#jorge martínez
waru-chan8 · 2 years
Jorge was and is in love with Dani. The absolute prove.
Okay so this is a preview from ‘Cuatro Timpos’ and they are discussing about rivalries in the Paddock/MotoGP. But look at Jorge staring and looking at Dani.
So here Dani says that they (Jorge and him) didn't like each other. Jorge smirks and becomes sarcastic. Everyone laughs at it like it’s a joke. Izaskun says ‘Now  understand everything’ and Jorge goes back to saying ‘we didn’t like each other’ and he seems a bit pissed.
So I think Jorge like/love and has always liked/love Dani.
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saraw4ters · 3 months
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todocubaonline · 1 year
A 17 años de la boda "sangrienta" que paralizó Cuba y a Jorge Martínez
La fiesta se celebró en el Salón Rojo del Capri, y Martínez se casaba con la bailarina Ana Lilian Hernández en la pantalla de la TV nacional, en su programa El Expreso. Pero todo terminó en una verdadera luna de hiel.
Corría febrero del año 2006 y la televisión cubana transmitía, como de costumbre, su programa musical de domingo El Expreso. Pero ese día el show no fue en el estudio ni la dinámica habituales: su presentador, el actor Jorge Martínez, se casaba de boda en el Salón Rojo del Hotel Capri. La unión de Martínez con la bailarina del propio programa, Ana Lilia Hernández, no parecía molestar a nadie…
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ultrameganicolaokay · 3 months
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Zatanna: Bring Down the House #1 by Mariko Tamaki and Javier Rodríguez. Main cover by Rodríguez. Variant covers by (2) Jorge Jiménez, (3) Álvaro Martínez Bueno and (4) Mikel Janín. Out in June.
"And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for… please put your hands together for Zatanna Zatara! The greatest entertainer in the crappiest hotel and casino of Las Vegas!
Not that the ritzier spots on the Strip haven’t come calling, of course. But since a devastating instance of magic gone wrong that forever changed the course of her childhood, Zatanna would much rather live out her days as a top-hat-and-fishnets-wearing sleight-of-hand stage act than bother with real magic. These days, she doesn’t think much of the past at all.
That is, until an interdimensional vortex cracks open during Zatanna’s act, and a terrifying demon crawls out to kill her. If she hopes to survive the horrors that follow it, she’ll need to take herself and her power seriously for the first time in a long time—and fast. Because when it comes to your past, you can run… but you can’t hide forever!"
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42bakery · 19 days
Jorge is hating this changes. He thinks if safety was the reason behind them, this is not enough. In his opinion bikes won't be as nervous/more stable and about 10-12 km/h hours.
It might be more if you take into consideration what happened when MotoGP was 800cc
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mylefteye · 1 year
Jorge Jiménez Martínez, Miami exhibit
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footballmanageraddict · 2 months
Rewriting Bolton History | Part 5 | Strengthening The Core
Bolton Wanderers pushed Chelsea all the way in Trebor Mahtal’s third season at the club, only missing out on their maiden English title on goal difference. And Mahtal was convinced that, with the right signings and a little more attacking intent, he could push beyond England’s big boys. The club was also heading in the right direction off the pitch with plans for a new stadium and £215m in the…
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boomgers · 2 months
Este museo refleja las contradicciones del mundo actual… “Bellas Artes”
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Antonio Dumas es un prestigioso historiador de arte y gestor cultural, culto y sofisticado, aunque bastante cínico y engreído, que es nombrado director de un importante museo de arte contemporáneo en Madrid, al salir victorioso en un concurso para ese puesto.
Una vez asumido su cargo, Dumas deberá lidiar con los singulares personajes del mundo artístico, mientras afrontará circunstancias y conflictos de lo más disímiles, incluyendo problemas gremiales, presiones políticas y situaciones disparatadas con relación a exposiciones y artistas.
Estreno: 11 de abril de 2024 en Star+.
Creada por Gastón Duprat, Mariano Cohn y Andrés Duprat, la serie cuenta con las actuaciones de Oscar Martínez, Aixa Villagrán, Koldo Olabarri, José Sacristán, Fernando Albizu, Ana Wagener, Ángela Molina, Vera Fogwill, Dani Rovira, Ludwika Paleta y Jorge López.
