#kamen rider da-paan
chaobreaker · 8 months
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From: Kamen Rider Geats Episode #03
Name: Kamen Rider Geats Zombie Form (lower half ver.)
Move: Zombie Strike (lower half ver.)
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innerpeacebarbarian · 10 months
Here shows Da-Paan with Nadge-Sparrow, the latter actually making an appearence as early as ep. 3.
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lordartsy · 9 months
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finally watching Geats now that it's over 🐂
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scoups4lyfe · 1 year
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Da-Paan was put last, which means he'll end up scoring last, in this essay I will--
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they actually labeled the zombies
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asknarashikari · 11 months
my cousin's first words upon seeing Da-Pan again... "did he bulk up?" and justifying their words by saying "not to simp or anything he looks like he bulked up from his appearance" lol
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Not that I still support JKR but I felt like this line best exemplifies what I feel at the moment
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new-haven-psych-ward · 11 months
Kamen Rider Geats episode 45 poorly summarized via memes with as little context as possible:
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so I checked KR Wiki's translation to Undead Fire... AND the song is directed at Keiwa. It's not Ace but at freaking Keiwa!
Yeah. Yeah it kinda is, isn't it?
Ace was a simple target for his projected hatred. Someone tangible for him to grab onto. Ace was there during that night Tooru died. Ace kept winning this game, and kept wishing for things that in Michinaga's eyes seemed frivolous. And Ace didn't even really try to quell his hatred, he seemed to have fun with poking at him (up until he didn't, but that's a different story).
If Ace seems like the best Kamen Rider there is, there was nothing in Michinaga's eyes that could redeem any of them, right? After all the best out of them spends his wishes on things like that...
And then Keiwa comes along. Stubbornly naive, naively stubborn and well-meaning. Puts himself in harms way to protect others, to give the other Riders an opening. Ready to put his own wish on the line, just to save people. And Michinaga... wavers a little. But it's not enough to change his mind, no. No, it's not. Because even after he returns, he has his naive wish more defined this time around, but so frustratingly naive, and how many times does he have to be tricked? By Ace, by Morio, Ace again, and even in the Musical Chair game he is once again willing to put himself in harms way, and at least seemingly trusts Ace again
Keiwa might have made him hesitate a bit, but it's not enough. Keiwa is one person (Neon is also there, but they interacted much less). Keiwa is one person between the selfish riders he had seen - Da-Paan, Morio, and Ace (well, obviously we know what's up with Ace, but I'm looking at his perspective), and who knows how many others. And he had been running on rage for multiple rounds, and he is blinded by it, unable to, refusing to back down.
And then obviously the Jyamato Buckle makes everything worse.
It's kind of a shame we didn't revisit this dynamic since then. But we have it now again. When Michinaga killed Keiwa, and the things he told him (can't go back now to quote, bear with me), and now when he was so clearly frustrated that Keiwa became a rider again and just. Refuses to stop. Refuses to quit. Refuses to forget.
Maybe it's a bit of projection too. Because he knows what it's like to cling to a desire this hard, and refusing to let go, refusing to quit, refusing to forget, refusing to die. Michinaga is a hot mess, but he is like. Okay if you won't quit on your own I will make you quit. Because he feels like wishing for everyone to come back from the dead is still hopelessly naive
....I forgot where I was going with this but I'm not deleting it, you sent this ask, you put up with my stream of consciousness.
Tl;dr: yes it is, and I'm very happy we are actually getting more KeiMichi interactions these days. ("G they are beating the shit out of each other again" Yes? And?)
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ryukochanart27 · 2 years
Kamen Rider Punkjack and Da-Paan I made for Halloween
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cross-zmagma · 2 years
So this was his wish? Interesting on its own.
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But then he just goes and says this:
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Which just implies that he had another wish that couldn't be granted from a previous run he won or it wasn't given in the way he wanted because it was imposible. Or the other possibility is that he had someone on the game previously who won and his wish wasn't granted during his run, he proceeded to tell Ace about the Game and his wish not being granted so he was gonna try again, then he got eliminated, Ace got selected got his memories of what happened and what that person told him about his wish, which leads to him doing the following:
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He's testing the game to know what are the limits of the alterations of the wish, to get his actual wish granted or the wish of the person he knows granted.
