#joint ventures
cplconsult-com · 3 months
CPL's daily case study on tumblr.... CPL Business Consultants completed the technical due diligence of a scientific services company leading to a successful joint venture. 
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anlawvietnam · 9 months
Navigating Contract Consulting in Vietnam: Expert Insights and Practical Guidance
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Vietnam has emerged as a dynamic and rapidly growing economy in recent years, attracting businesses and investors worldwide. As the business landscape evolves, the demand for expert contract consulting services in Vietnam has grown significantly. Whether you're a multinational corporation or a small startup, understanding the intricacies of contract law and regulations is crucial for navigating the Vietnamese market successfully. This article will delve into the world of contract consulting in Vietnam, offering expert insights and practical guidance to help you make informed decisions.
The Importance of Contract Consulting
Contracts are the bedrock of business relationships, outlining the terms and conditions under which parties operate. In Vietnam, contracts are pivotal in establishing legal rights and obligations between parties engaged in various business activities. Consulting with experts in contract law ensures that your agreements comply with Vietnamese laws and regulations, mitigating potential risks and disputes down the line.
Expert Insights on Contract Consulting
Understanding Vietnamese Contract Law
Vietnamese contract law is primarily governed by the Civil Code of 2015, which sets out the legal framework for different types of contracts. From sales and purchase agreements to service contracts, the Civil Code provides a comprehensive guide to drafting, executing, and enforcing contracts in Vietnam. However, nuances and intricacies exist, making it essential to consult with professionals who deeply understand Vietnamese contract law.
Tailoring Contracts to Local Practices
While the principles of contract law may be universal, cultural and regulatory differences can significantly impact contract negotiations and enforcement. A contract consultant with experience in Vietnam understands the local business culture and can help tailor contracts to suit regional practices. This enhances the enforceability of agreements and fosters better working relationships between parties.
Practical Guidance for Contract Consulting in Vietnam
Conducting Due Diligence
Thorough due diligence is imperative before entering into any business agreement in Vietnam. This involves researching the backgrounds of potential partners, verifying their legal status, and evaluating their financial stability. A contract consultant can guide you through this process, ensuring you collaborate with credible and reliable partners.
Drafting Comprehensive Contracts
Contracts should leave no room for ambiguity. An experienced consultant can assist in drafting clear and comprehensive agreements that address potential contingencies. From payment terms and intellectual property rights to dispute resolution mechanisms, a well-drafted contract minimizes the chances of misunderstandings and disagreements.
Navigating Dispute Resolution
Understanding the Vietnamese legal system's nuances is crucial in a contract dispute. Contract consultants who are well-versed in dispute resolution procedures can provide expert advice on negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and litigation, depending on the situation. Their insights can help you navigate the complexities and increase the likelihood of a favorable resolution.
Personal Experience and Expertise
Having worked closely with businesses entering the Vietnamese market, I have witnessed the challenges and opportunities that contract consulting can bring. One instance is when a foreign company sought to establish a joint venture in Vietnam. By engaging in comprehensive contract consulting, we identified potential legal pitfalls and navigated them effectively, leading to a successful partnership.
Contract consulting in Vietnam is vital to conducting business in this dynamic market. From understanding local laws to tailoring agreements to fit cultural practices, the expertise of contract consultants is indispensable. By conducting due diligence, drafting precise contracts, and navigating dispute resolution effectively, businesses can position themselves for success in Vietnam's thriving economy. As the Vietnamese market evolves, staying informed and seeking professional guidance will remain vital to achieving your business objectives.
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legalfirminindia-blog · 10 months
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immaculatasknight · 1 year
Corporate complicity
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diyjewelry013 · 1 year
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Recruit international partners own shares, enjoy dividends
You can be a capital investor and invest in capital. You need to understand the Internet, understand content operations, have a passion for audio content, and have a passion for entrepreneurship.
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femmelynch · 2 years
Le alleanze strategiche, le Joint ventures internazionali
New Post has been published on https://aedic.eu/non-categorizzato/le-alleanze-strategiche-le-joint-ventures-internazionali/
Le alleanze strategiche, le Joint ventures internazionali
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Le alleanze strategiche sono intese formali di medio-lungo termine tra due o più soggetti (prevalentemente, ma non esclusivamente, imprese), finalizzate al raggiungimento di specifici obiettivi, funzionali alle strategie competitive o di crescita nei mercati esteri dei singoli partner coinvolti. Possono riguardare finalità commerciali, oppure l’organizzazione della produzione, lo sviluppo di innovazioni tecnologiche, la realizzazione di progetti strategici.