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joelsanradar · 8 months
EL AVANCE, la columna #AMediaSemana
EL AVANCE, la columna #AMediaSemana 19/09/23 *Navor Rojas, secretario *Márquez, importante respaldo *Israel posiciona #EsShadia *Fragoso, ¿Inteligencia artificial? *Órdenes de aprehensión en serie
*Navor Rojas, secretario *Márquez, importante respaldo *Israel posiciona #EsShadia *Fragoso, ¿Inteligencia artificial? *Órdenes de aprehensión en serie A unos días de que declinara a la posibilidad de ser vicepresidente del Senado, por respaldar otra propuesta, este martes el senador por Hidalgo, Navor Alberto Rojas Mancera, rindió protesta como secretario de la Mesa Directiva que conducirá…
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¡Cayó el primer feudo K! Capitanich perdió Chaco en manos de Polini
En una elección primaria reñida, el gobernador chaqueño Jorge Capitanich perdió ante la oposición con poco más del 30 por ciento de los votos, desde Frente Chaqueño. Alineado al oficialismo nacional Unión por la Patria (UxP), ex Frente de Todos (FdT). Capitanich se llevó la interna de manera contundente contra Ismael Walter Espinoza, con más del 99 por ciento. En la oposición, el vencedor fue el…
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elcorreografico · 1 year
Designaron al nuevo fiscal del juicio para Mario Secco por irrumpir en la Legislatura
Designaron al nuevo fiscal del juicio para Mario Secco por irrumpir en la Legislatura
El debate oral no tiene fecha de inicio y estará a cargo del Tribunal Oral Criminal II de La Plata. Los hechos ocurrieron en diciembre de 2017. La Fiscalía General de La Plata designó al fiscal Jorge Paolini como el representante del Ministerio Público Fiscal en el juicio oral al intendente de Ensenada, Mario Secco, quien fue procesado por “coacción agravada, resistencia a la autoridad y…
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waru-chan8 · 1 year
wait tell me the dirt... why don't you like lucio? and the other team principals
I don't think you need a reason to dislike some people, sometimes you just don't vibe with them. I also tend to ignore team principals because they are just the face of the team and they do and act as they are told/the best way to protect the team's interest. Having said that, I do have a reason to dislike each one of them, even if they seem childish to other people.
Lucio Cecchinello: I just see his face and I want to punch him. It's mostly that when he is interviewed by DAZN Spain, and he told one thing, but like 10 minutes later he and the team were doing the opposite. Also, at the start of the pandemic Crutchlow made some racist comments (something about the pandemic having started because a Chinese wanted to eat a bat or not wanting to shake hands with fans from Asian countries because "they were carrying/spreading COVID" but shaking hands with other fans) and he defended him. I think people started to pull older stuff where Crutchlow had said/done other racist stuff.
Alberto Puig: you see, when I first heard about MotoGP was back in 2003-2005 and back then, Dani and Puig were tight and Puig did everything to protect Dani. I came back in 2020 just to see Dani having retired and Puig having taken over Honda and dragging Dani thought the mud. It was implied that Dani's biggest mistake was to cut ties with Alberto and that's what made Dani big, a legend and a World Champion (in 125cc and 250cc) was Alberto. Also, I don't like him because as Cecchinello, when he tells the journalist something in the middle of a session he then does the opposite. And he always seems mad and wanting to punch someone. Not everything about Puig is bad, he also let Lorenzo retired even if he had 1 more year with Honda, and he has never put pressure on the riders. And when riders have had a bad crash, and they feel like they are not at their best and will be dangerous on track despite being declared fit by the medical team, he let them not take part. He does understand riders and shields them as much as he can, but that doesn't make me like him.
I'm not sure how familiar you are with Boscoscuro and Gelete Nieto. They are Moto2 team principal of the SpeedUp and the Yamaha VR46 MasterCamp team respectively.
Luca Boscoscuro: in the 2020 season, he had Yari Montella and Jorge Navarro as his riders. Montella wasn't delivering the result he wanted, so he replaced him with Fermín Aldeguer. At first, it was said it was due to an injury/give time to recover from an injury after a bad crash, but when Fermín could not replace him, brought back Yari to push him away the next race. Technically, it was a mid-season (? more like the last 1/3) swap. He did the same with Fenati and Alonso, and apparently he had done the same in the past. If that's not enough, he gloats that his current line-up is under a tight contract for 3 years (not sure if it started last year or it's from this season onwards) and Alonso knew for like 2 races before it happened that he had a shot at the Moto2 seat because Fenati could be fired. And now, he is so proud of Alonso and it's shaming Fermín, but in Americas, after Alonso rode with leathers that were too small and caused pain/lost of sensibility on his forearms, he was praising Fermín and called Alonso stupid. Basically I don't like 2 face people, I prefer them to be mean face-to-face than do what he does.
