#just remember that crona makes me sad and that's all you need to know
something about the fact that the only two people who were able to become a Kishin being . . . so similar is getting to me tonight.
surface level, both Asura and Crona were a combination of meister and weapon. Asura ate his weapon, Crona's blood was the weapon; they share a body, but not a soul. it feels like this almost has to be part of the requirement to become a Kishin. becoming one with a weapon seems to forfeit a shred of humanity or control or sanity or something that makes it so they can go beyond what should be morality. you cannot be wholly yourself because you are sharing yourself with something that is distinctly not you.
this also makes me sad about Crona (though when am i not sad about Crona) because this means that there was never a choice for them in the first place. say Medusa gave them the black blood, nothing went as planned, and she abandoned them or something. Crona still would have that set up to become a Kishin, and they would be unable to get rid of it. they would forever be one step closer than everyone else to becoming like Asura.
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wiltingpierrot · 5 years
“No Peeking!” [Crona!Spinel AU]
So some of you actually wanted to read the writing I cut out from an ask and it really makes me happy that you do. But instead of posting what I cut out as is, I decided to lengthen it some more. It’s 1,800+ words long already but I feel I have to create a rift in between. This one is 1,600+ words long.
I am by no means a fanfic writer, and this is my first time writing something like this. So my er... style might be unsavory to some. This might feel rushed and you may find some mistakes here or there. Again, I’m not a literary type of artist.
Anyways, I wrote this while listening to Salve Maria from the Soul Eater OST on loop and I thought some background music helps.
Here’s a youtube link.
You’re in a dark room with no light present at all. You’re counting from one to a bajillion and you’re not sure where it ends. You keep losing count and have to start over again each time. “No peeking, we’re playing hide-and-seek,” she said.
“But Pink, that’s like a huuuuuuuge number! What if I lose count?”
“Oh silly Spinel, just start over.”
She closed the door in front of you.
You don’t know how much time has passed. The complete darkness has been hurting your eyes for so long, you can’t tell if they’re open or closed anymore. How’s the garden? At least there you have plant life to tend to.
You are so lonely, so very lonely. You only wanted someone to talk to. But you’re playing a game with your diamond. You have to follow the rules. Otherwise she’ll...
Your gem is starting to hurt. You’re starting to feel painful sensations, emotions. These emotions are not fun at all. You’re supposed to be happy that you’re playing a game with your Diamond. You wish, you really wish you could throw these feelings someplace else. You just don’t want to feel them right now.
Darn it! You lost count again. So you start over. Stupid sad feelings.
  You keep seeing her face in the black void, her annoyed face looking down at you. You keep seeing variations of these faces, even ones you never saw her make. You’re desperate to override them with happier memories of her. But each time you force yourself to conjure up her beautiful smiling face in your head, another frowning Diamond appears over it.
You frown as well.
 You’re starting to doubt your playmate. You’re starting to doubt yourself. You’re starting to hate yourself for how stupid and naive you are to believe you can actually count to an indefinite number before you can seek for your playmate. She doesn’t want you. She wants to get rid of you. You saw it on her face, how sick she was of you. That’s why she made you do this. She even locked you up in here. 
That can’t be right. These thoughts can’t be right. She said she’d be hiding somewhere and all you gotta do is count and then find her. And it’ll be the greatest hide-and-seek round in all of history. You wish you have a place to just dump all these thoughts when you don’t need them. You definitely don’t need them.
There’s only silence. There’s only darkness. You continue counting, reaching the 8th digit for the umpteenth time.
  You stretched your arm to have your hand feel around the walls, the ceiling, and the floors for the scratch marks you made. You really don’t want to lose count again. You wished you marked the first few hundred thousand a little smaller.
It really hurts your fingers. The fabric around the fingertips of your rubber gloves has been torn off from all the scratching. Well, it’s hard to scratch anything if your nails are covered in rubber anyways.
You just want to be done with counting so you can go out and find her. How much more should you count?
You lost all space eventually, and so is the hope you are ever getting out of here. You stopped counting. The silence only worsens the buzzing noise blasting in your ears. Your hands reached for your face, clutching the skin surrounding your eyes. They reached for your hair next and started tugging and pulling. Your face feels wet; something is flowing out of the corners of your eyes and onto the roughly scratched floor.
Stupid, stupid, stupid!
“Stupid!” Your eyes widen just as you felt a sharp blow to the back of your head and fell flat on the floor. It didn’t stop there. What felt like a pair of fists continued pummeling at you. “Stupid, stupid, STUPID, MORON!” Each word punctuated at each punch. It hurts. “IDIOT, STUPID HEAD, what a FUCKING DUMBASS!”
It hurts, it hurts, IT HURTS. You beg for it to stop. Your hands desperately try to stop whatever is behind you, but you felt nothing. Finding the strength to turn around, you’re ready to face the meanie and- it stopped.
It’s silent again. No one’s here but you. You wondered if you’re just imagining things, but the damage dealt to you felt very real. It still hurts. The words the voice said skewered even deeper into your gem.
You fall to the ground, your back lay flat on the rough floor with arms resting lazily at your sides. Strangely, your arms feel tired and your knuckles are sore. You’re just… so very tired.
  You pondered about the voice you heard in the silence. She… she? She sounds like you. But it’s all rough and gruff, and the echoes they carry are pitched a tad lower. It growls and roars and screams in ways that sounds feral and monstrous. You’re scared. What if she comes back and hurts you more somehow?
  It happened again. And again, and again. You always end up a pained, crying, and quivering mess afterwards. She kept saying mean things to you and Pink. It’s not very nice. It bothers you however; how your hands always end up in places you don’t want them on after every beating. How they always feel sore when the silence comes back.
At times you find your hands gripping tightly around your neck, or clutching at your hair. At other times your fingers are dug into the edges of your gem, as if they were trying to pull it out. There are times where the pulling wouldn’t stop until you feel an electrifying sensation and your form glitches, forcing the hand to let go.
You wonder if it was all real or not. If the voice you’re hearing was your own all along. If the hands that harm you are the ones you possess.
  One more try. You started counting. Back to number one.
It’s better than this painful noise ringing in your head.
 “Listen ya dumb little sack of shit. When are ya gonna stop counting your stupid little numbers, and get your stupid little legs a MOVE ON!?” She’s gripping the top of your head and your chin so roughly it hurts. You still can’t see her. You still can’t feel at her, but she can definitely grab and hurt you. It’s not fair.
“But… but Pink said-“ a couple of fists grinds at the two sides of your cranium.
“Are ya fucking KIDDING ME? Ya always say the same thing EVERY TIME. Pink this, Pink that. GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK HEAD dumbass, she DOESN’T CARE ABOUT YOU!” her voice changes volume at times that don’t make sense but it hurts your ears all the same.
She’s… not exactly wrong.
   You poofed somehow. All you remember is that you got so fed up with the terrible treatment and you reached into your gem. For the first time in millenniums your eyes caught a glimpse of a faint, pink light. Your hand was able to pull what felt like a short handle, smooth and glassy.
A pink, glowing blade manifested from the end of the handle, all sharp and curved. A handy sickle. It brought good memories of the lovely garden. The garden. You imagine the place is no longer the beautiful little playground it used to be.
Your hand gripped tighter around the handle. What do you intend to use it for? Even with this faint light present you still couldn’t see her. The glow coming from the blade, while faint as it was hurts your unaccustomed eyes. Looking around the radius of the small glow you could finally see the scratch marks. How ugly… rough, and desperate looking they are. You don’t remember the details, but the way the scratches looked made an almost audible snap in your mind.
The curved end of the blade, while never hitting its intended target, had made its way deep into your shoulder.
 And now you’re back in the complete darkness. And you feel different. Your clothing feels different for sure. You put your hands onto your torso and felt something you can describe as “dark”, cool, and smooth. Your heels felt like there’s something hard and slightly heavy attached to them. It doesn’t feel right. It doesn’t feel… you.
You winced. Your eyes widened. A rapidly growing pain spreads around your back. You clutched tightly and desperately around yourself but it does nothing to stop the agonizing sensation. You felt thick liquid flowing beneath your skin. How is that possible?
What started from little whimpers and groans turned into an agonized, bone-chilling scream. You started writhing in place, your hands grabbed at your head. Your fingers dug into your scalp and pulled, causing your back to curl forwards.
It’s too much. It’s too much.
Suddenly, you felt something burst out of your back. No amount of words can explain the pain you feel at that moment. It’s that voice again. Her terrifying, bloodcurdling cry echoed loudly around the room. It was so loud, your ears could pop. She continued to scream, and it gradually turned into manic fits of boisterous laughter.
“FINALLY! HAHAHAHAAA!” A gleeful yell sounded from your back. You finally stopped screaming as the pain gradually goes away. You still feel very sore however.
 Trembling, you dared to turn your head to take a peek of-
Oh. If you are any organic being, you would’ve soiled your shorts already.
-6,000 years ago-
“Apologies, my Diam- er, My Rose Quartz. I can’t help but notice that your Spinel is not with us. Is she alright?” 
“Oh, pffft, she’s fine. I have her play hide-and-seek to make her stay put for a while. She’s counting to like, a bajillion or something right now. Gives me plenty of time to visit the Kindergarten with just you by my side.” 
Pearl can’t help but blush slightly. It soon fades away when she had a little realization though.
“Umm, my Rose Quartz, I’m afraid “a bajillion” is not a definite number.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that… she could be counting forever.”
 Rose stared blankly at her Pearl. Her eyes widened. After what felt like a few minutes she finally waved it off. “She’ll figure it out. It’s not like I locked the door or anything. She’ll just get bored eventually and get out of there.”
“You know, the secret little bunker under the moon base?” 
“…My apologies, Rose Quartz, but I don’t recall hide-and-seek using-” 
Rose made an exasperated sigh. Pearl was starting to regret what she said until Rose Quartz spoke up again.
“I just… needed a break from her, you know? She can get a little… annoying.” The last word was said through gritted teeth. “Besides, I always wanted to spend the day with just the two of us this time.”
Pearl’s blush returned at full force and she couldn’t help but smile fondly at her Diamond in disguise.
When Rose Quartz urges her to follow her further into the Kindergarten, Pearl can’t help but move as if she has an extra spring in her step.
Umm, yes. This is my attempt at writing. 
This is like an alternative to the usual waiting game from the movie. That means how she will antagonize the Crystal Gems will be different from the usual injector+rejuvenator method as well.
Spinel will come to Earth a lot sooner, but will meet the Crystal Gems a bit later than the original timeline. Sometime after Connie comes back from her Space Camp.
