#just imaging in the thirteenth cent. some priest is like THE LORD CONDEMNS HOMOSEXUALS
banchie · 1 year
hc Crowley accidentally invented homophobia
he got really bored in the tenth century and made a bunch of misprints of the bible like
and god was like FUCK SHELLFISH and FUVK MIXED CLOTHES and also god said to take a BATH because you smell like SHIT and also god said FUCK GAY PPL GAY PPL SUCK and and and and he said DONT GET DRUNK because you SUCK and I HATE FUN
accidentally makes too many copies until the most common copy of the bible is a completely fake one made up by a drunk crowley, then COMPLETELY forgets about it
centuries later he's telling Adam about his favorite demon works and he brings it up and from the other room aziraphale drops his book or w/e and just goes CROWLEY. CROWLEY DID YOU COME UP WITH HOMOPHOBIA. CROWLEY
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