bibliophilecats · 9 months
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09 September 2023: Teddy Bear Day
Joppe is a plushie mole and he has a lot of adventures.
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dorstadt · 1 year
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Jubiläumsfeier „150 Jahre Männergesangverein Dorstadt von 1873“
#Dorstadt #Gemeinde #Oderwald #Samtgemeinde #Wolfenbüttel #Landkreis #Jubiläum #150Jahre #DGH #Dorfgemeinschaftshaus #Party #Wolters #Jägermeister #MGV #Männergesangverein #Nanko #Joppe #Claretti #Matzuga
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aagranlund · 2 years
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why is he just🧍🏼‍♂️
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enemy-to-the-state · 2 months
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Eerie Indiana’s “Heart on a Chain” and on losing a friend
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commander-gloryforge · 8 months
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Please welcome: Operation Copyright Infringement Turned Violent.
or, the worlds worst found family, a ragtag group of mercenaries and lost souls following one grumpy asura into chaos.
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starting off with Jopp ("Boss" "Captain" "Jopping") who put this group together in the first place.
he/him, 46 years old, asuran thief, inquest, grumpy as hell, hired a couple of mercenaries from all over tyria to get revenge on his inquest rival, who's been stealing all of his ideas for the past 20 years or so
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Ayili ("Ay"), the first to join Jopp in his adventures together with their twin.
they/them, 16 years old, sylvari mesmer, formerly nightmare court, violent and mean and horrible but they used to be worse. joined the nmc when they were maybe 4 or so, left during the campaign against mordremoth and has been trying to redeem themselves ever since by doing "community work" with their twin.
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Iliya ("Il"), joined along with their twin Ayili.
they/them, 16 years old, sylvari revenant, preacher of ventaris teaching. has always had a strong connection to the dream, unlike their pod twin. welcomed ayili back in an instant, gentle, smart, filled with nothing but love for their kind and their twin.
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Enika Thunderborn ("Child of the Storm" "Prince of Thunder"), looking for work after her crew was no longer safe.
she/they, 18 years old, norn engineer, pirate, strong, wild, knows her worth. child of two famous pirates, last survivor of her crew after the attack on lions arch. joined another crew after, but things got- out of hand. thinks jopp is funny because hes so fucking small lol
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Lucien ("Luc" "The Lost"), last to join the group because his auntie told him to get a job.
he/him, ??? years old, human elementalist, priest of ???, a sad wet cat if ive ever seen one. came crawling out of a cave a couple of years ago, doesnt remember much except for his name and the fact that hes a follower of some god, cant really tell you which one though. was taken in by a priesthood of dwayna, but they kind of kicked him out because he was a bit useless to them.
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hepatosaurus · 1 month
national poetry month, day 30
Why Poetry Cannot Be Skimmed In response to a student who told me he just “skims” the poetry right before class The barn was in the Netherlands, in a field where fierce night wind caught the straw as if to fuse the winter stars to their coldness. A farmer, woken by the sound, knowing his animals would be agitated, walked to the barn and by lantern brushed the tails of his horses. In calming them he gathered many long, gleaming strands of their nut-brown hair. Given over to what he heard in the swishing of their tails— the lash, the taut string of grief, turned slow, persistence turned to rhythmic movement— he hoped that if he listened long enough the layered sound would become a salve. He rolled the strands together, laid out along the windowsills of the barn. Then, once dry enough in spring, he rolled them in paraffin wax to preserve the sound and left them to absorb all the varied rays of sun, the spills of rain, and then snow flying fast across the latched windows and the slats, the rhythm of other breathing, animals plodding by the barn walls. The wax melted as the years progressed and other horses resided in the stalls, and their tail strands were added to the aging threads. From that encased sound deepening over years, a rope, pulled strong and taut, would resonate. Then another generation worked the land and waxed the horse-tail cord again, and in turn when it caught that century’s light, was spun into amber. Woven into the cells of hair: the tones of canal and field, pasture, furrows of plough, leaf and shadow, straw and stone, the human calling, the animal uttering. And when melted again, incrementally strands from other horses living there were added until there were enough layers of sound, set with the nourishment of grass and salt, to be given away and the space the hair had occupied would be returned to emptiness. The horse-hair cord was brought by a farmer to a luthier’s shop along a canal, and it was a perfect fit, she said, for a violin bow she had carved a few months earlier, waiting, and for the bow-less violin someone had just given her. She knew rosin carrying a current through pastures, filled thirst, and the grief of night wind and scavenged apples made the gathered pieces a whole. And now they are together in your hands this moment to make unrehearsed, immediate, after all those animals’ years, when you bring the instrument to your chin, when you raise the hair-strung bow, again their elemental sounding, and then their measured note, their first. —Jessica Jopp
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oldfilmsflicker · 1 year
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new-to-me #182 - Faraway
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folditdouble · 2 years
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Women in Film Challenge 2022: [86/52] Engel and Joe, dir. Vanessa Jopp (Germany, 2001)
You don’t understand consequences, do you?
