#just heads up that the thing about getting raspberry gel air fresheners to get rid of stink bugs works
beware-of-you-98 · 4 years
OTP Prompts for Jemily
Who kills the bugs?
JJ (she grew up in the middle of nowhere Pennsylvania, she’s not scared of any sort of bug)
Emily doesn’t deal with creatures with more than four legs, so if she sees an insect, or lord forbid, a spider, she’ll immediately climb off the floor and call for her girlfriend
JJ can never find it in herself to purposely kill the insects (she’s also not too keen on having to clean bug guts from her carpet), so she’ll grab a clear plastic cup with whatever book or piece of paper is laying around and use those to put the bug outside
(If it’s a wolf spider, she’ll literally pick it up with her bare hands, much to Emily’s horror)
If the spider is a brown recluse or black widow, she’ll bring the covered arachnid closer and take the time to show her boys and Emily what markings to look out for so that they know to be careful
The only insect she refuses to deal with are stink bugs
When they come around, she and Emily take an emergency trip to the nearby Target and buy enough of the raspberry gel air fresheners for every one of their windows
Yeah, their house smells like a Jolly Rancher for the entire month
But at least they don’t have to deal with the annoying beetles
Who always gets hot? Who always gets cold?
Neither of them gets hot, but Emily is perpetually cold
The rest of the team will be in the field in pants and short sleeves while Emily is bundled in her turtlenecks and jacket
Even in 90°+ weather, Emily can sit comfortably in long sleeve shirts and pants
At first, JJ is surprised by how cold Emily can get
She wakes up one day to find Emily bundled under the covers and shivering
Of course, she’s alarmed and asking what’s wrong, only getting confused when Emily says she’s fine, just cold
“Em, it’s 76° outside.” “That’s practically freezing!”
JJ starts giving Emily her sweaters and sweatshirts for her to wear
Emily loves them so much because they fit her just the way she likes and they smell like her girlfriend
Who’s the big spoon? Who’s the little spoon?
Everyone on the team hands down swears Emily’s the big spoon
It’s not only because she’s taller than JJ, but Penelope says she gives big spoon vibes
(Actually, she says Emily gives huge top vibes and that makes her the big spoon by default)
JJ lets the team think whatever they want because she’s the only one that really knows Emily Prentiss is the ultimate little spoon
She can’t help it!! She loves the feeling of being wrapped up in JJ’s arms
And loves getting her hair played with while she rests her head on JJ’s chest
She’s!! Soft!! When!! It!! Comes!! To!! Jennifer!! Jareau!!
When did they realize they loved each other?
For JJ, she realized in the aftermath of the Tobias Hankel case
She suffered from horrific nightmares for weeks and never got enough sleep
Emily comes over every night for three weeks and holds JJ in her arms and comforts her when she wakes up screaming from her nightmares
JJ realizes she’s in love with Emily one night after she’s calmed down from yet another nightmare
She’s laying there in Emily’s arms, emotionally drained and exhausted and she just peers up at Emily and... knows
No one had ever cared for her like this, no one had ever made her feel so calm, so safe in years.
Emily does.
Emily makes her feel like no one has before, like she’s the only person to ever exist and matter.
JJ feels as if Emily’s arms is where she’s meant to spend her life
She doesn’t know it then, but that was the moment she fell in love with Emily. And she fell hard.
Emily knew almost right away tbh
It’s only a few weeks after she joins the BAU and everyone else had gone home except for herself and JJ
She goes into JJ’s office to keep her company
They spend the next few hours organizing files (Emily insists on helping because JJ looks really stressed and overwhelmed)
They don’t get a lot of work done honestly, they sit and talk with each other over mugs of steaming chamomile tea
Emily looks across the desk at JJ as she finishes a story and is rendered speechless by how beautiful the blonde is and how perfect she is and how everything about her makes Emily feel as if nothing else matters
She’s overwhelmed with her own emtion and just knows, knows, at that moment she’s well and truly fucked because she’s in love
Who said “I love you” first?