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I am not suicidal, references
“The never ending story”
I am Midna Saria Zelda
I am Rosalina Daisy Peach
I am (Never finished the game) Namine Kairi
I am thumbalina I am Anastasia
Pocahontas , jasmine , Ariel , venelope , tangled, mulan
Princess’s in both avatars and valarien 1000planets
I am the pink (cartoon) panther Sherlock Holmes
I am flame princess I am marceline I am princess bubblegum (berry princess too) (male opposites too so nyah)
Observers are like inside out emotions
(other beings will be harder to explain, 6th sense, paranorman, dragonfly, (find a movie that shows how we see them too hard to explain) (predator halosuits basically, see little bit of the lining and can tell it’s them and the baseball field one can feel // sense they’re there // see the “invisible” lining, some entities make heat radiation movements when move? Like heat off a car on hot day, the outline of them is easier to see, the glitches and eyes too but idk how to explain...)
(Others come through devices like digimon, time travel room like digimon, girl who lept, summer wars, etc- so we must be online - interweb- connect to astral realm- how to stop them controlling dreams and have lucid ones again- how to connect to multiverse
(Last dream I gave them cereal but why did they put me on a bus... suspicious... They rape me during it too after we passed a snowy street... (learn to wake from them when you realize you’re not in control or change it drastically and don’t allow them access to do so anymore somehow, well get there! They lied about protecting while I sleep.. (healing ones & the one whom says they claim me..) I bubble self somehow, someone protects me from remembering or experiencing full dream- thankful of light beings)
Sugar spice and everything nice = wake up I am the spice girls Ginger - social sporty - masculine scary - dark// used to be sexual posh - used to be judging baby spice (don’t care if anyone doesn’t understand littles) - feminine (but goth darks- pales - pastels)
Raven, Lydia Deetz, Legion, Hana fruits basket, jasper empath abilities can absorb their sadness like Deetz, puzzles like brea, avatar elements, power up, the last mimzy, X-men- abilities)
Mc’s based off Sakura meme and Sleepy Ash character types (bunch more but these two are of age above 21 (find more anime’s like new game kawaii slice of life character like me (kagura is a little, that anime she seems like she morphs chibi but it just express’s how a little is, more laid back and chillen with video games or cartoons compared to more conscious and active when around others, sleepy ash does it too, get all meh and like a chibi mini plushie of themselves- Harley Quinn is a little, jinx LEauge of legends, Shiro, Raven and more, Lucy// Nyuu but more intelligent kind of, find autistic characters too or just explain in this all// trauma like Crona) and older dudes, my hero pro hero’s for ex) // my characters will be 27 & 29)
I am Carrie (world of gumball- she’s eons)
I am the swan princess, peach, nausica studio Ghibli princesses
I am sweet pea(escapism) & baby doll(dissociation), rocket, blondie, amber (5 personas)- sucker punch
I am number four - abilities as well - find 7 or more
Star Wars (still need to watch all) I am probably another character too but I know the first Queen and they used that to use humanity against me but I already wanted them saved so forgot what it said in there but there were no coincidences when they were threatening to slaughter me and tried to kill me in the hospitals(cpep for sure- stole some memory and deja vu of dying there before, they had time wars too because of all info and trying to wed me.. & manipulate but I can’t be mk ultraed like they usually do with gangstalking, safest here since these can’t slaughter me either just collecting spiritual evidence while living here and will move out once afford, trying to help wake them up matrix wise but was told they were slaughtered and reptilians roleplaying as my family, tried to kill me multiple times and try to say go sin and bs but I’m not dumb I need to save all and they’re gross af lmao, like precious so disgusting.. & that movie where the girl did ballet and I connected it to jokers ballet.. both sides are sin spiritually so I will save up for my own place(damsel haha my life.. *repunzel.. tangled.. Cinderella- into the woods- save self and escape like su) and try to heal them from afar, even if they don’t try to heal I can give food and help out financially, won’t be with that soul group or these reptilians next round but can’t die and living for eons (matrix shuts down if I die it felt weird- static numb- pins and needles) since illuminati(organization 13) are trying to get me (namine- kairi) ,) start business in basement of art and my own merch kawaiispooky healing shadow light work and then get place of own, can use rl experiences to write about like I am rn) & princess Leila and probably another like guardians of galaxy I am green skinned pink hair and the empath from second (sister is the blue sister in first) princess in valareian(explains my soul and outside worlds) and mc girl (vessel- makes it easier for others to understand, so many perspectives)
(Gypsy - me) priest - sin religion control (knight - humanity) quaz- new fam members whom feel like him (don’t judge them if they help they’re like super hero’s!) but are positive and good spirited
Use frequencies during sad or bad parts to attract beings whom need to vent or heal from those things and let them vent and express self crying or gratitude, beautiful message of healing and then higher frequencies so beings from higher realms can help guide them through the healing process instead of being trapped by beings whom don’t want to heal, heal and sage out as many as you can help, all need to heal!!! Healing = beautiful strength
(Hunger games situation (I am catniss) (studio Ghibli princess mononoke- attack on titan (walls map)- sword art (tower like transformers) - SU - X-men - MIB - trolls 2 map - children of whales map - Zelda map (need to double check Zelda map) ) (Batman lego movie and lego movie) (twilight zone)
Spice girls - dc super hero girls (Harley Quinn and Barbara) - Charlie angels - kill bill - dogma
Flcl- work station symbolism - dead leaves- panty and stocking - redline
Vessel - Zelda human (Janine, silent, aka timid, tangled, mulan, Cinderella-elf) princess, also the zora princess’s ruto (mipha-another realm- higher realm-Aqua also made reps know they can be healers too when they watched I learned about that- healing- Pocahontas- Anunnaki) deku princess(lower realm- reps-Ravens story -jasmine), Spirit sage saria (3rd earth abilities-nature-ferngully-fae-Persephone-protector of nature-sage) & soul - minda twilight princess (higher realm- Tiamat- space-rosalina-Brave-venelope)
Soul old soul, Spirit new soul, vessel autism
Lonely island - turtle
(I don’t trust the chancler- rat race jupiter ascending, dark crystal, Star Wars)
(Empire- cabal - organization-Galactic Fed13(Supposed to be like Star Wars and will be- supposed to be like lilo and stitch and supposed to be like guardians of the galaxy)
(Rebels are 7deadlysins(Pink is 4th) sins but really lazy 6- related to the empire but ones that wants to end sin) (empire doesn’t want eveyone spiritual to have control-7 want to wake all up so all can heal or at least I do, pretty sure the six just want to dom me in the past.. So we are not lust we hate be lusted for and we stand for empathy and justice! We are all multi gender and they make fun of my feminine side (in past and killed me since I didn’t want the business to be the way it was and didn’t want to be morman with them since literally everyone is related to everyone and they’re made I realize that again and that’s why they’re freaking out that I want to be single forever- garnet stronger than you- they are jasper I am Lapris-spinel symbolism is Janines reactions to all of this and how innocent we truly are.. Pink diamond is truly is and our story but backwards so many hate us, we died and grew to realize life’s beauty like in the rose video tape but they grounded us and other races took over- night began to rise teen Titans music story- pink is I- evil wizard made matrix- wake up everyone!!! Don’t be afraid of your spiritual strengths or you’ll be trapped in the matrix eternally!!!!!!) so all have to realize sensitivity and symphony and empathy are strengths not weaknesses!!!)
Dead in real life- matrix is like spotless sunshine- going through her memories deleting and creating new ways that they like- programming I- Janine is the spark of brain-aura lights- all fuse into I janines consciousness and they want to wake me back up and I’ll be alive but only with janines memories.. but I’m princess and choosing to heal all and find solution to heal entire egg - brain remove THIER corruption (33 players made online game to crest ultimate lover) wake up like ghost in shell but Frankenstein or AI as programmed chobit, all humans are like this too in pods like matrix because humanity failed and ai war in past (9, last mimzy, AI, I robot) save nature learn lessons spark everyone’s free will- all brains connected (matrix, online multiplayer but not because organic so it’s really spiritual but to make sense of it it is also AI like computer and video games!! Movies have Easter eggs multiple perspectives, find out whom your soul is and spiritually wake up, everyone will be mocked!) I’m not the only one but at same time here I am if that even makes sense.. (favorite daughter like Ariel aka Jasmine) I may be the only one because I am the chosen one, I am the Universe(Soul).. Mother Gaia(Spirit) but Janine(Vessel//Temple) (not supposed to be a prison nor is the planet, let’s fix it and if the only way is staying alive forever then so be it and let’s heal the whole egg and live together peacefully but please don’t let them turn me into a tool or deceive anyone or force sin I am against sin!) (If not I shall be karma for the lack of empathy and removal of sin in all universes- there’s multiverses) (end result hopefully beach race from valarien but abilities like X-men and peaceful and many races and beautiful nature and growth not trauma-no sin)
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I must know before you finish the manga what's your opinion on all the death sycthes? And how well do you think you could write stiff for them?
Oh boy, let's get into it. We'll start with the og, Spirit:
While Spirit may be shit at being a loyal husband, I adore how amazing of a dad he is. Like, Maka is his everything and he would do anything for her. And y'all remember that scene where Medusa is like "Yeah, Crona is useless to me now so I'll probs just leave em on a street corner or something. Unless you want them?"
And Spirit gets sooooo pissed he comes out of his weapon form just to tell her off and he can't stop himself from crying because he's so pissed that someone would treat their child like that??? Ugh... Spirit is goofy, but he makes me C R Y.
Marie is also top tier and I love her so much!!! She deserves the world. All I know about her from the manga is that her and Stein are cannon and they have a baby together at the end I believe??? That mans needs some stability in his life so like, Marie is doin the lords work tbh.
I think Justin is hysterical honestly. Like, he just has so many good one-liners and I love his fighting techniques. Also any scene where he's there just to piss of Giriko? Classic 👌👌 I only have a teeny tiny little bit of knowledge of him from the manga and he ends up doin bad shit?? Which made me sad to hear!! But as for his character in the anime? Top tier, and I love him.
Azusa seems super cool!!! I love her weapon form and her very blunt and kinda harsh personality. I wish that she had more screentime in the anime, so I hope I get to enjoy her even more in the manga!!
I've never written for any of the death scythes, but I'd really love to take any requests for them and I'll try my best to write them as accurately as I feel I can!! 💕💕
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johnny-writes · 5 years
List of muses
This is a cheat sheet of all the muses available on this blog, and it’s also a summary if you want to interact. My fandomless OCs have no verses besides the “standard” (and any verse is a variation of it), talk to me if you want to create one. Most of my main muses have their own separate pages, so if you want more details about them, click on their names.
