sparklingpax Β· 2 years
super random & well, clearly no one asked for this but gahhhhhh I want to ramble 😳
I was thinking again....about Masterforce lmao when will I stop? Who cares? Why even? Beats me πŸ˜…
Oh yes! This is canon talk, I'm saving all my lengthy Reverie-related rambling for a later time πŸ˜™βœ¨
And ummm. Typos. I'm really sorry if you come across any, I wrote this out on my phone & it's usually sloppier when I do that 😳
so of course, we know that Minerva does (or it looks like she does?) handle medical stuff for the Autobots from when she starts as a part of the team/becomes a Headmaster JR with her friends. But like, say things happened and the kids never joined the Autobot team.
Did,,,,,did they have anyone else in mind as a medic of sorts? Was there anyone already in that preexisting role?? Like, even during the events of the series, were there any adults who could have served that role or was Minerva the only actual "medic" there? And again, if she wasn't part of the team, were they all gonna chill & hope no one got any potentially fatal wounds/otherwise while they fight against the Decepticons??
Nothing that I can remember was explicitly stated about that....
So returning to my thoughts! Because I wanted to come to a conclusion of my own with this!! Even though this is like, so pointless, I wanted to muse my thoughts here. In case,,,anyone at all cares 😳
My thinking is one of three things.
-the first thing I suggested is true; none of them rlly know how to deal with this stuff and they all try their best Not To Die. And reference whatever they can find in their computers.
-Since being on Earth, when it comes to human stuff, they're grateful for Google (which of course would work since Google and other search engines are obv a thing by 2020 😹)
-All of them have basic training in medical stuff--both Cybertronian and Human-related
-this includes things they learned while in the Military Academy they trained in/graduated from back on Cybertron; then coming to be stationed on earth (and taking on human forms to integrate into human society) they compiled basic info on human beings and all their biology, sciences (everything they could study and document) over many years of observation and firsthand encountering the need to treat wounds and other stuff while in their human bodies/for other humans around them
-since any of them is more or less fully equipped to handle any medical situation then they agreed amongst themselves there wouldn't be an explicit need for one designated medic, and that was the end of that matter.
-Then Minerva joined the team and most of those duties ended up as her own
-Only one person received said basic training, the others rely on whatever information they have on humans or anything in their computers/databases if that one member isn't present to deal with what's happening.
-My theory is that the leader of any team on Cybertron would have receive enough training in every field possibly required to run a functional team, especially one being sent on an assignment far from Cybertron (as is the case with them being stationed on Earth). This would be the main qualifying reason a bot would be assigned as a team leader in the first place, and so naturally that makes Hawk the aforementioned "one person."
-plus!! Taking other medics from other TF series, they seem to play the group "science-oriented person" role too; Hawk is specifically stated to be an astrophysicist and as we see, he's in charge of when they build the Godbomber, it's he who takes the Godmaster bracelets and analyzes them with Ginrai, etc. He's clearly!!! Shown to be more scientifically inclined than the others!! So idk, going off that, it just. works??
-After Minerva takes on medic duties, it's clear she's better at handling it than he is but his training still stands so...the Autobots have two people who can handle what the team will need.
-If there was a second member, then I would guess Waverider, and I'd gues he learned on his own either in the academy as well or while on earth (or both) and volunteered to help with that role. My reason is how he has a day job that seems to consist of working at different aquariums and ocean-related research centers (it's never really specified if he has one type of job, he just does a lot of things πŸ€”) so...he seems like the type of person to be interested in something like this enough to learn it. Plus, Landmine doesn't seem the type, and Cloudburst always seems to be busy with his day job so...they wouldn't & don't. Their fortes lie elsewhere πŸ’«
Also, unrelated and hanging onto the topic by the thinnest thread (lol πŸ’€), but I also had a thought that Hawk probably handles a TON of stuff for the team & is overworked as heck (I can make another smol discussion post about this I have examplessss and thoughtsss πŸ‘οΈ just lmk and then it'll be sooner rather than months from now lmaoo 😳) like, yes, everyone does what they must, but he does a lot more and a little bit of everything. So I'm thinking part of the reason he gave up leadership of the Autobots to Ginrai stems from this; he can have just a bit more time and headspace to handle everything he has on his plate. He's still commander of the Pretenders, as we know, but now the responsibility of Autobot leadership falls on Ginrai. Hawk perhaps disagrees with the decisions from higher-ups that demand a team leader to practically have to do everything, and feels that a team is better off with a second-in-command that has those skills, and in command, a leader with different strengths.
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