He will offer you a really cute coat that he gifted you on Valentine’s day.
-”Uh… Yes, you are probably right, baby. Let me pack it up as well” You actually did not think that you were going to need it, but how could you say no to your handsome blue eyed husband?
When your bags were done, he would then grab your hand for you to sit beside him and will cup your cheeks with his hands to kiss you deeply in the lips.
-”I am really going to miss you.” He will confess while gently stroking your cheek with his thumb. You will automatically hug him, since you found him so irresistibly adorable.
-”I won’t be away for that long and I need you to help me keep Akaza and Kyojuro at peace”.
-”I will keep an eye on them. Y/N… Could you, brush my hair?” Giyuu will say with a visible blush in his face, even after being married he kept being really shy about asking for affection.
He will then sit at the edge of the bed, eyes closed, loving how your hands caressed his hair and enjoying every single moment the two of you were alone.
Kyojuro will prepare your favorite food for dinner as a goodbye present, he will be more cheerful than the other 2 husbands but only because he did not wanted you to feel bad for your business trip.
You will help him in the kitchen, joking around, preparing food for all, while stealthily stealing kisses from him; standing on your tiptoes.
Kyojuro will then trap you against one of the kitchen counters and will softly whisper to your ear:
-”How is it possible that you are not gone yet, but I already miss you this much?” He will say with a smile as he brushes your hair back.
-”I’ll be back really soon, sweetheart. Please take care of Giyuu and don’t let Akaza get the worst out of you, please”. You will ask with a grin while you eskimo kiss him.
-”I will, love, rest assured.” He will kiss your hand and tenderly embrace you.
The next day, the 3 of them will drop you at the airport and each will say goodbye with a kiss.
They will text you in your group chat as soon as you boarded your plane and will ask you to let them know as soon as you landed.
You will send them selfies of you while eating and pictures of your hotel room to let them know what it looked liked. Each answering back with selfies of their current activities.
Akaza will send you private messages of how much he is missing you, trying to blackmail you with the saddest expressions he managed to send selfies of.
Giyuu and Kyojuro will send you messages in the group to let you know that everything at home is just fine. They all played a couple of UNO and Exploding Kittens matches.
You will complete your assignments and go back home safe and sound to find your 3 husbands waiting for you at the arrival gate.
After picking you up, you will all go to have dinner at Kyo’s fave restaurant since last time you went to Giyuu’s favorite place.
You will then tell them how pretty the city was, how good your coworkers treated you while being there and how much you have missed them all.
You will then go back home to take a warm bath, joined by Kyojuro and then prepare to sleep with Akaza since that night was his to have you.
My Devoted Husbands - Fic / Head Canons
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guerrerajaguar · 2 years
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My Devoted Husbands ( Fem!Reader)
Chapter 2: Am I that oblivious?
Warnings: Slight angst, mentions of polyamory, reverse harem.
The next morning, your father offered to drive you to work, trying to get an opportunity to apologize for what you were both talking about last night.
-”Thanks dad, I will handle it from here.”
-”Yeah, all right, at what time should I pick you up?”
-”It's fine, I’ll be having lunch with my FRIEND Kyojuro and he will take me home after that” You tried to sound casual, remarking the word: friend.
-”Oh…Ok, great. Please, invite him for a moment, I would like to say hi to him.” You remained silent with your guard up, as for waiting for any additional comment but he remained silent.
-”Uh, yeah, I will ask him. See you dad, thanks for driving me.” You concluded by rapidly closing the car door.
From that moment on everything went smoothly including your early meeting with Kyojuro’s manager; Iguro Obanai. At lunchtime Kyojuro will happily went to your desk to pick you up as you were both planning to leave work early.
-”Ready Y/N? I made a reservation for us not having to wait that long for being seated” Your blonde friend said with a wide smile on his face.
He was handsome indeed, his passionate eyes red as rubies, pearl white teeth that were usually showing off as he laughed and smiled an awful lot when he was with you, his hair definitely matched his eyes and personality; entirely golden except for some of his tips that were stained with a fiery red.
His voice was very masculine and deep, making him a great partner for having long conversations and your father was right, he was a true gentleman: chivalrous, attentive, respectful, assertive, dominant (in the good way), caring and independent.
You two have managed to become friends since your first day at work, sharing lunch time, corporate parties, informal dinners with other colleagues and even working together on some projects. He was very popular at work due to his good looks, but he was always respectful with everyone that tried to approach him; in fact he wasn’t really close to anyone at work except for you. You thought that perhaps he enjoyed talking with you so much that he never had the time to talk to anybody else.
-”Yup, let 's go! I am starving, so nice of you to pick a pizza place, I love pizza so much.”
-”Yes, I know.” Kyojuro said with a beam while opening his car door for you. You two were having your custom small talk, laughing and sharing the latest gossip of the office until you arrived at your table.