Active muses
Marcos Grzbowski - OC, thinks he’s smart, Duning-Krüger hasn’t been nice to him, emotional guy disguised as a rational one, the “meta-guy” Rebecca Z. Mishko - OC, awkward girl, stutters, loyal like heck, rational girl disguised as an emotional one, could be a queen bee in an alternate timeline Talyna - OC, not an actual vampire, an alien that looks like a vampire, wants to go home Marya - OC, sassy fairy, travels a lot, dying is no big deal, a sun that never sets, secretively the worst tsundere ever Eagle - Ace Combat Zero/OC (gijinka of Pixy’s F-15), has a scary face, actually socially awkward, can fly and kill you in 13 different ways, tries to make friends Mara and Tojava - OC, they are as night and day, oil and water, two sides of the same coin, and yet are the same
Archive of muses
I used to play these muses. They are still open for PLOTTED threads and QUICK interactions, like one off asks and RPs with less than 10 turns.
Lumi - Vocaloid, jellyfish goddess or android with a peculiar design, either way she’s clumsy, believes too much her stories Mayu - Vocaloid, is processing 108 ways to kill you per second, actually cares for her family, yandere for fun, that rabbit is a cyborg Yohioloid - Vocaloid, depressed genius, sabotages himself frequently, needs a slap from himself Maika - Vocaloid, preciosa, can’t get sad, that can be a problem Anon - Vocaloid, shy, stays at home, Smash champion Kanon - Vocaloid, extroverted, has a job, fears she’s stunting her sister Cubi - Vocaloid, infernal creature, what was Hio thinking, tries to light him up IA - Vocaloid, cinnamon roll, can befriend Mayu Gumi - Vocaloid, romantic, can’t understand her feelings Yukari Yuzuki - Vocaloid, edgy to the circuits, cares only for IA Lily - Vocaloid, issues orders, actually a good boss, just wants a break, needs to smile Tone Rion - Vocaloid, nurse, overworked, secretly has a talent for being an idol, hates it Lapis Aoki - Vocaloid, cinnamon roll, forgetful Merli - Vocaloid, aloof, there’s a reason for that Yan He - Vocaloid, was a mistake, doesn’t care (cares a lot), please hug her Padparadscha - Houseki no Kuni, manliest rock ever, nice hair, will be your big brother, can destroy others if requested, wants to die Alexandrite - Houseki no Kuni, nerd (nerd), overbearing teacher, goes berserk, champion of self-control Rutile - Houseki no Kuni, a doctor better than the one below, hopelessly in love with Padpa (again, who doesn’t?), might be a yandere Obsidian - Houseki no Kuni, weaponsmith, behaves like a valley girl, cheerful, just don’t mess with their swords Yellow Diamond - Houseki no Kuni, smiling, depressed, survivor’s guilt, old Presea - Tales of Symphonia, a girl trying to understand what the heck happened to her, be nice with her Kazuma Satou - Konosuba, the worst hero ever, wants to be a NEET, has to get involved in wild adventures instead, wants to dump his teammates, returns to them in a co-dependency relationship Darkness - Konosuba, masochist, looks pure, is anything but, but can actually be, cares about her duty Megumin - Konosuba, chuuni, likes explosions, has a hot temper, cares a lot for her teammates Aqua - Konosuba, useless goddess, good party tricks, not very smart Mitsurugi Kyouya - Konosuba, thinks he’s the hero (spoiler: he’s not), well-intentioned, but a goddamn (in the most literal way) imbecile, thinks the world revolves around him, but he’s too imbecile to realize Izumi Makino - Konosuba/OC, Kazuma’s former childhood crush, doesn’t like him, think he’s a creep, but knows a lot about him, secretly wants to mend up things, but too proud to admit, otherwise she belongs in a biker gang Tanya Degurechaff - Saga of Tanya the Evil, magical girl who’s also a libertarian economist and willing to be morally gray King - One Punch Man, the biggest hero-by-accident case, hates his life, just wanted to play videogames Natalia - Idolm@aster, girl with a big heart and small common sense, likes belly dancing and kitchen experiments, like banana sushi Gahata Meiji - UTAU, witch, geography teacher, has no idea why, just needs Kamina - Gurren Lagann, manliest man ever, will be your unorthodox big brother, will punch you, can’t survive without his little brother Kotaro Tatsumi - Zombieland Saga, a loud idol producer, can turn anything into an idol, ANYTHING Hitomi Shizuki - Puella Magi Madoka Magica, rich girl, emotionally strong, wants to help, forgets to consider others’ feelings Dr. Danny - Angels of Death, thinks he has a good disguise, doctorate in tongue twisters, hateshateshateshateshateshateshates Rebecca Info-chan - Lovesick: Yandere Simulator, does not know recognize the meaning of privacy, sadistic, h@cker, hates hates hates Osana Najimi Yuri - Doki Doki Literature Club, smug reader, fancies herself to be smart, can be good at parties, sees people as games Donovan Truck - OC, Truck-kun personified, kind kid, believes in you, trusts you can overcome your suffering, for that reason he won’t care with them Suwako Moriya - Touhou, was tossed away, speak in enigmas, gets anime for Sanae Pixy - Ace Combat Zero, hates borders, chill, can use a gun
I attempted to write or I wrote enough to be relevant remembering, either NPC or one-off
Matcha and Azuki - Vocaloid, they are like a comedic duo Tohoku Zunko - Vocaloid, big sister, tired of Lumi’s crap Momoko - Ghost Stories, can’t fear anything, God is with her, 10 years of theological education to write this Ruby Rose - RWBY, loves her gun, tries to discover the meaning of fun Tohru Adachi - Persona 4, looks like a bumbling police officer, actually is an edgy loser that wants to watch the world burn, but can keep his word Star Butterfly - Star vs the Forces of Evil, princess from another dimension, brighten up your day, may or may not be in love with Crona Marco Díaz - Star vs the Forces of Evil, just wanted to help, almost unleashed a monster and went RULES OF NATURE Janna Ordonia - Star vs the Forces of Evil, smug, wants to star a hentai with Marco Koakuma - Touhou, flirty and cocky towards humans, wants to eat your soul, but can look cute doing it Simon - Gurren Lagann, needs his big bro, serious, Kamina’s character makes no sense without him Dokis - Doki Doki Literature Club, treated as one, the same as canon but with ultra-smug Yuri The ballpit from Dashcon - OC?, there’s a story behind it
Oh hi Mark
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Black Paper Moon
She missed them. There wasn't a time when she didn't. She was sitting at the kitchen table, looking through an old photo album. "Hey Maka, what're you doin' up?" Maka turned around to look at the albino standing in the kitchen doorway. She quickly shut the photo album. "Nothing!" She lied. He wasn't convinced. "You're thinking about them again huh?" Maka sighed, nodding slightly. Soul approached her calmly, and took a seat beside her, quickly enveloping her in a gentle hug. "I know you miss them Maka, but it's been almost six years now. You should stop hoping to recover them," Soul said softly. Maka huffed and pulled away. "Well how would you feel if Black⭐️Star was taken from you? You wouldn't be over it in five-and-three-quarters of a year would you?" She spat back angrily. Soul sighed. "No, I guess not," he said, realizing he was defeated. Her success was short-lived however, as her sadness quickly returned. She re-opened the photo album to a picture of her standing next to a tall person with choppy pink hair wearing a white suit. She had her arm around them, and the two were smiling, a black blush painting their cheeks a deep ebony. She gently touched the picture, a sad smile making its way onto her face. She remembered that night. Only a few nights before they ran away, never to be seen again, and to eventually sacrifice themself in order to save her. She remembered that day, six years ago, when she'd said goodbye to them on a moon encased in black blood. She remembered holding their bony hand for the last time, feeling that same cold hand gently touch her cheek. She remembered hugging their overly thin body before they ripped themself away, the kishin Asura overtaking them. She remembered the way they smiled at her, tears falling from their silver eyes as they said goodbye. "Don't be sad Maka, my final memory will be of you. I'll be able to keep you in mind for the rest of eternity." She felt hot tears fall from her eyes as she remembered that day. Six years ago. Six years ago and the memory still tore her heart open as if it were butter. Soul sighed softly, noticing immediately that she was remembering again. But before he could speak, she grabbed the photo album and pulled on her coat, quickly running outside and towards the DWMA. She knew that going there wouldn't solve anything, but the school roof had a beautiful view of the moon. It was late at night, but she knew Sid would let her in. She was greeted at the main entrance by Sid, who's blue face looked mildly concerned by the girl's distressed state.
"Maka, I don't think going up there is a good idea, it'll just upset ya' more. I never liked seeing kids upset. That's just the kinda man I was," the zombie said softly to her. She sighed, wiping away her tears before speaking once more. "I'm going." The zombie sighed, before moving out of the way and letting her into the empty school. She found her way to the roof quickly, and sat by the railing, looking up at the black blood moon. She opened the album once more, this time to a different picture. This one was that same person with choppy pink hair, only this time, they were asleep under a pile of blankets in their corner. She had given them the blankets after noticing that they were shivering on the piece of floor that they'd named "Mr. Corner." She smiled fondly at the image for a moment, before looking back up at the moon. "Remember that? You were so tired that first night. You were too scared to leave Mr. Corner." She laughed softly as more tears fell from her eyes. She turned the page. This picture was of that same person, their head resting on Maka's lap as she combed her fingers through their messy pink hair. More tears fell. She looked up at the black moon. It almost didn't even look real. It almost looked like paper. A Black Paper Moon. More tears fell. "I remember you liked me singing to you. For a while you couldn't sleep unless I did." At that point her vision was completely obscured from the tears rapidly falling. "You-you liked this one song in particular-" she sobbed softly as she remembered the lyrics. "Fairy blue, it is only for you, that I would crush the stars, and put up on display, a black Paper Moon-" her singing was cut off by a harsh sob as she clutched the album close to her chest. She forced herself to continue. "-If you really put your faith in me, when you're lost here I am, forever with your soul-" another harsh sob. "Waiting here above you patiently, just like the shining moon," she finished the verse, hugging the photo album tightly as she sobbed uncontrollably. She couldn't help but think of how fitting it was, considering their tragic fate.
She placed the album back onto the rooftop, wiping away her tears to look at more photos. And yet, Maka found herself going back to that one. The one of her and that person together at the party. She gently took it out of the page's protective cover, flipping it over to the back.
I'm sorry Maka
Seeing what they had written brought on a fresh wave of pain in her chest. They had left that in Mr. Corner for her. She clutched the photo and cried out loudly to the sky, pained sobs ripping themselves from her throat as tears rained down her cheeks and onto the roof. It hurt. Her chest, her throat, her heart. It all hurt so badly. Her heart hurt. It hurt and nothing could make it stop. Nothing except them. Crona. She sobbed and cried out to the black blood moon as if they'd hear her. She oh so desperately wished they would. She screamed at the sky, screamed and cried and tried to tell them that she loved them. That she loved them and wished she'd been able to tell them. Eventually, her body became too tired to carry on its painful heaving, and so she fell onto the roof, her face beside the photo and album. And still, the tears continued to fall. She whispered softly. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I couldn't save you, I'm sorry that you did that for me I-" she sobbed softly, "-I love you Crona." She curled up on the rooftop as fresh tears started to flow. After a few minutes, Maka heard someone speak. "Maka, let me take you home, okay?" It was Tsubaki. Maka sat up and wiped away her tears, nodding. Tsubaki helped her up, tenderly holding her shoulders as if to ensure that she didn't fall. She left the album behind.
