#job candidates
newyorkthegoldenage · 7 months
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Chief Stewardess Hazel Brooks of American Airlines addresses a class of 23 candidates for the stewardess (as flight attendants were then called) positions, as the company’s school began a six-week course at North Beach (later LaGuardia) Airport, November 6, 1939 The women would study subjects such as radio, air traffic control, meteorology, food service, company organization, maps, and timetables.
Photo: Associated Press
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tenth-sentence · 2 months
"I have nominated you to assume the Office of the Incarnation of Good," Gaea said formally.
"Incarnations of Immortality: And Eternity" - Piers Anthony
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wasabi-gumdrop · 2 months
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Kabru has a secret admirer in the castle!
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rochenn · 2 months
The Jedi Order mainly being an institution about teaching makes me sad that we never see more "Jedi classes" outside of the popular ones like martial arts, healthcare and Force wackery.
Alongside basic language and science education etc there have to be at least some trade and college courses on offer, right? The Jedi need a bunch of their own people with law degrees. Proper pedagogy studies for future crèchemasters. Cooks. Managers. All types of engineers. Electricians. Accountants. Researchers. How many Jedi hold a doctorate or professorate? Because I think a large number of them do. Their databanks are filled with millennia of dissertations. You can still find Yoda's articles from 500 years ago and cite them in your history research paper.
The Order just having its own micro-economy going on and every member getting their own regular job education next to all the lightsaber swinging adventures... pls
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goofunkel · 8 months
friends swindled me into reading murderbot bc of how it touches on topics like gender and neurotype and personhood itself failing to tell me that book two is just two fail robots in a trenchcoat trying to get through a job interview
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liefst · 2 months
I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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tricoufamily · 1 month
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tishinada · 15 days
US politics and history time for a moment...
The people who want to claim that voting for Biden would mean they supported genocide remind me a great deal of the people in the 1830s - 1860s in the North who wanted immediate abolition because they believed slavery was a sin and God would hold them guilty of that sin if they didn't oppose slavery. This sometimes resulted in them supporting 3rd party candidates that, SURPRISE!, did nothing but push the election toward the most rabid pro-slavery candidates.
You know what most of those moral anti-slavery people didn't care about? What happened to Black Americans. They were concerned only about their own guilt, not Black Americans' welfare.
None of these people making this a moral issue now show any signs of caring what happens to Palestinians OR to all of the other groups that will suffer if the dumpster wins instead.
Biden can't wave his hand and make it go away because the US doesn't have unilateral power worldwide (though some Americans seem to believe that, sigh.) There are limits on his powers, especially since he has to negotiate with a hostile House of Representatives. He has chosen what is actually a pretty effective route and fought for at least some aid to get to Palestinians. And currently he has *some* leverage with the Israelis.
The question you should be asking yourself if you really care about genocide is which choice will do the most to help the Palestinians? Do you really think the dumpster would do even as much as Biden? Or would he be actively helping them and every other imperialist country (*cough*Russia*cough*)? And who else will suffer if he wins that would not under Biden?
If that isn't what matters most to you, then you're no different from the moral abolitionists and other Northerners who wanted slavery restricted (because it depressed wages for free white men) but also wanted to make it illegal for African Americans to move into new states like Ohio and Indiana and Illinois (racism and fears of wage competition.) Or to ship them to Africa, no matter how many generations had been in the US?
It's not idealism. You're self-centered and egotistical and actively choosing evil if you think "punishing" Biden is the result of not voting.
Vote pragmatically. Vote strategically. Vote with the welfare of the most people possible in mind.
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doggamn-it · 2 months
Who am I supposed to vote for? Who the fuck am I supposed to vote for??
In one corner, you've got Mr. Run America like I Run my Businesses. In the other, you've got Mr. I Can Excuse Genocide and Will be Complicit.
Which would make you THINK that one would be better than the other.
Until you remember Mr. Cheeto Tan has been arrested, been in and is still being, investigated for multiple crimes INCLUDING COMPROMISING NATIONAL GODDAMN SECURITY
The man has already gone on record to basically say he wants to change the law and constitution of the USA so he can be President for as long as he wants.
How am I supposed to vote for either of these pieces of shit?? I can either: help kill people in my own country via forced pregnancy, homelessness, less restrictions on gun safety, and criminalization of my and other minorities OR help kill people in another country via fucking GENOCIDE
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nil-elk · 2 months
Being an assistant manager has been...something. Managing the people, both customer and employee, is what's most tiring.
I do it well enough I guess, but it's just... 🫠
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hotcat37 · 2 months
I have an online job interview in 30 minutes I'm so nervous 😭 I've never done a job interview before :")
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tenth-sentence · 3 months
Atropos gazed at him.
"Incarnations of Immortality: And Eternity" - Piers Anthony
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Instead of playing Darksaber hot potato, the real test of leadership on Mandalore should be lining up all the potential candidates for leadership and then making them helm a town hall meeting without either losing their temper or killing someone.
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pippytmi · 8 days
i need to know what the people think of a very important question...in a kacy "miss congeniality" au
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lobotomizedlady · 3 months
just called my psychiatrists office and turns out he's no longer on my insurence network and didn't even bother telling me during our last appointment so now I have two days to either find a whole new doctor & get an immediate appointment where they prescribe all of my medications with no hassle (literally impossible), come up with 400 fucking dollars (I have 13.95 in my bank account), or go cold turkey on all my meds and probably end up hospitalized from the withdrawal symptoms & locked up on a mandatory hold, forced on an antipsychotic and then saddled w/a 5,000 dollar bill for it. wouldn't be the first time!
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afaramir · 4 months
ok everyone hold still. and send me your most employable energies. aughhh.
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