phantasmaw · 6 months
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Clutching his chest. Something just happened.....
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guhamun · 11 months
@keiseiensei said (inbox):
' tomoe. ' smothered and nestled into vibrant silks, the tips of yan qing's fingers graze against the pink-red folds of peony, then the bittersweet greenery of mulberry leaves. when the noblewoman turns, there's a mixture of fondness and twinging sorrows. captivity ached, but companionship did not, particularly when it was as ever-pleasant as the other's. this was the sort of thing that produced a deep, intimate trust, if only between them. still, yan qing had no intention of voicing her woes, nor her feckless, irresponsible whimsies of freedom; perhaps, soon, someday, but not just yet. instead, it was enough to quietly ask where orders weren't necessary. her nails trim and sever a peony head from its stem. turning with it in hand, approaching with this sole-bloom bouquet, she quietly smiles. ' our tomoe. my tomoe. do you like the sound of anything like that? or, if i put this peony in your hair ... would you accept it? perhaps, not just out of duty as someone hired by the manor, but just from myself. me. ' every day, the same wretched flora. the same awful view. and yet, ' i want to see the flowers bloom in your hair. i think it would be very beautiful. your fires, your martial skill suits you. but so do things like these, i think. if you won't accept it, won't you at least tell me your favorites? that way, if i ever get to see them, i can still think of you. '
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     POLITELY AND DUTIFULLY DID she keep watch over her charge, not because she was hired to do so, but because she genuinely wished for Yan Qing’s protection and happiness. However, it was easy to tell that she did not feel the latter. She played the proper lady, fulfilled her role as was expected of her within this household…and yet…she reminded Tomoe of a bird that was never released from its cage – forever peering out the window it was placed by and wondering if it too could take to the sky like those that would dance upon the windowsill. Yan Qing never spoke her thoughts on that matter, nor bemoaned her circumstances, but Tomoe had been around long enough to notice the smallest hints of displeasure without words needing to be said. Hands that were clasped politely in front of herself tightened in their hold, his lips pressing together firmly for a moment’s time before the sound of the other’s voice broke her from her reverie. ❝Yes, My Lady?❞ she asked, perking up instantly and awaiting whatever would pass those lips.
     For a time, Yan Qing said nothing – the noblewoman merely examining the peony she had plucked as if mesmerized by its delicate petals. When she finally did speak, surprise flickered across Tomoe’s features. ❝M-My Tomoe?❞ She unclasped her hand, gently placing it upon her chest and peering down upon the ground in thought as that affectionate title swirled about in her head. ‘My Tomoe’… She wondered what it was that had brought such about, but at the same time, it didn’t bother her. On the contrary, it made a spark of warmth burst within her; a small, delicate flame so like a lit candle. It was unprofessional to become too attached to one’s charge – that was what she had been taught, what had been drilled into her head a long time ago. Her duty was to serve and serve only. Everything else would be overstepping her bounds, but...being a distant protector felt…so cold, and Yan Qing had dealt with more than enough of that. The false smiles that never quite reached the eyes, the seemingly polite conversation that held daggers underneath…
     What a lonely existence.
     How could Tomoe not wish for Yan Qing to have something more? To genuinely smile? To genuinely laugh and thrive? ❝If…if that is what you desire, then such is fine with me.❞ She held no qualms to this – acceptant of both her new ‘title’ and of flower both. She smiled, then, head lifting and hand moving to rest by her side. ❝Yes, I accept both.❞ No one compared her to flowers before. They may think that of her at first, but upon seeing her brutality, her viciousness in combat, such thoughts would be quick to fade away. It was…refreshing…to not just be seen as cold and deadly like a blade; all sharp edges at the ready to cut. ❝Perhaps…new flowers can be brought in too. I can see that it is done. That way, when you awaken in the morning, rather than always being met with the same flowers in the garden, you can see different blooms to make your day brighter.❞ It wasn’t much, she knew. Nothing like actually leaving this place and walking the countryside…but it was something, wasn’t it?
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ardenssolis · 2 years
@keiseiensei​ said (inbox):
wrestling buddy spotted
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bigdhashira · 2 years
@keiseiensei​ said : excuse you
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“ @nulltune​ is now my fourth wife.”
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viijaya · 2 years
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lunaetis · 2 years
' the view really IS good! ' yan qing's head held up by her hands, her elbows on the cool stone of the balcony, she grins and happily beams at the other --- even as eula points it out, the outlaw's gaze has been set and steady absolutely nowhere on the alleys and streets of mondstadt!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY EULA LAWRENCE ( 25.10.2022 ) || accepting
─「エウルア」─ the LAWRENCE HEIR didn't think she would be showing this view to anyone else, let alone a certain outlaw the knights had been receiving quite a few complaints about. but, perhaps, she couldn't help wanting a companion to share the view with on THIS DAY out of all days. though the moment her dual-colored hues turned from the scenery of mondstadt towards the other after her compliment, finding her eyes upon herself made she blink.
                then the realization hit her on what the other meant.
