they fuck and there is NOTHING you can do about it
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laughing-milk · 7 years
I just cried 4 times reading the Nanae Chrono Jotajose doujin end me
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mudamom-requests · 4 years
DOs and DON’Ts:
hello! this is the master post for what i consider something i WILL do and things i will NOT do. ships i will do and not do will also be included, but after the do’s and don’ts.
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D O s ;
send me aus! i love reading everyone’s aus. if it’s a canon-divergent au, send it! if it’s completely off the jojo tracks, send it! i love adore aus.
send me a semi-detailed description of what you want. as much as i started earlier that i don’t want an ask to be too long, i also want at least some length to it. what do you want for this? what ships would you like? etc.
TALK. TO. ME. i personally love making friends through the same things i’m interested in. i’m a human being as well, not some person you can’t touch or some trash. i’d like to have at least some comminication.
genres: angst, romance, fluff, smut porn, adventure, action, crack, horror, sci-fi, historical, literally anything...
have manners. i cannot express this enough. i’ve been treated like absolute shit before, but these are just personal experiences (nothing to do with writing). however, it zaps all the fun and motivation out of me when someone is just harrassing me without a good reason. so, unless you really have a reason to pick a fight with me (i don’t fight at all, lol), then please just refrain from doing it at all. i’m a very sensitive person, haha.
be sure of what you’re sending from the start. i can understand if you change a subtle thing, but changing and entire plot is something i do NOT want. so, just to make sure, please have what you want set in stone before you go asking me. actually, please do this for anyone, as it can get irritating if you’re halfway through a work when someone says that they want something changed.
D O N ‘ T s ;
for the love of everything, don’t be vague. i can’t work with a vauge idea. so please make sure to at least take the time to develop an idea for... five minutes at least? however long you need
roleplay. not sure if i have to say this or not, but this isn’t a roleplay blog. this is specifically for me to post my fics and to take requests for them.
be mean. just like the do’s, this is practically the same exact thing. i just don’t want to have to deal with people who are intentionally being mean to me for what i want to write and what i ship.
topics: r*pe, p*doph*lia, in*est, themes along those lines. i don’t do things like that, it’s just gross. however, there are certain things i will do for ships. that will be in a section below.
rush me. like i said above, writing takes time and effort. i can promise you that i’ll try to be as fast and efficient as i can, but i can’t ever promise you a specific time it’ll be ready. it’s very hard to write, especially when i live in such a family-oriented household. i’m constantly doing things with family, so i don’t have time to write during those times. please be understanding and let me write at my own pace. after all, these aren’t commissions.
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S H I P S D O s ;
Phantom Blood: jonadio, jonarina.
Battle Tendency: josecae, joseq, lisaq.
Stardust Crusaders: jotakak, avpol, kakpol, josedol, vanillio
Diamond is Unbreakable: josuyasu, josuhan, jotahan, koikako.
Vento Aureo/Golden Wind: giomis, abbacciarati, narasta, funcia
Stone Ocean: jolnasui, weathersui, jolermes, foohermes, jolfoo.
Steel Ball Run: jogy, joeigo, dinopants
JoJolion: N/A (don’t know anything about jojolion yet.)
S H I P D O N ‘ T s ;
Phantom Blood: dio x george, jona x george
Battle Tendency: josemuu, josekars, josesidisi, caelisa, caemuu, caeq
Stardust Crusaders: jotadio, kakdio, josedio, avdio, iggy x anyone, kakolly, jotajose
Diamond is Unbreakable: okumoko, josemoko, jotamoko, kira x anyone, jotajosu, josujose.
Vento Aureo/Golden Wind: giovarrati, giovacchio, abbarish, diavolo x anyone, doppio x anyone, trish x anyone.
Stone Ocean: jotalyne, jotasui, puclyne
Steel Ball Run: johnsus (johnny x jesus), johntine.
Jojolion: Everyone (for now, until i know more about it).
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i hope that this gave you some insight on things! and i hope this better helps you request things. again, if you want to ask something specific, you can always shoot me an ask or DM me.
have a nice day!
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iwatobiaquarium · 9 years
summer shakedown
Pairing: JotaJose / AvPol / KakCherry (implied) Rating: G AO3: (x) Summary: 
 First of all, it must be said that Jotaro is eighteen. Eighteen, and old enough to know better. It doesn’t stop him from falling in love with Joseph Joestar.
Hence why he's decided to invite Kakyoin Noriaki over for the summer holidays. Jotaro honestly can't think of anything that kills his boner faster than Kakyoin trying to explain why the maraschino cherry is an abomination to tastebuds all over the world. It’s just a cherry, man. Leave it alone.
 ‘Summer, eh?’ Kakyoin says wistfully. ‘Summer is a time for great romances.’ It’s the last day of school, and Jotaro has definitely invited him over in no uncertain terms to come crash at his grandfather’s seaside bungalow. 
Jotaro packs his bag silently. Undeterred, Kakyoin clears his throat.
‘Great romances. And, might I add, I’m giving up a very exciting trip to a cherry-picking farm in Hokkaido for this. They have over thirty varietes of cherries, yellow cherries, black cherries...’ Jotaro tunes Kakyoin out to hunt down a stray pencil, and finds it on the floor. ‘... Organic cherries, and you pick them right off the branch and eat them. Exciting! Don’t you think so?’ 
Jotaro stares at him. ‘Are you kidding? You said there were over thirty kinds of cherries and then just started naming the colours of the rainbow.’ 
Kakyoin elbows him.
‘Papa, my little Jotaro is excited to see you again!’ Holly announces over the phone, winking at her son. The curry bubbles away on the stove, and Jotaro pulls his cap down over his face to hide his expression. ‘ --Yes, and he’ll be bringing his friend too! OK, bye bye!’
Jotaro has long given up on sneaking past his mother sometime around his third growth spurt. He blames her side of the family for this. ‘I’m home,’ he says politely, and she smiles.
‘Papa was just telling me that he’ll have friends over to the bungalow too, so you should all have a nice, merry little time! Now, are you hungry?’ 
‘His hair is so tall,’ Kakyoin whispers as they get on the train. ‘It’s like, twice the length of his head.’ They’re seated a few seats away from a man with silvery hair gelled upwards into an imposing, impenetrable-looking block. His companion is much more normal, if Jotaro doesn’t count the scar across his face. Shiny pink scar tissue across his dark skin, on either side of his nose, and Jotaro wonders how he got it. 
‘Stop whispering so loudly,’ Jotaro tells Kakyoin. ‘Go and watch that Cherries of the World documentaries you saved up for this trip.’
Kakyoin huffs, offended. ‘I’ll have you know that it’s a series of documentaries, and the special episode is about how German cherries are dominating the market in Europe right now.’ 
‘Good grief,’ Jotaro says, and turns to look out of the window.
Note: I’ve been thinking about this AU for so long, but it was Kita who spurred me into action.
Notes: In this AU, I’ve aged Joseph and Holly down. They both had kids at 19. Joseph is now 56. Holly is now 37.
Notes 2: Now we know that Jotaro thinks pink is part of ROYGBIV. 
Notes 3: using Summer Shakedown by Slow Club is hilarious to me for reasons I must explain to all readers. 
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fuck piss i forgot it was jotajose week
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