Emily does but it’s spontaneous and out of the blue
The whole team is hanging out at Rossi’s house
Everyone is laughing and having a good time
Emily and JJ are attempting to dance to the music playing over the speakers but they’re both hilariously uncoordinated
(They’ve also both had a couple of glasses of wine at this point, making their efforts even more comical)
Spencer and Hotch are playing a game of blackjack
Derek is half paying attention to the game on tv, half swaying to the music and doing weird dances when Penelope looks at him to make her laugh
Penelope is recording different parts of the night for the memories
Rossi sits back and watches over his children with a content smile
JJ stumbles into Emily’s arms with a giggle
Emily laughs and wraps her arms around the her blonde and just goes “God, do I love you.”
You can hear a pin drop with how quiet everyone becomes
Emily opens her mouth to apologize, to weakly defend herself when JJ grins up at her “Do you mean it?”
Emily’s response is a small, shy smile
“Say it again.”
Emily then leans in and gives JJ a light kiss and says more genuinely “I love you.”
JJ beams up at her and repeats the words, wrapping her arms around Emily’s neck and pulls her down for a deep kiss
(The team all give out a celebratory whoop at the couple’s expense and Penelope cries because she’s so happy for her friends)
(She sends the video to the two later on for them to have)
(It’s their most treasured memory)
Who demands cuddles?
When sober? Emily
Emily Prentiss loves a good cuddle
And, hey, after a day of dealing with the horrors they experience daily, a cuddle is what they both need and deserve
Drunk JJ is clingy as hell and will literally pout up at Emily until the older woman cuddles her
It doesn’t matter where they are
If they are in the middle of Wendy’s, drunk JJ will pout to her heart’s desire until she gets her cuddles (and a vanilla frosty, but that’s besides the point)
Drunk JJ actually demands cuddles
Who is more prone to stealing the other’s clothes?
While JJ gives Emily her clothes to wear, she is 100% the one that steals Emily’s clothes
She steals Emily’s hoodies all the time
If she can’t find something to wear for work in her side of the closet, she’ll steal a shirt from Emily’s
She also loves to steal Emily’s pantsuits and wear those to work sometimes
They’re so much more comfortable than skirts
And Emily loves to see her in them, so that’s a bonus
(She also steals Emily’s flannels before they go out for dates)
She just loves wearing Emily’s clothes as much as Emily loves to wear her’s
When do they tell their team/their families about their relationship? What are their reactions?
They decide to tell the team after five months that they’ve been dating
They want them to know because the team is like their secondary family
(And they also want to be able to publically be with each other when the team get together at Rossi’s)
(JJ just wants to hold Emily’s hand and give her girlfriend a kiss whenever she wants god dammit!)
To both of their relief, the team’s response is overwhelmingly positive
No one is surprised when they confirm to the team they’re dating
Hotch and Rossi are just like “we knew it”
Penelope has to remind both of them that she already knew because JJ had given Emily a kiss a few weeks ago during girl’s night (Penelope can keep a secret if she really wants to)
Spencer is confused because “Wait, you mean you guys have only just recently become a thing? You haven’t been dating for the past year and a half?”
Derek is just like “Well it’s about fucking time”
JJ takes Emily with her when she takes a weekend trip to take her boys home to visit her mom
She really wants Emily to formally meet her mom (“I know you already met her, but I want her to meet you as my girlfriend!”)
Though initially slightly surprised by JJ introducing Emily as her girlfriend, the blonde’s mother welcomes Emily with open arms
She’s never seen JJ this happy in years and it warms her heart to see her daughter in good hands
(“And she’s really good with the kids,” JJ’s mother tells her daughter later on in the night as the two watch Emily and the boys out in the backyard)
JJ just smiles warmly in response, relieved by her mother’s response
Ambassador Prentiss comes over to Emily’s apartment unannounced while JJ and the boys are having a family movie night
It’s awkward as hell tbh
Emily’s too formal and on edge
JJ longs to go over and place a hand on Emily’s arm for comfort, but stays put under the Ambassador’s steely gaze
(Michael and Henry are blissfully unaware, sucked too far into the animated universe of Spider-Man)
Finally, the Ambassador turns to Emily and asks if she’s happy
Emily turns back to JJ and the boys with a soft gaze before turning back to her mother and giving a light nod “Yeah. I am.”
“Then that’s all that matters.”
All the tension falls from Emily’s shoulders and the biggest breath of relief leaves her lips at that
It’s the most approval she’s gotten from her mother in a long time but it means so much
What is their favorite way to show affection?