Strategia di sviluppo
In una strategia di sviluppo internazionale dell’impresa, le alleanze possono generare i seguenti possibili vantaggi:
immediato accesso a risorse e competenze distintive complementari alle proprie opportunità di valorizzare le proprie risorse e le competenze distintive in nuovi contesti geografici;
possibilità di raggiungere più rapidamente la dimensione critica, in termini di risorse investite e di volumi di offerta, necessaria per essere competitivi nei mercati internazionali e per operare ad adeguati livelli di efficienza;
sviluppo di una migliore conoscenza delle caratteristiche del mercato estero, delle sue dinamiche competitive, dei fattori economici ed extraeconomici che ne influenzano l’evoluzione;
maggiore flessibilità e capacità di adattamento alle specificità della domanda in diversi Paesi e alla differente fase del suo ciclo di vita.
Le Joint Venture internazionali
Sono anche molto diffuse le joint venture internazionali; si tratta di una nuova società costituita da due o più operatori di diversa nazionalità per la realizzazione di attività chiaramente precisate e di interesse comune. Raggiunto l’obiettivo, o venute meno le condizioni di interesse comune, la JV può essere sciolta o trasformata. La JV è quindi il risultato di un accordo tra le parent companies  (le imprese coinvolte) che ne caratterizzano così struttura e modalità operative 
Possono essere considerate la forma più avanzata di una alleanza strategica dal punto di vista del commitment strategico, organizzativo e finanziario dei soggetti coinvolti.  La partecipazione alla costituzione della JV, infatti, si determina con l’apporto da parte delle parent companies di capitale finanziario ma anche di risorse materiale ed immateriali necessarie per le attività per cui viene creata. 
I modelli di Joint Venture
Vi sono due modelli prevalenti di JV finalizzate all’ingresso in un mercato estero.
Il primo prevede la costituzione, con uno o più partner locali, di una nuova struttura la cui mission diviene proprio lo sviluppo commerciale di determinati prodotti nel mercato-target. In questo caso, l’impresa apporta capacità produttiva e conoscenza del prodotto, mentre il/i partner nel paese target garantiscono le competenze di marketing e la disponibilità di una rete distributiva nel mercato locale. 
Il secondo modello prevede che duo o più imprese (anche di diversi paesi) uniscano le proprie capacità in una certa area di business pe entrare in un determinato mercato facendo leva su una scala ed una posizione congiunta, e quindi con migliori capacità ed opportunità competitive. In questo caso, ciascun partner apporta le proprie competenze nel business in cui sarà attiva la JV. 
Come potete immaginare utilizzare una JV come modalità di entrata in un mercato estero presenta alcuni vantaggi e permette alle PMI Italiane di:
ridurre l’investimento finanziario e la complessità organizzativa;
determinare una netta separazione della posizione competitiva nel mercato estero rispetto alle tradizionali attività dell’impresa;
consente di entrare in un paese estero con una struttura aziendale dotata delle risorse e competenze più adatte rispetto a quelle di cui l’impresa disporrebbe individualmente;
determina lo sviluppo di una struttura aziendale – la stessa JV – che può determinare nuove opportunità competitive.
che cosa volete fare ora?
Volete rimanere in Europa con una recessione alle porte, inflazione galoppante e costi sempre più alti del Gas e dell’energia elettrica e mancanza di materie prime, o desiderate entrare in contatto con noi per sviluppare la vostra opportunità di Business in Africa Centrale?
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Gestire il rischio in Africa con calma e professionalità
Grazie agli importanti riconoscimenti istituzionali e collaborazioni con le agenzie portuali, per la vostra svolta economica in Africa, AEDIC offre l’opportunità di entrare in un porto sicuro, con vantaggi fiscali e detassazione per 10 anni,  concessioni e basso costo di mano d’opera specializzata altamente scolarizzata in posizione centrale in AFRICA.
Quando avete deciso di agire, vi forniamo tutti gli strumenti essenziali di gestione del rischio per tutto il ciclo di vita dell’investimento.
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Aedic con i suoi consulenti ha la possibilità di farvi entrare in Africa Centrale e prendere posizione dove sorgerà la città industriale di Kribi.
Guardate questo video per comprendere meglio di cosa stiamo parlando.
se desiderate entrare in contatto con noi per sviluppare la vostra opportunità di Business in Africa Centrale compilate il form che vedete quì sotto, un nostro consulente vi contatterà entro 24 ore
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italiacamerun · 2 years
Le alleanze strategiche, le Joint ventures internazionali
Le alleanze strategiche, le Joint ventures internazionali
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Le alleanze strategiche sono intese formali di medio-lungo termine tra due o più soggetti (prevalentemente, ma non esclusivamente, imprese), finalizzate al raggiungimento di specifici obiettivi, funzionali alle strategie competitive o di crescita nei mercati esteri dei singoli partner coinvolti. Possono riguardare finalità commerciali, oppure l’organizzazione della produzione, lo sviluppo di innovazioni tecnologiche, la realizzazione di progetti strategici.