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                " flattery would get you nowhere. getting on my good side is useless when other people don't even like me, you know ? " a tender laugh escaped her lips, however. whether yan qing was simply buttering her up or she was honest about it, it did put a smile on her face. " i wouldn't be able to wipe your record, unfortunately. and being seen with me might bring you even worse reputation. "
                " that said, however — " she leaned back, stretching her arms and letting out a soft, content sound. her smile stayed throughout. " — i wouldn't mind spending more time with you. it's not like my reputation could get any worse. " eula flashed a playful smile her way. " so, how about it ? "
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darabeatha · 1 year
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@keiseiensei​ replied ; dragging arash to play wit her  /  from : X !
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       ❝ Woah there! no need to pull at me up like a cord, i’m coming, i’m coming― Do you know how to play this game? Since my summoning, i’ve always been more of a cards kind of perseon myself ❞
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hiruinonai · 2 years
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@keiseiensei​​ replied ; undoes ALL his buttons then just walks off
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   well, well- If that isn’t assassin- why was it that when he caught the very rare glimpse of her silhouette, she seemed to vanish in thin air the very next second? this was already an incredibly rare occurence, and the few times he’s se―
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plick ... plick ... plick-
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Wait, wait― what?
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   ( .... )
❝ What th― ❞   Oh no, too late Saito! But hold on a damn second!! what the hell did just happen!?   ❝ Oi!! Aren’t you at least going to attempt to explain any of this !??? ❞   What was even the point of all of this out of nowhere!? why!? he doesn’t even know her !! at all!!
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laplacemail · 2 years
"---Eh." Lucky you he has the upper body strength to simply endure it without too much effort. But for a moment it seems like Equinox doubles over, precariously catches the apparition with trembling hands. What one could call an act of 'lowest-effort-ever', even if he is kind of trying to not have her entire weight rest on him.
Two seconds. He lasts for two seconds before his usually pale face reaches an abnormal shade of red. And that his also usual foul temper shows. "Get off me, you demon woman --- what do you want now??? Off, away with you!! Shoo!" Like he is trying to shoo a particularly annoying cat who chooses to misbehaves whenever given the chance. Honestly, not that far off. His anger comes accompanied by a hiss.
It is also very obvious that the 'lowest-effort-ever' is helping keep her steady clinging against his back. He is not horrible enough to just let her fall off (she would never) or hurt herself (laughable idea). However, he is going to make sure she knows how displeased he is. "At least give me a warning before you do these things, damn it. One of these days I will just find myself on the floor because I was too busy with other things to notice you sneaking up on me."
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phantasmaw · 1 year
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♢*   —    @keiseiensei​​ ​ /  𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐝
' have you ever kissed anyone before? '  had the other ever been kissed? yan qing's head sets on her knuckles, her pinky trailing the edge of her lip, the slightest wet touch of pink tongue tasting dry salt as she bit on a nail and contemplated: things she doesn't say, though perhaps her unwavering gaze says it all. how beautiful, she thinks, unable to resist any of it: neither her attractions nor the way her eyes are magnetized to the other's lips. even from a cursed village, a blessing: right before her. could she have said as much? would chaewon believe it? there were better ways of proving, she thinks, and rife with greed and impulse, she was more than willing; she was wanting.  ' if you let me ...  i will. i really will kiss you. wherever you want, you know, even if just through the air. '
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   〈❦*〉 ┊  Chaewon watches that peek of teasing tongue, and her own traces the backs of teeth hidden behind impassive lips. There is only one thing on the dokkaebi’s mind, and it is not the answer to her question. What would Yan Qing taste of? The image of a peach laying in a muddy ditch by the road, tossed away because of a few mere surface bruises, flashes through mind. Tainted by the grit of dirt trodden on by a thousand shoes, yet still mind-numbingly sweet with the barest hint of overripe tang. Juice would spill from the corner of her lips with that first bite, and she would greedily swipe it all up before it could drip down to the earth below. Because, really, she’s quite a covetous creature. She just knows how to mind her manners and keep her hands to herself when what she has her eyes on isn’t offered to her. But her teeth ache now, her stomach warms, and slanted pupils dilate at the unabashed invitation. Throat suddenly dry, appetite suddenly insatiable, she needs. She needs the same way a beggar needs the discarded fruit. 
     The arm swollen with an ancient curse lifts, the talismans subduing its evil aura clinking together as she reaches past the womans’ face and gathers spools of dark hair on her fingers. She watches as it pours over her knuckles like a spill of calligraphy ink. Her gaze flicks up to meet Yan Qing’s. Chaewon raises her knuckles, still painted with a pool of dark hair, to her lips. Only then does she let Yan Qing’s hair slip away from her fingers and reach for the other’s chin instead.