You could sense something was wrong with your companion, he was stiff and laughing nervously. You thought that probably stress was hitting him due to the fiscal year coming to an end.
So you tried to brush it off by talking about how much you were looking forward for your vacations, but Kyojuro chirped back:
-”Don’t you think we look like a couple?”. He asked nervously in a half-joke tone.
-”A couple? A couple of what?” You innocently answered back while biting your pizza slice.
-”A couple, like, as lovers. I mean, if I mouth feed you; we will certainly look like a couple, right?” He asked with a visible pink blush across his cheeks.
Almost immediately you started to cough as you were choking with the food you just bit, desperately tapping your chest gasping for air.
-”Y/N, Oh no are you ok!? Here have some water”. He said while your embarrassment kept increasing, you were half dying there simply because your friend was oddly confessing to you? In no way that could be harder than your training sessions with the Shinazugawa brothers, you were really lame.
-”I am fine Kyo, I am so sorry. I am better now”. You chirped as you cleared your throat.
-”No, I am the one that’s sorry. I was waiting for the perfect time to confess my feelings and I almost got you killed, in the most awkward way possible.” He spoke sadly with a grim expression.
You were completely speechless, he was indeed confessing: so your father was right. How could you have been so oblivious to how he felt? You slowly started reviewing all the moments you shared together and certainly all the signals were there, how come you didn't notice before? Or perhaps you did not wanted to see them?
You knew very well that being in a relationship with a slayer was not easy and that was probably the reason behind you not wanting to recognize what your friend felt, or what you felt for him. Were you going to give in so easily? Surrender to your handsome friend, with the prettiest smile you have ever seen? Could you turn into such a selfish woman in just an instant? Seeing him so vulnerable, so attractive and sincere just made your heart melt, but this was the correct thing to do, right? Following your heart or whatever that cheesy stuff was about.
Kyojuro was feeling worse every second you remained silent, he was certain that he screwed up real bad this time. Nothing was going as he planned; you were not seated at the table he requested, the saxophonist he hired did not arrive on time and they ran out of your favorite wine. Was there anything that he could do to make this date acceptable? He felt as his entire world was crumbling before his eyes and then, he suddenly felt the softness of your skin against his hand.
-”Well in your defense, that was the best pizza slice that has ever tried to kill me.” Kyojuro burst into laughter but still with a heavy heart, so you continued “Kyojuro, I always have the best of times when I am with you. You always make me feel happy when you are around, so please don’t feel like this date went to waste” You gently caressed his hand with your thumb as his expression entirely lightened up, furiously blushing with a ear to ear grin.
-”It’s just that you caught me by surprise with your, let’s be honest, kind of weird confession.” You smiled at him trying to contain laughter as he tried to hide his face with his free hand. “I would think of you as a more romantic man, Mr. Rengoku.” He will now laugh lightheartedly at your comments and will respond back.
-”Well then, let me try this again and you might not reject me next time.”
-”Who said I rejected you? I… like you too Kyo… It’s just that I don’t…”
-”You do!? You really do!? Oh God, I can’t even… Yes Y/N I like you a lot and I would love for you to accept going out with me, officially” He claimed with joy by holding both of your hands and making you blush furiously.
-”Yes Kyo, I would love to.” After this conversation was over, Kyojuro’s behavior returned back to normal but as you were listening to his merry chat you could not brush your dad’s and Daki’s words; about marriage and hiding you being a slayer.
After the meal was over and Kyojuro was driving you home, you tried to switch the conversation to invite him to your house, so your father could say hi to him.
-”So Kyo…”
-”Yes, love?” You felt dizzy as you heard him call you like that. Could he be more perfect?
-”So, it seems like my dad wants to have a few words with you. Nothing serious, probably some boring small talk or just to say hi. So I was wondering…”
-”Oh, I would love nothing more than to formally speak to your father. Do you think it is a good moment to mention him about our relationship?” Your heart ached a little, Kyojuro was so happy about you being formally dating that you were unsure of how to ask him to not spill the tea just yet without hurting his feelings.
-”Yeah, well about that. My father has been pestering me lately about getting married already, due to some family traditions, you know; archaic stuff but very important to him. So, I am afraid that if we tell him we are kind of going out, he might go nuts about it and will force you to marry me right there and then.” You finished the sentence laughing, trying to minimize what you just said but Kyojuro was looking at you with an absolutely serious expression.
-”And, do you want to get married?”
-”No!” you answered rapidly shaking your head “I mean yes!…Well… I don’t know, it’s just that… I mean yes, but not just yet, you know?” You replied nervously waiting for Kyojuro’s response. “I think my dad is going through a middle age crisis or something of the sort, I don’t know” You anxiously chuckled.
