lijau · 6 years
Hi there I've been reading up on your Ily scene, and my story is close to this lol, now me and my husband have been married for 8 years now, and we started off seeing each other like brother and sister cause we grew up together. So people's excuse for them being family is null and void imo
Exactly! People change! Relationships and feelings change!
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marco-fushicho · 6 years
kaguyaice replied to your post: Me: *hears Marco’s English voice* Omg it actually...
Yesh! The 4 kids version of ace it’s Roy mustang from full metal alchamists, doesn’t suit him at all lol
{ It really doesn’t. It sounded like the guy who was Atem’s  - from Yugioh  - VA. Though I actually have no idea who that is xD This is why I just stick to the JPN version }
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littlecofiegirl · 7 years
The body guard au, why does keith's ears look like (at least to me) butterfly wings , or feathers
Because I drew it that way? It’s suppose to be furr. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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lordzuuko · 7 years
What about the kids seeing their dad's bedheads for the first time In the mornings? Family au ftw!
Okay so we already know how Daddy Shiro looks like with a bedhead lmao
[The Voltron Family] The first time the kids saw their daddies bedheads was the first time Hunk woke up early to pee and decided he was already hungry at 6 in the morning. Like any logical 6 year old, he went to the master bedroom. He looked at the bed and was surprised.
Those were not his new daddies—at all. 
Panicked at the sight he saw, he held onto his hands anxiously and went to Lance’s room to wake him up to let him know of their current predicament which was: MISSING DADDIES REPLACED BY UNKNOWN MEN.
Hunk: Lance! Lance! Wake up! *shakes Lance*Lance: *stirs in bed* *opens eyes* What?Hunk: Daddy Shiro and Daddy Keith are missing! *whisper shouts*Lance: *squints suspiciously* You’re lying. They’re in their room.Hunk: I’m not!!! *panics* They’re not in their room. But there are weird people on their bed. Burglars.Lance: *sits up quickly* *eyes widens* Have they been daddynapped?!  Hunk: I think so too. C’mon. We need to find them.Lance: *nods* *gets out of bed* We need to do something about the bad people first. *looks around and takes a stuffed toy*Hunk: What are you doing with with a stuffed bunny?Lance: I don’t see yourself preparing to go to war, Hunk. *snarky*
The two kids silently made their way towards the master bedroom, tip-toeing, feeling like ninjas. Lance claimed he was Naruto and Hunk was Sakura (”Why am I Sakura?!” “Because you can’t be bad like Sasuke!”)
As soon as they entered the room, they stared at the unknown men probably burglars sleeping in their daddies’ bed. One man stirred and draped their hand over the other one to snuggle even more.
Hunk: *tilts head* They are quite cute to be bad people, Lance.Lance: *readies his bunny* That’s what they’d like you think, Hunk! Okay, whenever you’re ready—Hunk: What exactly are we going to do? I don’t have anything with me. *looks at himself* *empty handed*Lance: *looks around* *takes a book from the headboard* Here.Hunk: *soft gasp* You want me to use this on them?!Lance: *nods* Yeah. They daddynapped our daddies and replaced them. Thinking they could fool us. Ha. Too bad we’re smart kids. Now c’mon. 
They slowly tip-toed towards the bed, their chosen weapons ready, when suddenly they heard something.
Pidge: DADDY SHIROOOOO!!!!!!! 
Hunk and Lance stopped in their tracks and turned towards Pidge who was standing by the door, rubbing her eyes looking like she just cried. 
Shiro: *instantly sits up* *sleepy eyes* *looks at Pidge* Sweetheart?Lance and Hunk: *shocked* DADDY SHIRO?Shiro: *turns to the boys* Hunk? Lance? Keith: *sits up slowly* *rubs his eyes* What is going on? *looks at Hunk and Lance* What are you doing?Pidge: *waddles her way to the bed* Daddy Shiro.Shiro: *picks her up and hugs her* There, there, baby girl. Daddy’s here. 
It took a while for the whole thing to settle in until Lance broke the weird atmosphere with a boisterous laugh.