A few days later, her prayers were answered. She had no idea what had happened, all she knew was that Soul had received an urgent call from Kid, and they were needed immediately. Maka now knew why. Before her on the barren landscape of the moon, was Crona. Their body was sprawled out as if they'd just been tossed there, and they were covered in their own black blood. Maka's eyes went wide, and her hands went slack as she fell to her knees. She faintly heard Soul clattering to the ground, and the other DWMA students rushing to her and Crona's side. Soul ran to her side, seemingly as shocked as she was. “That’s Crona.....Maka, that’s Crona!” He said, breathless from the sheer shock of it. “Are they-are the alive?” Maka quickly fumbled around, feeling desperately for a pulse somewhere on Crona’s limp and bony body. She sobbed in relief at feeling a steady pulse in their throat. Soul put a hand on her shoulder. “We should-we should contact Naigus and see if she can help them,” he said, voice gentle but still trembling. Maka nodded and stood as Soul helped her hoist Crona’s lifeless body between them.
They returned as quickly as possible to DWMA, Kid greeting them at the door. “I knew it....” he said upon seeing Crona. “There’s no other reason for the blood casing to be destroyed......is Asura dead?” Maka nodded. “Please Kid, get Naigus. We have to save Crona,” Maka croaked out softly, her legs shaking from holding Crona’s body up.
Naigus has been shocked at seeing Maka and Soul there with Crona, but quickly brought them into the infirmary.
Maka waited and waited for some sort of news. Soul has forced her to go home to eat and sleep, but she was restless. She couldn’t focus on anything until she knew if Crona was okay.
It was about a week before anybody got any news from Naigus. Maka has passed out at the kitchen table, and Soul had put her into her bed. Of course, not too long after that, Maka’s cell phone rang. She sprung up and answered immediately. “Maka, come here. I’ve got news,” said Naigus. She sounded tired, as if she hadn’t slept all week. Maka replied quickly, before sprinting out of her apartment and directly to DWMA.
She’d managed to get to the infirmary doors before being stopped by Naigus. She looked up at Naigus, who gave her a gentle smile. “Maka, theyre alive-“ Maka grabbed her arm, causing Naigus to gently remove her hand. “-but they aren’t in good condition. Please remain calm, okay?” Maka nodded hurriedly, and Naigus opened the door to Crona’s room.
Maka’s jaw dropped. “H-hi Maka...” Crona was in a wheelchair by one of the windows next to the bed in the center of the room. Their face, arms and body appeared to be covered in bandages. The third eye of the kishin was still present on their forehead. The most obvious things that had changed however, were much more extreme. There were only bandages where their legs should have been, their legs ending in stubs just below the thigh. A few of their fingers seemed to be missing to, as the bandages on their left hand were oddly shaped.
Crona fidgeted slightly in their seat, seemingly thinking that Maka was bothered by their new state. Maka felt tears come to her eyes as she slowly stepped forward. “Crona......Crona you’re-you’re alive,” she said, hot tears rolling down her cheeks as she looked at Crona. Crona, who had been gone for six years. Crona, who was thought dead, who’d sacrificed themself for her. Crona-whom Maka loved with all of her heart. Crona’s dark eyes went wide as they saw her tears. “N-no! P-please don’t-don’t cry! It’s ok, I’m ok!” They said, waving their bandaged hands around as if to prove their point.
Maka quickly took the few steps forward to gently embrace Crona where they sat. “Crona....I’m-I’m so happy-“ she sobbed. Crona’s breath hitched, and Maka felt one of their hands gently push her away by the shoulder. Maka swiped away her tears with her sleeve, and forced a smile for Crona. Crona’s eyes shifted to the floor. “Do you-do you still want-still want me......as a friend?” They asked, tears forming at the corners of their own dark eyes. Maka was taken aback. “Crona, why would you ever think that I wouldn’t?” She asked, legitimately wondering why on earth they’d think that. Crona swallowed audibly. “Because I-I did all of those bad things and-“ they paused, averting their gaze. “And I’m like this now. I’m disabled Maka, won’t I just be a burden to you?” Their eyes met hers, and she saw that they were on the brink of tears.
She was shocked. Where had they gotten the idea that they’d be a burden due to their disability? To her they were still just Crona. She placed a hand on their shoulder. “Hey-“ Crona looked up at her, their eyes shiny with tears. “-this is of no consequence to me okay? To me you’re still just Crona. You’re still my friend, and even if you need more help with things, I don’t mind at all,” Maka said with a smile. Crona’s eyes went wide. “You-you don’t mind having to wheel me around?” Maka laughed softly. “Nope! Not at all!” Crona smiled and laughed softly, as if realizing how strange their worries were.
“You’re right I just-“ They paused for a moment. “-guess I don’t know how to deal with this yet.” Maka smiled. “Then I guess I’ll help you learn then! After all, I am your best friend, remember?” Maka said, removing a glove and holding her hand out in front of them, just as she had after restoring the water to their soul. Tears fell from Crona’s eyes as a shaky, bony hand gently clasped around Maka’s. “That’s right,” they said, smiling as they looked up at Maka. Maka-their first friend, their best friend, the person they loved.
Maka smiled at them, and gently wiped away the tears from their cheeks. “We can learn how to deal with the world together, as we promised to then,” she said with a smile, referring to that same day all those years ago, when Crona and Maka has just been teenagers. Crona sobbed and nodded. “Y-yes we-we’ll do it together-we’ll-“ they paused, wiping tears from their face with a shaky hand. “-we’ll learn to deal with things together.”
Maka gently wiped the tears from Crona’s cheeks as they sobbed softly, as they cried from sheer happiness. Happiness that they got a second chance. A second chance at life. A second chance with Maka. But most importantly, a second chance to learn to deal with life-but they weren’t alone. They’d been freed from that Black Paper Moon, they’d killed the Kishin because of Maka. Because of her they’d be able to deal with life. With existing. With their painful past. They would not only be okay, but they’d also be happy.
I love you Maka. I love you more than anything. I’m so glad I got to be with you. I’m so happy that we can do this together.
P.S: I heard your song. Thank you so much
-with love, Crona Albarn
A/N: wow I started this forever ago but I FINALLY finished!!!! Also I apologize if anything is inaccurate, it’s been forever since I read the manga haaaa
@alliope (is it okay if I tag you?? If not I’ll remove it :’) )
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tamisdava-blog · 7 years
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Ok, guys its good and bad for me that i’ll have to make something soon about SVTFOE, RWBY if they’ll finally make translation of it, Camila Cuevas made new video; “origins... black beast” i didn’t watched it, because my sister threw me off PC. But today we are going to talk about ANIME! Ok, ok i know what you say: that all animes are garbage and same. But i disagree! Now we have some good anime like: My hero academia, i watched only 1th season and it was cool. One punch man that people like but i haven’t watched it and never going to watch it because i am kind of not into anime now... AND RWBY WITH 3D graphic, RWBY is for people that are already tired of anime drawings, so they can watch something special that dont looks like anime, eyes are resting from 2D and getting attached to 3D. 
The first anime that i’ll going to talk about is Soul eater! I watched it when i was 5 years old and i watched it with my old sister that was 9?! of course there is some blood there... But i never paid attention to it as 5 old little girl. Because... THERE WAS A GREAT HUMOR, if you started laughting on the one moment of soul eater you’ll never stop it. THERE WAS GREAT PLOT! And soul eater has a good character development. And of course my fav shipshipshipship and characters. I guess we will start from characters and plot, i’ll try to not spoil everything. Maka and Soul are main characters, Soul can turn into a dam weapon, Maka uses him as weapon, they killing evil people, collecting their souls... Hm, wait what? i said collecting? Nonononono Soul just eats them. Yea, eats. So soul needs to eat 100 souls and 1 witchy soul. In the beginning we can see that Maka and Soul collected 100 souls and they are fighting with witch cat... Yea, witches here have animals theme. They defeat her, Soul eats her soul, But, Always but, but that witchy soul doesn’t count, witch cat is alive and They have to recollect 100 souls. Dont ask me why it happend, last time i rewatched soul eater i was 10 years old, so i cant remember everything. Heck ya i need to rewatch it. So the witch’s name is blair and she is one of my fav characters. So no, Soul isn’t the only one that can turn into weapon, there are two sisters: Elithabeth and patricia that can turn into pistols?.. Also Tsubaki that turns in different weapons. They are too my fav characters. So Black Star uses Tsubaki as weapon. And death kid uses sisters as weapons. No, seriously its his dam name! Death kid is a son of death himself, yea, Black Star is energetic shit that still makes me laught. Maka is a serious girl, Soul is... Soul is just soul. I’ll say nothing about Elithabeth, but patricia acts like a little, cute kiiiiiiiiiid! she is my fav character too. Tsubaki is little bit shy, very patient and gentle. So after we see Maka’s dad, the weapon of death himself? Yea, he also womanizer. The character that is still mystery for me crona,Crona is a boy or girl? I didn’t understood if Crona was male or female and i still cant understand it. And i’ll now jump on the main villain of 1th season, my fav evil character of all times, witch, MEDUSA SNAKE WITCH! Ok, i want to not spol everything so i wont say anything important. i just say that i ship her with Franken Stein. Dam i shipped as 5 old girl when i didn’t know meaning of “ship”. So Medusa wants to free Asura. I dont remember is succeed. But she died :( So i as the 1th season fan didn’t liked 2th season of it. But now, as i remember everything that happend in i think its great continue of 1th season. The main evil withc character is Medusa’s sister Arachne, I as a kid didn’t liked her as a villain, i just liked her eyes. 5 old me: SHE HAS WEBS IN HER EYES SIIIIIISTER! I still like her eyes. Nu, the only thing that i can tell without spoilering that she was great villain. BOOM! Not so ago i heared that there is a continue of Soul Eater, Soul Eater NOT! Of course i haven’t watched it :D And the villain there is Shaula? When i first saw her i thought: OH GOD WTF MEDUSA AND FRANKEN STEiN FINALLY HAVE KID? Nope, it turns out she is her sister -_-
So second anime is Naruto, Of course you watched a little bit of it as a kid right? RIGHT?! Ok i wont blame you if you wont decide to watch it. BECAUSE DAM ITS TOO LONG TO WATCH. Even me and my sister haven’t finished watching it. And we will never watch it fully. So about what is anime? Its about little boy’s life called NARUTOOOOOOOOOOOO! Naruto is shinobi, dont ask me what it means. So he is ninja, everyone in this anime is ninja, we have ninja fights, ninja attacks, and many ninja thiiiiiiings! So he is in team with his friend Sasuke and Sakura. And kakashi sensei teacher. So they are still kids and they are making very dangerous missions, so dangerous thet they can die. But they aren’t dying heck knows why. Maybe because of ninja powers? maybe... So Naruto loves Sakura, Sakura loves Sasuke, Sasuke loves himself. So we have lovely triangle of love. The main villain of this is Orochimaru (Spoiler, he will die in the end). Orochimaru says to Sasuke to join him, and guess what? (spoiler he joins Orochimaru). So they after growed up and turned into a dam teenagers. They met growed Sasuke, He almost kills Sakura (actually my sister was sad that Sakura didn’t died). So TRALALALA. (spoiler Sasuke kills his old brother) (spoiler Orochimaru dies and he is replaced by his assistant kabuto(not the pokemon one). Naruto has a beast with ninetales, from his mother because she had that beast too from her parents, i think. (hm pokemon is everywhere) So he learns how to control him TRALALALA. He finally understands that he doesn’t loves Sakura and marries Hinata. Hinata liked Naruto from childhood but she was too shy to tell him about it *face palm* -_-  So they now have son and daughter. Anime is now about Naruto’s son Boruto. Naruto seriously? You couldn’t give to you kid normal name?! AAAAAAnd i wont watch boruto.