-”Well, in that case we will do as you deem pertinent”. He declared as he kissed one of your hands. “Shall we get in, now? He asked gallantly as he proceeded to open the car door for you.
You were really nervous about what your dad would mention to Kyojuro, especially since the two of you were now an official “thing” but you faithfully trusted Kyojuro to keep his word as the gentleman he was.
-”Kyojuro my boy, please come in. Can I offer you something to drink?” Your dad asked him, inviting you both to sit down in your living room. You and your blonde boyfriend were seated right next to each other and your dad sat in front of you two.
-”Just plain tea, sir, I still have the trip back home and I do not mix drinking with driving.” He would say with a smile giving you a side glance.
-”Good, you just passed the first test. Very good”. You painfully closed your eyes as your dad said this, he was going to start all the suitor circus and you were absolutely at his mercy.
-”Please rest assured sir, whenever Y/N is with me you have nothing to fear. I will make sure to always keep her safe”. Kyojuro solemnly added and God, he was such a gentleman you thought, but that was not the best time to show it.
As you saw your father ready to respond, you felt your nerves betraying you, causing you to exasperatedly purse your lips and violently place your hand over your mouth touching your nose with your index finger.
-”My boy, has Y/N ever told you anything about what makes this family so special?” That was your signal to straighten up and stand guard, steadily staring at your dad.
-”Yes, well, she mentioned you owned a building company and that it has been in your family for generations.”
-”Ah, I see. No, my boy, I was referring to our family being…” None of them noticed the moment you moved, in the blink of an eye you were standing right in front of your dad holding the nearest katana you could reach in such a little time. Your dad was amazed by how fast you were able to move, therefore remained silent and so you completed his phrase.
-”Katana, katana collectors. My dad has a pretty big collection and I myself fancy some of them. I never mention this because of safety reasons; he might get in trouble with the police or turn into a robbery target." Kyojuro could only blink in amazement, he had always been a fan of Japanese swords as he considered himself to be very interested in his country's culture.
He did not understand, though, how you could have moved so fast; he could even swear that your exhalation visibly evaporated out of your mouth.
-”Isn’t that what you were going to explain to Kyojuro, dad?”- You turned your back to your boyfriend in order to face your father and with a dead serious expression, you let him know that he would not get away with it if he kept talking.
-”Uh yes, yes, certainly. In fact I was wondering if you would like to visit our private vault one day?”
-”Yes of course, I would love to, sir. I consider myself a katana fan.”
-”Very well my boy, I now release you with the condition that you keep taking very good care of my daughter, as the good friend I know you are to her.” Your dad concluded, offering his hand for a handshake.
-”Absolutely sir, as always I’m really fond of our conversations. Please say hello to your wife on my behalf.” Kyojuro said as he vowed down to your father. He would then gaze at you with love, you responded to him with a small loving smile and then you turned to your dad with a killing stare. As you walked Kyojuro to his car he asked, raising both of his eyebrows:
-”So, how did I do?”
-”It was perfect. I am really sorry about all the rubbish he said, he loves his katanas so much. Thank you for keeping your word.” You shyly said to him while grabbing his hand.
-”There is nothing I wouldn't do for you, my love.” Again, you had that dizzy sensation on your chest; you were starting to like how it felt.
-”I’ll take my leave now, if I stay longer, you might not make it to your training session, right?” He said as he unexpectedly kissed your right cheek.
You immediately felt your heart uncontrollably race, totally frozen by the dizzy feeling Kyojuro was starting to be so skillful to produce in your body. He would tenderly watch as you stood there unmoving, gently placing your fingers where he just kissed you.
-”How about if I drive you tomorrow to work? Would you let me?” You slightly nodded and he said his last goodbyes flirtatiously winking an eye at you.
What you did not knew was that his heart was racing almost as fast as yours. You have been the object of his adoration for so long, that he was having a hard time believing that you have finally agreed to date him officially; since he thought that you only saw him as a friend, but right at that moment he felt invincible, like nothing would go wrong.
That night he dreamed with you, about the two of you getting married and having an awful lot of kids. Your father's wedding present being a very exotic katana and you loving him for the rest of your life together.
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guerrerajaguar · 2 years
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Head Canons: Mario Kart play night
You will be the first one to grab a seat, on your favorite spot on the couch. Where you could comfortably cross your legs or bent them to your chest with a blankie on them.
Kyojuro will go with Mario as a character and will be the first one to sit right beside you in order to share your blanket with him.
Akaza will pick Bowser and will sit on the other immediately available space beside you and will play the very first race resting his head on your lap, demanding you to brush his hair.
Giyuu will prepare butter popcorn from scratch to share with all and will pick King Boo. But as he was the last one to arrive at the living room, he would sit on the individual stand alone sofa.
