whatstheanswe rtothatnotreadyforit justsayingthough justwonderingabouttha
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kindafitcass · 6 years
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We all make excuses as to why we "can't" workout. For example, I'm lucky enough to have a gym in my basement. Said basement is also about 50 degrees on any given day. Now I could totally say "it's way too cold to head down there today.. Maybe it'll be warmer tomorrow." But I choose to look at this obstacle and think up a solution. I bundle up and put my space heater on until I'm warmed up from beasting through my workout! . . We all make decisions every single day that can change our lives. Why not make the decision to take 30-60min for yourself to better your physical and mental health? You have 23 other hours left in the day to get to your to do list. . . #justsayingthough #journeynotadestination #babystepsarestillprogress #setyourmindtoitanddoit #kindafit #thekindafitchicktribe #basementgymlife #mycoldrednose
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mwanawapavarivoga1 · 4 years
You see a man or woman cheating on their patners and sometimes always wonder why?,But then realize this ."When God created Adam to be the guardian of Eden,He also formed a woman out of Adam's rib.",you hear that?,A WOMAN FROM ADAM'S RIB not two not three or #sidewoman or #sidechick.If God wanted you to have #SideChicks #Prostitutes #SugarDaddies #SugarMamas #ToyBoys #TimePushers #OtherMen #OtherWoman He would have created them all for Adam & Eve just like that.So I gatta ask "Why are you so busy trying to be all of the #Above to someone when you were created uniquely?,Why you want to be nothing when you are something special to that someone waiting for you?".
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wlun · 7 years
Feeling sick and moody
Why do I feel like I am gonna fall sick. Why do I feel like I am going to faint anytime Why do I feel like my whole body temperature is like I am on fire Why do I feel like I have no mood for anything Why do I feel like maybe only alcohol and beer can save me from falling sick. Justsayingthough
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iixviiimmxi-blog · 9 years
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If you don't like shit being done to you then don't do it to others! #JustSayingThough 💁
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paradise-extended · 10 years
Honestly ..
I don't think I would ever date anyone younger than me; only older. But you never really know. I could fall for anyone.💙
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cantimaginethat · 10 years
Lots of people are shipping Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans & Edward Kenway..... I mean, who doesn't love tall blondes, right?
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kaizze-blog · 11 years
" today im celebrating the 1st month since my heart was broken officially, ok! using the term "officially" cause i think before vday p malabo na, so yah, whatever!, and though im ok, sometimes lng tlga lalo n pg tlgang ur so blank n at wla k tlga gngwa, u tend to bring back memories and u often wonder if how is he doing or if ever even the slightest percentage that he might be thinking about you, or even itching in the smallest particle to grab his phone and text me, but then again... the whole day will pass and ull think, you really are just wondering... but in conclusion, really, im ok. :) "
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e-k-y · 12 years
On another note- Never will I ever attempt to get in between a relationship or two people that I know are "talking". I know how much that shit hurts. I don't even know how people can willingly home-wreck a relationship, that's shady AF. 
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