st4r-c0d3 · 2 years
kamibakuoji hcs bc a content creator that i like on tiktok made smth about it <33
figuring out the best way to sleep was a struggle
Ojirou needs to be on the edge bc of his tail, Bakugo doesnt like being in between people unless he's comfortable with them, and Kaminari moves a bit too much in his sleep for everyone to be comfortable with him in the middle
so to solve this? they slept in the most bizarre ways possible
sometimes Ojirou would sleep curled up in his tail near the foot of the bed
Kaminari would somehow fall asleep partially stuck between the bed and the wall
it was super awkward for Bakugo to wake up and find Kaminari hanging off the bed, Ojirou with his ass pretty much in the air bc hes laying on top of his tail, and the blanket literally no where to be seen
so final solution? speed run getting comfortable enough to sleep between them
it really didnt take that long
they went from falling off the bed almost every night to comfortable hushed whispers in the morning before starting their respective routines to get ready
out of the three, Kaminari is the one who will be too nervous to say smth if his order gets fucked
so cue Ojirou very calmly but assertively taking care of it with Bakugo glaring in the background
Ojirou has a slight obsession with fnf so he's never allowed to pick the music during study dates
their mutual comfort movie is The Cat in the Hat
holding hands at every single given opportunity? holding ands at every single given opportunity.
their relationship works so well bc they all love and care about each other while still keeping each other in check
Kami and Oji help Bakugo learn how to trust and rely on others a little more
Bakugo and Kaminari help Ojirou be a bit more outgoing and confident in himself
Ojirou and Bakugo help Kaminari be more productive
they have rapped the entirety of the Cuphead Rap by JT Music together on multiple occasions
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