Strategia di sviluppo
In una strategia di sviluppo internazionale dell’impresa, le alleanze possono generare i seguenti possibili vantaggi:
immediato accesso a risorse e competenze distintive complementari alle proprie opportunità di valorizzare le proprie risorse e le competenze distintive in nuovi contesti geografici;
possibilità di raggiungere più rapidamente la dimensione critica, in termini di risorse investite e di volumi di offerta, necessaria per essere competitivi nei mercati internazionali e per operare ad adeguati livelli di efficienza;
sviluppo di una migliore conoscenza delle caratteristiche del mercato estero, delle sue dinamiche competitive, dei fattori economici ed extraeconomici che ne influenzano l’evoluzione;
maggiore flessibilità e capacità di adattamento alle specificità della domanda in diversi Paesi e alla differente fase del suo ciclo di vita.
Le Joint Venture internazionali
Sono anche molto diffuse le joint venture internazionali; si tratta di una nuova società costituita da due o più operatori di diversa nazionalità per la realizzazione di attività chiaramente precisate e di interesse comune. Raggiunto l’obiettivo, o venute meno le condizioni di interesse comune, la JV può essere sciolta o trasformata. La JV è quindi il risultato di un accordo tra le parent companies  (le imprese coinvolte) che ne caratterizzano così struttura e modalità operative 
Possono essere considerate la forma più avanzata di una alleanza strategica dal punto di vista del commitment strategico, organizzativo e finanziario dei soggetti coinvolti.  La partecipazione alla costituzione della JV, infatti, si determina con l’apporto da parte delle parent companies di capitale finanziario ma anche di risorse materiale ed immateriali necessarie per le attività per cui viene creata. 
I modelli di Joint Venture
Vi sono due modelli prevalenti di JV finalizzate all’ingresso in un mercato estero.
Il primo prevede la costituzione, con uno o più partner locali, di una nuova struttura la cui mission diviene proprio lo sviluppo commerciale di determinati prodotti nel mercato-target. In questo caso, l’impresa apporta capacità produttiva e conoscenza del prodotto, mentre il/i partner nel paese target garantiscono le competenze di marketing e la disponibilità di una rete distributiva nel mercato locale. 
Il secondo modello prevede che duo o più imprese (anche di diversi paesi) uniscano le proprie capacità in una certa area di business pe entrare in un determinato mercato facendo leva su una scala ed una posizione congiunta, e quindi con migliori capacità ed opportunità competitive. In questo caso, ciascun partner apporta le proprie competenze nel business in cui sarà attiva la JV. 
Come potete immaginare utilizzare una JV come modalità di entrata in un mercato estero presenta alcuni vantaggi e permette alle PMI Italiane di:
ridurre l’investimento finanziario e la complessità organizzativa;
determinare una netta separazione della posizione competitiva nel mercato estero rispetto alle tradizionali attività dell’impresa;
consente di entrare in un paese estero con una struttura aziendale dotata delle risorse e competenze più adatte rispetto a quelle di cui l’impresa disporrebbe individualmente;
determina lo sviluppo di una struttura aziendale – la stessa JV – che può determinare nuove opportunità competitive.
che cosa volete fare ora?
Volete rimanere in Europa con una recessione alle porte, inflazione galoppante e costi sempre più alti del Gas e dell’energia elettrica e mancanza di materie prime, o desiderate entrare in contatto con noi per sviluppare la vostra opportunità di Business in Africa Centrale?
Se volete saperne di più compilate il form che vedete quì sotto, un nostro consulente vi contatterà entro 24 ore
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Consenso GDPR Privacy e Cookies (richiesto) Do il mio consenso al trattamento dei miei dati per i fini relativi al loro trattamento e confermo che ho letto la normativa sulla privacy del sito.
Gestire il rischio in Africa con calma e professionalità
Grazie agli importanti riconoscimenti istituzionali e collaborazioni con le agenzie portuali, per la vostra svolta economica in Africa, AEDIC offre l’opportunità di entrare in un porto sicuro, con vantaggi fiscali e detassazione per 10 anni,  concessioni e basso costo di mano d’opera specializzata altamente scolarizzata in posizione centrale in AFRICA.
Quando avete deciso di agire, vi forniamo tutti gli strumenti essenziali di gestione del rischio per tutto il ciclo di vita dell’investimento.
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Aedic con i suoi consulenti ha la possibilità di farvi entrare in Africa Centrale e prendere posizione dove sorgerà la città industriale di Kribi.
Guardate questo video per comprendere meglio di cosa stiamo parlando.
se desiderate entrare in contatto con noi per sviluppare la vostra opportunità di Business in Africa Centrale compilate il form che vedete quì sotto, un nostro consulente vi contatterà entro 24 ore
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Consenso GDPR Privacy e Cookies (richiesto) Do il mio consenso al trattamento dei miei dati per i fini relativi al loro trattamento e confermo che ho letto la normativa sulla privacy del sito.