Gelete Nieto: last year one of his riders had a pretty nasty crash and when he was asked the next day about the crash, his first reaction was to talk about the cost and the extensive work the mechanics had to repair the bike. Later he talked about the rider, but I didn't like his first instinct was to talk about the damage the team had instead of the rider. He was a rider, so I thought he would understand and be concerned about another rider. Another point is that he has no voice on whom are the riders on his team, it's all on Yamaha (not even Vale), and he shows preferences and implied that riders coming from Asia take more time and are worse than Spanish riders. He has put Manu on a pedestal, and he refuses to see past it.
Toto Wolff: I won't talk a lot because people have him on a pedestal, but basically the stress he put Bottas with the 1-year contract and the Monaco 2021 pit-stop saying it was Bottas fault for not pitting on the right spot. The poor decision he and the team took in 2021 during the championship fight. Giving Russell the 2nd Merc seat after punching another rider after a crash. Putting his riders in danger with a bouncing car because he refuses to admit he is wrong. The way he talks, uses and manipulates the media and fans... And basically the way fans adore him and excuses him. Talk about this with someone else changing his name to Horner, Steiner or Brown and people will riot.
Okay, this makes me sound like a hater, and that's not me. I also love some team principal like Aspar (and the combo he had with Borsoi and now with Nico Terol), José Angel Gutierrez Boé (BOÉ Team), Aurora Angelucci (not because she is a woman, it's because she is committed to her dream of having an all-female team on MotoGP and working towards it) and Davide Brivio when he was in MotoGP.
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sociedadnoticias · 1 year
Aquí, algunos consejos para presentar la declaración anual: UAG
Aquí, algunos consejos para presentar la declaración anual: UAG #PeriodismoParaTi #SociedadNoticias #IngenierosCiviles #Egresados #UAG #PabloLemus #Guadalajara #Declaraciónanual @GuadalajaraGob @PabloLemusN @UAG_Oficial
Consejos para presentar la declaración anual: UAG Daniel Reséndiz | Corresponsal                                                Guadalajara, Jalisco.- Llegó abril, mes en el que las personas físicas tienen la obligación de presentar su Declaración Anual de impuestos ante el Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT). Aunque para muchos contribuyentes este trámite representa todo un reto, la…
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jujuygrafico · 1 year
Morales inauguró obras de red vial e iluminación en Puesto Viejo
#Jujuy | #GerardoMorales inauguró obras de red vial e iluminación en #PuestoViejo
El Gobernador de Jujuy, Gerardo Morales en su visita a Puesto Viejo, dónde inauguró obras de red vial e iluminación y expresó: “Es un gusto cumplir con los compromisos contraídos, vamos a seguir trabajando y apostando por este hermoso pueblo”. En ese marco, agradeció a los vecinos por el acompañamiento y recalcó el compromiso contraído con el pueblo, en referencia, a las obras que encaminan al…
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ultrameganicolaokay · 3 months
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Zatanna: Bring Down the House by Mariko Tamaki and Javier Rodríguez. Variant covers by (1) Mikel Janín, (2) Jorge Jiménez and (3) Álvaro Martínez Bueno. Main cover (4) by Rodríguez. Internal artwork: images 5,6 & 7. Out in June.
(I've decided not to wait for the actual solicitations to come out to post this. But, that being the case, I should add that right now it's unclear if this is the first issue of a miniseries or a one-shot.)
"In this DC Black Label series (17+), Zatanna Zatara is the greatest entertainer in the worst hotel and casino off the Las Vegas strip. The ritzier hotels would love to have her as a headliner, but since a devastating instance of magic gone wrong changed the course of her childhood, Zatanna would much rather rock her trademark top hat and fishnets as a sleight-of-hand stage act than bother with real magic.
But Zatanna will have to take herself and her magical abilities seriously when an interdimensional vortex cracks open the very stage she performs on, releasing a terrifying demon bent on killing her. And if Zatanna hopes to escape with her life, she’ll have to face the even more terrifying consequences of her past.”
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42bakery · 2 months
So Jake Dixon is still not feeling 100%. He has gone to the medical to see if he has hit himself on the head again, but they didn't see anything. Aspar has said that the team is fully behind the rider and if he decided to withdrew, then they have Dixon's back. No pressure at all, they just want Dixon at his best,
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