Lance: Oh my gosh! HAHHAHAHA Daddy Shiro! Your hair! *points* Daddy Keith’s hair is even worse!!Keith: Rude child. *tries to fix his hair*Lance: *continues laughing* Hunk thought you were burglars!!Shiro and Keith: Burglars? Hunk: *embarrassed* I didn’t recognized you with your bed hair. Keith: *smiles fondly* I see. *turns to Shiro* IF SOMEONE DIDN’T PLAY WITH MY HAIR LAST NIGHT AND GOT RID OF MY PONYTAIL—Shiro: *guilty* Hey, hey! Don’t blame me for loving your hair.Keith: *rolls eyes* How you loving my bed head now? *grumbles*Shiro: *smiles sickeningly sweet* I think you’re still gorgeous, Keith.Keith: Liar. Says the Roman god who looks good with his bedhead. 
Hunk and Lance just laughed as they joined the three of them in bed. Hunk decided he needed to fix his Daddy Keith’s hair—or at least tried to tame it. Lance, however, really loved how funny Daddy Shiro’s hair looked like. 
Lance: You’re like new people with your bed hair. *laughs*Keith: No ice cream for you later, Lance.Lance: DADDY KEITH!!! *shocked*
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itdans · 7 years
Ellos there! Hope you have a wonderful birthday tomorrow!
EEK! Thank you so much! :’D 
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sheithmonth · 7 years
Can we choose what days we do, or do we have to do the whole month?
You are definitely free to choose! (In fact I am thinking that that is what most people will end up doing because doing every single day could be exhausting.) But yeah, you can do every day, every other, once a week, just one of the weeks, or even just one day… anything you want. Absolutely no minimum requirements or limits :)
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namekianslegends · 7 years
@kaguyaice continued He didn't hesitated to point at the animal and fire a shot at it. The beam of line spurred forth and exploded where it connected.
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shifter-zarina-blog · 7 years
-smol fox is looking up at the baby in zari's arms-
“Hi Kaguya. Come and have a look at the newest member of our family.” She smiled softly, eyes shining with happiness.
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Lost Bird; Found
@kaguyaice "Ah'll stay right here if 'at happens. Ah'm me 'nough ta not take flight yoi." He grumbled.
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team-vtron · 7 years
I don’t have xkit so here’s the poor man’s way to reply
@unfortunatefruitcartguy dude did you eat funnel cakes???! I wish there was a fair in my town aaaaa
@yueh-chan oh for a convention? Are you cosplaying??
@kags-kun fuck I feel you x100 on that
@scifikimmi lmao boy I feel that
@sailordemi-god Omg what color?!
@tiredpidge your url is relatable
@kaguyaice im ok but I’m extra anxious about like 9 things right now and I think the depression is my body’s way of killing the anxiety which is good and bad ??? Feel everything or nothing there is no in between I guess lol
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littlecofiegirl · 7 years
I didn't mean to sound rude if I did. I just wanted to know cause I thought it was cute that he kinda had fluffy looking butterfly ears
It’s fine!! I just had this question 2 times already and I really just drew him like that at first and just stick to it. I m sorry if I was rude to you... but  really... i just drew it that way and it gut stuck. I know it looks like feathers but  *shrug* I can’t really do/say anything else about it!! It... just ended up looking like that.  Cos ... it did. >>;;;;;;;     There is no reason. Artistic freedom? Happy accident? Cofie can’t draw? One or the other. 
It really just a question that has no real answer to it. 
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lordzuuko · 7 years
Your 67 years young then, since your keith :3 lol cute handsome keith, that likes to draw and write small fics for his au's
I’M 67 AND BEAUTIFUL. JUST LOOK AT THAT. HAHAHAHAHAH! It’s like I’m writing my own fanfiction for my undying love for Shiro with me :))))))))
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trans-boy-sasuke · 7 years
ah, thank you! was tagged by @keythkogane
Name: Matthew
Nickname: Matty, Matt
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: 5′4″
Orientation: Eh, somewhere in the pan/bi spectrum I don’t really label myself tbh I just like who I like
Favourite Fruit: Plums
Favourite Season: Probably spring or fall but mostly I prefer warmer weather cause I get cold way too easy
Favourite Book Series: Hmmm maybe the Shiver series??? I kind of like Vladimir Tod as well also pjo/hoo/Rick Riordan stuff
Favourite Flower: I really like water lilies if I really had to choose
Favourite Colour: Black and sometimes purple
Favourite Animal: It’s a hard decision... cause I like all felines, all canines, all rodents, and all mustelids... I can’t really choose...
Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: Coffee
Average Hours of sleep: Eh that really depends tbh I don’t get more then ten and I don’t get less then three
Cat or Dog: Again, really hard, I can’t choose...
