#jeree palmer
neovallense · 2 years
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thefilmsimps · 2 years
Nope (dir. Jordan Peele)
-Jere Pilapil- 7.5/10 As a filmmaker, I think Jordan Peele is more interested in his themes than the logistics of the stories he tells to illustrate them. That seemed to be the sticking point for many people in Us, but for those of us who resonated on the same wavelength as that movie (it me), that movie was an extremely potent movie about marginalization, xenophobia, with a touch of code switching and passing thrown in as a treat. Nope continues that trend in Peele’s style, and while I can almost feel him disappearing up his own ass, there’s still much to recommend about this one. I’m interested in how this movie will age, because, without getting into spoilers, Peele’s reputation as a horror maestro might work against it. Nearly every trailer shown at my screening was scarier than Nope (if the trailer for Smile were any longer, my fiancée would have walked out, I swear to god). The film’s got more in common with westerns and sci-fi down the stretch, even if it has some horror elements in it. Genres are malleable, but people will likely go into this expecting one movie and getting another. From an “individual pieces” perspective, the movie is excellent: the leads (Keke Palmer, Daniel Kaluuya, Steven Yuen, Brandon Perez and Michael Wincott) all give good performances. The special effects and pacing are perfect for the story it’s telling. The soundtrack is expertly curated. Visually, it’s a gorgeous movie, all wide open western expanses. Something’s missing, though, and it feels a bit like a series of great scenes that don’t quite add up to make a great movie. For me, the problem was that “what is this about” haunted the first half. There’s a lot of man versus nature here, or man trying to control and tame nature and nature striking back. The story’s a little about the limits of our digital technology (Jack White would approve). There’s a lot here, and I’m not sure if the movie has a strong perspective rather than just asking the questions. There’s a lot to chew on here, if you’re the chewing type. That’s all to say that it’s more fun to think about afterwards than it is to actually sit and watch, at least the first time.
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The Funhouse Massacre
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My opinion of Andy Palmer’s THE FUNHOUSE MASSACRE (2015, Tubi, Peacock, Plex) changed so much while watching it I almost got dizzy, or maybe that was just lack of sleep. It’s a jokey slasher film in which the world’s worst serial killers (“God is afraid of them,” says one character) escape a secret Ohio asylum to take over a Halloween fun house with rooms dedicated to their crimes. There are some good visuals at first, particularly stylized flashbacks to depict each killer’s m.o., but the dialog is clunky. After a while, however, it builds up a certain comic rhythm as the usual group of misfits (sexy couple, virginal couple, two stoners who manage to be funnier than they are obnoxious and the wild-card, a Mexican American cook) head to the park to get bumped off. The script also introduces the idea that those in attendance think the real murders are staged and cry for more. But that idea goes nowhere, and the film ends repulsively and, in one post-credits sequence, nonsensically. Robert Englund is wasted as the head of the asylum, as are Clint Howard as one of the killers and Jere Burns as their ringleader. As the male half of the virginal couple, Matt Angel has great comic timing and looks incredibly cute costumed for the holiday as Sylvester McCoy’s Doctor. Renee Dorian, as half of the sexy couple, and Ben Begley, as a bumbling sheriff’s deputy, mug as if they had a right to chew the scenery. Since they co-wrote the screenplay, they may have felt they did, though I’d think they’d need to write a better script to justify that fully.
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vintagesoaparchives · 6 years
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Daylight TV - January 1976 - Mary Stuart - Search for Tomorrow - Adam Wade - Musical Chairs 
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andrewsmoviereviews · 5 years
The Funhouse Massacre (2015)
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Plot: Six psychopaths escape from a forgotten mental institution and move into the local funfair, relaunching it and murdering the visitors.
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Review: B-movies, Grindhouse, cult movies; whatever you call them, they aren’t getting any better.
Funhouse Massacre is meant to be more of a horror-comedy, but doesn’t really do anything to spoof, send up, or mock the movies it seems to be aiming at, instead falling into many of the same traps. The most egregious of these is a sin of many modern horror movies; killing off all of its main cast, while leaving the villains (or some of them) alive. While it’s sequel bait, it’s very frustrating for the viewer; what is the point of getting behind the protagonists journey when it’s likely to end in a swift death?
It doesn’t help that our villains seem to be knock-offs of other characters, some maybe even real life killers. It’s hard to even care who Hardly Quinn (above), her mute Bane-alike killer friend, or any of the others are - they’re just there to help up the body count. And we even get a late plot twist with the local sheriff being related to a couple of them, but it doesn’t work as it’s shoe-horned in, and it doesn’t work as a joke because it doesn’t say anything funny (or even interesting) about things like that happening in horror movie third acts.