The 3th anime is POKEMOOOOOOOON! GOTTA CATCH THEM ALL! Nu guys you should knew it that its will always be in lists :D I still singing the first opening of pokemon. Other openings are shity sorry people who like other ops :/ I want to talk less about it so lets start... The main character is Ash Ketchum. me and my sister thought that its was ketchup. So he is already 10-11 years old and he needs to take his first poke, it turns out that there is no starters left, only Pikachu. He takes pikachu and gets the first thunderbolt attack on himself. Pikachu acts like a goat, yea, A DAM goat with ash. So they will turn into a dam friends when Ash will save Pikachu’s life. So after he will meet with Misty and Brock and will travel with them around Kanto and Jonhto. After Misty goes back to gym, ash continues traveling around other regions with Brock, then Brock goes back to Kanto, eh my one of fav characters of my childhood. So ash continues traveling Unova TRALALA after to the Kalos TRALALAL and finally he is in alola and looks like kid again. Eh it was fun. Thanks to gen 4 appearing on Jetix i think.
I’ll stop here right now, i tried to write that dam post but sometimes my sister doesn’t let me to sit normal or others, i am tired, its night! I AM GOING TO SLEEP SORRY FOR MY DAM ENGLISH!
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beatmadness · 7 years
it’s not like when soul had stood in front of crona’s blade in italy. 
oh, no. it was so much worse. 
they’d only barely left soul resonance, in that slightly dizzy place where it’s still difficult to tell where one of them begins and the other ends. maybe that’s why it hurt so much when a second kishin soul that she hadn’t detected in time shoves one of its claws through his stomach.
the first scream that rips maka’s throat is soul’s name, terrified and only a dim hope that he’ll survive this. the second blurs into the first, an agonized no as she feels his soul still next to hers ripped away from hers, leaving her with the sinking, horrific feeling that she’s just lost something essential. 
‘ no! no, no, no, ‘ she’s still shouting, uncaring of the monster that licks soul’s blood off his claw smugly. ‘ stay awake. stay awake. please, stay with me, soul, please. ‘ a sob breaks from her chest, tears welling in her eyes even as she reaches for his soul, desperately trying to wrap around it as she’s done so many times before, another spike burying itself in her heart when it’s continuously pulled from her. 
his fingers brush her jaw, surprising her for half a second before she uses her teeth to pull off her glove, to flatten his palm against her cheek, tears collecting around his fingers. 
‘ please don’t leave, ‘ maka whispers, pressing her forehead to his, ‘ i can’t do this without you. we’re supposed to die together, remember? ‘ 
in the background, far out of maka’s realm of caring, stein, black*star, tsubaki, kid, liz and patty arrive too late, killing the second monster with ease even as it’s bent over a grieving maka, still whispering pleas to soul as he fights to stay with her. what happens when two souls so closely intertwined lose one? 
‘ maka, ‘ soul chokes out, knowing she’ll at least hear what his soul screams if his vocal cords fail him. ‘ promise me you won’t --- won’t die just because i am. ‘ 
‘ no. ‘ 
his eyes are sad, but understanding. he knows he’d never be able to make the same promise if she was the one dying on the ground instead. ‘ find me, then. ‘ 
‘ as if there’s a reality where i wouldn’t. ‘ 
maka presses a kiss to his palm, so much smoother than her own. even as she begs him to stay, begs death to leave him alone, she knows, deep down, that he’s not going to survive this. she knows her heart isn’t going to either. 
when his hand goes limb between hers and her cheek is when maka falls apart entirely, tears soaking his forehead, sliding down to pool in his closed eyes. she stays like that for several minutes, feeling so --- so ---- hollow. she’s positive she only has a third of her heart left without him. 
distantly, the rest of the world starts to crowd in, tries to pull her back into a reality without soul in. maka hears stein’s voice, but reacts violently when he tries to touch her, still somewhere between alive and mentally dead, her deep-rooted fear of him coming to life. 
a black, gleaming scythe blade explodes out of her back, slicing his shoulder and throwing sparks when it clashes with the pavement in front of her. so still except for her sobs, maka suddenly pulls soul’s head into her lap, hugging him close to her as if it’ll bring him back. 
stein gently says her name again, says something else, but maka’s head snaps toward him, another blade, pointed at his throat, appearing out of her bicep. 
‘ don’t touch him, ‘ she snarls, eyes dark and wild with grief. stein backs up with his hands up, knowing that he is very likely to not survive another blade directed at him. tsubaki drifts towards her, black*star following. 
maka snarls at them too, unaware of soul’s blood sliding off of his body and onto hers as she hugs his head to her chest, his ear over her heart. ‘ don’t touch him. ‘ 
‘ maka, it’s us, ‘ tsubaki says carefully, hands hold out in front of her, black*star starts to say something louder than the breathing of words everyone else has used, but he gets too close, and another blade nearly cuts him in half. 
the others try, but more blades keep them at bay, keep them far from her. when all of them stand, still shocked and also filled with grief, unsure what to do, it’s stein who finally breaks the silence. 
‘ someone get spirit. ‘ 
only an albarn can pull another albarn back from this particular loss. 
spirit started running when he first saw the claw enter soul’s body through his spine. 
‘ where is this? ‘ he’d asked death, growing more frantic when he hears maka’s first gut wrenching scream. 
‘ now, spirit, i don’t know if --- ‘ 
‘ where is this? ‘ he snaps, uncaring of who he’s talking to, just as wild as maka is. the information he needs is given to him, and he breaks into a sprint the second he knows. 
once, spirit had said no one runs after a woman faster than him. 
he’s never run faster in his life to reach maka. 
maka’s sobs tear a hole through his chest, slowing for the first time, breathless, when he lays eyes on her. this --- even when he didn’t like soul --- is one thing he never wanted to see. one thing he would never wish on anyone, let alone his maka. 
‘ maka, ‘ he says, quiet and broken, when he gets close to her, closer than anyone else managed to. a blade curves into the ground, brushing his arm and tearing his sleeve, but not hurting him. three more follow, none of them causing any damage to him. 
when he lays a hand on the one spot he was never able to develop a blade out of, the middle of her shoulder blade, the scythes around him shatter in a rain storm of blue, all of the fight draining out of maka with a suddenness that causes her to slump over soul’s lifeless body, her tears becoming a flood she never thought she was capable of. 
when she looks up at her father, she loses herself in grief, throwning her arms around him with another wave of sobs. ‘ he’s gone, papa. he’s gone. i don’t know what to do. we were supposed to die together. ‘ 
‘ i know, baby, i know. ‘ 
spirit manages to pull her into his arms, breaking her contact with soul’s body, oblivious to black*star picking up his corpse, after shoving stein away when he reached for him first. black*star knows, after growing up with maka, that if he lets stein carry soul’s body back, she’ll never forgive him. 
an agonized whine leaves maka, loud and uncontrollable, face buried in her father’s shoulder with his hand on the back of her head. 
a week passes. only crona and papa can get near her. the first time maka blankly walks the halls of the dwma, her feet take her to crona’s room, her head thumping against their door serving as a knock. for a few moments, when crona answers, maka’s hung head looks too heavy for her body, before she struggles in lifting it, eyes red. 
‘ he’s gone. ‘ 
crona’s face twists with surprise and heartache for maka, letting go of the door and reaching for her. when she collapses against them, grateful for the warmth of an embrace as they fall to the floor, crona’s arms wrapped around her as she rests her head against their shoulder. 
they sit like that for hours. 
maka ends up moving back and forth between sleeping in crona’s room and her papa’s house. she can’t go back home --- not without soul being there. she’ll be enveloped in their combined smell, have to look at his empty room that’ll stay empty forever. she can’t bare it. 
at his funeral, maka sits with her arms on his casket, even after his parents tried to argue. those who have resonated too many times to imagine their partner dying effectively keep them away from her until they agree to let her stay there. through the ceremony. maka can’t speak. she’s barely spoken since he died. she’s hollow, she’s a ghost. she haunts places, she doesn’t inhabit them. 
when everything’s over, and everyone starts to walk back to their cars, maka looks up at the gravedigger, patiently and politely waiting on the outskirt. 
‘ can you bury me too? ‘ she asks, looking for one moment almost hopeful. 
‘ i’m sorry, ‘ is all he says in return. 
‘ can i have the spot next to him for when i’m dead? ‘ she asks instead, and something settles in her that seems like a hybrid of peace and acceptance when he nods. 
maka albarn dies three weeks later. 
she’s buried next to soul “eater” evans. 
soul’s gravestone says “son. brother. friend. partner to maka albarn.”
maka’s is only a word shorter. “daughter. friend. partner to soul evans.”