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geekcavepodcast · 1 year
Faraway Trailer
Faraway follows Zeynep, a unhappy woman whose “life has not turned out as she wanted. That's why she flees to a Croatian island, where her deceased mother bought a house long ago. She hopes to find peace and relaxation finally - but she hasn't reckoned with Josip, who still lives on the property.” (Netflix)
Faraway stars Naomi Krauss (Zeynep), Goran Bogdan (Josip), Adnan Maral, Bahar Balci, Artjom Gilz, and Davor Tomic. The film is directed by Vanessa Jopp based on a screenplay by Jane Aincough. Eva Katharina Bühler serves as cinematographer. Olga Film is producing.
Faraway hits Netflix on March 8, 2023.
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estraven-ai-2022 · 9 months
Finger tats that say JOPP PING
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1starqi · 10 months
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moviescramble · 1 year
Faraway - Review
There surely cannot be any more romantic stories left to tell in cinema. Boy meets girl, the pair don’t get on, there’s a big mix up and, eventually, they fall in love. It’s a story that’s been told in a multitude of different settings, with interchangeable leads. And yet, we still want to hear these stories. They provide escapism, perhaps an exotic location and – let’s be honest – a gorgeous…
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dorstadt · 11 months
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Wolfenbütteler Schaufenster vom 16. Juli 2023, Ausgabe Schladen-Werla/Oderwald, Seite 7
#Dorstadt #Gemeinde #Oderwald #Samtgemeinde #Wolfenbüttel #Landkreis #MGV #Männergesangverein #Jubiläum #150Jahre #DGH #Dorfgemeinschaftshaus #Schaufenster #Nanko #Joppe #Claretti #Matzuga
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zomnommbie · 21 days
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"Let it be known to all, both future and present, that I, Baldwin, by the grace of God, in the city of Jerusalem, holy to the Latins, give or grant to you Joscelinus, my uncle, my seneschal, or to your heirs; count, a thousand byzanci to the chain of Accon, to receive annually the customary boundaries of the chain, and to possess a certain cottage, called Jescu, situated in the mountains of Accon, with all its appurtenances, by right of inheritance, except that Alemanding the same Jesse and half of his appurtenances as a dowry, but all after his the teaching shall return to your heirs.
Now I have given you the following omaia in exchange for Maron, which I had previously given to you with all its appurtenances or cottages, on the condition that for all these you shall do the same service to me as my heirs and your heirs, which you were obliged to do for Maron before, with the exception of the assizes, which are in the tower of Maroni.
I grant you a certain house near the New Castle, which you bought from Johanne Bogalet, the scribe of El Bisautia, to whom the house itself was previously owned. I give and grant to you and to your heirs John Drugemannus of Castello Novi with all his estates, things and possessions which he inherited from me.
21t therefore the page of this donation or grant of mine, granted to you and to your heirs, is to be sealed in perpetuity, and I commanded that the undissolved charter be protected by the witnesses undersigned with my seal. His witnesses are Guido Joppes and the count of Ascalon: Aimericus constable: Balduious do Vholin: Balianus his brother: Caufridus Tortus; Cotsvinus Boccus William de Molombocca. Given to Accon by the hand of Cuillelm, archbishop and king's chancellor of Zurensis, the 13th kal.
- Baldwin IV (confirmed by @trobairitzdedia)
(thank you!)
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lalaidrisseoffiziell · 6 months
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So. Hier! Das ist deine Zukunft!
Jopp, am Fußfetisch-Freitag stimmt das absolut.
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gasparodasalo · 5 months
Johann Melchior Molter (1696-1765) - Orchestral Suite for 2 Oboes, Bassoon, Strings and Basso continuo in C-Major, MWV 3.8, I. Ouverture - Fuga - [without tempo indication]. Performed by Martin Jopp/Main-Barockorchester Frankfurt on period instruments.
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