It’s not funny, it has nothing new or interesting to say, and it falls into every trap in the modern horror movie playbook while failing to even parody them. A complete and utter waste of time.
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justfilms · 6 years
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#848 The Funhouse Massacre - Andy Palmer 2015
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moremoviesplease · 4 years
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The Funhouse Massacre (2015)
Dir. Andy Palmer
•Robert Englund, Jere Burns, Scottie Thompson•
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FLASHBACKS REVEAL THE MURDER CASE THAT FIRST INTRODUCED GIBBS TO NCIS AND HIS INTRODUCTION TO A NEW-TO-THE-U.S. DUCKY, ON THE 400TH EPISODE OF “NCIS,” TUESDAY, NOV. 24 Sean Harmon, Mark Harmon’s Son, Guest Stars as Young Gibbs; Adam Campbell Guest Stars as Young Ducky “Everything Starts Somewhere” – Flashbacks reveal the murder case that first introduced young Gibbs (Sean Harmon) to NCIS and his introduction to young, new-to-America Ducky (Adam Campbell), on the 400th episode of NCIS, Tuesday, Nov. 24 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. REGULAR CAST: Mark Harmon (NCIS Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs) Sean Murray (NCIS Special Agent Timothy McGee) Emily Wickersham (NCIS Special Agent Eleanor “Ellie” Bishop) Wilmer Valderrama (NCIS Special Agent Nicholas “Nick” Torres) Maria Bello (NCIS Special Agent Jaqueline “Jack” Sloane) Brian Dietzen (Medical Examiner Jimmy Palmer) Diona Reasonover (Forensic Scientist Kasie Hines) Rocky Carroll (NCIS Director Leon Vance) David McCallum (Dr. Donald “Ducky” Mallard) GUEST CAST: Adam Campbell (Young Ducky) Sean Harmon (Young Gibbs) Vito D’Ambrosio (Jonny Zucado) Thomas Crawford (Doctor Walter Magnus) Dajuan Johnson (NIS Special Agent Edward Scott) Gabrielle Walsh (NIS Special Agent Michelle Stamos) Matthew Furfaro (Young Jonny Zucado) Louis Mustillo (Emilio “Freckles” Zucado) Jered Solow (Young Freckles) Franco Fox (Henchman) Ben Turner Dixon (Young Franks) WRITTEN BY: Steven D. Binder DIRECTED BY: Terrence O’Hara SOURCE:CBS
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Ayre by Oswaldo Golijov - Live Performance August 2015 Ilana Davidson, soprano; Todd Palmer, clarinet; Alexander Sevastian, accordian; Dan Wions, french horn; Barbara Allen, harp; Kathe Jarka, cello; Jonathan Bagg, viola; Laura Gilbert, flute/alto flute; James Baker, percussion; Jered Egan, bass; Jeremy Flower, laptop
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theunseeliefilmclub · 6 years
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The Funhouse Massacre (2015)
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neovallense · 5 years
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thomwade · 7 years
Killer Halloween Party (The Funhouse Massacre, 2015)
Killer Halloween Party (The Funhouse Massacre, 2015)
On Halloween Night some of the most vile serial killers the world has ever seen are freed from a top secret prison facility.  They hide out in a funhouse and start to kill off the patrons.   A group of friends attends the event, discovering they are trapped with the homicidal maniacs and try to get out alive. At times, the film is pretty fun.  This is one of those horror comedies where the…
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cooltyrantkid-blog · 7 years
Kvalitet Fra Naturens Hånd
Kvalitet Fra Naturens Hånd
Når du står over for at skulle vælge den træsort, de nye trapper skal fremstilles i, kan vi give dig adskillige muligheder, idet vi arbejder med alle typer træ. Herfra kan man se tempel 1, 2 og 3 stikke op over træerne. billige trapper indendors priser Noget mere ellevildt af Henrykkelse end Kancelliraad Byberg skulde man derimod lede efter med en god Kikkert. Efter behandlingen vil de gyldne toner i træet træde frem og du vil stå tilbage med en flot- og slidstærk trappe. Af den grund kan vi tilbyde lave trappe priser til alle boligformer. Og husk at fortræffelige trapper kan man finde til billige trappe priser. Som følge heraf kan vi tilbyde lave trappe priser på Sjælland. Vi pumper vand op ad bakken ved at rulle en tønde med fødderne for dernæst at følge vandets rislen op til heksenes bad. Hun saa' ham for sig i hver Lyd, hver Bevægelse, saa klart, saa fuldt, som sad hun ved hans Side. Den obligatoriske arbejdsuge var dengang på 45 timer, men flere og flere liberale virksomheder var gået over til 40 timers uge, nemlig ved at holde lukket om lørdagen. Og derefter startede Jeppe sin egen tegnestue i Helsingør – selvfølgelig med udsigt over vandet.