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smalltofedsblog · 2 years
Changes Impacting Small Business In Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 2022-008
Changes Impacting Small Business In Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 2022-008
“FEDERAL ACQUISTION INSTITUTE (FAI)” “Federal Acquisition Circular (FAC) 2022-08 was published in the Federal Register on Sept. 23, 2022. The list of documents included in the FAC are as follows: Introduction; FAR Case 2017-019, Policy on Joint Ventures, final rule, effective: Oct. 28, 2022; FAR Case 2018-020, Construction Contract Administration, final rule, effective Oct. 28, 2022; FAR…
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Corporate advisory services in India -  Our team helps clients navigate the complex business environment that exists in the rapidly growing Indian market. Financial Advisory, Inbound Services, Joint Ventures, and Regulatory Approvals are some of our key areas of expertise. The Corporate Advisory team helps clients with complex decisions that result in increased corporate value.
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Cannabis Partnerships
By Jonathan Bench, Attorney at Harris Bricken Many cannabis handshake deals result in the parties forming an inadvertent cannabis partnership. The words “partnership” and “joint venture” are often thrown around casually. Many early stage cannabis entrepreneurs know they want to do some type of business venture, often with a business partner, but they often do not know why or how to avoid forming…
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miredball · 10 months
okay like it was cute and all but s3 I need carmen to step up and actually keep the promise he made about being there for sydney. like I need her to be mad at him. to feel some type of way about his ditching her. then I need to see him try. like desperately try to make it up to her. carmy needs to be that guy doing too much. she wants a star? ok he’s gonna die on that line if he has to. AND, and this is important, she’s gonna go on a date. with who the fuck knows. because she’s beautiful and desirable and not just like, his. and she’ll confide in him about feeling nervous and she’ll try to talk herself out of it but carmy. carmy will have to be a good friend this time. carmy will encourage her to go. he will tell her he’ll cover for her during service and to have fun because she deserves to have a life outside the kitchen. then we get a scene where syd leaves out the back with her stuff and carmy just stares at the door after her.
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kagoutiss · 3 months
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together, for tomorrow
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franken-l00ker · 27 days
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immaculatasknight · 1 year
The business of death
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kanmom51 · 9 months
JK live 3/8/2023 10:26 pm or 22:26 KST
**This post was written by @dgtn. Little me added some of my own insight. As a whole this was a joint effort put together by the two of us.
A huge thank you to @dgtn for helping me with this.💜
And a shoutout to JK for taking a couple of days off to allow us some time to try and catch up, lol.
So let's just jump right into it.
JK came live to us on 3 August 2023.  With hindsight we know that he was performing at Suga's concert the next day and the busy schedule he was talking about included rehearsing for that most enjoyable performance.
When he first turns on the live all we get is a chair, curtains, and a stove top vent. Same angle as the previous live. You know, the one I personally feel there was someone in the apartment with him. Kinda feels like we were put in time out! (some ARMY deserves to be put in time out but I digress).   Also, lights dimmed, like he likes (which once again makes me think that in the previous live when he turned them way brighter it was for someone else's benefit).
We can hear him whistling and singing in the background and getting a drink with ice.  Then he talking to himself:
“I have to take medicine!  That’s right” – he is still not feeling well.
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“when do I clean my house? I’ll have to do a big cleanup”.   He’s been busy with other things, you know, conquering the world!  But of course domestic kookie places high priority on things being clean.
At around the 2 minute mark he finally comes into focus on the screen.  Typical cutie kookie, comes shuffling in wearing very cozy looking top (by one of his current fave brands, mihara Yasuhiro) with one of his signature beanies (which he takes off pretty quick after he realises, from the comments, that the beanie is same colour as the background and it looks like he has no hair - same effect as a green screen, lol).  He waves to the camera. Then he disappears again!!!!  Finally returns at around the 2 minute mark, sits down with his drink and says “hi”.
First words out of his mouth after greeting us: “I’m so tired”.  These 3 words set the tone for the whole live.  The man is exhausted!  Conquering the world requires a lot of energy.  Especially when it’s done in the span of about 10 days.  He looks absolutely toasted. Well, toasted and sick. Imagine having to do all this while sick. And suffering from insomnia to top it all off.
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He stares at the camera for a while, my guess is he at first is zoned out and starts reading comments that are popping up (to himself). 
“I’m sleepy”.
“I have to wash up.”  This is I think one of the things he absolutely hates doing at the end of the day.  I get it.  I will be honest, I have had many a day that I have said fuck it I’m so tired I’m going to bed with all my make up on, only to wake up in the morning looking like a raccoon.  I feel you JK.
