#junora my beloveds
saturntheday · 4 months
Six Sentence Sunday
Hello everyone! I was tagged by the lovely @wordsofhoneydew and my first thought was to ignore it because the first and last fic I started writing was written like last year and I'm not much of a fanfic writer and more of a fanfic reader. But, I'm feeling a lil brave rn so here's a snippet from my first fic that'll probably come out late March or smth despite being pretty short. Bonus: you get an extra two sentences bc I'm feeling nice today :D
June didn't get sick. She just didn't. It was as simple as that. Except, she did in fact get sick. And, whenever she did, she would get all whiny and clingy. She was the worst kind of sick person. After she turned 10, she also had her little brother Alex to take care of. So, she decided, that getting sick would never be an option.
Tags under the cut!
@firenati0n @orchidscript @getmehighonmagic @mostlyoptimisticdinosaur @soldouthaz @affectionatelyyrs and anyone else interested!
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lizzie-bennetdarcy · 8 months
Get to Know Your Fanfic Writer
Tagged by my beloveds @hippolotamus and @smblmn 🥰 (I'm sorry if I forgot anyone, I have been so bad about doing tagged things lately)
When did you post your first ever fanfic?
May 20, 2022
First character(s) you wrote for
David and Patrick, but my first fic was actually Ray POV
(There may also be some Percabeth buried in a notebook somewhere)
Main character(s) you're currently writing for
David and Patrick, and Henry and Alex
Character(s) you haven't written about before but plan on writing about soon
None that I have plans to, but if I did it would probably be Junora
Fandom(s) you are currently writing for
Schitt's Creek and RWRB
Platonic pairing(s) you are currently writing for
I actually don't think I've written a fic that focused on a platonic pairing? But David & Stevie is my fave
Romantic pairing(s) you are currently writing for
David/Patrick and Henry/Alex
Your top 3 tags on AO3
Art, fanart, canon compliant. If we ignore the art tags, the next two are fluff and smut
Your current platform where you post your works
Snippet of the wip you're currently working on
I have two for rwrb because I have fallen completely headfirst into it. This is from my non fest wip
They lay side by side in silence for a few moments, their breathing the only sound in the room. It's as if they've come to a mutual understanding that a single word will pop the bubble of contentment between them, forcing them to face the real world. Henry knows Alex will have to leave soon, to go back to the United States and put thousands of miles between them. Henry doesn't want him to go.
I was tagged days ago so I won't tag anyone, but if you haven't played along I would love to see your answers!!!
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firenati0n · 4 months
ROOPPPPPP!!! happy sleepover night, babes! 💖💖
okay, one clean, one dirty—
1. which relationship would you rather have the inside deets for: junora or zahra and shaan?
2. if you could be a fly on the wall for any rwrb threesome, what would it be?
zahra and shaan my beloveds i just want to know how they make the TIME to do the things they do when they have to manage their two freak kids causing worldwide chaos
ooop. junorapez would be super fun...i love their dynamic! so fun and silly and open
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saturntheday · 4 months
(Late) WIP Wednesday
Hi everyone! I was tagged by the lovely roop (@firenati0n) to share a wip so here's another snippet from the junora sickfic:
Nora had seen this coming. Her data-analyzing skills might’ve helped her out, but even without them, she could tell that June was going to catch the flu. It had been obvious, really. June had been grumpy and gloomy all afternoon, while constantly massaging her sinuses. When Nora asked her if she was alright, she simply said, ”I’m fine Nor, don’t worry about me.” Now, as she was sleeping on their shared bunk bed, burning up with a fever, Nora knew June wasn’t going to be ‘fine’ in a while.
Open tagging everyone with a wip to share!
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