Emily likes to wrap her arms around JJ’s waist from behind
She loves to sneak up behind her when she’s cooking and gently grab her waist and press a light kiss against her neck before laying her chin on the blonde’s shoulder and watching her cook
She’ll slide behind JJ on the couch and kiss her temple before they cuddle and watch tv
She’ll randomly stop by and just wrap JJ in a soft, warm hug, gently swaying her from side to side before letting her go and going about her day like normal
JJ loves giving Emily sweet kisses on her forehead or her cheek
She wakes up before Emily and will sometimes be unable to help herself and just lean down and press a series of light kisses on the brunette’s nose or forehead
She’ll sometimes stop by Emily’s office during work and just plant a kiss on the crown of her head before heading back to her reports
When they go on long trips, who drives?
She loves to drive but hardly ever gets to
At work, Emily or one of the boys are the ones driving the SUVs
(And, yeah, maybe she got to drive the SUV when Kate was on the team, but still)
Even running errands like going to the store or picking up the boys, it’s Emily that drives
But Emily hates to drive long distances and often leaves that task to JJ
JJ loves it
Emily will lean her head on her shoulder or place her hand over the blonde’s on the gear shift
It’s so blissfully domestic and soft and makes the drive that much better
Who shows more affection to the other in public?
JJ easily
Emily is a firm believer that she has a hardass reputation to uphold
It takes all of JJ’s will power not to snort
Because, honestly, Emily is really just a big softie
But she’ll let Emily think what she wants
She’s the one that initiates hand holding on the jet when they’re going to a case and cuddles on the way home from one
She just wants to love her girlfriend anywhere and at anytime!
If she wants to give Emily a kiss in the middle of the bullpen (when it’s slow and the atmosphere isn’t as tense or serious as it normally is, of course), she will god dammit!!
(Emily’s light blush never does any good to help uphold her “hardass reputation” but oh well)
Who gives piggy back rides the most?
JJ gives the piggy back rides, Emily always gets them
JJ holds her as if she weighs nothing and it makes her swoon
JJ’s arms? A definite weakness for Emily
(Plus she never got to have piggy back rides as a child and JJ insists on making up for lost time so how can Emily refuse with an offer like that?)
Who proposes first? How and when?
Okay so I’m a firm believer that they’re both spontaneous as hell when it comes to this kind of thing
It’s literally just a matter of who lets their guard down first and let the question slip out first
If it’s JJ, it’s when she comes down one morning to see Emily and the boys making her breakfast
She just stops and leans in the doorway, smiling to herself as her girlfriend instructs her sons what do do
Emily is so patient with them
She helps Michael crack the eggs into a bowl and then kisses his nose, which makes him squeal in delight and her to grin
Henry stirs the batter for waffles and gets flour on his glasses and face
Emily leans over and gently cleans him off, grinning and laughing in surprise when the young boy gets batter on her nose
The three of them are just laughing and genuinely having a good time and, god, it makes JJ’s heart feel so full
When they finally notice JJ in the doorway, the boys run up and give her good morning kisses before going back to cooking breakfast
When JJ and Emily are alone and cleaning up the kitchen, Emily just wraps her arms around JJ’s waist and gives her the softest of kisses
The “marry me?” slips from JJ’s lips without much thought
And Emily, though initially surprised, just beams in response and gives her girlfriend (fiancé?) a deep, passionate kiss and just goes “just let me know the date to reserve, baby”
If it’s Emily, it happens in a very soft, very intimate moment between the two of them
They’ll be laying in bed at midnight, cuddled naked under the covers with no space between them
Emily leans over and brushes her fingers through JJ’s long hair, her heart fluttering wildly when the blonde looks up at her
Her eyes are full of so much love, her expression so soft and adoring, Emily can’t help but to whisper out “marry me?” into the room
She goes to maybe to start a speech about their relationship, how much it means to her and how much she wants to be a part of JJ’s and the boys’ lives but all that comes out is “I just... I really, really love you and want to be a part of your life permanently.”
Just like the first time they admitted they loved each other, JJ beams and leans in, pressing a chaste kiss to Emily’s lips before telling her to say it again
Emily presses a kiss to JJ’s chin and asks again so softly “marry me?”
JJ pulls her in for a long, deep kiss
“I’d marry you as soon as tomorrow if you wanted me to.”
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