Almost immediately he starts dealing with the usual stupid comments.  I don’t think the man could be any clearer when he says “Don’t call me Ian”   with a slight chuckle. You know the one he does when he’s really just over it but is still trying to be polite?  Hasn’t he said this before?  Like many times.  But of course there are those who refuse to believe that he might actually really not like being called Ian because they just keep on doing it.  It’s almost as if they care more about their needs and what they want to say then about how it makes JK feel……hmmmm.  Yeah, do we really have to ask ourselves that question?  Of course they care more about their own wants and needs.  If they actually cared about JK’s needs and wants we wouldn’t be getting the “Ian” comments, or the “speak English” comments, or the “touch your nose” or “why aren’t you acknowledging my comment?” and so on and so forth.
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Our ever polite JK flat out says don’t call me Ian and then it’s almost like an instant response to dial back the intensity with a little laugh.  But the message is still loud and clear.  He doesn’t like that name.
Then we get “Really” followed by him looking away from the camera in an uncomfortable way for a few moments.  Maybe he was wishing that all those stupid ass Ian comments would magically vanish.
And yet, once again ignoring his wishes later on in the live someone pulls the “Kor-Ian” joke.  Huh huh huh…
“I really want to sleep early today.  I guess I’ve been having insomnia lately.  I can’t fall asleep. I’m so sleepy, but I can’t sleep.  I can’t fall asleep.”  Our energizer bunny has never been good at falling asleep and I’m sure with his crazy schedule around the release of Seven it’s been even tougher.  Oh, and let’s not forget that when Jimin is not available that complicates things for him even more.  When you are used to sleeping with your partner next to you and then your schedule changes and doesn’t allow for that, it can be very difficult to sleep! Also, did anyone mention neuro divergent?
Next he reassures us that he ate dinner.  What are we, his parents?????  Long pause and drumming of the fingers on the table.  Seems like he is waiting for a good question to answer.  Doesn’t look like it’s going to happen so eventually he says  “I hung up lights in front”.  He’s taking charge of the conversation because he can’t count on us.
He starts talking about the TikTok Live.
How when he turned it on something weird kept popping up and can he turn it off (he’ll come back to this).
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The man is tired!  He’s going to finish his drink and go to bed. 
Then he starts looking around his apartment saying it’s such a mess and he needs to clean it and throw out all the useless things.  (around 5:00 min. mark). First off, never come to my house JK cause you’d be horrified and from what we’ve seen of his place there’s not much there to throw out so I’m not really sure what he’s talking about?  There is barely anything left (it’s almost as if he’s been slowly moving things out 😊).  Well, unless if he’s talking about all the old dorm furniture, including very possibly that TV that doesn’t seem to work properly, given that sooner rather than later there will be a brand new home to be moving into, and we’ll be doing that, I must assume, not with old dorm furniture.
Now back to Tik Tok “I can’t turn it off? Then don’t send it.  Why do you send that?  Don’t send it.  No!  I can just not do it” – sounds to me like he is talking about ARMY sending him gifts during his Tik Tok lives.  He’s asking ARMY not to do that anymore and wondering why it’s being done in the first place.  And him saying he can just not do it…does that mean no more Tik Tok lives if he continues to get gifts?  People, hear the man and stop sending him gifts!!!!! 
“Everyone! The cold didn’t die out, but it came back again.  So I went to the hospital yesterday.  Colds are so severe this time around.  It’s so annoying” (said twice).  When something is important enough, he’ll repeat it even over several lives if necessary (don’t call me Ian).  JK gets distracted by the refrigerator.  He says it’s loud whenever he does a live broadcast. 
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***Observation about JK.  The only one who can truly hold his attention is Jimin.  If Jimin is not there, you can guarantee he will be distracted; this includes his live.  He is easily distracted.  Well, unless JM is there, or on screen.***
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He’s asked if he is resting to which he replies: “I don’t have a few days to rest. I’m busy.”  (6:20 mark)  Back to ARMY assuming the parent role…when will people realize the man is 25 years old!
JK goes back to talking about his cold. Says he’s getting stressed.
Then says “yes don’t send that on tik tok.  Buy and eat something delicious.  I don’t know how much that is.  But don’t do it (shaking his head and hand at the screen). I shouldn’t do tik tok live.
Since then I think he turned off the gift option, so perhaps that will allow for more TikTok lives in the future?
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“I’m not in great condition. I just wanted to see you, so I came”.   
So, when he is not feeling well, he comes to ARMY to help him feel better.  We’ve heard that from him so many times, army are a source of comfort to him. 
He is being honest with us.  He makes a point in repeating this time and time again.  When he wants to drive in a message he tends to do that.  Tell us on repeat.  That he loves us.  That we are a source of comfort to him.  That he wants to be our friend.  That he’s not in touch with Tae.  That he has no use for his computer.  That he’s not gaming anymore.  That he’s not going to game ever again (yet to come).  Hammering in, repeating, sending a message.
And then he’s back to his house being a mess.  He says he should clean it when he has a day off as he is looking around in disappointment.  Again, don’t ever come to my house!  Also, can he not afford a cleaner?  Like seriously.