Sankt Annæ Plads er blevet en del af den klimasikring, der udføres en række steder landet over. Man skal heller ikke over en hængebro, når man har svaret. Huller og revner skal være repareret, og svage overfladelag afslebet. Hvis der stilles krav om bestemte styrkeegenskaber i afretningslaget, skal underlagets styrkeegenskaber mindst være i overensstemmelse hermed. trappe der ikke fylder Er I i gang med en istandsættelse af huset og skal jeres udendørs trapper sættes i stand? Udendørs trapper - Trapper til brug i haven, fra førstesalen eller på byggepladsen. Trapper med indbygget belysning er flotte og stemningsfulde. Integreret belysning er allermest oplagt, når trapper monteres i mørke rum, hvor direkte belysning på trinene bidrager til øget sikkerhed. Trapper i træ er det foretrukne valg for rigtig mange købere. Med en spindeltrappe får du en arkitektonisk og pladsbesparende trappe, som er nem at opstille, for en gør-det-selv mand. Til stor glæde for børnene var der en flot pool, som med glæde blev benyttet. Et eksempel er�Tension Leg Platform�, som viser undersøgelserne af de naturpåvirkningerne en boreplatform vil blive udsat for når den i fuld størrelse bliver placeret til havs. M315926DS/CEN/TR 14823:2003Træ og træbaserede produkters holdbarhed – Kvantitativ bestemmelse af pentachlorphenol i træ – Gaskromatografisk metodeenStandardCurrenthttps://webshop.ds.dk/default.aspx?
Han var en fætter, der levede fra 1760 – 1849 og er ifølge museets folder internationalt anerkendt. Vi sætter en ære i at levere trapper, som passer 100 % til kundens behov – både når vi tegner fra bunden, og når der tages udgangspunkt i en af vores basisløsninger. En vindeltrappe eller en svævende trappe kan bevare noget at lyset i rummet, og kan være en elegant måde at opfylde et praktisk behov. Mens en runner ikke dækker hele trappe slidbane eller trappe overfladen, er det bred nok til at oprette en sikker, skridsikkert vandresti. Malerens arbejde med den endelige overfladebehandling i byggeri var dog i indhold så godt som uændret frem til 1960’erne, men i mængde stigende på grund af de stadig flere installationer gennem tiden. Der har også været lagt meget arbejde i renoveringen. Han forekom ham et Ideal af ægte, uforfalsket Naturkraft. Her kan vi være attraktive som underleverandør af trappetrin i træ, forklarer salgskonsulenten. Det varede da heller ikke længe, før en tilkaldt politipatrulje ankom og spærrede gaden af, mens et par af de overordnede politifolk forsøgte at overtale kronprinsen til at komme ned fra taget. Døren sidder inderst i murlivet med et par granittrin foran.
Hannens dybe brøl beroliger flokken, mens hans skræppen skræmmer fjender eller advarer flokken mod rovdyr. Efterårssolen kaster sine skarpe stråler mod Kronborgs irgrønne spir, som lyser op mod en knaldblå himmel. Colour Oil er et godt produkt, hvis du samtidig med oliebehandlingen, ønsker at tilføre gulvet en anden farve. Den anden ende skal slutte på toppen af trappen . hvordan bygger man en trappe Hvad skal jeg kigge efter og hvor? Endvidere har jeg løst en del specialopgaver, f.eks. high speed og timelapse. Jeg har sovet dårligt i nat. Trin udføres i 40 mm lamineret fyrretræ. Nogle af de store palmer vokser sig så store, at de må fældes efter blot 15 år. De bygninger der er der tog mere end 1.000 år at bygge. Der er mange muligheder, og vi hjælper dig gerne med at finde den rigtige løsning. Men hvad har du lavet i mellemtiden? Vi fremstiller trætrapper gennem anvendelse af den nyeste teknologi, kombineret med stolte håndværkstraditioner.
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The Funhouse Massacre streaming
Nationalité : Américain Genre : Comédie, Epouvante-horreur Date de sortie : 2017-01-16 Avec : Robert Englund, Jere Burns, Scottie Thompson RÉALISATEUR(S)Andy Palmer Réalisateur :
Des serial killers en fuite arrivent dans une baraque forraine pendant Halloween et commencent à faire un carnage. Un groupe d’enfants, un shérif et son adjoint vont tenter de les arrêter
from Film en Streaming VF http://filmistreaming.net/the-funhouse-massacre-streaming/
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discocharts · 11 years
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Flattery by Jeree Palmer
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