You all will play several cups, the 1st place player of each cup gets the honor of you sitting on their lap during the entire next cup.
Kyojuro and Akaza would get super fired up, screaming to each other loudly as they received non-stop red and green turtle impacts among their characters:
- “Kyojurooooo!”
-”Akazaaaa, You are a total slicker!”
-”It’s your fault for being so slow, I am blessed by the Koopa Kingdom. Your pathetic bananas do not stand a chance against me.”
-”I am going to ruin you!”
They will both scream as they watch Giyuu arrive at first place, then followed by you in second place.
You are really competitive, but looking at your husbands fighting over something so simple was so funny that you really did not care if any of them took the victory. You could play more seriously with your girlfriends on one of your girls' nights out.
After the first cup, your designated seat was on Giyuu’s lap. He will continue to win all cups non stop with his chin resting over your shoulder, holding the game control in front of you, hugging your waist and will tenderly kiss you on the cheek after every race.
At the end of the night, you never switched places and Kyojuro and Akaza will loudly complain:
-”That is absolutely not fair, I bet he has been practicing!” Said Akaza as he threw a pillow to Kyojuro.
-”He barely learned how to play last week. How does that make any sense?” Mentioned Kyojuro as he folded the blanket you were both using to put it back in its place.
-”I suppose I am a natural ” Said Giyuu calmly holding your hand “And now, I will claim my prize”. He would say as he carried you bridal style to his room since that night was his turn for you to sleep with him.
My Devoted Husbands - Fic/ Head Canons
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guerrerajaguar · 2 years
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Chapter 1: No, we are just friends.
Chapter 2: Am I that oblivious?
Chapter 3: Now, what should I do?
Head Canons
Christmas Day
Playing Mario Kart
Being Sick
Business Trip
Vacations: Beach
Movie night
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guerrerajaguar · 2 years
CeoKyojuro x fem!reader part 2
So this was a request from my beloved @themisslili @misslili265, but she is currently on a break so I hope you enjoy it <3. I intended it to originally be only 2 parts but I just wrote so much detail that I deemed important and I didn't wanted to make a super long post; so it probably be 4 parts.
warnings: curse words, mentions of alcohol.
And here are the tags for the cuties that loved the first part: @lalachanya, @sarahnyippynyip
CeoKyojuro xfem!reader Part 1
CeoKyojuro x fem!reader Part 3
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It took Kyojuro about five minutes to completely understand what had just happened, your words still resounding in his head: imbecile of a boss, ignorant, pretentious and incompetent. You had always looked so submissive, calm and eager to play along to whatever song he played that he never saw it coming from the youngest member of Mitsuri’s team.
He honestly did not knew how to feel; he was certainly mad for all the insults he received but he also felt a lot of shame and he wasn’t sure why. Was it because you had humiliated him in front of everyone in the office? Or perhaps that he seemed to have run out of words to answer back at you? He certainly was the best CEO his father’s company could have ever wished for, so why were you so obtuse to notice that?
Yes he had called you stupid, but really deep he was more than certain that ‘stupid’ was the last adjective that would best describe you. As you have never really captured his attention, he was aware of all the issues you had helped resolve, in your products and from other product lines. And actually he did not meant to call you like that; he was just so furious about the compatibility issue that his nerves exploded.
It didn’t sound that bad, did it? Well perhaps, it did, since you immediately resigned… Even so, you should know by now that he certainly does not mean what he yells while being in his berserk mode. Probably if you had talked to him more, you would have been more understanding about his modus operandi and then nothing of this would have happened.
Perhaps talk it over lunch? No. Well, actually, nobody ever wanted to share a bite with him. Could it be because of the way he expressed himself? Was it the same reason that made you leave?
”Especially when you treat people that work for you as if nobody deserved to admire ‘YOUR GREATNESS’ “:Those words bumped into his mind.
But it didn't matter anymore, he would not have to deal with you for good. No more 6am and 8pm high urgency meetings with you, seeing your desktop light being the last to be turned off after a long day, no more listening to Mitsuri sharing your overwhelming quantity of improvement ideas. No sir, no more; and that was a good thing. Right?
He was so lost in his thoughts that your ex-manager had to intrude herself into the CEO’s office after having no response to her muffled knocks to his door. He was blankly staring at the clear sky clouds through his large executive window.
-”Pardon the meddling, Rengoku-san.”- She said really shyly, almost with fear.
-”Don’t worry about it. What can I do for you?”- His voice and expression were soft, Mitsuri was completely taken aback; Rengoku had never being this polite in his life and she felt an increasing terror. She felt that this was the calm before the storm and what was coming will be the worst of all hurricanes.
-”About what you requested earlier…” He was staring at her but it was as if his mind was somewhere else. “There are a couple of tests pending to be executed and we believe that we might finally find the root cause for the failure.”- Her voice was sweet but trembling.