He says his house looks clean but it’s a storage room (ahm…yes?  The old dorm storage room I’d say).  It’s curious that he uses the words storage room to describe his apartment.  Why use that term? This is coming from someone who supposedly had a mattress laying in each room of his house in the past. What makes the apartment look like a storage room then? Like I said, could it be the dorm stuff being used/stored there? Yet another piece of the puzzle as to Brunnen being a temporary crash pad and not an actual HOME?
He says he has to take medicine but he’s too lazy.  Lazy is not a word I would ever use to describe JK.  Being neuro divergent myself (@dgtn), when I think of things I have to do, if it isn’t something I am excited about or want to do, it very quickly falls to the bottom of my to do list.  Sometimes even gets forgotten.
In between yawns he tells us that he went to the company today briefly because of his schedule.  And while he was there, he ate and he should’ve taken his medicine but he didn’t.  See here he says he forgot to.
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Now it’s time to watch tv but sadly the network isn’t working for him.
So the house is a mess and the network is shot.  He asks what is wrong with this house?  LTE isn’t working and neither is the internet!
Now he’s going to fiddle with the tv and see if he can magically make it work.  At one point he is actually side eyeing the tv.  Maybe I should try that next time too.  The TV is still not working and now he’s getting stressed (there’s that word again).  Next thing he’s off screen talking to something asking what is wrong with you.  When all else fails…..reboot.  Still nothing, and now he starts smacking the remote on his leg. (after 4 minutes of trying).  Around 6 minutes into trying almost everything he decides the tv doesn’t work after the last rain fall and he needs to get rid of it or something with a little giggle.
Now back to ARMY.  He says thank you to ARMY for worrying about him.  He starts laughing when someone says he should drink warm water instead of iced water. He proclaims that he will always choose iced.
And now he’s back to the tv again, saying it’s the house’s fault not the tv and he’s gonna try something else.
“I get pretty determined” ….. no kidding JK!  Now where have I seen him be determined before….let me think….oh yes….Jimin!
Finally, after about 11 minutes he decides it’s useless to keep trying.
Back to ARMY again.  Now he’s making a peace sign to show that he saw a comment and then starts making bubbles in his water.
He reads “can I see the lip spike?”  Doesn’t understand what that means.
***observation.  He really really wants to spend time with ARMY but is having a hard time finding comments worth responding too.  It’s all about the friendship.  Talking with us.  Having a meaningful conversation with us.  And when he doesn’t find that in the comments, he goes to tv and that’s not working either so back it is looking through comments.
Someone is asking for an air kiss (never gave one by the way).
Someone asked about his next shoot with CK to which he responds with “I don’t know”.  Cheeky JK then laughs and says “do you think I would tell you that?”  So there are limits to what JK will share with ARMY!  Good for him, start putting those boundaries in place!!!!!  “There are confidential things” – in other words I’m not going to tell you so back the fuck off!!!!
He reads that his voice makes someone sleepy to which he laughs and says it might be because he speaks so monotonously…. Ok JK, go ahead and sell yourself short.
He called out someone for asking him to infect them. To which he responds, “that is not okay”.  His polite way of saying That is seriously messed up.  Who says things like this! That may actually be the cringiest comment in this whole live.  People have zero boundaries. 
He wants to sing for us but he is not in great condition and he says he is sorry (always thinking of ARMY’s feelings).
“Bunny” he pauses with a little smirk after reading that.  My guess is he still likes his nickname.
What to do next since the tv isn’t working.  He wants to do something fun with ARMY and it’s pretty obvious he’s bored with all the stupid comments. 
He says the house is ridiculous cause nothing works … sounds like he might be used to being somewhere where everything does work…
He says he can’t fall asleep with us on this live because he needs to wash up.
Now we have JK personal trainer answering questions about diet and exercise. 
“I’m on a diet lately.  What’s the best exercise? Cardio is good for diets. But if…if you run to much it’s bad on your knees.  It could be too much.  There are cardio exercises that are less harsh on your knees.” He makes a rowing motion with his arms and says this is good.  My guess is he is talking about an elliptical machine.  “In the house, there’s the one where you grab on and the arms and legs go together, right?” Was this a slip of the tongue?  Which house? Whose house? Or did he mean the gym?  Yeah, not buying the last one, and we saw that he doesn’t have an elliptic at Brunnan.  I’m going with slip of the tongue.  Same slip of the tongue that RM had in their LA live back way when he was talking about the café they have next to their home.  All signs are pointing at a certain home of which we only got to see the gaming room and part of the lounge room…
Well, at least that was more interesting than the Ian jokes or the “infect me” comment… Also, maybe if I had JK as a personal trainer I’d actually be excited to go to the gym regularly.  Well, that after being totally ashamed of the state I’m in to start with…
“We’re family” comment.  He replies with a hmmm. And a small head shake.
Family, friends, all good. Just as long as it’s not bf or husband.  Oh, and not oppa either.  Yuck.
