kidmaka-week · 7 years
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Its August! Time has flown by, and soon enough Kidmaka week will begin! For that reason, I am here to reming you that this event takes place on the 23-29.8! 
The themes:
Day 1: (23.8)  Apocalypse
Day 2: (24.8)  Gloves
Day 3: (25.8)  Falling
Day 4: (26.8)  Candle Light
Day 5: (27.8)  Violin
Day 6: (28.8)  Crystal
Day 7: (29.8)  Butterflies
The official tag to use is #kidmaka-week2017. We will do our best to make sure no submission is left unnoticed, so please help us by tagging accordingly.
Please stay aware of the fact that tumblr only tracks tags when they’re placed in the first 5 tag slots, so make sure to first tag your work accordingly, then add your additional comments if there are any.
This week is open for anyone who wishes to participate, may he be a shipper of the two as a brotp, otp, platonic ship or even a part of an ot3. Despite the event being a shipping week at its core, there is no reason to hold back from sharing your personal headcanond and ideas for the pair.
Feel free to send us asks, submissions and headcanons, as we are always open to communication with fellow fandom members and peers!
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ai-araki · 7 years
Day 1 : Apocalypse 
N/A : Rushed Writing ‘cause rushed (?) Guess you can call it a rambling, I tried to make it short as possible so It might get a bit confusing or meh.
I will make all the Days connect to each other again like the last year and please pray that I will able to complete the week this type xD
Also, please forgive my English. English is not my mother tongue. 
He is just standing there. 
The man before me is a man I never thought I would meet. At the center of it all - he remains motionless. Unsure if fear had taken over his body or that he doesn’t care of what is happening. “Someone, please help!” are the cries I kept hearing; doesn’t he hear this or is he pretending to be depth? I don’t know - But he is different.
The world is a disaster, even before this tragedy. We all know this is coming yet we never made a step to change it. “Everyone! Please stay calm!” How can they become calm at a moment like this? Buildings are collapsing, air is no longer air but gas and smoke. No hotlines, weapons and machinery can save them. Its a one on one battle for survival - We cannot save everyone in the end. Even if we wanted and hope too. 
“Anyone! Someone! Please help!” “Have you seen my child?!” “We are all going to die!” 
They are running around in panic now. Fear had taken over them but when I glance at him, he is still standing there - not moving at the center of it all. Is he... calm? I asked myself while looking at his physique. His hair was black as a raven’s hair, but something is different - there are three stripes around his hair. It doesn’t looked like it was dyed, but rather a reflection - a glow only appearing with the help of the sunlight. Crack. A part of a debris had fall, leaving a cloud of dust and a sound of coughing. The sky is painted with blood and dirt - shadowing the despair of the many and the lose hope of the lake. My is he tall! His pale complexion only appeared more beautiful when he wears Black, but then again maybe black is his only clothing. I chuckled silently to his or rather I imagined to chuckle. 
“Someone! Someone! Please help! There is a person over here!” 
Even with all the chaos, Humanity and selflessness of the people is still something to cherish. Even if they badly hurt and beaten they still help those in need. I wish we could save them. 
“Mommy! Mommy!” “Everyone please run to the shelter!” “Someone please!” “Why is this happening?!” “Lord, please have mercy.” 
Oh, he began to move, Is he going to escape now as well? Was it really fear and shock that had hinder him to move earlier? No, His path is different - it oppose to the path of the people who are trying to escape this nightmare. He might get drag with that sea of people! The people are in a panic now to care if they will bump to someone or not. “Everyone! Please this way!” Is he looking for someone? Is he trying to search for someone to whom he had postponed his escape? Crack. Another debris had fall that had cause another quake. This time the force was enough to stop my breathing momentarily and see red. 
I hope no one is hurt. 
“Ahhhh!!!” “Someone, please save us!” 
I looked up to him once more only to be greeted with gold. Ah, it is his eyes -  his eyes are like melted gold. I smiled to this - or I think I did, His eyes are so warm which is the contrast of his pale soft hand. A thumb had caressed my cheek.
I wish he would speak.
What happened to his calm physique earlier? Why do I feel sadness are now swimming in his warm eyes? Please, don’t look like that. I never met you but your sadness is reaching my heart. It was calming to see you so calm in the sea of chaos earlier. Pebbles are falling from the sky and I had only felt the liquid of my own when it had touch the skin of my body. I had lose touch of my lower half and I knew I would either die of Blood Lost or be crushed in these debris.
Oh sir, why is your soft touch losing resolved? You don’t know how comforting it was earlier. Don’t let this sadness consume the moment. I already knew what will happen. Oh no, please sir. My heart is aching with that look on your face. I was happy until this moment. So please smile. We will meet each other again right? If not, then this moment is more than enough...
“Yes, we will meet once again. Maka.”  Though it is too late for her to hear these words.
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chase2452 · 8 years
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KiMa Week 2016: Day 2 - Overprotective
Spirit is very overprotective of Maka. His rudeness concern is completely misplaced though because Kid is basically the Purest Boyfriend™ anyone could ever hope for.
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KidMaka Week Day 1 - King and Queen (of the Dead)
Yay! So happy that I could make a contribution that’s on time!!! First time drawing these two, hope you guys like it! 
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kidmaka-week · 7 years
Kima Week 2017 Themes!
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After a week of voting, We are proud to present you with the chosen themes for Kidmaka wee 2017!
The week shall begin on the 23/8, ending on the 29/8! 
The themes for the week are:
Day 1: (23.8)  Apocalypse 
Day 2: (24.8)  Gloves
Day 3: (25.8)  Falling
Day 4: (26.8)  Candle Light 
Day 5: (27.8)  Violin 
Day 6: (28.8)  Crystal 
Day 7: (29.8)  Butterflies 
The official tag to use is #kidmaka-week2017 . This is to make sure our admins here at kidmaka-week will see and reblog all art created during this week without fail. We will do our best to make sure no submission is left unnoticed, so please help us by following this rule as well. 
Please stay aware of the fact that tumblr only tracks tags when they’re placed in the first 5 tag slots, so make sure to first tag your work accordingly, then add your additional comments if there are any.
Yet another Important note is that this week is open for anyone who wishes to participate, may he be a shipper of the two as a brotp, otp, platonic ship or even a part of an ot3. This is all about kid and Maka’s dynamic, however you view it, so don’t hold back from joining the event! Hate will not be tolerated, and comments that hold bad intent shall be reported without fail. We wish for a peaceful, enjoyable week for all!
Feel free to send us asks, submissions and headcanons, as we are always open to communication with fellow fandom members and peers! 
May us all have an exciting and fun shipping week!
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ai-araki · 7 years
I just realized that Kidmaka-week2017 is on August. Don't get me wrong. I saw the number 8 but I don't know why my brain processed that as July. And here I was trying to finish everything for the 2nd day of the week. Hahahaha.
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kidmaka-week · 7 years
First voting round closed- secound round now open!
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The first round of votes for the themes is now over! for some finishing touches, a secound round is now open to the public!
The link for the secound round is located ~ here! ~ please make sure to vote before this saturday, 8.7, when the poll closes.
Please spread the word that Kidmaka week will begin on the 23.8, Wednesday. The themes will be posted as soon as the secound voting round ends (Date mentioned above). Make sure everyone knows about it so that we’ll all have enough time to prepare and create new content for the fandom!!
~Mod Zee
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