-”We believe?”- Oh no, there it was, berserk mode on. Mitsuri could only guess how mad Rengoku would be after everything you yelled at him, but being her boss she had to answer everything he requested and as soon as possible.
-”Yes, well…it was…”- He interrupted her.
-”Was it Y/N idea?”- She was absolutely terrorized, was she supposed to lie to him? Yours was probably the last name he wanted to hear, but still those were really good ideas and she will never agree to not credit your work. So building up courage and getting ready for the infamous Rengoku’s wording she spoke:
-”Yes. But before you say anything else, all the team believe that these might help us fix the problem. Besides, she had these ideas before…”- He interrupted her again with a calm and soft tone.
-”Please, go ahead and use them. Keep me in the loop for the results”- Please? Had he just agreed to use Y/N’s ideas? After what she did? Was Rengoku having a mental breakdown? Mitsuri was positive that something really strange was going on in Rengoku’s head, but if that meant she would not be mistreated; she was more than happy to not ask additional questions.
-”Yes, Rengoku-san”- She said and just when Mitsuri was about to leave he asked:
-”One more thing, could someone on your team prepare a quick slideshow that explains the product functionality? Nothing elaborate, it would be just for me.”-Ok, now Mitsuri was sure that Rengoku had totally lost his mind, after all these years, he had never taken any interest in this or any other products of his company. What was all this about? Although she was completely shocked, she agreed and made a small reverence before leaving the blonde’s office.
-”So those were the ideas she wanted to share with me, those which I didn't even give her a chance to speak of…”- The CEO thought sourly as he saw your shaky ex-manager leave. Has she always acted like that? No. Only when she was around him…
On her way out, Mitsuri, stumbled upon Giyuu which she believed to be casually walking by Rengoku’s office, but who indeed had heard the entire conversation between your ex-manager and the asshole CEO that had treated his dear Y/N so badly, and could not be any more shocked. It was impossible, someone like Rengoku could have not had a change of heart so sudden.
You were barely stretching yourself out of your small couch when you heard a loud knock on your door. You gladly discovered that your friend Giyuu had fulfilled his word:
-”Sorry, did I wake you up?”- He was wearing a really tight black jacket, white shirt and washed off denim jeans.
-”Oh no no, not at all. I was just trying to tidy a little bit the apartment in case you decided to come by. But I’m so glad you made it! Come in.”-
-”I think this is the first time I’ve been into your apartment without working motives.”
-”Really? I haven’t thought about it. Well, my house is your house so feel free to come by anytime you want to. I really enjoy your company and since we won’t be seeing each other so often, that would be a great excuse for keeping up with each other. I am really going to miss you!” Giyuu met your eyes with a soft smile.
-”Lunch will feel really lonely, without no one to steal food from me…”- You jokingly frowned with puffy cheeks to his words as you playfully pushed him. He responded by shielding himself with his left arm and holding your hand tenderly.
-”Ah so mean Giyuu! But you know, you could probably invite Shinobu-san from accounting to lunch!” You said with sincerity but Giyuu did not seem to like the idea.
-”Well, we’ll see. Oh, I brought these.” He delivered a brown paper bag with a couple of bubbly chilly bottles of wine “I think they would suit anything we might order for delivery, in case you want to dine something .”
-”Ah, what a refined gentleman you are, my dear ex-colleague.”- Your blue eyed companion's smile returned to his face and you continued- “How about watching a movie? You get to choose! I’ll let you pick while I bring some popcorn”-
-”How about Ghostbusters or The Exorcist?- He talked out loud for you to listen all the way to the kitchen, while browsing the Netflix catalogue with your living room being entirely covered in deep butter popcorn scent.
-”Oh. The Exorcist then and for that, I have this…!”- You proudly showed him a special edition blu-ray.
-“Director's cut edition, way more terrifying than the original version.” Your raised eyebrows complemented your playful smirk as a courage challenge to him, he laughed and invited you to sit beside him. As the movie started you whispered friskily:
-”Don’t be ashamed to look confort in me if you are really scared, I will keep the secret between us both.”- You winked at him with a grin.
-”Thanks, I will keep that in mind .” He said in a low tone as well with a small beam getting closer to you. He was disappointed to found out that you never gripped on him as the most gruesome scenes showed up, you were a diehard fan of terror movies and apparently he wasn’t scared enough either to look comfort in you. Although you ended up the movie totally leaning on him, more due to excitement than fear.
As the night progressed you ordered sushi and merrily drank both wines, Giyuu was a lot more talkative and you assumed that was thanks to your drinks. He was laughing and telling a lot of jokes as you have never seen him in the office. He was a really nice friend, you were definitely going to miss him a lot.