Favourite Fictional Character: Keith all the way if I have to choose one
Number of Blankets: Usually two unless it’s colder then three or four and maybe some pillows staked on top of me
Dream Trip: Japan really
Blog Created: This one probably a few months??? But otherwise, before the accidental death of my original, I’ve been on tumblr five or so years
Number of Followers: I got a couple haha
I’m tagging @trapperweasel @buckyflowercrown @mysterywriter36 @kaguyaice @swamphurt y’all ain’t gotta do this if you don’t want though haha
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To much work
It was late at night. It had to be almost one in the morning. Yet typing could still be heard coming from the room on the far side of the house. A soft sigh was heard among the typing. However that came from much closer. A small woman who was bunched up in the bed set up. “He said he wouldn’t be long.” She mumbled to herself, irritation clear in her voice. She set there for a moment, not sure what to do. It was a cold night and the bed was warm. It still held the soft scent of men’s aftershave that her husband wore, and it was Oh so inviting to fall back asleep. But she stood, the floor was cold and hard against her feet as she stood there for a moment bracing herself against the cold. One of her husbands shirts was hung over the bed post. She took it and wrapped it around herself. It was almost three sizes to larger but somehow felt so soft and comfortable. She couldn’t help the soft smile that crept across her lips.
Slowly she started her way across the hallway to the source of the noise. Each step sounded loud to her and the cold that came with it made her feel as if she were walking through a forest in the dead of night. Of course she knew this was simply her tired might playing tricks on her, but still it caused her step to quicken. Soon she approached the room where the noise could be heard. Softly and quietly, as if to not startle what was inside, she pushed the already ajar door the rest of the way open. There set at an old wooden desk, her husband. He was so burried in his work that he hadn’t heard her open the door. A rare feet, as he was one who was hard to sneak up on. She smiled as she walked over to him and draped her arms around his shoulders. “Bit late to be up love.” He deep voice stated calmly in that soft tone that made her skin prickle just to hear. “You’re the one who woke me up you know!” Was the only real response she had. Though what had woke her up was that it suddenly got colder and she had missed his extra work. A soft chuckle escaped his thin lips in response to her words. “Sorry love, but I needed to finish this report before five.” The words came out in more of a sigh then a sentence. But she knew what he meant. “I’m almost done, I swear.” Marco stated. Before any protesting could be down however, Marco had his arm around her waist and her in his lap, facing him. “Sit tight and then we’ll go back to sleep.” He said with a smirk. Which was a good indication that sleep wasn’t what his plans were once he had finished his work. “If you think you stand a chance of getting lucky after making me sleep alone for most of the night then you can stay up by yourself.” She huffed in return. This, only made the smirk grow as he softly squeezed her ass. She let out a quick sqeack in return. “You sure?” He teased. He then went back to his work as if nothing had happened. She knew his games to well. Or more so, he knew her to well. That was all it took for her to get more then alittle hot and bothered, and the fact she was still draped in his shirt and just her panties wasn’t going to help. She burried her face into his chest tp hide the rather obvious blush that was now painting her cheeks. She could feel the chuckle that filled his chest as he knew he had won. She set there, excepting her fate as continued typing. Soon her eyes started to grow heavy as his warmth inveloped her. Before long she was fast asleep in his lap as he worked the night away.
The delicious smell of food filled her nose as she stirred from her sleep. It took awhile for the young lady to wake but finally the warmth of the sun hitting her face brought her back to the waking world. She sat up, rubbing her eyes as she realized she was back in their shared bed. She was still wrapped in Marco’s shirt and there was an extra blanket laid across her. Smiled she realized Marco must have carried her to bed after she had fallen asleep. With a soft giggle she jumped out of bed and made her way to the kitchen where Marco stood cooking away. “Bout time you woke up sleeping Beauty.” He teased as he set the hot food down on to plates. He somehow had the best timing. “Well someone had to keep me up all night.” The giggle that followed took and harshness out of her words. He answered with a soft smile. “Well why don’t we eat before we continued where we left off last night?” He winked. He had the look he got when it was going to be a very long day.
@stardustgalaxy @penciladdictontheweb @shiapolux @shifter-zarina @
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shifter-zarina-blog · 7 years
How hot am I zari-chan!
hey lets play how hot is that character
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
“I love your fluffiness and grace.”
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