This right here is Kamen Rider Geats at it's core, a game to remake the world.
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And I hope to see all of the contestants win at some point, that would force so much character development.
Being honest it's quite probable that we'll only see a bunch of people win, I predict:
-Geats (Who Knows how many times he might win).
-Buffa (Once or Twice, at least).
-Da-Paan (I Predict Once too, because he seems like he is evil for now so I think he's wish is going to be some wholesome world where everything is back to previous what turned him into this evil dude but the problem will be that he's not the same person he used to be, everything may be back to the past but he's not the same he was back then, if not this then he's probably gonna have a horrible wish that he's gonna regret or that's gonna be needed to be deleted by another wish).
-NaGo (To make her grow as a Character).
-Tycoon (I predict twice, one to revive the Death Riders, and one to get World Peace, to make him grow as a character in that peaceful world, because I don't think that world's gonna be that good honestly).
-Some future character's gonna win, be it a future evil rider or the future final Bad Guy. And it's gonna be the wish that's gonna be needed to take back by the other players.
Also, I predict that at some point, Ace might be deleted from existence by someone's wish be it Buffa or DaPaan, or someone else and they're gonna regret it or the wish gonna be fixed by either Tycoon or NaGo, it just feels like a Rider Storyline.
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toku-explained · 11 months
Apocalypse Game End
Blazar: Yasonobu briefs Emi and Anri on Earth Garon's capabilities, noting that the development team are staying on to handle maintenance, but all the SKaRD members need to learn to pilot it. Gento and Teruaki discuss liquid teaterium tanks across the world emptying, and will be preparing to investigate as training begins. Gento decides himself and Teruaki will command Earth Garon from the cockpit, Yasunobu and Anri will rotate pilot duty in shifts, and Emi and the others will support from MO or CP. Gento recalls an experience where he was leading evacuations and saw a figure in light who he tried to help, he looks at the Blazar Stone again, and puts his wedding ring on. Based on Emi's research on Teaterium and the Kaiju growing, they plan to destroy it at sea, before it can absorb more and induce fusion, and soon Taganrular is attacking, and GGF efforts could cause the explosion, Gento orders Earth Garon deployed, going alongside Anri, and having to persuade GGF to not interfere. Mod battle Earth Garon is disabled, and Gento goes to trigger a manual reboot, but things get bad, when the Blazar Brace reappears, Gento realising Blazar is offering Blazar is offering to lend it's power. Blazar, with a little assistance from Earth Garon's TLV, manages to hold Tarangular's head so a superheated beam disperses into space, before destroying it in a much smaller explosion than might have happened otherwise. The team resolve together to continue improving.
Geats: Beroba tracks down Sumida, offering a chance to bring despair to the world. Team Geats now plan to gather allies to make Ace's wish a reality. And Jitto brings a group who seeks to bring a Bad End into this world. Neon and Irumi enjoy a shopping trip together, when Sumida approaches, equipped with a Magnum Buckle, Da-Paan prepares to bring despair. Jitto's VIP support him, sending a Water and Beat Buckle, he uses Beat effectively, eventually shooting Irumi in the shoulder while Na-Go is on top of him. When Kekera and Beroba present Sumida to him, Keiwa argues they're nothing alike, despite how much Keiwa has allowed Sara's death to change him. Jitto challenges them to the Apocalypse Game Final the next day and and seeking to save Keiwa, Ace, Neon and Michinaga go to Daichi and force him to take them to the Tree of Knowledge. It is just a regular tree now, but Ace believes the experience of the suffering he has inflicted means Daichi now knows the only thing he can do is atone. Win spies on Jitto, finding where he keeps Tsumuri. Ace goes to meet Keiwa in battle, noting the audience rooting for him. When Ace points out a world built on sacrificing others won't make him happy Keiwa agrees, but he only cares about his family now. The battle starts, Geats-IX versus Black Shogun Tycoon. Two mystery audience members are Melo and Kamen Rider Cross Geats, who matches Geats-IX with inverted colour, and believe they already know how this world ends. Audience members sends Tycoon gifts, Kekera sending a Monster Buckle Tycoon uses, swapping out the Black General half. Jitto causes Tsumuri to cry, and crystallises the tear, then is going to take her to watch the end, Win interferes, holding Jitto off at the cost of a beating, allowing Tsumuri to flee. Tycoon swaps out for a Boost Buckle, and wins, though even he knows Ace stopped fighting, because he knows he can't change Keiwa's mind by force, and encourages him to have faith in a better world. Tsumuri arrives and swears their wish can come true together. Keiwa, needing proof, takes his sword, and Tsumuri runs forward, and all 3 resonate, when the light fades Tsumuri is back to normal, and Ace has partially ascended to godhood, and triggers the rebirth of the world, Mela and Cross Geats glad there is a little more fun to be had.