-”Oh I almost forgot! The company at which my sister works is currently hiring, she sent me some of the positions and she told me that if you were interested we could send your resume directly to her.” He said while stealing your surimi and shrimp roll.
-”For real? Ah, Giyuu you are the best! You think Mitsuri-san would give me a recommendation letter?” You said with a grim expression “That was an stupid question, of course she won’t. Not after how I resigned.”
-”She absolutely will, I will talk to her tomorrow. You didn't know this but you changed the mood for everyone at the office, after storming out of …” he hesitated to use the CEO’s name “out of that guy’s office, everyone was ecstatic! You boost all our colleagues' morale.”- He took a sip from his glass as you blushed. Then he thought about what he heard earlier outside Rengoku’s office but strictly decided to keep it to himself.
-”Well is the least he deserved, being as he was… Oh that reminds me, I left behind a lot of my stuff on my desk. In case they haven’t thrown them away, would you pick them for me? I could go to your place to retrieve them.” You said imploring as you filled your own glass.
-”Consider it done.” He raised his glass for a toast “For your new life tyrant-free”- You both raised your glasses, smiled shyly and then you proposed another toast:
-”For Giyuu Tomioka, for being the best friend anyone could wish for.”- Giyuu’s face was slightly tinted in pink, you had never seen him like that, but wine was probably the reason. After looking at the hour, he decided to go home but you insisted on calling him a cab, as he agreed you two said goodbye to each other with a very awkward but cute hug. He was, without a doubt, a bit drunk.
He left his car in your parking lot, which will be picking up along with you for going to the movies the upcoming weekend. As he drove away in the cab, Giyuu could only anxiously wait for Saturday to come.
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guerrerajaguar · 2 years
CeoKyojuro x femreader part 3
I am sorry I'm making this long, but you are definitely going to love next part :P
CeoKyojuro xfem!reader Part 1
CeoKyojuro x fem!reader Part2
CeoKyojuro x fem!reader Part4
tags:@lalachanya, @emiliamiau05
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The next day, Rengoku showed up really early to work, he awkwardly greeted everyone he met with a very polite: good morning or how are you doing? Everyone at the office was bewildered, especially Mitsuri. That couldn’t possibly be due to your resignation, right? As Giyuu approached to your ex-manager desk, Rengoku said good to morning to him, your friend slightly bowed down to the CEO’s greeting and talked to Mitsuri:
-”Kanroji-san good morning, I wanted to politely ask you for a favor.”- He said making sure that Rengoku wasn’t near enough to listen to their conversation.
-”Oh Tomioka-san good morning, yes. Is it about Y/N?”- She said in a lower voice, covering the side of her mouth with her palm. -“Don’t worry, she texted me earlier this morning and I will be more than glad to help her! Should I print it or via email should be fine?”-
-“Thanks and via email should be fine.” He said with a small reverence -“Also, do you think there would be a problem if I took all the remaining Y/N stuff? Apparently she forgot quite a bunch in her desk.”-
-“Of course dear, no problem at all! These things happen all the time. Just come by whenever you are ready to leave and take them with you! Here, have a box.”-said the pink haired manager. Tomioka thanked her and went back to his normal work day.
On the other hand, Rengoku had a very productive day, he finally understood the dilemma behind the issue you were pursuing and that finding the solution was a very delicate and confusing matter. Once he understood the product functionality, your proposed fixes were actually the most logical options to choose.
The more he understood the situation, the worse he felt; probably he had not been fair to you. “Well, it doesn’ matter anymore, the problem is already fixed and that is what’s important.” He thought, but almost immediately another idea crossed his mind: “But what if there are other problems like these? Who will solve them?” Again, as he was fighting against his own mind, he answered himself: “We can find another employer as capable as her, Mitsuri found her; she can find someone else”.
His thoughts were like violent tides, impacting and opposing each other non stop. He frowned as he felt pressure in his head starting to build up, so trying to clear his mind off he decided to eat something at the cafeteria; something he had never done before. His ruby and amber eyes were rapidly traveling to everyone that stared at him with amazement; Why was the CEO eating with the rest of the company workers? Was he there to spy on them or probably clocking the time they used for eating?
Rengoku ignored them, ate lunch at peace, all by himself, and returned to his office. But before arriving, as Mitsuri called his name he walked all they way to her desk:
-”Oh Rengoku-san, it was not necessary for you to come all this way. I can reach your office as you usually want us to.” There she goes again, Rengoku thought, trembling and with a low voice. Is it really so unpleasant to speak to me?
-”It’s not a sacrifice from my side, especially if I am barely arriving at my office” His voice was softer but still really formal “Please, go ahead.” His eyes were now fixed on her, waiting for her response.