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     “You offer so much, then hide it away behind a compromise. Are you teasing me?” Chaewon smiles, sharp fangs glinting in the dazzling noon sunlight, “Bold. One of the many, many things I like about you.” The index finger at Yan Qing’s chin traces up to press lightly at her lower lip-- the same small patch of skin she had licked over, and the dokkaebi is overcome by envy so brutal and deep it flashes in amber eyes like a lick of fire. She’s distantly aware of the way her heart pounds against her ribs like a rabbit fleeing through tall stalks of grass. Though she feels no heat in her face, she wonders if she’s blushing. An elongated ear flicks against the side of her head. 
     Without warning, she leans in closer. Their breath mingles, and Chaewon inhales a little deeper, a little longer. She wonders briefly, do the departed need air, or has the ghost found reason to need to mimic the living? Something in the dokkaebi’s chest constricts. A sound like a growl but far too gentle to carry any intention of violence crawls up Chaewon’s throat. But there is hunger in it. Oh, is there hunger. 
     “Kiss wherever you like, with nothing between you and me. Leave a mark, if you wish. I’ll thank you. I’ll cherish it.” And she hasn’t answered the question, and perhaps she doesn’t intend too-- or maybe the answer is in the way she lingers, allowing Yan Qing to make the decision, but leaving her own mouth soft and pliable despite the razor edges tucked away within. Never like this. Never while everything in me trembles.
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moonlightmagus · 2 years
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“..You’re a spitfire today aren’t you. Did you drink a lot of coffee?” She’s just going to maybe try to ignore the potty talk. “...Well, I mean..” Yeah she can’t just ignore it. “If I had bad chili I probably wouldn’t want to tell someone I was running to explode a bathroom. But I’d definitely excuse myself.. Then again, probably should have just said. ‘Excuse me, I have to use the restroom.’ But he is a Pharaoh, so maybe things are different for them?” Sorry Ozy, she’s trying. @keiseiensei​ 
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ardenssolis · 2 years
@keiseiensei​ said (inbox):
' shushu, shushu~ ! ' she clutches at his shoulders and bounces up and down behind him, her head and her eyes playing peekaboo in the space of his taller crook. ' d'ya like ramen, shushu? what kind? na, we should go get some together! '  with him being the one to pay, of course.
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     ❝AM I GOING TO have to pay for this ramen?❞ He already knew the answer. This Assassin gave off the perpetual vibes of being a 'moocher', as people put it nowadays. ❝If we do go and get some, you will have to contribute.❞ Sure he could pay for the ramen with the same ease he could pay for an entire theme park, but that was not the point! The point of the matter was that if he did it once, then Yan Qing would keep coming to him wanting him to buy things for her!
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viijaya · 2 years
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bigdhashira · 2 years
@keiseiensei​ said: steals his money
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Steals his wife. @nulltune​
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nulltune · 1 year
' hakuno-chan ! you can't be with that guy because ... because ... ! '
' --- i had eyes for you first ! '
✨️ ‎𝓬𝓾𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓴𝓵𝔂 𝓮𝓯𝓯𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓼 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻 ! ‎✨️ ‎ ‎🌸 ‎𝓫𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓯𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝓭𝓮𝓬𝓸𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓬𝓸𝓻𝓷𝓮𝓻 𝓸𝓯 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓯𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓮 ! 🌸 ‎ ‎‎the entire scene seems to have magically lit up with an ethereal sort of glow... ‎like a spotlight focusing on the two women. ‎ they looked to be an image out of a shoujo manga beautiful painting like this, ‎an image deserving a full page illustration to be framed and admired at the most popular manga anthology esteemed museum. ‎from the two, ‎the maiden with the doll-like features parts her lips, ‎the name of the other uttered with soft vocals. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ “ ‎ ‎ yan qing... ‎ ‎ ”
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“ ‎ ‎...do you see these too ? ‎ ‎ what in the world is this... ‎ ‎”
completely destroying the mood, ‎hakuno paws at one of the floating rose images. ‎ ( her hand passes right through it, ‎and the dazzling image shatters... ) ‎( not to mention, ‎that impulsive action of hers was... ‎ seriously just like a little puppy bursting a bubble in its curiosity ! )
unprompted, ‎always accepting !! ‎ ‎@keiseiensei ‎♡
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unmeinoniwa · 2 years
@keiseiensei​​ || starter call. (selective.) 
     VERY rarely was the peace in the library disturbed thanks to the restrictions maintained by the divine authorities. Very few were given access to to this isolated space but when came the occasion, it was usually a lost soul granted permission into the archive for the night. It usually never led to any commotion that interrupted the silence but expectations were broken this time around when he heard the loud crash of books from the room next door. 
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      His crow familiar squawked in alert and quickly flew from his perch nearby to check on the sudden noise. Theodore, on the other hand had immediately dropped his pen to investigate the startling commotion and to his surprise, someone had knocked over a bookshelf ( presumably by accident ) and was now buried in a mountain of books. A manifestation of a soul or not, it was still very much possible to be suffocated under all those books ( he very much would rather not have someone die in the library ) ! 
     He quickly began to toss aside the books to save whoever was buried beneath the pile. “ A - are you alright ?! ”  
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