And back to the issue of the tv again.  It seems someone asked him why it doesn’t work.  He talks about being in the mountains so Wi-Fi doesn’t consistently work.  And he fought with the Wi-Fi ahead of time today because he knew he was going to be doing the live. (was this planned?  Knowing he’s in Brunnen alone and going live for army?)  He talks about turning over the house once (I’m thinking he means turning it over once and for all and being done with it) he says it’s too stressful and he can’t live this way.
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On to the Seven CD cover and the words overlapping.  He says it’s for real and on purpose.
Comments he’s reading:
I haven’t been working out much lately.
Even if I wanted to, he can’t listen to much music right now so what do I do?
He asks what does “air kiss” mean? Now we get flirty JK.  He says it’s not a hand kiss and asks if its’ this and shows a kiss. (around 29 minute mark).  Then he laughs and says “Do you like that.  Isn’t talking like this better?”   Naughty JK!!!
Now he’s wondering if an air kiss is in fact a whistle!  Then he finally figures it out!  A kiss with your hand to your mouth!  “That’s Jin’s signature!” (30 minute mark)
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“I can’t sing cause I have a sore throat” … all in English.  He actually says cause, but it’s translated as because.  I love how he very properly uses English slang by saying “cause” instead of “because”. 😊
Remember when I talked about the gaming and said “yet to come”?  Well here we are, once again with the computer.  He’s asked if he sold his computer as he had mentioned he was going to do on a previous live.  He’s not going to sell it, just get rid of it.  He doesn’t use it anymore, just uses a laptop for work.  He says he’s never going to play games. 
***observation…was that his way of telling us he does not game with Tae and/or the woogas anymore?????  First time he said he’s not using his computer anymore my thought was, well he’s gaming at JM’s.  But this here, it’s the second time he’s said he’s not playing games anymore, and this time it’s with an exclamation mark.  NEVER.  And do we remember what we said about him repeating messages he wants to get through?  Hammering them in.  Repeating them. Yep.  Interesting.
And today, after the premiere crap yesterday it is making even more sense. JK was invited to that premiere. JK did not show at the premiere. JK could have had a schedule that prevented him from going, that is true. Could have also 'missed' it intentionally. Not wanting to show up at the premiere. A choice made. Just like the choices made answering the Tae comments setting people straight or the choice to repeat he's not gaming anymore.
Topic of religion:
“I don’t have a religion.  They’re Christian on my dad’s side. And Buddhist on my mom’s side.  There was nothing like that since my time.  Nothing was forced either.  That’s why I have no religion.” 
“They’re Christian on my dad’s side.” – as in his dad family, but most likely not his dad.  He’d say his dad is Christian, not use that wording about his dad’s family. Same with his mom.  Parents simply must not be religious, hence the home not being religious either way.
*** Was this his way of debunking the bullshit rumors about him and Yubi?  I applaud you JK!!!
He tells people if they are hungry during the live broadcast to go ahead and eat!! 
***observation: Why are people constantly asking him for his permission to do things!!!! Maybe because he asks them if he can go to the loo as well?  Lol.
Now he’s talking about his jacket asking ARMY if they like it.  He says he’s been wearing it a lot lately and there is a long and short version of it.  He wore the short sleeve version when he did the dance challenge with Mingyu.  He goes on to say he should’ve bought several of them!
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Ok, so we know it’s a brand he’s been wearing lately.  JM as well.  We also know that JK has the tendency to buy multiples of things he likes.  Hint to bf to buy in multiples next time?  Lol.
Now the album:
He’s not sure when it’ll come out. (34:30 mark) He’s got to try something…. Curious!!!
Someone says they had a nice dream about him and his response: “really”.  That’s it, nothing else.  I felt like this was his way of acknowledging the comment and then dismissing it.  Again … Kinda cringey.
He’s asked about a new hobby, and he says he doesn’t have any but then he decides live broadcasts are his hobby. (around 35:00 minute mark)
***Observation.  He is SO damn tired at this point.  You can tell he is fading and needs to go to sleep.
His current favorite food is Perilla oil makguksu (buckwheat noodles).  They always turn out good for him! The colder the better! (36:00 mark)
He won first place again!  Thank you!  Our always gracious JK bows his head and says thank you twice.  And a third time 😊
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Now we get someone saying that they can’t understand his live because they don’t speak Korean.  (38:46 mark). Good lord, here we go again…His response in a nutshell…it’s hard for him to understand English so perhaps we can both study the languages and learn together.  “Let’s all study.  You should study Korean.  Our Korean, please study it.  It’s also tough for me.  How frustrated must I be as well? Try starting Korean!”
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***Observation:  This man is so done with all this speak English bullshit.  He is Korean!!  That is his native language.  He is learning English but would love for people to meet him halfway.  You know that mutual respect that he has been talking about more recently.  That respect that he is looking for from ARMY.