-”I see… Ah yes! Regarding the failure, we just empirically confirmed the proposed fix. Just a couple of more tests and we might be able to present the solution to our customer.” She squeaked excitedly, almost forgetting to whom he was speaking to. Rengoku gave her a small gentle smile.
-”Those are great news.”- He answered as he fixed his gaze on a desk to the immediate left of Mitsuri’s; your old desk.
-”We will let you know as soon as we are ready to start communication with the customer.”- She said regaining her composure, but Kyojuro’s eyes were still on your old desk and he spoke:
-”It's like she never left…”- Mitsuri blinked and bewilderedly she asked with a small voice:
-”Um, who could that be, Rengoku-san?”-
-”Y/N.” He said as he placed both his hands inside on his really tight midnight blue designer pants pockets. “There are still a lot of her things on that desk.”
-”Oh, yes! Do not worry about it. I-I, we will handle it. It’s just that she left so fast. I will make sure to deliver her everything”- She was really nervous to mention the resignation subject.
-”Yes, it is the right thing to do.” He said with reverence and headed directly to his office.
The day came to an end at the office, as everyone left, Giyuu headed to your old desk to pick up the rest of your things; he was wondering what kind of secrets you might be keeping in there. As he started to place some mugs inside the box your ex-manager gave him he was interrupted by a very deep voice:
-”Tomioka-san, good afternoon. Burning some late night oil?”- Rengoku said while leaning closer to your desk.
-”Not really, Rengoku-san. I am getting all of Y/N remaining stuff together to deliver them to her.” He said as he continued to fill the cardboard box.
-”Perfect timing then, I was thinking exactly the same. Please do not worry about it, I’ve decided to take responsibility for that activity as being the leader of this group. I will handle it from here.”- He said as he placed both of his hands on his hips, right above his brown belt, exposing his sky blue vest.
-”No bother at all, she is my friend. I do this gladly”. His blue eyes were fixed on him as he stopped his item recollection.
-”I see, though I must insist. It is a company policy now.”- He said, arching one of his bushy eyebrows.
-”A company policy that states the CEO should deliver former employees their personal possessions?” Giyuu’s expression was serious and defiant.
-”I am not surprised you are not aware of this, policies are sometimes only discussed within the upper management.” He got closer to the desk and tightly gripped one of the box’s free sides -“Go ahead to enjoy your free time now”- Rengoku was sure that Giyuu will not dare to go against his orders but he was unpleasantly surprised to see that your blue-eyed friend was eager to give a good fight:
-”As I believe Y/N’s address is unknown to you, I will be able to deliver it faster. That way, you can focus on your really important CEO activities.” Giyuu’s tone was cold but he had now tightly pulled the box closer to him and annoyed, he found out Rengoku hadn’t released the box either.
-”In that case, just disclose to me her address and I will close this action item for you.” The edges of the box were menacing to tear apart as the CEO grip was countered by Tomioka’s hold.
-”And that will indeed be against the company’s policies. We are not entitled to disclose any personal information or from a former colleague to anyone at the company.” There was an incredible aura of intensity around a plain box. Both men were staring at each other’s eyes, unblinking. Rengoku’s nose wrinkled slightly as he understood he was not going to get away with it. But with a mocking tone, Giyuu continued:
- “But, if these are company policies; Human Resources could facilitate Y/N address to you and since that might take a couple of days, my option is the fastest one.”- A soft victorious smile was drawn on your friend’s face.
-”Then I’ll turn to human resources for this matter and I would advise you not to touch that box unless you desire for security to be called upon you.” Rengoku finally released the box with a wide smirk before fixing his expensive burgundy tie. Giyuu’s blood was boiling, but he released the box as he nodded and answered him:
-”Perfectly understood, Rengoku…-san. Have a nice day.” His tone was sharp as his stare, he was furious but that was the CEO; he wished to have the courage you had that day and by the thought of you, his heart sank. He will be disappointing you, not delivering anything to you on your Saturday’s movie night and that made him feel down.
And even though he knew what kind of person Rengoku was, he couldn’t believe the CEO would be doing all this just to keep picking up on you, considering you were not in the office anymore. But of course, he was definitely the vengeful type of former boss.
Rengoku saw with utter complacency how Giyuu left as he had won over that half empty box. When the rush of the moment cleared from his chest, he was completely puzzled by the reason behind his actions. Fighting over a box, lying about company policies, threatening an employer for absolutely no valid reason and only for getting to see you one more time?
No, that was not it. He realized that his ways, probably, were not adequate so he wanted to make up for that: as the great leader he was. Nothing more than that. But either way around, a question kept coming around over and over; What has this woman done to me?
Saturday arrived quicker than expected, a couple of days had passed since you quitted but you have already felt like recovering from an illness. It was amazing how much your body needed those good night's sleep and food fresh home cooked, although you did missed Giyuu’s lunch ideas for the week. You texted each other, but not as often as you would want to.