Kingohger: Gira is unsure about actually claiming the throne, and Jeramie suggests he do what Shugoddom's first king, Ryneol Hastie, did to settle the conflict between the kings over who would rule Tikyu, challenge each to their specialty, with a stipulation of fulfilling any demand if he lost. While Gira does so, and loses to each, while Douga applies for positions in each kingdom, and is rejected by each retainer, although he rejects himself from Gokkan. He returns to Shugoddom, and Gira agrees to take him on, appreciating the insight he can give. The king's orders are all pretty unreasonable, but Gira soon has to focus on an invasion lead by Daigorg, protecting what's important, the people.
Outsiders: Ark communicates with Horobi, suggesting he is looking at the wrong enemy, revealing Foundation X and others efforts to create Outsiders to defeat Zein, Horobi rejects the opposition to Zein and says his side will soon make its move. Saiba Nico is leaving Genm Corp when she is confronted by Blue Bird soldiers, then greeted by George Karizaki, he presents her the Zein Driver, which she needs to install Kamen Rider Chronicle on, then take to a certain man. Rando Joseph and Ecole take note of Zein's allies, and take advantage of the revival of Kamen Rider Chronicle to use a special Bugvisor to revive two more Kamen Riders via Humagear bodies, Banno Tenjuro awakens first, now as Bronze Drive. Nico arrives at the the Humanity Foundation Research Lab, where she is to meet BOARD President Tachibana Sakuya, who is looking over data in Rider Cards as she arrives. These Zein Cards use data freely given by the Riders, allowing Zein to use the power of all Riders. Horobi tells Ark that Hiden Aruto was the first, all the Kamen Riders who oppose evil are helping with Zein. Bronze Drive ambushes Horobi, revealing that like Kutoto he had made contact with Ark while lost on the net, and chooses to defend Ark, fighting Horobi. As Nico learns of this, the one who will be using the Zein Driver arrives at BOARD. Bronze Drive raves about how his own creations rebelled, while Ecole is frustrated the other revived, due to his fear of Banno, is cowering rather than watching. Bronze Drive overpowers Horobi and steals the Kaban Arrow to finish him, but suddenly freezes, as Kamen Rider Zein arrives on the scene. Running the Hyper Muteki Ex-Aid card through the shredder on the Driver allows Zein to use the Hyper Critical Sparking to overpower Bronze Drive. The villain begs to serve Zein, who merely uses the Xross Saber card to destroy the villain with the power to 10 Seiken. Removing the Zein Driver, the man who will serve as Zein's avatar is revealed as the former Kamen Rider Zeronos, Sakurai Yuto.
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pandaluver · 11 months
Got bored and I can’t watch the latest ep yet so….Just gonna describe how I would’ve done the Desire Royal…
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Ukiyo Ace/ Kamen Rider Geats
Sakurai Keiwa/ Kamen Rider Tycoon
Kurama Neon/ Kamen Rider Nago
Azuma Michinaga/ Kamen Rider Buffa
Sakurai Sara/ Kamen Rider Hakubi
Isuzu Daichi/ Kamen Rider Nadge-Sparrow
Koganeya Morio/ Kamen Rider Mary
Sumida Kanoto/ Kamen Rider Da-Paan
Tanba Ittetsu/ Kamen Rider Keilow
Hareruya Win/ Kamen Rider Punkjack
Ganaha Sae/ Kamen Rider Lopo
Todoroki Kaima/ Kamen Rider Seeker
Amamiya Hiroki/ Kamen Rider Butchi
Girori/ Kamen Rider Glare (I’ll explain…)
The Two Riders who got Toru killed
Bunch of random background Riders
Jyamato Extermination Game: In Teams, Riders are to exterminate the remaining Jyamato in the Jyamar Garden.