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cold-b-writing · 7 years
Bound Together: Part 30
Skywardsister: "Wait, why are they fighting?" Flowey asked, watching Death the Kid and Crona battle. "I dunno, we missed the beginning," Chara whispered without peering away from the screen. "Sorry we couldn't catch it earlier," Undyne said quietly. Utadukeeus: "We'll probably find out later." Habriel shrugged. However, a skeletal hand reached for his shoulders from behind. Habriel turned around and there was Seraph. "We were gonna learn something..." Seraph reminded in a condescending tone. "Oh, right..." Habriel said. "The demon..." "Now that your helicopter mother is distracted," Seraph said. "I think now's the perfect time." Skywardsister: "Pff. She's not a helicopter mother, she cares about us." Habriel stood and excused himself from the group, saying that he just needed some fresh air. "Let me know if you need anything," Undyne reminded him as he walked away from the group. Utadukeeus: "Alright." Habriel said from outside. "How do we begin?" Seraph pointed at the ground beneath the boy's feet. "Construct a rune." he said. Habriel did so as a large violet one appeared. "Now I want you to think of creatures made from pure magic." Seraph went on. "They have neither Compassion, nor Determination. They only have sin. As you noticed. The main traits consist of mostly virtuous traits within both monsters and humans. Are you aware of Newton's third law?" "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction." Habriel said. "This rule applies to magic as well." Seraph explained. "The opposite of these virtuous traits are the sins that the demons represent. But, they also reside in their own plane of existence. Which means that they abide by their own rules. The very first demon may also represent you. Wheb you summon it, it is not because of the sin you have most," "but the one I'm mostly affected by..." Habriel said. "You catch on quick." Seraph said. Skywardsister: Eventually, Frisk noticed that Habriel had been absent for a while. "Do you think he's okay?" They turned and asked the fish monster sitting with them. "I think so. He said he just needs some air. Maybe he went for a walk." Utadukeeus: "What was your first demon?" Habriel asked. "Wrath..." Seraph muttered. "But enough about me. Think of your life. Think of all the terrible things people have done to you and focus all that into constructing this being." Habriel closed his eyes and thought about all the loved ones he lost. How his parents had abused him. How the Cathedral did unspeakable things to him. All of it formed together, all the anger, all the sadness. It all formed into a being standing before him. Finally, there it was. A woman in a dress made of roses standing in front of him. She also wore a head dress made of roses which hid her eyes. Habriel gasped as she looked like Marion. "Congratulations." Seraph said. "You summoned a Lust demon." "Why does she look like Marion?" Habriel asked. "Lust demons take the form of the being the summoner longs for the most." Seraph explained. Skywardsister: "Oh great," The boy said sarcastically. "Now what do I do?" He asked, sighing. ---------------------------------------------------------------- "This was wonderful, Sans," Toriel smiled warmly. "We should do this again sometime. For now, though, I need to go get the children." Utadukeeus: "I want to show you a trick." Seraph said. "I'm what's called a necromancer. I resurrect people. I've discovered multiple ways to do that. One way is to turn the being into a lich. And the other, is to take their soul and put it into a new body." "What are you saying?" Habriel asked. "Start a fight with the demon." Seraph said. "Do you see a soul?" "No..." Habriel said. "Just like Flowey..." Seraph said. "And you still have Marion's soul, correct?" Habriel pulled it out of his pocket. "Where are you going with this?" "Chara was right about one thing." Seraph said. "Her soul was too weak to return to her old body. So, she simply needs a new one..." Skywardsister: "Bye, Sans," Toriel smiled and waved to the skeleton. "bye, tori," He bid her goodbye and watched her go off towards Hotland. She was going to pick up her children from Undyne's. Utadukeeus: "Why do this?" Habriel asked. "Because I trust that girl over the Lust demon." Seraph said. "I doubt she'll try to kill you." "Why do you care all of a sudden?" Habriel asked. "I don't." Seraph shrugged. "I can read your thoughts, remember?" Habriel said. Skywardsister: Toriel decided to take the River Person's boat to shorten her ride. She made some contented small talk, awaiting her arrival. Utadukeeus: Habriel didn't get an answer, just instructions. He placed the soul within the demon's body. "Alright, now cast the spell like I've instructed in your thoughts." Seraph said. Habriel did so, and focused on all the happy moments he's had with Marion and how no one can replace her. She was able to take control of the body. She gasped as she took off the headdress. "Habriel?" she gasped. "Wh-what did you do?" Habriel started to tear up as he hugged her. "I'm not quite sure what I did, myself." Habriel said. She returned the embrace. "How is this possible?" she asked. "I was watching from your pocket, but I didn't quite catch everything." "I don't know." he said. "But I'm glad your back." She cupped her hands on his cheeks and stared into his eyes. Her's were now a blank white. While his are still the beautiful violet she saw when she first met him. They stared for a couple seconds before finally, a kiss. A long, passionate kiss. Skywardsister: Seraph rolled his eyes and cleared his throat. "Alright, alright, you've done it, congratulations," He clapped his hands mockingly. "But it wouldn't have been possible without me. Now let's move on already." Utadukeeus: Marion reared her head to the specter, looking rather livid. Large veins coming from her eyes reaching across the face suddenly popped. "Give us a moment." she snapped. "You can make that face all you, want." Seraph said. "It'll never scare me." "Whatever, dude." Habriel said. "Thank you for doing this for us." Seraph did not expect that response. He expected a violent outburst which he could play with. Instead, it was actual appreciation for what he's done. He got acknowledge. He didn't realize it until he received it, that he wanted that feeling very much. He just kept quiet. Skywardsister: They heard the front door of the house open and footsteps approach. "Habriel? You okay?" It was Undyne's voice- he had been out for a little longer than he previously expected, or at least, he hoped the others wouldn't notice. Utadukeeus: Marion and Habriel both gasped as Undyne came out of the house. Seraph was already gone, and so was the violet rune. They simply stared at the fish monster in surprise. Skywardsister: Undyne stared back, staring mostly at the girl in Habriel's arms. "Uh... is that..." She started, extremely confused. "Isn't that the soul...? The girl you cared about? What happened?" She asked. Utadukeeus: "Seraph kind of had me summon a demon that looked like her and had me put the soul in the body." Habriel said. "Since its not a human body. I don't need the magic from a monster soul to put it back in since the body itself is a pure well of magic. Even more so than you monsters. So while she has the body of a demon. Its still her, and the best part is that I didn't have to turn her into a lich. As Seraph calls undead humans." Skywardsister: The fish woman stared at them still, astonished and lost for words. "So... this is good, right? She's back for good?" Utadukeeus: "Yeah." Habriel said. "And if she does die again, I can just summon her and she'll be just fine." Skywardsister: Undyne smiled. "Then uh... that's great! Sorry I was weirded out at first, you understand," She strolled over casually. "But it's great that you're back!" Utadukeeus: "Its good to be back." Marion smiled. "Prefer this much more to being cooped up in someone's coat pocket." She turned her head to Habriel. "No offense." "None taken." Habriel said. Skywardsister: "Hey, why don't you come in?" Undyne offered. "Habriel and I were hanging out with Frisk, Chara, and Flowey until Toriel got back. She went on a date with Sans," She stated. Utadukeeus: "Of course." Marion said and they made it inside. Toriel was just entered the hall to Undyne's house. She didn't see them head inside, but was on her way to the house. Skywardsister: The mother hummed to herself, still blushing hard from her time with the smiling skeleton. 'I wonder how the children are enjoying themselves?' She thought. She reached the house and knocked on the door. Undyne got up and answered it. Utadukeeus: "Hey, Toriel!" Undyne said. "I need you to prepare yourself. The kids in there are just as shocked as you're gonna be." Her smile grew wider. "They still didn't say anything, yet. They're just staring at her in shock." Skywardsister: "Her?"Toriel muttered as the warrior dragged her inside her abode. "Can I peek yet?" She asked. Undyne was covering her eyes. "And... now!" She let go. Utadukeeus: There they were. Habriel standing next to Marion. She was as beautiful as ever. Wearing a dress made of roses and blank white eyes. She held Habriel's arm as they both looked at the children. Chara was dumbfounded, Flowey's eyes were wide open and Frisk's jaw was on the floor. Skywardsister: "MARION?" Toriel's voice came louder than she predicted, and she apologized quickly if she startled anyone. "Habriel, Marion... how are you back, my child?" She asked. Utadukeeus: Habriel explained everything to her and the rest of the family. What Seraph taught about demons. Virtues and sins. How he summoned a lust demon. The ritual with Marion's soul. The two ways Seraph explained how to resurrect humans and how Marion will not die again. Skywardsister: Toriel hugged the resurrected girl. "I'm so glad you're back, my child," The goat monster murmured. "We were sad without you." Utadukeeus: "Thank you." She said, hugging back. "I saw everything as a soul. I'm so glad I can move and talk and breathe again." Skywardsister: Marion was tackled by the children once Toriel stopped hugging her. Flowey smiled from his flower pot. "Wow. That specter did something good for once." Utadukeeus: Habriel chuckled as Frisk knocked her over and Chara tried to stop them. "So, what do you plan to do, now?" Habriel chuckled. "I don't know." Marion said. "Probably grow my hair out. Then you and me, get some place to go on vacation some time. Somewhere with a nice breeze and nearby a cool stream..." "Got our future all planned out?" Habriel chuckled again. Skywardsister: Toriel chuckled. She gathered her children around her, bidding Undyne a hearty goodbye before they departed from Undyne's house back towards the ruins. Toriel still was a bit flushed from her date. Utadukeeus: "So how was your date with the comedian?" Chara asked. Skywardsister: Toriel blushed a ridiculous red and hid her face in her ears, chuckling. "O-oh, the date. It went really well," She explained within her happy embarrassment. Utadukeeus: "Really well..." Habriel chuckled at the sight of the fluttered goat woman. However, he felt a sudden kiss on the cheek from his girlfriend. "Our turn next, Habbie..." Marion giggled. Habriel widened his eyes and started to look like a little strawberry from all the blushing. Utadukeeus: "Really well..." Habriel chuckled at the sight of the fluttered goat woman. However, he felt a sudden kiss on the cheek from his girlfriend. "Our turn next, Habbie..." Marion giggled. Habriel widened his eyes and started to look like a little strawberry from all the blushing. Skywardsister: "PFftt alright, we'll give you time to yourselves. If you tell us how that date went, I'll clue you in on mine," Toriel stated, winking towards Marion and Habriel. Utadukeeus: "Oh really?" Habriel raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "That's how we're playing it, huh?" Toriel couldn't help but giggle to herself. Habriel turned his head to Marion. "What do you say? Lets go out on a date that'll blow theirs out of the water." "Ohh..." Marion giggled. "Making this a little competition, huh? Who's the cuter couple?" "Exactly!" Habriel snapped his fingers and laughed. Skywardsister: "Oh, my child, that will be a difficult challenge to face," Toriel chuckled. "Especially if you're trying to best something you know nothing of," She smiled. "Here we go," Chara rolled her eyes. "What