Of course he made sure to confirm your date on Saturday afternoon, you were already waiting for your friend to pick you up, arranging the cute floral dress you have decided to wear as it was practically new. You never really had the chance to use it since they had a very strict dressing code at the office and you typically never had time to go out while working at your former company, even on the weekends.
As you were opening your apartment door to wait for your friend in the parking lot of your building, you found yourself face to face with your date.
-”Ah Giyuu! Perfect timing, I was about to text you. Ready?”- You beamed at him
-”Yes, let’s go”- His expression was serious, way less talkative than the last time you saw each other. He did not expected to feel overwhelmed by what happened in your apartment last time, anxiety suddenly got control over him as he started imagining what kind of blabbering he might have told you while being ‘slightly’ drunk and he was probably going to regret even more what was about to tell you.
-”That is a nice dress, it suits you well.”-He said with a side glance, not looking at you. You knew there was something going on with your friend, despite being really quiet, today he was not acting like himself.
-”You think so? Thanks! I thought this would be the perfect occasion for its premier appearance.”- you glanced at your clothing and then at him -”So, how’s been office since my 2-day long absence? You look a little bit more silent than usual, I am amazed by how that is even possible.”- You said teasingly with a small smile.
-”Not much…”- He was struggling to decide which subject he wanted to touch first “So, Y/N, last time in your apartment… I didn’t tell you any funny stuff, did I?”- He sounded nervous and you understood immediately what this was about.
-”Oh, well; I did think that your sleeping routine was kind of ‘peculiar' ’’- You said matter-of-factly as Giyuu’s eyes widened. He felt like a cold water bucket was directly poured on him as he nervously tried to think what on earth did he told you. Was he that drunk? He cannot recall having mentioned anything about going to sleep. Was it possible that he talked to you about something he does not remember anymore?
-”Just kidding” you snapped him out of this thoughts with a chuckle “You did cracked a lot of jokes, I did not knew you had such an arsenal” you giggled as you gently placed your hand on his arm. As he was driving, you didn't notice as his cheeks blushed lightly and how relieved he was that he didn’t speak about anything he was not ready to disclose to you while being sober.
After that point, Giyuu slowly returned to his normal self but the tingling idea of what had happened with Rengoku kept pulling his mood down. He wasn’t sure when it would be a good time to mention it, he did not wanted to ruin your movie day with you.
As he let you choose the movie that day, he offered to pay for everything with the excuse of you being unemployed, you accepted but with the condition that he will allow you to pay for another movie night out as soon as you landed a job. Your friend couldn’t be happier for having secured another date with you.
The movie was pretty good up to your standards, so good that this time Giyuu needed to grab your arm looking for comfort. He excused himself by saying that he got startled by the loud sounds of the tension scenes, but you were pretty sure the movie gave him a very good scare. You both had a great time, sharing popcorn and merrily discussing afterwards your opinions regarding the movie’s argument.
As he drove you back home at night, he sourly tried to think what would be a good way to approach the issue with your things and when you were about to wave him goodbye, he finally spoke:
-”Y/N, about your things…”-
-”Oh yes, I had such a great time that I almost forgot. Thank you for going through all that trouble for me…”- You said as you placed your palms together in front of your face, but his expression said it all. Something with that matter was not alright.
-”I tried to pick everything up, I even talked to Kanroji-san and she said it was fine. But as I was about to take everything with me, that idiot of Rengoku came out with a stupid excuse of company policies and at the end he didn’t allowed me to take anything.”- He certainly avoided mentioning anything regarding the CEO wanting to personally deliver you your things. -” I am really sorry that I failed you.”- His eyes were dejected and that only made your bad blood with Rengoku increase.
You were surprised how much of an asshole the CEO could be up to the point of making up ridiculous policies for getting back at you. You were so mad, but also at yourself, you should have known that he would not let it go so easily, especially after how you insulted him. It was time to call it quits and just let him have it, you did not wanted Giyuu to get into trouble for your fault.
-”Hey, no need to be so blue about it. Let that imbecile have it.” As you two were in your building parking lot, you placed your hand over his -”Actually, my desk was full of junk. The most valuable things from that shitty place were you and Mitsuri-san. If he wants to, let him throw everything out. But please, don’t get into trouble with him because of a bunch of junk.” You gave him a very warm and sincere smile as you gently stroked his hand with your thumb. -”As I said before, fuck Rengoku!” He gave you a side smile as he cheered a little bit up.
He walked you up to your apartment and as you were about to return him back his black jacket, he lent you so gentlemanly due to the weather, he said with a shy smile:
-”Keep it.”- He stared at you for a couple of seconds and waved goodbye. You smiled as he was gone, his scent was strongly lingering in your skin by now.
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