ID Collecting Game: Collect all the remaining ID Cores in the Jyamar Garden.
Rider Royale: A Rider Free for All, last Rider standing wins. Either kill another rider or steal their ID core to eliminate them.
Team Superstar: Geats, Seeker, Lopo, & Punkjack.
Team Dominate: Buffa, Glare, Butchi, & one of the Riders who got Toru killed
Team Savior: Tycoon, Nago, Habuki, & Keilow
Team Vice: Nadge-Sparrow, Da-Paan, Mary, & the other rider who got Toru killed
Mary: Betrayed and eliminated by Da-Paan in the second Game
Da-Paan: ID Core taken by Nago
Keilow: Eliminated by Nadge-Sparrow
Riders who got Toru killed: Both Slaughtered by Buffa
Butchi: Hacked by Glare & used as a suicide bomb against Punkjack
Lopo: ID Core destroyed by Da-Paan
Glare: Eliminated by Geats, Punkjack, & Seeker
Seeker: ID Core destroyed by Tycoon
Habuki: Eliminated by Buffa
Nadge Sparrow: ID Core destroyed by Tycoon
Punkjack: ID Core taken by Tycoon
Nago: ID Core destroyed by Buffa
Buffa: ID Core partially destroyed by Tycoon
Tycoon: Lasted until the Grand End started
Geats: Lasted until the Grand End started
Glare: After it was proven that he was right about needing to get rid of Ace for the sake of the DGP, Seul entered Girori in the Desire Royale. When in the game, Glare set his sights on Geats & Punkjack but was eventually eliminated.
Habuki Elimination: Sara is accidentally killed by Buffa, who only meant to knock her out of her form to destroy her ID Core but wasn’t aware that Kekera set Sara’s Rider gear to be significantly weaker than the others for her death to drive Keiwa into darkness.
Tycoon: After witnessing Sara’s death, Keiwa puts his all into winning for the sake of reviving her and begs Kekera to give him an edge over the others. Kekera then has the Bujin Sword Buckle made by the Goddess of Creation.
Tycoon Rampage: After gaining Bujin Sword, Keiwa uses his new form to destroy Seeker & Nadge-Sparrow’s ID Cores. He also stole Punkjack’s.
After finally crossing paths with Buffa, using his speed of Bujin Sword, Keiwa destroyed Buffa’s Invincibility Granting Fever Buckle and partially destroyed his ID Core. The Grand End started before Keiwa could finish him off.
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telite555 · 11 months
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tsuki-sennin · 11 months
Episode 44! Na-Go gets her final form, apparently!
It's so bizarre to me to see a female Rider penned by Takahashi of all people get so much love, considering how underutilized Poppy and especially Valkyrie were, but I admit I've been very pleasantly surprised by how much I loved Neon all throughout this season. ...I'm a little conflicted on the design, but
Oh, and uh... Spoilers, I guess...
-The phrase "be careful what you wish for" comes to mind.
-I just realized that Gya-Go's helmet is retooled from Seeker's. ...I feel a little sad knowing that, I really wish he got the chance to come into the main series for a bit the way Falchion did. I can see him being something of an inverse of how Bacht was in Saber. Er uh, Bahato. Sorry, I'm not a big fan of that romanization.
-It took you far too long to acknowledge that fact, Old Man Kousei.
-Now that's just gutwrenching.
-Whoa, claw!
-Good job, Kasahara-san. You've still got it.
-Fuck, man...
-For personal reasons I have no real desire to weigh in on the discussion on how this whole arc surrounding Neon and her family was handled, but...
-Man, Kousei. You've got a long road ahead of you before you can even try to make amends. Not just with Neon, but everyone who ever played this game.
-Oh, never mind that, the Fox Man is here!
-Oh what do you know about this world, Kekera?
-Hello, Michinaga. ...yeah, I'm calling you by your name again.