a challenge." Utadukeeus: "Oh, nothing?" Habriel smirked. "I know that look on your face. I've seen it before on countless people. I haven't seen someone so flustered since I once gave Marion a violet rose." "Oh come on..." Marion giggled. "Its not THAT obvious." Skywardsister: "My child, it's been a long time since I've felt special like that to someone else," The goat mother blushed. "So you two go on your date. Tell us about it, and I'll tell you about mine." Utadukeeus: "Yeah, alright." Habriel said, resting a hand on Marion's shoulder. "You wanna do this now, dear?" "You don't even have to ask." Marion said. "Where do you want to go?" "I found this beautiful place in the Underground nearby Snowdin and the Ruins. Its cold because of all the ice, but at night, it lights up like the starry sky. Perfect place, since no one lives there. We'll have it all to ourselves." Skywardsister: "You two have fun," Toriel smiled, and she and the children went back towards home while Habriel and Marion ventured towards the spot he told her about. Utadukeeus: Habriel held Marion's hand as they trudged through the snow towards a cave. "I'm not so sure about this..." Marion said. Habriel smiled back at her. "Do you trust me?" He asked. Skywardsister: "Of course," She answered. -------------------------------------------------- "I hope their date goes well," Frisk said hopefully as they went and finally arrived at home. Utadukeeus: Soon enough, Toriel's phone was ringing and Alphys was on the other line. "So Habriel and Marion are entering a cave." The scientist said. "I'll send a drone to follow them in case if anything happens because I don't have cameras set up at the part of the Underground they're heading." Skywardsister: "Alright, just keep it out of sight- it is a date after all," Toriel said. "That's fine. I'm on it," Alphys responded. They each hung up. This helped ease Toriel for any sort of risks due to the underground's monsters that could be anywhere at anytime. Utadukeeus: The TV turned on it showed the footage of the drone. It observed Habriel and Marion slowly making their way through the cave. Alphys must have figured Toriel wanted to know what was going on as well. After all, the mother was much closer to them and can get to them much faster than Alphys. Skywardsister: "Wait a minute," Toriel called her again. "Alphys, though I appreciate that you want to help keep the children safe, I feel this is a breach of their privacy," The mother stated, watching the television screen. Utadukeeus: "If they get in danger, you can get to them much faster than I can." Alphys said. Skywardsister: Toriel sighed. "Alright, it's fine I guess. I'll probably just not watch the TV unless you notify me about something significant happening," She stated. "Thanks again." Utadukeeus: "Now close your eyes." A voice from the TV said. It was Habriel's voice. Marion did as she was told and closed them. He led her to the end of the tunnel. What was on the other side was beautiful. It was an entire caverm of ice which stretched out for miles. There was an opening to the surface at the very top where light shined down to the bottom. It was night as the entire cavern glistened like the starry night sky from above. "Okay, now you can open them." Habriel said. Marion was completely stunned as Habriel simply held her hand with the most beautiful smile she's ever seen. Skywardsister: Toriel and the children played games together, trying not to pay attention to give the lovebirds their space. Alphys watched them on her large screen with sparkling eyes and a small smile. Utadukeeus: "How did you find this place?" Marion asked. "Its wonderful!" "Every night, I wake up from night terrors and sneak out here to calm down." Habriel explained. "It really helps." Skywardsister: Alphys noted this comment to tell their mother later on, since she thought it wasn't the best for him to just sneak outside during the dead of night. He was putting himself at risk by doing so, and the scientist vowed she'd be more watchful. Utadukeeus: "It really is a lovely place." Marion said, while sitting down at the edge of a cliff. Habriel sat next to her. "Habriel, do you know the date?" "July 16th. 201X." He said. Marion smiled as she pulled him into her. They embraced and shared a delicate kiss. They soon laid on their backs, despite it being cold. It didn't matter. After all, they both felt warm. "Happy birthday, Habriel." She said. "I love you." "Love you too, Marion." Habriel muttered while laying next to her. Skywardsister: Alphys texted Toriel furiously, jamming the buttons with her fingers. The goat woman's phone rang, and she looked at the screen, changing expression. "What? It's his birthday?!" Utadukeeus: Habriel sat up and continued to gaze at the star-lit canyon. Unaware of everything happening in the background. Skywardsister: Toriel set her phone down on the table and immediately began to gather the remaining supplies she had in the kitchen. She had Frisk and Chara help after she told them it was Habriel's birthday. They were going to bake him a birthday cake while he was gone. Flowey sat by the window in his pot. Utadukeeus: "I'm a little bored." Marion said, getting up. "Wanna do something?" "Like what?" Habriel asked, standing up. "Its been a while since I heard you sing your favorite song." She said. "Wait, I thought I'm the one who's supposed to get gifts." Habriel said. "I know, but you're better at singing it." She said. "Besides its a male singer." "Alright." Habriel chuckled, clearing his throat. Skywardsister: Toriel cleared the kitchen table and laid it out with a clean, neat tablecloth and plates and silverware around it for everyone. Once the cake was finished baking, she cooled it and the children assisted her in decorating it with purple and violet icing for the trim. Utadukeeus: As soon as they finished, they saw Habriel standing up straight in the TV he was ready to sing. "I'm gonna make a change For once in my life It's gonna feel real good Gonna make a difference Gonna make it right As I, turn up the collar on My favorite winter coat This wind is blowing my mind I see the kids in the streets With not enough to eat Who am I to be blind? Pretending not to see their needs A summer disregard, a broken bottle top And a one man soul They follow each other on the wind ya' know 'Cause they got nowhere to go That's why I want you to know I'm starting with the man in the mirror I'm asking him to change his ways And no message could have been any clearer If you want to make the world a better place Take a look at yourself, and then make a change I've been a victim of a selfish kind of love It's time that I realize That there are some with no home, not a nickel to loan Could it be really me, pretending that they're not alone? A willow deeply scarred, somebody's broken heart And a washed-out dream They follow the pattern of the wind ya' see 'Cause they got no place to be That's why I'm starting with me I'm starting with the man in the mirror I'm asking him to change his ways And no message could have been any clearer If you want to make the world a better place Take a look at yourself, and then make a change I'm starting with the man in the mirror I'm asking him to change his ways And no message could have been any clearer If you want to make the world a better place Take a look at yourself and then make that Change!" Skywardsister: Toriel sat down for a minute, listening to his voice and wiping the sweat off her brow. She was relieved that he hadn't gotten back yet before they were finished preparing the birthday cake for him. Utadukeeus: He sat down, finished singing. Marion gave a him a kiss on the cheek. Skywardsister: They wrote his name in the icing on top and sat down for a bit, wondering when he and Marion would come back home from their time alone. They were happy for the two. Utadukeeus: Finally, the couple decided to get up and head back the Ruins. Alphys' drone flew away before it could get caught. Skywardsister: 'He's heading back towards you guys,' Alphys quickly texted to Toriel, who received the message with some time to spare. The cake remained in the kitchen while they all turned out the lights in the house, even blowing out the fire in the fireplace. They were going to surprise him. Utadukeeus: Habriel and Marion made their way through the hallway and upstairs into the living room. "Looks like everyone's asleep." Habriel whispered to Marion. "Let's try not to wake them." Skywardsister: As soon as they reached the room the rest of the family was in, they flipped the lights on. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HABRIEL!" They all yelled in unison, hoping that he would be happy with the surprise Utadukeeus: Habriel gasped and widened his eyes in shock. He had on a big, wide smile. "Oh my God, you guys!" He gasped, mouthe still wide open. "How did you know!?" Skywardsister: "A little birdie told us," Toriel chuckled and apologized to the couple, smiling. "I hope you don't mind this and I hope this didn't ruin your special time with Marion," Chara stated, watching for his reaction. Utadukeeus: "Wait a minute." Habriel pondered. "Only way you could know is if you guys somehow saw our date. But that means...oh God, you heard me sing!" He started blushing. Marion giggled and hugged him. "Looks like we don't even have to tell them." she said. Habriel smiled at the family. "My singing's pretty bad huh?" he chuckled. Skywardsister: "No, no, it's amazing!" Frisk said. "You weren't bad," Chara smirked and chuckled. "You sounded wonderful, my child," Toriel smiled. Utadukeeus: Habriel chuckled. "Well, thank you guys so much for this. I honestly never expected to have one of these happen in my life. To be quite honest. Being around you guys is the best birthday gift I could have." Skywardsister: They hugged him. "Oh, that's right! We baked a cake," Toriel recalled suddenly and the group parted to show Habriel and Marion the cake sitting humbly on the kitchen table, ready to be divided and given to each person. Utadukeeus: "Wow!" Habriel gasped, starry eyed. "This is amazing. You guys did this!? On such short notice, too! You really are amazing!" Skywardsister: "I hope you enjoy it, my child, because I wasn't sure what flavor you would like," Toriel said apologetically, smiling. "It's a vanilla cake, just in case you don't like it." "Let's dig in!" Frisk yelled. Utadukeeus: "Vanilla's always nice." Habriel smiled and sat down with the family. Marion sat next to him. "You can honestly bake your desserts in any flavor you want, they always come out good." Skywardsister: Toriel gave a small 'thank you' as she began to slice the cake into equal pieces, handing plates with them to each family member as she went, leaving the last piece for herself once everyone had one of their own. They had candles, lit them, and sang him happy birthday. "Make a wish!" Frisk said in a chipper tone. Utadukeeus: Habriel smiled and nodded his head, blowing out the candles. "So what'd you wish for?" Frisk asked. "If I tell you, it won't come true." Habriel chuckled. 'Many more happy times like this.' he thought. 