So now we’ve come to that point.  He wasn’t intending on doing the live for that long.
Sleeping for him is hard, he will close his eyes for about 4 hours and fidget the whole time.  He’s going to go wash up and if he wakes up, he’ll come back.  But don’t wait up for him!!!!
Well, I guess he fell asleep cause he did not come back live again that night 😊
Before I end this let's talk about the necklace a second here. It's dark and the video quality is not great to say the least, but he is wearing the necklace with the ring, and it does look like the same one he's wearing in his live the next night (or morning after next night, depending on your pov, lol). And although the chain seems to be different than JM's in Like crazy, that ring, it looks pretty identical. Anyway, something that will be discussed in next post about next live, which I have not yet gone to see, because I really need to brace myself for that 2.5 hr. live (silently crying inside).
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And to think that feeling this way JK went on stage the next day and performed with Yoongi. And to top it all he was so hard on himself for forgetting some of Burn it lyrics. I do hope that he is allowing himself some time to rest and heal at the moment. Probably not. But here's hoping.
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femmelynch · 2 years
Le alleanze strategiche, le Joint ventures internazionali
New Post has been published on https://aedic.eu/non-categorizzato/le-alleanze-strategiche-le-joint-ventures-internazionali/
Le alleanze strategiche, le Joint ventures internazionali
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Le alleanze strategiche sono intese formali di medio-lungo termine tra due o più soggetti (prevalentemente, ma non esclusivamente, imprese), finalizzate al raggiungimento di specifici obiettivi, funzionali alle strategie competitive o di crescita nei mercati esteri dei singoli partner coinvolti. Possono riguardare finalità commerciali, oppure l’organizzazione della produzione, lo sviluppo di innovazioni tecnologiche, la realizzazione di progetti strategici.
Strategia di sviluppo
In una strategia di sviluppo internazionale dell’impresa, le alleanze possono generare i seguenti possibili vantaggi:
immediato accesso a risorse e competenze distintive complementari alle proprie opportunità di valorizzare le proprie risorse e le competenze distintive in nuovi contesti geografici;
possibilità di raggiungere più rapidamente la dimensione critica, in termini di risorse investite e di volumi di offerta, necessaria per essere competitivi nei mercati internazionali e per operare ad adeguati livelli di efficienza;
sviluppo di una migliore conoscenza delle caratteristiche del mercato estero, delle sue dinamiche competitive, dei fattori economici ed extraeconomici che ne influenzano l’evoluzione;
maggiore flessibilità e capacità di adattamento alle specificità della domanda in diversi Paesi e alla differente fase del suo ciclo di vita.
Le Joint Venture internazionali
Sono anche molto diffuse le joint venture internazionali; si tratta di una nuova società costituita da due o più operatori di diversa nazionalità per la realizzazione di attività chiaramente precisate e di interesse comune. Raggiunto l’obiettivo, o venute meno le condizioni di interesse comune, la JV può essere sciolta o trasformata. La JV è quindi il risultato di un accordo tra le parent companies  (le imprese coinvolte) che ne caratterizzano così struttura e modalità operative 
Possono essere considerate la forma più avanzata di una alleanza strategica dal punto di vista del commitment strategico, organizzativo e finanziario dei soggetti coinvolti.  La partecipazione alla costituzione della JV, infatti, si determina con l’apporto da parte delle parent companies di capitale finanziario ma anche di risorse materiale ed immateriali necessarie per le attività per cui viene creata. 
I modelli di Joint Venture
Vi sono due modelli prevalenti di JV finalizzate all’ingresso in un mercato estero.
Il primo prevede la costituzione, con uno o più partner locali, di una nuova struttura la cui mission diviene proprio lo sviluppo commerciale di determinati prodotti nel mercato-target. In questo caso, l’impresa apporta capacità produttiva e conoscenza del prodotto, mentre il/i partner nel paese target garantiscono le competenze di marketing e la disponibilità di una rete distributiva nel mercato locale. 
Il secondo modello prevede che duo o più imprese (anche di diversi paesi) uniscano le proprie capacità in una certa area di business pe entrare in un determinato mercato facendo leva su una scala ed una posizione congiunta, e quindi con migliori capacità ed opportunità competitive. In questo caso, ciascun partner apporta le proprie competenze nel business in cui sarà attiva la JV. 
Come potete immaginare utilizzare una JV come modalità di entrata in un mercato estero presenta alcuni vantaggi e permette alle PMI Italiane di:
ridurre l’investimento finanziario e la complessità organizzativa;
determinare una netta separazione della posizione competitiva nel mercato estero rispetto alle tradizionali attività dell’impresa;
consente di entrare in un paese estero con una struttura aziendale dotata delle risorse e competenze più adatte rispetto a quelle di cui l’impresa disporrebbe individualmente;
determina lo sviluppo di una struttura aziendale – la stessa JV – che può determinare nuove opportunità competitive.
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