-I have to wonder, did Tohru resurrect in all the chaos?
-All we can do is play Beroba and Jitto's game better than them.
-Ohhhhh, I see. Powered with belief, like any good god.
-...I wonder if the Invess have their own religion surrounding Mai and Kouta?
-No shit they'd kidnap Neon, Keiwa!
-You heard her constantly torturing Neon, man!
-I like how it's ambiguous that Keiwa
-Michinaga, whaddup man?
-The cow man has beef.
-Playing the DGP's game.
-Goddamn, whipping out the special first thing!
-Not even the Shogun's men stick around when he's off to war.
-God, I still can't get over how the Bujin is just a Real-Ass Goddamn Sword.
-Do you believe in Ace Ukiyo?
-Going foxhunting.
-"Then why do you still look so miserable?" :(
-All it took for the Shogun to rule was a few terrible lies and one terrible miscalculation.
-Hello, Irumi.
-You've also got a bajillion things to make up for.
-Gya-Go's core...
-"Give that back to the fox man, Neon."
-Wish granted?
-Oh, hi Beroba.
-"I have a job to do. It's my responsibility."
-Honey, I sincerely doubt you bought that gun of yours.
-Neon Kurama. Kamen Rider Na-Go!
-Welcome back to the game.
-Ohhhhh, that's good.
-Holy shit, she's a wizard.
-Oooooh, right where it hurts!
-Oh man, this is super disorienting.
-Goddamn, that's a finisher.
-Premium L.
-Off she goes.
-"How's that despair treating you?"
-It's only right that Michinaga get in on this too.
-That's seven years bad luck right there, Beroba.
-Thanks, Jesus~!
-"Beroba's dead, man."
-...well, that's exactly how Keiwa's Inner Demon looked in Movie Battle Royale. ...think I'm gonna keep calling him the Shogun for a while. All the power and
-Damn, I guess PunkJack's not transforming again until the new movie.
-Oh hello.
-You're Mela, the villain of the movie. Cross Geats, I believe your form is called.
-Somehow we always knew it'd come to this. And yet we
-That was quite exciting, wasn't it?
-Man... I'm not prepared for next episode.
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luckykittenpirate · 1 year
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Geats Extra Kamen Rider Da•Paan
@takkynoko @jenndubya @modrew71 @himitsusentaiblog @mikifujimoto @vibrantpuppeteer @angelic-fragments @tokutaliaa @renkon @mrdinomaiz @pkmurasaki @firecraker-j @submissiveking99 @kurenaiwataru @washipink @ineedsomesleeptoday @kaikaifilu7248 @askrikkaiandhyotei @jmcdra @natekleh @thathyenaslookingbreezy @kanacaecilius @i-am-randomtrash00 @gensoteki @bluespectrum91 @sonohtigris @super-saiyan-rose @tvnihonsubs
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asknarashikari · 1 year
sooo apparently https://twitter.com/_Captain_Duck/status/1651195977095843843 Sara does become a Rider... not the one with the brown helmet in the preview...
IDK what to think...
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Kamen Rider Hakubi, huh? From my attempts to translate the scan, it's based on a palm civet.
The wiki says the helmet is a retool of Merry/Letter's, which sounds right- they just switched out the horns for ears that somewhat resembles Tycoon's.
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While I can't say I'm sure it's Sara or not underneath the suit (though it definitely looks like a woman to me), the fact that it's a yet another retool doesn't bode well imo.
Literally any Rider whose suit is a retool doesn't last long in the show. Shirowe/Da-Paan/Punkjack, Merry/Letter, Ginpen/Keillow/Nadge-Sparrow... all of them got kicked out before the semi-final round of the DGP, or died.
(Which is why I'm also nervous for Neon's bodyguards, their suits are almost certainly going to be retools)
That said, in my opinion if they're going to debut a new Rider who wouldn't just be cannon fodder or a one-off, they're more likely going to go out of their way to make a new helmet, a la Lopo- who was the only DGP Rider introduced after the original four to have a brand-new helmet. And I don't think they're gonna make Sara cannon fodder or a one-off Rider...
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tienlam2310dieu · 1 year
Sumida Kanato (Kamen Rider Da-Paan)
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