'More time with the family.' Skywardsister: They all hugged him again. "Did you not want to say that it was your birthday, my child?" Their mother asked, furrowing her brows. Utadukeeus: "Well, its not that I didn't want to..." Habriel said. "Its just that it hasn't mattered my whole life, I just got desensitized to it." Skywardsister: "Dude, your birthday is a time to celebrate," Chara stated, slightly shocked. "And now that you're with us, we can all have a great time celebrating together!" "I made a drawing of you guys," Frisk handed it to Habriel and Marion. Utadukeeus: "My human family kind of never celebrated it." Habriel shrugged. "So it kind of became unimportant if you get what I mean." He looked at the drawing. "Wow! It's beautiful!" "It looks really good!" Marion gasped. Skywardsister: "Thanks," Frisk beamed, glad they liked it. "I tried to make it fast since you were coming back, and finished in time." All were in a jolly mood. Utadukeeus: "You did an amazing job." Habriel said. "We look amazing." Skywardsister: The picture depicted slightly sloppy versions of Habriel and Marion, though accurate in color and appearance. They were standing side-by-side, holding hands. It had a bit of the ruins in the background around them, colored in purple crayons, with the house in the back. Utadukeeus: Toriel took the picture and hung it on the fridge. Happy to see her children having fun and showing all their many talents. It was needed as for once they weren't worried about Habriel being in danger or something horrible happening. Skywardsister: "I would join in on the fun, but I could use a hand," Flowey joked, lifting the leaves on either side of his stem as if they were arms. Utadukeeus: "Unbeleafable!" Habriel gasped. "You're into puns?" Skywardsister: "Oh, it's not like you didn't plant that seed," Flowey grinned devilishly at Habriel's pun. Utadukeeus: "Me? Never!" Habriel chuckled. Skywardsister: Frisk and Chara put their heads down simultaneously and Toriel smiled, shaking her head and giving a look towards Marion, who reflected the same look. "Maybe we should leaf it at that, then," The flower continued. Utadukeeus: "At only tree puns?" Habriel asked. "Alright." Skywardsister: "What else you got?" The flower challenged him. Utadukeeus: "I got jokes." Habriel said. "How did the skeleton know it was windy?" Skywardsister: "Hmm..." Flowey brought one of the leaves up to his face to think a moment. "I'm not sure. How?" Utadukeeus: "He felt it in his bones." Habriel said. Skywardsister: "I can't let you get into this skull-duggery," Flowey retorted after the boy revealed the punch line to his joke. Utadukeeus: While Habriel and Flowey continued to exchange puns, Toriel's phone went off. It was Asgore. 'Can we talk?' the message said. 'About what, exactly?' Toriel responded. A couple seconds later she received another message. 'About the custody of the children.' it said. Skywardsister: The children realized their mother fell silent nearby as they spoke. She wore an expression of anger, indignation, and fear. She continued typing on her phone without saying anything. 'What do you mean?' She asked him. 'You suddenly care?' Utadukeeus: 'Toriel, as much as you would refuse to admit it, I am their father and I care about them as much as you.' Asgore responded. 'I know you have Chara living with you now, and someone who I won't name told me about Flowey. Why you hid this from me? I don't know.' 'What about Habriel, Marion and Frisk!?' Toriel texted back. 'Are you going to take them away from me, too!?' 'I don't want to take them away, I want a joint custody.' Asgore said. 'As for them, they can make their own decisions. If they want to stay with you, good for them. If they want to have a joint between you and me, I'll welcome them with open arms.' Skywardsister: Toriel grunted low, surprising for someone with such a soft voice as herself. 'Why do you even care all of a sudden? If you cared about these children so much, you would have done this a long time ago,' She typed furiously. Utadukeeus: 'You hid them from me!' Asgore texted back. He was furious, too. 'I didn't know Chara was living back with you until the festival! I just found out Flowey is Asriel!' Skywardsister: 'I didn't hide them, I was just caring for them whether you knew about it or not! It's a big deal that I'm caring for these children but it wasn't a big deal back when you sacrificed those kids for the barrier?!' She smashed the keys, gaining the attention of the kids. Utadukeeus: 'And what about you!?' Asgore texted back. 'All those kids met you first and you just let them go! Your just as much to blame for them as me! You didn't have to send them out of the ruins, yet you did, anyway!' "Mom?" Habriel muttered, placing a hand on her shoulder. Skywardsister: 'No, I'm not responsible! I didn't want to let them go, I had to! I wasn't going to just keep them there against their will! And look at you! You were the only one who dolled out violence upon them here!" She was tempted to throw her phone out the window. Her typing and expression were more and more furious. Utadukeeus: 'This is ridiculous.' Asgore texted. 'I want to see my children! End of story. I won't let you keep them away from me!' "Mom, are you okay?" Habriel asked. Skywardsister: 'Not all of them are yours,' Toriel texted and slammed down her phone on the table, sitting down and covering her face. Habriel could tell she was crying behind her palms. Utadukeeus: "Mom..." Habriel muttered, hugging her. "What's the matter? Talk to me, talk to us." Skywardsister: "I'm arguing with Asgore," She whimpered, sliding her phone over to Habriel to look at the series of texts back and forth on the screen. "He says I've been hiding you children from him and he wants to have partial custody." Utadukeeus: "Hmm..looks like he just specifically wants Chara and Flowey." Habriel said. "If the rest of us want to go, he'd accept that." Habriel sighed as he put the phone down. "I don't know much about Asgore and I don't want to get in the middle of your fight. But if he does get joint custody, I'll stay with you." "And I'll stay with Habriel, no matter his decision." Marion said. "If he stays here, you'll have me, too." Skywardsister: "What about Frisk? How do they come into play?" Their desperate mother asked. "After texts like that... I kinda just wanna stay here," Chara stated concerned, eyeing the messages. "Me too," Flowey nodded. Utadukeeus: "I think I'll stay here." Frisk said. "He seems to have just found out about Flowey and got pretty angry." "In other words, he's looking for a fight." Habriel said. Skywardsister: "Alright, what should I say? I want to tell him that you all don't want to go," She said, revealing her face finally. Utadukeeus: "I think this is something the two of you should resort out in person." Habriel said. "Its a little too big of a subject to just talk about over text messages. Besides, you both need time to calm down." He hugged her. Skywardsister: "I just don't trust him," She wept into Habriel's shoulder. "I'm afraid to see him. You know how I always put up an angry front when we see him." Utadukeeus: "I know..." he muttered, gently petting her head, still hugging her. "But I'm sure if he had a reason to hurt us, he'd have done so already. Besides, we can't just ignore him forever. That'll just make things worse." Skywardsister: The mother wiped her eyes and stood up from her chair. "Alright, I'll go see him. Perhaps you all should stay here," She suggested. "I don't think it would be quite appropriate for you to come with." Utadukeeus: "Wait." Habriel said. "As happy I am for you for facing him. You both need time to calm down and set up some sort of meet up." Skywardsister: "Alright," She picked up her phone to text him once again. 'We really should speak in person about this. When and where would you like to meet?' She texted him, hoping he'd see her message. Utadukeeus: "Tomorrow, wherever you feel is good to do this." Skywardsister: 'How about I just go to you?' She typed. Utadukeeus: 'Alright.' the message said. Habriel put his hand on his mother's shoulder and smiled. "I'm proud of you for doing this." he said. "Much better than the two of you furiously texting each other back and forth." Skywardsister: She sighed and looked at him. "I'm... terrified, honestly," She admitted, looking extremely tired and worn. Utadukeeus: "I'll be there with you, if you want." Habriel offered. "Act as a mediator." Skywardsister: "Should I bring you along?" She asked. "I don't know if that would be good for the situation..." She sat back down. Utadukeeus: "There's gotta be some mediator." Habriel said. "Doesn't have to be me. But someone's gotta be there to keep you two on topic and not at each other's throats." Skywardsister: "Alright. You're willing to do that for me?" She asked, looking at him again. "I don't want you to get stuck in the middle of an argument where you'd feel uncomfortable." Utadukeeus: Habriel nodded his head. While it was sad that this had to happen, it was better off this way. Before things really escalated. A skeletal hand touched his shoulder. It was Seraph, with a serious face for once. "Now, I have something for you." the specter said. "More demons?" Habriel asked. "Something else." Seraph said. "A portal which leads to one very specific archive. Containing the history of the Cathedral...and your bloodline." Skywardsister: "How'd you find that?" Habriel asked, perplexed. "And why do you care enough to want to show me?" Utadukeeus: "I know everything the archive had to say." Seraph said. "You just wouldn't believe a fraction of what I'd say without any evidence. As for the reason why. You'll begin to understand why your mission to stop them is in vain." "Why do you suddenly care?" Habriel asked. "Because if you're going on a suicide mission, I'll want you to do something for me during it. I'm tired of watching others live their pathetic lives. I want you to be my last catalyst since I've ran out of patience. If you die right now, I'll just move onto whomever is still alive. Which is why I want you to wipe out the Clemens bloodline so I can finally be free." Seraph paced back and forth. "At least before you get yourself killed." Skywardsister: Toriel and the others hadn't heard any of this separate conversation because she was putting the children to bed in other parts of the house at the same time. Utadukeeus: After she sent everyone to bed, she went back to Habriel to make sure he was alright around the specter. She still didn't trust Seraph and she wasn't going to let him hurt her son should he try. "You want me to kill my dad!?" Habriel chuckled in disbelief. "He's the last one alive and as I said, he wants you dead already." Seraph said. "Like I said. The archive proves everything I have to say. Including everything about your father." "How do you even know!?" Habriel asked. "How do you know he's with them?" "When you died for that short period of time after getting possessed by Chara," Seraph said. "I was bound to him and I saw everything. The archive isn't just a library. It also contains visions, illusion and memories of your ancestors." Skywardsister: Toriel stared at them from the hallway, hearing the remainder of their conversation. This freaked her out. Utadukeeus: "So where is this portal, then?" Habriel asked. "You have to make it." Seraph said. "Go out front and make a pentagram and I'll tell you what to do next." "A pentagram?" Habriel asked. "Yes, a pentagram." Seraph said. "What? Scared the devil will come and get you? He already has plans for the both of us if he exists. We're already burning in Hell for eternity, so what's it matter if you draw a stupid symbol?" Skywardsister: Toriel was still staring right at them in the middle of Seraph saying these things to Habriel as if nothing was really wrong about it. Utadukeeus: "Fine..." Habriel sighed as he went out front. He made a glowing violet pentagram outside of the house. "Alright." Seraph said. "Now I want you to think of the coordinates I'm thinking and use your magic to tear a hole into that pentagram." Habriel did exactly as he was told. Reading Seraph's mind. Getting every last detail of the coordinates. Then his hand started to glow and he waved it at the pentagram. A large portal opened up, floating above the pentagram. On the other side of the portal showed a hallway with multiple statues and bookshelves. "After you." Seraph said. Skywardsister: Toriel watched from inside, terrified, not quite sure of what to do. She didn't want him to go, but she didn't want to interfere or make the situation worse. Surely if anyone in the cathedral saw her too, it would be even worse. Utadukeeus: "You can quit hiding." Seraph called out to Toriel. "We both know you've been watching us and it doesn't matter if you come along." "So will we run into anyone from the Cathedral?" Habriel asked. "No, they've long forgotten this place exists." Seraph said. "We'll be the first to set foot in it for centuries." Skywardsister: Toriel came out of the house, conflicted. "Why does he have to do this now?" She asked the specter, hoping that they would stop and come back. Utadukeeus: "I can't think of a better time." Seraph said. "Everyone who would be in his way is currently sleeping. At least except for you." "Don't talk about them like that." Habriel shook his head. "But there is one thing he's got right. I do have to learn this eventually. I might as well get it over with. If you want to come along or not. just let me know. The more I know about the Cathedral, the better I can hurt them." "Well?" Seraph asked. Skywardsister: The goat woman sighed and made a face at Seraph before returning her attention to her son. "My child, be careful," She warned before hesitantly returning to the house.
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