#just a small pet peeve of mine when it comes to VNs that so much is revealed through ask blogs and not the actual source material
deerspherestudios · 6 months
Hi! I just want to say that I like the new update for mushroom oasis! Can't describe it with my words but I really like your concepts for it!
I have a question to ask it's not a interesting one i think, why Mycehal call the mc firefly? It's pretty cute nickname but does he use it only mc when he found them?
Like i say it's not interesting one but i was curious, hope you have a good day and stay hydrated
Are you asking if he uses it only for MC, or for anyone he comes across? Personally, I think he only uses it for MC but it can also be accepted it's a given pet name to anyone he comes across (like how some people just comfortably refer to strangers as 'honey', 'sweetie', etc) and mean nothing by it. Both works ::-)!
Funnily enough there is a brief mention of why he uses it in the Day 3 script, so I don't think it makes the question uninteresting at all haha! Although that does mean it counts as spoilers (sorta) but he does explain why he calls you 'firefly' eventually ::-)
Then again I'm re-writing the Day 3 script so who knows, we'll see how it goes!
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